Step 3. Run the sample app and perform embedded login
In the following procedure, you run the sample app that you configured in the previous step. The app steps through the login journey, rendering a UI to collect the required data for each node, for example a username and password node, together inside a page node.
In Xcode, select Product > Run.
Xcode launches the sample app in the iPhone simulator.
Figure 1. Starting the quickstart app in an iOS simulator -
In the sample app on the iPhone simulator, tap the Login button.
The app displays fields to input the user’s credentials:
Figure 2. Login as your demo user -
Sign on using the credentials of your demo user, and then click Next. For example:
User Name:
If authentication is successful the app displays a message that the user is authenticated and enables the Logout button:
Figure 3. Login as your demo userThe console in Xcode outputs the access token, as well as a message that the user is authenticated:
[FRCore][4.6.0] [🌐 - Network] Response | [✅ 200] : in 77 ms Response Header: [ AnyHashable("x-forgerock-transactionid"): 670c-c3e9, AnyHashable("Content-Type"): application/json;charset=UTF-8, AnyHashable("Date"): Tue, 12 Nov 2024 15:36:27 GMT, Response Data: { "access_token":"eyJ0…Pc8k", "refresh_token":"eyJ0…dnA4", "scope":"address openid profile email", "id_token":"eyJ0…czKQ", "token_type":"Bearer", "expires_in":3598 } ] User is authenticated
Tap Logout to revoke the tokens, end the session, and return to the initial screen.
The console in Xcode outputs the calls to the
endpoints:Logout button is pressed [FRCore][4.6.0] [🌐 - Network] Request | [POST] Additional Headers: [ "accept-api-version": "resource=3.1", "8a92ca506c38f08": "qc7z…MQ.."] URL Parameters: ["_action": "logout"] Body Parameters: ["tokenId": "qc7z…MQ.."] [FRCore][4.6.0] [🌐 - Network] Request | [POST] Body Parameters: [ "token": "eyJ0…dnA4", "client_id": "sdkPublicClient"] [FRCore][4.6.0] [🌐 - Network] Response | [✅ 200] : in 117 ms Response Data: { "result":"Successfully logged out"} [FRCore][4.6.0] [🌐 - Network] Response | [✅ 200] : in 113 ms Response Data: {}