IG 7.2.0


Processes requests and responses by using a Groovy script.

When a ScriptableFilter processes a request, it can execute return next.handle(context, request) to call the next filter or handler in the current chain and return the value from the call. Actions on the response must be performed in the Promise’s callback methods.

This section describes the usage of ScriptableFilter, and refers to the following sections of the documentation:


    "name": string,
    "type": "ScriptableFilter",
    "config": {
        "type": configuration expression<string>,
        "file": configuration expression<string>, // Use either "file"
        "source": [ string, ... ],                // or "source", but not both.
        "args": map,
        "clientHandler": Handler reference


For information about properties for ScriptableFilter, see Scripts.


For an example scriptable filter that recovers policy advices from AM, see the failureHandler property of PolicyEnforcementFilter.

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