Notes on prerequisites, fixes, and known issues for the ForgeRock® Identity Gateway.

Identity Gateway (IG) integrates web applications, APIs, and microservices with the ForgeRock Identity Platform, without modifying the application or the container where they run. Based on reverse proxy architecture, IG enforces security and access control in conjunction with Access Management modules.

ForgeRock maintenance releases contain a collection of fixes and minor RFEs that have been grouped together and released as part of our commitment to support our customers. For general information on ForgeRock's maintenance and patch releases, see Maintenance and Patch Availability Policy.

IG 6.5.4 is the latest release targeted for IG 6.5.x deployments and can be downloaded from the ForgeRock Backstage website. To view the list of fixes in this release, see Key Fixes in IG 6.5.4.

The release can be deployed as an initial deployment or updated from an existing 6.5.x deployment.

What's New in IG 6.5.4
  • Hardeneded CSRF Protection

    A new filter, CsrfFilter, is available to harden protection against CSRF attacks.

    For more information, see "Restricting Access to Studio" in the Getting Started Guide, and CsrfFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference.

What's New in IG 6.5.3
  • Support for All Name ID Formats In SAML SP-initiated SSO

    In SAML SP-initiated SSO, IG can now act as an SP with an IDP that does not support the transient NameID Format. For SP-initiated SSO as well as for IDP-initiated SSO, the NameID Format can be any format supported by the IDP.

    In previous releases, for SP-initiated SSO, the NameID Format could be only urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient.

    For more information, see "Using a Non-Transient NameID Format" in the Gateway Guide.

  • Spaces Maintained In Cookie Values

    As a cookie passes through IG, if the cookie value is not enclosed in quotes, spaces in the cookie value are not removed. In previous releases, spaces were removed.

  • Option to Reuse Connections After a Request

    By default, IG tolerates characters that are disallowed in query string URL components, by applying a decode/encode process to the whole query string. stateTrackingEnabled is a new property of ClientHandler and ReverseProxyHandler to specify whether a connection can be kept open and reused after a request.

    For information, see ClientHandler(5) in the Configuration Reference or ReverseProxyHandler(5) in the Configuration Reference.

What's New in IG 6.5.2
  • Multiple OIDC Providers Can Use the Same clientID

    In OpenID Connect with multiple client registrations, the same clientId can now be used for multiple client registrations if if the issuerName for each registration is different.

    The clientId must be unique in the context of a single issuer.

    In the OAuth2ClientFilter login service URI, specify both the clientId and the issuerName,

    For more information, see OAuth2ClientFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference and ClientRegistration(5) in the Configuration Reference, Issuer(5) in the Configuration Reference.

  • Request Policy Decisions From AM Using a Configurable Resource URL

    In this release, IG can request policy decisions from AM by using the original request URL as the resource URL, or by using a script to generate the resource URL. In previous releases, IG could request policy decisions only by using the route baseURI as the resource URL.

    To reduce the cache size, query parameters can now be excluded from the resource URL.

    For more information, see the "resourceUriProvider" property of PolicyEnforcementFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference.

  • Infinite Loop Prevention in Single Sign-On

    The SingleSignOnFilter has been adapted to prevent an infinite loop when a final redirect is returned without an AM session cookie name. The filter now checks the goto query parameter for the presence of the _ig marker parameter.

    For information, see SingleSignOnFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference, and CrossDomainSingleSignOnFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference.

  • SingleSignOnFilter Logout Can be Triggered By Any Aspect of a Request

    The new SingleSignOnFilter property logoutExpression can trigger logout based on any aspect of a request. Before this improvement, logout could be triggered only when a request matched the URI path.

    For information, see SingleSignOnFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference.

What's New in IG 6.5.1
  • OAuth 2.0 Mutual TLS

    IG now supports that ability for clients to authenticate to AM through OAuth 2.0 mutual TLS (mTLS) and X.509 certificates. You must use self-signed certificates or public key infrastructure (PKI), as per version 12 of the draft OAuth 2.0 Mutual TLS Client Authentication and Certificate Bound Access Tokens.

    For information about IG's support of Mutual TLS, see Access Token Resolvers in the Configuration Reference, and "Acting as an OAuth 2.0 Resource Server" in the Gateway Guide.

  • StatelessAccessTokenResolver can now rely on a SecretsProvider

    A new heap object, SecretsProvider, is available to provide a secrets service for the StatelessAccessTokenResolver, that uses specified secret stores to resolve access_tokens.

    Before this improvement, the StatelessAccessTokenResolver used the global secrets service to resolve access_tokens, which searches for keys across the whole configuration. If multiple keys have the same label, there is a bigger risk that the wrong key is used.

    For backward compatibility, if SecretsProvider is not configured, the StatelessAccessTokenResolver uses the global secrets service.

    For information, see SecretsProvider(5) in the Configuration Reference and StatelessAccessTokenResolver(5) in the Configuration Reference.

  • Policy Enforcement Advice

    If an AM policy decision denies a request with supported advices, the PolicyEnforcementFilter can now redirect the request to a URL specified in a SingleSignOnFilter, such as the URL of a custom login page. Previously, the filter always redirected the request back to AM.

    The URL is passed in a new property, loginEndpoint, in the ssoToken context. To use the redirect, configure loginEndpoint in the SingleSignOnFilter.

    For information, see SingleSignOnFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference.

  • New toJSON Function to Parse Strings as JSON

    IG 6.5.1 provides a toJSON function that can be used in expressions to parse strings as JSON. For more information, see Functions(5) in the Configuration Reference.

  • Preserve Query Strings In URLs

    A new property in admin.json allows you to preserve query strings as they are presented in URLs. Select this option when query strings must not change during processing, for example, in signature verification.

    By default, IG tolerates characters that are disallowed in query string URL components, by applying a decode/encode process to the whole query string.

    For information, see preserveOriginalQueryString in AdminHttpApplication(5) in the Configuration Reference.

