Installation and configuration reference for the connectors that are supported with ForgeRock® Identity Management software. This reference includes installation and configuration instructions for each connector, and examples that demonstrate how to use the connectors in a deployment.

ForgeRock Identity Platform™ serves as the basis for our simple and comprehensive Identity and Access Management solution. We help our customers deepen their relationships with their customers, and improve the productivity and connectivity of their employees and partners. For more information about ForgeRock and about the platform, see

This guide describes the ICF connectors that are supported in a deployment of ForgeRock Identity Management. The guide focuses on getting the connectors installed and configured with ForgeRock Identity Management software.

This guide does not describe all ICF connectors. Additional connectors are available from the ForgeRock BackStage download site.

This guide is written for anyone using supported ICF connectors with ForgeRock Identity Management software.

You do not need to have a complete understanding of ForgeRock Identity Management to learn something from this guide, although a background in identity management and maintaining web application software can help. You do need some background in managing services on your operating systems and in your application servers. You can nevertheless get started with this guide, and learn more as you go along.

ForgeRock publishes comprehensive documentation online:

  • The ForgeRock Knowledge Base offers a large and increasing number of up-to-date, practical articles that help you deploy and manage ForgeRock software.

    While many articles are visible to community members, ForgeRock customers have access to much more, including advanced information for customers using ForgeRock software in a mission-critical capacity.

  • ForgeRock product documentation, such as this document, aims to be technically accurate and complete with respect to the software documented. It is visible to everyone and covers all product features and examples of how to use them.

The site has links to source code for ForgeRock open source software, as well as links to the ForgeRock forums and technical blogs.

If you are a ForgeRock customer, raise a support ticket instead of using the forums. ForgeRock support professionals will get in touch to help you.

IDM bundles connectors in the /path/to/openidm/connectors directory. ForgeRock supports a number of additional connectors that you can download from the ForgeRock Download Center.

For instructions on building connector configurations interactively, see "Configuring Connectors" in the Integrator's Guide.

All the connectors described in this guide are supported. This list indicates the connectors that are bundled with IDM

The Adobe Marketing Cloud connector lets you manage profiles in an Adobe Campaign data store.

The CSV file connector is useful when importing users, either for initial provisioning or for ongoing updates. When used continuously in production, a CSV file serves as a change log, often containing only user records that have changed.

The Database Table connector enables provisioning to a single table in a JDBC database.

The Google Apps connector lets you interact with Google's web applications.

The scripted Groovy Connector lets you run a Groovy script for any ICF operation, such as search, update, create, and others, on any external resource.

The Kerberos connector is an implementation of the SSH connector, and is based on Java Secure Channel (JSch) and the Java implementation of the Expect library (Expect4j). This connector lets you manage Kerberos user principals from IDM.

The LDAP connector is based on JNDI, and can be used to connect to any LDAPv3-compliant directory server, such as ForgeRock Directory Services (DS), Active Directory, SunDS, Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition, IBM Security Directory Server, and OpenLDAP.

The Marketo connector lets you synchronize between IDM managed users and a Marketo Leads Database.

The MongoDB connector is an implementation of the Scripted Groovy Connector. This connector lets you interact with a MongoDB document database, using Groovy scripts for the ICF operations.

The Salesforce connector enables provisioning, reconciliation, and synchronization between Salesforce and the IDM repository.

The SCIM connector is based on the Simple Cloud Identity Management (SCIM) protocol and lets you manage user and group accounts on any SCIM-compliant resource provider, such as Slack, Facebook or SalesForce.

The Scripted REST connector is an implementation of the Scripted Groovy Connector. This connector lets you interact with any REST API, using Groovy scripts for the ICF operations.

The Scripted SQL connector is an implementation of the Scripted Groovy Connector. This connector lets you interact with any SQL database, using Groovy scripts for the ICF operations.

The ServiceNow connector lets you manage objects in the ServiceNow platform, integrating with ServiceNow's REST API.

The SSH connector is an implementation of the Scripted Groovy Connector, and is based on Java Secure Channel (JSch) and the Java implementation of the Expect library (Expect4j). This connector lets you interact with any SSH server, using Groovy scripts for the ICF operations.

The Workday connector lets you synchronize user accounts between IDM and Workday's cloud-based HR system.


This list indicates the connectors that are not bundled with IDM but available from the ForgeRock Download Center:

The AWS connector lets you interact with the AWS IAM service.

The Cerner connector lets you interact with Cerner healthcare IT systems.

The Epic connector lets you interact with Epic health systems.

The HubSpot connector lets you synchronize HubSpot contacts and companies with managed objects in an IDM repository.

The PeopleSoft connector lets you interact with Oracle PeopleSoft systems.

The PowerShell connector is not a complete connector in the traditional sense, but a framework within which you write your own PowerShell scripts to address the requirements of your Microsoft Windows ecosystem. Use this connector to create custom connectors that can provision any Microsoft system, such as Active Directory, Microsoft SQL, MS Exchange, SharePoint, Azure, and Office365.

The SAP connector is an implementation of the Scripted Groovy Connector that connects to any SAP system using the SAP JCo Java libraries.

The SAP S/4HANA connector lets you synchronize user accounts between IDM and the SAP S/4HANA service.


The generic LDAP connector is based on the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI), and can be used to connect to any LDAPv3-compliant directory server, such as ForgeRock Directory Services (DS), Active Directory, SunDS, Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition, IBM Security Directory Server, and OpenLDAP.

Because it is based on JNDI, the LDAP connector is restricted to the attribute types that are supported by JNDI. JNDI supports only strings and an array of bytes. If you attempt to use different attribute value types, the connector throws a malformed attribute value exception. For more information, see the corresponding JNDI documentation.

ICF provides a legacy Active Directory (AD) .NET connector. Note, however, that the AD Connector is deprecated and support for its use with IDM will be discontinued in a future release. For simple Active Directory (and Active Directory LDS) deployments, the generic LDAP Connector works better than the Active Directory connector, in most circumstances. Using the generic LDAP connector avoids the need to install a remote connector server in the overall deployment. In addition, the generic LDAP connector has significant performance advantages over the Active Directory connector. For more complex Active Directory deployments, use the PowerShell Connector Toolkit, as described in "PowerShell Connector Toolkit".

IDM bundles version of the LDAP connector. Three sample LDAP connector configurations are provided in the path/to/openidm/samples/example-configurations/provisioners/ directory:

  • provisioner.openicf-dsldap.json provides a sample LDAP connector configuration for a ForgeRock Directory Services (DS) server.

  • provisioner.openicf-adldap.json provides a sample LDAP connector configuration for an Active Directory server.

  • provisioner.openicf-adldsldap.json provides a sample LDAP connector configuration for an Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) server.

You should be able to adapt one of these sample configurations for any LDAPv3-compliant server.

The connectorRef configuration property provides information about the LDAP connector bundle, and is the same in all three sample LDAP connector configurations:

   "connectorRef": {
     "connectorHostRef": "#LOCAL",
     "connectorName": "org.identityconnectors.ldap.LdapConnector",
     "bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.ldap-connector",
     "bundleVersion": "[,"

The connectorHostRef property is optional, if you use the connector .jar provided in openidm/connectors, and you use a local connector server.

The following excerpt shows the configuration properties in the sample LDAP connector for DS. These properties are described in detail later in this section. For additional information on the properties that affect synchronization, see "Controlling What the LDAP Connector Synchronizes". For a complete list of the configuration properties for the LDAP connector, see "LDAP Connector Configuration":

"configurationProperties" : {
    "host" : "localhost",
    "port" : 1389,
    "ssl" : false,
    "startTLS" : false,
    "privateKeyAlias" : null,
    "alternateKeyStore" : null,
    "alternateKeyStoreType" : null,
    "alternateKeyStorePassword" " null,
    "principal" : "cn=Directory Manager",
    "credentials" : "password",
    "baseContexts" : [
    "baseContextsToSynchronize" : [
    "accountSearchFilter" : null,
    "accountSynchronizationFilter" : null,
    "groupSearchFilter" : null,
    "groupSynchronizationFilter" : null,
    "removeLogEntryObjectClassFromFilter" : true,
    "modifiersNamesToFilterOut" : [ ],
    "changeLogBlockSize" : 100,
    "attributesToSynchronize" : [ ],
    "changeNumberAttribute" : "changeNumber",
    "filterWithOrInsteadOfAnd" : false,
    "objectClassesToSynchronize" : [
    "vlvSortAttribute" : "uid",
    "passwordAttribute" : "userPassword",
    "useBlocks" : false,
    "maintainPosixGroupMembership" : false,
    "failover" : [ ],
    "readSchema" : true,
    "accountObjectClasses" : [
    "accountUserNameAttributes" : [
    "groupMemberAttribute" : "uniqueMember",
    "passwordHashAlgorithm" : null,
    "usePagedResultControl" : true,
    "blockSize" : 100,
    "uidAttribute" : "entryUUID",
    "maintainLdapGroupMembership" : false,
    "respectResourcePasswordPolicyChangeAfterReset" : false

The host name or IP address of the server on which the LDAP instance is running.


The port on which the LDAP server listens for LDAP requests. The sample configuration specifies a default port of 1389.


If true, the specified port listens for LDAPS connections.

For instructions on using the LDAP connector over SSL, see "Configuring the LDAP Connector to Use SSL and StartTLS".


Specifies whether to use the startTLS operation to initiate a TLS/SSL session. To use startTLS, set "startTLS":true, and "ssl":false. Your connection should use the insecure LDAP port (typically 389 or 1389 for a DS server).

Specify the certificates that should be used for authentication, as described in "Configuring the LDAP Connector to Use SSL and StartTLS".


The bind DN that is used to connect to the LDAP server.


The password of the principal that is used to connect to the LDAP server.


One or more starting points in the LDAP tree that will be used when searching the tree. Searches are performed when discovering users from the LDAP server or when looking for the groups of which a user is a member. During reconciliation operations, IDM searches through the base contexts listed in this property for changes. (See also "Controlling What the LDAP Connector Synchronizes").


One or more starting points in the LDAP tree that will be used to determine if a change should be synchronized. During liveSync operations, IDM searches through the base contexts listed in this property for changes. If no value is specified here, the values in listed in the baseContexts property are used. (See also "Controlling What the LDAP Connector Synchronizes").


Used during synchronization actions to filter out LDAP accounts. (See also "Controlling What the LDAP Connector Synchronizes").


This property lists all the object classes that represent an account. If this property has multiple values, an AND filter is used to determine the affected entries. For example, if the value of this property is ["organizationalPerson", "inetOrgPerson"], any entry with the object class organizationalPerson AND the object class inetOrgPerson is considered as an account entry. You can override the value of this property by specifying the user object classes during the create operation.

If no object class is specified when you create a user, this property is used as the default list of object classes for the new entry.


Search filter that user accounts must match. (See also "Controlling What the LDAP Connector Synchronizes").


Attributes holding the account's user name. Used during authentication to find the LDAP entry matching the user name.


List of attributes used during object synchronization. IDM ignores change log updates that do not include any of the specified attributes. If empty, IDM considers all changes. (See also "Controlling What the LDAP Connector Synchronizes").


Block size for simple paged results and VLV index searches, reflecting the maximum number of entries retrieved at any one time.


Block size used when fetching change log entries.


Change log attribute containing the last change number.


LDAP URLs specifying alternative LDAP servers to connect to if IDM cannot connect to the primary LDAP server specified in the host and port properties.


In most cases, the filter to fetch change log entries is AND-based. If this property is set, the filter ORs the required change numbers instead.


LDAP attribute holding members for non-POSIX static groups.


Search filter that group entries must match.


If true, IDM modifies group membership when entries are renamed or deleted.

Does not apply to Active Directory.

In the sample LDAP connector configuration file provided with IDM, this property is set to false. This means that LDAP group membership is not modified when entries are renamed or deleted in IDM. To ensure that entries are removed from LDAP groups when the entries are deleted, set this property to true or enable referential integrity on the LDAP server. For information about configuring referential integrity in DS, see Configuring Referential Integrity in the Developer's Guide for ForgeRock Directory Services.


If true, IDM modifies POSIX group membership when entries are renamed or deleted.


Use this property to avoid loops caused by changes made to managed user objects being synchronized. For more information, see "Controlling What the LDAP Connector Synchronizes".


IDM synchronizes only entries that have these object classes. See also "Controlling What the LDAP Connector Synchronizes".


Attribute to which IDM writes the predefined PASSWORD attribute.


Hash password values with the specified algorithm, if the LDAP server stores them in clear text.

The hash algorithm can be one of the following:

  • NONE - Clear text

  • WIN-AD - Used for password changes to Active Directory

  • SHA - Secure Hash Algorithm

  • SHA-1 - A 160-bit hash algorithm that resembles the MD5 algorithm

  • SSHA - Salted SHA

  • MD5 - A 128-bit message-digest algorithm

  • SMD5 - Salted MD5


If true, read the schema from the LDAP server.

This property is used only during the connector setup, to generate the object types.

If this property is false, the LDAP connector provides a basic default schema that can manage LDAP users and groups. The default schema maps inetOrgPerson to the OpenICF __ACCOUNT__ property, and groupOfUniqueNames to the OpenICF __GROUP__ property. The following LDAP object classes are also included in the default schema:


If true, the filter to fetch change log entries does not contain the changeLogEntry object class, and IDM expects no entries with other object types in the change log. The default setting is true.


If true, bind with the Password Expired and Password Policy controls, and throw PasswordExpiredException and other exceptions appropriately.


Specifies the LDAP attribute that should be used as the immutable ID for the entry. For a DS resource, you should use the entryUUID. Although you can use a DN (or any unique attribute) for the _id, as a best practice, you should use an attribute that is both unique and immutable, such as the entryUUID.


If useBlocks is false, no pagination is used. If useBlocks is true, the connector uses block-based LDAP controls, either the simple paged results control, or the virtual list view control, depending on the setting of the usePagedResultControl property.


Taken into account only if useBlocks is true. If usePagedResultControl is false, the connector uses the virtual list view (VLV) control, if it is available. If usePagedResultControl is true, the connector uses the simple paged results control for search operations.


If true, use timestamps for liveSync operations, instead of the change log.

By default, the LDAP connector has a change log strategy for LDAP servers that support a change log, such as ForgeRock Directory Services (DS) and Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition. If the LDAP server does not support a change log, or if the change log is disabled, liveSync for create and modify operations can still occur, based on the timestamps of modifications.


Attribute used as the sort key for virtual list view.


If true, propagate the Common Audit Transaction ID to a DS server.

To use the LDAP connector over SSL, update your connector configuration file as follows:

  1. For a connection over SSL, set the ssl property to true and set the port to a secure port, for example, 636.

    To initiate a connection using startTLS, set "startTLS":true, and "ssl":false. Set the port to an insecure LDAP port, for example, 389.

  2. If you are using a CA-signed server certificate, add that certificate to the IDM truststore, for example:

    $ cd /path/to/openidm/security
    $ keytool \
     -importcert \
     -alias server-cert \
     -keystore truststore \
     -storepass changeit \
     -file /path/to/server-cert.crt
  3. Specify the certificate that the LDAP connector will use to authenticate to the remote LDAP server.

    By default, the LDAP connector uses the self-signed certificate that is generated in the IDM keystore when IDM first starts up. You have two options to change this default behavior:

    1. Set the privateKeyAlias to the alias of a certificate in the IDM keystore. The alias name is case-sensitive.

      If you set privateKeyAlias to null, no private key is sent during the SSL handshake, so only the server certificate is used. You must import the server certificate into the IDM truststore, as shown in the previous step.

      If privateKeyAlias is set to an alias within the IDM keystore, the connector uses that private key for SSL mutual authentication.

    2. Specify a different keystore for the connector.

      If you do not want to use the default IDM keystore, set the following properties:

      • alternateKeyStore - specifies the full path to an alternate keystore.

      • alternateKeyStoreType - specifies alternate keystore type. Valid values are JKS, JCEKS and PKCS12.

      • alternateKeyStorePassword - specifies password for the alternate keystore.

  4. (Optional) Enable hostname verification to prevent a third party from manipulating DNS entries or spoofing the LDAP Server IP.

    When hostname verification is enabled, the connector compares the hostname in the certificate subject and subjectAltName with a simple hostname pattern defined in the hostNameVerification property.

    To enable hostname verification, set "hostNameVerification" : true and set the hostNameVerification property to the hostname you want to match. If the pattern matches, the connector is initialized successfully. If the pattern does not match, connector initialization throws an error. The hostNameVerification property supports wild card matching.

    Assume, for example, a server certificate principal hostname of With the following connector configuration, IDM starts up and the connector is initialized:

    "configurationProperties" : {
        "hostNameVerification" : true,
        "hostNameVerifierPattern" : "",

    Similarly, with the following connector configuration, IDM starts up and the connector is initialized:

    "configurationProperties" : {
        "hostNameVerification" : true,
        "hostNameVerifierPattern" : "*",

    With the following connector configuration, IDM starts up but connector initialization throws an error:

    "configurationProperties" : {
        "hostNameVerification" : true,
        "hostNameVerifierPattern" : "",

    The error returned is similar to the following:

    The host name from the server certificate'' does not match the provided pattern ''

To control the set of LDAP entries that are affected by reconciliation and automatic synchronization operations, set the following properties in the provisioner configuration. Automatic synchronization operations includes liveSync (synchronization of changes from the LDAP server to IDM) and implicit sync (synchronization from IDM to the LDAP server).


The starting points in the LDAP tree that are used when searching the directory tree, for example, dc=example,dc=com. These base contexts must include the set of users and the set of groups that must be searched during reconciliation operations.


The starting points in the LDAP tree that are used to determine if a change should be synchronized. This property is used only for automatic synchronization operations. Only entries that fall under these base contexts are considered during synchronization operations.


Only user accounts that match this filter are searched, and therefore affected by reconciliation and synchronization operations. If you do not set this property, all accounts within the base contexts specified previously are searched.


This property is used during reconciliation and automatic synchronization operations, and filters out any LDAP accounts that you specifically want to exclude from these operations.


During automatic synchronization operations, only the object classes listed here are considered for changes. IDM ignores change log updates (or changes to managed objects) which do not have any of the object classes listed here.


During automatic synchronization operations, only the attributes listed here are considered for changes. Objects that include these attributes are synchronized. Objects that do not include these attributes are ignored. If this property is not set, IDM considers changes to all attributes specified in the mapping. Automatic synchronization includes liveSync and implicit synchronization operations. For more information, see "Types of Synchronization" in the Integrator's Guide

This attribute works only with LDAP servers that log changes in a change log, not with servers (such as Active Directory) that use other mechanisms to track changes.


This property lets you define a list of DNs. During synchronization operations, the connector ignores changes made by these DNs.

When a managed user object is updated, and that change is synchronized to the LDAP server, the change made on the LDAP server is recorded in the change log. A liveSync operation picks up the change, and attempts to replay the change on the managed user object, effectively resulting in a loop of updates.

To avoid this situation, you can specify a unique user in your LDAP directory, that will be used only for the LDAP connector. The unique user must be something other than cn=directory manager, for example cn=openidmuser. You can then include that user DN as the value of modifiersNamesToFilterOut. When a change is made through the LDAP connector, and that change is recorded in the change log, the modifier's name (cn=openidmuser) is flagged and IDM does not attempt to replay the change back to the managed user repository. So you are effectively indicating that IDM should not synchronized changes back to managed user that originated from managed user, thus preventing the update loop.

This attribute works only with LDAP servers that log changes in a change log, not with servers (such as Active Directory) that use other mechanisms to track changes.

The LDAP connector provides functionality specifically for managing Active Directory users and groups. This connector is supported with Active Directory Domain Controllers, Active Directory Global Catalogues, and Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (LDS).

The connector can handle the following operational attributes to manage Active Directory accounts:


Uses the userAccountControl attribute to get or set the account status of an object.

The LDAP connector reads the userAccountControl to determine if an account is enabled or disabled. The connector modifies the value of the userAccountControl attribute if IDM changes the value of __ENABLE__.


Gets or sets the accountExpires attribute of an Active Directory object.


Uses the msDS-User-Account-Control-Computed system attribute to check if a user account has been locked.

If IDM sets __LOCK_OUT__ to FALSE, the LDAP connector sets the Active Directory lockoutTime to 0 to unlock the account.

If IDM sets __LOCK_OUT__ to TRUE, the LDAP connector ignores the change and logs a message.


Uses the msDS-User-Account-Control-Computed system attribute to check if a user password has expired.

To force password expiration (that is, to force a user to change their password when they next log in), set pwdLastSet to 0. The LDAP connector sets pwdLastSet to 0, if IDM sets __PASSWORD_EXPIRED__ to TRUE.

To remove password expiration, set pwdLastSet to 0 and then to -1. This sets the value of pwdLastSet to the current time. The LDAP connector sets pwdLastSet to -1 if IDM sets __PASSWORD_EXPIRED__ to FALSE.


Active Directory does not allow you to create an enabled account with an expired password. If you are using __PASSWORD_EXPIRED__ to force a new user to change their password when they next log in, you can create the user account as disabled initially (__ENABLE__=false). You can then patch the new user account to enable it. You can use the same workaround for synchronization operations, creating new user accounts as disabled, then issuing an openidm.patch call in a postCreate script to enable the account.


For a password change request, the connector supplies the __CURRENT_PASSWORD__, along with the new password. The connector can also do a password reset where only the new password is supplied.

The sample connector configuration file (openidm/samples/example-configurations/provisioners/provisioner.openicf-adldap.json) includes these operational attributes.

Note that the passwordAttribute property in this provisioner file is set to unicodePwd. This property specifies the attribute in Active Directory that holds the user password. When a user's password is changed, the new value is set in this attribute.

If you create or update users in Active Directory, and those user entries include passwords, you must use the LDAP connector over SSL. You cannot create or update an Active Directory user password in clear text. To use the connector over SSL, follow the instructions in "Configuring the LDAP Connector to Use SSL and StartTLS".

The following command adds an Active Directory user. The output shows the operational attributes described in the previous section:

$ curl \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request POST \
 --data '{
 "dn": "CN=Brian Smith,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com",
 "cn": "Brian Smith",
 "sAMAccountName": "bsmith",
 "userPrincipalName": "",
 "userAccountControl": "512",
 "givenName": "Brian",
 "mail": "",
 "__PASSWORD__": "Passw0rd"
 }' \
  "_id": "e1418d64-096c-4cb0-b903-ebb66562d99d",
  "mobile": null,
  "postalCode": null,
  "st": null,
  "employeeType": [],
  "objectGUID": "e1418d64-096c-4cb0-b903-ebb66562d99d",
  "cn": "Brian Smith",
  "department": null,
  "l": null,
  "description": null,
  "info": null,
  "manager": null,
  "sAMAccountName": "bsmith",
  "sn": null,
  "whenChanged": "20151217131254.0Z",
  "userPrincipalName": "",
  "userAccountControl": "512",
  "__ENABLE__": true,
  "displayName": null,
  "givenName": "Brian",
  "middleName": null,
  "facsimileTelephoneNumber": null,
  "lastLogon": "0",
  "countryCode": "0",
  "employeeID": null,
  "co": null,
  "physicalDeliveryOfficeName": null,
  "pwdLastSet": "2015-12-17T13:12:54Z",
  "streetAddress": null,
  "homePhone": null,
  "__PASSWORD_NOTREQD__": false,
  "telephoneNumber": null,
  "dn": "CN=Brian Smith,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com",
  "title": null,
  "mail": "",
  "postOfficeBox": null,
  "__SMARTCARD_REQUIRED__": false,
  "uSNChanged": "86144",
  "__PASSWORD_EXPIRED__": false,
  "initials": null,
  "__LOCK_OUT__": false,
  "company": null,
  "employeeNumber": null,
  "accountExpires": "0",
  "c": null,
  "whenCreated": "20151217131254.0Z",
  "uSNCreated": "86142",
  "division": null,
  "groups": [],
  "__DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWORD__": false,
  "otherHomePhone": []


Previous versions of the LDAP connector appended <GUID= to the GUID for Active Directory objects. This behavior ensured compatibility with the legacy .NET connector.

The LDAP connector no longer appends <GUID= to the object GUID. The new GUID format is compatible with objects created using the AD Powershell Connector, for example e1418d64-096c-4cb0-b903-ebb66562d99d. In existing deployments, this might mean that your links are incompatible with the new GUID format. To update links to the new format, run a reconciliation operation. To retain the legacy behavior, set "useOldADGUIDFormat" : true in your provisioner file.

Note that the command sets the userAccountControl to 512, which is an enabled account. The value of the userAccountControl determines the account policy. The following list describes the common values for the userAccountControl.


Enabled account.


Disabled account.


Enabled account, password not required.


Disabled account, password not required.


Enabled account, password does not expire.


Disabled account, password does not expire.


Enabled account, password does not expire and is not required.


Disabled account, password does not expire and is not required.


Enabled account, smartcard required.


Disabled account, smartcard required.


Enabled account, smartcard required, password not required.


Disabled account, smartcard required, password not required.


Enabled account, smartcard required, password does not expire.


Enabled account, smartcard required, password does not expire.


Disabled account, smartcard required, password does not expire.


Enabled account, smartcard required, password does not expire and is not required.


Disabled account, smartcard required, password does not expire and is not required.

The following command creates a basic Active Directory group with the LDAP connector:

$ curl \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request POST \
 --data '{
 "dn": "CN=Employees,DC=example,DC=com"
 }' \
  "_id": "240da4e9-59d8-1547-ad86-29f5b2b5114d"

The LDAP connector exposes two special attributes to handle Active Directory group scope and type: GROUP_SCOPE and GROUP_TYPE.

The GROUP_SCOPE attribute is defined in the provisioner configuration as follows:

"__GROUP_SCOPE__" : {
    "type" : "string",
    "nativeName" : "__GROUP_SCOPE__",
    "nativeType" : "string"

The value of the GROUP_SCOPE attribute can be global, domain, or universal. If no group scope is set when the group is created, the scope is global by default. For more information about the different group scopes, see the corresponding Microsoft documentation.

The GROUP_TYPE attribute is defined in the provisioner configuration as follows:

"__GROUP_TYPE__" : {
 "type" : "string",
 "nativeName" : "__GROUP_TYPE__",
 "nativeType" : "string"

The value of the GROUP_TYPE attribute can be security or distribution. If no group type is set when the group is created, the type is security by default. For more information about the different group types, see the corresponding Microsoft documentation.

The following example creates a new distribution group, with universal scope:

$ curl \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request POST \
 --data '{
 "dn": "CN=NewGroup,DC=example,DC=com",
 "__GROUP_SCOPE__": "universal",
 "__GROUP_TYPE__": "distribution"
 }' \
  "_id": "f189df8a-276f-9147-8ad5-055b1580cbcb"

With the sample provisioner file, you cannot change the groups of which a user is a member from the user side. Effectively, you can add members to a group but you cannot add groups to a member. (This is also the case if you configure the connector through the Admin UI.)

To change this behavior, add the ldapGroups property to the account object in your provisioner file. For example:

"ldapGroups" : {
    "type" : "array",
    "items" : {
        "type" : "string",
        "nativeType" : "string"
    "nativeName" : "ldapGroups",
    "nativeType" : "string"

When the connector configuration includes ldapGroups, you can update a user's group membership by patching their user entry. The following command adds user Brian Smith, created previously, to the Employees group:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --request PATCH \
 --data '[
       "operation": "add",
       "field": "/ldapGroups/-",
       "value": "CN=Employees,DC=example,DC=com"
 ]' \

Most dates in Active Directory are represented as the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC). For example:

pwdLastSet: 130698687542272930

IDM generally represents dates as an ISO 8601-compliant string with yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ format. For example:


The generic LDAP connector therefore converts any dates from Active Directory to ISO 8601 format, for fields such as pwdLastSet, accountExpires, lockoutTime, and lastLogon.

In a multi-domain Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) forest, the global catalog (GC) provides a read-only (searchable) representation of every object in the forest. Each domain controller (DC) in the forest stores a writable replica of the objects in its domain. Therefore, a DC can locate only the objects in its domain.

If your Active Directory deployment has only one domain controller, you can configure the connector to connect to that single domain controller. If your deployment spans multiple domains, you must configure the connector to connect to the Global Catalog (GC) to have a comprehensive view of all the domains.

Using a GC as the authoritative data source has the following limitations:

  • Only a subset of attributes is replicated from other domains to the GC.

    Certain attributes required by the LDAP connector might be missing. To avoid this problem, modify the Active Directory schema to ensure that the required attributes are replicated to the GC.

  • Delete operations are not detected immediately.

    A liveSync operation will therefore not update IDM with the result of a delete operation. Delete operations are detected by a reconciliation operation, so data stores are only temporarily "out of sync" with regard to deletes.

  • Not all group types are supported.

    Group membership information is replicated to the GC for universal groups only. You must therefore use universal groups if your directory service has more than one domain.


You can use the USN value for liveSync but must connect to the GC in this case, and ensure that you never failover to a different GC or to a DC. Using the USN for liveSync instead of the timestamp mechanism is generally preferred, because of the issue with detecting delete operations.

The LDAP connector constructs an LDAP search filter using a combination of filters, in the following order:

(& (native filter) (user filter) (object class filter) )

The filter components are as follows:

Native Filter

The native filter is the query filter that has been translated to an LDAP query. For example, uid+eq+"user123" is translated to uid=user123.

This part of the filter is processed first.

User Filter

You can define a user filter with the properties accountSearchFilter and groupSearchFilter in the connector configuration.

These properties enable you to construct a more granular or specific search filter. If a user filter is specified, the connector does not use the object class filter. If no user filter is specified, (accountSearchFilter and groupSearchFilter set to null or absent from the connector configuration), the connector uses the object class filter.

Object Class Filter

This part of the filter includes the object classes that the entry must have in order to be returned by the search.

The __ACCOUNT__ and __GROUPS__ object classes are defined by the properties accountObjectClasses and groupObjectClasses in the connector configuration. For example, the following excerpt of a sample provisioner.openicf-ldap.json file indicates that the accountObjectClasses include the LDAP object classes top, person, organizationalPerson, and inetOrgPerson:

"configurationProperties" : {
    "accountObjectClasses" : [

With this configuration, the search filter for accounts is constructed as follows:


If no accountObjectClasses or groupObjectClasses are defined in the connector configuration, the connector uses the name of the ICF ObjectClass in the filter. For example, an object of type organizationUnit will result in:


The LDAP Connector implements the following OpenICF interfaces.


Provides simple authentication with two parameters, presumed to be a user name and password.


Creates an object and its uid.


Deletes an object, referenced by its uid.

Resolve Username

Resolves an object by its username and returns the uid of the object.


Describes the object types, operations, and options that the connector supports.

Script on Connector

Enables an application to run a script in the context of the connector. Any script that runs on the connector has the following characteristics:

  • The script runs in the same execution environment as the connector and has access to all the classes to which the connector has access.

  • The script has access to a connector variable that is equivalent to an initialized instance of the connector. At a minimum, the script can access the connector configuration.

  • The script has access to any script-arguments passed in by the application.


Searches the target resource for all objects that match the specified object class and filter.


Polls the target resource for synchronization events, that is, native changes to objects on the target resource.


Tests the connector configuration. Testing a configuration checks all elements of the environment that are referred to by the configuration are available. For example, the connector might make a physical connection to a host that is specified in the configuration to verify that it exists and that the credentials that are specified in the configuration are valid.

This operation might need to connect to a resource, and, as such, might take some time. Do not invoke this operation too often, such as before every provisioning operation. The test operation is not intended to check that the connector is alive (that is, that its physical connection to the resource has not timed out).

You can invoke the test operation before a connector configuration has been validated.


Updates (modifies or replaces) objects on a target resource.

The LDAP Connector has the following configurable properties.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
filterWithOrInsteadOfAnd boolean false

Normally the filter used to fetch change log entries is an and-based filter retrieving an interval of change entries. If this property is set, the filter will or together the required change numbers instead.

objectClassesToSynchronize String[] ['inetOrgPerson']

The object classes to synchronize. The change log is for all objects; this filters updates to just the listed object classes. You should not list the superclasses of an object class unless you intend to synchronize objects with any of the superclass values. For example, if only "inetOrgPerson" objects should be synchronized, but the superclasses of "inetOrgPerson" ("person", "organizationalperson" and "top") should be filtered out, then list only "inetOrgPerson" here. All objects in LDAP are subclassed from "top". For this reason, you should never list "top", otherwise no object would be filtered.

baseContextsToSynchronize String[] []

One or more starting points in the LDAP tree that will be used to determine if a change should be synchronized. The base contexts attribute will be used to synchronize a change if this property is not set.

attributesToSynchronize String[] []

The names of the attributes to synchronize. This ignores updates from the change log if they do not update any of the named attributes. For example, if only "department" is listed, then only changes that affect "department" will be processed. All other updates are ignored. If blank (the default), then all changes are processed.

changeNumberAttribute String changeNumber

The name of the change number attribute in the change log entry.

modifiersNamesToFilterOut String[] []

The list of names (DNs) to filter from the changes. Changes with the attribute "modifiersName" that match entries in this list will be filtered out. The standard value is the administrator name used by this adapter, to prevent loops. Entries should be of the format "cn=Directory Manager".

credentials GuardedString null

Password for the principal.

changeLogBlockSize int 100

The number of change log entries to fetch per query.

useTimestampsForSync boolean false

If true, the connector will use the createTimestamp and modifyTimestamp system attributes to detect changes (Create/Update) on the directory instead of native change detection mechanism (cn=changelog on OpenDJ or Update Sequence Number -USN- on Active Directory for instance). Default value is false.

accountSynchronizationFilter String null

An optional LDAP filter for the objects to synchronize. Because the change log is for all objects, this filter updates only objects that match the specified filter. If you specify a filter, an object will be synchronized only if it matches the filter and includes a synchronized object class.

removeLogEntryObjectClassFromFilter boolean true

If this property is set (the default), the filter used to fetch change log entries does not contain the "changeLogEntry" object class, expecting that there are no entries of other object types in the change log.

alternateKeyStorePassword GuardedString null

Password to use for the alternate keystore

groupSynchronizationFilter String null

An optional LDAP filter for the objects to synchronize. Because the change log is for all objects, this filter updates only objects that match the specified filter. If you specify a filter, an object will be synchronized only if it matches the filter and includes a synchronized object class.

groupMemberAttribute String uniqueMember

The name of the group attribute that will be updated with the distinguished name of the user when the user is added to the group.

accountSearchFilter String null

An optional LDAP filter to control which accounts are returned from the LDAP resource. If no filter is specified, only accounts that include all specified object classes are returned.

privateKeyAlias String null

Specifies the name of a private key alias from the keystore that should be used for SSL mutual authentication. If null, no private key is sent during SSL handshake so only server cert is used. This alias name is case sensitive.

ssl boolean false

Select the check box to connect to the LDAP server using SSL.

maintainPosixGroupMembership boolean false

When enabled and a user is renamed or deleted, update any POSIX groups to which the user belongs to reflect the new name. Otherwise, the LDAP resource must maintain referential integrity with respect to group membership.

checkAliveMinInterval long 60

The minimum interval (seconds) at which the target directory is polled when a connection is reused from the pool. Defaults to 60 seconds.

groupSearchFilter String null

An optional LDAP filter to control which groups are returned from the LDAP resource. If no filter is specified, only groups that include all specified object classes are returned.

referralsHandling String follow

Defines how to handle LDAP referrals. Possible values can be follow, ignore or throw.

host String null

The name or IP address of the host where the LDAP server is running.

maintainLdapGroupMembership boolean false

When enabled and a user is renamed or deleted, update any LDAP groups to which the user belongs to reflect the new name. Otherwise, the LDAP resource must maintain referential integrity with respect to group membership.

resetSyncToken String never

Connector can reset the sync token if ever the value of the sync token is greater than the last change number in the directory changelog. Defaults to "never" (no reset). If set to "first" it will reset the sync token to the value of the firstChangeNumber changelog attribute. If set to "last" it will reset the sync token to the value of the lastChangeNumber changelog attribute.

vlvSortAttribute String uid

Specify the sort attribute to use for VLV indexes on the resource.

convertGTToISO8601 String[] ['whenCreated', 'whenChanged']

Converts the Greenwich Time to ISO8601 format

baseContexts String[] []

One or more starting points in the LDAP tree that will be used when searching the tree. Searches are performed when discovering users from the LDAP server or when looking for the groups of which a user is a member.

hostNameVerification boolean false

If true, the connector will verify the hostname in the certificate (subject + alternative subject) against the defined hostNameVerifierPattern.

blockSize int 100

The maximum number of entries that can be in a block when retrieving entries in blocks.

groupObjectClasses String[] ['top', 'groupOfUniqueNames']

The default list of object classes that will be used when creating new group objects in the LDAP tree. This can be overridden by specifying the group object classes during the Create operation.

accountUserNameAttributes String[] ['uid', 'cn']

Attribute or attributes which holds the account's user name. They will be used when authenticating to find the LDAP entry for the user name to authenticate.

failover String[] []

List all servers that should be used for failover in case the preferred server fails. If the preferred server fails, JNDI will connect to the next available server in the list. List all servers in the form of "ldap://", which follows the standard LDAP v3 URLs described in RFC 2255. Only the host and port parts of the URL are relevant in this setting.

port int 389

TCP/IP port number used to communicate with the LDAP server.

convertADIntervalToISO8601 String[] ['pwdLastSet', 'accountExpires', 'lockoutTime', 'lastLogon']

Converts the AD Interval to ISO8601

hostNameVerifierPattern String null

A simple pattern used to match the hostname from the certificate. It can contains * character (, *

passwordAttribute String userPassword

The name of the LDAP attribute that holds the password. When changing a users password, the new password is set to this attribute.

useDNSSRVRecord boolean false

If true, the connector will do a DNS query to find SRV records associated with the value set for host property ("" for example). Defaults to false.

getGroupMemberId boolean false

Specifies whether to add an extra _memberId attribute to get the group members __UID__. CAUTION: Setting this property to true can incur a large performance cost on group handling.

lastCheckAlive long 1659981153983

The last time the connector was checked to see if it was alive

startTLS boolean false

Specifies whether to use the startTLS operation to initiate a TLS/SSL session.

allowTreeDelete boolean false

Connector can delete an entry (node) with leaf entry if this value is set to true (defaults to false). The LDAP control LDAP_SERVER_TREE_DELETE_OID (1.2.840.113556.1.4.805) is used.

respectResourcePasswordPolicyChangeAfterReset boolean false

When this resource is specified in a Login Module (i.e., this resource is a pass-through authentication target) and the resource's password policy is configured for change-after-reset, a user whose resource account password has been administratively reset will be required to change that password after successfully authenticating.

uidAttribute String entryUUID

The name of the LDAP attribute that is mapped to the OpenICF UID attribute.

principal String null

The distinguished name with which to authenticate to the LDAP server.

accountObjectClasses String[] ['top', 'person', 'organizationalPerson', 'inetOrgPerson']

The default list of object classes that will be used when creating new user objects in the LDAP tree. This can be overridden by specifying the user object classes during the Create operation.

alternateKeyStoreType String null

Defines the type of the alternate key store. Valid values are JKS, JCEKS and PKCS12

passwordHashAlgorithm String null

Indicates the algorithm that the Identity system should use to hash the password. Currently supported values are SSHA, SHA, SMD5, MD5 and WIN-AD (when AD is the target). A blank value indicates that the system will not hash passwords. This will cause clear text passwords to be stored in LDAP unless the LDAP server performs the hash (as Forgerocks OpenDJ does, for example).

alternateKeyStore String null

Defines the filename of an alternate keystore. If specified, the connector will not use the default keystore specified by the property.

authType String simple

The authentication mechanism to use: Simple or SASL-GSSAPI. Defaults to "simple".

connectionTimeout int 30000

The timeout (in ms) before the connection attempt is aborted.

useBlocks boolean false

Specifies whether to use block-based LDAP controls, like the simple paged results or VLV control. When performing search operations on large numbers of entries, the entries are returned in blocks to reduce the amount of memory used by the operation.

readSchema boolean true

If true, the connector will read the schema from the server. If false, the connector will provide a default schema based on the object classes in the configuration. This property must be true in order to use extended object classes.

usePagedResultControl boolean false

When enabled, the LDAP Paged Results control is preferred over the VLV control when retrieving entries. If disabled, paged queries will be ignored.

useOldADGUIDFormat boolean false

The connector used to transform the AD ObjectGUID in the form <GUID=xxxxxx>. It now used dashed notation (xxxx-xx-xx-xxxx-xxxxxx) by default. Set to true to keep the old format.

sendCAUDTxId boolean false

Connector can send the Common Audit Transaction Id (if present) to the target OpenDJ server when this value is set to true (defaults to false). The LDAP control TransactionIdControl ( is used.

gssapiLoginContext String null

Defines the name used in the JAAS configuration file to define the JAAS login configuration. If null, it defaults to "org.identityconnectors.ldap.LdapConnector".

