OpenDJ Server 4.0.0 Documentation


Package org.opends.server.util.cli

Provides a high-level framework for implementing command-line tools.

See: Description

Package org.opends.server.util.cli Description

Provides a high-level framework for implementing command-line tools.

The LDAPConnectionArgumentParser provides an implementation of an utility that can manage the processing of command-line arguments for an application. This class centralizes a significant amount of processing so that it does not need to be repeated in all tools requiring this kind of functionality, as well as helping to ensure that the interaction with program arguments is in compliance with Sun's CLIP specification.

Features offered by this argument parsing implementation include:

A second version of the argument parser is also available which does not include support for trailing arguments but does include support for the use of subcommands. In this case, you can define a number of subcommands each with their own set of arguments. This can be used for cases in which one umbrella utility has a number of different capabilities (e.g., the "cvs" command has a number of sub-commands like "checkout" and "commit" and "diff", each of which has its own set of options).

The ConsoleApplication interface can be used as a basis for console based applications. It includes common utility methods for interacting with the console.

The MenuBuilder and associated classes and interfaces can be used to implement text based menu driven applications.

OpenDJ Server 4.0.0 Documentation

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