
Documentation updates

In addition to the changes described elsewhere in these notes, the published documentation for each PingGateway version includes the following important changes.

Date Description

June 2024

Release of PingGateway 2024.6.

March 2024

Release of IG 2024.3.

Examples using PingOne as an identity provider have been added to the following sections of the documentation:

November 2023

Release of IG 2023.11.

September 2023

Release of IG 2023.9.

June 2023

Release of IG 2023.6.

April 2023

Release of IG 2023.4.

February 2023

Release of IG 2023.2.

IG 7.2

Date Description

June 2022

Release of IG 7.2.

In addition to the changes described elsewhere in these notes, the following important changes were made to the documentation:

New Sections
Best practices
  • Information about how to increase the security of cookies in your deployment has been added to Manage cookies.

  • Information about how to change the session configuration has been added to Managing sessions.


For completeness, information about features and properties that were deprecated in previous releases but not yet removed has been added back into the guides. Were possible use replacements instead of deprecated features or properties. For more information, refer to the Deprecated section of these release notes.

IG 7.1

Date Description

July 2022

A section on upgrade has been added to the Installation guide, and information about migrating from web container mode to standalone mode has been taken from the release notes.

April 2022

Update to include information and examples for deprecated properties matches and matchingGroups.

Release of IG 7.1.2.

September 2021

Release of IG 7.1.1.

May 2021

Release of IG 7.1.

In addition to the changes described elsewhere in these notes, the following important changes were made to the documentation:

New documents
Best practices
New example

IG 7

Date Description

April 2021

Information has about the session property has been added to AdminHttpApplication.

Clarification of the role of the property version in AmService.

February 2021

Release of IG 7.0.2.

October 2020

Release of IG 7.0.1.

September 2020

The Identity Cloud guide has been added to provide examples of how to integrate your business application and APIs with PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud for SSO and API Security.

August 2020

Release of IG 7.

In addition to the changes described elsewhere in these notes, the following important changes were made to the documentation:

  • The Maintenance guide has been added to describe tasks and configurations you might repeat throughout the life cycle of a deployment in your organization. The guide is for anyone who sets up and maintains IG services for their organization. The following chapters have been moved from the Gateway Guide:

  • The Studio guide has been added to describe how to use the IG studio to design and develop routes to protect applications. Examples that used Studio have been moved from the Gateway Guide.

  • The Deployment guide now refers to the Docker image provided with the product. Previously, it referred to a Dockerfile provided on Github.

  • Information about how decorators are implemented in IG has been moved from the Reference Guide to Decorators in the Gateway guide. Information about the decorators provided by IG, remains in Decorators in the Reference guide.

Best practices
  • Information about how to install IG in standalone mode, installed from a .zip file, has been added to Download and start IG in standalone mode.

  • Information about how create a Docker image from the Dockerfile provided in the IG .zip file, has been added to the Deployment guide.

  • Information about how to do a basic installation of IG in Tomcat and JBoss has been moved from the Gateway Guide to the Getting Started guide.

More Overviews
  • Sessions has been added to provide an overview of how IG manages sessions.

  • Information about the Delegate object has been added to the target property of OAuth2ClientFilter.

More Examples

IG 6.5

Date Description

March 2022

A list of audit fields was added to AuditService.

March 2021

Release of IG 6.5.4.

September 2020

Release of IG 6.5.3.

January 2020

(For AM 6.5.3 and later versions.) Procedures that use AM to redirect the request to the sample app have an additional step to configure an AM Validation Service.

December 2019

Release of IG 6.5.2.

The following documentation updates were made:

  • Added a new property information that can request policy decisions from AM using a configurable resource URL. For more information see the resourceUriProvider property of PolicyEnforcementFilter.

  • Added secure and httpOnly options to the JwtCookieSession cookie. For more information, see CrossDomainSingleSignOnFilter.

  • Added a new property called sameSite for CrossDomainSingleSignOnFilter and JwtSession to manage the risk of cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks.

  • Added infinite loop prevention for single sign-on.

March 2019

Release of IG 6.5.1

November 2018

Release of IG 6.5.0.

IG 6.1

Date Description

April 2020

June 2018

Release of IG 6.1.

IG 6

Date Description

May 2018

Release of ${ig.abbr} 6.

IG 5.5

Date Description

November 2019

Release of ${ig.abbr} 5.5.2.

December 2018

Release of ${ig.abbr} 5.5.1.

October 2017

Release of ${ig.abbr} 5.5.

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