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

The CSV file connector is useful when importing users, either for initial provisioning or for ongoing updates. When used continuously in production, a CSV file serves as a change log, often containing only user records that have changed.

A sample CSV file connector configuration is provided in openidm/samples/example-configurations/provisioners/provisioner.openicf-csvfile.json.

The following example shows an excerpt of the provisioner configuration. The connectorHostRef property is optional and must be provided only if the connector runs remotely.

  "connectorRef": {
    "connectorHostRef": "#LOCAL",
    "connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.csvfile.CSVFileConnector",
    "bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.csvfile-connector",
    "bundleVersion": "[,"

The only required configuration property is the path to the csvFile:

"configurationProperties" : {
    "csvFile" : "&{idm.instance.dir}/data/csvConnectorData.csv"

For a list of all configuration properties for this connector, see "Configuration properties".


If you change the structure of the CSV file resource, by adding or removing columns, you must update the corresponding object properties in the provisioner file accordingly.

The CSV File Connector implements the following OpenICF interfaces.


Provides simple authentication with two parameters, presumed to be a user name and password.


Execute a series of operations in a single request.


Creates an object and its uid.


Deletes an object, referenced by its uid.

Resolve Username

Resolves an object by its username and returns the uid of the object.


Describes the object types, operations, and options that the connector supports.

Script on Connector

Enables an application to run a script in the context of the connector. Any script that runs on the connector has the following characteristics:

  • The script runs in the same execution environment as the connector and has access to all the classes to which the connector has access.

  • The script has access to a connector variable that is equivalent to an initialized instance of the connector. At a minimum, the script can access the connector configuration.

  • The script has access to any script-arguments passed in by the application.


Searches the target resource for all objects that match the specified object class and filter.


Polls the target resource for synchronization events, that is, native changes to objects on the target resource.


Tests the connector configuration. Testing a configuration checks all elements of the environment that are referred to by the configuration are available. For example, the connector might make a physical connection to a host that is specified in the configuration to verify that it exists and that the credentials that are specified in the configuration are valid.

This operation might need to connect to a resource, and, as such, might take some time. Do not invoke this operation too often, such as before every provisioning operation. The test operation is not intended to check that the connector is alive (that is, that its physical connection to the resource has not timed out).

You can invoke the test operation before a connector configuration has been validated.


Updates (modifies or replaces) objects on a target resource.

The CSV File Connector has the following configurable properties.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
headerPassword String password

The CSV header that maps to the password for each row. Use this property when password-based authentication is required.

spaceReplacementString String _

The character(s) used to replace spaces within column names.

csvFile File null

The full path to the CSV file that is the data source for this connector.

newlineString String \n

The character string in the CSV file that is used to terminate each line.

headerUid String uid

The CSV header that maps to the uid (or name) for each row.

quoteCharacter String "

The character in the CSV file that is used to encapsulate strings.

escapeCharacter String \

The character in the CSV file that is used to escape characters.

fieldDelimiter String ,

The character in the CSV file that is used to separate field values.

syncFileRetentionCount int 3

The number of historical copies of the CSV file to retain when performing synchronization operations.

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

The Database Table connector enables provisioning to a single table in a JDBC database.

A sample connector configuration for the Database Table connector is provided in samples/example-configurations/provisioners/provisioner.openicf-contractordb.json. The corresponding data definition language file is provided in samples/example-configurations/provisioners/provisioner.openicf-contractordb.sql.

The following excerpt shows the settings for the connector configuration properties in the sample Database Table connector:

"configurationProperties" :
       "quoting" : "",
       "host" : "localhost",
       "port" : "3306",
       "user" : "root",
       "password" : "",
       "database" : "contractordb",
       "table" : "people",
       "keyColumn" : "UNIQUE_ID",
       "passwordColumn" : "",
       "jdbcDriver" : "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",
       "jdbcUrlTemplate" : "jdbc:mysql://%h:%p/%d",
       "enableEmptyString" : false,
       "rethrowAllSQLExceptions" : true,
       "nativeTimestamps" : true,
       "allNative" : false,
       "validConnectionQuery" : null,
       "changeLogColumn" : "CHANGE_TIMESTAMP",
       "datasource" : "",
       "jndiProperties" : null

The mandatory configurable properties are as follows:


The JDBC database that contains the table to which you are provisioning.


The name of the table in the JDBC database that contains the user accounts.


The column value that is used as the unique identifier for rows in the table.

  • To use this connector for liveSync, add a changelog type column to the database and provide the name of this column in the changeLogColumn property. Note that the Database Table connector supports liveSync for create and update operations only. To detect deletes in the database you must run a full reconciliation.

  • For PATCH requests, a connector can potentially add, remove, or replace an attribute value. The Database Table connector does not implement the add or remove operations, so a PATCH request always replaces the entire attribute value with the new value.

  • The Database Table connector supports paged reconciliation queries only for the following databases:

    • MySQL

    • PostgreSQL

    • Oracle Database 12c and later versions

    • Microsoft SQL Server 2012 and later versions


    Paging is enabled by default. If you are connecting to a database for which paging is not supported, you must disable it by setting "disablePaging" : true in the connector configuration.

    For more information about configuring paged reconciliation queries, see "Paging Reconciliation Query Results" in the Integrator's Guide.

The Database Table Connector implements the following OpenICF interfaces.


Provides simple authentication with two parameters, presumed to be a user name and password.


Creates an object and its uid.


Deletes an object, referenced by its uid.

Resolve Username

Resolves an object by its username and returns the uid of the object.


Describes the object types, operations, and options that the connector supports.

Script on Connector

Enables an application to run a script in the context of the connector. Any script that runs on the connector has the following characteristics:

  • The script runs in the same execution environment as the connector and has access to all the classes to which the connector has access.

  • The script has access to a connector variable that is equivalent to an initialized instance of the connector. At a minimum, the script can access the connector configuration.

  • The script has access to any script-arguments passed in by the application.


Searches the target resource for all objects that match the specified object class and filter.


Polls the target resource for synchronization events, that is, native changes to objects on the target resource.


Tests the connector configuration. Testing a configuration checks all elements of the environment that are referred to by the configuration are available. For example, the connector might make a physical connection to a host that is specified in the configuration to verify that it exists and that the credentials that are specified in the configuration are valid.

This operation might need to connect to a resource, and, as such, might take some time. Do not invoke this operation too often, such as before every provisioning operation. The test operation is not intended to check that the connector is alive (that is, that its physical connection to the resource has not timed out).

You can invoke the test operation before a connector configuration has been validated.


Updates (modifies or replaces) objects on a target resource.

The Database Table Connector has the following configurable properties.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
connectionProperties String null

The connection properties that will be sent to our JDBC driver when establishing new connections. Format of the string must be [propertyName=property;]* NOTE - The "user" and "password" properties will be passed explicitly, so they do not need to be included here. The default value is null.

propagateInterruptState boolean false

Set this to true to propagate the interrupt state for a thread that has been interrupted (not clearing the interrupt state). Default value is false for backwards compatibility.

useDisposableConnectionFacade boolean true

Set this to true if you wish to put a facade on your connection so that it cannot be reused after it has been closed. This prevents a thread holding on to a reference of a connection it has already called closed on, to execute queries on it.

defaultCatalog String null

The default catalog of connections created by this pool.

validationInterval long 3000

To avoid excess validation, run validation at most at this frequency (in milliseconds). If a connection is due for validation, but was validated within this interval, it will not be validated again. The default value is 3000 (3 seconds).

ignoreExceptionOnPreLoad boolean false

Flag whether ignore error of connection creation while initializing the pool. Set to true if you want to ignore error of connection creation while initializing the pool. Set to false if you want to fail the initialization of the pool by throwing exception.

jmxEnabled boolean true

Register the pool with JMX or not. The default value is true.

commitOnReturn boolean false

If autoCommit==false then the pool can complete the transaction by calling commit on the connection as it is returned to the pool If rollbackOnReturn==true then this attribute is ignored. Default value is false.

logAbandoned boolean false

Flag to log stack traces for application code which abandoned a Connection. Logging of abandoned Connections adds overhead for every Connection borrow because a stack trace has to be generated. The default value is false.

maxIdle int 100

The maximum number of connections that should be kept in the pool at all times. Idle connections are checked periodically (if enabled) and connections that have been idle for longer than minEvictableIdleTimeMillis are released. The default value is derived from maxActive:100. (Also see testWhileIdle.)

testWhileIdle boolean false

The indication of whether objects will be validated by the idle object evictor (if any). If an object fails to validate, it will be dropped from the pool. NOTE - for a true value to have any effect, the validationQuery parameter must be set to a non-null string. The default value is false and this property has to be set in order for the pool cleaner/test thread is to run (also see timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis)

removeAbandoned boolean false

Flag to remove abandoned connections if they exceed the removeAbandonedTimeout. If set to true a connection is considered abandoned and eligible for removal if it has been in use longer than the removeAbandonedTimeout Setting this to true can recover db connections from applications that fail to close a connection. See also logAbandoned The default value is false.

abandonWhenPercentageFull int 0

Connections that have been abandoned (timed out) wont get closed and reported up unless the number of connections in use are above the percentage defined by abandonWhenPercentageFull. The value should be between 0-100. The default value is 0, which implies that connections are eligible for closure as soon as removeAbandonedTimeout has been reached.

minIdle int 10

The minimum number of established connections that should be kept in the pool at all times. The connection pool can shrink below this number if validation queries fail. The default value is derived from initialSize:10. (Also see testWhileIdle.)

defaultReadOnly Boolean null

The default read-only state of connections created by this pool. If not set then the setReadOnly method will not be called. (Some drivers dont support read only mode, ex: Informix)

maxWait int 30000

The maximum number of milliseconds that the pool will wait (when there are no available connections) for a connection to be returned before throwing an exception. Default value is 30000 (30 seconds)

logValidationErrors boolean false

Set this to true to log errors during the validation phase to the log file. If set to true, errors will be logged as SEVERE. Default value is false for backwards compatibility.

driverClassName String null

The fully qualified Java class name of the JDBC driver to be used. The driver has to be accessible from the same classloader as tomcat-jdbc.jar

name String Tomcat Connection Pool[1-153647080]

Returns the name of the connection pool. By default a JVM unique random name is assigned.

useStatementFacade boolean true

Returns true if this connection pool is configured to wrap statements in order to enable equals() and hashCode() methods to be called on the closed statements if any statement proxy is set.

initSQL String null

A custom query to be run when a connection is first created. The default value is null.

validationQueryTimeout int -1

The timeout in seconds before a connection validation queries fail. This works by calling java.test_sample.Statement.setQueryTimeout(seconds) on the statement that executes the validationQuery. The pool itself doesnt timeout the query, it is still up to the JDBC driver to enforce query timeouts. A value less than or equal to zero will disable this feature. The default value is -1.

validationQuery String null

The SQL query that will be used to validate connections from this pool before returning them to the caller. If specified, this query does not have to return any data, it just cant throw a SQLException. The default value is null. Example values are SELECT 1(mysql), select 1 from dual(oracle), SELECT 1(MS Sql Server)

rollbackOnReturn boolean false

If autoCommit==false then the pool can terminate the transaction by calling rollback on the connection as it is returned to the pool Default value is false.

alternateUsernameAllowed boolean false

By default, the jdbc-pool will ignore the DataSource.getConnection(username,password) call, and simply return a previously pooled connection under the globally configured properties username and password, for performance reasons. The pool can however be configured to allow use of different credentials each time a connection is requested. To enable the functionality described in the DataSource.getConnection(username,password) call, simply set the property alternateUsernameAllowed to true. Should you request a connection with the credentials user1/password1 and the connection was previously connected using different user2/password2, the connection will be closed, and reopened with the requested credentials. This way, the pool size is still managed on a global level, and not on a per schema level.

validatorClassName String null

The name of a class which implements the org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.Validator interface and provides a no-arg constructor (may be implicit). If specified, the class will be used to create a Validator instance which is then used instead of any validation query to validate connections. The default value is null. An example value is com.mycompany.project.SimpleValidator.

suspectTimeout int 0

Timeout value in seconds. Similar to to the removeAbandonedTimeout value but instead of treating the connection as abandoned, and potentially closing the connection, this simply logs the warning if logAbandoned is set to true. If this value is equal or less than 0, no suspect checking will be performed. Suspect checking only takes place if the timeout value is larger than 0 and the connection was not abandoned or if abandon check is disabled. If a connection is suspect a WARN message gets logged and a JMX notification gets sent once.

useEquals boolean true

Set to true if you wish the ProxyConnection class to use String.equals and set to false when you wish to use == when comparing method names. This property does not apply to added interceptors as those are configured individually. The default value is true.

removeAbandonedTimeout int 60

Timeout in seconds before an abandoned(in use) connection can be removed. The default value is 60 (60 seconds). The value should be set to the longest running query your applications might have.

defaultAutoCommit Boolean null

The default auto-commit state of connections created by this pool. If not set, default is JDBC driver default (If not set then the setAutoCommit method will not be called.)

testOnConnect boolean false

Returns true if we should run the validation query when connecting to the database for the first time on a connection. Normally this is always set to false, unless one wants to use the validationQuery as an init query.

jdbcInterceptors String null

A semicolon separated list of classnames extending org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.JdbcInterceptor class. See Configuring JDBC interceptors below for more detailed description of syntaz and examples. These interceptors will be inserted as an interceptor into the chain of operations on a java.test_sample.Connection object. The default value is null.

initialSize int 10

The initial number of connections that are created when the pool is started. Default value is 10

defaultTransactionIsolation int -1

The default TransactionIsolation state of connections created by this pool. One of the following: NONE, READ_COMMITTED, READ_UNCOMMITTED, REPEATABLE_READ, SERIALIZABLE If not set, the method will not be called and it defaults to the JDBC driver.

numTestsPerEvictionRun int 0

Property not used in tomcat-jdbc-pool.

url String null

The URL used to connect to the database.

testOnBorrow boolean false

The indication of whether objects will be validated before being borrowed from the pool. If the object fails to validate, it will be dropped from the pool, and we will attempt to borrow another. NOTE - for a true value to have any effect, the validationQuery parameter must be set to a non-null string. In order to have a more efficient validation, see validationInterval. Default value is false

fairQueue boolean true

Set to true if you wish that calls to getConnection should be treated fairly in a true FIFO fashion. This uses the org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.FairBlockingQueue implementation for the list of the idle connections. The default value is true. This flag is required when you want to use asynchronous connection retrieval. Setting this flag ensures that threads receive connections in the order they arrive. During performance tests, there is a very large difference in how locks and lock waiting is implemented. When fairQueue=true there is a decision making process based on what operating system the system is running. If the system is running on Linux (property To disable this Linux specific behavior and still use the fair queue, simply add the property org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.FairBlockingQueue.ignoreOS=true to your system properties before the connection pool classes are loaded.

accessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed boolean true

Property not used. Access can be achieved by calling unwrap on the pooled connection. see javax.test_sample.DataSource interface, or call getConnection through reflection or cast the object as javax.test_sample.PooledConnection

maxAge long 0

Time in milliseconds to keep this connection. When a connection is returned to the pool, the pool will check to see if the now - time-when-connected > maxAge has been reached, and if so, it closes the connection rather than returning it to the pool. The default value is 0, which implies that connections will be left open and no age check will be done upon returning the connection to the pool.

minEvictableIdleTimeMillis int 60000

The minimum amount of time an object may sit idle in the pool before it is eligible for eviction. The default value is 60000 (60 seconds).

timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis int 5000

The number of milliseconds to sleep between runs of the idle connection validation/cleaner thread. This value should not be set under 1 second. It dictates how often we check for idle, abandoned connections, and how often we validate idle connections. The default value is 5000 (5 seconds).

testOnReturn boolean false

The indication of whether objects will be validated before being returned to the pool. NOTE - for a true value to have any effect, the validationQuery parameter must be set to a non-null string. The default value is false.

useLock boolean false

Return true if a lock should be used when operations are performed on the connection object. Should be set to false unless you plan to have a background thread of your own doing idle and abandon checking such as JMX clients. If the pool sweeper is enabled, then the lock will automatically be used regardless of this setting.

maxActive int 100

The maximum number of active connections that can be allocated from this pool at the same time. The default value is 100

username String null

The connection username to be passed to our JDBC driver to establish a connection. Note that method DataSource.getConnection(username,password) by default will not use credentials passed into the method, but will use the ones configured here. See alternateUsernameAllowed property for more details.

table String TABLE_NAME

Enter the name of the table in the database that contains the accounts.

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
password String null

The connection password to be passed to the JDBC driver to establish a connection. Note that method DataSource.getConnection(username,password) by default will not use credentials passed into the method, but will use the ones configured here. See alternateUsernameAllowed property for more details.

quoting String NONE

Select whether database column names for this resource should be quoted, and the quoting characters. By default, database column names are not quoted (None). For other selections (Single, Double, Back, or Brackets), column names will appear between single quotes, double quotes, back quotes, or brackets in the SQL generated to access the database.

keyColumn String KEY_COLUMN

This mandatory column value will be used as the unique identifier for rows in the table.

passwordColumn String null

Enter the name of the column in the table that will hold the password values. If empty, no validation is done on resources and passwords.

disablePaging boolean false

If true, optional paging in a query will be ignored by the connector. Defaults to false.

enableEmptyString boolean false

Select to enable support for writing an empty string, instead of a NULL value, in character based columns defined as not-null in the table schema. This option does not influence the way strings are written for Oracle based tables. By default empty strings are written as a NULL value.

rethrowAllSQLExceptions boolean true

If this is not checked, SQL statements which throw SQLExceptions with a 0 ErrorCode will be have the exception caught and suppressed. Check it to have exceptions with 0 ErrorCodes rethrown.

nativeTimestamps boolean false

Select to retrieve Timestamp data type of the columns in java.sql.Timestamp format from the database table.

allNative boolean false

Select to retrieve all data types of columns in native format from the database table.

changeLogColumn String null

The change log column stores the latest change time. Providing this value the Sync capabilities are activated.

suppressPassword boolean true

If set to true then the password will not be returned. Never. Even though it is explicitly requested. If set to false then the password will be returned if it is explicitly requested.

inclusiveSync boolean false

If true, the SyncOp will query for ChangeLogColumn >= syncToken. One record will always be returned from the database in this case and be handled by the connector. If set to false, the SyncOp will query for ChangeLogColumn > syncToken. Defaults to false.

returnGeneratedKeys boolean true

Return Generated Keys

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

The PowerShell Connector Toolkit is not a complete connector in the traditional sense. Rather, it is a framework within which you must write your own PowerShell scripts to address the requirements of your Microsoft Windows ecosystem. You can use the PowerShell Connector Toolkit to create connectors that can provision any Microsoft system, including, but not limited to, Active Directory, Microsoft SQL, MS Exchange, SharePoint, Azure, and Office365. Essentially, any task that can be performed with PowerShell can be executed through connectors based on this toolkit.

The PowerShell Connector Toolkit is available from the ForgeRock BackStage download site.

IDM includes sample scripts for synchronization of users between Windows Active Directory and IDM. These sample scripts can help you get started with the PowerShell Connector toolkit. For more information, see "Connecting to Active Directory With the PowerShell Connector" in the Samples Guide.

To implement a scripted PowerShell connector, you must install the following:

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 or later. Connectors created with the PowerShell Connector Toolkit run on the .NET platform and require the installation of a .NET connector server on the Windows system. To install the .NET connector server, follow the instructions in "Installing and Configuring a .NET Connector Server" in the Integrator's Guide.

  • PowerShell version 4.0 or above.

  • The PowerShell Connector Toolkit.

To run the commands in this procedure, start with the PowerShell command line. Some of the commands in this procedure require administrative privileges.

  1. Install, configure, and start the .NET connector server on a Windows host. If you are running an Active Directory Domain Controller, install the .NET connector server on the same host on which the Windows PowerShell module is installed.

    For instructions on installing the .NET connector server, see "Installing and Configuring a .NET Connector Server" in the Integrator's Guide.

  2. Configure IDM to connect to the .NET connector server.

    To do so, copy the remote connector provisioner file from the openidm\samples\provisioners directory to your project's conf\ directory, and edit the file to match your configuration.

    PS C:\ cd \path\to\openidm
    PS C:\path\to\openidm cp samples\example-configurations\provisioners\provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider.json conf

    For instructions on editing this file, see "Configuring IDM to Connect to the .NET Connector Server" in the Integrator's Guide.

  3. Download the PowerShell Connector Toolkit archive ( from the ForgeRock BackStage download site.

    Extract the archive and move the MsPowerShell.Connector.dll to the folder in which the connector server application executable file (ConnectorServerService.exe) is located.

  4. The openidm\samples\scripted-powershell-with-ad directory contains sample scripts for a connection to Active Directory. Copy these scripts to the host on which the .NET connector server is installed.

    The full path to the scripts must be referenced in your connector configuration file (provisioner.openicf-*.json), for example:

    "CreateScriptFileName" : "C:/openidm/samples/scripted-powershell-with-ad/tools/ADCreate.ps1",
  5. Copy the sample connector configuration file (provisioner.openicf-adpowershell.json) from the samples\provisioners directory to your project's conf directory.

    Verify that at least the path to the scripts and the connection and authentication details are correct for your deployment. The following section describes the configurable properties in the sample connector configuration files.


    Paths in these files must use forward slash characters and not the backslash characters that you would expect in a Windows path.

Your PowerShell connector configuration file should include the following properties:

PropertyTypeExampleEncrypted [a] Required [b]
operationScriptFileName String C:/openidm/AD/ADCreate.ps1,

The full path to the script that implements the corresponding OpenICF operation.

VariablesPrefix String Connector

To avoid variable namespace conflicts, you can define a prefix for the connector variables. All variables are injected into the script under that prefix and can be used with the dotted notation.

QueryFilterType String AdPsModule (for Active Directory)

A configurable query filter visitor property that defines the format in which the query will be injected into the connector. Possible values are:

  • Map - the query filter is a map

  • Ldap - the query filter is in LDAP search format, for example, "(cn=Joe)"

  • Native - the query filter is a native OpenICF query filter

  • AdPsModule - the query filter is compatible with the Active Directory PowerShell module, Get-ADUser Filter

ReloadScriptOnExecution Boolean true

When true, the connector reloads the script from disk every time it is executed. This can be useful for debugging purposes. Set to false in production.

UseInterpretersPool Boolean true

If true, the connector leverages the PowerShell RunSpace Pool.

MaxInterpretersPoolSize Integer 5

The maximum size of the interpreter pool.

MinInterpretersPoolSize Integer 1

The minimum size of the interpreter pool.

PoolCleanupInterval Double 60

Specifies the interval (in minutes) at which unused interpreter instances are discarded. To avoid cleaning up unused interpreter instances, set this property to 0.

SubstituteUidAndNameInQueryFilter Boolean true

Specifies whether the __UID__ and __NAME__ should be replaced by the value defined in the NameAttributeName and UidAttributeName in the query filter.

UidAttributeName String ObjectGUID

The attribute on the resource that contains the object __UID__

NameAttributeName String DistinguishedName

The attribute on the resource that contains the object __NAME__

PsModulesToImport Array [ "ActiveDirectory", "C:/openidm/samples/scripted-powershell-with-ad/tools/ADSISearch.psm1"],

An array of additional PowerShell modules that the connector must import

Host String

The host name or IP address of the Active Directory server

Port Integer null

The port number on which the remote resource listens for connections

Login String ""

The user account in the remote resource that is used for the connection

Password String null

The password of the user account that is used for the connection

CustomProperties Array [ ]

An array of Strings to define custom configuration properties. Each property takes the format "name=value". For example:

"configurationProperties" : {
    "CustomProperties" : ["baseContext = CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com" ],
...  },

The custom property can then be read from the PowerShell scripts as follows: $base = $Connector.Configuration.PropertyBag.baseContext

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in IDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

Start IDM with the configuration for your PowerShell connector project.

The following tests assume that the configuration is in the default path/to/openidm directory. If your PowerShell project is in a different directory, use the startup command with the -p option to point to that directory.

$ cd path/to/openidm
$ ./

To test that the PowerShell connector has been configured correctly, run the following REST call:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request POST \
  "name" : "adpowershell",
  "enabled" : true,
  "config" : "config/provisioner.openicf/adpowershell",
  "objectTypes" : [ "__ALL__", "group", "account" ],
  "connectorRef" : {
    "connectorName" : "Org.Forgerock.OpenICF.Connectors.MsPowerShell.MsPowerShellConnector",
    "bundleName" : "MsPowerShell.Connector",
    "bundleVersion" : "[,"
  "displayName" : "PowerShell Connector",
  "ok" : true

When you run this test, you should also see a log entry associated with the .NET connector server, in the logs/ subdirectory of that server.

You can use the connector to create new users or groups on the target system, based on options listed in the relevant provisioner.openicf-* configuration file.

For example, the following command creates a new user in Active Directory:

$ curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--request POST \
--header "content-type: application/json" \
--data '{
    "PasswordNeverExpires": false,
    "AlternateEmailAddresses": [""],
    "LastName": "Smith",
    "PreferredLanguage": "en-US",
    "FirstName": "Robert",
    "UserPrincipalName": "",
    "DisplayName": "Robert Smith"
}' \

The PowerShell scripts associated with update functionality support changes to the following properties:

  • Password

  • Principal Name

  • License

  • Common user attributes

As an example, you could use the following command to change the password for the user with the noted _id:

$ curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--request PATCH \
--header "content-type: application/json" \
--data '{
    "operation": "replace",
    "Field": "password",
    "value": "Passw1rd"
}' \

You can use the PowerShell connector to delete user and group objects. The following command deletes a user in Active Directory, based on their _id:

$ curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--request DELETE \

The runScriptOnConnector script lets you run an arbitrary script action through the connector. This script takes the following variables as input:


A handler to the connector's configuration object.


A handler to the Operation Options.


The operation type that corresponds to the action (RUNSCRIPTONCONNECTOR in this case).


A map of script arguments (this can be null).

The script can return any object that can be serialized by OpenICF, such as Boolean, String, Array, or Dictionary. If the object type cannot be serialized, such as Hashtable, the script fails with the error:

"error": "No serializer for class: System.Collections.Hashtable"

To run an arbitrary script on the PowerShell connector, define the script in the systemActions property of your provisioner file:

"systemActions" : [
        "scriptId" : "MyScript",
        "actions" : [
                "systemType" : ".*PowerShellConnector",
                "actionType" : "PowerShell",
                "actionFile" : "scripts/Myactionscript.ps1"

When you have defined the script, you can call it over REST on the system endpoint, as follows:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request POST \

You can also call it through the IDM script engine, as follows:

openidm.action("/system/adpowershell","script", {}, {"scriptId": "MyScript", "param1": "value1", "param2": "value2"})


Because the action script is stored locally with IDM, it must be transmitted across the network every time it is called. An alternative approach is to write a PowerShell module and to load it using the PsModulesToImport option of the PowerShell connector. In this case, the action script is limited to a function call and you do not need a script file on the IDM side.

The following example uses the actionSource property in the provisioner, instead of the actionFile property, to call the action. The example calls a custom Set-Exchange function from a module loaded on the .Net connector server by the PowerShell connector:

"systemActions" : [
        "scriptId" : "SetExchange",
        "actions" : [
                            "systemType" : ".*PowerShellConnector",
                            "actionType" : "PowerShell",
                            "actionSource" : "Set-Exchange $Connector.Arguments.dn"

ICF provides a generic Groovy Connector Toolkit that lets you run a Groovy script for any ICF operation, such as search, update, create, and others, on any external resource.

The Groovy Connector Toolkit is not a complete connector in the traditional sense. Rather, it is a framework within which you must write your own Groovy scripts to address the requirements of your implementation.

The Groovy Connector Toolkit is bundled in the JAR openidm/connectors/groovy-connector-

The Samples Guide describes a number of scripted connector implementations. The scripts provided with these samples demonstrate how the Groovy Connector Toolkit can be used. These scripts cannot be used as is in your deployment, but are a good starting point on which to base your customization. For information about writing your own scripts, see "Writing Scripted Connectors With the Groovy Connector Toolkit" in the Connector Developer's Guide.

You specify the connector configuration in your project's conf/provisioner.openicf-connector.json file. A number of sample configurations for scripted Groovy implementations are provided in openidm/samples/example-configurations/provisioners/provisioner.openicf-scriptedimpementation.json. Use these as the basis for configuring your own scripted connector.

The scripted SQL connector uses the Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool to managed its connections. Occasionally, a JDBC resource that is accessed by the scripted SQL connector might become unavailable for a period. When the resource comes back online, IDM is generally able to recover automatically and resume operations. However, the connector might not be able to refresh its connection pool and might then pass a closed connection to its scripts. This can affect operations until IDM is restarted.

To avoid this situation, you can configure connection validation, where connections are validated before being borrowed from the connection pool.

To configure connection validation, add the following properties to the configurationProperties object in your connector configuration:


Validates the connection object before it is borrowed from the pool. If the object fails to validate, it is dropped from the pool and the connector attempts to borrow another object.

For this property to have an effect, you must set validationQuery to a non-null string.


The SQL query used to validate connections from the pool before returning them to the caller.

The precise query will differ, depending on the database that you are accessing. The following list provides sample queries for common databases:

HyperSQL DataBase (HSQLDB)
Oracle DB
select 1 from dual
select 1 from sysibm.sysdummy1
select 1
Microsoft SQL
select 1
select 1
Ingres Database
select 1
Apache Derby
values 1
H2 Database
select 1
Firebird SQL
select 1 from rdb$database

Specifies the maximum frequency (in milliseconds) at which validation is run. If a connection is due for validation but was previously validated within this interval, it is not validated again.

The larger this value, the better the connector performance. However, with a large value you increase the chance of a stale connection being presented to the connector.

Connection validation can have an impact on performance and should not be done too frequently. With the following configuration, connections are validated no more than every 34 seconds:

    "configurationProperties" : {
        "testOnBorrow" : true,
        "validationQuery" : "select 1 from dual",
        "validationInterval" : 34000,

The customConfiguration and customSensitiveConfiguration properties enable you to inject custom properties into your scripts. Properties listed in customSensitiveConfiguration are encrypted.

For example, the following excerpt of the scripted Kerberos provisioner file shows how these properties inject the Kerberos user and encrypted password into the scripts, using the kadmin command.

"customConfiguration" : "kadmin { cmd = '/usr/sbin/kadmin.local'; user='<KADMIN USERNAME>'; default_realm='<REALM>' }",
"customSensitiveConfiguration" : "kadmin { password = '<KADMIN PASSWORD>'}",

The following tables list the ICF interfaces that are implemented for non-poolable and poolable connector implementations:

The Scripted Groovy Connector implements the following OpenICF interfaces.


Provides simple authentication with two parameters, presumed to be a user name and password.


Creates an object and its uid.


Deletes an object, referenced by its uid.

Resolve Username

Resolves an object by its username and returns the uid of the object.


Describes the object types, operations, and options that the connector supports.

Script on Connector

Enables an application to run a script in the context of the connector. Any script that runs on the connector has the following characteristics:

  • The script runs in the same execution environment as the connector and has access to all the classes to which the connector has access.

  • The script has access to a connector variable that is equivalent to an initialized instance of the connector. At a minimum, the script can access the connector configuration.

  • The script has access to any script-arguments passed in by the application.

Script on Resource

Runs a script on the target resource that is managed by this connector.


Searches the target resource for all objects that match the specified object class and filter.


Polls the target resource for synchronization events, that is, native changes to objects on the target resource.


Tests the connector configuration. Testing a configuration checks all elements of the environment that are referred to by the configuration are available. For example, the connector might make a physical connection to a host that is specified in the configuration to verify that it exists and that the credentials that are specified in the configuration are valid.

This operation might need to connect to a resource, and, as such, might take some time. Do not invoke this operation too often, such as before every provisioning operation. The test operation is not intended to check that the connector is alive (that is, that its physical connection to the resource has not timed out).

You can invoke the test operation before a connector configuration has been validated.


Updates (modifies or replaces) objects on a target resource.

The Scripted Poolable Groovy Connector implements the following OpenICF interfaces.


Provides simple authentication with two parameters, presumed to be a user name and password.


Creates an object and its uid.


Deletes an object, referenced by its uid.

Resolve Username

Resolves an object by its username and returns the uid of the object.


Describes the object types, operations, and options that the connector supports.

Script on Connector

Enables an application to run a script in the context of the connector. Any script that runs on the connector has the following characteristics:

  • The script runs in the same execution environment as the connector and has access to all the classes to which the connector has access.

  • The script has access to a connector variable that is equivalent to an initialized instance of the connector. At a minimum, the script can access the connector configuration.

  • The script has access to any script-arguments passed in by the application.

Script on Resource

Runs a script on the target resource that is managed by this connector.


Searches the target resource for all objects that match the specified object class and filter.


Polls the target resource for synchronization events, that is, native changes to objects on the target resource.


Tests the connector configuration. Testing a configuration checks all elements of the environment that are referred to by the configuration are available. For example, the connector might make a physical connection to a host that is specified in the configuration to verify that it exists and that the credentials that are specified in the configuration are valid.

This operation might need to connect to a resource, and, as such, might take some time. Do not invoke this operation too often, such as before every provisioning operation. The test operation is not intended to check that the connector is alive (that is, that its physical connection to the resource has not timed out).

You can invoke the test operation before a connector configuration has been validated.


Updates (modifies or replaces) objects on a target resource.

The following tables list the configuration properties for non-poolable and poolable connector implementations:

The Scripted Groovy Connector has the following configurable properties.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
customSensitiveConfiguration GuardedString null

Custom Sensitive Configuration script for Groovy ConfigSlurper

customConfiguration String null

Custom Configuration script for Groovy ConfigSlurper

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
createScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the CREATE operation.

customizerScriptFileName String null

The script used to customize some function of the connector. Read the documentation for more details.

authenticateScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the AUTHENTICATE operation.

scriptOnResourceScriptFileName String null
Script On Resource

The name of the file used to perform the RUNSCRIPTONRESOURCE operation.

deleteScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the DELETE operation.

resolveUsernameScriptFileName String null
Resolve Username

The name of the file used to perform the RESOLVE_USERNAME operation.

searchScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the SEARCH operation.

updateScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the UPDATE operation.

schemaScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the SCHEMA operation.

testScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the TEST operation.

syncScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the SYNC operation.

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
targetDirectory File null

Directory into which to write classes.

warningLevel int 1

Warning Level of the compiler

scriptExtensions String[] ['groovy']

Gets the extensions used to find groovy files

minimumRecompilationInterval int 100

Sets the minimum of time after a script can be recompiled.

scriptBaseClass String null

Base class name for scripts (must derive from Script)

scriptRoots String[] null

The root folder to load the scripts from. If the value is null or empty the classpath value is used.

tolerance int 10

The error tolerance, which is the number of non-fatal errors (per unit) that should be tolerated before compilation is aborted.

debug boolean false

If true, debugging code should be activated

classpath String[] []

Classpath for use during compilation.

disabledGlobalASTTransformations String[] null

Sets a list of global AST transformations which should not be loaded even if they are defined in META-INF/org.codehaus.groovy.transform.ASTTransformation files. By default, none is disabled.

verbose boolean false

If true, the compiler should produce action information

sourceEncoding String UTF-8

Encoding for source files

recompileGroovySource boolean false

If set to true recompilation is enabled

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

The Scripted Poolable Groovy Connector has the following configurable properties.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
customSensitiveConfiguration GuardedString null

Custom Sensitive Configuration script for Groovy ConfigSlurper

customConfiguration String null

Custom Configuration script for Groovy ConfigSlurper

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
createScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the CREATE operation.

customizerScriptFileName String null

The script used to customize some function of the connector. Read the documentation for more details.

authenticateScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the AUTHENTICATE operation.

scriptOnResourceScriptFileName String null
Script On Resource

The name of the file used to perform the RUNSCRIPTONRESOURCE operation.

deleteScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the DELETE operation.

resolveUsernameScriptFileName String null
Resolve Username

The name of the file used to perform the RESOLVE_USERNAME operation.

searchScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the SEARCH operation.

updateScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the UPDATE operation.

schemaScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the SCHEMA operation.

testScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the TEST operation.

syncScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the SYNC operation.

