Java Policy Agents


Date Description

June 2024

Release of Java Agent 2024.6 software.

April 2024

Maintenance release of Java Agent 5.10.3 software.

March 2024

Release of Java Agent 2024.3 software.

November 2023

Release of Java Agent 2023.11 software.

September 2023

Release of Java Agent 2023.9 software.

June 2023

Release of Java Agent 2023.6 software.

  • A section on drop-in software update has been added to the Upgrade section of the Installation guide.

March 2023

Release of Java Agent 2023.3 software.

February 2023

Release of Java Agent 5.10.2 software.

December 2022

Release of Java Agent 5.10.1 software.
Information about the property Always invalidate sessions has been added.

June 2022

Release of Java Agent 5.10 software.
The following changes have been made to the documentation, in addition to changes for product features:

  • A Security guide has been added to the documentation.

  • A section on Logout has been added to the User guide.

  • A section on Connection pooling has been added to the Maintenance guide.

  • Information about using Java Agent in an AM realm has been added throughout the guides.

  • Information about the agentadmin command has been moved from the User guide to the Installation guide.

January 2022

Release of Java Agent 5.9.1 software.

September 2021

Release of Java Agent 5.9 software.
The following changes have been made to the documentation, in addition to changes for product features:

  • The Installation guide and Maintenance guide have been added to this release. Information about installation, auditing, monitoring and notifications, has been removed from the User guide.

  • Information in the Properties reference has been reorganized.

  • Agent Authenticators are no longer supported, and related information has been removed from the documentation.

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