What's New in IG 6.5.0
  • Commons Secret Service

    IG now leverages the ForgeRock Commons Secrets Service for the management of passwords and secrets in the following objects: AmService, ClientHandler, ClientRegistration, JwtSession, KeyManager, JwtBuilderFilter, and CapturedUserPasswordFilter.

    Managing secrets with the Commons Secrets Service provides the following benefits:

    • Separation from other configuration so that configuration can be moved between environments

    • Storage in different secure backends, including file-based keystores, Hardware Security Modules (HSM), and Key Management Systems (KMS)

    • Provision through environment variables or unencrypted JSON, for deployment simplicity or where host/OS security is considered adequate.

    • Ease of rotation or revocation, regardless of the storage backend.

    In this release, routes generated in Studio do not use the Commons Secrets Service. Documentation examples generated with Studio use deprecated properties.

    For information about the SecretsService, see Secrets in the Configuration Reference. For information about new and deprecated properties, see "Compatibility With Other Releases".

  • Local Validation of Stateless Access-Tokens

    The StatelessAccessTokenResolver is now available to validate stateless access_tokens without referring to AM. Use StatelessAccessTokenResolver with the access_token resolver in OAuth2ResourceServerFilter.

    Because IG can validate stateless access_tokens locally, without referring AM, this feature provides the following benefits:

    • Improved performance, by reducing the number of network hops required for validation

    • Improved robustness, by validating access_tokens even when AM is not available

    Supported with OpenAM 13.5, and AM 5 and later versions.

    For more information, see "Validating Stateless Access_Tokens With the StatelessAccessTokenResolver" in the Gateway Guide and StatelessAccessTokenResolver(5) in the Configuration Reference.

  • Transactional Authorization

    IG can now respond to the TransactionConditionAdvice from AM to require users to perform additional actions when trying to access a resource protected by an AM policy.

    Performing the additional actions successfully grants a one-time access to the protected resource. Additional attempts to access the resource require the user to perform the additional actions again.

    Supported with AM 5.5 and later versions.

    For more information, see "Hardening Authorization With Advice From AM" in the Gateway Guide.

  • Disconnection Strategy WebSocket Notification Service

    IG can now configure what happens to the session cache and policy enforcement cache when the WebSocket notification service is disconnected and then reconnected. By default, the caches are cleared on disconnect.

    For information, see onNotificationDisconnection in AmService(5) in the Configuration Reference and PolicyEnforcementFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference.

  • Dynamic Scope Evaluation for OAuth2ResourceServerFilter

    The OAuth2ResourceServerFilter can now use a script to evaluate which scopes must be provided in an OAuth 2.0 access_token to access a protected resource. The script evaluates each request dynamically and returns the scopes that are required for the request to access the protected resource.

    Use this feature when protected resources can't be grouped within a set of static scopes, for example, when one set of URLs require one scope, and another set of URLs require another scope.

    For more information, see the scopes section and Examples section of OAuth2ResourceServerFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference.

  • JWT Encryption With JwtBuilderFilter

    A new property, encryption, has been added to the JwtBuilderFilter to configure JWT encryption.

    For more information, see JwtBuilderFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference.

  • JwtBuilderFilter Template Declared as Expression

    The template property of JwtBuilderFilter can now be configured as an expression that evaluates to a map. The referenced map will be serialized as a JSON object.

    For more information, see JwtBuilderFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference.

  • Connection to TLS-Protected Endpoints With TlsOptions

    A new object, TlsOptions, is available to configure connections to TLS-protected endpoints for the ClientHandler, ReverseProxyHandler, and for WebSocket notifications in AmService.

    For more information, see TlsOptions(5) in the Configuration Reference.

  • Increased Flexibility for Retrieving and Caching User Profiles From AM

    The UserProfileFilter provides new features to retrieve and cache user profile information.

    For more information, see UserProfileFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference.

    • User Authentication From OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens With UserProfileFilter

      The UserProfileFilter can now retrieve AM profile attributes for users identified by their username, and can be used in routes that rely on OAuth2ResourceServerFilter and the /oauth2/introspect endpoint to resolve access tokens.

      The filter can use the SsoTokenContext, SessionInfoContext, or OAuth2Context to retrieve profile attributes.

    • Cache for User Profile Attributes with UserProfileFilter

      The UserProfileFilter can now cache user profile attributes and reuse them without repeatedly querying AM.

      In previous releases, the UserProfileFilter had to query AM for each request to retrieve the required user profile attributes.

  • Simplified Configuration of Objects by Using AmService Agent

    A new property, agent, in AmService defines a Java agent to act on behalf of IG, and simplify configuration of the following filters:

    • SingleSignOnFilter, where agent defines the AM service to use for authentication. Users can authenticate in the same realm as the agent, or in a different realm.

    • PolicyEnforcementFilter, where agent defines the AM agent with the right to request policy decisions from AM. The policy set can be located in the same realm as the agent, or in a different realm.

    • TokenTransformationFilter, where agent defines the AM agent with the right to authenticate IG as an AM REST STS client.

    The agent property is now mandatory in AmService and replaces properties in the above filters. For more information, see "Removed Functionality".

    For more information, see AmService(5) in the Configuration Reference.

  • Configuration of WebSocket Notifications by Using AmService

    A new property, notifications, has been added to AmService to disable WebSocket notifications, configure the time between attempts to re-establish lost WebSocket connections, and to configure WebSocket connections to TLS-protected endpoints.

    For more information, see "WebSocket Notification Service" in the Configuration Reference.

  • UserProfileFilter Configuration Moved to AmService

    To simplify configuration, properties in UserProfileFilter have been deprecated and replaced with properties in AmService.

    For more information, see Deprecated Functionality in IG 6.5.0.

  • StudioProtectionFilter to Restrict Access to Studio In Development Mode

    A new filter, StudioProtectionFilter, is available to protect the Studio endpoint when IG is running in development mode.