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
targetDirectory File null

Directory into which to write classes.

warningLevel int 1

Warning Level of the compiler

scriptExtensions String[] ['groovy']

Gets the extensions used to find groovy files

minimumRecompilationInterval int 100

Sets the minimum of time after a script can be recompiled.

scriptBaseClass String null

Base class name for scripts (must derive from Script)

scriptRoots String[] null

The root folder to load the scripts from. If the value is null or empty the classpath value is used.

tolerance int 10

The error tolerance, which is the number of non-fatal errors (per unit) that should be tolerated before compilation is aborted.

debug boolean false

If true, debugging code should be activated

classpath String[] []

Classpath for use during compilation.

disabledGlobalASTTransformations String[] null

Sets a list of global AST transformations which should not be loaded even if they are defined in META-INF/org.codehaus.groovy.transform.ASTTransformation files. By default, none is disabled.

verbose boolean false

If true, the compiler should produce action information

sourceEncoding String UTF-8

Encoding for source files

recompileGroovySource boolean false

If set to true recompilation is enabled

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

When you call a Groovy script from the Groovy connector, you can use the SLF4J logging facility to obtain debug information.

For instructions on how to use this facility, see the KnowledgeBase article How do I add logging to Groovy scripts in IDM.

The Scripted REST connector is an implementation of the Scripted Groovy Connector Toolkit. This connector lets you interact with any REST API, using Groovy scripts for the ICF operations.


The Scripted REST connector is not a poolable connector.

The Scripted REST Connector is bundled in the JAR openidm/connectors/scriptedrest-connector-

A sample connector configuration and scripts are provided in the /path/to/openidm/samples/scripted-rest-with-dj/ directory and described in "Connecting to DS With ScriptedREST" in the Samples Guide. The scripts provided with this sample demonstrate how the connector can be used but most likely cannot be used as is in your deployment. They are a good starting point on which to base your customization. For information about writing your own scripts, see "Writing Scripted Connectors With the Groovy Connector Toolkit" in the Connector Developer's Guide.

If the IDM server is hosted behind a firewall and requests to the resource are routed through a proxy, you must specify the proxy host and port in the connector configuration.

To specify the proxy server details, set the proxyAddress property in the connector configuration. For example:

"configurationProperties": {
    "proxyAddress": "http://myproxy:8080",

The following table lists the ICF interfaces that are implemented for the scripted REST connector:

The Scripted REST Connector implements the following OpenICF interfaces.


Provides simple authentication with two parameters, presumed to be a user name and password.


Creates an object and its uid.


Deletes an object, referenced by its uid.

Resolve Username

Resolves an object by its username and returns the uid of the object.


Describes the object types, operations, and options that the connector supports.

Script on Connector

Enables an application to run a script in the context of the connector. Any script that runs on the connector has the following characteristics:

  • The script runs in the same execution environment as the connector and has access to all the classes to which the connector has access.

  • The script has access to a connector variable that is equivalent to an initialized instance of the connector. At a minimum, the script can access the connector configuration.

  • The script has access to any script-arguments passed in by the application.

Script on Resource

Runs a script on the target resource that is managed by this connector.


Searches the target resource for all objects that match the specified object class and filter.


Polls the target resource for synchronization events, that is, native changes to objects on the target resource.


Tests the connector configuration. Testing a configuration checks all elements of the environment that are referred to by the configuration are available. For example, the connector might make a physical connection to a host that is specified in the configuration to verify that it exists and that the credentials that are specified in the configuration are valid.

This operation might need to connect to a resource, and, as such, might take some time. Do not invoke this operation too often, such as before every provisioning operation. The test operation is not intended to check that the connector is alive (that is, that its physical connection to the resource has not timed out).

You can invoke the test operation before a connector configuration has been validated.


Updates (modifies or replaces) objects on a target resource.

The following table lists the configuration properties for the scripted REST connector:

The Scripted REST Connector has the following configurable properties.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
customSensitiveConfiguration GuardedString null

Custom Sensitive Configuration script for Groovy ConfigSlurper

customConfiguration String null

Custom Configuration script for Groovy ConfigSlurper

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
createScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the CREATE operation.

customizerScriptFileName String null

The script used to customize some function of the connector. Read the documentation for more details.

authenticateScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the AUTHENTICATE operation.

scriptOnResourceScriptFileName String null
Script On Resource

The name of the file used to perform the RUNSCRIPTONRESOURCE operation.

deleteScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the DELETE operation.

resolveUsernameScriptFileName String null
Resolve Username

The name of the file used to perform the RESOLVE_USERNAME operation.

searchScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the SEARCH operation.

updateScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the UPDATE operation.

schemaScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the SCHEMA operation.

testScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the TEST operation.

syncScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the SYNC operation.

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
targetDirectory File null

Directory into which to write classes.

warningLevel int 1

Warning Level of the compiler

scriptExtensions String[] ['groovy']

Gets the extensions used to find groovy files

minimumRecompilationInterval int 100

Sets the minimum of time after a script can be recompiled.

scriptBaseClass String null

Base class name for scripts (must derive from Script)

scriptRoots String[] null

The root folder to load the scripts from. If the value is null or empty the classpath value is used.

tolerance int 10

The error tolerance, which is the number of non-fatal errors (per unit) that should be tolerated before compilation is aborted.

debug boolean false

If true, debugging code should be activated

classpath String[] []

Classpath for use during compilation.

disabledGlobalASTTransformations String[] null

Sets a list of global AST transformations which should not be loaded even if they are defined in META-INF/org.codehaus.groovy.transform.ASTTransformation files. By default, none is disabled.

verbose boolean false

If true, the compiler should produce action information

sourceEncoding String UTF-8

Encoding for source files

recompileGroovySource boolean false

If set to true recompilation is enabled

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
username String null

The Remote user to authenticate with

password GuardedString null

The Password to authenticate with

serviceAddress URI null

The service URI (example:

proxyAddress URI null

The optional Proxy server URI (example: http://myproxy:8080)

proxyUsername String null

The username to authenticate with the proxy server

proxyPassword GuardedString null

The password to authenticate with the proxy server

defaultAuthMethod String BASIC

Authentication method used. Defaults to BASIC.

defaultContentType String application/json

Default HTTP request content type. Defaults to JSON. Can be: TEXT, XML, HTML, URLENC, BINARY

defaultRequestHeaders String[] null

Placeholder for default HTTP request headers.

OAuthTokenEndpoint URI null

When using OAUTH, this property defines the endpoint where a new access token should be queried for (

OAuthClientId String null

The client identifier

OAuthClientSecret GuardedString null

Secure client secret for OAUTH

OAuthRefreshToken GuardedString null

The refresh token used to renew the access token for the refresh_token grant type

OAuthScope String null

The optional scope



[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

The Scripted SQL connector is an implementation of the Scripted Groovy Connector Toolkit. This connector lets you interact with any SQL database, using Groovy scripts for the ICF operations.

The Scripted SQL Connector is bundled in the JAR openidm/connectors/scriptedsql-connector-

A sample connector configuration and scripts are provided in the /path/to/openidm/samples/scripted-sql-with-mysql/ directory and described in "Connecting to a MySQL Database With ScriptedSQL" in the Samples Guide. The scripts provided with this sample demonstrate how the connector can be used but most likely cannot be used as is in your deployment. They are a good starting point on which to base your customization. For information about writing your own scripts, see "Writing Scripted Connectors With the Groovy Connector Toolkit" in the Connector Developer's Guide.

The following table lists the ICF interfaces that are implemented for the scripted SQL connector:

The Scripted SQL Connector implements the following OpenICF interfaces.


Provides simple authentication with two parameters, presumed to be a user name and password.


Creates an object and its uid.


Deletes an object, referenced by its uid.

Resolve Username

Resolves an object by its username and returns the uid of the object.


Describes the object types, operations, and options that the connector supports.

Script on Connector

Enables an application to run a script in the context of the connector. Any script that runs on the connector has the following characteristics:

  • The script runs in the same execution environment as the connector and has access to all the classes to which the connector has access.

  • The script has access to a connector variable that is equivalent to an initialized instance of the connector. At a minimum, the script can access the connector configuration.

  • The script has access to any script-arguments passed in by the application.

Script on Resource

Runs a script on the target resource that is managed by this connector.


Searches the target resource for all objects that match the specified object class and filter.


Polls the target resource for synchronization events, that is, native changes to objects on the target resource.


Tests the connector configuration. Testing a configuration checks all elements of the environment that are referred to by the configuration are available. For example, the connector might make a physical connection to a host that is specified in the configuration to verify that it exists and that the credentials that are specified in the configuration are valid.

This operation might need to connect to a resource, and, as such, might take some time. Do not invoke this operation too often, such as before every provisioning operation. The test operation is not intended to check that the connector is alive (that is, that its physical connection to the resource has not timed out).

You can invoke the test operation before a connector configuration has been validated.


Updates (modifies or replaces) objects on a target resource.

The following table lists the configuration properties for the scripted SQL connector:

The Scripted SQL Connector has the following configurable properties.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
createScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the CREATE operation.

customizerScriptFileName String null

The script used to customize some function of the connector. Read the documentation for more details.

resolveUsernameScriptFileName String null
Resolve Username

The name of the file used to perform the RESOLVE_USERNAME operation.

updateScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the UPDATE operation.

schemaScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the SCHEMA operation.

authenticateScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the AUTHENTICATE operation.

scriptOnResourceScriptFileName String null
Script On Resource

The name of the file used to perform the RUNSCRIPTONRESOURCE operation.

deleteScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the DELETE operation.

searchScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the SEARCH operation.

testScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the TEST operation.

syncScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the SYNC operation.

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
targetDirectory File null

Directory into which to write classes.

warningLevel int 1

Warning Level of the compiler

scriptExtensions String[] ['groovy']

Gets the extensions used to find groovy files

scriptBaseClass String null

Base class name for scripts (must derive from Script)

scriptRoots String[] null

The root folder to load the scripts from. If the value is null or empty the classpath value is used.

tolerance int 10

The error tolerance, which is the number of non-fatal errors (per unit) that should be tolerated before compilation is aborted.

disabledGlobalASTTransformations String[] null

Sets a list of global AST transformations which should not be loaded even if they are defined in META-INF/org.codehaus.groovy.transform.ASTTransformation files. By default, none is disabled.

sourceEncoding String UTF-8

Encoding for source files

recompileGroovySource boolean false

If set to true recompilation is enabled

minimumRecompilationInterval int 100

Sets the minimum of time after a script can be recompiled.

debug boolean false

If true, debugging code should be activated

classpath String[] []

Classpath for use during compilation.

verbose boolean false

If true, the compiler should produce action information

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
password String null

The connection password to be passed to our JDBC driver to establish a connection. Note that method DataSource.getConnection(username,password) by default will not use credentials passed into the method, but will use the ones configured here. See alternateUsernameAllowed property for more details.

customSensitiveConfiguration GuardedString null

Custom Sensitive Configuration script for Groovy ConfigSlurper

customConfiguration String null

Custom Configuration script for Groovy ConfigSlurper

connectionProperties String null

The connection properties that will be sent to our JDBC driver when establishing new connections. Format of the string must be [propertyName=property;]* NOTE - The "user" and "password" properties will be passed explicitly, so they do not need to be included here. The default value is null.

propagateInterruptState boolean false

Set this to true to propagate the interrupt state for a thread that has been interrupted (not clearing the interrupt state). Default value is false for backwards compatibility.

useDisposableConnectionFacade boolean true

Set this to true if you wish to put a facade on your connection so that it cannot be reused after it has been closed. This prevents a thread holding on to a reference of a connection it has already called closed on, to execute queries on it.

defaultCatalog String null

The default catalog of connections created by this pool.

validationInterval long 3000

avoid excess validation, only run validation at most at this frequency - time in milliseconds. If a connection is due for validation, but has been validated previously within this interval, it will not be validated again. The default value is 30000 (30 seconds).

ignoreExceptionOnPreLoad boolean false

Flag whether ignore error of connection creation while initializing the pool. Set to true if you want to ignore error of connection creation while initializing the pool. Set to false if you want to fail the initialization of the pool by throwing exception.

jmxEnabled boolean true

Register the pool with JMX or not. The default value is true.

commitOnReturn boolean false

If autoCommit==false then the pool can complete the transaction by calling commit on the connection as it is returned to the pool If rollbackOnReturn==true then this attribute is ignored. Default value is false.

logAbandoned boolean false

Flag to log stack traces for application code which abandoned a Connection. Logging of abandoned Connections adds overhead for every Connection borrow because a stack trace has to be generated. The default value is false.

maxIdle int 100

The maximum number of connections that should be kept in the pool at all times. Default value is maxActive:100 Idle connections are checked periodically (if enabled) and connections that been idle for longer than minEvictableIdleTimeMillis will be released. (also see testWhileIdle)

testWhileIdle boolean false

The indication of whether objects will be validated by the idle object evictor (if any). If an object fails to validate, it will be dropped from the pool. NOTE - for a true value to have any effect, the validationQuery parameter must be set to a non-null string. The default value is false and this property has to be set in order for the pool cleaner/test thread is to run (also see timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis)

removeAbandoned boolean false

Flag to remove abandoned connections if they exceed the removeAbandonedTimeout. If set to true a connection is considered abandoned and eligible for removal if it has been in use longer than the removeAbandonedTimeout Setting this to true can recover db connections from applications that fail to close a connection. See also logAbandoned The default value is false.

abandonWhenPercentageFull int 0

Connections that have been abandoned (timed out) wont get closed and reported up unless the number of connections in use are above the percentage defined by abandonWhenPercentageFull. The value should be between 0-100. The default value is 0, which implies that connections are eligible for closure as soon as removeAbandonedTimeout has been reached.

minIdle int 10

The minimum number of established connections that should be kept in the pool at all times. The connection pool can shrink below this number if validation queries fail. Default value is derived from initialSize:10 (also see testWhileIdle)

defaultReadOnly Boolean null

The default read-only state of connections created by this pool. If not set then the setReadOnly method will not be called. (Some drivers dont support read only mode, ex: Informix)

maxWait int 30000

The maximum number of milliseconds that the pool will wait (when there are no available connections) for a connection to be returned before throwing an exception. Default value is 30000 (30 seconds)

logValidationErrors boolean false

Set this to true to log errors during the validation phase to the log file. If set to true, errors will be logged as SEVERE. Default value is false for backwards compatibility.

driverClassName String null

The fully qualified Java class name of the JDBC driver to be used. The driver has to be accessible from the same classloader as tomcat-jdbc.jar

name String Tomcat Connection Pool[4-153647080]

Returns the name of the connection pool. By default a JVM unique random name is assigned.

useStatementFacade boolean true

If a statement proxy is set, wrap statements so that equals() and hashCode() methods can be called on closed statements.

initSQL String null

A custom query to be run when a connection is first created. The default value is null.

validationQueryTimeout int -1

The timeout in seconds before a connection validation queries fail. This works by calling java.test_sample.Statement.setQueryTimeout(seconds) on the statement that executes the validationQuery. The pool itself doesnt timeout the query, it is still up to the JDBC driver to enforce query timeouts. A value less than or equal to zero will disable this feature. The default value is -1.

validationQuery String null

The SQL query that will be used to validate connections from this pool before returning them to the caller. If specified, this query does not have to return any data, it just cant throw a SQLException. The default value is null. Example values are SELECT 1(mysql), select 1 from dual(oracle), SELECT 1(MS Sql Server)

rollbackOnReturn boolean false

If autoCommit==false then the pool can terminate the transaction by calling rollback on the connection as it is returned to the pool Default value is false.

alternateUsernameAllowed boolean false

By default, the jdbc-pool will ignore the DataSource.getConnection(username,password) call, and simply return a previously pooled connection under the globally configured properties username and password, for performance reasons. The pool can however be configured to allow use of different credentials each time a connection is requested. To enable the functionality described in the DataSource.getConnection(username,password) call, simply set the property alternateUsernameAllowed to true. Should you request a connection with the credentials user1/password1 and the connection was previously connected using different user2/password2, the connection will be closed, and reopened with the requested credentials. This way, the pool size is still managed on a global level, and not on a per schema level.

dataSourceJNDI String null

The JNDI name for a data source to be looked up in JNDI and then used to establish connections to the database. See the dataSource attribute. Default value is null

validatorClassName String null

The name of a class which implements the org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.Validator interface and provides a no-arg constructor (may be implicit). If specified, the class will be used to create a Validator instance which is then used instead of any validation query to validate connections. The default value is null. An example value is com.mycompany.project.SimpleValidator.

suspectTimeout int 0

Timeout value in seconds. Similar to to the removeAbandonedTimeout value but instead of treating the connection as abandoned, and potentially closing the connection, this simply logs the warning if logAbandoned is set to true. If this value is equal or less than 0, no suspect checking will be performed. Suspect checking only takes place if the timeout value is larger than 0 and the connection was not abandoned or if abandon check is disabled. If a connection is suspect a WARN message gets logged and a JMX notification gets sent once.

useEquals boolean true

Set to true if you wish the ProxyConnection class to use String.equals and set to false when you wish to use == when comparing method names. This property does not apply to added interceptors as those are configured individually. The default value is true.

removeAbandonedTimeout int 60

Timeout in seconds before an abandoned(in use) connection can be removed. The default value is 60 (60 seconds). The value should be set to the longest running query your applications might have.

defaultAutoCommit Boolean null

The default auto-commit state of connections created by this pool. If not set, default is JDBC driver default (If not set then the setAutoCommit method will not be called.)

testOnConnect boolean false

Validate the connection when connecting to the database for the first time. False by default. Set to true if you want to use the validationQuery as an init query.

jdbcInterceptors String null

A semicolon separated list of classnames extending org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.JdbcInterceptor class. See Configuring JDBC interceptors below for more detailed description of syntaz and examples. These interceptors will be inserted as an interceptor into the chain of operations on a java.test_sample.Connection object. The default value is null.

initialSize int 10

The initial number of connections that are created when the pool is started. Default value is 10

defaultTransactionIsolation int -1

The default TransactionIsolation state of connections created by this pool. One of the following: NONE, READ_COMMITTED, READ_UNCOMMITTED, REPEATABLE_READ, SERIALIZABLE If not set, the method will not be called and it defaults to the JDBC driver.

numTestsPerEvictionRun int 0

Property not used in tomcat-jdbc-pool.

url String null

The URL used to connect to the database.

testOnBorrow boolean false

The indication of whether objects will be validated before being borrowed from the pool. If the object fails to validate, it will be dropped from the pool, and we will attempt to borrow another. NOTE - for a true value to have any effect, the validationQuery parameter must be set to a non-null string. In order to have a more efficient validation, see validationInterval. Default value is false

fairQueue boolean true

Set to true if you wish that calls to getConnection should be treated fairly in a true FIFO fashion. This uses the org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.FairBlockingQueue implementation for the list of the idle connections. The default value is true. This flag is required when you want to use asynchronous connection retrieval. Setting this flag ensures that threads receive connections in the order they arrive. During performance tests, there is a very large difference in how locks and lock waiting is implemented. When fairQueue=true there is a decision making process based on what operating system the system is running. If the system is running on Linux (property To disable this Linux specific behavior and still use the fair queue, simply add the property org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.FairBlockingQueue.ignoreOS=true to your system properties before the connection pool classes are loaded.

accessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed boolean true

Property not used. Access can be achieved by calling unwrap on the pooled connection. see javax.test_sample.DataSource interface, or call getConnection through reflection or cast the object as javax.test_sample.PooledConnection

maxAge long 0

Time in milliseconds to keep this connection. When a connection is returned to the pool, the pool will check to see if the now - time-when-connected > maxAge has been reached, and if so, it closes the connection rather than returning it to the pool. The default value is 0, which implies that connections will be left open and no age check will be done upon returning the connection to the pool.

minEvictableIdleTimeMillis int 60000

The minimum amount of time an object may sit idle in the pool before it is eligible for eviction. The default value is 60000 (60 seconds).

timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis int 5000

The number of milliseconds to sleep between runs of the idle connection validation/cleaner thread. This value should not be set under 1 second. It dictates how often we check for idle, abandoned connections, and how often we validate idle connections. The default value is 5000 (5 seconds).

testOnReturn boolean false

The indication of whether objects will be validated before being returned to the pool. NOTE - for a true value to have any effect, the validationQuery parameter must be set to a non-null string. The default value is false.

useLock boolean false

Use a lock when performing operations on the connection object. False by default. Set to true if you will use a separate background thread for idle and abandon checking (e.g. JMX clients). If the pool sweeper is enabled, a lock is used, regardless of this setting.

maxActive int 100

The maximum number of active connections that can be allocated from this pool at the same time. The default value is 100

username String null

The connection username to be passed to our JDBC driver to establish a connection. Note that method DataSource.getConnection(username,password) by default will not use credentials passed into the method, but will use the ones configured here. See alternateUsernameAllowed property for more details.

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

The SAP connector is an implementation of the Scripted Groovy Connector Toolkit that connects to any SAP system using the SAP JCo Java libraries. This chapter describes how to install and configure the scripted SAP connector, and how to test the sample scripts that are bundled with the connector.

The sample scripts illustrate the following scenarios:

  • Synchronization of users between an SAP HR module and IDM

  • Synchronization of users between IDM and an SAP (R/3) system

  1. Download the SAP connector from the ForgeRock BackStage download site.

  2. Copy the SAP connector JAR file (sap-connector- to the openidm/connectors directory:

    $ cp ~/Downloads/sap-connector- /path/to/openidm/connectors
  3. The SAP connector requires the SAP Java Connector (JCo) libraries, version 3.0.12 or later. ForgeRock distributes the SAP connector without these JCo libraries. Before you can use the SAP connector, you must obtain the JCo libraries that correspond to your architecture.

    Copy the required SAP JCo libraries to the /path/to/openidm/lib directory. For example:

    $ cp sapjco3.jar /path/to/openidm/lib
    $ cp /path/to/openidm/lib
  4. Change your IDM logging configuration to log messages from the SAP connector.

    By default, IDM logs nothing for the SAP connector. To troubleshoot any issues with the connector, set the following properties in your project's conf/ file:

    # SAP Connector Logging

The SAP HR sample scripts enable you to manage the email address and global employee UID of records in an SAP HR system.

The following sections explain how to configure IDM to use these sample scripts, how to test the connection to the SAP HR system, and how to update user records.

  1. Create a connector configuration file for the SAP connector and place it in your project's conf/ directory.

    You can use this sample provisioner.openicf-saphr.json as a guide.

    Edit that file with the connection details for your SAP HR system. Specifically, set at least the following properties:


    An alias to the SAP system to which you are connecting, for example, SAP1. If you are connecting to more than one SAP system, the destination property for each system must be unique.

    The sample connector configuration assumes a connection to a single SAP system, so the value for this property in the sample configuration is OPENIDM.


    The FQDN of your SAP Application Server, for example


    Your SAP user account.


    The password of this SAP user account.


    The SAP Client number that will be used to connect to the SAP system.


    The SAP system number.


    A boolean (true/false). If true, the connection goes directly to an SAP ABAP Application server or SAP router. If false, the connection goes to a group of SAP instances, through an SAP message server.


    The IP address and port of the SAP router, if applicable. The syntax is /H/host[/S/port], for example /H/


    The maximum number of idle connections kept open by the destination. If there is no connection pooling, set this to 0. The default value is 1.

    For optimum performance, set this value to an integer between 5 and 10.

  2. The connector bundles a number of SAP-certified sample Groovy scripts:


    If necessary, you can customize these scripts to suit your deployment by extracting them from the connector JAR and updating the connector configuration to point to the new file path.

    The sample connector configuration assumes the following locations for the scripts (relative to the value of the scriptRoots property):

    "testScriptFileName" : "scripts/sap/TestSAP.groovy",
    "searchScriptFileName" : "scripts/sap/hr/SearchSAPHR.groovy",
    "updateScriptFileName" : "scripts/sap/hr/UpdateSAPHR.groovy",
    "schemaScriptFileName" : "scripts/sap/hr/SchemaSAPHR.groovy",

    The EmplComm.groovy must be placed in the same location as the Search, Update, and Schema scripts.


    The Groovy scripts belong to a specific package. The parent directory where the scripts are located must be the same as the package name. So the TestSAP.groovy script must be under a scripts/sap directory (because it belongs to the scripts/sap package) and the remaining HR scripts must be under a scripts/sap/hr directory (because they belong to the hr package).

  1. Start IDM with the configuration for your SAP connector project.

    This procedure assumes that the configuration is in the default path/to/openidm directory. If your SAP project is in a different directory, use the -p option with the startup command to point to that directory.

    $ cd path/to/openidm
    $ ./
  2. Test that the connector has been configured correctly and that the SAP HR system can be reached:

    $ curl \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
     --request POST \
      "name" : "saphr",
      "enabled" : true,
      "config" : "config/provisioner.openicf/saphr2",
      "objectTypes" : [ "__ALL__", "employee" ],
      "connectorRef" : {
        "connectorName" : "",
        "bundleName" : "",
        "bundleVersion" : ""
      "displayName" : "Sap Connector",
      "ok" : true
  3. Retrieve a list of the existing users (with their employee number) in the SAP HR system:

    $ curl \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
     --request GET \
      "result" : [ {
        "_id" : "00000010",
        "__NAME__" : "00000010"
      }, {
        "_id" : "00000069",
        "__NAME__" : "00000069"
      }, {
        "_id" : "00000070",
        "__NAME__" : "00000070"
  4. Retrieve the complete record of an employee in the SAP HR system by including the employee's ID in the URL.

    The following command retrieves the record for employee Maria Gonzales:

    $ curl \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
     --request GET \
      "_id" : "55099307",
      "PERSONAL_DATA" : {
        "PERNO" : "55099307",
        "INFOTYPE" : "0002",
        "TO_DATE" : "Fri Dec 31 00:00:00 CET 9999",
        "FROM_DATE" : "Tue Mar 30 00:00:00 CET 1954",
        "SEQNO" : "000",
        "CH_ON" : "Thu Mar 27 00:00:00 CET 2003",
        "CHANGED_BY" : "MAYROCK",
        "LAST_NAME" : "Gonzales",
        "FIRSTNAME" : "Maria",
        "NAME_FORM" : "00",
        "FORMOFADR" : "2",
        "GENDER" : "2",
        "BIRTHDATE" : "Tue Mar 30 00:00:00 CET 1954",
        "LANGU" : "D",
        "NO_O_CHLDR" : "0",
        "BIRTHYEAR" : "1954",
        "BIRTHMONTH" : "03",
        "BIRTHDAY" : "30",
        "LASTNAME_M" : "GONZALES",
        "FSTNAME_M" : "MARIA"

The following sample commands show how the SAP connector is used to manage the email account of user Maria Gonzales, retrieved in the previous step. Management of the global UID (SYS-UNAME) works in the same way.

  1. Check if Maria Gonzales already has an email account on the SAP HR system by filtering a query on her user account for the EMAIL field:

    $ curl \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
     --request GET \
      "_id" : "55099307",

    No email account is found for Maria Gonzales.

  2. Add an email account by sending a PUT request. The JSON payload should include the email address as the value of the ID property:

    $ curl \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --request PUT \
     --data '{
      "EMAIL": { "ID": "" }
     }' \
      "_id" : "55099307",
      "EMAIL" : [ {
        "EMPLOYEENO" : "55099307",
        "SUBTYPE" : "0010",
        "VALIDEND" : "Fri Dec 31 00:00:00 CET 9999",
        "VALIDBEGIN" : "Fri March 18 00:00:00 CET 2016",
        "RECORDNR" : "000",
        "COMMTYPE" : "0010",
        "NAMEOFCOMMTYPE" : "E-mail",
        "ID" : ""
      } ],

    By default, the connector sets the VALIDBEGIN date to the current date, and the VALIDEND date to the SAP "END" date (12/31/9999). You can specify different temporal constraints by including these properties in the JSON payload, with the format YYYYMMDD. For example:

      "EMAIL": {
         "ID": ""
         "VALIDBEGIN": "20160401",
         "VALIDEND": "20161231"
  3. To change the value of an existing email account, provide a new value for the ID.

    The JSON payload of the change request must also include the RECORDNR attribute, as well as the VALIDBEGIN and VALIDEND dates, in SAP format (YYYYMMDD).

    The following example changes Maria Gonzales' email address to

    $ curl \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --request PUT \
     --data '{
      "EMAIL": {
         "ID": "",
         "RECORDNR" : "000",
         "VALIDEND" : "99991231",
         "VALIDBEGIN" : "20000101"
     }' \
  4. To change the temporal constraint (VALIDEND date) of the record, include the existing VALIDEND data in the JSON payload, and specify the new end date as a value of the DELIMIT_DATE attribute.

    The following example changes the end date of Maria Gonzale's new mail address to December 31st, 2016:

    $ curl \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --request PUT \
     --data '{
      "EMAIL": {
         "ID": "",
         "RECORDNR" : "000",
         "VALIDEND" : "99991231",
         "VALIDBEGIN" : "20000101",
         "DELIMIT_DATE": "20161231"
     }' \
  5. To delete the email address of the record, send a PUT request with the current RECORDNR, VALIDBEGIN, and VALIDEND attributes, but without the ID.

    The following request removes the email address from Maria Gonzales' record:

    $ curl \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --request PUT \
     --data '{
      "EMAIL": {
         "RECORDNR" : "000",
         "VALIDEND" : "99991231",
         "VALIDBEGIN" : "20000101"
     }' \

The SAP Connector lets you perform the following operations on SAP system user accounts:

  • List all users

  • List all activity groups (roles)

  • Manage user profiles

  • List all user companies

  • Obtain a user's details

  • Create a user

  • Update a user

  • Assign roles to a user

  • Lock a user account

  • Unlock a user account

  • Delete a user account

Currently, the SAP connector cannot detect changes on the SAP system in real time. You must run a reconciliation operation to detect changes on the SAP system.

  1. Create a connector configuration file for the SAP connector and place it in your project's conf/ directory.

    You can use this sample provisioner.openicf-sapr3.json as a guide.

    Edit that file with the connection details for your SAP R/3 system. Specifically, set at least the following properties:


    An alias to the SAP system to which you are connecting, for example, SAP1. If you are connecting to more than one SAP system, the destination property for each system must be unique.

    The sample connector configuration assumes a connection to a single SAP system, MYSAP.


    The FQDN of your SAP Application Server, for example


    Your SAP user account.


    The password of this SAP user account.


    The SAP Client number that will be used to connect to the SAP system.


    The SAP system number.


    A boolean (true/false). If true, the connection goes directly to an SAP ABAP Application server or SAP router. If false, the connection goes to a group of SAP instances, through an SAP message server.


    The IP address and port of the SAP router, if applicable. The syntax is /H/host[/S/port], for example /H/


    The maximum number of idle connections kept open by the destination. If there is no connection pooling, set this to 0. The default value is 1.

    For optimum performance, set this value to an integer between 5 and 10.

  2. The connector bundles a number of SAP-certified sample Groovy scripts:


    If necessary, you can customize these scripts to suit your deployment by extracting them from the connector JAR and updating the connector configuration to point to the new file path.

    The sample connector configuration assumes the following locations for the scripts (relative to the value of the scriptRoots property):

    "testScriptFileName" : "scripts/sap/TestSAP.groovy",
    "searchScriptFileName" : "scripts/sap/r3/SearchSAPR3.groovy",
    "createScriptFileName" : "scripts/sap/r3/CreateSAPR3.groovy",
    "updateScriptFileName" : "scripts/sap/r3/UpdateSAPR3.groovy",
    "deleteScriptFileName" : "scripts/sap/r3/DeleteSAPR3.groovy",
    "schemaScriptFileName" : "scripts/sap/r3/SchemaSAPR3.groovy",


    The Groovy scripts belong to a specific package. The parent directory where the scripts are located must be the same as the package name. So the TestSAP.groovy script must be under a scripts/sap directory (because it belongs to the scripts/sap package) and the R/3 scripts must be under a scripts/sap/r3 directory (because they belong to the r3 package).

  1. Start IDM with the configuration for your SAP R/3 project.

    This procedure assumes that the configuration is in the default path/to/openidm directory. If your SAP project is in a different directory, use the -p option with the startup command to point to that directory.

    $ cd path/to/openidm
    $ ./
  2. Test that the connector has been configured correctly and that the SAP R/3 system can be reached:

    $ curl \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
     --request POST \
      "name": "mysap",
      "enabled": true,
      "config": "config/provisioner.openicf/mysap",
      "objectTypes": [
      "connectorRef": {
        "connectorName": "",
        "bundleName": "",
        "bundleVersion": ""
      "displayName": "Sap Connector",
      "ok": true

This section provides sample commands for managing users in an SAP system.

The following command returns a list of the existing users in the SAP system, with their IDs:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request GET \
  "result": [
      "_id": "BJENSEN",
      "__NAME__": "BJENSEN"
      "_id": "DDIC",
      "__NAME__": "DDIC"
      "_id": "USER4",
      "__NAME__": "USER4"
      "_id": "USER6",
      "__NAME__": "USER6"
      "_id": "USER7",
      "__NAME__": "USER7"
  "resultCount": 9,
  "pagedResultsCookie": null,
  "totalPagedResultsPolicy": "NONE",
  "totalPagedResults": -1,
  "remainingPagedResults": -1

The following command uses the SAP connector to obtain a user's details from a target SAP system:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request GET \
    "__NAME__": "BJENSEN",
    "__ENABLE__": true,
    "__ENABLE_DATE__": "2015-09-01",
    "__DISABLE_DATE__": "2016-09-01",
    "__LOCK_OUT__": false,
    "ADDTEL": [
            "COUNTRY": "DE",
            "TELEPHONE": "19851444",
    "PROFILES": [
            "BAPIPROF": "T_ALM_CONF",
    "ISLOCKED": {
        "WRNG_LOGON": "U",
            "AGR_NAME": "MW_ADMIN",
            "FROM_DAT": "2015-07-15",
            "TO_DAT": "9999-12-31",
            "AGR_TEXT": "Middleware Administrator"
    "DEFAULTS": {
    "COMPANY": {
        "COMPANY": "SAP AG"
    "ADDRESS": {
    "UCLASS": {
        "MODDATE": "2015-07-15",
        "MODTIME": "14:22:57"
    "LOGONDATA": {
        "GLTGV": "2015-09-01",
        "GLTGB": "2016-09-01",
    "_id": "BJENSEN"

In addition to the standard user attributes, the GET request returns the following ICF operational attributes:

  • __ENABLE__ - indicates whether the account is enabled, based on the value of the LOGONDATA attribute

  • __ENABLE_DATE__ - set to the value of LOGONDATA/GLTGV (date from which the user account is valid)

  • __DISABLE_DATE__ - set to the value of LOGONDATA/GLTGB (date to which the user account is valid)

  • __LOCK_OUT__ - indicates whether the account is locked

To create a user, you must supply at least a username and password. If you do not provide a lastname, the connector uses the value of the username.

The following command creates a new SAP user, SCARTER:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --request POST \
 --data '{
    "__NAME__" : "SCARTER",
    "__PASSWORD__": "Passw0rd"
 }' \
  "_id": "SCARTER",
  "COMPANY": {
  "__LOCK_OUT__": false,
  "ADDRESS": {
  "__NAME__": "SCARTER",
    "MODDATE": "2016-04-20",
    "MODTIME": "04:14:29"
  "UCLASS": {
    "SUBSTITUTE_FROM": "0000-00-00",
    "SUBSTITUTE_UNTIL": "0000-00-00"
  "__ENABLE__": true,
    "SPDB": "H",
    "SPDA": "K",
    "DATFM": "1",
    "TIMEFM": "0"
    "WRNG_LOGON": "U",
    "LOCAL_LOCK": "U",
    "GLOB_LOCK": "U",
    "NO_USER_PW": "U"

The SAP account that is created is valid and enabled, but the password is expired by default. To log into the SAP system, the newly created user must first provide a new password.

To create a user with a valid (non-expired) password, include the __PASSWORD_EXPIRED__ attribute in the JSON payload, with a value of false. For example:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --request POST \
 --data '{
    "__NAME__" : "SCARTER",
    "__PASSWORD__": "Passw0rd",
    "__PASSWORD_EXPIRED__": false
 }' \

To create an account that is locked by default, include the __LOCK_OUT__ attribute in the JSON payload, with a value of true. For example:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --request POST \
 --data '{
    "__NAME__" : "SCARTER",
    "__PASSWORD__": "Passw0rd",
    "__LOCK_OUT__": true
 }' \
    "__NAME__": "SCARTER",
    "__ENABLE__": false,
    "__LOCK_OUT__": true,
    "LOGONDATA": {
        "GLTGV": "0000-00-00",
        "GLTGB": "0000-00-00",
        "USTYP": "A",
        "LTIME": "00:00:00",
        "BCODE": "2FC0D86C99AA5862",
        "CODVN": "B",
        "PASSCODE": "1DBBD983287D7CB4D8177B4333F439F808A395FA",
        "CODVC": "F",
        "PWDSALTEDHASH": "{x-issha, 1024}zrs3Zm/fX/l/KFGATp3kvOGlis3zLLiPmPVCDpJ9XF0=",
        "CODVS": "I"
        "MODDATE": "2015-10-01",
        "MODTIME": "15:25:18"
    "ISLOCKED": {
        "WRNG_LOGON": "U",
        "LOCAL_LOCK": "L",     // "L" indicates that the user is locked on the local system
        "GLOB_LOCK": "U",
        "NO_USER_PW": "U"

For the most part, the SAP connector uses the standard SAP schema to create a user account. The most common attributes in an SAP user account are as follows:

  • ADDRESS - user address data

  • LOGONDATA - user logon data

  • DEFAULTS - user account defaults

  • COMPANY - the company to which the user is assigned

  • REF_USER - the usernames of the Reference User

  • ALIAS - an alias for the username

  • UCLASS - license-related user classification

  • LASTMODIFIED - read-only attribute that indicates the date and time that the account was last changed

  • ISLOCKED - read-only attribute that indicates the lockout status of the account

  • IDENTITY - assignment of a personal identity to the user account

  • PROFILES - any profiles assigned to the user account (see "Managing User Profiles").

