Package | Description |
org.forgerock.audit |
Package contains the AuditService.
org.forgerock.audit.batch |
Package contains common audit batch configuration files.
| |
Package contains audit events.
| |
This package contains the default
AuditEventHandlers . | |
This package contains the batch publisher and its various implementations.
| |
Utility classes for writing streams of characters.
org.forgerock.audit.filter |
Contains the classes for filtering audit events.
org.forgerock.audit.handlers.csv |
This package contains the default AuditEventHandler implementations.
org.forgerock.audit.handlers.elasticsearch |
This package contains the Elasticsearch
AuditEventHandler implementation. |
org.forgerock.audit.handlers.jms |
This package contains a JMS AuditEventHandler implementation.
org.forgerock.audit.handlers.json |
This package contains the JSON-file
AuditEventHandler implementation. |
org.forgerock.audit.handlers.splunk |
This package contains the audit handler implementation for Splunk.
org.forgerock.audit.handlers.syslog |
This package contains a Syslog AuditEventHandler implementation.
org.forgerock.audit.json |
This package contains utilities to build and configure audit service and handlers from JSON configuration.
org.forgerock.audit.providers |
Dependencies that can be made available to the
AuditService via a
DependencyProvider . |
org.forgerock.audit.retention |
File retention classes.
org.forgerock.audit.rotation |
Audit log file rotation classes.
| |
Classes for handling secure audit logging.
org.forgerock.audit.util |
This package contains utility classes used in the audit service.
org.forgerock.http |
Models and manages elements of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
org.forgerock.http.decoder |
Decodes HTTP entities that are compressed or encoded.
org.forgerock.http.filter |
Filter implementations. |
org.forgerock.http.handler |
Handler implementations. |
org.forgerock.http.header |
Processes HTTP message header fields.
org.forgerock.http.header.authorization |
Credentials classes for use with the
AuthorizationHeader . | |
Provides stream buffering, branching, and storage functions.
org.forgerock.http.protocol |
Models and manages elements of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
org.forgerock.http.routing |
Provides routing functionality for HTTP requests.
org.forgerock.http.servlet |
Integrates with the Java Enterprise Edition Servlet API.
org.forgerock.http.session |
Provides interfaces for managing and interacting with HTTP Sessions.
org.forgerock.http.spi |
HTTP service provider API.
org.forgerock.http.swagger |
Classes to support OpenAPI API Descriptions using Swagger.
org.forgerock.http.util |
Miscellaneous utility classes.
org.forgerock.json |
Provides an API for the traversal and manipulation of JSON object model structures in Java.
org.forgerock.json.resource |
Classes and interfaces for core types including connections, request
handlers, resources, and their exceptions.
org.forgerock.json.resource.http |
JSON resource Commons HTTP Framework integration.
org.forgerock.openig.alias |
Service Provider interface for registering type aliases.
org.forgerock.openig.audit |
Service Provider interface for registering audit events.
org.forgerock.openig.config |
Performs dynamic configuration bootstrap, discovery and input/output functions.
org.forgerock.openig.config.env |
Environment implementations. |
org.forgerock.openig.decoration |
Decorator API to ease heap object customization and transformation.
org.forgerock.openig.decoration.baseuri |
Contains a decorator which overrides the existing request URI, making requests relative to
a new base URI.
org.forgerock.openig.decoration.capture |
Capture decoration classes that prints filters and handlers input and output messages.
| |
This package contains a special decorator that is responsible to invoke other decorators.
org.forgerock.openig.decoration.helper |
Contains an abstract decorator dedicated to Filter and Handler.
org.forgerock.openig.decoration.timer |
Contains a decorator that log time elapsed in a Filter or a Handler.
org.forgerock.openig.doc |
Files for the Sample Application used in the product documentation.
org.forgerock.openig.el |
Integrates with the Java Enterprise Edition Unified Expression Language API.
org.forgerock.openig.el.plugins |
Plugins that provide expression context.
org.forgerock.openig.filter |
Filters the requests and/or responses of HTTP.
| |
Support for financial APIs (Open Banking, PSD2, Berlin Group, ...).
org.forgerock.openig.filter.oauth2 |
This package contains the OAuth2 Token validation filter that acts as an OAuth 2 Resource Server.
org.forgerock.openig.filter.oauth2.client |
OAuth 2.0 Client filter implementation.
org.forgerock.openig.filter.throttling |
This package contains the components used to implement a throttling rate support.
org.forgerock.openig.handler |
Handles HTTP requests by generating responses.