    When IG is running in development mode, by default the Studio endpoint is open and accessible. When StudioProtectionFilter is defined in admin.json, IG uses it to filter access to the Studio endpoint.

    For an example configuration, see "Restricting Access to Studio in Development Mode" in the Gateway Guide. For more information about StudioProtectionFilter, see "Provided Objects" in the Configuration Reference.

  • New Features in Studio

    New features have been added to the technology preview of Studio to allow you to:

    • Configure a SplunkAuditEventHandler.

    • Upgrade HTTP connections to WebSocket protocol.

    • Enable a session cache.

    • Evaluate scopes dynamically for OAuth 2.0 authorization.

  • New Features in Freeform Studio

    New features have been added to the technology preview of Freeform Studio to allow you to:

    • Create new routes that contain a SingleSignOnFilter, a PolicyEnforcementFilter, and an example AmService. Select the objects to configure them.

    • Drag and drop a SingleSignOnFilter, a PolicyEnforcementFilter, or any filter type onto the canvas. Select the filter to configure it. For other filter types, select the type, name the filter, and add the JSON configuration.

    • Define multiple AmService objects that you can choose from for filters.

    • Drag and drop a DispatchHandler onto the canvas, select its input node to connect it to the start element or another object, and select its output node to connect to one or more handlers. Select the connections to define the conditions for the dispatch.

    • Drag any filter into or out of a chain, and drag any filter or handler around the canvas. Select it to delete it.

    • Ctrl-click to select multiple objects, and maneuver or delete them at the same time.

    • View unconnected filters or handlers on the canvas as part of the JSON heap.

    • View the object name on the canvas.

    Routes created in previous version of Freeform Studio are automatically transitioned into JSON editor routes.

Improvements in IG 6.5.4
  • There are no additional improvements in this release.

Improvements in IG 6.5.3
  • Sample Application User Passwords Updated

    The user passwords in the Sample application files are updated to align with the new AM password policy. For more information, see OPENIG-4829: SampleApplication: Update user passwords.

Improvements in IG 6.5.2
  • Secure and HttpOnly Options to the JwtCookieSession Cookie Config

    IG 6.5.2 now provides secure and httpOnly options on the cookie created for JWT sessions.

    For more information, see CrossDomainSingleSignOnFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference.

  • Warning If Decoded Secret Starts or Ends in a Non-ASCII Character

    IG logs a warning when the decoded value of a BASE64-encoded secret starts or ends with a non-ASCII character.

    If a text editor adds a carriage return to the end of a plain string value before it is encoded, non-ASCII characters can be added to the BASE64-encoded value. When the decoded value is used as part of a username/password exchange, it can then cause an authentication error.

  • Support for SameSite Cookies

    CrossDomainSingleSignOnFilter and JwtSession have a new property called sameSite to manage the circumstances in which a cookie is sent to the server. Use this property to manage the risk of cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks.

    For information, see the authCookie property of CrossDomainSingleSignOnFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference, or JwtSession(5) in the Configuration Reference.

  • Support for Applications Using a Payload in GET or HEAD Requests

    The payload body of a GET or HEAD request is now honored. In previous releases, the payload body was removed when the internal Request representation was created. TRACE is the only request that does not support a payload.

  • Correct Maintenance of Cookies With sameSite Flag

    Cookies that arrive at IG with the sameSite flag set are correctly maintained.

  • ResourceException Not Logged at Error Level when AM Returns 401

    Previously, if the user's SSO session had expired or become otherwise invalid and was used in a request to IG, calling the AM session info endpoint to get session status would return a 401 response. This 401 response was valid but ended up being logged by IG at Error level, which was misleading, and would generate a large amount of additional logging data.

    IG now only logs an error message when the response from an AM session info endpoint is not a 401. IG still logs it as a debug message to show that it was a 401 response.

Improvements in IG 6.5.1
Improvements in IG 6.5.0
  • TimerDecorator Publishes Metrics to the MetricRegistry

    When a TimerDecorator is set to true in a route, the metrics are now written to the Prometheus Scrape Endpoint and the ForgeRock Common REST Monitoring Endpoint.

    For information, see TimerDecorator(5) in the Configuration Reference.

  • Audit Logging to Standard Output

    Support has been added for an audit handler to send access log messages to standard output.

    For information, see JsonStdoutAuditEventHandler(5) in the Configuration Reference and "Recording Audit Events to Standard Output" in the Gateway Guide.

  • Default Configurations for Objects In AdminHttpApplication

    AdminHttpApplication now declares default configurations for the following objects: ClientHandler, ReverseProxyHandler, ForgeRockClientHandler, ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor, and TransactionIdOutboundFilter.

    For more information, see AdminHttpApplication(5) in the Configuration Reference.

  • Improved Security for Authentication Cookies in CrossDomainSingleSignOnFilter and JwtSession

    By default, the JwtCookieSession cookie and CrossDomainSingleSignOnFilter authentication cookie and are now flagged as HttpOnly.

    CrossDomainSingleSignOnFilter has additional properties to set or unset cookie flags for HttpOnly and secure. For more information, see CrossDomainSingleSignOnFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference.

  • WebSocket Traffic for TLS Connections

    IG can now detect requests to upgrade from HTTPS to the WebSocket protocol, and create a secure, dedicated tunnel to send and receive WebSocket traffic.

    For information, see the websocket property of ClientHandler(5) in the Configuration Reference or ReverseProxyHandler(5) in the Configuration Reference.

ForgeRock issues security advisories in collaboration with our customers and the open source community to address any security vulnerabilities transparently and rapidly. ForgeRock's security advisory policy governs the process on how security issues are submitted, received, and evaluated as well as the timeline for the issuance of security advisories and patches.

For details of all the security advisories across ForgeRock products, see Security Advisories in the Knowledge Base library.

This chapter describes the requirements for running IG.