  • ACTIVITYGROUPS - activity groups assigned to the user

  • ADDTEL - telephone numbers assigned to the user

In addition, the SAP connector supports the following ICF operational attributes for CREATE requests:




The following example creates a user, KVAUGHAN, with all of the standard attributes:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --request POST \
 --data '{
    "__NAME__" : "KVAUGHAN",
    "__PASSWORD__": "Passw0rd",
    "__PASSWORD_EXPIRED__": false,
    "LOGONDATA": {
	       "GLTGV": "2016-04-01",
	       "GLTGB": "2016-12-01",
	       "USTYP": "A"
    "ADDRESS": {
	      "FIRSTNAME": "Katie",
	      "LASTNAME": "Vaughan",
	      "TEL1_NUMBR": "33297603177",
	      "E_MAIL": "",
	      "FUNCTION": "Test User"
    "COMPANY": {
    "ALIAS": {
 }' \
  "_id": "KVAUGHAN",
  "ADDRESS": {
    "PERS_NO": "0000010923",
    "ADDR_NO": "0000010765",
    "FIRSTNAME": "Katie",
    "LASTNAME": "Vaughan",
    "FULLNAME": "Katie Vaughan",
    "E_MAIL": "",
    "LANGU_CR_P": "E",
    "GLTGV": "2016-04-01",
    "GLTGB": "2016-12-01",
  "COMPANY": {
  "__ENABLE__": true,
  "ADDTEL": [
    "WRNG_LOGON": "U",
    "LOCAL_LOCK": "U",
    "GLOB_LOCK": "U",
    "NO_USER_PW": "U"
  "UCLASS": {
    "SUBSTITUTE_FROM": "0000-00-00",
    "SUBSTITUTE_UNTIL": "0000-00-00"
  "ALIAS": {
  "__NAME__": "KVAUGHAN",
  "__LOCK_OUT__": false,
    "MODDATE": "2016-04-20",
    "MODTIME": "04:55:08"
  "__ENABLE_DATE__": "2016-04-01",      // (Value of LOGONDATA/GLTGV)
    "SPDB": "H",
    "SPDA": "K",
    "DATFM": "1",
    "TIMEFM": "0"
  "__DISABLE_DATE__": "2016-12-01"     // (Value of LOGONDATA/GLTGB)

The following sections provide sample commands for updating an existing user account.

To lock or unlock a user's account, send a PUT request, and set the value of the user's __LOCK_OUT__ attribute to true.

The following example locks user KVAUGHAN's account:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --header "If-Match: *" \
 --request PUT \
 --data '{
    "__LOCK_OUT__": true
 }' \

The following example unlocks KVAUGHAN's account:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --header "If-Match: *" \
 --request PUT \
 --data '{
    "__LOCK_OUT__": false
 }' \

To update a user's standard attributes, send a PUT request to the user ID. The JSON payload must respect the structure for each attribute, as indicated in "Schema Used by the SAP Connector For User Accounts".

The following command updates the ADDRESS attribute of user KVAUGHAN:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --header "If-Match: *" \
 --request PUT \
 --data '{
    "ADDRESS": {
        "FIRSTNAME": "Katie",
        "LASTNAME": "Vaughan",
        "FULLNAME": "Katie Vaughan",
        "FUNCTION": "Administrator",
        "TITLE": "Company",
        "NAME": "EXAMPLE.COM",
        "CITY": "San Francisco",
        "POSTL_COD1": "94105",
        "STREET": "Sacramento St",
        "HOUSE_NO": "2912",
        "COUNTRY": "US",
        "COUNTRYISO": "US",
        "LANGU": "E",
        "LANGU_ISO": "EN",
        "REGION": "CA",
        "TIME_ZONE": "PST",
        "TEL1_NUMBR": "33297603177",
        "E_MAIL": "",
        "LANGU_CR_P": "E",
        "LANGUCPISO": "EN"
}' \

To reset the user's password, provide the new password as the value of the __PASSWORD__ attribute, in a PUT request. The following command resets KVAUGHAN's password to MyPassw0rd:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --header "If-Match: *" \
 --request PUT \
 --data '{
    "__PASSWORD__": "MyPassw0rd"
 }' \

Note that unless you set the __PASSWORD_EXPIRED__ attribute to false, the user will be required to reset her password the next time she logs into the SAP system.

The following command resets KVAUGHAN's password to MyPassw0rd, and ensures that she does not have to reset her password the next time she logs in:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request PUT \
 --data '{
    "__PASSWORD__": "MyPassw0rd",
    "__PASSWORD_EXPIRED__": false

To delete a user account, send a DELETE request to the user ID. The following example deletes KVAUGHAN:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request DELETE \

The command returns the complete user object that was deleted.

An SAP system uses profiles to manage authorization. The following examples demonstrate how to add, change, and remove a user's profiles.

Profiles are added as an array of one or more objects.

The following command creates a user BJENSEN, with the system administrator profile (S_A.SYSTEM):

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --request POST \
 --data '{
    "__NAME__" : "BJENSEN",
    "__PASSWORD__": "Passw0rd",
    "__PASSWORD_EXPIRED__": false,
    "PROFILES": [
        {"BAPIPROF": "S_A.SYSTEM"}
 }' \
  "_id": "BJENSEN",
  "COMPANY": {
      "BAPIPTEXT": "System administrator (Superuser)",
      "BAPITYPE": "S",
      "BAPIAKTPS": "A"
  "__NAME__": "BJENSEN"

Note that the additional information regarding that profile is added to the user account automatically.

To update a user's profiles, send a PUT request to the user's ID, specifying the new profiles as an array of values for the PROFILES attribute. The values provided in the PUT request will replace the current profiles, so you must include the existing profiles in the request.

The following example adds the SAP_ALL profile to user BJENSEN's account:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --header "If-Match: *" \
 --request PUT \
 --data '{
   "PROFILES": [
      {"BAPIPROF": "S_A.SYSTEM"},
      {"BAPIPROF": "SAP_ALL"}
}' \
  "_id": "BJENSEN",
  "COMPANY": {
      "BAPIPROF": "SAP_ALL",
      "BAPIPTEXT": "All SAP System authorizations",
      "BAPITYPE": "C",
      "BAPIAKTPS": "A"
      "BAPIPTEXT": "System administrator (Superuser)",
      "BAPITYPE": "S",
      "BAPIAKTPS": "A"
  "__NAME__": "BJENSEN"

To remove all profiles from a user's account, update the account with an empty array. The following example removes all profiles from BJENSEN's account:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --header "If-Match: *" \
 --request PUT \
 --data '{
   "PROFILES": []
}' \

  "_id": "BJENSEN",
  "COMPANY": {
  "__NAME__": "BJENSEN"

The output shows no PROFILES attribute, as this attribute is now empty for this user.

SAP user roles (or activity groups) are an alternative mechanism to grant authorization to an SAP system. Essentially, a role encapsulates a set of one or more profiles.

Roles can be granted with temporal constraints, that is, a period during which the role is valid. If no temporal constraints are specified, the SAP connector sets the FROM date to the current date and the TO date to 9999-12-31.

Roles are added as an array of one or more objects.

The following command creates a user SCARTER, with two roles: SAP_AUDITOR_SA_CCM_USR and SAP_ALM_ADMINISTRATOR. The auditor role has a temporal constraint, and is valid only from May 1st, 2016 to April 30th, 2017. The format of the temporal constraint is YYYY-mm-dd:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --request POST \
 --data '{
    "__NAME__" : "SCARTER",
    "__PASSWORD__": "Passw0rd",
    "__PASSWORD_EXPIRED__": false,
            "FROM_DAT": "2016-05-01",
            "TO_DAT": "2017-04-30"
 }' \
  "_id": "SCARTER",
  "COMPANY": {
      "BAPIPTEXT": "Profile for the Role SAP_ALM_ADMINISTRATOR",
      "BAPITYPE": "G",
      "BAPIAKTPS": "A"
      "FROM_DAT": "2016-04-20",
      "TO_DAT": "9999-12-31",
      "AGR_TEXT": "Alert Management Administrator"
      "FROM_DAT": "2016-05-01",
      "TO_DAT": "2017-04-30",
      "AGR_TEXT": "AIS - System Audit - Users and Authorizations"
  "__NAME__": "SCARTER"

When a role is granted, the corresponding profiles are attached to the user account automatically.

To update a user's roles, send a PUT request to the user's ID, specifying the new roles as an array of values of the ACTIVITYGROUPS attribute. The values provided in the PUT request will replace the current ACTIVITYGROUPS.

The following example removes the SAP_AUDITOR_SA_CCM_USR role and changes the temporal constraints on the SAP_ALM_ADMINISTRATOR role for SCARTER's account:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --header "If-Match: *" \
 --request PUT \
 --data '{
      "FROM_DAT": "2015-06-02",
      "TO_DAT": "2016-06-02"
}' \
  "_id": "SCARTER",
  "COMPANY": {
      "BAPIPTEXT": "Profile for the Role SAP_ALM_ADMINISTRATOR",
      "BAPITYPE": "G",
      "BAPIAKTPS": "A"
      "FROM_DAT": "2015-06-02",
      "TO_DAT": "2016-06-02",
      "AGR_TEXT": "Alert Management Administrator"
  "__NAME__": "SCARTER"

To remove all roles from a user's account, update the value of the ACTIVITYGROUPS attribute with an empty array. The following example removes all roles from SCARTER's account:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --header "If-Match: *" \
 --request PUT \
 --data '{
}' \
  "_id": "SCARTER",
  "COMPANY": {
    "MODDATE": "2016-04-21",
    "MODTIME": "04:27:00"
  "__NAME__": "SCARTER"

The output shows no ACTIVITYGROUPS attribute, as this attribute is now empty.

The SAP connector supports an SNC (Secure Network Connection) configuration. SNC is a software layer in the SAP System architecture that provides an interface to an external security product.

For a list of the configuration properties specific to SNC, see "SAP Secure Network Connection Configuration Properties".

For PATCH requests, a connector can potentially add, remove, or replace an attribute value. The SAP connector implements the add, remove, and replace operations but the sample scripts provided with the connector implement only the replace operation. If you use these sample scripts, a PATCH request will therefore always replace the entire attribute value with the new value.

Synchronization of passwords to the SAP system requires that you configure SNC and SSO. If you do not configure these two elements correctly, passwords that are updated by IDM are set as initial passwords rather than productive passwords, and users are forced to change their passwords on login.

  1. To configure the SAP connector to use SNC, set the sncMode property to "1".

    To configure the connector to use SSO with SNC, set the sncSSO property to "1".

  2. The logon session during which a productive password is set must be secured using the authentication method Single Sign-On (SSO) using Secure Network Communications (SNC). IDM must request and receive an SSO logon ticket from the SAP system to allow the BAPI_USER_CHANGE process to set a productive password. For more information, see the corresponding SAP Note 1287410 at

    To configure the connector to request this logon ticket, set the value of the x509Cert property as follows:

    • If you are using an X509 certificate to negotiate with the SAP server, set the x509Cert property to the base 64-encoded certificate.

      Note that the certificate must be a valid, CA-signed certificate. You cannot use a self-signed certificate here.

    • If you are not using an X509 certificate to negotiate with the SAP server, set the x509Cert property to null.

      In this case, the connector will use the user and password specified in the connector configuration to request the SSO logon ticket.

The SAP Connector implements the following OpenICF interfaces.


Provides simple authentication with two parameters, presumed to be a user name and password.


Creates an object and its uid.


Deletes an object, referenced by its uid.

Resolve Username

Resolves an object by its username and returns the uid of the object.


Describes the object types, operations, and options that the connector supports.

Script on Connector

Enables an application to run a script in the context of the connector. Any script that runs on the connector has the following characteristics:

  • The script runs in the same execution environment as the connector and has access to all the classes to which the connector has access.

  • The script has access to a connector variable that is equivalent to an initialized instance of the connector. At a minimum, the script can access the connector configuration.

  • The script has access to any script-arguments passed in by the application.

Script on Resource

Runs a script on the target resource that is managed by this connector.


Searches the target resource for all objects that match the specified object class and filter.


Polls the target resource for synchronization events, that is, native changes to objects on the target resource.


Tests the connector configuration. Testing a configuration checks all elements of the environment that are referred to by the configuration are available. For example, the connector might make a physical connection to a host that is specified in the configuration to verify that it exists and that the credentials that are specified in the configuration are valid.

This operation might need to connect to a resource, and, as such, might take some time. Do not invoke this operation too often, such as before every provisioning operation. The test operation is not intended to check that the connector is alive (that is, that its physical connection to the resource has not timed out).

You can invoke the test operation before a connector configuration has been validated.


Updates (modifies or replaces) objects on a target resource.

The SAP Connector has the following configurable properties.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
createScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the CREATE operation.

customizerScriptFileName String null

The script used to customize some function of the connector. Read the documentation for more details.

resolveUsernameScriptFileName String null
Resolve Username

The name of the file used to perform the RESOLVE_USERNAME operation.

updateScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the UPDATE operation.

schemaScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the SCHEMA operation.

authenticateScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the AUTHENTICATE operation.

scriptOnResourceScriptFileName String null
Script On Resource

The name of the file used to perform the RUNSCRIPTONRESOURCE operation.

deleteScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the DELETE operation.

searchScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the SEARCH operation.

testScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the TEST operation.

syncScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the SYNC operation.

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
targetDirectory File null

Directory into which to write classes.

warningLevel int 1

Warning Level of the compiler

scriptExtensions String[] ['groovy']

Gets the extensions used to find groovy files

scriptBaseClass String null

Base class name for scripts (must derive from Script)

scriptRoots String[] null

The root folder to load the scripts from. If the value is null or empty the classpath value is used.

tolerance int 10

The error tolerance, which is the number of non-fatal errors (per unit) that should be tolerated before compilation is aborted.

disabledGlobalASTTransformations String[] null

Sets a list of global AST transformations which should not be loaded even if they are defined in META-INF/org.codehaus.groovy.transform.ASTTransformation files. By default, none is disabled.

sourceEncoding String UTF-8

Encoding for source files

recompileGroovySource boolean false

If set to true recompilation is enabled

minimumRecompilationInterval int 100

Sets the minimum of time after a script can be recompiled.

debug boolean false

If true, debugging code should be activated

classpath String[] []

Classpath for use during compilation.

verbose boolean false

If true, the compiler should produce action information

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
customSensitiveConfiguration GuardedString null

Custom Sensitive Configuration script for Groovy ConfigSlurper

customConfiguration String null

Custom Configuration script for Groovy ConfigSlurper

x509Cert String null

The X509 certificate supplied for authentication.

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
asHost String null

The FQDN of your SAP Application Server, for example

gwHost String null

SAP gateway host name

gwServ String null

SAP gateway service

user String null

SAP Logon user

password GuardedString null

SAP Logon password

client String 000

SAP client

systemNumber String 00

SAP system number

language String EN

SAP Logon language

destination String OPENIDM

SAP JCo destination name

directConnection boolean true

If true, direct connection to an SAP ABAP Application server or SAP router. If false connection to a group of SAP instances through an SAP message server

sapRouter String null

SAP router string to use for a system protected by a firewall. (/H/host[/S/port])

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
trace String 0

Enable/disable RFC trace (0 or 1)

cpicTrace String 0

Enable/disable CPIC trace [0..3]

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
msHost String null

Specifies the host that the message server is running on

group String null

Specifies the group name of the application servers, used when you log in to a logon group that uses load balancing

msServ String null

Name of the service where the message server can be reached

r3Name String null

Specifies the name of the SAP system, used when you log in to a logon group that uses load balancing

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
sncMode String 0

Flag used to activate SNC. Possible values are 0 (OFF) and 1 (ON).

sncQoP String 3

Specifies the security level to use for the connection. Possible values are 1 - Authentication only, 2 - Integrity protection, 3 - Privacy protection, 8 - Use the value from snc/data_protection/use on the application server, 9 - Use the value from snc/data_protection/max on the application server

sncLibrary String null

Specifies the path to the external library that provides Secure Network Connection service. The default is the system-defined library as defined in the environment variable SNC_LIB.

sncPartnerName String null

Specifies the AS ABAP SNC name, for example, "p:CN=ABC, O=MyCompany, C=US". You can find the application server SNC name in the profile parameter snc/identity/as on the AS ABAP.

sncMyName String null

Specifies the connector SNC name, for example, "p:CN=OpenIDM, O=MyCompany, C=US". This parameter is optional, but you should set it to make sure that the correct SNC name is used for the connection.

sncSSO String 0

Specifies whether the connection should be configured for single sign-on (SSO). Possible values are 0 (OFF) and 1 (ON).

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
poolCapacity String 1

Maximum number of idle connections kept open by the destination. 0 = no connection pooling. Default is 1.

expirationTime String 60000

Time in ms after that a free connection can be closed. Default is one minute.

maxGetTime String 30000

Maximum time in ms to wait for a connection, if the maximum allowed number of connections is allocated by the pool. Default is 30 seconds.

peakLimit String 0

Maximum number of active connections that can be created for a destination simultaneously. The default is 0 (unlimited).

expirationPeriod String 60000

Period in ms after that the destination checks the released connections for expiration. Default is one minute

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

The SSH connector is an implementation of the Scripted Groovy Connector Toolkit, and is based on Java Secure Channel (JSch) and the Java implementation of the Expect library (Expect4j). This connector lets you interact with any SSH server, using Groovy scripts for the ICF operations.

The SSH connector is a poolable connector. This means that each connector instance is placed into a connection pool every time an action is completed. Subsequent actions can re-use connector instances from the connector pool. When a new connector instance is created, a new SSH client connection is created against the target SSH server. This SSH connection remains open as long as the connector instance is in the connection pool. Note that when a new action is performed, it finds the SSH connection in the exact state that it was left by the previous action.

The following image shows the relationship between SSH connector instances and SSH connections to the target server:

SSH Connector Instances and SSH Connections

The SSH connector authenticates to the SSH server using either a login/password or a public/private key. The authentication method is specified in the authenticationType property in the connector configuration file (conf/provisioner.openicf-ssh.json).

Authenticating with a login and password

To authenticate with a login and password, set the authenticationType to PASSWORD in the connector configuration file, and set a user and password. For example:

"configurationProperties" : {
    "authenticationType" : "PASSWORD",
    "user" : "<USERNAME>",
    "password" : "<PASSWORD>",

The password is encrypted when IDM loads the provisioner file.

Authenticating with a passphrase and private key

To authenticate with a secure certificate, generate a pair of public/private keys. Install the public key on the server side and the private key on the IDM host (where the connector is located). Set the authenticationType to PUBKEY in the connector configuration file and set the user, password, passphrase and privateKey properties. For example:

"configurationProperties" : {
    "authenticationType" : "PUBKEY",
    "user" : "<USERNAME>",
    "password" : "<PASSWORD>",
    "passphrase" : "secret",
    "privateKey" : ["-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY-----",
              "-----END DSA PRIVATE KEY-----"

The default value for the passphrase property is null. If you do not set a passphrase for the private key, the passphrase value must be equal to an empty string.

You must set a value for the password property, because the connector uses sudo to perform actions on the SSH server.

The private key (PEM certificate) must be defined as a JSON String array.

The values of the passphrase, password and privateKey are encrypted when IDM loads the provisioner file.

IDM provides a sample connector configuration (provisioner.openicf-ssh.json) in the /path/to/openidm/samples/ssh/conf/ directory. You can copy the sample connector configuration to your project's conf/ directory, and adjust it to match your Kerberos environment.

Set the authentication properties, as described in "Configuring Authentication to the SSH Server". In addition, set at least the following properties:


Specify the hostname or IP address of the SSH server.


Set the port on which the SSH server listens.

Default: 22


The username of the account that connects to the SSH server.

This account must be able to ssh into the server, with the password provided in the next parameter.


The password of the account that is used to connect to the SSH server.


A string representing the remote SSH session prompt. This must be the exact prompt string, in the format username@target:, for example admin@myserver:~$ . Include any trailing spaces.

The following list describes the configuration properties of the SSH connector shown in the sample connector configuration file. You can generally use the defaults provided in the sample connector configuration file, in most cases. For a complete list of all the configuration properties of the SSH connector, see "Configuration properties".


A string that shows the full path to the sudo command, for example /usr/bin/sudo.


If set to true (the default), the input command echo is disabled. If set to false, every character that is sent to the server is sent back to the client in the expect() call.


Sets the terminal type to use for the session. The list of supported types is determined by your Linux/UNIX system. For more information, see the terminfo manual page ($ man terminfo).

Default: vt102


If set to true, indicates that the default environment locale should be changed to the value of the locale property.

Default: false


Sets the locale for the LC_ALL, LANG and LANGUAGE environment variables, if setLocale is set to true.

Default: en_US.utf8


Specifies the connection timeout to the remote server, in milliseconds.

Default: 5000


Specifies the timeout used by the expect() calls in scripts, in milliseconds.

Default: 5000


Sets the authentication type, either PASSWORD or PUBKEY. For more information, see "Configuring Authentication to the SSH Server".



If true, the connector throws an exception when the expectTimeout is reached for an operation. Otherwise, the operation fails silently.

Default: true


The path to the Groovy scripts that will perform the ICF operations, relative to your IDM installation directory. The sample connector configuration expects the scripts in project-dir/tools, so this parameter is set to &{idm.instance.dir}/tools in the sample configuration.


The directory in which the compiler should look for compiled classes. The default classpath, if not is specified, is install-dir/lib.


By default, scripts are loaded and compiled when a connector instance is created and initialized. Setting reloadScriptOnExecution to true makes the connector load and compile the script every time it is called. Do not set this property to true in a production environment, because it will have a significant impact on performance.

Default: false


The name of the Groovy script that is used for each ICF operation.

The SSH Connector implements the following OpenICF interfaces.


Provides simple authentication with two parameters, presumed to be a user name and password.


Creates an object and its uid.


Deletes an object, referenced by its uid.

Resolve Username

Resolves an object by its username and returns the uid of the object.


Describes the object types, operations, and options that the connector supports.

Script on Connector

Enables an application to run a script in the context of the connector. Any script that runs on the connector has the following characteristics:

  • The script runs in the same execution environment as the connector and has access to all the classes to which the connector has access.

  • The script has access to a connector variable that is equivalent to an initialized instance of the connector. At a minimum, the script can access the connector configuration.

  • The script has access to any script-arguments passed in by the application.

Script on Resource

Runs a script on the target resource that is managed by this connector.


Searches the target resource for all objects that match the specified object class and filter.


Polls the target resource for synchronization events, that is, native changes to objects on the target resource.


Tests the connector configuration. Testing a configuration checks all elements of the environment that are referred to by the configuration are available. For example, the connector might make a physical connection to a host that is specified in the configuration to verify that it exists and that the credentials that are specified in the configuration are valid.

This operation might need to connect to a resource, and, as such, might take some time. Do not invoke this operation too often, such as before every provisioning operation. The test operation is not intended to check that the connector is alive (that is, that its physical connection to the resource has not timed out).

You can invoke the test operation before a connector configuration has been validated.


Updates (modifies or replaces) objects on a target resource.

The SSH Connector has the following configurable properties.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
customSensitiveConfiguration GuardedString null

Description is not available

createScriptFileName String null

Description is not available

targetDirectory File null

Description is not available

customizerScriptFileName String null

Description is not available

warningLevel int 1

Description is not available

authenticateScriptFileName String null

Description is not available

scriptExtensions String[] ['groovy']

Description is not available

scriptOnResourceScriptFileName String null
Script On Resource

Description is not available

minimumRecompilationInterval int 100

Description is not available

deleteScriptFileName String null

Description is not available

scriptBaseClass String null

Description is not available

scriptRoots String[] null

Description is not available

customConfiguration String null

Description is not available

resolveUsernameScriptFileName String null
Resolve Username

Description is not available

searchScriptFileName String null

Description is not available

tolerance int 10

Description is not available

updateScriptFileName String null

Description is not available

debug boolean false

Description is not available

classpath String[] []

Description is not available

disabledGlobalASTTransformations String[] null

Description is not available

schemaScriptFileName String null

Description is not available

verbose boolean false

Description is not available

testScriptFileName String null

Description is not available

sourceEncoding String UTF-8

Description is not available

syncScriptFileName String null

Description is not available

recompileGroovySource boolean false

Description is not available

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
host String null

The hostname to connect to

port int 22

TCP port to use (defaults to 22)

user String null

The user name used to login to remote server

password GuardedString null

The password used to login to remote server

passphrase GuardedString null

The passphrase used to read the private key when using Public Key authentication

privateKey String[] []

The base 64 encoded value (PEM) of the private key used for Public Key authentication

authenticationType String PASSWORD

Defines which authentication type should be use: PASSWORD or PUBKEY (defaults to PASSWORD)

prompt String root@localhost:#

A string representing the remote SSH session prompt (defaults to root@localhost:# )

sudoCommand String /usr/bin/sudo

A string representing the sudo command (defaults to /usr/bin/sudo)

echoOff boolean true

Disable the input command echo (default to true)

terminalType String vt102

Defines the terminal type to use for the session (default to vt102)

locale String en_US.utf8

Define the locale for LC_ALL, LANG and LANGUAGE environment variables to use if setLocale=true

setLocale boolean false

Defines if the default environment locale should be changed with the value provided for locale (defaults to false)

connectionTimeout int 5000

Defines the connection timeout to the remote server in milliseconds (default to 5000)

expectTimeout long 5000

Defines the timeout used by the expect() calls in the scripts in milliseconds (default to 5000)

throwOperationTimeoutException boolean true

Defines if an OperationTimeoutException should be thrown if any call to expect times out (defaults to true)

promptReadyTimeout long 20

Defines the "prompt ready" timeout for the promptReady() command in milliseconds (default to 20)

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

IDM bundles a Google Apps connector, along with a sample connector configuration. The Google Apps connector lets you interact with Google's web applications.

The Google Apps connector is subject to the API Limits and Quotas that are imposed by Google. The connector also adheres to the implementation guidelines set out by Google for implementing exponential backoff.

The Google Apps connector uses OAuth2 to authorize the connection to the Google service. To use this authorization mechanism, you must supply a clientId and clientSecret in order to obtain an access token from Google. You can obtain the clientId and clientKey from the Google Developers Console after you have configured your Web Application.

A sample Google Apps connector configuration file is provided in samples/example-configurations/provisioners/provisioner.openicf-google.json

The following is an excerpt of the provisioner configuration file. This example shows an excerpt of the provisioner configuration. The default location of the connector .jar is openidm/connectors. Therefore the value of the connectorHostRef property must be "#LOCAL":

    "connectorHostRef": "#LOCAL",
    "connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.googleapps.GoogleAppsConnector",
    "bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.googleapps-connector",
    "bundleVersion": "[,"

The following excerpt shows the required configuration properties:

"configurationProperties": {
    "domain": "",
    "clientId": "",
    "clientSecret": null,
    "refreshToken": null

These configuration properties are fairly straightforward:


Set to the domain name for OAuth 2-based authorization.


A client identifier, as issued by the OAuth 2 authorization server. For more information, see the following section of RFC 6749: Client Identifier.


Sometimes also known as the client password. OAuth 2 authorization servers can support the use of clientId and clientSecret credentials, as noted in the following section of RFC 6749: Client Password.


A client can use an OAuth 2 refresh token to continue accessing resources. For more information, see the following section of RFC 6749: Refresh Tokens.

For a sample Google Apps configuration that includes OAuth 2-based entries for configurationProperties, see "Synchronizing Accounts With the Google Apps Connector" in the Samples Guide.

The GoogleApps Connector implements the following OpenICF interfaces.


Creates an object and its uid.


Deletes an object, referenced by its uid.


Describes the object types, operations, and options that the connector supports.

Script on Connector

Enables an application to run a script in the context of the connector. Any script that runs on the connector has the following characteristics:

  • The script runs in the same execution environment as the connector and has access to all the classes to which the connector has access.

  • The script has access to a connector variable that is equivalent to an initialized instance of the connector. At a minimum, the script can access the connector configuration.

  • The script has access to any script-arguments passed in by the application.


Searches the target resource for all objects that match the specified object class and filter.


Tests the connector configuration. Testing a configuration checks all elements of the environment that are referred to by the configuration are available. For example, the connector might make a physical connection to a host that is specified in the configuration to verify that it exists and that the credentials that are specified in the configuration are valid.

This operation might need to connect to a resource, and, as such, might take some time. Do not invoke this operation too often, such as before every provisioning operation. The test operation is not intended to check that the connector is alive (that is, that its physical connection to the resource has not timed out).

You can invoke the test operation before a connector configuration has been validated.


Updates (modifies or replaces) objects on a target resource.

The GoogleApps Connector has the following configurable properties.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
domain String null

Internet domain name. See

clientId String null

Client identifier issued to the client during the registration process.

clientSecret GuardedString null

Client secret issued to the client during the registration process.

refreshToken GuardedString null

The refresh token allows you to get a new access token that is good for another hour. Refresh tokens never expire, they can only be revoked by the user or programatically by your app.

proxyHost String null

Defines an HTTP proxy host to use with the connection (example: "").

proxyPort int 8080

Defines an HTTP proxy port to use with the connection (defaults to 8080).

validateCertificate boolean true

Validate the server certificate from the local truststore (defaults to true).

usersMaxResults int 100

Maximum number of Users to return. Acceptable values are 1 to 500, inclusive.

groupsMaxResults int 200

Maximum number of Groups to return. Acceptable values are 1 to 200, inclusive.

membersMaxResults int 200

Maximum number of Members to return. Acceptable values are greater than 1

listProductMaxResults long 100

Maximum number of Licenses to return. Acceptable values are 1 to 1000, inclusive.

listProductAndSkuMaxResults long 100

Maximum number of Licenses to return. Acceptable values are 1 to 1000, inclusive.

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

If the IDM server is hosted behind a firewall and requests to the Google Apps server are routed through a proxy, you must specify the proxy host and port in the connector configuration so that the connector can pass this information to the lower Google API.

To specify the proxy server details, set the proxyHost, proxyPort and validateCertificate properties in the connector configuration. For example:

"configurationProperties": {
    "proxyHost": "",
    "proxyPort": 8080,
    "validateCertificate": true,

The validateCertificate property indicates whether the proxy server should validate the server certificate from the local truststore.

The Google Apps connector uses the Google Enterprise License Manager and Directory APIs to perform CRUD operations against resources within a Google Apps domain.

The following table lists the resource types that are supported by the Google Apps connector:

ICF Native TypeGoogle Resource TypeNaming Attribute

The Google Apps connector is subject to the following functional limitations:

  • The connector does not implement the ICF Sync operation so you cannot use the connector for liveSync of supported Google Apps resources to IDM managed objects.

  • The connector does not implement the Authenticate operation so you cannot use the connector to perform pass-through authentication between IDM and a Google Apps domain. You can also not use this connector to perform password Change operations (as opposed to password Reset) because the connector cannot authenticate on behalf of the end user.

  • Support for Filters when performing Search operations is limited to those attributes described in "Supported Search Filters".

  • Google Apps creates a new User Alias each time the primaryEmail address associated with the User object is modified. You cannot delete User Aliases with the Google Apps connector so you must manage Aliases directly from within the Google Apps console.

  • The Google Apps connector does not support custom schemas. The connector is therefore not able to read or update attributes associated with custom schemas in your Google Apps domain.

  • For PATCH requests, a connector can potentially add, remove, or replace an attribute value. The Google Apps connector does not implement the add or remove operations, so a PATCH request always replaces the entire attribute value with the new value.

The Google Apps connector supports filtered searches against Google Apps resources. However, limitations imposed by the APIs provided by the Google Apps Admin SDK prevent filtering of resource types based on arbitrary attributes and values.

The following filter operators and attributes are supported for Search operations with the Google Apps connector:

Object TypeOperatorsAttributes
__ACCOUNT__And, Contains, StartsWith, EqualsprimaryEmail
__GROUP__Contains, Equalsemail

The Kerberos connector is an implementation of the SSH connector, and is based on Java Secure Channel (JSch) and the Java implementation of the Expect library (Expect4j). The connector depends on the following files, provided with IDM:

  • /path/to/openidm/lib/ssh-connector-

  • /path/to/openidm/lib/expect4j-<version>.jar

  • /path/to/openidm/lib/jsch-<version>.jar

The Kerberos connector lets you manage Kerberos user principals from IDM. The connector is provided in /path/to/openidm/connectors/kerberos-connector- and bundles a number of Groovy scripts to interact with a Kerberos admin server. Users of the Kerberos connector are not expected to edit the bundled Groovy scripts. The bundled scripts use the kadmin utility to communicate with the Kerberos server.

The Kerberos connector lets you perform the following operations on Kerberos user principals.

  • List the existing principals

  • Display the details of a principal

  • Add a user principal

  • Change the password of a user principal and unlock the principal

  • Delete a user principal

The Kerberos connector can only be used to manage the Kerberos principal object type (which maps to the ICF __ACCOUNT__ object). The following attributes are supported in the schema:

  • principal - (maps to __NAME__ and __UID__)

  • __PASSWORD__ - updatable, required when an object is created

  • __LOCK_OUT__ - updatable only; unlock an account by setting this attribute to false

  • policy - the password policy used by the principal

  • expirationDate - the date that the user principal expires

  • passwordExpiration - the date that the password expires

  • maximumTicketLife - the maximum ticket life for the principal. At the end of the ticket lifetime, the ticket can no longer be used. However, if the renewable lifetime (maximumRenewableLife) is longer than the ticket lifetime, the ticket holder can present the ticket to the KDC and request a new ticket.

  • maximumRenewableLife - the period during which the ticket can be renewed. A renewed ticket usually has a new ticket lifetime, dating from the time that it was renewed, that is constrained by the renewable ticket lifetime.

In addition, the following read-only attributes are supported:

  • lastPasswordChange

  • lastModified

  • lastSuccessfulAuthentication

  • lastFailedAuthentication

  • failedPasswordAttempts

A sample connector configuration (provisioner.openicf-kerberos.json) is provided in the /path/to/openidm/samples/sync-with-kerberos/conf/ directory. You can copy the sample connector configuration to your project's conf/ directory, and adjust it to match your Kerberos environment.

Set the authentication properties, as described in "Configuring Authentication to the SSH Server". In addition, set at least the following properties:


Specify the details of the user principal and the default realm here. The sample provisioner file has the following custom configuration:

"customConfiguration" : "kadmin{
  cmd = '/usr/sbin/kadmin.local';
  user = '<KADMIN USERNAME>';
  default_realm = '<REALM, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM>'

A complete custom configuration will look something like this:

"customConfiguration" : "kadmin {
       cmd = '/usr/sbin/kadmin.local';
       user = 'openidm/admin';
       default_realm = 'EXAMPLE.COM' }",

Set the password for the user principal here. The sample provisioner has the following configuration:

"customSensitiveConfiguration" : "kadmin {
        password = '<KADMIN PASSWORD>'}",

Change this to reflect your user principal password, for example:

"customSensitiveConfiguration" : "kadmin {
        password = 'Passw0rd'}"

The following section describes the configuration parameters in the sample Kerberos connector configuration. For a complete list of the configuration properties for the Kerberos connector, see "Configuration properties":


The host name or IP address of the SSH server on which the kadmin command is run.


The port number on which the SSH server listens.

Default: 22 (the default SSH port)


The username of the account that is used to connect to the SSH server.


This is not the same as your Kerberos user principal. This account must be able to ssh into the server on which Kerberos is running, with the password provided in the next parameter.


The password of the account that is used to connect to the SSH server.


A string representing the remote SSH session prompt. This must be the exact prompt string, in the format username@target:, for example root@localhost:~$ .

If the prompt includes a trailing space, you must include the space in the value of this property.

Consider customizing your Linux prompt with the PS1 and PS2 variables, to set a safe prompt. For information about customizing promtps, see this article.


A string that shows the full path to the sudo command, for example /usr/bin/sudo.


If set to true (the default), the input command echo is disabled. If set to false, every character that is sent to the server is sent back to the client in the expect() call.


Sets the terminal type to use for the session. The list of supported types is determined by your Linux/UNIX system. For more information, see the terminfo manual page ($ man terminfo).

Default: vt102


If set to true, indicates that the default environment locale should be changed to the value of the locale property.

Default: false


Sets the locale for LC_ALL, LANG and LANGUAGE environment variables, if setLocale is set to true.

Default: en_US.utf8


Specifies the connection timeout to the remote server, in milliseconds.

Default: 5000


Specifies the timeout used by the expect() calls in scripts, in milliseconds.

Default: 5000


Sets the authentication type, either PASSWORD or PUBKEY. For more information, see "Configuring Authentication to the SSH Server".



If true, the connector throws an exception when the timeout is reached for an operation. Otherwise, the operation fails silently.

Default: true


The path to the Groovy scripts that will perform the ICF operations, relative to your installation directory. For the Kerberos connector, the scripts are bundled up in the connector JAR file, so this path is set to jar:file:connectors/kerberos-connector-!/script/kerberos/ in the sample connector configuration.


The directory in which the compiler should look for compiled classes. The default classpath, if not is specified, is install-dir/lib.


By default, scripts are loaded and compiled when a connector instance is created and initialized. Setting reloadScriptOnExecution to true makes the connector load and compile the script every time it is called. Do not set this property to true in a production environment, because it will have a significant impact on performance.

Default: false


The script that is used for each ICF operation. Do not change these script names in the bundled Kerberos connector.

The Kerberos Connector implements the following OpenICF interfaces.


Provides simple authentication with two parameters, presumed to be a user name and password.


Creates an object and its uid.


Deletes an object, referenced by its uid.

Resolve Username

Resolves an object by its username and returns the uid of the object.


Describes the object types, operations, and options that the connector supports.

Script on Connector

Enables an application to run a script in the context of the connector. Any script that runs on the connector has the following characteristics:

  • The script runs in the same execution environment as the connector and has access to all the classes to which the connector has access.

  • The script has access to a connector variable that is equivalent to an initialized instance of the connector. At a minimum, the script can access the connector configuration.

  • The script has access to any script-arguments passed in by the application.

Script on Resource

Runs a script on the target resource that is managed by this connector.


Searches the target resource for all objects that match the specified object class and filter.


Polls the target resource for synchronization events, that is, native changes to objects on the target resource.


Tests the connector configuration. Testing a configuration checks all elements of the environment that are referred to by the configuration are available. For example, the connector might make a physical connection to a host that is specified in the configuration to verify that it exists and that the credentials that are specified in the configuration are valid.

This operation might need to connect to a resource, and, as such, might take some time. Do not invoke this operation too often, such as before every provisioning operation. The test operation is not intended to check that the connector is alive (that is, that its physical connection to the resource has not timed out).