org.forgerock.openig.handler.resources |
Contains components and APIs used to serve static resources.
org.forgerock.openig.handler.router |
Provides automated router capability that loads its configurations files (called routes) from a given directory.
org.forgerock.openig.handler.saml |
Identity Gateway SAML support.
org.forgerock.openig.heap |
Manages collections or "heaps" of associated objects, initialized from
declarative configuration artifacts.
org.forgerock.openig.http |
Integrates with the ForgeRock HTTP Framework.
| |
Provides stream buffering, branching, and storage functions.
org.forgerock.openig.jwt |
Provides JWT capabilities to the Identity Gateway.
org.forgerock.openig.jwt.dirty |
Set of collection delegating classes to observes whenever a Map element is removed.
org.forgerock.openig.ldap |
Facilitates access to the OpenDJ LDAP SDK from within scripts.
org.forgerock.openig.openam |
Integration classes specifically for ForgeRock Access Management.
org.forgerock.openig.regex |
Matches, extracts and transforms text with regular expression patterns.
org.forgerock.openig.resolver |
Performs object resolution for dynamic expression and script integration.
org.forgerock.openig.script |
Scripting support.
org.forgerock.openig.secrets |
Provides the Common Secrets API for accessing secrets of various kinds.
| |
Provides heap objects for security related types (
KeyStore ,
KeyManagerFactory , ...). |
org.forgerock.openig.sql |
Provides SQL and JDBC support.
org.forgerock.openig.text |
Processes structured text in streams and files.
org.forgerock.openig.thread |
Provides heaplets for creating thread pools.
| |
Common tools used in policy service.
| |
Access Management Server.
| |
AM authentication service.
| |
HTTP-based authentication service.
| |
This package contains classes used to perform JWT validation.
| |
AM notifications service.
| |
Web socket notifications service implementation.
| |
AM notifications service based on Tyrus websocket client.
| |
AM notifications service based on a Vert.x websocket client.
| |
This package contains classes to call AM to retrieve user's session info.
| |
This package contains classes to call AM to retrieve user's profile info.
org.forgerock.openig.ui.record |
Defines a storage service to be used by the UI to persist its component model.
org.forgerock.openig.uma |
This package contains the UMA (User Managed Access) components used to support the Uma Resource Server role.
org.forgerock.openig.util |
Miscellaneous utility classes.
org.forgerock.openig.websocket |
WebSocket proxy support.
org.forgerock.openig.websocket.grizzly |
Grizzly filters for WebSocket proxy support.
org.forgerock.secrets |
Provides a unified API for accessing secrets of various kinds.
org.forgerock.secrets.jwkset |
Secret store backend for retrieving keys from a local or remote JWK Set.
org.forgerock.secrets.keys |
Contains cryptographic key related API objects.
org.forgerock.secrets.keystore |
Implementations of
SecretStore for accessing keys stored in Java KeyStores, such as
PKCS#11 Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) and PKCS#12 file-based encrypted key stores. |
org.forgerock.secrets.oauth2 |
A Secrets API backend that can obtain OAuth 2 access tokens from a token endpoint, along with a collection of
grant type handlers.
org.forgerock.secrets.propertyresolver |
Provides a
SecretStore implementation that loads secrets from a Common Configuration
PropertyResolver and then decodes it with a
SecretPropertyFormat . | |
This package contains the classes classes and interfaces used in the services' implementations.
| |
This package contains the
Context interface and various common protocol
independent implementations. | |
Classes that allow services to be described.
| |
This package provides a simple framework for implementing routers.
org.forgerock.tokenhandler |
Provides token handler definition.
org.forgerock.util |
Provides common interfaces and classes.
org.forgerock.util.annotations |
Provides common annotations.
org.forgerock.util.crypto |
Provides common crypto constants and classes.
org.forgerock.util.encode |
Provides fast and memory efficient Base64 and Base64Url decoding and encoding.
org.forgerock.util.generator |
Provides an abstraction of identifiers generators.
org.forgerock.util.i18n |
Utility classes for dealing with internationalization (i18n).
org.forgerock.util.promise |
An implementation of the
Promise API in Java. |
org.forgerock.util.query |
Provides a mechanism for implementing query filters.
org.forgerock.util.thread |
Provides a mechanism for handling shutdown of ExecutorService instances.
org.forgerock.util.thread.listener |
Provides interfaces for handling shutdown.
org.forgerock.util.time |
Provides a time service abstraction.
org.forgerock.util.xml |
Provides utilities for reading and processing XML.