If you have a request to support a component or combination not listed here, contact ForgeRock at

Download the following product software from the ForgeRock BackStage download site:

  • IG .war file, IG-6.5.4.war

  • Web application for testing IG configurations, IG-sample-application-6.5.4.jar

The following table lists supported Java versions:

Oracle JDK8
OpenJDK8, 11

If you are using IG on Tomcat with SSL enabled, to prevent mismatch between client-side ciphers and server-side ciphers, use OpenJDK 1.8.0_121 or later versions.

For the latest security fixes, ForgeRock recommends that you use the most recent update.

IG runs in the following web application containers:

  • Apache Tomcat 8.5.x or 9

  • Jetty 9

  • JBoss EAP 7.2

Deploy IG to the root context of the container. Deployment in other contexts causes unexpected results, and is not supported.

For information about setting up a web application container see "Configuring Deployment Containers" in the Gateway Guide.

IG supports several versions of Java Agents. For supported container versions and other platform requirements related to agents, see the Java Agents Release Notes .

If you install Java Agents in the same container as IG, use a Java release that is also supported by the agent.

If you install an AM policy agent in the same container as IG, use Java Agents 3.5 or later. Earlier versions might not shut down properly with the web application container.

You cannot run Java Agents 5.5.0 and IG in the same Tomcat container.

This section describes the IG features that are supported with AM:

FeatureSupported In AM Version

Support for OAuth 2.0 Mutual TLS (mTLS). For more information, see ConfirmationKeyVerifierAccessTokenResolver(5) in the Configuration Reference, and "Validating Access_Tokens Obtained Through mTLS" in the Gateway Guide.

AM 6.5.1 and later versions.

Eviction of entries from the AmService sessionCache, using WebSocket notifications from AM. For more information, see AmService(5) in the Configuration Reference.

AM 5.5 when the user manually whitelists the AMCtxId session property, and with AM 6 and later versions (where the AMCtxId session property is whitelisted by default).

AM password capture and replay, as described in "Getting Login Credentials From AM" in the Gateway Guide.

Supported with AM 5 and later versions, and with AM 6 and later versions when the AES keyType is used to decrypt the password.

AM policy enforcement, as described in "Enforcing Policy Decisions From AM" in the Gateway Guide.

AM 5 and later versions

OpenID Connect dynamic registration and discovery, as described in "Using OpenID Connect Discovery and Dynamic Client Registration" in the Gateway Guide.

OpenAM 13.5, and AM 5 and later versions

Token transformation, as described in "Transforming OpenID Connect ID Tokens Into SAML Assertions" in the Gateway Guide.

OpenAM 13.5, and AM 5 and later versions

User Managed Access 2.x, for IG 5.5, as described in "Supporting UMA Resource Servers" in the Gateway Guide.

AM 5.5 and later versions

User Managed Access 1.x, for IG 5 and earlier versions.

AM 5.1 and earlier versions

Single sign-on, as described in "About SSO Using the SingleSignOnFilter" in the Gateway Guide.

AM 5 and later versions

Cross-domain single sign-on, as described in "About CDSSO Using the CrossDomainSingleSignOnFilter" in the Gateway Guide.

AM 5.5 and later versions

Capture and storage of AM session information, as described in SessionInfoFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference.

AM 5 and later versions

Capture and storage of AM user profile attributes, as described in UserProfileFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference.

AM 5 and later

Support for transactional authorization, as described in "Hardening Authorization With Advice From AM" in the Gateway Guide.

AM 5.5 and later versions

Validation of stateless access_tokens, as described in "Validating Stateless Access_Tokens With the StatelessAccessTokenResolver" in the Gateway Guide.

OpenAM 13.5, and AM 5 and later versions

To use RSASSA-PSS for signature encryption in the JwtBuilderFilter, install Bouncy Castle. For information, see The Legion of the Bouncy Castle.

This chapter describes major changes to existing functionality, deprecated functionality, and removed functionality.

Important Changes in IG 6.5.4
  • Validation of `goto` Parameter in OAuth2ClientFilter

    To prevent redirects to malicious web sites, IG now validates the `goto` query parameter in requests to OAuth2ClientFilter `/login` and `/logout` endpoints.

    The goto URL must use the same scheme, host, and port as the original URI, or be a relative URI (just the path). Otherwise, the request fails with an error.

    For more information, see OAuth2ClientFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference.

Important Changes in IG 6.5.3
  • SAML 2.0 Deployments Require Additional Configuration

    When IG uses AM federation libraries generated from AM 6.5.2 or earlier, add the following lines to the file:

    # Specifies implementation for
    # org.forgerock.openam.federation.plugin.rooturl.RootUrlProvider interface.
    # This property defines the default base url provider.
Important Changes in IG 6.5.2
  • There are no additional changes to existing functionality in this release.

Important Changes in IG 6.5.1
Important Changes in IG 6.5.0
  • Agent Credentials Mandatory in AmService

    The agent property of AmService is now mandatory. The agent defines the credentials of an AM Java agent that acts on behalf of IG to authenticate with AM, request policy decisions from AM, and communicate WebSocket notifications from AM to IG.

    This is a breaking change for all filters that use AmService, and for the following filters where agent replaces properties that are removed in this release:

    • SingleSignOnFilter, where agent replaces previously deprecated properties.

    • PolicyEnforcementFilter, where agent replaces previously deprecated properties and the following properties: pepUsername and pepPassword.

    • TokenTransformationFilter, where agent replaces previously deprecated properties and the following properties: username and password.

    For more information, see Removed Functionality in IG 6.5.0.

  • Agent Session Logged Out When AmService Stopped

    When a route containing an AmService is reloaded, or when an AmService is stopped, the agent session is logged out.

    For more information, see

  • Disconnection Strategy for Session Cache and PolicyEnforcementFilter Cache

    When the WebSocket notification service is disconnected, by default the session cache and policy enforcement cache is cleared. In previous releases, the caches were not cleared.