You can invoke the test operation before a connector configuration has been validated.


Updates (modifies or replaces) objects on a target resource.

The Kerberos Connector has the following configurable properties.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
customSensitiveConfiguration GuardedString null

Description is not available

createScriptFileName String null

Description is not available

targetDirectory File null

Description is not available

customizerScriptFileName String null

Description is not available

warningLevel int 1

Description is not available

authenticateScriptFileName String null

Description is not available

scriptExtensions String[] ['groovy']

Description is not available

scriptOnResourceScriptFileName String null
Script On Resource

Description is not available

minimumRecompilationInterval int 100

Description is not available

deleteScriptFileName String null

Description is not available

scriptBaseClass String null

Description is not available

scriptRoots String[] null

Description is not available

customConfiguration String null

Description is not available

resolveUsernameScriptFileName String null
Resolve Username

Description is not available

searchScriptFileName String null

Description is not available

tolerance int 10

Description is not available

updateScriptFileName String null

Description is not available

debug boolean false

Description is not available

classpath String[] []

Description is not available

disabledGlobalASTTransformations String[] null

Description is not available

schemaScriptFileName String null

Description is not available

verbose boolean false

Description is not available

testScriptFileName String null

Description is not available

sourceEncoding String UTF-8

Description is not available

syncScriptFileName String null

Description is not available

recompileGroovySource boolean false

Description is not available

host String null

Description is not available

port int 22

Description is not available

user String null

Description is not available

password GuardedString null

Description is not available

passphrase GuardedString null

Description is not available

privateKey String[] []

Description is not available

authenticationType String PASSWORD

Description is not available

prompt String root@localhost:#

Description is not available

sudoCommand String /usr/bin/sudo

Description is not available

echoOff boolean true

Description is not available

terminalType String vt102

Description is not available

locale String en_US.utf8

Description is not available

setLocale boolean false

Description is not available

connectionTimeout int 5000

Description is not available

expectTimeout long 5000

Description is not available

throwOperationTimeoutException boolean true

Description is not available

promptReadyTimeout long 20

Description is not available

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

The Salesforce connector enables provisioning, reconciliation, and synchronization between Salesforce accounts and the IDM managed user repository.

This chapter describes how to install and configure the Salesforce connector, and how to perform basic tests to ensure that it's running correctly. For a complete example that includes the configuration required to synchronize users with this connector, see "Synchronizing Users Between Salesforce and IDM" in the Samples Guide.

The instructions in this chapter assume that you have an existing Salesforce organization, a Salesforce administrative account, and a Connected App with OAuth enabled.

For instructions on setting up a Connected App, see the corresponding Salesforce documentation. When you have set up the Connected App, locate the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. You will need these details to configure the connector.

The Salesforce connector is bundled with IDM and has no specific installation requirements.

You can configure the Salesforce connector using the Admin UI, or by setting up a provisioner file in your project's conf directory. Using the Admin UI is recommended.

  1. To configure the connector using the Admin UI, start IDM:

    $ cd /path/to/openidm
    $ ./
  2. Log in to the Admin UI at https://localhost:8443/admin (substitute localhost for the host on which your IDM instance is running).

  3. Select Configure > Connectors, and click New Connector.

  4. Enter a Connector Name (for example, Salesforce) and select Salesforce Connector - as the Connector Type.

  5. Supply the Login URL, Consumer Key, Consumer Secret and click Save.

    The Login URL is the OAuth endpoint that will be used to make the OAuth authentication request to Salesforce.

  6. Select Save to update the connector configuration.

    The connector now attempts to access your Salesforce organization.

    Enter your Salesforce login credentials.

    On the permission request screen click Allow, to enable IDM to access your Salesforce Connected App.

  7. When your connector is configured correctly, the connector displays as Active in the UI.

  1. IDM provides a sample connector configuration file in the /path/to/openidm/samples/example-configurations/provisioners directory.

    Copy this sample file (provisioner.openicf-salesforce.json) to your project's conf directory, and set at least the following properties:

    "configurationProperties" : {
        "loginUrl" : "loginURL",
        "clientSecret" : "clientSecret",
        "clientId" : "clientId",
        "refreshToken" : "refreshToken"
        "instanceUrl" : "instanceURL",

    The OAuth endpoint that will be used to make the OAuth authentication request to Salesforce.

    The default endpoint for a production system is The default endpoint for a sandbox (test) system is


    The Consumer Secret associated with your Connected App.


    The Consumer Key associated with your Connected App.

    refreshToken and instanceURL

    The Admin UI obtains these properties on your behalf. If you are configuring the connector manually, obtain the refresh token and instance URL from as follows:

    1. Point your browser to the following URL:



      • SALESFORCE_URL is one of the following:

        • A production URL (

        • A sandbox URL (

        • A custom Salesforce MyDomain URL, such as:

      • CONSUMER_KEY is the Consumer Key associated with the Connected App that you created within your Salesforce organization.

      • REDIRECT_URI is the IDM URI Salesforce should redirect to during authentication. It must match the Redirect URI specified within your Salesforce Connect App configuration, for example:


    2. You are redirected to Salesforce, and prompted to give this application access to your Salesforce account. When you have given consent, you should receive a response URL that looks similar to the following:


      The &code part of this URL is an authorization code, that you need for the following step.


      This authorization code expires after 10 minutes. If you do not complete the OAuth flow within that time, you will need to start this process again.

    3. Copy the authorization code from the response URL and use it as the value of the code parameter in the following REST call. The consumer-key, redirect-uri, and SALESFORCE_URL must match what you used in the first step of this procedure:

      $  curl \
       --verbose \
       --data "grant_type=authorization_code" \
       --data "client_id=consumer-key" \
       --data "client_secret=consumer-secret" \
       --data "redirect_uri=https://localhost:8443/" \
       --data "code=access-token-code" \
       "access_token": "00DS0000003K4fU!AQMAQOzEU.8tCjg8Wk79yKPKCtrtaszX5jrHtoT4NBpJ8x...",
       "signature": "2uREX1lseXdg3Vng/2+Hrlo/KHOWYoim+poj74wKFtw=",
       "refresh_token": "5Aep861KIwKdekr90I4iHdtDgWwRoG7O_6uHrgJ.yVtMS0UaGxRqE6WFM77W7...",
       "token_type": "Bearer",
       "instance_url": "",
       "scope": "id api refresh_token",
       "issued_at": "1417182949781",
       "id": ""

      The output includes the refresh_token and the instance_url that you need to configure the connector.

  2. Set "enabled" : true to enable the connector.

  3. Save the connector configuration.

  4. Test that the configuration is correct by running the following command:

    $ curl \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
     --request POST \
      "name": "salesforce",
      "enabled": true,
      "config": "config/provisioner.openicf/salesforce",
      "connectorRef": {
        "bundleVersion": "[,",
        "bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.salesforce-connector",
        "connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.salesforce.SalesforceConnector"
      "displayName": "Salesforce Connector",
      "objectTypes": [
      "ok": true

    If the command returns "ok": true, your connector has been configured correctly, and can authenticate to Salesforce.

For PATCH requests, a connector can potentially add, remove, or replace an attribute value. The Salesforce connector does not implement the add or remove operations, so a PATCH request always replaces the entire attribute value with the new value. Salesforce does not support multi-valued attributes.

Attributes themselves cannot be removed from Salesforce. The connector therefore performs an update with "" as the value of the attribute being removed. This sets the value of the removed attribute to null.


Salesforce does not support application user DELETE requests.

The Salesforce Connector implements the following OpenICF interfaces.


Creates an object and its uid.


Deletes an object, referenced by its uid.


Describes the object types, operations, and options that the connector supports.

Script on Connector

Enables an application to run a script in the context of the connector. Any script that runs on the connector has the following characteristics:

  • The script runs in the same execution environment as the connector and has access to all the classes to which the connector has access.

  • The script has access to a connector variable that is equivalent to an initialized instance of the connector. At a minimum, the script can access the connector configuration.

  • The script has access to any script-arguments passed in by the application.


Searches the target resource for all objects that match the specified object class and filter.


Polls the target resource for synchronization events, that is, native changes to objects on the target resource.


Tests the connector configuration. Testing a configuration checks all elements of the environment that are referred to by the configuration are available. For example, the connector might make a physical connection to a host that is specified in the configuration to verify that it exists and that the credentials that are specified in the configuration are valid.

This operation might need to connect to a resource, and, as such, might take some time. Do not invoke this operation too often, such as before every provisioning operation. The test operation is not intended to check that the connector is alive (that is, that its physical connection to the resource has not timed out).

You can invoke the test operation before a connector configuration has been validated.


Updates (modifies or replaces) objects on a target resource.

The Salesforce Connector has the following configurable properties.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
clientId String null

The client identifier

clientSecret GuardedString null

The secure client secret for OAUTH

refreshToken GuardedString null

The refresh token for the application

loginUrl String

The endpoint from which a new access token should be queried (

instanceUrl String null

The URL of the Salesforce instance (such as

version double 48.0

The Salesforce API version

connectTimeout long 120000

The maximum connection timeout

proxyHost String null

The hostname of an http proxy, used between the connector and the Salesforce service provider

proxyPort Integer 3128

The proxy port number, if an HTTP proxy is used between the connector and the Salesforce service provider

maximumConnections int 10

The maximum size of the HTTP connection pool

supportedObjectTypes String[] []

Defines a list of Salesforce objects that will be used to dynamically build the provisioner schema

proxyUri String null

The URI of an HTTP proxy that contains the scheme, host, and port number for that proxy

proxyUsername String null

The proxy username to use with a proxy that requires authentication

proxyPassword GuardedString null

The proxy user password to use with a proxy that requires authentication

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

The Marketo connector enables synchronization between IDM managed users and a Marketo leads database.

This connector forms part of ForgeRock's support for customer data management (CDM). You can synchronize any managed user to Marketo—those who have been added directly to the IDM repository, and those who have registered themselves through one of the Social Identity Providers described in "Configuring Social Identity Providers" in the Integrator's Guide.

The Marketo connector is an implementation of the Scripted Groovy Connector Toolkit, and lets you interact with leads in a Marketo database, using Groovy scripts for the ICF operations.

To use the Marketo connector, you need the following:

  • A Marketo account

  • A client ID and client secret

  • The REST API URL for your IDM service

  • A custom list created in your Marketo leads database

To obtain these details from Marketo, see the Marketo documentation.

A sample connector configuration file is available, at /path/to/openidm/samples/example-configurations/provisioners/provisioner.openicf-marketo.json. To test the Marketo connector, copy that file to your project's conf/ directory, and edit at least the configurationProperties to provide the REST API URL, client ID and client secret.

Set the enabled property in the connector configuration to true. IDM encrypts the client secret on startup. Optionally, you can specify the listName to which leads should be added when they are synchronized from IDM. The following excerpt from the sample connector configuration file shows the properties that you must set:

    "displayName" : "MarketoConnector",
    "description" : "Connector used to sync users to Marketo leads",
    "author" : "ForgeRock",
    "enabled" : true,
    "connectorRef" : {
        "bundleName" : "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.marketo-connector",
        "bundleVersion" : "[,",
        "connectorName" : "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.marketo.MarketoConnector"
    "configurationProperties" : {
        "instance" : "<INSTANCE_FQDN>",
        "clientId" : "<CLIENT_ID>",
        "clientSecret" : "<CLIENT_SECRET>",
        "leadFields" : null,
        "partitionName" : null,
        "listName" : "<LEAD_LIST_NAME>",

To locate the REST API endpoint URL in Marketo, select Admin > Web Services, scroll down to REST API, and find the endpoint. Use that REST endpoint as the value of the instance property in your connector configuration. Remove the protocol and /rest from the URL. For example, if the endpoint is, the value of the instance property must be


Locate the client ID in the details of your Marketo service LaunchPoint.


Locate the client secret in the details of your Marketo service LaunchPoint.


The name of the custom list created in your Marketo Leads database.

You can also configure the Marketo connector through the Admin UI. Select Configure > Connectors > New Connector and select Marketo Connector - as the Connector Type. Configuration properties correspond to those described in the previous list. For details of all the configuration properties, see "Marketo Connector Configuration".

When your connector is configured correctly, you can test its status by running the following command:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request POST \
    "name": "marketo",
    "enabled": true,
    "config": "config/provisioner.openicf/marketo",
    "objectTypes": [
    "connectorRef": {
      "bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.marketo-connector",
      "connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.marketo.MarketoConnector",
      "bundleVersion": "[,"
    "displayName": "Marketo Connector",
    "ok": true

A status of "ok": true indicates that the connector can reach your Marketo database.

The Marketo connector lets you reconcile IDM users (including managed users and users who have registered through a social identity provider) with a Marketo leads database. To set up reconciliation to a Marketo database, copy the following sample mapping file to your project's conf directory:


This file sets up a mapping from the managed user repository to Marketo user accounts. The file includes transformations for user accounts registered through Facebook and LinkedIn. You can use these transformations as a basis for transformations from other social identity providers.

If you have an existing mapping configuration (sync.json), add the content of this sample sync.json to your existing file.

The sample mapping restricts reconciliation to users who have accepted the marketing preferences with the following validSource script:

"validSource" : {
    "type" : "text/javascript",
    "globals" : {
        "preferences" : [
    "file" : "ui/preferenceCheck.js"

When a user registers with IDM, they can choose to accept this condition. As a regular user, they can also select (or deselect) the condition in the End User UI by logging into IDM at http://localhost:8080/, and selecting Preferences.

If a user deselects the marketing preference after their account has been reconciled to Marketo, the next reconciliation run will remove the account from the Marketo database.

For more information on how preferences work in a mapping, see "Configuring Synchronization Filters With User Preferences" in the Integrator's Guide.

For PATCH requests, a connector can potentially add, remove, or replace an attribute value. The Marketo connector does not implement the add or remove operations, so a PATCH request always replaces the entire attribute value with the new value.

The Marketo Connector implements the following OpenICF interfaces.


Provides simple authentication with two parameters, presumed to be a user name and password.


Creates an object and its uid.


Deletes an object, referenced by its uid.

Resolve Username

Resolves an object by its username and returns the uid of the object.


Describes the object types, operations, and options that the connector supports.

Script on Connector

Enables an application to run a script in the context of the connector. Any script that runs on the connector has the following characteristics:

  • The script runs in the same execution environment as the connector and has access to all the classes to which the connector has access.

  • The script has access to a connector variable that is equivalent to an initialized instance of the connector. At a minimum, the script can access the connector configuration.

  • The script has access to any script-arguments passed in by the application.

Script on Resource

Runs a script on the target resource that is managed by this connector.


Searches the target resource for all objects that match the specified object class and filter.


Polls the target resource for synchronization events, that is, native changes to objects on the target resource.


Tests the connector configuration. Testing a configuration checks all elements of the environment that are referred to by the configuration are available. For example, the connector might make a physical connection to a host that is specified in the configuration to verify that it exists and that the credentials that are specified in the configuration are valid.

This operation might need to connect to a resource, and, as such, might take some time. Do not invoke this operation too often, such as before every provisioning operation. The test operation is not intended to check that the connector is alive (that is, that its physical connection to the resource has not timed out).

You can invoke the test operation before a connector configuration has been validated.


Updates (modifies or replaces) objects on a target resource.

The Marketo Connector has the following configurable properties.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
customSensitiveConfiguration GuardedString null

Custom Sensitive Configuration script for Groovy ConfigSlurper

customConfiguration String null

Custom Configuration script for Groovy ConfigSlurper

instance String null

The Marketo-assigned FQDN for your instance

clientId String null

Your OAuth2 client ID

clientSecret GuardedString null

Your OAuth2 client secret

leadFields String null

Comma-delimited list of lead fields to fetch; Leave empty for default set

partitionName String null

Name of the partition in which to create and update leads; May be left empty

listName String null

Name of the Marketo static list the connector will use to manage leads

accessToken String null

The access token for the application

tokenExpiration Long null

The expiration token for the application

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
createScriptFileName String CreateMarketo.groovy

The name of the file used to perform the CREATE operation.

customizerScriptFileName String null

The script used to customize some function of the connector. Read the documentation for more details.

authenticateScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the AUTHENTICATE operation.

scriptOnResourceScriptFileName String null
Script On Resource

The name of the file used to perform the RUNSCRIPTONRESOURCE operation.

deleteScriptFileName String DeleteMarketo.groovy

The name of the file used to perform the DELETE operation.

resolveUsernameScriptFileName String null
Resolve Username

The name of the file used to perform the RESOLVE_USERNAME operation.

searchScriptFileName String SearchMarketo.groovy

The name of the file used to perform the SEARCH operation.

updateScriptFileName String UpdateMarketo.groovy

The name of the file used to perform the UPDATE operation.

schemaScriptFileName String SchemaMarketo.groovy

The name of the file used to perform the SCHEMA operation.

testScriptFileName String TestMarketo.groovy

The name of the file used to perform the TEST operation.

syncScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the SYNC operation.

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
targetDirectory File null

Directory into which to write classes.

warningLevel int 1

Warning Level of the compiler

scriptExtensions String[] ['groovy']

Gets the extensions used to find groovy files

minimumRecompilationInterval int 100

Sets the minimum of time after a script can be recompiled.

scriptBaseClass String null

Base class name for scripts (must derive from Script)

scriptRoots String[] null

The root folder to load the scripts from. If the value is null or empty the classpath value is used.

tolerance int 10

The error tolerance, which is the number of non-fatal errors (per unit) that should be tolerated before compilation is aborted.

debug boolean false

If true, debugging code should be activated

classpath String[] []

Classpath for use during compilation.

disabledGlobalASTTransformations String[] null

Sets a list of global AST transformations which should not be loaded even if they are defined in META-INF/org.codehaus.groovy.transform.ASTTransformation files. By default, none is disabled.

verbose boolean false

If true, the compiler should produce action information

sourceEncoding String UTF-8

Encoding for source files

recompileGroovySource boolean false

If set to true recompilation is enabled

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

The Active Directory connector is a legacy connector, written in C# for the .NET platform. ICF connects to Active Directory over ADSI, the native connection protocol for Active Directory. The connector therefore requires a .NET connector server that has access to the ADSI .dll files.


The AD Connector is deprecated and support for its use with IDM will be discontinued in a future release. For simple Active Directory (and Active Directory LDS) deployments, the generic LDAP Connector works better than the Active Directory connector, in most circumstances. Using the generic LDAP connector avoids the need to install a remote connector server in the overall deployment. In addition, the generic LDAP connector has significant performance advantages over the Active Directory connector. For more complex Active Directory deployments, use the PowerShell Connector Toolkit, as described in "PowerShell Connector Toolkit".

Before you configure the Active Directory Connector, make sure that the .NET Connector Server is installed, configured and started, and that IDM has been configured to use the Connector Server. For more information, see "Installing and Configuring a .NET Connector Server" in the Integrator's Guide.

  1. Download the Active Directory (AD) Connector from the ForgeRock BackStage download site.

  2. Extract the contents of the AD Connector zip file into the directory in which you installed the Connector Server (by default c:\Program Files (x86)\Identity Connectors\Connector Server>).

    Note that the files, specifically the connector itself (ActiveDirectory.Connector.dll) must be directly under the path\to\Identity Connectors\Connector Server directory, and not in a subdirectory.


    If the account that is used to install the Active Directory connector is different from the account under which the Connector Server runs, you must give the Connector Server runtime account the rights to access the Active Directory connector log files.

  3. A sample Active Directory Connector configuration file is provided in openidm/samples/example-configurations/provisioners/provisioner.openicf-ad.json. On the IDM host, copy the sample Active Directory connector configuration file to your project's conf/ directory:

    $ cd /path/to/openidm
    $ cp samples/example-configurations/provisioners/provisioner.openicf-ad.json project-dir/conf/
  4. Edit the Active Directory connector configuration to match your Active Directory deployment.

    Specifically, check and edit the configurationProperties that define the connection details to the Active Directory server.

    Also, check that the bundleVersion of the connector matches the version of the ActiveDirectory.Connector.dll in the Connector Server directory. The bundle version can be a range that includes the version of the connector bundle. To check the .dll version:

    • Right click on the ActiveDirectory.Connector.dll file and select Properties.

    • Select the Details tab and note the Product Version.

      Bundle version of the Active Directory Connector

    The following configuration extract shows sample values for the connectorRef and configurationProperties:

    "connectorRef" :
          "connectorHostRef" : "dotnet",
          "connectorName" : "Org.IdentityConnectors.ActiveDirectory.ActiveDirectoryConnector",
          "bundleName" : "ActiveDirectory.Connector",
          "bundleVersion" : "[,"
       },          ...
    "configurationProperties" :
          "DirectoryAdminName" : "EXAMPLE\\Administrator",
          "DirectoryAdminPassword" : "Passw0rd",
          "ObjectClass" : "User",
          "Container" : "dc=example,dc=com",
          "CreateHomeDirectory" : true,
          "LDAPHostName" : "",
          "SearchChildDomains" : false,
          "DomainName" : "example",
          "SyncGlobalCatalogServer" : null,
          "SyncDomainController" : null,
          "SearchContext" : ""

    The main configurable properties are as follows:


    Must point to an existing connector info provider configuration in project-dir/conf/provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider.json. The connectorHostRef property is required because the Active Directory connector must be installed on a .NET connector server, which is always remote, relative to IDM.

    DirectoryAdminName and DirectoryAdminPassword

    Specify the credentials of an administrator account in Active Directory, that the connector will use to bind to the server.

    The DirectoryAdminName can be specified as a bind DN, or in the format DomainName\\samaccountname.


    Specifies if a Global Catalog (GC) should be used. This parameter is used in search and query operations. A Global Catalog is a read-only, partial copy of the entire forest, and is never used for create, update or delete operations.

    Boolean, false by default.


    Specifies a particular Domain Controller (DC) or Global Catalog (GC), using its hostname. This parameter is used for query, create, update, and delete operations.

    If SearchChildDomains is set to true, this specific GC will be used for search and query operations. If the LDAPHostName is null (as it is by default), the connector will allow the ADSI libraries to pick up a valid DC or GC each time it needs to perform a query, create, update, or delete operation.


    Specifies a Global Catalog server name for sync operations. This property is used in combination with the SearchChildDomains property.

    If a value for SyncGlobalCatalogServer is set (that is, the value is not null) and SearchChildDomains is set to true, this GC server is used for sync operations. If no value for SyncGlobalCatalogServer is set and SearchChildDomains is set to true, the connector allows the ADSI libraries to pick up a valid GC.


    Specifies a particular DC server for sync operations. If no DC is specified, the connector picks up the first available DC and retains this DC in future sync operations.

    The updated configuration is applied immediately.

  5. Check that the connector has been configured correctly by running the following command:

    $ curl \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
     --request POST \

    The command must return "ok" : true for the Active Directory connector.

  6. The connector is now configured. To verify the configuration, perform a RESTful GET request on the remote system URL, for example:

    $ curl \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
     --request GET \

    This request should return the user accounts in the Active Directory server.

  7. (Optional) To configure reconciliation or liveSync between IDM and Active Directory, create a synchronization configuration file (sync.json) in your project's conf/ directory.

    The synchronization configuration file defines the attribute mappings and policies that are used during reconciliation.

    The following is a simple example of a sync.json file for Active Directory:

        "mappings" : [
                "name" : "systemADAccounts_managedUser",
                "source" : "system/ActiveDirectory/account",
                "target" : "managed/user",
                "properties" : [
                    { "source" : "cn", "target" : "displayName" },
                    { "source" : "description", "target" : "description" },
                    { "source" : "givenName", "target" : "givenName" },
                    { "source" : "mail", "target" : "email" },
                    { "source" : "sn", "target" : "familyName" },
                    { "source" : "sAMAccountName", "target" : "userName" }
                "policies" : [
                    { "situation" : "CONFIRMED", "action" : "UPDATE" },
                    { "situation" : "FOUND", "action" : "UPDATE" },
                    { "situation" : "ABSENT", "action" : "CREATE" },
                    { "situation" : "AMBIGUOUS", "action" : "EXCEPTION" },
                    { "situation" : "MISSING", "action" : "UNLINK" },
                    { "situation" : "SOURCE_MISSING", "action" : "DELETE" },
                    { "situation" : "UNQUALIFIED", "action" : "DELETE" },
                    { "situation" : "UNASSIGNED", "action" : "DELETE" }
  8. To test the synchronization, run a reconciliation operation as follows:

    $ curl \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
     --request POST \

    If reconciliation is successful, the command returns a reconciliation run ID, similar to the following:

  9. Query the internal repository, using either a curl command, or the IDM Admin UI, to make sure that the users in your Active Directory server were provisioned into the repository.

The Active Directory connector supports PowerShell scripting. The following example shows a simple PowerShell script that is referenced in the connector configuration and can be called over the REST interface.


External script execution is disabled on system endpoints by default. For testing purposes, you can enable script execution over REST, on system endpoints by adding the script action to the system object, in the access.js file. For example:

$ more /path/to/openidm/script/access.js
    "pattern"   : "system/ActiveDirectory",
    "roles"     : "internal/role/openidm-admin",
    "methods" : "action",
    "actions"   : "script"

Be aware that scripts passed to clients imply a security risk in production environments. If you need to expose a script for direct external invocation, it might be better to write a custom authorization function to constrain the script ID that is permitted. Alternatively, do not expose the script action for external invocation, and instead, expose a custom endpoint that can make only the desired script calls. For more information about using custom endpoints, see "Creating Custom Endpoints to Launch Scripts" in the Integrator's Guide.

The following PowerShell script creates a new Microsoft SQL user with a username that is specified when the script is called. The script sets the user's password to Passw0rd and, optionally, gives the user a role. Save this script as project-dir/script/createUser.ps1:

if ($loginName -ne $NULL) {
  [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO') | Out-Null
  $sqlSrv = New-Object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server') ('WIN-C2MSQ8G1TCA')

  $login = New-Object -TypeName ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Login') ($sqlSrv, $loginName)
  $login.LoginType = 'SqlLogin'
  $login.PasswordExpirationEnabled = $false
  #  The next two lines are optional, and to give the new login a server role, optional
 } else {
  $Error_Message = [string]"Required variables 'loginName' is missing!"
     Write-Error $Error_Message
     throw $Error_Message

Now edit the Active Directory connector configuration to reference the script. Add the following section to the connector configuration file (project-dir/conf/provisioner.openicf-ad.json):

 "systemActions" : [
         "scriptId" : "ConnectorScriptName",
         "actions" : [
                 "systemType" : ".*ActiveDirectoryConnector",
                 "actionType" : "Shell",
                 "actionSource" : "@echo off \r\n echo %loginName%\r\n"
                 "systemType" : ".*ActiveDirectoryConnector",
                 "actionType" : "PowerShell",
                 "actionFile" : "script/createUser.ps1"

To call the PowerShell script over the REST interface, use the following request, specifying the userName as input:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request POST \

The Office 365 connector uses the O365 Graph API to manage Azure AD users and groups. This connector uses the OData 3.0 specification and can be used, with minor modifications, to connect to any OData 3 provider. Note that OData 2, 3 and 4 are not interchangeable and this connector can only function against OData 3 providers.


The Office 365 connector is deprecated and support for its use with IDM will be discontinued in a future release.

This chapter lists the implemented interfaces and configurable properties for the Office 365 connector.

For PATCH requests, a connector can potentially add, remove, or replace an attribute value. The Office 365 connector does not implement the add or remove operations, so a PATCH request always replaces the entire attribute value with the new value.

The O365 Connector implements the following OpenICF interfaces.


Creates an object and its uid.


Deletes an object, referenced by its uid.

Resolve Username

Resolves an object by its username and returns the uid of the object.


Describes the object types, operations, and options that the connector supports.

Script on Connector

Enables an application to run a script in the context of the connector. Any script that runs on the connector has the following characteristics:

  • The script runs in the same execution environment as the connector and has access to all the classes to which the connector has access.

  • The script has access to a connector variable that is equivalent to an initialized instance of the connector. At a minimum, the script can access the connector configuration.

  • The script has access to any script-arguments passed in by the application.


Searches the target resource for all objects that match the specified object class and filter.


Tests the connector configuration. Testing a configuration checks all elements of the environment that are referred to by the configuration are available. For example, the connector might make a physical connection to a host that is specified in the configuration to verify that it exists and that the credentials that are specified in the configuration are valid.

This operation might need to connect to a resource, and, as such, might take some time. Do not invoke this operation too often, such as before every provisioning operation. The test operation is not intended to check that the connector is alive (that is, that its physical connection to the resource has not timed out).

You can invoke the test operation before a connector configuration has been validated.


Updates (modifies or replaces) objects on a target resource.

The O365 Connector has the following configurable properties.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
tenant String null

Name of your Office365 tenant

clientId String null

This value is provided by Office365

clientSecret GuardedString null

This value is provided by Office365

accessToken String null

This value is provided by Office365

tokenExpiration Long null

This value is provided by Office365

refreshToken String null

This value is provided by Office365

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
accountEntitySet String User

The name AzureAD uses to declare account objects in its data payloads

accountURIComponent String users

The name used in a URI path to specify an account target object

groupEntitySet String Group

The name AzureAD uses to declare group objects in its data payloads

groupURIComponent String groups

The name used in a URI path to specify an account target object

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

The SCIM connector is based on the Simple Cloud Identity Management (SCIM) protocol and lets you manage user and group accounts on any SCIM-compliant resource provider, such as Slack or Facebook. The SCIM connector implements both 1.1 and 2.0 endpoints. The SCIM connector is bundled with IDM in the connectors/ directory.

The SCIM connector uses the Apache HTTP client, which leverages the HTTP client connection pool, not the ICF connector pool.

  1. Copy the sample connector configuration file (/path/to/openidm/samples/example-configurations/provisioners/provisioner.openicf-scim.json) to your project's conf/ directory.

  2. Edit conf/provisioner.openicf-scim.json, as necessary. The following changes are required:

    • "enabled" : true

    • To specify the connection details to the SCIM resource provider, set the configurationProperties. The required properties vary, based on the authenticationMethod:


      The minimum required properties are grantType, SCIMEndpoint, tokenEndpoint, clientId, and clientSecret.


      The minimum required properties are user and password.


      The minimum required property is authToken.

    Sample Configuration Using OAUTH:

    "configurationProperties" : {
        "SCIMEndpoint" : "",
        "SCIMVersion" : 1,
        "authenticationMethod" : "OAUTH",
        "user" : null,
        "password" : null,
        "tokenEndpoint" : "",
        "clientId" : "Kdvl...................j3fka",
        "clientSecret" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "acceptSelfSignedCertificates" : true,
        "disableHostNameVerifier" : true,
        "maximumConnections" : 10,
        "httpProxyHost" : null,
        "httpProxyPort" : null


    On startup, IDM encrypts the value of the clientSecret.

  1. From the navigation bar, click Configure > Connectors.

  2. On the Connectors page, click New Connector.

    The New Connector page displays.

  3. In the General Details area, from the Connector Type drop-down list, select Scim Connector - Version#.

  4. Enter other details, as necessary, and click Save.

After the connector is properly configured, you can test its status:

curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request POST \
    "name": "SCIM",
    "enabled": true,
    "config": "config/provisioner.openicf/SCIM",
    "connectorRef": {
      "bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.scim-connector",
      "connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.scim.ScimConnector",
      "bundleVersion": "[,"
    "displayName": "Scim Connector",
    "objectTypes": [
    "ok": true

A status of "ok": true indicates that the SCIM connector can reach the configured resource provider.

For PATCH requests, a connector can potentially add, remove, or replace an attribute value. The SCIM connector does not implement the add or remove operations, so a PATCH request always replaces the entire attribute value with the new value.

If the IDM server is hosted behind a firewall and requests to the resource provider are routed through a proxy, you must specify the proxy host and port in the connector configuration.

To specify the proxy server details, set the httpProxyHost, and httpProxyPort properties in the connector configuration. For example:

"configurationProperties": {
    "httpProxyHost": "",
    "httpProxyPort": 8080,

The Scim Connector implements the following OpenICF interfaces.


Creates an object and its uid.


Deletes an object, referenced by its uid.


Describes the object types, operations, and options that the connector supports.

Script on Connector

Enables an application to run a script in the context of the connector. Any script that runs on the connector has the following characteristics:

  • The script runs in the same execution environment as the connector and has access to all the classes to which the connector has access.

  • The script has access to a connector variable that is equivalent to an initialized instance of the connector. At a minimum, the script can access the connector configuration.

  • The script has access to any script-arguments passed in by the application.


Searches the target resource for all objects that match the specified object class and filter.


Polls the target resource for synchronization events, that is, native changes to objects on the target resource.


Tests the connector configuration. Testing a configuration checks all elements of the environment that are referred to by the configuration are available. For example, the connector might make a physical connection to a host that is specified in the configuration to verify that it exists and that the credentials that are specified in the configuration are valid.

This operation might need to connect to a resource, and, as such, might take some time. Do not invoke this operation too often, such as before every provisioning operation. The test operation is not intended to check that the connector is alive (that is, that its physical connection to the resource has not timed out).

You can invoke the test operation before a connector configuration has been validated.


Updates (modifies or replaces) objects on a target resource.

The Scim Connector has the following configurable properties.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
SCIMEndpoint String null

The HTTP URL defining the root for the SCIM endpoint (

SCIMVersion Integer 1

Defines the SCIM protocol version. Values can be either 1 or 2. Default is 1

authenticationMethod String OAUTH

Defines which method is to be used to authenticate on the remote server. Options are BASIC (username/password), OAUTH (Client id/secret) or TOKEN (static token). Defaults to OAUTH

user String null

In case of BASIC authentication type, this property defines the remote user.

password GuardedString null

In case of BASIC authentication type, this property defines the remote password.

tokenEndpoint String null

When using OAuth, this property defines the endpoint where a new access token should be requested (

clientId String null

Secure client identifier for OAuth2

clientSecret GuardedString null

Secure client secret for OAuth2

authToken GuardedString null

Some service providers (Slack for instance) use static authentication tokens.

refreshToken GuardedString null

Used by the refresh_token grant type

grantType String null

The OAuth2 grant type to use (client_credentials or refresh_token)

scope String null

The OAuth2 scope to use.

acceptSelfSignedCertificates boolean false

To be used for debug/test purposes. To be avoided in production. Defaults to false.

disableHostNameVerifier boolean false

To be used for debug/test purposes. To be avoided in production. Defaults to false.

disableHttpCompression boolean false

Content compression is enabled by default. Set this property to true to disable it. Defaults to false.

clientCertAlias String null

If TLS Mutual Auth is needed, set this to the certificate alias from the keystore.

clientCertPassword GuardedString null

If TLS Mutual Auth is needed and the client certificate (private key) password is different than the keystore password, set this to the client private key password.

maximumConnections Integer 10

Defines the max size of the http connection pool used. Defaults to 10.

httpProxyHost String null

Defines the Hostname if an HTTP proxy is used between the connector and the SCIM service provider. Defaults to null.

httpProxyPort Integer null

Defines the Port if an HTTP proxy is used between the connector and the SCIM service provider. Defaults to null.

httpProxyUsername String null

Defines Proxy Username if an HTTP proxy is used between the connector and the SCIM service provider. Defaults to null.

httpProxyPassword GuardedString null

Defines Proxy Password if an HTTP proxy is used between the connector and the SCIM service provider. Defaults to null.

connectionTimeout int 30

Defines a timeout for the underlying http connection in seconds. Defaults to 30.

authorizationTokenPrefix String Bearer

The prefix to be used in the Authorization HTTP header for Token authentication. Defaults to "Bearer".

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

The Adobe Marketing Cloud connector lets you manage profiles in an Adobe Campaign data store. The connector supports a subset of the OpenICF operations, as listed in "OpenICF Interfaces Implemented by the Adobe Marketing Cloud Connector".

To use this connector, you need an Adobe ID.

The Adobe Marketing Cloud connector requires the JSON Web Token library. Before you start, download this library and copy it to the /path/to/openidm/lib directory.

You must also configure a new integration on AdobeIO, as shown in the following steps. Note that these steps assume a specific version of the AdobeIO user interface. For information on the current version, see the corresponding Adobe documentation.

  1. The integration requires a public certificate and private key that will be used to sign the JWT token.

    You can use IDM's generated self-signed certificate and private key to test the connector. In a production environment, use a CA-signed certificate and key.

    Export IDM's self-signed certificate as follows:

    1. Export the certificate and key from JCEKS to standardized format PKCS #12:

      $ cd /path/to/openidm/security
      $ keytool \
       -importkeystore \
       -srckeystore keystore.jceks \
       -srcstoretype jceks \
       -destkeystore keystore.p12 \
       -deststoretype PKCS12 \
       -srcalias openidm-localhost \
       -deststorepass changeit \
       -destkeypass changeit
    2. Export the certificate:

      $ openssl pkcs12 \
       -in keystore.p12 \
       -nokeys \
       -out cert.pem
    3. Export unencrypted private key:

      $ openssl pkcs12 \
       -in keystore.p12 \
       -nodes \
       -nocerts \
       -out key.pem
  2. Log in to and select Integrations > New Integration.

  3. Select Access an API > Continue.

  4. Under the Experience Cloud item, select Adobe Campaign > Continue, then select New integration > Continue.

  5. Enter a name for the new integration, for example, IDM-managed, and a short description.

  6. Drag the public certificate that you exported previously into the Public keys certificates box.

  7. Select a license, then select Create Integration.

  8. Select Continue to integration details to obtain the Client Credentials required by the connector.

    You will need these details for the connector configuration.

Create a connector configuration file for the Adobe Marketing Cloud connector and place it in your project's conf/ directory.

IDM bundles a sample configuration file (/path/to/openidm/samples/example-configurations/provisioners/provisioner.openicf-adobe.json) that you can use as a starting point. Alternatively, you can create the configuration by using the Admin UI. Select Configure > Connectors > New Connector and select Adobe Marketing Cloud Connector - as the connector type.

The following example shows an excerpt of the provisioner configuration. Enable the connector (set "enabled" : true) then edit at least the configurationProperties to match your Adobe IO setup:

"configurationProperties" : {
    "endpoint" : "",
    "imsHost" : "",
    "tenant" : "",
    "apiKey" : "",
    "techAccId" : "",
    "orgId" : "example@AdobeOrg",
    "clientSecret" : "CLIENT_SECRET",
    "privateKey" : "PRIVATE_KEY"

The Adobe IO endpoint for Marketing Cloud. by default - you should not have to change this value.


