Package-level declarations


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open class ApplicationPinDeviceAuthenticator(val pinCollector: PinCollector = DefaultPinCollector()) : CryptoAware, DeviceAuthenticator, KeyStoreRepository

Device Authenticator which use Application PIN to secure device cryptography keys

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Default Dialog fragment to request user for Application Pin

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Settings for all the biometric authentication and device credential is configured

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internal class BiometricBindingHandler(titleValue: String, subtitleValue: String, descriptionValue: String, fragmentActivity: FragmentActivity = InitProvider.getCurrentActivityAsFragmentActivity(), deviceBindAuthenticationType: DeviceBindingAuthenticationType, var biometricListener: BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationCallback? = null, var biometricAuth: BiometricAuth? = null) : BiometricHandler

Helper class for managing Biometric configuration.

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Interface to display biometric and verify the device supported for biometric

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Settings for all the biometric authentication is configured

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internal interface CryptoAware

Interface to be implemented by objects that want to be aware of CryptoKey

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Device Authenticator Interface

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abstract class DeviceBindingErrorStatus(var message: String, val clientError: String, val errorCode: Int? = null) : DeviceBindingStatus
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Exceptions for device binding

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sealed class KeyFoundStatus

Key existence status in device.

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data class KeyPair(val publicKey: RSAPublicKey, val privateKey: PrivateKey, var keyAlias: String)

Create public and private keypair

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internal class LocalDeviceBindingRepository(context: Context, val sharedPreferences: SharedPreferences = EncryptedPreferences.getInstance(context, ORG_FORGEROCK_V_1_DEVICE_REPO)) : DeviceBindingRepository

Helper class to save and retrieve EncryptedMessage

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data class MultipleKeysFound(val keys: List<UserKey>) : KeyFoundStatus
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Settings for all the none authentication is configured

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interface PinCollector

Pin Collector interface to collect application pin

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class Prompt(val title: String, val subtitle: String, var description: String) : Parcelable
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internal class RSASASignatureSigner(val signature: Signature) : RSASSAProvider, JWSSigner

A JWSSigner which takes a signature

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data class SingleKeyFound(val key: UserKey) : KeyFoundStatus
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data class Success(val privateKey: PrivateKey, val signature: Signature? = null) : DeviceBindingStatus

Represent the success status after DeviceAuthenticator.authenticate

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internal class UserDeviceKeyService(val context: Context, val remoteDeviceBindingRepository: DeviceBindingRepository = RemoteDeviceBindingRepository(), val localDeviceBindingRepository: DeviceBindingRepository = LocalDeviceBindingRepository( context)) : UserKeyService
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data class UserKey(val id: String, val userId: String, val userName: String, val kid: String, val authType: DeviceBindingAuthenticationType, val createdAt: Long = System.currentTimeMillis()) : Parcelable

UserKey DTO

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data class UserKeys(val items: List<UserKey>?) : Parcelable
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interface UserKeySelector

UserKey selector interface to select UserKey

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interface UserKeyService


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private const val ABORT: String
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private const val ANDROID_VERSION: String
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private const val ARG_PROMPT: String
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private const val ARG_USER_LIST: String

internal Fragment to display the list of users keys

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const val authTypeKey: String
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private const val CHALLENGE: String
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private const val CLIENT_NOT_REGISTERED: String
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const val createdAtKey: String
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const val idKey: String
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const val kidKey: String
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private const val PLATFORM: String
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private val TAG: String
private val TAG: String
private val TAG: String
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private const val TIMEOUT: String

State of the Device Binding errors

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private const val UNSUPPORTED: String
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const val userIdKey: String
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const val userNameKey: String


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internal fun RSASSAProvider.signature(jwsAlgorithm: JWSAlgorithm, privateKey: PrivateKey): Signature

Create a Signature with the provided JWSAlgorithm and PrivateKey