    For information, see onNotificationDisconnection in AmService(5) in the Configuration Reference and PolicyEnforcementFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference.

  • DS API Change for Secure LDAP Connection

    DS 6.5 has updated its client API for establishing SSL connections. The SslContextBuilder class has been removed and related usages have been integrated into SslOptions.

    This has an impact on existing scripts that are using IG's LdapClient for connecting to a secure LDAP server.

    Previously working script:

    SslContextBuilder builder = new SslContextBuilder();
    SslOptions sslOptions = SslOptions.newSslOptions(

    Usage of the new API:

    SslOptions sslOptions = SslOptions.newSslOptions(null, TrustManagers.trustAll())
Deprecated Functionality in IG 6.5.4
  • There is no additional functionality deprecated in this release.

Deprecated Functionality in IG 6.5.3
  • There is no additional functionality deprecated in this release.

Deprecated Functionality in IG 6.5.2
  • There is no additional functionality deprecated in this release.

  • The OpenAmAccessTokenResolver property endpoint was deprecated in a previous release, but is undeprecated in this release. When you are not using AM SSO or policy components, use endpoint with OpenAmAccessTokenResolver instead of creating an AM agent and maintaining credentials.

Deprecated Functionality in IG 6.5.1
Configuration Object Deprecated Settings Replacement Settings



Replaced by verificationSecretId.


Replaced by decryptionSecretId.

Deprecated Functionality in IG 6.5.0
Automatically Transfered Upgrade Routes

During IG upgrade, routes that were previously created in Studio are automatically transferred to the new version of IG. Where possible, IG replaces deprecated settings with the newer evolved setting. If IG needs additional information to upgrade the route, the route status becomes Compatibility update required. Select the route, and provide the requested information.

Routes Generated in Studio Do Not Use the Commons Secrets Service

In this release, routes generated in Studio do not use the Commons Secrets Service. Documentation examples generated with Studio use deprecated properties.

IG Route Monitoring Endpoint

The IG Route Monitoring Endpoint is deprecated and will be removed in a later release. As a replacement, IG provides Prometheus Scrape Endpoint and Common REST Monitoring Endpoint.

For more information, see "Prometheus Scrape Endpoint" in the Gateway Guide, and "Common REST Monitoring Endpoint" in the Gateway Guide,

Support for .war File Delivery

The delivery of a .war file is deprecated in this release and may be removed in the next release.

Support AM Policy Agents

Support for the use of AM policy agents in password capture and replay is deprecated in this release.

By using CapturedUserPasswordFilter, you can get login credentials from AM without setting up an AM policy agent. For more information, see "Getting Login Credentials From AM" in the Gateway Guide, and CapturedUserPasswordFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference.

Configuration Object Deprecated Settings Replacement Settings



Replaced by passwordSecretId.

If the deprecated and replacement properties are both provided, the replacement property takes precedence.


proxy subproperty password

Replaced by passwordSecretId.

If the deprecated and replacement properties are both provided, the replacement property takes precedence.

  • keyManager

  • sslCipherSuites

  • sslContextAlgorithm

  • sslEnabledProtocols

  • trustManager

Replaced by the TlsOptions object. For more information, see TlsOptions(5) in the Configuration Reference.

websocket subproperties:

  • keyManager

  • sslCipherSuites

  • sslContextAlgorithm

  • sslEnabledProtocols

  • trustManager

Replaced by the TlsOptions object. For more information, see TlsOptions(5) in the Configuration Reference.


  • keyManager

  • sslCipherSuites

  • sslContextAlgorithm

  • sslEnabledProtocols

  • trustManager

Replaced by the TlsOptions object. For more information, see TlsOptions(5) in the Configuration Reference.

websocket subproperties:

  • keyManager

  • sslCipherSuites

  • sslContextAlgorithm

  • sslEnabledProtocols

  • trustManager

Replaced by the TlsOptions object. For more information, see TlsOptions(5) in the Configuration Reference.



Replaced by passwordSecretId

If the deprecated and replacement properties are both provided, the replacement property takes precedence.

Combination of password, alias, and keystore

Combination of passwordSecretId, alias, and keystore

Replaced by encryptionSecretId

If the deprecated and replacement properties are both provided, the replacement property takes precedence.


Replaced by signatureSecretId

If the deprecated and replacement properties are both provided, the replacement property takes precedence.



Replaced by passwordSecretId.

If the deprecated and replacement properties are both provided, the replacement property takes precedence.



Replaced by passwordSecretId.

If the deprecated and replacement properties are both provided, the replacement property takes precedence.



Replaced by keySecretId.

If the deprecated and replacement properties are both provided, the replacement property takes precedence.


signature subproperties:

  • keystore

  • alias

  • password

Replaced by signature property secretId.

If the deprecated and replacement properties are both provided, the replacement property takes precedence.



Replaced by the Prometheus Scrape Endpoint and Common REST Monitoring Endpoint.

For information, see Monitoring Endpoints(5) in the Configuration Reference.



Replaced by username in UserProfileFilter.

amService and profileAttributes

Replaced amService and profileAttributes, as sub-properties of userProfileService



Replaced by keystore.


Replaced by clientSecretId.

If the deprecated and replacement properties are both provided, the replacement property takes precedence.

The environment variable and system property that define the file system directory for configuration files.

OPENIG_BASE and openig.base

Replaced by IG_INSTANCE_DIR and ig.instance.dir.

If neither the deprecated setting nor the replacement setting are provided, configuration files are in the default directory $HOME/.openig (on Windows, %appdata%\OpenIG).

If the deprecated setting and the replacement setting are both provided, the replacement setting is used.



Replaced by the AmService property url.

For information, see OpenAmAccessTokenResolver in OAuth2ResourceServerFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference.


cache subproperty maxTimeout

Replaced by cache property maximumTimeToCache.

OAuth2ResourceServerFilter cacheExpiration

Replaced by cache and its sub-properties enabled, defaultTimeout, and maxTimeout.