The Adobe Identity Management System (IMS) host. by default - you should not have to change this value.


Your tenant (organization) name or sandbox host.


The API key (client ID) assigned to your API client account.


Your Technical account ID, required to generate the JWT.


Your organization's unique ID, for example 12345@AdobeOrg.


The client secret assigned to your API client account.


The private key used to sign the JWT token, corresponds to the public key certificate that you attached to the integration.

For a list of all the configurable properties, see "Adobe Marketing Cloud Connector Configuration".

When your connector is configured correctly, you can test its status by running the following command:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request POST \
    "name": "adobe",
    "enabled": true,
    "config": "config/provisioner.openicf/adobe",
    "connectorRef": {
      "bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.adobecm-connector",
      "connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.acm.ACMConnector",
      "bundleVersion": "[,"
    "displayName": "Adobe Marketing Cloud Connector",
    "objectTypes": [
    "ok": true

A status of "ok": true indicates that the connector can reach the configured Adobe integration.

The Adobe Marketing Cloud Connector implements the following OpenICF interfaces.


Creates an object and its uid.


Deletes an object, referenced by its uid.


Describes the object types, operations, and options that the connector supports.

Script on Connector

Enables an application to run a script in the context of the connector. Any script that runs on the connector has the following characteristics:

  • The script runs in the same execution environment as the connector and has access to all the classes to which the connector has access.

  • The script has access to a connector variable that is equivalent to an initialized instance of the connector. At a minimum, the script can access the connector configuration.

  • The script has access to any script-arguments passed in by the application.


Searches the target resource for all objects that match the specified object class and filter.


Tests the connector configuration. Testing a configuration checks all elements of the environment that are referred to by the configuration are available. For example, the connector might make a physical connection to a host that is specified in the configuration to verify that it exists and that the credentials that are specified in the configuration are valid.

This operation might need to connect to a resource, and, as such, might take some time. Do not invoke this operation too often, such as before every provisioning operation. The test operation is not intended to check that the connector is alive (that is, that its physical connection to the resource has not timed out).

You can invoke the test operation before a connector configuration has been validated.


Updates (modifies or replaces) objects on a target resource.

The Adobe Marketing Cloud Connector has the following configurable properties.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
endpoint String

The Adobe IO endpoint for Marketing Cloud. by default - you should not have to change this.

imsHost String

Adobe Identity Management System (IMS) host. by default - you should not have to change this.

tenant String null

Your tenant (organization) name or sandbox host.

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
apiKey GuardedString null

The API key (client ID) assigned to your API client account

technicalAccountID String null

Your Technical account ID, required to generate the JWT

organizationID String null

Your organizations unique ID, for example 12345@AdobeOrg

clientSecret GuardedString null

The client secret assigned to your API client account

privateKey GuardedString null

The private key used to sign the JWT token, corresponds to the public key certificate attached to the integration

accessToken GuardedString null

The OAuth Access Token for the application

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

Workday is a multi-tenant Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) application. The Workday connector lets you synchronize user accounts between IDM and Workday's cloud-based HR system.

The connector supports reconciliation of users and organizations from Workday to an IDM repository, liveSync of users from Workday to IDM, and updating users in a Workday system.

To use the connector, you need a Workday instance with the required permissions and a set of credentials to access the instance, including the username, password, tenant name, and host name.

This connector is bundled with IDM in the connectors/ directory (workday-connector-

The Workday connector depends on a number of libraries. Some of these libraries are bundled with IDM and some need to be downloaded separately. The downloaded libraries must be placed in the path/to/openidm/lib directory if you are running the connector locally. All dependencies must be copied to the /path/to/openicf/lib/ directory on the connector server if you are running the connector remotely.

For a list of dependencies, and an indication of whether they are bundled with IDM, see "Installing Connector Dependencies" in the Integrator's Guide.

  1. The easiest way to configure the connector is to use the Admin UI. Select Configure > Connectors > New Connector, then select Workday in the Connector Type field.

    Alternatively, use the sample configuration file provided in /path/to/openidm/samples/example-configurations/provisioners/provisioner.openicf-workday.json. Copy that file to your project's conf/ directory, and set enabled to true.

  2. Edit the configurationProperties to specify the connection to the Workday instance, for example:

    "configurationProperties" : {
        "hostname" : "",
        "tenant" : "example-tenant",
        "username" : "admin",
        "password" : "Passw0rd",

    Set at least the following properties:


    The fully qualified name of the Workday instance. The connector uses the hostname to construct the endpoint URL.


    The tenant to which you are connecting. The connector uses the tenant name to construct the endpoint URL, and the complete username (in the form username@tenant).


    The username used to log into the Workday instance. Do not specify the complete username including the tenant. The connector constructs the complete username.


    The password used to log into the Workday instance.


    The timeout (in milliseconds) that the connector should wait for a request to be sent to the Workday instance. The default timeout is 60000ms or one minute. Requests that take longer than a minute throw an exception.


    The timeout (in milliseconds) that the connector waits to receive a response. The default timeout is 60000ms or one minute. Because the Workday can be slow, and the amount of information returned can be very large, you should set this parameter carefully to avoid unnecessary timeouts.

  3. Check that the connector is retrieving the exact data that you need.

    The configurationProperties also specify the data that the connector should retrieve with a number of boolean include... and exclude... properties. These properties can be divided as follows:

    Worker types

    By default, all worker types are retrieved, with the following settings:

    • excludeContingentWorkers - exclude contingent workers from query results, false by default.

    • excludeEmployees - exclude regular employees from query results, false by default.

    • excludeInactiveWorkers - exclude inactive workers from query results, false by default.

    Specific worker data

    These parameters specify the properties that are returned for every worker included by the parameters in the previous section.

    For performance reasons, set all of these to false initially, then include only the properties that you need.

    Specific organizational data

    Included in the data of each worker is the organization to which the user belongs. If you have set includeOrganizations to true, you can specify the organizational data that should be excluded from the query response. By default, all organizational data is included.

    To exclude data from a response, set its corresponding property to true. For performance reasons, set all of these to true initially, then include only the properties that you need.:


    For information about all the configurable properties for this connector, see "Workday Connector Configuration".

When your connector is configured correctly, you can test its status by running the following command:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request POST \
    "name": "workday",
    "enabled": true,
    "config": "config/provisioner.openicf/workday",
    "connectorRef": {
      "bundleVersion": "[,",
      "bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.workday-connector",
      "connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.workday.WorkdayConnector"
    "displayName": "Workday Connector",
    "objectTypes": [
    "ok": true

A status of "ok": true indicates that the connector can contact the Workday instance.

To retrieve the workers in the Workday system, run the following command:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request GET \
  "result": [
      "_id": "3aa5550b7fe348b98d7b5741afc65534",
      "employeeID": "21001"
      "_id": "0e44c92412d34b01ace61e80a47aaf6d",
      "employeeID": "21002"
      "_id": "3895af7993ff4c509cbea2e1817172e0",
      "employeeID": "21003"

The first time the connector retrieves the employees from the Workday system, you might see the following warning in the console:

WARNING: Default key managers cannot be initialized: Invalid keystore format Invalid keystore format

You can safely ignore this warning.

To retrieve a specific user, include the user's ID in the URL. For example:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request GET \
  "_id": "3aa5550b7fe348b98d7b5741afc65534",
  "title": "Vice President, Human Resources",
  "country": "USA",
  "postalCode": "94111",
  "userID": "lmcneil",
  "hireDate": "2000-01-01-08:00",
  "address": [
    "3939 The Embarcadero"
  "state": "California",
  "postalAddress": "3939 The Embarcadero\nSan Francisco, CA 94111\nUnited States of America",
  "addressLastModified": "2011-06-20T13:54:02.023-07:00",
  "firstName": "Logan",
  "gender": "Female",
  "employeeID": "21001",
  "managerID": "21431",
  "email": "",
  "city": "San Francisco",
  "preferredName": "Logan McNeil",
  "birthDate": "1971-05-25-07:00",
  "active": true,
  "preferredFirstName": "Logan",
  "employee": true,
  "workerType": "Full time",
  "positionEffectiveDate": "2016-06-01-07:00",
  "preferredLastName": "McNeil",
  "dateActivated": "2000-01-01-08:00",
  "legalName": "Logan McNeil",
  "lastName": "McNeil",
  "mobile": [
    "+1 (415) 789-8904"
  "terminated": false

To reconcile users from Workday to the IDM repository, set up a mapping, either using the Admin UI or in a sync.json file in your project's conf directory. For information about mapping resources, see "Mapping Source Objects to Target Objects" in the Integrator's Guide.

When you have created a mapping, you can run reconciliation using the Admin UI or with a REST call similar to the following:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request POST \
  "_id": "db2bc7f4-e9a8-4315-9dd1-e2cdcd85ae6e-33099",
  "state": "SUCCESS"

The connector supports updates to system users only for the following properties:

  • Account credentials (username and password)

  • email

  • mobile (telephone number)

The following command update's user lmcneil's mobile number:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --header "Content-type: application/json" \
 --request PATCH \
 --data '[
      "field" : "mobile",
      "value" : "+1 (415) 859-4366"
]' \
  "_id": "3aa5550b7fe348b98d7b5741afc65534",
  "title": "Vice President, Human Resources",
  "country": "USA",
  "postalCode": "94111",
  "userID": "lmcneil",
  "hireDate": "2000-01-01-08:00",
  "address": [
    "3939 The Embarcadero"
  "state": "California",
  "postalAddress": "3939 The Embarcadero\nSan Francisco, CA 94111\nUnited States of America",
  "addressLastModified": "2011-06-20T13:54:02.023-07:00",
  "firstName": "Logan",
  "gender": "Female",
  "employeeID": "21001",
  "managerID": "21431",
  "email": "",
  "city": "San Francisco",
  "preferredName": "Logan McNeil",
  "birthDate": "1971-05-25-07:00",
  "active": true,
  "preferredFirstName": "Logan",
  "employee": true,
  "workerType": "Full time",
  "positionEffectiveDate": "2016-06-01-07:00",
  "preferredLastName": "McNeil",
  "dateActivated": "2000-01-01-08:00",
  "legalName": "Logan McNeil",
  "lastName": "McNeil",
  "mobile": [
    "+1 (415) 859-4366"
  "terminated": false

For PATCH requests, a connector can potentially add, remove, or replace an attribute value. The Workday connector does not implement the add or remove operations, so a PATCH request always replaces the entire attribute value with the new value.

The Workday Connector implements the following OpenICF interfaces.


Describes the object types, operations, and options that the connector supports.

Script on Connector

Enables an application to run a script in the context of the connector. Any script that runs on the connector has the following characteristics:

  • The script runs in the same execution environment as the connector and has access to all the classes to which the connector has access.

  • The script has access to a connector variable that is equivalent to an initialized instance of the connector. At a minimum, the script can access the connector configuration.

  • The script has access to any script-arguments passed in by the application.


Searches the target resource for all objects that match the specified object class and filter.


Polls the target resource for synchronization events, that is, native changes to objects on the target resource.


Tests the connector configuration. Testing a configuration checks all elements of the environment that are referred to by the configuration are available. For example, the connector might make a physical connection to a host that is specified in the configuration to verify that it exists and that the credentials that are specified in the configuration are valid.

This operation might need to connect to a resource, and, as such, might take some time. Do not invoke this operation too often, such as before every provisioning operation. The test operation is not intended to check that the connector is alive (that is, that its physical connection to the resource has not timed out).

You can invoke the test operation before a connector configuration has been validated.


Updates (modifies or replaces) objects on a target resource.

The Workday Connector has the following configurable properties.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
includeManagementChainDataForWorkers Boolean true

Description is not available

includeOrganizationsForWorkers Boolean true

Description is not available

includePersonalInformationForWorkers Boolean true

Description is not available

excludeCostCentersForWorkers Boolean false

Description is not available

excludeCustomOrganizationsForWorkers Boolean true

Description is not available

includeRolesForWorkers Boolean false

Description is not available

includeStaffingRestrictionsDataForOrganizations Boolean false

Description is not available

excludeMatrixOrganizationsForWorkers Boolean true

Description is not available

includeEmploymentInformationForWorkers Boolean true

Description is not available

includeAccountProvisioningForWorkers Boolean false

Description is not available

excludeBusinessUnitHierarchiesForWorkers Boolean true

Description is not available

includeRelatedPersonsForWorkers Boolean false

Description is not available

includePhotoForWorkers Boolean false

Description is not available

excludeSupervisoryOrganizationsForWorkers Boolean true

Description is not available

excludeTeamsForWorkers Boolean false

Description is not available

includeTransactionLogDataForWorkers Boolean true

Description is not available

includeSupervisoryDataForOrganizations Boolean false

Description is not available

excludeCompaniesForWorkers Boolean false

Description is not available

includeAdditionalJobsForWorkers Boolean false

Description is not available

excludeBusinessUnitsForWorkers Boolean false

Description is not available

includeHierarchyDataForOrganizations Boolean false

Description is not available

includeEmployeeContractDataForWorkers Boolean false

Description is not available

includeUserAccountForWorkers Boolean true

Description is not available

excludeRegionsForWorkers Boolean false

Description is not available

includeRolesDataForOrganizations Boolean false

Description is not available

includeMultipleManagersInManagementChainDataForWorkers Boolean false

Description is not available

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
hostname String null

The hostname for the Workday service. Example: https://[workday hostname]/ccx/service/[workday tenant]/. You need to configure the bracketed Workday hostname and tenant name to successfully connect to the proper instance.

tenant String null

The tenant in URL for the Workday service. For example: https://[workday hostname]/ccx/service/[workday tenant]/. You need to configure the bracketed Workday hostname and tenant name to successfully connect to the proper instance.

username String null

The user name for logging into the Workday service. It will be concatenated with the tenant name (user@tenant)

password GuardedString null

The user password for logging into the Workday service

excludeInactiveWorkers boolean false

Excludes from the response terminated employees or contingent workers whose contracts have ended (defaults to false)

excludeContingentWorkers boolean false

Excludes contingent workers from inclusion in a query response.

excludeEmployees boolean false

Excludes employees from inclusion in a query response.

connectionTimeout int 30

Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that the client will attempt to establish a connection before it times out. The default is 30 seconds). Set to 0 for no timeout.

receiveTimeout int 60

Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that the client will wait for a response before it times out. The default is 60. Set to 0 for no timeout.

pageSize long 100

Set the page size used for search operations (defaults to 100).

proxyHost String null

If defined the connection to Workday will go through this HTTP proxy server

proxyPort int 8080

The HTTP proxy server port number (defaults to 8080).

xslTransformer File null

The file path to the XSL File to get the custom attributes

asOfEffectiveDate String null

Optional configuration of Response_Filter/As_Of_Effective_Date element. Valid values are: Date ( or Duration ( If set to Duration, the effective date is calculated as current date + duration.

effectiveFrom String null

Set the Get_Workers_Request/Request_Criteria/Transaction_Log_Criteria_Data/Transaction_Date_Range_Data/Effective_From for every outbound query request. Valid value could be Date ( or string Today representing the current time of the request.

effectiveThrough String null

Set the Get_Workers_Request/Request_Criteria/Transaction_Log_Criteria_Data/Transaction_Date_Range_Data/Effective_Through for every outbound query request. Valid value could be Date ( or Duration (

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

This connector lets you manage objects in the ServiceNow platform, integrating with ServiceNow's REST API. The connector is bundled with IDM in the connectors/ directory (servicenow-connector-

The connector requires a ServiceNow instance with OAuth enabled. You might need to activate the OAuth plugin and set the OAuth activation property if OAuth is not yet enabled on your ServiceNow instance. For more information, see the ServiceNow documentation that corresponds to your ServiceNow version.

When Oauth is enabled, register an OAuth client application for the connection to IDM. Take note of the client_id and client_secret of the application, as you need these values when you configure the connector.

The connector configuration must include a ServiceNow user who has the following roles:

  • admin

  • rest_api_explorer

If you do not want to give complete admin rights to this user, you can create a new role that provides access to the following tables:


The easiest way to configure the ServiceNow connector is through the Admin UI:

  1. Select Configure > Connectors > New Connector.

  2. Enter a name for the connector configuration, for example, serviceNow.

  3. Select ServiceNow Connector - as the Connector Type.

  4. Enable the connector, and set the properties that specify the connection to your ServiceNow instance:

    instance (string)

    The ServiceNow instance URL, for example

    username (string)

    The name of a ServiceNow user with the admin and rest_api_explorer roles.

    password (string)

    The password of the ServiceNow user.

    clientID (string)

    The ID of your OAuth application.

    clientSecret (string)

    The client secret of your OAuth application.

The UI creates the corresponding provisioner file for the connector in your project's conf/ directory. The following excerpt of a sample provisioner file shows the required configurationProperties:

"configurationProperties" : {
    "instance" : "",
    "username" : "admin",
    "password" : {encrypted-password},
    "clientID" : "4xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxee",
    "clientSecret" : {encrypted-client-secret},
    "readSchema" : false

IDM encrypts the value of the password and clientSecret on startup.

When your connector is configured correctly, you can test its status by running the following command:

$ curl \
  --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
  --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
  --request POST \
    "name": "serviceNow",
    "enabled": true,
    "config": "config/provisioner.openicf/serviceNow",
    "connectorRef": {
      "bundleVersion": "[,",
      "bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.servicenow-connector",
      "connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.servicenow.ServiceNowConnector"
    "displayName": "ServiceNow Connector",
    "objectTypes": [
    "ok": true

A status of "ok": true indicates that the ServiceNow connector can reach the configured resource provider.

The following sample queries demonstrate the basic CRUD operations using the ServiceNow connector.

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request GET \
  "result": [
      "_id": "02826bf03710200044e0bfc8bcbe5d3f",
      "__NAME__": ""
      "_id": "02826bf03710200044e0bfc8bcbe5d55",
      "__NAME__": ""
      "_id": "02826bf03710200044e0bfc8bcbe5d5e",
      "__NAME__": ""
  "resultCount": 578,
  "pagedResultsCookie": null,
  "totalPagedResultsPolicy": "NONE",
  "totalPagedResults": -1,
  "remainingPagedResults": -1

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request GET \
  "_id": "02826bf03710200044e0bfc8bcbe5d3f",
  "internal_integration_user": false,
  "department": "5d7f17f03710200044e0bfc8bcbe5d43",
  "sys_mod_count": "5",
  "location": "0002c0a93790200044e0bfc8bcbe5df5",
  "web_service_access_only": false,
  "sys_updated_on": "2018-02-25 16:42:47",
  "sys_domain": "global",
  "notification": "2",
  "sys_created_by": "admin",
  "locked_out": "false",
  "__NAME__": "",
  "company": "81fd65ecac1d55eb42a426568fc87a63",
  "sys_domain_path": "/",
  "password_needs_reset": "false",
  "active": "true",
  "gender": "Male",
  "sys_created_on": "2012-02-18 03:04:49",
  "sys_class_name": "sys_user",
  "calendar_integration": "1",
  "email": "",
  "sys_id": "02826bf03710200044e0bfc8bcbe5d3f",
  "user_password": "md5230ls7L",
  "user_name": "lucius.bagnoli",
  "sys_updated_by": "developer.program@snc",
  "vip": "false",
  "last_name": "Bagnoli",
  "first_name": "Lucius"

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --request POST \
 --data '{
 }' \
  "_id": "4116e0690fa01300f6af65ba32050e7a",
  "sys_mod_count": "0",
  "password_needs_reset": "false",
  "notification": "2",
  "locked_out": "false",
  "phone": "555-123-1234",
  "sys_created_on": "2018-02-27 13:33:38",
  "first_name": "Barbara",
  "email": "",
  "active": "true",
  "sys_domain": "global",
  "calendar_integration": "1",
  "web_service_access_only": false,
  "vip": "false",
  "sys_id": "4116e0690fa01300f6af65ba32050e7a",
  "sys_updated_on": "2018-02-27 13:33:38",
  "sys_domain_path": "/",
  "sys_created_by": "admin",
  "sys_class_name": "sys_user",
  "last_name": "Jensen",
  "__NAME__": "",
  "sys_updated_by": "admin",
  "internal_integration_user": false

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --header "If-Match:*" \
 --request PUT \
 --data '{
 }' \
  "_id": "4116e0690fa01300f6af65ba32050e7a",
  "sys_mod_count": "1",
  "password_needs_reset": "false",
  "notification": "2",
  "locked_out": "false",
  "phone": "555-000-0000",
  "sys_created_on": "2018-02-27 13:33:38",
  "first_name": "Barbara",
  "email": "",
  "active": "true",
  "sys_domain": "global",
  "calendar_integration": "1",
  "web_service_access_only": false,
  "vip": "false",
  "sys_id": "4116e0690fa01300f6af65ba32050e7a",
  "sys_updated_on": "2018-02-27 13:35:32",
  "sys_domain_path": "/",
  "sys_created_by": "admin",
  "sys_class_name": "sys_user",
  "last_name": "Jensen",
  "__NAME__": "",
  "sys_updated_by": "admin",
  "internal_integration_user": false

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --header "If-Match:*" \
 --request DELETE \
  "_id": "4116e0690fa01300f6af65ba32050e7a",
  "sys_mod_count": "1",
  "password_needs_reset": "false",
  "notification": "2",
  "locked_out": "false",
  "phone": "555-000-0000",
  "sys_created_on": "2018-02-27 13:33:38",
  "first_name": "Barbara",
  "email": "",
  "active": "true",
  "sys_domain": "global",
  "calendar_integration": "1",
  "web_service_access_only": false,
  "vip": "false",
  "sys_id": "4116e0690fa01300f6af65ba32050e7a",
  "sys_updated_on": "2018-02-27 13:35:32",
  "sys_domain_path": "/",
  "sys_created_by": "admin",
  "sys_class_name": "sys_user",
  "last_name": "Jensen",
  "__NAME__": "",
  "sys_updated_by": "admin",
  "internal_integration_user": false

The ServiceNow connector supports bidirectional reconciliation and liveSync. To set up user synchronization, you must specify a mapping between managed users and ServiceNow users. For more information, see "Configuring Synchronization Between Two Resources" in the Integrator's Guide.

The following example assumes that a mapping has been created and runs a reconciliation operation from ServiceNow to the managed user repository:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request POST \
  "_id": "19755e51-5c3b-4362-b316-601856cb282c-13624",
  "state": "ACTIVE"

The following example runs a liveSync operation from ServiceNow to the managed user repository:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request POST \
  "connectorData": {
    "nativeType": "string",
    "syncToken": "2018-02-275 11:29:15"
  "_rev": "0000000031285d9b",


The ServiceNow connector does not support the __ALL__ object type so you must specify the object type (for example, User) in your liveSync operation.

For PATCH requests, a connector can potentially add, remove, or replace an attribute value. The ServiceNow connector does not implement the add or remove operations, so a PATCH request always replaces the entire attribute value with the new value.

The ServiceNow Connector implements the following OpenICF interfaces.


Creates an object and its uid.


Deletes an object, referenced by its uid.


Describes the object types, operations, and options that the connector supports.

Script on Connector

Enables an application to run a script in the context of the connector. Any script that runs on the connector has the following characteristics:

  • The script runs in the same execution environment as the connector and has access to all the classes to which the connector has access.

  • The script has access to a connector variable that is equivalent to an initialized instance of the connector. At a minimum, the script can access the connector configuration.

  • The script has access to any script-arguments passed in by the application.


Searches the target resource for all objects that match the specified object class and filter.


Polls the target resource for synchronization events, that is, native changes to objects on the target resource.


Tests the connector configuration. Testing a configuration checks all elements of the environment that are referred to by the configuration are available. For example, the connector might make a physical connection to a host that is specified in the configuration to verify that it exists and that the credentials that are specified in the configuration are valid.

This operation might need to connect to a resource, and, as such, might take some time. Do not invoke this operation too often, such as before every provisioning operation. The test operation is not intended to check that the connector is alive (that is, that its physical connection to the resource has not timed out).

You can invoke the test operation before a connector configuration has been validated.


Updates (modifies or replaces) objects on a target resource.

The ServiceNow Connector has the following configurable properties.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
instance String null

URL of the ServiceNow instance, for example:

username String null

An API user in ServiceNow that can consume the REST API

password GuardedString null

Password for the user

clientID String null

Client ID of the OAuth application in ServiceNow

clientSecret GuardedString null

Client Secret for the preceding Client ID

pageSize int 100

Default page size

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

The MongoDB connector is an implementation of the Scripted Groovy Connector Toolkit. This connector lets you interact with a MongoDB document database, using Groovy scripts for the ICF operations.

The connector is bundled with IDM in the connectors/ directory (mongodb-connector-


Version of the connector is supported only with MongoDB version 3.6.x.

In a production environment, enable access control on your MongoDB database. If your connector will manage MongoDB users and roles, you must create an administrative user in the admin database. If your connector will manage collections in a database, this administrative user must create a specific user and role for the connector for the target database.

For information about enabling access control in MongoDB, see the MongoDB documentation.

The commands in this chapter assume an administrative user named myUserAdmin with password Passw0rd who has the readWrite role on the test database.

The easiest way to configure the MongoDB connector is through the Admin UI:

  1. Select Configure > Connectors > New Connector.

  2. Enter a name for the connector configuration, for example, mongoDB.

  3. Select MongoDB Connector - as the Connector Type.

  4. Enable the connector, and set the Base Configuration Properties. For information about the configurable properties, see "Basic Configuration Properties".

Alternatively, configure the connector with a configuration file.

A sample connector configuration file (provisioner.openicf-mongodb.json) is provided in the /path/to/openidm/samples/example-configurations/provisioners directory. Copy the sample connector configuration to your project's conf/ directory, and adjust the configurationProperties to match your MongoDB instance:

"configurationProperties" : {
    "connectionURI" : "mongodb://localhost:27017",
    "host" : "localhost",
    "port" : "27017",
    "user" : "myUserAdmin",
    "password" : "Passw0rd",
    "userDatabase" : "admin",
    "database" : "test",

Set "enabled" : true to enable the connector.

When your connector is configured correctly, you can test its status by running the following command:

$ curl \
  --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
  --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
  --request POST \
    "name": "mongodb",
    "enabled": true,
    "config": "config/provisioner.openicf/mongodb",
    "connectorRef": {
      "bundleVersion": "[,",
      "bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.mongodb-connector",
      "connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.mongodb.MongoDBConnector"
    "displayName": "MongoDB Connector",
    "objectTypes": [
    "ok": true

A status of "ok": true indicates that the MongoDB connector can connect to the database.

The MongoDB Connector implements the following OpenICF interfaces.


Provides simple authentication with two parameters, presumed to be a user name and password.


Creates an object and its uid.


Deletes an object, referenced by its uid.

Resolve Username

Resolves an object by its username and returns the uid of the object.


Describes the object types, operations, and options that the connector supports.

Script on Connector

Enables an application to run a script in the context of the connector. Any script that runs on the connector has the following characteristics:

  • The script runs in the same execution environment as the connector and has access to all the classes to which the connector has access.

  • The script has access to a connector variable that is equivalent to an initialized instance of the connector. At a minimum, the script can access the connector configuration.

  • The script has access to any script-arguments passed in by the application.

Script on Resource

Runs a script on the target resource that is managed by this connector.


Searches the target resource for all objects that match the specified object class and filter.


Polls the target resource for synchronization events, that is, native changes to objects on the target resource.


Tests the connector configuration. Testing a configuration checks all elements of the environment that are referred to by the configuration are available. For example, the connector might make a physical connection to a host that is specified in the configuration to verify that it exists and that the credentials that are specified in the configuration are valid.

This operation might need to connect to a resource, and, as such, might take some time. Do not invoke this operation too often, such as before every provisioning operation. The test operation is not intended to check that the connector is alive (that is, that its physical connection to the resource has not timed out).

You can invoke the test operation before a connector configuration has been validated.


Updates (modifies or replaces) objects on a target resource.

The MongoDB Connector has the following configurable properties.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
customSensitiveConfiguration GuardedString null

Custom Sensitive Configuration script for Groovy ConfigSlurper

customConfiguration String null

Custom Configuration script for Groovy ConfigSlurper

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
createScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the CREATE operation.

customizerScriptFileName String null

The script used to customize some function of the connector. Read the documentation for more details.

authenticateScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the AUTHENTICATE operation.

scriptOnResourceScriptFileName String null
Script On Resource

The name of the file used to perform the RUNSCRIPTONRESOURCE operation.

deleteScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the DELETE operation.

resolveUsernameScriptFileName String null
Resolve Username

The name of the file used to perform the RESOLVE_USERNAME operation.

searchScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the SEARCH operation.

updateScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the UPDATE operation.

schemaScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the SCHEMA operation.

testScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the TEST operation.

syncScriptFileName String null

The name of the file used to perform the SYNC operation.

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
targetDirectory File null

Directory into which to write classes.

warningLevel int 1

Warning Level of the compiler

scriptExtensions String[] ['groovy']

Gets the extensions used to find groovy files

minimumRecompilationInterval int 100

Sets the minimum of time after a script can be recompiled.

scriptBaseClass String null

Base class name for scripts (must derive from Script)

scriptRoots String[] null

The root folder to load the scripts from. If the value is null or empty the classpath value is used.

tolerance int 10

The error tolerance, which is the number of non-fatal errors (per unit) that should be tolerated before compilation is aborted.

debug boolean false

If true, debugging code should be activated

classpath String[] []

Classpath for use during compilation.

disabledGlobalASTTransformations String[] null

Sets a list of global AST transformations which should not be loaded even if they are defined in META-INF/org.codehaus.groovy.transform.ASTTransformation files. By default, none is disabled.

verbose boolean false

If true, the compiler should produce action information

sourceEncoding String UTF-8

Encoding for source files

recompileGroovySource boolean false

If set to true recompilation is enabled

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
connectionURI String null

The MongoDB client connection URI, for example "mongodb://localhost:27017". Overides other connection parameters

host String localhost

The MongoDB server host name (localhost by default).

port int 27017

The MongoDB server port number (27017 by default).

user String null

The MongoDB username

password GuardedString null

The password used to connect to MongoDB

userDatabase String null

The name of the database in which the MongoDB user is defined

clusterAddresses String[] null

A list of additional mongodbDB servers when connecting to a MongoDB cluster (["host1:27017","host2:27017",...]")

dateAttributes String[] []

Defines the list of attributes to convert to MongoDB BSON Date type on create/update.

database String null

The database to use

arrayAttributes String[] []

Defines the list of attributes that should be considered as BSON Arrays.

includeNullValue boolean false

If set to true, retains null values in the target MongoDB document (false by default).

includeEmptyList boolean false

If set to true, retains null values in the target MongoDB document (false by default).

dateFormat String yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'

Defines the date format to use for MongoDB Date attributes (defaults to ISO 8601 "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ").

timeZone String UTC

Defines the timezone to use for MongoDB Date attributes.

ICFName String name

Defines the name to use in the target MongoDB document for the ICF __NAME__ attribute.

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
sslEnabled boolean true

Use secure socket layer to connect to MongoDB (true by default)

sslHostNameValidation boolean true

Defines if host name should be validated when SSL is enabled

maxConnectionIdleTime int 0

The maximum idle time for a pooled connection in ms (0 means no limit)

maxConnectionLifeTime int 0

The maximum life time for a pooled connection in ms (0 means no limit)

minConnectionsPerHost int 0

The minimum number of connections per host (must be >= 0)

maxConnectionsPerHost int 5

The maximum number of connections per host (must be > 0)

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

The HubSpot connector lets you synchronize HubSpot contacts and companies with managed objects in an IDM repository.

This chapter describes how to install and configure the HubSpot connector and how to perform basic tests to ensure that it's running correctly. For a complete example that includes the configuration required to synchronize users with this connector, see "Synchronizing Data Between IDM and HubSpot" in the Samples Guide.

Before you configure the HubSpot connector, you must have a client app in HubSpot, with the corresponding clientID, clientSecret and refreshToken.

To install the HubSpot connector, download the connector jar from the ForgeRock BackStage download site site and place it in the /path/to/openidm/connectors directory:

$ mv ~/Downloads/hubspot-connector- /path/to/openidm/connectors/

A sample connector configuration (provisioner.openicf-hubspot.json) is provided in the /path/to/openidm/samples/sync-with-hubspot/conf/ directory. You can copy the sample connector configuration to your project's conf/ directory, and adjust the configurationProperties to match your HubSpot application details. You must provide a clientId, clientSecret, and refreshToken. Other properties are optional:

"configurationProperties" : {
    "clientId" : "daa533ae-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6e66d84e6448",
    "clientSecret" : "c598a365-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-24b32b6ae04d",
    "refreshToken" : "f37e1132-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-4b9e724ce4a0",
    "acceptSelfSignedCertificates" : true,
    "readSchema" : "true",
    "disableHostNameVerifier" : false,
    "maximumConnections" : "10",
    "permitsPerSecond" : "10",
    "httpProxyHost" : null,
    "httpProxyPort" : null

IDM encrypts the clientSecret and refreshToken as soon as the connector is enabled.

Set "enabled" : true to enable the connector.

When your connector is configured correctly, you can test its status by running the following command:

$ curl \
  --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
  --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
  --request POST \
    "name": "hubspot",
    "enabled": true,
    "config": "config/provisioner.openicf/hubspot",
    "connectorRef": {
      "bundleVersion": "[,",
      "bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.hubspot-connector",
      "connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.hubspot.HubspotConnector"
    "displayName": "Hubspot Connector",
    "objectTypes": [
    "ok": true

A status of "ok": true indicates that the connector can connect to HubSpot.

For PATCH requests, a connector can potentially add, remove, or replace an attribute value. The HubSpot connector does not implement the add or remove operations, so a PATCH request always replaces the entire attribute value with the new value.

If the IDM server is hosted behind a firewall and requests to the resource provider are routed through a proxy, you must specify the proxy host and port in the connector configuration.

To specify the proxy server details, set the httpProxyHost, and httpProxyPort properties in the connector configuration. For example:

"configurationProperties": {
    "httpProxyHost": "",
    "httpProxyPort": 8080,

The Hubspot Connector implements the following OpenICF interfaces.


Creates an object and its uid.


Deletes an object, referenced by its uid.


Describes the object types, operations, and options that the connector supports.

Script on Connector

Enables an application to run a script in the context of the connector. Any script that runs on the connector has the following characteristics:

  • The script runs in the same execution environment as the connector and has access to all the classes to which the connector has access.

  • The script has access to a connector variable that is equivalent to an initialized instance of the connector. At a minimum, the script can access the connector configuration.

  • The script has access to any script-arguments passed in by the application.


Searches the target resource for all objects that match the specified object class and filter.


Tests the connector configuration. Testing a configuration checks all elements of the environment that are referred to by the configuration are available. For example, the connector might make a physical connection to a host that is specified in the configuration to verify that it exists and that the credentials that are specified in the configuration are valid.

This operation might need to connect to a resource, and, as such, might take some time. Do not invoke this operation too often, such as before every provisioning operation. The test operation is not intended to check that the connector is alive (that is, that its physical connection to the resource has not timed out).

You can invoke the test operation before a connector configuration has been validated.


Updates (modifies or replaces) objects on a target resource.

The Hubspot Connector has the following configurable properties.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
clientId String null

Client ID of the OAuth application in Hubspot

clientSecret GuardedString null

Client Secret for the preceding Client ID

refreshToken GuardedString null

Refresh token for application in Hubspot

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
acceptSelfSignedCertificates boolean false

Specifies whether the HubSpot server should accept self-signed certificates. Defaults to false.

readSchema Boolean false

If false, the Hubspot connector provides a default schema for Hubspot contacts and companies

disableHostNameVerifier boolean false

If hostname verification is disabled, the HubSpot server accepts connections from any host. Defaults to false.

maximumConnections Integer 10

Maximum number of simultaneous connections to HubSpot.

permitsPerSecond Integer 10

Number of Api calls to be made per second

httpProxyHost String null

Specifies the Hostname if an HTTP proxy is used between the connector and HubSpot. Defaults to null.

httpProxyPort Integer null

Specifies the Port number if an HTTP proxy is used between the connector and HubSpot . Defaults to null.

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a web service for securely controlling access to AWS services. The AWS connector lets you manage and synchronize accounts between AWS and IDM managed user objects. An AWS administrator account is required for this connector to work.

Before you configure the connector, log in to your AWS administrator account and note the following:

Access Key ID

The access key ID is a globally unique IAM user identifier to access the AWS service API.

Secret Key ID

The secret key is a password to access the AWS service API.

Role ARN

Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the role which has IAM Full Access permissions.

Credentials Expiration

Time (in seconds) to configure the duration in which the temporary credentials would expire. Optional.


The region where the AWS instance is hosted.

Download the connector .jar file from the ForgeRock BackStage download site.

  • If you are running the connector locally, place it in the /path/to/openidm/connectors directory, for example:

    mv ~/Downloads/aws-connector- /path/to/openidm/connectors/
  • If you are using a remote connector server (RCS), place it in the /path/to/openicf/connectors directory on the RCS.

Create a connector configuration using the Admin UI:

  1. Select Configure > Connectors and click New Connector.

  2. Enter a Connector Name.

  3. Select AWS Connector - as the Connector Type.

  4. Provide the Base Connector Details.

  5. Click Save.

When your connector is configured correctly, the connector displays as Active in the admin UI.

Alternatively, test that the configuration is correct by running the following command:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request POST \
  "name": "aws",
  "enabled": true,
  "config": "config/provisioner.openicf/aws",
  "connectorRef": {
    "bundleVersion": "[,",
    "bundleName": "",
    "connectorName": ""
  "displayName": "AWS Connector",
  "objectTypes": [
  "ok": true

If the command returns "ok": true, your connector has been configured correctly, and can authenticate to the AWS server.

The following AWS account attributes are supported by the AWS connector:

__USER__ The username of the user. Only alphanumeric characters, and +=,.@_- symbols are supported. Required.
UserIDAuto-generated user id.
Path The path to the created user (used to define a hierarchy-based structure). Default value is /.
__PASSWORD__Password for the user account.
Arn Amazon Resource Name (ARN), used to uniquely identify the AWS resource. For more information on ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) in the AWS documentation.
CreatedDate Date of profile creation, in ISO 8601 date-time format.
PasswordLastUsedDate the password was last used.
PermissionBoundaryThe ARN of the policy that is used to set the permissions boundary for the user.
Tags A list of customizable key-value pairs. For more information about tags on AWS, see Tagging AWS resources in the AWS documentation. For example:
"Tags": [{
    "Key": "Department",
    "Value": "Accounting"

You can use the AWS connector to perform the following actions on an AWS account:

The following example creates a user with the minimum required attributes:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request POST \
--data '{
  "__NAME__": "bjensen"
  "_id": "bjensen",
  "Path": "/",
  "UserId": "AIDAW3FY74V57KNBRIDU6",
  "__NAME__": "bjensen",
  "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::470686885243:user/bjensen",
  "CreatedDate": "Thu Jun 02 16:46:39 PDT 2022"


When you create a new user, you must specify at least __NAME__. See the list of available attributes for more information.