If cacheExpiration is configured and cache is not configured, the cache is enabled and the value of cacheExpiration is used as maxTimeout.

The following values for cacheExpiration, supported in previous releases, are not supported in this release: zero, unlimited.

For more information, see OAuth2ResourceServerFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference.

Removed Functionality in IG 6.5.4
  • There is no additional functionality removed from this release.

Removed Functionality in IG 6.5.3
  • There is no additional functionality removed from this release.

Removed Functionality in IG 6.5.2
  • There is no additional functionality removed from this release.

Removed Functionality in IG 6.5.1
  • There is no additional functionality removed from this release.

Removed Functionality in IG 6.5.0

This section lists removed functionality, as defined in "ForgeRock Product Interface Stability":

  • Configuration Object Removed Settings Newer Evolving Settings
    PolicyEnforcementFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference

    Deprecated previously, removed in this release:

    • amHandler

    • openamUrl

    • realm

    • ssoTokenHeader

    Replaced by AmService properties:

    • amHandler

    • url

    • realm

    • ssoTokenHeader

    Deprecated and removed in this release:

    • pepUsername

    • pepPassword

    Replaced by AmService property:

    • agent

    SingleSignOnFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference

    Deprecated previously, removed in this release:

    • amHandler

    • openamUrl

    • realm

    • ssoTokenHeader

    Replaced by AmService properties:

    • amHandler

    • url

    • realm

    • ssoTokenHeader

    TokenTransformationFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference

    Deprecated previously, removed in this release:

    • amHandler

    • openamUrl

    • realm

    • ssoTokenHeader

    Replaced by AmService properties:

    • amHandler

    • url

    • realm

    • ssoTokenHeader

    Deprecated and removed in this release:

    • username

    • password

    Replaced by AmService property:

    • agent

IG issues are tracked at This chapter covers the status of key issues and limitations at release 6.5.

Key Fixes in IG 6.5.4
  • OPENIG-4034: AuditService does not delete old files when maxDiskSpaceToUse is reached

  • OPENIG-5084: WebSocket connections are not being proxied when baseURI scheme is wss

  • OPENIG-5268: IG 6.5.3 Studio UI Welcome screen has formatting/layout issues

Key Fixes in IG 6.5.3
  • COMMONS-580: Race condition on Tomcat regarding closure of ServletInputStream

  • COMMONS-608: Http Servlet never uses the HttpApplication Buffer Factory

  • OPENIG-3783: ClassCastException in scriptable access token resolver occurs when invalid token is returned by delegated access token resolver

  • OPENIG-3934: Error with AMService reconnection notifications

  • OPENIG-4168: CacheAccessTokenResolver : missing requests to amService (not available in capture)

  • OPENIG-4186: UI: Update Bootstrap to 3.4.1

  • OPENIG-4190: A WebSocket Origin header is missing the scheme from the URL

  • OPENIG-4216: Pickup COMMONS-533 - allow spaces in unquoted cookie values

  • OPENIG-4244: Error when loading route of the GatewayGuide (Jetty & AmService)

  • OPENIG-4376: Copyright is not up to date on IG welcome page

  • OPENIG-4391: SequenceHandler should cater for bindings generating RuntimeException responses

  • OPENIG-4405: A missing AMCtxId session property is not logged leading to an invalid session cache

  • OPENIG-4653: UI: Unable to edit imported route

Key Fixes in IG 6.5.2
  • CHF-159: Default port(:443/:80) is always present in the originalUri

  • CHF-200: HttpFrameworkServlet does not cope with content lengths > java.lang.Integer#MAX_VALUE when creating the CHF Request

  • CHF-208: Provide support for GET and HEAD request to include a payload (entity)

  • COMMONS-511: Add support for SameSite=None cookies

  • OPENIG-2568: Add a switch to the PolicyEnforcementFilter to enable policy requests based on original URI rather than the baseURI

  • OPENIG-2982: Infinite loop with SingleSignOnFilter when cookie domain does not match

  • OPENIG-3146: Provide secure and httpOnly options to the config of the JwtCookieSession cookie

  • OPENIG-3296: UserProfileFilter and usernames with colons

  • OPENIG-3492: Request and response logged in different files when capture:all and global captureDecorator are in config.json

  • OPENIG-3647: Generate warning when using Base64 based secrets if the decoded secret ends in non-ASCII value

  • OPENIG-3659: SSOFilter logoutEndpoint does not take query parameters into consideration

  • OPENIG-3734: Support SameSite cookie attribute

  • OPENIG-3819: WebSocket requests should be built using the raw query parameters

  • OPENIG-3837: WebSocketAdapter#writeBuffersIfStreamIsReady should check if stream is ready before calling flush

  • OPENIG-3941: Provide support for GET and HEAD request to include a payload (entity)

  • OPENIG-4037: Global decorators declared in a route cannot refer to decorators declared in the same route

  • OPENIG-4046: Multiple OIDC providers for same clientID (OAuth2ClientFilter)

  • OPENIG-4082: Don't log ResourceException at error level when AM returns 401 during CrestSessionService#getSessionInfo

Key Fixes in IG 6.5.1
  • OPENIG-3328: CDSSOFilter : although using a valid token, user can't access the protected resource

  • OPENIG-3403: ContentTypeHeader quoted directives should be maintained

  • OPENIG-3443: Don't attempt to create the groovy script directories if they already exist

  • OPENIG-3454: StatelessAccessTokenResolver: incorrect usage of COMMONS Secrets API to get the keys

  • OPENIG-3457: Provide a toJson function that can be used in expressions to parse strings as JSON

  • OPENIG-3484: IdTokenValidationFilter reports problem with iat with valid token

  • OPENIG-3491: Invalid token is returned when signature verification is enabled in OAuth2ResourceServer filter

  • OPENIG-3523: UI: Fix open studio in IE

Key Fixes in IG 6.5.0
  • OPENIG-3231: OpenDJ SslContextBuilder has been removed

  • OPENIG-3219: When using scan feature in logback.xml the ig.instance.dir property is lost on reload

  • OPENIG-3113: Not possible to use token substitutions within a monitor decorator of a Route

Limitations in IG 6.5.4
  • OPENIG-3248: IG fails to proxy websocket messages when running with Jetty

  • OPENIG-2417: Thread starvation on CHF response reception/consumption with async http client

  • OPENIG-1557: UI: Unable to deploy route when custom router is configured

  • OPENIG-813: auditService : fileRotation may overwrite existing audit file

  • OPENIG-291: Class cast exception when using SAML federation & policy agent together

  • OPENIG-234: Federation doesn't work if we used incomplete user in IDP

  • OPENIG-221: Cannot specify which certificate to present to server if server requires mutual authentication in https

Limitations in IG 6.5.3
  • There are no new limitations in this release.

Limitations in IG 6.5.2

The following limitations exist in this release in addition to those in IG 6.5.0.

  • OPENIG-3245: Inconsistent error messages on negative testcases on JWT page in sample app

  • OPENIG-3262: OAuth2ResourceServerFilter: realm is not taken into account

  • OPENIG-3404: Websocket disconnects in Sample app after sending a message with odd count of regular ascii char with JBoss

  • OPENIG-3413: Websockets in JBoss doesn't work properly for multiple mesages from server to client

  • OPENIG-3861: UI: Generic filters cannot move correctly outside of a chain in freeform editor

  • OPENIG-3925: UMA: Sharing resource via IG auto generates resource name

  • OPENIG-4008: Improve debug logging when baseUri hostname is invalid

  • OPENIG-4034: AuditService does not delete old files when maxDiskSpaceToUse is reached

Limitations in IG 6.5.1
Limitations in IG 6.5.0
  • SamlFederationHandler Doesn't Support Filtering (OPENIG-3275)

    The SamlFederationHandler does not support filtering. Do not use a SamlFederationHandler as the handler for a Chain.

    More generally, do not use this handler when its use depends on something in the response. The response can be handled independently of IG, and can be null when control returns to IG. For example, do not use this handler in a SequenceHandler where the postcondition depends on the response.

  • IG Scripts Can Access Anything in Their Environment (OPENIG-3274)

    IG scripts are not sandboxed, but instead have access to anything in their environment. You must make sure that the scripts that IG loads are safe.

  • Persists UMA Shares (OPENIG-3273)

    Shared resources cannot be persisted when IG restarts. They must be shared each time that IG restarts. For more information, see "Supporting UMA Resource Servers" in the Gateway Guide.

  • Proxy WebSocket Traffic (OPENIG-3248)

    When IG is running in the Jetty application container, it cannot proxy WebSocket traffic.

    For more information, see "Proxying WebSocket Traffic" in the Gateway Guide, and the websocket property of ClientHandler(5) in the Configuration Reference or ReverseProxyHandler(5) in the Configuration Reference.

  • Blocked ClientHandler With Asynchronous HTTP Clients (OPENIG-2417)

    IG processes responses from asynchronous HTTP clients by using two thread pools of the same size:

    • the first thread pool receive the response headers,

    • the second thread pool completes the promise by to executing the callback and writing the response content to the stream. Reading and writing to the stream are synchronous, blocking operations

    When there are a lot of clients, or when responses are big, the synchronous operation can cause routes to declare a blocked ClientHandler.

    To recover from blocking, restart the route, or, if the route is config.json, restart the server. To prevent blocking, increase the number of worker threads.

  • Cannot Use Custom config.json in Studio (OPENIG-1557)

    When a customized config.json is configured in Studio, Studio cannot deploy routes.

  • Log File of Audit Events Can be Overwritten (OPENIG-813)

    The log file of audit events can be overwritten when the log file is rotated.

    When CsvAuditEventHandler is used to log audit events, the log file is overwritten if it is rotated before the file suffix, rotationFileSuffix, changes. By default, rotationFileSuffix is defined as a date in the format _yyyy-MM-dd.

    Log files are rotated when one of the following limits is reached: maxFileSize, rotationInterval, or rotationTimes.

    Set the log rotation parameters so that the log is not likely to rotate before rotationFileSuffix changes.

  • Cannot Use SAML With AM Policy Agent (OPENIG-291)

    When SAML is used with an AM policy agent, class cast exceptions occur.

  • SAML Fails With Incorrect User-Defined Mapping (OPENIG-234)

    When the user defined mapping is incorrectly set, missing SAML assertions produce an infinite loop during authentication attempts.

  • For Mutual Authentication in HTTPS Cannot Specify Which Certificate to Present (OPENIG-221)

    IG can check server certificates for HTTPS. However, for mutual authentication, the client certificate must be the first certificate in the KeyStore.

Known Issues in IG 6.5.4
  • OPENIG-3821: ResourceHandler should create redirect to a relative URI when requests don't end in /

  • OPENIG-3755: IG's decodeBase64 function returns null on JWTs generated by IG or AM

  • OPENIG-3579: NullPointerException when calling org.forgerock.openig.handler.router.DirectoryMonitor#createFileChangeSet

  • OPENIG-3488: IG fails to stop when started with a config.json with invalid json syntax.

Known Issues in IG 6.5.3
  • OPENIG-659: CryptoHeaderFilter - error on handling header value with incorrect length

  • OPENIG-3488: IG fails to stop when started with a config.json with invalid json syntax

  • OPENIG-3755: IG's decodeBase64 function returns null on JWTs generated by IG or AM

Known Issues in IG 6.5.2
  • OPENIG-3488: IG fails to stop when started with a config.json with invalid json syntax

  • OPENIG-3755: IG's decodeBase64 function returns null on JWTs generated by IG or AM

  • OPENIG-3783: ClassCastException in scriptable access token resolver occurs when invalid token is returned

Known Issues in IG 6.5.1
Known Issues in IG 6.5.0
  • OPENIG-3235: Support UTF-8 encoded password values for agent's credentials

  • OPENIG-3221: OpenIG is decoding special character ' while sending to the backend which is causing issues

  • OPENIG-659: CryptoHeaderFilter - error on handling header value with incorrect length

March 2022

A list of audit fields was added to AuditService(5) in the Configuration Reference

March 2021

Release of IG 6.5.4.