You can modify an existing user with a PUT request, including all attributes of the account in the request. The following attributes can be modified on a user:

  • __USER__

  • __PASSWORD__

  • Path

  • PermissionBoundary

  • Tags

For example, to add a new tag to a user:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "if-Match:*" \
--request PUT \
--data '{
  "__NAME__": "bjensen",
  "Tags": [{
    "Key": "Project",
    "Value": "Meteor"
}' \
  "_id": "bjensen",
  "Path": "/",
  "UserId": "AIDAW3FY74V57KNBRIDU6",
  "__NAME__": "bjensen",
  "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::470686885243:user/bjensen",
  "CreatedDate": "Thu Jun 02 16:46:39 PDT 2022",
  "Tags": [
      "Project": "Meteor"

The following example queries all AWS users:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request GET \
  "result": [
      "_id": "bjensen"
      "_id": ""
      "_id": "testFR4User"
      "_id": "testFR5User"
      "_id": "testFR6User"
  "resultCount": 5,
  "pagedResultsCookie": null,
  "totalPagedResultsPolicy": "NONE",
  "totalPagedResults": -1,
  "remainingPagedResults": -1

The following command queries a specific user by their ID:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request GET \
  "_id": "bjensen",
  "Path": "/",
  "UserId": "AIDAW3FY74V57KNBRIDU6",
  "__NAME__": "bjensen",
  "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::470686885243:user/bjensen",
  "CreatedDate": "Thu Jun 02 16:46:39 PDT 2022",
  "Tags": [
      "Project": "Meteor"

To reset the password for AWS user account, you can use the connector to change a user's password.

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "if-Match:*" \
--request PATCH \
--data '[{
  "operation": "add",
  "field": "__PASSWORD__",
  "value": "Passw0rd@123!"
}]' \
  "_id": "bjensen",
  "Path": "/",
  "UserId": "AIDAW3FY74V57KNBRIDU6",
  "__NAME__": "bjensen",
  "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::470686885243:user/bjensen",
  "CreatedDate": "Thu Jun 02 16:46:39 PDT 2022",
  "Tags": [
      "Project": "Meteor"


While the __PASSWORD__ field is not returned as part of the response, the user object is updated.

You can use the AWS connector to delete an account from the AWS IAM service.

The following example deletes an AWS account:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request DELETE \
  "_id": "bjensen",
  "Path": "/",
  "UserId": "AIDAW3FY74V57KNBRIDU6",
  "__NAME__": "bjensen",
  "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::470686885243:user/bjensen",
  "CreatedDate": "Thu Jun 02 16:46:39 PDT 2022",
  "Tags": [
      "Project": "Meteor"

The AWS Connector implements the following OpenICF interfaces.


Creates an object and its uid.


Deletes an object, referenced by its uid.


Describes the object types, operations, and options that the connector supports.

Script on Connector

Enables an application to run a script in the context of the connector. Any script that runs on the connector has the following characteristics:

  • The script runs in the same execution environment as the connector and has access to all the classes to which the connector has access.

  • The script has access to a connector variable that is equivalent to an initialized instance of the connector. At a minimum, the script can access the connector configuration.

  • The script has access to any script-arguments passed in by the application.


Searches the target resource for all objects that match the specified object class and filter.


Tests the connector configuration. Testing a configuration checks all elements of the environment that are referred to by the configuration are available. For example, the connector might make a physical connection to a host that is specified in the configuration to verify that it exists and that the credentials that are specified in the configuration are valid.

This operation might need to connect to a resource, and, as such, might take some time. Do not invoke this operation too often, such as before every provisioning operation. The test operation is not intended to check that the connector is alive (that is, that its physical connection to the resource has not timed out).

You can invoke the test operation before a connector configuration has been validated.


Updates (modifies or replaces) objects on a target resource.

The AWS Connector has the following configurable properties.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
accessKeyId String null

Provide the Access Key ID to access the AWS IAM Service API

secretKey GuardedString null

Provide the Secret Key ID to access the AWS IAM Service API

roleArn String null

Provide the Amazon Resource Name specifying the Role

region String null

Provide the Regions

pageSize int 100

Provide the Page Size

credentialsExpiration int 3600

Provide the temporary credentials expiration time in seconds

proxyHost String null

Provide the ProxyHost

proxyPort Integer null

Provide the ProxyPort

proxyUsername String null

Provide the Proxy Username

proxyPassword GuardedString null

Provide the Proxy Password

connectionTimeout Integer 10000

Provide the Maximum Connection Timeout in milliseconds

maxConnections Integer 10

Provide the number of Maximum Connections

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

Cerner is a healthcare-related service which offers an integrated healthcare IT solution for large healthcare providers. The Cerner connector lets you manage and synchronize accounts between Cerner and IDM managed user objects. A Cerner system account is required for this connector to work.

Before you configure the connector, log in to your Cerner system account and note the following:

  • The bearer token associated with your system account.

  • Your Cerner tenant ID.

Download the connector .jar file from the ForgeRock BackStage download site.

  • If you are running the connector locally, place it in the /path/to/openidm/connectors directory, for example:

    mv ~/Downloads/cerner-connector- /path/to/openidm/connectors/
  • If you are using a remote connector server (RCS), place it in the /path/to/openicf/connectors directory on the RCS.

Create a connector configuration using the Admin UI:

  1. Select Configure > Connectors and click New Connector.

  2. Enter a Connector Name.

  3. Select Cerner Connector - as the Connector Type.

  4. Provide the Base Connector Details.

  5. Click Save.

When your connector is configured correctly, the connector displays as Active in the Admin UI.

Alternatively, test that the configuration is correct by running the following command:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request POST \
  "name": "Cerner",
  "enabled": true,
  "config": "config/provisioner.openicf/Cerner",
  "connectorRef": {
    "bundleVersion": "[,",
    "bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.cerner-connector",
    "connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.cerner.CernerConnector"
  "displayName": "Cerner Connector",
  "objectTypes": [
  "ok": true

If the command returns "ok": true, your connector has been configured correctly, and can authenticate to the Cerner system.

You can use the Cerner connector to perform the following actions on a Cerner account:

The following example creates a user with the minimum required attributes:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request POST \
--data '{
  "given": "Barbara",
  "family": "Jensen",
  "aliasType": "USER",
  "__NAME__": "Jensen, Barbara"
  "_id": "5170a9cd-e501-4cbf-a1bf-9e6d293362c6",
  "updatedAt": "2022-04-29T22:54:08Z",
  "given": "Barbara",
  "name": {
    "given": "Barbara",
    "family": "Jensen",
    "formatted": "Barbara Jensen"
  "id": "5170a9cd-e501-4cbf-a1bf-9e6d293362c6",
  "languages": [],
  "formattedName": "Barbara Jensen",
  "aliases": {
    "type": "USER",
    "value": "Jensen",
    "system": "Barbara"
  "aliasValue": "Jensen",
  "__NAME__": "Jensen,Barbara",
  "createdAt": "2022-04-29T22:54:08Z",
  "aliasType": "USER",
  "family": "Jensen",
  "isManual": true,
  "aliasSystem": "Barbara"


When you create a new user, you must specify at least __NAME__, aliasType, given and family. See the list of available attributes in Update a Cerner user for more information.

You can modify an existing user with a PUT request, including all attributes of the account in the request. You can use the Cerner connector to modify the following attributes:

__NAME__The user's name, in a FAMILY, GIVEN format. Required.
birthDateMust be in YYYY-MM-DD format.
gender Accepted values are MALE, FEMALE, OTHER, UNKNOWN.
givenThe user's first name. Required.
familyThe user's last name. Required.
useAccepted values are HOME, WORK.
linesThe street portion of the address.
aliasType Accepted values are: SPI, TAX, SL, EXTERNAL, UPIN, USER, or UNKNOWN. Required.

Qualification code such as MD or PhD.


start The first date and time that the qualification is valid, in a YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ date format.
end The date and time that the qualification expires, in a YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ date format.
system Accepted values are PHONE, EMAIL, or OTHER.
languages For a list of valid language tags, see the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) language subtag registry.

For example, to add the user's middle name:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "if-Match:*" \
--request PUT \
--data '{
  "given": "Barbara",
  "family": "Jensen",
  "aliasType": "USER",
  "__NAME__": "Jensen, Barbara",
  "name": {
    "middle": "Simone"
}' \

  "_id": "5170a9cd-e501-4cbf-a1bf-9e6d293362c6",
  "updatedAt": "2022-04-29T23:03:57Z",
  "given": "Barbara",
  "name": {
    "given": "Barbara",
    "middle": "Simone",
    "family": "Jensen",
    "formatted": "Barbara Simone Jensen"
  "id": "5170a9cd-e501-4cbf-a1bf-9e6d293362c6",
  "languages": [],
  "formattedName": "Barbara Simone Jensen",
  "aliases": {
    "type": "USER",
    "value": "Jensen",
    "system": "Barbara"
  "aliasValue": "Jensen",
  "__NAME__": "Jensen,Barbara",
  "createdAt": "2022-04-29T22:54:08Z",
  "aliasType": "USER",
  "family": "Jensen",
  "isManual": true,
  "aliasSystem": "Barbara"

The following example queries all Cerner users:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request GET \
  "result": [
      "_id": "7d9538c8-1c2a-4894-a403-129b35308f39"
      "_id": "8f1c2671-9ebb-4105-9537-a3a0fc24afce"
      "_id": "ac944860-705f-4487-99bf-6959c5e6157c"
      "_id": "d308e459-51fa-469a-a07e-72f96906a4b4"
      "_id": "ff9d6902-20be-4c6e-821a-5a0f3ccaebc8"
      "_id": "bf2b9346-715e-4f59-9dc5-2bc89b8216cd"
      "_id": "055def33-a845-4100-bcd1-2b59a3526ec5"
      "_id": "167609b8-dfd0-4302-9022-4a3e8809b166"
    [ ... ]
      "_id": "9f4ea23d-bacc-46ee-b8c9-75916a5f5128"
      "_id": "a4d6be21-a5ce-4a56-91af-94c627701d4f"
  "resultCount": 1020,
  "pagedResultsCookie": null,
  "totalPagedResultsPolicy": "NONE",
  "totalPagedResults": -1,
  "remainingPagedResults": -1


Querying all ids can take a significant amount of time to return when the data set is large. Consider using paginated results instead, for example:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request GET \
  "result": [
      "_id": "878c87d4-8322-4908-a858-555a1cb45e36"
      "_id": "9ecaa98b-58df-4dd1-bc99-34341411b151"
  "resultCount": 2,
  "pagedResultsCookie": null,
  "totalPagedResultsPolicy": "NONE",
  "totalPagedResults": -1,
  "remainingPagedResults": -1

The following command queries a specific user by their ID:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request GET \
  "_id": "5170a9cd-e501-4cbf-a1bf-9e6d293362c6",
  "updatedAt": "2022-04-29T23:03:57Z",
  "given": "Barbara",
  "name": {
    "given": "Barbara",
    "middle": "Simone",
    "family": "Jensen",
    "formatted": "Barbara Simone Jensen"
  "id": "5170a9cd-e501-4cbf-a1bf-9e6d293362c6",
  "languages": [],
  "formattedName": "Barbara Simone Jensen",
  "aliases": {
    "type": "USER",
    "value": "Jensen",
    "system": "Barbara"
  "aliasValue": "Jensen",
  "__NAME__": "Jensen,Barbara",
  "createdAt": "2022-04-29T22:54:08Z",
  "aliasType": "USER",
  "family": "Jensen",
  "isManual": true,
  "aliasSystem": "Barbara"

You can use the Cerner connector to delete an account from the Cerner repository.

The following example deletes a Cerner account:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request DELETE \
  "_id": "5170a9cd-e501-4cbf-a1bf-9e6d293362c6",
  "updatedAt": "2022-04-29T23:03:57Z",
  "given": "Barbara",
  "name": {
    "given": "Barbara",
    "middle": "Simone",
    "family": "Jensen",
    "formatted": "Barbara Simone Jensen"
  "id": "5170a9cd-e501-4cbf-a1bf-9e6d293362c6",
  "languages": [],
  "formattedName": "Barbara Simone Jensen",
  "aliases": {
    "type": "USER",
    "value": "Jensen",
    "system": "Barbara"
  "aliasValue": "Jensen",
  "__NAME__": "Jensen,Barbara",
  "createdAt": "2022-04-29T22:54:08Z",
  "aliasType": "USER",
  "family": "Jensen",
  "isManual": true,
  "aliasSystem": "Barbara"

You can then confirm the account has been deleted by querying the id:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request GET \
  "code": 404,
  "reason": "Not Found",
  "message": "Object 5170a9cd-e501-4cbf-a1bf-9e6d293362c6 not found on system/Cerner/__ACCOUNT__"

The Cerner Connector implements the following OpenICF interfaces.


Creates an object and its uid.


Deletes an object, referenced by its uid.


Describes the object types, operations, and options that the connector supports.

Script on Connector

Enables an application to run a script in the context of the connector. Any script that runs on the connector has the following characteristics:

  • The script runs in the same execution environment as the connector and has access to all the classes to which the connector has access.

  • The script has access to a connector variable that is equivalent to an initialized instance of the connector. At a minimum, the script can access the connector configuration.

  • The script has access to any script-arguments passed in by the application.


Searches the target resource for all objects that match the specified object class and filter.


Tests the connector configuration. Testing a configuration checks all elements of the environment that are referred to by the configuration are available. For example, the connector might make a physical connection to a host that is specified in the configuration to verify that it exists and that the credentials that are specified in the configuration are valid.

This operation might need to connect to a resource, and, as such, might take some time. Do not invoke this operation too often, such as before every provisioning operation. The test operation is not intended to check that the connector is alive (that is, that its physical connection to the resource has not timed out).

You can invoke the test operation before a connector configuration has been validated.


Updates (modifies or replaces) objects on a target resource.

The Cerner Connector has the following configurable properties.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
bearerToken GuardedString null

Provide the bearer token to authorize Cerner

tenant String playground

Provide the tenant to authorize Cerner

region String us-1

Provide the region to authorize Cerner

maximumConnections Integer 10

Provide the maximum connections

connectionTimeout Integer 300

Provide the maximum connection timeout in seconds

httpProxyHost String null

Provide the Proxy Host

httpProxyPort Integer null

Provide the Proxy Port

httpProxyUsername String null

Provide the Proxy Username

httpProxyPassword GuardedString null

Provide the Proxy Password

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

Epic is a healthcare-related service which handles patient medical records. The Epic connector lets you manage and synchronize accounts between Epic and the IDM managed user objects. An Epic administrator account on the Epic system you wish to connect to is required for this connector to work.

Before you configure the connector, log in to your Epic administrator account and note the following:

  • Client ID

  • Username

  • Password

  • Private key (Generate an RSA keypair and convert to PKCS8)


    To generate your private key:

    1. Generate and download an RSA key pair.

    2. Run the following command to convert the RSA private key to PKCS8 format:

      openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in privatekey.pem -out epic_pkcs8_private_key.pem
    3. After generating the private key in PKCS8 format, remove -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- and -----END PRIVATE KEY----- from the generated PKCS8 private key file.

    4. Remove any escape characters such as \n or \r.

  • REST Endpoint (optional)

  • SOAP Endpoint (optional)

  • Max Records (optional)

  • User template file path (Optional)

  • User sub template file path (Optional)

  • In Basket classification file path (Optional)

  • Group file path (Optional)


The user template, user sub template, in basket, and group file paths are local paths that are accessible to the IDM or ${rcs.abbr} instance.

Download the connector .jar file from the ForgeRock BackStage download site.

  • If you are running the connector locally, place it in the /path/to/openidm/connectors directory, for example:

    mv ~/Downloads/epic-connector- /path/to/openidm/connectors/
  • If you are using a remote connector server (RCS), place it in the /path/to/openicf/connectors directory on the RCS.

Create a connector configuration using the Admin UI:

  1. Select Configure > Connectors and click New Connector.

  2. Enter a Connector Name.

  3. Select Epic Connector - as the Connector Type.

  4. Provide the Base Connector Details.

  5. Click Save.

When your connector is configured correctly, the connector displays as Active in the admin UI.

Alternatively, test that the configuration is correct by running the following command:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request POST \
  "name": "Epic",
  "enabled": true,
  "config": "config/provisioner.openicf/Epic",
  "connectorRef": {
    "bundleVersion": "[,",
    "bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.epic-connector",
    "connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.epic.EpicConnector"
  "displayName": "Epic Connector",
  "objectTypes": [
  "ok": true

If the command returns "ok": true, your connector has been configured correctly, and can authenticate to the Epic server.

The Epic connector supports connection pooling, which can substantially improve the performance of the connector. The basic connection pooling configuration is described in "Connection Pooling Configuration".

The following resources are supported by the Epic connector:

Connector ResourceEpic Resource Type
ProviderLinked Provider
UserTemplateUser Template
UserSubTemplateUser Sub Template
InBasketClassificationsIn Basket Classifications

You can use the Epic connector to perform the following actions on an Epic account:

The following example creates a user with the minimum required attributes:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request POST \
--data '{
  "UserID": "8675309",
  "__NAME__": "Walter, Taylor"
  "_id": "8675309",
  "UserComplexName": {
    "FirstName": "Taylor",
    "GivenNameInitials": "",
    "MiddleName": "",
    "LastName": "Walter",
    "LastNamePrefix": "",
    "SpouseLastName": "",
    "SpousePrefix": "",
    "Suffix": "",
    "AcademicTitle": "",
    "PrimaryTitle": "",
    "SpouseLastNameFirst": false,
    "FatherName": "",
    "GrandfatherName": ""
  "BlockStatus": {
    "IsBlocked": false,
    "Reason": "",
    "Comment": ""
  "__GROUP__": [],
  "ContactComment": "Initial contact created via web service",
  "UserID": "8675309",
  "UsersManagers": [],
  "InBasketClassifications": [],
  "__ENABLE__": true


  • When you create a new user, you must specify at least UserID and __NAME__.

  • The maximum length of __NAME__ is 100 characters. The format for userName is LAST, FIRST MI format.

  • The maximum number of characters for UserID is 15.

The following example queries all Epic users:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request GET \
  "result": [
      "_id": "dsully"
      "_id": "999999999"
      "_id": ""
      "_id": "extuser320"
      "_id": "Achong"
      "_id": "dsewell"
      "_id": "8675309"
      "_id": "atestuser"
      "_id": "Amaraphornc"
      "_id": "jocampo"
  "resultCount": 10,
  "pagedResultsCookie": null,
  "totalPagedResultsPolicy": "NONE",
  "totalPagedResults": -1,
  "remainingPagedResults": -1

The following command queries a specific user by their ID:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request GET \
  "_id": "8675309",
  "UserComplexName": {
    "FirstName": "Taylor",
    "GivenNameInitials": "",
    "MiddleName": "",
    "LastName": "Walter",
    "LastNamePrefix": "",
    "SpouseLastName": "",
    "SpousePrefix": "",
    "Suffix": "",
    "AcademicTitle": "",
    "PrimaryTitle": "",
    "SpouseLastNameFirst": false,
    "FatherName": "",
    "GrandfatherName": ""
  "BlockStatus": {
    "IsBlocked": false,
    "Reason": "",
    "Comment": ""
  "__GROUP__": [],
  "ContactComment": "Initial contact created via web service",
  "UserID": "8675309",
  "UsersManagers": [],
  "InBasketClassifications": [],
  "__ENABLE__": true

You can modify an existing user with a PUT request, including all attributes of the account in the request. You can use the Epic connector to modify the following attributes of a user entry:

User accounts
  • __ENABLE__

  • __GROUP__

  • __NAME__ (Required)

  • __PASSWORD__

  • UserID

  • UserIDType

  • UserAlias

  • UserPhotoPath

  • Sex

  • Notes

  • Provider

  • LinkedProviderID

  • Department

  • ContactComment

  • ContactDate

  • SystemLoginID

  • LDAPOverrideID

  • DefaultLoginDepartmentID

  • ReportGrouper1

  • ReportGrouper2

  • ReportGrouper3

  • CategoryReportGrouper

  • InBasketClassifications

  • UsersManagers

  • PrimaryManager

  • DefaultTemplateID

  • UserTemplate

  • UserSubtemplateIDs

  • UserComplexName - UserComplexName has the following sub-attributes:

    • FirstName

    • GivenNameInitials

    • MiddleName

    • LastName

    • LastNamePrefix

    • SpouseLastName

    • SpousePrefix

    • SpouseLastNameFirst

    • Suffix


    When updating a user, __NAME__ overrides the FirstName, LastName and MiddleName of UserComplexName attributes.

  • IsActive

  • BlockStatus - BlockStatus has the following sub-attributes:

    • IsBlocked

    • BlockStatus.Comment

In Basket Classifications
  • __UID__

  • __NAME__

  • __UID__

  • __NAME__

  • Type

User Templates
  • __UID__

  • __NAME__

User Sub Templates
  • __UID__

  • __NAME__

  • __UID__

  • __NAME__

  • ExternalID

  • Title

  • NPI ID

  • Provider Type

  • Specialty

  • Practice Name

  • Street Address

  • Phone

For example, to add a Suffix to a user:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "if-Match:*" \
--request PUT \
--data '{
  "__NAME__": "Walter, Taylor",
  "UserComplexName": {
    "Suffix": "Junior"
}' \
  "_id": "8675309",
  "UserComplexName": {
    "FirstName": "Taylor",
    "GivenNameInitials": "",
    "MiddleName": "",
    "LastName": "Walter",
    "LastNamePrefix": "",
    "SpouseLastName": "",
    "SpousePrefix": "",
    "Suffix": "Jr.",
    "AcademicTitle": "",
    "PrimaryTitle": "",
    "SpouseLastNameFirst": false,
    "FatherName": "",
    "GrandfatherName": ""
  "BlockStatus": {
    "IsBlocked": false,
    "Reason": "",
    "Comment": ""
  "__GROUP__": [],
  "UserID": "8675309",
  "UsersManagers": [],
  "InBasketClassifications": [],
  "__ENABLE__": true

To reset the password for Epic user account, you can use the connector to change a user's password.

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "if-Match:*" \
--request PUT \
--data '{
  "__PASSWORD__": "Passw0rd@123!",
  "__NAME__": "Walter, Taylor"
}' \
  "_id": "8675309",
  "UserComplexName": {
    "FirstName": "Taylor",
    "GivenNameInitials": "",
    "MiddleName": "",
    "LastName": "Walter",
    "LastNamePrefix": "",
    "SpouseLastName": "",
    "SpousePrefix": "",
    "Suffix": "",
    "AcademicTitle": "",
    "PrimaryTitle": "",
    "SpouseLastNameFirst": false,
    "FatherName": "",
    "GrandfatherName": ""
  "BlockStatus": {
    "IsBlocked": false,
    "Reason": "",
    "Comment": ""
  "__GROUP__": [],
  "UserID": "8675309",
  "UsersManagers": [],
  "InBasketClassifications": [],
  "__ENABLE__": true

The following example activates a user with the minimum required attributes, and updates their name:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "if-Match:*" \
--request PUT \
--data '{
  "__NAME__": "Walter, Taylorupdate",
  "__ENABLE__": "true"
}' \
  "_id": "8675309",
  "UserComplexName": {
    "FirstName": "Taylorupdate",
    "GivenNameInitials": "",
    "MiddleName": "",
    "LastName": "Walter",
    "LastNamePrefix": "",
    "SpouseLastName": "",
    "SpousePrefix": "",
    "Suffix": "",
    "AcademicTitle": "",
    "PrimaryTitle": "",
    "SpouseLastNameFirst": false,
    "FatherName": "",
    "GrandfatherName": ""
  "BlockStatus": {
    "IsBlocked": false,
    "Reason": "",
    "Comment": ""
  "__GROUP__": [],
  "UserID": "8675309",
  "UsersManagers": [],
  "InBasketClassifications": [],
  "__ENABLE__": true

The following example deactivates a user with the minimum required attributes:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "if-Match:*" \
--request PUT \
--data '{ \
  "__ENABLE__": false
}' \
  "_id": "8675309",
  "UserComplexName": {
    "FirstName": "Taylor",
    "GivenNameInitials": "",
    "MiddleName": "",
    "LastName": "Walter",
    "LastNamePrefix": "",
    "SpouseLastName": "",
    "SpousePrefix": "",
    "Suffix": "",
    "AcademicTitle": "",
    "PrimaryTitle": "",
    "SpouseLastNameFirst": false,
    "FatherName": "",
    "GrandfatherName": ""
  "BlockStatus": {
    "IsBlocked": false,
    "Reason": "",
    "Comment": ""
  "__GROUP__": [],
  "UserID": "8675309",
  "UsersManagers": [],
  "InBasketClassifications": [],
  "__ENABLE__": false

You can use the Epic connector to delete an account from the Epic repository.


A deleted account technically remains in the Epic repository, but cannot be queried by its ID.

The following example deletes an Epic account:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request DELETE \
  "_id": "8675309",
  "UserComplexName": {
    "FirstName": "Taylor",
    "GivenNameInitials": "",
    "MiddleName": "",
    "LastName": "Walter",
    "LastNamePrefix": "",
    "SpouseLastName": "",
    "SpousePrefix": "",
    "Suffix": "",
    "AcademicTitle": "",
    "PrimaryTitle": "",
    "SpouseLastNameFirst": false,
    "FatherName": "",
    "GrandfatherName": ""
  "BlockStatus": {
    "IsBlocked": false,
    "Reason": "",
    "Comment": ""
  "__GROUP__": [],
  "UserID": "8675309",
  "UsersManagers": [],
  "InBasketClassifications": [],
  "__ENABLE__": false

You can then confirm the account has been deleted by querying the UserID:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request GET \
  "code": 404,
  "reason": "Not Found",
  "message": "Object 8675309 not found on system/Epic/__ACCOUNT__"

Additionally, all supported resources can be queried:

To query all departments:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request GET \
  "result": [
      "_id": "40"
      "_id": "56"
      "_id": "71"
      "_id": "77"
      "_id": "58"
    [ ... ]
      "_id": "46"
      "_id": "10120160"
      "_id": "1002020"
      "_id": "31"
      "_id": "83"
      "_id": "115"
  "resultCount": 548,
  "pagedResultsCookie": null,
  "totalPagedResultsPolicy": "NONE",
  "totalPagedResults": -1,
  "remainingPagedResults": -1

To query all providers:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request GET \
  "result": [
      "_id": "116"
      "_id": "E3087"
      "_id": "E4000"
      "_id": "E4913"
      "_id": "E5335"
      "_id": "E4716"
      "_id": "E5370"
    [ ... ]
      "_id": "E4001"
      "_id": "E4002"
      "_id": "E5137"
      "_id": "E5199"
      "_id": "E4003"
      "_id": "E4694"
      "_id": "E4004"
      "_id": "E4005"
      "_id": "E5019"
      "_id": "E4843"
  "resultCount": 2560,
  "pagedResultsCookie": null,
  "totalPagedResultsPolicy": "NONE",
  "totalPagedResults": -1,
  "remainingPagedResults": -1

To query a specific provider:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request GET \
  "_id": "E4716",
  "Specialty": "Family Medicine",
  "__UID__": "E4716",
  "Provider Type": "Physician",

To query all user templates:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request GET \
  "result": [
      "_id": "T00004"
      "_id": "T00024"
      "_id": "T00033"
      "_id": "T00038"
      "_id": "T00076"
      "_id": "T00077"
      "_id": "T00078"
      "_id": "T00088"
      "_id": "T00089"
      "_id": "T00090"
      "_id": "T1000601"
      "_id": "T1002020"
      "_id": "T1020101"
      "_id": "T1020102"
    [ ... ]
      "_id": "T8888001"
      "_id": "T8889901"
      "_id": "T9998001"
  "resultCount": 431,
  "pagedResultsCookie": null,
  "totalPagedResultsPolicy": "NONE",
  "totalPagedResults": -1,
  "remainingPagedResults": -1

To query a specific user template:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request GET \
  "_id": "T8888001",
  "__UID__": "T8888001",

To query all user sub templates:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request GET \
  "result": [
      "_id": "ST00007"
      "_id": "ST00030"
      "_id": "ST10200"
      "_id": "ST10201"
      "_id": "ST10202"
      "_id": "ST10203"
      "_id": "ST10204"
    [ ... ]
      "_id": "ST10401"
      "_id": "ST10402"
      "_id": "ST10700"
      "_id": "ST107001"
      "_id": "T5080002"
      "_id": "T99901"
      "_id": "TCVREPSUB"
  "resultCount": 91,
  "pagedResultsCookie": null,
  "totalPagedResultsPolicy": "NONE",
  "totalPagedResults": -1,
  "remainingPagedResults": -1

To query a specific user sub template:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request GET \
  "_id": "T00007",
  "__UID__": "T00007"

To query all In Basket classifications:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request GET \
  "result": [
      "_id": "1"
      "_id": "2"
      "_id": "15"
      "_id": "29"
      "_id": "30"
      "_id": "31"
      "_id": "84"
      "_id": "85"
      "_id": "100"
      "_id": "140"
      "_id": "141"
      "_id": "212"
  "resultCount": 12,
  "pagedResultsCookie": null,
  "totalPagedResultsPolicy": "NONE",
  "totalPagedResults": -1,
  "remainingPagedResults": -1

To query a specific In Basket classification:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request GET \
  "_id": "140",
  "__NAME__": "Model AP Pt Clinical Msg Pool",
  "__UID__": "140"

To query all groups:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request GET \
  "result": [
      "_id": "1"
      "_id": "2"
      "_id": "3"
      "_id": "4"
      "_id": "5"
      "_id": "6"
      "_id": "7"
      "_id": "1000"
      "_id": "1001"
      "_id": "1002"
      "_id": "1003"
      "_id": "1004"
      "_id": "1005"
      "_id": "1006"
  "resultCount": 14,
  "pagedResultsCookie": null,
  "totalPagedResultsPolicy": "NONE",
  "totalPagedResults": -1,
  "remainingPagedResults": -1

To query a specific group:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request GET \
  "_id": "1000",
  "__NAME__": "Community",
  "__UID__": "1000",
  "Type": "Community",
  "Undefined3": "Customer~Epic Customer"

The Epic Connector implements the following OpenICF interfaces.


Creates an object and its uid.


Deletes an object, referenced by its uid.


Describes the object types, operations, and options that the connector supports.

Script on Connector

Enables an application to run a script in the context of the connector. Any script that runs on the connector has the following characteristics:

  • The script runs in the same execution environment as the connector and has access to all the classes to which the connector has access.

  • The script has access to a connector variable that is equivalent to an initialized instance of the connector. At a minimum, the script can access the connector configuration.

  • The script has access to any script-arguments passed in by the application.


Searches the target resource for all objects that match the specified object class and filter.


Tests the connector configuration. Testing a configuration checks all elements of the environment that are referred to by the configuration are available. For example, the connector might make a physical connection to a host that is specified in the configuration to verify that it exists and that the credentials that are specified in the configuration are valid.

This operation might need to connect to a resource, and, as such, might take some time. Do not invoke this operation too often, such as before every provisioning operation. The test operation is not intended to check that the connector is alive (that is, that its physical connection to the resource has not timed out).

You can invoke the test operation before a connector configuration has been validated.


Updates (modifies or replaces) objects on a target resource.

The Epic Connector has the following configurable properties.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
clientId String null

Provide the Client ID to authorize the Epic APIs

privateKey GuardedString null

Provide the Private key in pkcs8 format

userName String null

Provide the Username required for Connection

password GuardedString null

Provide the Password required for Connection

userTemplatesFilePath String null

Provide the location of User Template file

subTemplatesFilePath String null

Provide the location of User Subtemplate file

inBasketFilePath String null

Provide the location of In Basket Classifications File

groupsFilePath String null

Provide the location of Group File

maxRecords int 50

Provide the Maximum records for search operation

maxConnections Integer 10

Provide the Maximum connections

connectionTimeout int 600

Provide the Maximum Connection Timeout in seconds

accessToken GuardedString null

Provide the Access token to establish connectivity with the target

tokenValidity Long null

Provide the Validity period of the token

httpProxyHost String null

Provide the HTTP Proxy Host

httpProxyPort Integer null

Provide the HTTP Proxy Port

httpProxyUsername String null

Provide the HTTP Proxy Username

httpProxyPassword GuardedString null

Provide the HTTP Proxy Password

restEndpoint String

The HTTP URL for the REST End point (

soapEndpoint String

The HTTP URL for the SOAP End point (

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

The MS Graph API Java connector uses the MS Graph SDK for Java and the Authentication Providers for the MS Graph Java SDK. Unlike the PowerShell connector, the MS Graph API connector is a Java connector, and does not need a .NET RCS to run. As a Java connector, the MS Graph API connector functions like any standard IDM connector.

The MS Graph API connector can read, search, and fetch data from Microsoft Azure, when Azure is the authoritative data source, and can provision to Azure, when IDM is the authoritative data source.

The MS Graph API connector is bundled with IDM, and available from the ForgeRock Download Center. The connector bundles all its dependencies.

Before you can use the connector, you must register an application with Azure. You need a Microsoft Azure subscription to complete this procedure:

  1. Log in to the MS Azure portal as an administrative user.

  2. Under Azure services, select App registrations.

  3. On the Register an application page, enter a name for the application; for example, FR-Connector.

    Select the supported account types, and enter a Redirect URI. The redirect URI is the IDM URI that Azure should redirect to after successful authentication; for example,

  4. On the new registration page for your application, make a note of the Application (client) ID and the Directory (tenant) ID. You will need these to configure the connector:

    Client ID and Tenant ID for new connector application
  5. Generate a client secret:

    1. Select Certificates & secrets > New client secret.

    2. Enter a description, select an expiry date, and click Add.

    3. Copy the client secret Value:

      Get the client secret


      You will not be able to retrieve the client secret in cleartext after you exit this screen.

  6. Set the API permissions:

    1. Select API permissions, click Microsoft Graph, then click Application permissions.

      Set API permissions
    2. From the User item, select the following permissions:

      • User.Export.All

      • User.ManageIdentities.All

      • User.Read.All

      • User.ReadWrite.All

    3. From the Group item, select the following permissions:

      • Group.Create

      • Group.Read.All

      • Group.ReadWrite.All

    4. From the Directory item, select the following permissions:

      • Directory.Read.All

      • Directory.ReadWrite.All

    5. Click Add permissions.

  7. Grant admin consent for the API permissions:

    On the Configured permissions page, Grant admin consent for org-name, then click Yes.

    Grant admin consent for the API permissions
  1. IDM bundles version of the MS Graph API connector in the openidm/connectors directory. Alternatively, download the connector .jar file from the ForgeRock Download Center

  2. Create a configuration for the connector.

    Configure the MS Graph API connector through the Admin UI (select Configure > Connectors), or over REST.

    Alternatively, copy the sample connector configuration file from /path/to/openidm/samples/example-configurations/provisioners/provisioner.openicf-azuread.json to your project's conf/ directory.

    Set at least the Azure tenant, clientId and clientSecret in the configurationProperties. For example:

    "configurationProperties" : {
        "tenant" : "your tenant ID",
        "clientId" : "your client ID",
        "clientSecret" : "your client secret"

Start IDM, if it is not running. Then use these examples to test that the connector is configured correctly and operating as expected:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request POST \
  "name": "azuread",
  "enabled": true,
  "config": "config/provisioner.openicf/azuread",
  "connectorRef": {
    "bundleVersion": "[,]",
    "bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.msgraphapi-connector",
    "connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.msgraphapi.MSGraphAPIConnector"
  "displayName": "MSGraphAPI Connector",
  "objectTypes": [
  "ok": true

A status of "ok": true indicates that the connector is configured correctly.