September 2020

Release of IG 6.5.3:

  • Information about tuning deployments is added in a new chapter, "Tuning Performance" in the Gateway Guide.


(For AM 6.5.3 and later versions.) Procedures that use AM to redirect the request to the sample app have an additional step to configure an AM Validation Service.


Update to "Configuring IG for HTTPS (Server-Side) in Jetty" in the Gateway Guide.


Correction to the AMCtxId property name.

Correction in SAML routes with multiple service providers.


Release of IG 6.5.2.

The following documentation updates were made:

  • Added a new property information that can request policy decisions from AM using a configurable resource URL. For more information see the resourceUriProvider property of PolicyEnforcementFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference.

  • Added secure and httpOnly options to the JwtCookieSession cookie. For more information, see CrossDomainSingleSignOnFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference.

  • Added a new property called sameSite for CrossDomainSingleSignOnFilter and JwtSession to manage the risk of cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks. For information, see the authCookie property of CrossDomainSingleSignOnFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference, or the cookie property of JwtSession(5) in the Configuration Reference.

  • Added infinite loop prevention for single sign-on. For more information, see SingleSignOnFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference and CrossDomainSingleSignOnFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference.


Minor corrections in OAuth2ResourceServerFilter and SingleSignOnFilter.


Release of IG 6.5.1 maintenance release.


Release of IG 6.5.0 release.

The following changes were made to the documentation:

This appendix includes ForgeRock definitions for product release levels and interface stability.

ForgeRock defines Major, Minor, Maintenance, and Patch product release levels. The release level is reflected in the version number. The release level tells you what sort of compatibility changes to expect.

Release LabelVersion NumbersCharacteristics


Version: x[.0.0] (trailing 0s are optional)

  • Bring major new features, minor features, and bug fixes

  • Can include changes even to Stable interfaces

  • Can remove previously Deprecated functionality, and in rare cases remove Evolving functionality that has not been explicitly Deprecated

  • Include changes present in previous Minor and Maintenance releases


Version: x.y[.0] (trailing 0s are optional)

  • Bring minor features, and bug fixes

  • Can include backwards-compatible changes to Stable interfaces in the same Major release, and incompatible changes to Evolving interfaces

  • Can remove previously Deprecated functionality

  • Include changes present in previous Minor and Maintenance releases

Maintenance, Patch

Version: x.y.z[.p]

The optional .p reflects a Patch version.

  • Bring bug fixes

  • Are intended to be fully compatible with previous versions from the same Minor release

ForgeRock products support many protocols, APIs, GUIs, and command-line interfaces. Some of these interfaces are standard and very stable. Others offer new functionality that is continuing to evolve.

ForgeRock acknowledges that you invest in these interfaces, and therefore must know when and how ForgeRock expects them to change. For that reason, ForgeRock defines interface stability labels and uses these definitions in ForgeRock products.

Stability LabelDefinition


This documented interface is expected to undergo backwards-compatible changes only for major releases. Changes may be announced at least one minor release before they take effect.


This documented interface is continuing to evolve and so is expected to change, potentially in backwards-incompatible ways even in a minor release. Changes are documented at the time of product release.

While new protocols and APIs are still in the process of standardization, they are Evolving. This applies for example to recent Internet-Draft implementations, and also to newly developed functionality.


This interface is deprecated and likely to be removed in a future release. For previously stable interfaces, the change was likely announced in a previous release. Deprecated interfaces will be removed from ForgeRock products.


This interface was deprecated in a previous release and has now been removed from the product.

Technology Preview

Technology previews provide access to new features that are evolving new technology that are not yet supported. Technology preview features may be functionally incomplete and the function as implemented is subject to change without notice. DO NOT DEPLOY A TECHNOLOGY PREVIEW INTO A PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT.

Customers are encouraged to test drive the technology preview features in a non-production environment and are welcome to make comments and suggestions about the features in the associated forums.

ForgeRock does not guarantee that a technology preview feature will be present in future releases, the final complete version of the feature is liable to change between preview and the final version. Once a technology preview moves into the completed version, said feature will become part of the ForgeRock platform. Technology previews are provided on an “AS-IS” basis for evaluation purposes only and ForgeRock accepts no liability or obligations for the use thereof.


Internal and undocumented interfaces can change without notice. If you depend on one of these interfaces, contact ForgeRock support or email to discuss your needs.

This chapter includes information and resources for IG and ForgeRock support.

ForgeRock publishes comprehensive documentation online:

  • The ForgeRock Knowledge Base offers a large and increasing number of up-to-date, practical articles that help you deploy and manage ForgeRock software.

    While many articles are visible to community members, ForgeRock customers have access to much more, including advanced information for customers using ForgeRock software in a mission-critical capacity.

  • ForgeRock product documentation, such as this document, aims to be technically accurate and complete with respect to the software documented. It is visible to everyone and covers all product features and examples of how to use them.

If you find issues or reproducible bugs, report them in

When requesting help with a problem, include the following information:

  • Description of the problem, including when the problem occurs and its impact on your operation

  • Description of the environment, including the following information:

    • Machine type

    • Operating system and version

    • Web server or container and version

    • Java version

    • Patches or other software that might affect the problem

  • Steps to reproduce the problem

  • Relevant access and error logs, stack traces, and core dumps

ForgeRock provides support services, professional services, training through ForgeRock University, and partner services to assist you in setting up and maintaining your deployments. For a general overview of these services, see

ForgeRock has staff members around the globe who support our international customers and partners. For details on ForgeRock's support offering, including support plans and service level agreements (SLAs), visit

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