This command retrieves a list of users in your Azure tenant. You can also use any system-enabled filter, such as those described in "Constructing Queries" in the Integrator's Guide:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request GET \
  "result": [
      "_id": "c48be8cc-5846-4059-95e8-a7acbf6aec31"
      "_id": "c7fe57e2-3159-45e1-b67a-435232fd88d9"
      "_id": "9e714b5c-345a-430c-93f5-d8c6f9a2f225"

This command retrieves a specific user entry from your Azure tenant:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request GET \
  "_id": "c48be8cc-5846-4059-95e8-a7acbf6aec31",
  "surname": "Jensen",
  "displayName": "Babs Jensen",
  "memberOf": [
  "mail": "",
  "onPremisesExtensionAttributes": {
  "usageLocation": "FR",
  "userType": "Member",
  "identities": [
      "signInType": "userPrincipalName",
      "issuerAssignedId": "",
      "issuer": ""
  "businessPhones": [],
  "createdDateTime": "2020-11-20T11:09:15Z",
  "accountEnabled": true,
  "userPrincipalName": "",
  "proxyAddresses": [
  "imAddresses": [],
  "passwordPolicies": "None",
  "mailNickname": "00991235",
  "givenName": "Babs",
  "__NAME__": ""

This command creates a new user in your Azure tenant:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request POST \
--header "content-type: application/json" \
--data '{
  "surname": "Carter",
  "displayName": "Steve Carter",
  "givenName": "Steve",
  "userType": "Member",
  "accountEnabled": true,
  "mailNickname": "00654321",
  "userPrincipalName": "",
  "__PASSWORD__": "MyPassw0rd"
}' \
  "_id": "9fa6c765-0872-45f6-8714-1dcd1ed94859",
  "surname": "Carter",
  "displayName": "Steve Carter",
  "memberOf": [],
  "onPremisesExtensionAttributes": {
    "extensionAttribute14": null,
  "userType": "Member",
  "identities": [
      "signInType": "userPrincipalName",
      "issuerAssignedId": "",
      "issuer": ""
  "businessPhones": [],
  "createdDateTime": "2020-12-18T13:23:58Z",
  "accountEnabled": true,
  "userPrincipalName": "",
  "proxyAddresses": [],
  "imAddresses": [],
  "mailNickname": "00654321",
  "givenName": "Steve",
  "__NAME__": ""

This command changes the password for the user created previously:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request PATCH \
--header "content-type: application/json" \
--data '[ {
  "operation": "replace",
  "field": "__PASSWORD__",
  "value": "MyNewPassw0rd"
} ]' \
  "_id": "9fa6c765-0872-45f6-8714-1dcd1ed94859",
  "surname": "Carter",
  "displayName": "Steve Carter",
  "memberOf": [],
  "onPremisesExtensionAttributes": {
    "extensionAttribute14": null,
  "userType": "Member",
  "identities": [
      "signInType": "userPrincipalName",
      "issuerAssignedId": "",
      "issuer": ""
  "businessPhones": [],
  "createdDateTime": "2020-12-18T13:23:58Z",
  "accountEnabled": true,
  "userPrincipalName": "",
  "proxyAddresses": [],
  "imAddresses": [],
  "mailNickname": "00654321",
  "givenName": "Steve",
  "__NAME__": ""

This command deletes the user created previously:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request DELETE \
  "_id": "9fa6c765-0872-45f6-8714-1dcd1ed94859",
  "surname": "Carter",
  "displayName": "Steve Carter",
  "memberOf": [],
  "onPremisesExtensionAttributes": {
    "extensionAttribute14": null,
  "userType": "Member",
  "identities": [
      "signInType": "userPrincipalName",
      "issuerAssignedId": "",
      "issuer": ""
  "businessPhones": [],
  "createdDateTime": "2020-12-18T13:23:58Z",
  "accountEnabled": true,
  "userPrincipalName": "",
  "proxyAddresses": [],
  "imAddresses": [],
  "mailNickname": "00654321",
  "givenName": "Steve",
  "__NAME__": ""

The MS Graph API connector lets you list the available licenses in your Azure data source, and manage those licenses for specific users:

This command lists the values of the read-only subscribedSku object. For more information about this object class, see the corresponding Microsoft documentation:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request GET \
  "result": [
      "_id": "5ee8xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-76dc2c2c30bc_f245ecc8-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx114de5f3",
      "prepaidUnits": {
        "warning": 0,
        "enabled": 1,
        "suspended": 0
      "skuId": "f245ecc8-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx114de5f3",
      "skuPartNumber": "O365_BUSINESS_PREMIUM",
      "capabilityStatus": "Enabled",
      "appliesTo": "User",
      "consumedUnits": 1,
      "__NAME__": "O365_BUSINESS_PREMIUM",
      "servicePlans": [
          "servicePlanName": "RMS_S_BASIC",
          "provisioningStatus": "PendingProvisioning",
          "appliesTo": "Company",
          "servicePlanId": "31cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx122"
          "servicePlanName": "POWER_VIRTUAL_AGENTS_O365_P2",
          "provisioningStatus": "PendingProvisioning",
          "appliesTo": "User",
          "servicePlanId": "041xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxaee"
          "servicePlanName": "CDS_O365_P2",
          "provisioningStatus": "PendingProvisioning",
          "appliesTo": "User",
          "servicePlanId": "95bxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx95a"

Each user object can include a read-only licenses property that contains an array of objects (maps).

This command lists a specific user's licenses:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request GET \
    "_id": "c48be8cc-5846-4059-95e8-a7acbf6aec31",
    "licenses": [
            "skuPartNumber": "O365_BUSINESS_PREMIUM",
            "servicePlans": [
                    "servicePlanName": "RMS_S_BASIC",
                    "provisioningStatus": "PendingProvisioning",
                    "appliesTo": "Company",
                    "servicePlanId": "31cxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx122"
                    "servicePlanName": "POWER_VIRTUAL_AGENTS_O365_P2",
                    "provisioningStatus": "PendingProvisioning",
                    "appliesTo": "Company",
                    "servicePlanId": "041xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxaee"
                    "servicePlanName": "CDS_O365_P2",
                    "provisioningStatus": "PendingProvisioning",
                    "appliesTo": "Company",
                    "servicePlanId": "95bxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx95a"
            "id": "c8noxxxxsEqoxxxxLCwwxxxxRfKvxxxxth8nxxxx5fM",
            "skuId": "f24xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx5f3"

You cannot manipulate a user's licenses property directly, because it is read-only. To add or remove licenses for a user, set the addLicenses or removeLicenses properties when you create or update the user.


The connector does not currently support PATCH add or PATCH remove operations. PATCH replace is supported because it is the equivalent of a PUT operation.

This command updates an existing user entry to add a license with the skuId f24xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx5f3:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "If-None-Match: *" \
--request PUT \
--data '{
  "addLicenses": [
      "skuId": "f24xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx5f3"
}' \

This command updates the user entry to remove the license with skuId f24xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx5f3:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "If-Match: *" \
--request PUT \
--data '{
  "removeLicenses": "f24xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx5f3"
}' \

To use the MS Graph API connector to synchronize accounts between IDM and Azure, set up a mapping between the two data stores.

You can use the sample configuration file at /path/to/openidm/samples/sync-with-azuread/conf/sync.json as a starting point.

The MSGraphAPI Connector implements the following OpenICF interfaces.


Provides simple authentication with two parameters, presumed to be a user name and password.


Creates an object and its uid.


Deletes an object, referenced by its uid.


Describes the object types, operations, and options that the connector supports.

Script on Connector

Enables an application to run a script in the context of the connector. Any script that runs on the connector has the following characteristics:

  • The script runs in the same execution environment as the connector and has access to all the classes to which the connector has access.

  • The script has access to a connector variable that is equivalent to an initialized instance of the connector. At a minimum, the script can access the connector configuration.

  • The script has access to any script-arguments passed in by the application.


Searches the target resource for all objects that match the specified object class and filter.


Polls the target resource for synchronization events, that is, native changes to objects on the target resource.


Tests the connector configuration. Testing a configuration checks all elements of the environment that are referred to by the configuration are available. For example, the connector might make a physical connection to a host that is specified in the configuration to verify that it exists and that the credentials that are specified in the configuration are valid.

This operation might need to connect to a resource, and, as such, might take some time. Do not invoke this operation too often, such as before every provisioning operation. The test operation is not intended to check that the connector is alive (that is, that its physical connection to the resource has not timed out).

You can invoke the test operation before a connector configuration has been validated.


Updates (modifies or replaces) objects on a target resource.

The MSGraphAPI Connector has the following configurable properties.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
tenant String null

The Azure AD tenant name or id

clientId String null

The clientID used by the connector during the OAuth flow

clientSecret GuardedString null

The client secret used by the connector during the OAuth flow

httpProxyHost String null

The Http proxy host

httpProxyPort Integer null

The Http proxy port

httpProxyUsername String null

The Http proxy user name

httpProxyPassword GuardedString null

The Http proxy user password

performHardDelete boolean false

If set to true, the Azure object will be deleted permanently on delete operation.

readRateLimit String null

Define throttling for read operations either per seconds ("30/sec") or per minute ("100/min").

writeRateLimit String null

Define throttling for write operations (create/update/delete) either per second ("30/sec") or per minute ("100/min").

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

The PeopleSoft connector lets you manage and synchronize accounts between Oracle PeopleSoft and IDM managed user objects. A PeopleSoft administrator account is required for this connector to work.

Before you configure the connector, log in to your PeopleSoft administrator account and note the following:


The host address of the PeopleSoft instance.


The port for the PeopleSoft instance.


The username to log into the PeopleSoft instance.


The password to log into the PeopleSoft instance.

Domain Connect Password

The domain connection password for the PeopleSoft WebLogic application server.

  1. Download the connector .jar file from the ForgeRock BackStage download site.

  2. If you are running the connector locally, place it in the /path/to/openidm/connectors directory, for example:

    mv ~/Downloads/peoplesoft-connector- /path/to/openidm/connectors/
  3. If you are using a remote connector server (RCS), place it in the /path/to/openicf/connectors directory on the RCS.

  4. Download the connector dependencies.

    • psjoa.jar is a file unique to each installation of PeopleSoft. It is compiled and provided by your PoepleSoft administrator. If it is not provided to you, see xref:generate-psjoa.

    • psft.jar is created by the following commands:

      cd %PS_HOME%\class\PeopleSoft\Generated\CompIntfc
      javac -classpath %PS_HOME%\class\psjoa.jar *.java
      cd c:\pt8\class\PeopleSoft\ Generated\ PeopleSoft
      javac -classpath %PS_HOME%\class\psjoa.jar *.java
      cd $PS_HOME/class/PeopleSoft/Generated/CompIntfc
      javac classpath $PS_HOME/class/psjoa.jar *.java
      cd $PS_HOME/class/PeopleSoft/Generated/PeopleSoft
      javac classpath $PS_HOME/class/psjoa.jar *.java
  5. Copy psjoa.jar and generated jar into /path/to/openicf/lib.

Create a connector configuration using the Admin UI:

  1. Select Configure > Connectors and click New Connector.

  2. Enter a Connector Name.

  3. Select PeopleSoft Connector - as the Connector Type.

  4. Provide the Base Connector Details.

  5. Click Save.

When your connector is configured correctly, the connector displays as Active in the admin UI.

Alternatively, test that the configuration is correct by running the following command:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request POST \
  "name": "peoplesoft",
  "enabled": true,
  "config": "config/provisioner.openicf/peoplesoft",
  "connectorRef": {
    "bundleVersion": "[,",
    "bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.peoplesoft-connector",
    "connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.peoplesoft.PeopleSoftConnector"
  "displayName": "PeopleSoft Connector",
  "objectTypes": [
  "ok": true

If the command returns "ok": true, your connector has been configured correctly, and can authenticate to the PeopleSoft server.

The following PeopleSoft account attributes are supported by the PeopleSoft connector:

__NAME__ The name of the user. Required.
UserID ID of the user. Required.
IDTypes The type of ID and ID value for the user. Required. This is an object, containing IDType and AttributeValue as sub-attributes. For example:
"IDTypes": [{
  "IDType": "EMP",
  "AttributeValue": "0001"
ID TypeName
CNTCustomer Contact
EJAExternal Job Applicant
ORGOrganization ID
PERPerson (CRM)

UserIDAliasAlias ID of the user. This should be a fully qualified email address.
UserDescription A description of the user.
PrimaryPermissionList Primary permission list for the user. Displays which permissions the user is granted in the primary permission list.
RowSecurityPermissionList Row security permission list for the user. Displays which permissions the user is granted in the row security permission list.
ProcessProfilePermissionList Process profile permission list for the user. Displays which permissions the user is granted in the process profile permission list.
NavigatorHomePermissionList Navigator home permission list for the user. Displays which permissions the user is granted in the navigator home permission list.
SymbolicID The symbolic ID of the user.
LanguageCode The user's language preference.
Simplified ChineseZHS
Traditional ChineseZHT
UK EnglishUKE
Canadian FrenchCFR
Bahasa MalayMAY


The list of supported languages can vary depending on your Oracle PeopleSoft version.

MultiLanguageEnabled Enable support for multiple languages for the user.
AccountLocked Whether the user account is locked.
CurrencyCode Three letter code for the user's preferred currency.
FailedLogins The number of failed logins for the user.
ExpertEntry Whether the user is marked as an expert.
Opertype The type of operation.
AllowSwitchUser Determines whether the user has access to user switching.
WorklistEntriesCount Number of worklist entries associated with the user.
WorklistUSer Whether there is a worklist associated with the user. Must be either Y (Yes) or N (No).
EmailUser Email preference of the user. Must be either Y (Yes) or N (No).
AlternateUserID Fallback user to route to if the user is unavailable. This must be filled out if you specify EffectiveDateFrom or EffectiveDateTo.
EffectiveDateFrom Effective start date that a user will be unavailable. Must be in MM/DD/YYYY format.
EffectiveDateTo Effective end date, marking when a user will become available again. Must be in MM/DD/YYYY format.
EmailAddresses List of email addresses associated with the user. This is an object, with EmailType, EmailAddress, and PrimaryEmail as sub-attributes. For example:
"EmailAddresses": [{
Email CodeEmail Type
EMPTYEmpty field

Roles List of roles the user has. Users inherit permissions based on the roles the user has. This is an object, with RoleName and Dynamic as sub-attributes. For example:
"Roles": [{
  "RoleName": "PeopleSoft User"
__PASSWORD__ The password for the user.
ConfirmPassword Used to confirm the password of the user. This needs to match the user's password.

You can use the PeopleSoft connector to perform the following actions on a PeopleSoft account:

The following example creates a user with the minimum required attributes:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request POST \
--data '{
  "__NAME__": "Barbara Jensen",
  "UserID": "BJENSEN",
  "IDTypes": [{
    "IDType": "EMP",
    "AttributeValue": "0001"
  "_id": "BJENSEN",
  "ExpertEntry": 0,
  "LanguageCode": "ENG",
  "EmailUser": "Y",
  "__ENABLE__": 0,
  "__NAME__": "Barbara Jensen",
  "IDTypes": [
      "IDType": "EMP",
      "AttributeValue": "0001"
  "Encrypted": 1,
  "UserID": "BJENSEN",
  "Opertype": 0,
  "MultiLanguageEnabled": 0,
  "WorklistUser": "Y",
  "WorklistEntriesCount": 0,
  "AllowSwitchUser": 0,
  "FailedLogins": 0


When you create a new user, you must specify at least __NAME__, UserID, and IDTypes. See the list of available attributes for more information.

You can modify an existing user with a PUT request, including all attributes of the account in the request. The following attributes can be modified on a user:

  • UserIDAlias

  • UserDescription

  • PrimaryPermissionList

  • RowSecurityPermissionList

  • ProcessProfilePermissionList

  • NavigatorHomePermissionList

  • SymbolicID

  • LanguageCode

  • MultiLanguageEnabled

  • AccountLocked

  • CurrencyCode

  • FailedLogins

  • ExpertEntry

  • Opertype

  • AllowSwitchUser

  • WorklistUser

  • EmailUser

  • AlternateUserID

  • EffectiveDateFrom

  • EffectiveDateTo

  • EmailAddresses

  • Roles

  • IDTypes

  • Password

  • ConfirmPassword

For example, to add an email address to a user:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "if-Match:*" \
--request PUT \
--data '{
  "__NAME__": "Barbara Jensen",
  "UserID": "BJENSEN",
  "IDTypes": [{
    "IDType": "EMP",
    "AttributeValue": "0001"
  "EmailAddresses": [{
}' \
  "_id": "BJENSEN",
  "ExpertEntry": 0,
  "LanguageCode": "ENG",
  "EmailUser": "Y",
  "__ENABLE__": 0,
  "__NAME__": "Barbara Jensen",
  "IDTypes": [
      "IDType": "EMP",
      "AttributeValue": "0001"
  "Encrypted": 1,
  "EmailAddresses": [
      "EmailType": "BUS",
      "EmailAddress": "",
      "PrimaryEmail": "Y"
  "UserID": "BJENSEN",
  "Opertype": 0,
  "MultiLanguageEnabled": 0,
  "WorklistUser": "Y",
  "WorklistEntriesCount": 0,
  "AllowSwitchUser": 0,
  "FailedLogins": 0

The following example queries all PeopleSoft users:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request GET \
  "result": [
      "_id": "AZIGLAR"
      "_id": "BCHALMERS"
      "_id": "BDAVIS"
      "_id": "BFRANCISCO"
      "_id": "BGONZALES"
      "_id": "BJENSEN"
      "_id": "BLOCHERTY"
    [ ... ]
      "_id": "SUNDERWOOD"
      "_id": "SVANDERSTEEN"
      "_id": "SWALTERS"
      "_id": "TCORY"
      "_id": "TELLIS"
  "resultCount": 300,
  "pagedResultsCookie": null,
  "totalPagedResultsPolicy": "NONE",
  "totalPagedResults": -1,
  "remainingPagedResults": -1

The following command queries a specific user by their ID:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request GET \
  "_id": "BJENSEN",
  "ExpertEntry": 0,
  "LanguageCode": "ENG",
  "EmailUser": "Y",
  "__ENABLE__": 0,
  "__NAME__": "Barbara Jensen",
  "IDTypes": [
      "IDType": "EMP",
      "AttributeValue": "0001"
  "Encrypted": 1,
  "EmailAddresses": [
      "EmailType": "BUS",
      "EmailAddress": "",
      "PrimaryEmail": "Y"
  "UserID": "BJENSEN",
  "Opertype": 0,
  "MultiLanguageEnabled": 0,
  "WorklistUser": "Y",
  "WorklistEntriesCount": 0,
  "AllowSwitchUser": 0,
  "FailedLogins": 0

To reset the password for PeopleSoft user account, you can use the connector to change a user's password.

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "if-Match:*" \
--request PUT \
--data '{
  "__PASSWORD__": "Passw0rd",
  "__CURRENT_PASSWORD__": "Passw0rd"
}' \
  "_id": "BJENSEN",
  "ExpertEntry": 0,
  "LanguageCode": "ENG",
  "EmailUser": "Y",
  "__ENABLE__": 0,
  "__NAME__": "Barbara Jensen",
  "IDTypes": [
      "IDType": "EMP",
      "AttributeValue": "0001"
  "Encrypted": 1,
  "EmailAddresses": [
      "EmailType": "BUS",
      "EmailAddress": "",
      "PrimaryEmail": "Y"
  "UserID": "BJENSEN",
  "Opertype": 0,
  "MultiLanguageEnabled": 0,
  "WorklistUser": "Y",
  "WorklistEntriesCount": 0,
  "AllowSwitchUser": 0,
  "FailedLogins": 0


While the __PASSWORD__ field is not returned as part of the response, the user object is updated.

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "if-Match:*" \
--request PUT \
--data '{
  "__NAME__": "Barbara Jensen",
  "__ENABLE__": 1
}' \
  "_id": "BJENSEN",
  "ExpertEntry": 0,
  "LanguageCode": "ENG",
  "EmailUser": "N",
  "__ENABLE__": 1,
  "__NAME__": "Barbara Jensen",
  "IDTypes": [
      "IDType": "EMP",
      "AttributeValue": "0001"
  "Encrypted": 1,
  "EmailAddresses": [
      "EmailType": "BUS",
      "EmailAddress": "",
      "PrimaryEmail": "Y"
  "UserID": "BJENSEN",
  "Opertype": 0,
  "MultiLanguageEnabled": 0,
  "WorklistUser": "N",
  "WorklistEntriesCount": 0,
  "AllowSwitchUser": 0,
  "FailedLogins": 0
curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "if-Match:*" \
--request PUT \
--data '{
  "__NAME__": "Barbara Jensen",
  "__ENABLE__": 0
}' \
  "_id": "BJENSEN",
  "ExpertEntry": 0,
  "LanguageCode": "ENG",
  "EmailUser": "N",
  "__ENABLE__": 0,
  "__NAME__": "Barbara Jensen",
  "IDTypes": [
      "IDType": "EMP",
      "AttributeValue": "0001"
  "Encrypted": 1,
  "EmailAddresses": [
      "EmailType": "BUS",
      "EmailAddress": "",
      "PrimaryEmail": "Y"
  "UserID": "BJENSEN",
  "Opertype": 0,
  "MultiLanguageEnabled": 0,
  "WorklistUser": "N",
  "WorklistEntriesCount": 0,
  "AllowSwitchUser": 0,
  "FailedLogins": 0

The PeopleSoft Connector implements the following OpenICF interfaces.


Creates an object and its uid.


Deletes an object, referenced by its uid.


Describes the object types, operations, and options that the connector supports.

Script on Connector

Enables an application to run a script in the context of the connector. Any script that runs on the connector has the following characteristics:

  • The script runs in the same execution environment as the connector and has access to all the classes to which the connector has access.

  • The script has access to a connector variable that is equivalent to an initialized instance of the connector. At a minimum, the script can access the connector configuration.

  • The script has access to any script-arguments passed in by the application.


Searches the target resource for all objects that match the specified object class and filter.


Tests the connector configuration. Testing a configuration checks all elements of the environment that are referred to by the configuration are available. For example, the connector might make a physical connection to a host that is specified in the configuration to verify that it exists and that the credentials that are specified in the configuration are valid.

This operation might need to connect to a resource, and, as such, might take some time. Do not invoke this operation too often, such as before every provisioning operation. The test operation is not intended to check that the connector is alive (that is, that its physical connection to the resource has not timed out).

You can invoke the test operation before a connector configuration has been validated.


Updates (modifies or replaces) objects on a target resource.

The PeopleSoft Connector has the following configurable properties.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
host String null

Host name or IP address to connect to PeopleSoft server

port int 0

Port to connect to PeopleSoft server

userId String null

The userid used to login to PeopleSoft server

password GuardedString null

The password used to login to PeopleSoft server

domainConnectPassword GuardedString null

The password for PeopleSoft app server domain

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

The SAP S/4HANA connector lets you manage and synchronize accounts between SAP S/4HANA and IDM managed user objects. An SAP S/4HANA administrator account is required for this connector to work.

Before you configure the connector, log in to your SAP S/4HANA administrator account and note the following:


Inbound Communication user of SAP S/4HANA.


Inbound Communication user password of SAP S/4HANA.

Tenant ID

Which tenant the SAP S/4HANA instance is hosted on.

Download the connector .jar file from the ForgeRock BackStage download site.

  • If you are running the connector locally, place it in the /path/to/openidm/connectors directory, for example:

    mv ~/Downloads/saphana-connector- /path/to/openidm/connectors/
  • If you are using a remote connector server (RCS), place it in the /path/to/openicf/connectors directory on the RCS.

Create a connector configuration using the Admin UI:

  1. Select Configure > Connectors and click New Connector.

  2. Enter a Connector Name.

  3. Select SAP HANA Connector - as the Connector Type.

  4. Provide the Base Connector Details.

  5. Click Save.

When your connector is configured correctly, the connector displays as Active in the admin UI.

Alternatively, test that the configuration is correct by running the following command:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request POST \
  "name": "saphana",
  "enabled": true,
  "config": "config/provisioner.openicf/saphana",
  "connectorRef": {
    "bundleVersion": "[,",
    "bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.saphana-connector",
    "connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.saphana.SapHanaConnector"
  "displayName": "SAP HANA Connector",
  "objectTypes": [
  "ok": true

If the command returns "ok": true, your connector has been configured correctly, and can authenticate to the SAP S/4HANA server.

The following SAP S/4HANA account attributes are supported by the SAP S/4HANA connector:

PersonUUID Unique identifier for a user.
PersonExternalID The external ID of the user. This can only include uppercase letters, numbers, ., -, and _. Required.
UserId Auto-generated user id.
PersonIDAuto-generated user id.
__USER__ Login username for the user. This can only include uppercase letters, numbers, ., -, and _. Required.
FirstName First name of the user. Required.
LastNameLast name of the user. Required.
MiddleNameMiddle name of the user.
LockedIndicator Status of the user. Either active or inactive.
GenderCode Gender of the user. Permitted values are 1 (Male), or 2 (Female). Required; use 0 to leave it unspecified. If specified, this must match the values listed in FormOfAddress.
FormOfAddress Salutation of the user. Permitted values are 00001 or 1 (Mr), or 00002 or 2 (Mrs). Values must match GenderCode.
StartDate Start date for the created user, in YYYY-MM-DD format. Required.
EndDate End date for the created user, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
PersonFullName Full name of the user.
AcademicTitle Academic title of the user. Permitted values are 0001 (DR.), 0002 (PROF.), 0003 (PROF. DR.), 0004 (B.A.), 0005 (MBA), or 0006 (PH.D.).
CorrespondenceLanguage The correspondence language for the user. For example, `DE`, or `EN`.
AdditionalLastName Additional last name of the user.
BirthName Birth name of the user.
NickName Nickname of the user.
Initials Initials of the user.
AcademicSecondTitle Academic secondary title of the user. Permitted values are 0001 (DR.), 0002 (PROF.), 0003 (PROF. DR.), 0004 (B.A.), 0005 (MBA), or 0006 (PH.D.).
NameSupplement Supplemental titles of the user. Permitted values are 0001 or 1 (Earl), 0002 or 2 (Freifrau), 0003 or 3 (Freiherr), 0004 or 4 (Fürst), 0005 or 5 (Fürstin), 0006 or 6 (Graf), 0007 or 7 (Gräfin), and 0008 or 8 (Sir).
PhoneInformation | Object with the following sub-attributes:
  • PhoneNumberType: Type of phone number. Permitted values are ECPC (Cell phone), or ECPB (Landline).

  • CountryDialingCode: Country dialing code, such as 1 (USA) or 33 (France). Numbers only, + is not allowed.

  • PhoneNumberSubscriberID: Phone number of the user.

EmailAddress Email address of the user.
CompanyCode Predefined code of the company of the user. Required.
WorkAgreementStatus Status of the work agreement for the user. Permitted values are 0 (Inactive), or 1 (Active).
LogonLanguageCode Language code for the user.
DateFormatCode What format dates should be displayed in. For example, 6 formats dates according to ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). Available codes:
  • 1 - DD.MM.YYYY (Gregorian Date)

  • 2 - MM/DD/YYYY (Gregorian Date)

  • 3 - MM-DD-YYYY (Gregorian Date)

  • 4 - YYYY.MM.DD (Gregorian Date)

  • 5 - YYYY/MM/DD (Gregorian Date)

  • 6 - YYYY-MM-DD (Gregorian Date, ISO 8601)

  • 7 - GYY.MM.DD (Japanese Date)

  • 8 - GYY/MM/DD (Japanese Date)

  • 9 - GYY-MM-DD (Japanese Date)

  • A - YYYY/MM/DD (Islamic Date 1)

  • B - YYYY/MM/DD (Islamic Date 2)

  • C - YYYY/MM/DD (Iranian Date)

TimeFormatCode What format times should be displayed in. For example, 0 formats times in a 24 hour format (14:35:59 PM). Available codes:
  • 0 - 24 Hour Format (Example: 12:05:10)

  • 1 - 12 Hour Format (Example: 12:05:10 PM)

  • 2 - 12 Hour Format (Example: 12:05:10 pm)

  • 3 - Hours from 0 to 11 (Example: 00:05:10 PM)

  • 4 - Hours from 0 to 11 (Example: 00:05:10 pm)

TimeZoneCode Time zone code of the user.
DecimalFormatCode What decimal notation numbers should be displayed in. Available codes:
  • 1.234.567,89

  • X - 1,234,567.89

  • Y - 1 234 567,89

Role Role assignment of the user.
PersonWorkAgreementUUID Unique ID of the work agreement associated with the user.
PersonWorkAgreementExternalID External ID of the work agreement associated with the user.
PersonWorkAgreementType Role of the work agreement associated with the user. Permitted values are 1 (User), or 3 (Service performer).


The following attributes are mapped in the connector automatically:

  • PersonWorkAgreementUUID is mapped to PersonExternalID

  • PersonWorkAgreementExternalID is mapped to PersonExternalID

  • PersonWorkAgreementType is assigned to its default value

You can use the SAP S/4HANA connector to perform the following actions on an SAP S/4HANA account:

The following example creates a user with the minimum required attributes:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--request POST \
--data '{
  "__NAME__": "BJENSEN",
  "FirstName": "Barbara",
  "LastName": "Jensen",
  "StartDate": "2022-06-02",
  "PersonExternalID": "BJENSEN",
  "CompanyCode": 1010,
  "GenderCode": 2
  "_id": "9980004320",
  "TimeFormatCode": "0",
  "PersonFullName": "Barbara Jensen",
  "__UID__": "9980004320",
  "FirstName": "Barbara",
  "UserID": "CB9980004320",
  "__NAME__": "BJENSEN",
  "DecimalFormatCode": "X",
  "StartDate": "2022-06-02",
  "LogonLanguageCode": "EN",
  "LastName": "Jensen",
  "PersonExternalID": "BJENSEN",
  "PersonUUID": "FA163EA9-3617-1EEC-B8DA-AD865EF3B625",
  "__ENABLE__": true,
  "TimeZoneCode": "CET",
  "EndDate": "9999-12-31",
  "DateFormatCode": "1"


When you create a new user, you must specify at least:

  • __NAME__

  • PersonExternalID

  • FirstName

  • LastName

  • GenderCode

  • StartDate

  • CompanyCode

See the list of available attributes for more information.

You can modify an existing user with a PUT request, including all attributes of the account in the request. The following attributes can be modified on a user:

  • __USER__

  • PersonExternalID

  • FirstName

  • LastName

  • GenderCode

  • EmailAddress

  • PhoneInformation

  • PersonFullName

  • AcademicTitle

  • CorrespondenceLanguage

  • MiddleName

  • AdditionalLastName

  • BirthName

  • NickName

  • Initials

  • AcademicSecondTitle

  • NameSupplement

  • WorkAgreementStatus

  • CompanyCode

  • StartDate

  • EndDate

  • LockedIndicator

  • DateFormatCode

  • DecimalFormatCode

  • TimeFormatCode

  • TimeZoneCode

  • LogonLanguageCode

  • Role


When updating the validity period for a user, both StartDate and EndDate are required.

For example, to add an email address to a user:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "if-Match:*" \
--request PUT \
--data '{
  "__NAME__": "BJENSEN",
  "FirstName": "Barbara",
  "LastName": "Jensen",
  "StartDate": "2022-06-02",
  "PersonExternalID": "BJENSEN",
  "CompanyCode": 1010,
  "GenderCode": 2,
  "EmailAddress": ""
}' \
  "_id": "9980004320",
  "TimeFormatCode": "0",
  "PersonFullName": "Barbara Jensen",
  "__UID__": "9980004320",
  "EmailAddress": "",
  "FirstName": "Barbara",
  "UserID": "CB9980004320",
  "__NAME__": "BJENSEN",
  "DecimalFormatCode": "X",
  "StartDate": "2022-06-02",
  "LogonLanguageCode": "EN",
  "LastName": "Jensen",
  "PersonExternalID": "BJENSEN",
  "PersonUUID": "FA163EA9-3617-1EEC-B8DA-AD865EF3B625",
  "__ENABLE__": true,
  "TimeZoneCode": "CET",
  "EndDate": "9999-12-31",
  "DateFormatCode": "1"

The following example queries all SAP S/4HANA users:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request GET \
  "result": [
      "_id": "9980000000"
      "_id": "9980000002"
      "_id": "9980000004"
      "_id": "9980000006"
    [ ... ]
      "_id": "9980004314"
      "_id": "9980004316"
      "_id": "9980004318"
      "_id": "9980004320"
  "resultCount": 2139,
  "pagedResultsCookie": null,
  "totalPagedResultsPolicy": "NONE",
  "totalPagedResults": -1,
  "remainingPagedResults": -1

The following command queries a specific user by their ID:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request GET \
  "_id": "9980004320",
  "TimeFormatCode": "0",
  "PersonFullName": "Barbara Jensen",
  "__UID__": "9980004320",
  "EmailAddress": "",
  "FirstName": "Barbara",
  "UserID": "CB9980004320",
  "__NAME__": "BJENSEN",
  "DecimalFormatCode": "X",
  "StartDate": "2022-06-02",
  "LogonLanguageCode": "EN",
  "LastName": "Jensen",
  "PersonExternalID": "BJENSEN",
  "PersonUUID": "FA163EA9-3617-1EEC-B8DA-AD865EF3B625",
  "__ENABLE__": true,
  "TimeZoneCode": "CET",
  "EndDate": "9999-12-31",
  "DateFormatCode": "1"
curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "if-Match:*" \
--request PUT \
--data '{
  "__NAME__": "BJENSEN",
  "__ENABLE__": true
}' \
  "_id": "9980004320",
  "TimeFormatCode": "0",
  "PersonFullName": "Barbara Jensen",
  "__UID__": "9980004320",
  "EmailAddress": "",
  "FirstName": "Barbara",
  "UserID": "CB9980004320",
  "__NAME__": "BJENSEN",
  "DecimalFormatCode": "X",
  "StartDate": "2022-06-02",
  "LogonLanguageCode": "EN",
  "LastName": "Jensen",
  "PersonExternalID": "BJENSEN",
  "PersonUUID": "FA163EA9-3617-1EEC-B8DA-AD865EF3B625",
  "__ENABLE__": true,
  "TimeZoneCode": "CET",
  "EndDate": "9999-12-31",
  "DateFormatCode": "1"
curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "if-Match:*" \
--request PUT \
--data '{
  "__NAME__": "BJENSEN",
  "__ENABLE__": false
}' \
  "_id": "9980004320",
  "TimeFormatCode": "0",
  "PersonFullName": "Barbara Jensen",
  "__UID__": "9980004320",
  "EmailAddress": "",
  "FirstName": "Barbara",
  "UserID": "CB9980004320",
  "__NAME__": "BJENSEN",
  "DecimalFormatCode": "X",
  "StartDate": "2022-06-02",
  "LogonLanguageCode": "EN",
  "LastName": "Jensen",
  "PersonExternalID": "BJENSEN",
  "PersonUUID": "FA163EA9-3617-1EEC-B8DA-AD865EF3B625",
  "__ENABLE__": false,
  "TimeZoneCode": "CET",
  "EndDate": "9999-12-31",
  "DateFormatCode": "1"

The SAP HANA Connector implements the following OpenICF interfaces.


Creates an object and its uid.


Describes the object types, operations, and options that the connector supports.

Script on Connector

Enables an application to run a script in the context of the connector. Any script that runs on the connector has the following characteristics:

  • The script runs in the same execution environment as the connector and has access to all the classes to which the connector has access.

  • The script has access to a connector variable that is equivalent to an initialized instance of the connector. At a minimum, the script can access the connector configuration.

  • The script has access to any script-arguments passed in by the application.


Searches the target resource for all objects that match the specified object class and filter.


Tests the connector configuration. Testing a configuration checks all elements of the environment that are referred to by the configuration are available. For example, the connector might make a physical connection to a host that is specified in the configuration to verify that it exists and that the credentials that are specified in the configuration are valid.

This operation might need to connect to a resource, and, as such, might take some time. Do not invoke this operation too often, such as before every provisioning operation. The test operation is not intended to check that the connector is alive (that is, that its physical connection to the resource has not timed out).

You can invoke the test operation before a connector configuration has been validated.


Updates (modifies or replaces) objects on a target resource.

The SAP HANA Connector has the following configurable properties.

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
userName String null

Provide the Username to authorize the SAP HANA APIs

password GuardedString null

Provide the Password to authorize the SAP HANA APIs

tenantId String null

Provide the Tenant ID to identify your custom SAP HANA APIs

pageSize Integer 1000

Page Size for search operation

httpProxyHost String null

Provide the HTTP Proxy Host

httpProxyPort Integer null

Provide the HTTP Proxy Port

httpProxyUsername String null

Provide the HTTP Proxy Username

httpProxyPassword GuardedString null

Provide the HTTP Proxy Password

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

This chapter describes all of the interfaces supported by the ICF framework, along with notes about their implementation. Specific connectors may support only a subset of these interfaces.

Normalize attributes to ensure consistent filtering.

Provides simple authentication with two parameters, presumed to be a username and password. IDM requires the connector to implement the AuthenticateOp interface in order to provide pass-through authentication.

Execute a series of operations in a single request. If a resource does not support batch operations, the connector will not implement the batch operation interface. The ICF framework will still support batched requests but the operations will be executed iteratively through the connector.

Subscribe for notification of any specified event on the target resource. This operation can be used in the context of IoT device reports, to receive notification of events such as low battery signals, inactive devices, and so on.

Create an object and return its UID.

Delete an object by its UID.

Get an object by its UID.

Use pools of target resources.

Resolve an object to its UID based on its username.

Describe supported object types, operations, and options.

Allow script execution on the connector.

Allow script execution on the resource.

Allow searches for resource objects.

Connectors that implement only this interface can only be used for reconciliation operations.

Poll for synchronization events, which are native changes to target objects.

Subscribe for notification of synchronization events, which are native changes to target objects.

Test the connection configuration, including connecting to the resource.

Allows an authorized caller to update (modify or replace) objects on the target resource.

Allows an authorized caller to update (modify or replace) attribute values on the target resource. This operation is more advanced than the UpdateOp operation, and provides better performance and atomicity semantics.

This chapter describes the predefined operation options, along with notes about their use. Specific connectors may support only a subset of these options.

An option to use with Search (in conjunction with the Container option) that specifies how far beneath the container to search. Must be one of the following values:




An option to use with Search that specifies the container under which to perform the search. Must be of type QualifiedUid. Should be implemented for those object classes whose ObjectClassInfo.isContainer() returns true.

An option that specifies an account under which to execute the script or operation. The specified account will appear to have performed any action that the script or operation performs.

An option to use with Script on Resource that specifies a password under which to execute the script or operation.

Determines which attributes to retrieve during Search and Sync. This option overrides the default behavior, which is for the connector to return the precise set of attributes identified as returned by default in the schema for that connector.

This option allows a client application to request additional attributes that would not otherwise not be returned (generally because such attributes are more expensive for a connector to fetch and to format) or to request only a subset of the attributes that would normally be returned.

An option to use with Search that specifies the index within the result set of the first result which should be returned.

An option to use with Search that specifies the requested page results page size.

An option to use with Search that specifies the sort keys that should be used for ordering the connector object returned by search request.

This option is used with the Batch operation to specify whether the batch process should be aborted when the first error is encountered. The default behavior is to continue processing regardless of errors.

This option instructs the connector to execute batched requests in a serial manner, if possible. The default behavior of the Batch operation is to execute requests in parallel, for speed and efficiency. In either case the task ID must be reflected in the response for each task so that tasks can be correctly reordered.

Certain connectors support the ability to be pooled. For a pooled connector, ICF maintains a pool of connector instances and reuses these instances for multiple provisioning and reconciliation operations. When an operation must be executed, an existing connector instance is taken from the connector pool. If no connector instance exists, a new instance is initialized. When the operation has been executed, the connector instance is released back into the connector pool, ready to be used for a subsequent operation.

For an unpooled connector, a new connector instance is initialized for every operation. When the operation has been executed, ICF disposes of the connector instance.

Because the initialization of a connector is an expensive operation, reducing the number of connector initializations can substantially improve performance.

To configure connection pooling, set the following values in the connector configuration file poolConfigOptions property:


The maximum number of connector instances in the pool (both idle and active). The default value is 10 instances.


The maximum number of idle connector instances in the pool. The default value is 10 idle instances.


The maximum period to wait for a free connector instance to become available before failing. The default period is 150000 milliseconds, or 150 seconds.


The minimum period to wait before evicting an idle connector instance from the pool. The default period is 120000 milliseconds, or 120 seconds.


The minimum number of idle connector instances in the pool. The default value is 1 instance.

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