` will return an object that looks as follows:\n *\n * ```ts\n * {\n * name: 'click',\n * element:
,\n * callback: () => doSomething(),\n * useCapture: false\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * @param element Element for which the DOM listeners should be retrieved.\n * @returns Array of event listeners on the DOM element.\n *\n * @publicApi\n * @globalApi ng\n */\nfunction getListeners(element) {\n ngDevMode && assertDomElement(element);\n const lContext = getLContext(element);\n const lView = lContext === null ? null : lContext.lView;\n if (lView === null)\n return [];\n const tView = lView[TVIEW];\n const lCleanup = lView[CLEANUP];\n const tCleanup = tView.cleanup;\n const listeners = [];\n if (tCleanup && lCleanup) {\n for (let i = 0; i < tCleanup.length;) {\n const firstParam = tCleanup[i++];\n const secondParam = tCleanup[i++];\n if (typeof firstParam === 'string') {\n const name = firstParam;\n const listenerElement = unwrapRNode(lView[secondParam]);\n const callback = lCleanup[tCleanup[i++]];\n const useCaptureOrIndx = tCleanup[i++];\n // if useCaptureOrIndx is boolean then report it as is.\n // if useCaptureOrIndx is positive number then it in unsubscribe method\n // if useCaptureOrIndx is negative number then it is a Subscription\n const type = (typeof useCaptureOrIndx === 'boolean' || useCaptureOrIndx >= 0) ? 'dom' : 'output';\n const useCapture = typeof useCaptureOrIndx === 'boolean' ? useCaptureOrIndx : false;\n if (element == listenerElement) {\n listeners.push({ element, name, callback, useCapture, type });\n }\n }\n }\n }\n listeners.sort(sortListeners);\n return listeners;\n}\nfunction sortListeners(a, b) {\n if (a.name == b.name)\n return 0;\n return a.name < b.name ? -1 : 1;\n}\n/**\n * This function should not exist because it is megamorphic and only mostly correct.\n *\n * See call site for more info.\n */\nfunction isDirectiveDefHack(obj) {\n return obj.type !== undefined && obj.declaredInputs !== undefined &&\n obj.findHostDirectiveDefs !== undefined;\n}\n/**\n * Retrieve the component `LView` from component/element.\n *\n * NOTE: `LView` is a private and should not be leaked outside.\n * Don't export this method to `ng.*` on window.\n *\n * @param target DOM element or component instance for which to retrieve the LView.\n */\nfunction getComponentLView(target) {\n const lContext = getLContext(target);\n const nodeIndx = lContext.nodeIndex;\n const lView = lContext.lView;\n ngDevMode && assertLView(lView);\n const componentLView = lView[nodeIndx];\n ngDevMode && assertLView(componentLView);\n return componentLView;\n}\n/** Asserts that a value is a DOM Element. */\nfunction assertDomElement(value) {\n if (typeof Element !== 'undefined' && !(value instanceof Element)) {\n throw new Error('Expecting instance of DOM Element');\n }\n}\n/**\n * A directive definition holds additional metadata using bitwise flags to indicate\n * for example whether it is signal based.\n *\n * This information needs to be separate from the `publicName -> minifiedName`\n * mappings for backwards compatibility.\n */\nfunction extractInputDebugMetadata(inputs) {\n const res = {};\n for (const key in inputs) {\n if (!inputs.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\n continue;\n }\n const value = inputs[key];\n if (value === undefined) {\n continue;\n }\n let minifiedName;\n if (Array.isArray(value)) {\n minifiedName = value[0];\n // flags are not used for now.\n // TODO: Consider exposing flag information in discovery.\n }\n else {\n minifiedName = value;\n }\n res[key] = minifiedName;\n }\n return res;\n}\n\n/**\n * Most of the use of `document` in Angular is from within the DI system so it is possible to simply\n * inject the `DOCUMENT` token and are done.\n *\n * Ivy is special because it does not rely upon the DI and must get hold of the document some other\n * way.\n *\n * The solution is to define `getDocument()` and `setDocument()` top-level functions for ivy.\n * Wherever ivy needs the global document, it calls `getDocument()` instead.\n *\n * When running ivy outside of a browser environment, it is necessary to call `setDocument()` to\n * tell ivy what the global `document` is.\n *\n * Angular does this for us in each of the standard platforms (`Browser` and `Server`)\n * by calling `setDocument()` when providing the `DOCUMENT` token.\n */\nlet DOCUMENT = undefined;\n/**\n * Tell ivy what the `document` is for this platform.\n *\n * It is only necessary to call this if the current platform is not a browser.\n *\n * @param document The object representing the global `document` in this environment.\n */\nfunction setDocument(document) {\n DOCUMENT = document;\n}\n/**\n * Access the object that represents the `document` for this platform.\n *\n * Ivy calls this whenever it needs to access the `document` object.\n * For example to create the renderer or to do sanitization.\n */\nfunction getDocument() {\n if (DOCUMENT !== undefined) {\n return DOCUMENT;\n }\n else if (typeof document !== 'undefined') {\n return document;\n }\n throw new RuntimeError(210 /* RuntimeErrorCode.MISSING_DOCUMENT */, (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) &&\n `The document object is not available in this context. Make sure the DOCUMENT injection token is provided.`);\n // No \"document\" can be found. This should only happen if we are running ivy outside Angular and\n // the current platform is not a browser. Since this is not a supported scenario at the moment\n // this should not happen in Angular apps.\n // Once we support running ivy outside of Angular we will need to publish `setDocument()` as a\n // public API.\n}\n\n/**\n * A [DI token](guide/glossary#di-token \"DI token definition\") representing a string ID, used\n * primarily for prefixing application attributes and CSS styles when\n * {@link ViewEncapsulation#Emulated} is being used.\n *\n * The token is needed in cases when multiple applications are bootstrapped on a page\n * (for example, using `bootstrapApplication` calls). In this case, ensure that those applications\n * have different `APP_ID` value setup. For example:\n *\n * ```\n * bootstrapApplication(ComponentA, {\n * providers: [\n * { provide: APP_ID, useValue: 'app-a' },\n * // ... other providers ...\n * ]\n * });\n *\n * bootstrapApplication(ComponentB, {\n * providers: [\n * { provide: APP_ID, useValue: 'app-b' },\n * // ... other providers ...\n * ]\n * });\n * ```\n *\n * By default, when there is only one application bootstrapped, you don't need to provide the\n * `APP_ID` token (the `ng` will be used as an app ID).\n *\n * @publicApi\n */\nconst APP_ID = new InjectionToken(ngDevMode ? 'AppId' : '', {\n providedIn: 'root',\n factory: () => DEFAULT_APP_ID,\n});\n/** Default value of the `APP_ID` token. */\nconst DEFAULT_APP_ID = 'ng';\n/**\n * A function that is executed when a platform is initialized.\n * @publicApi\n */\nconst PLATFORM_INITIALIZER = new InjectionToken(ngDevMode ? 'Platform Initializer' : '');\n/**\n * A token that indicates an opaque platform ID.\n * @publicApi\n */\nconst PLATFORM_ID = new InjectionToken(ngDevMode ? 'Platform ID' : '', {\n providedIn: 'platform',\n factory: () => 'unknown', // set a default platform name, when none set explicitly\n});\n/**\n * A [DI token](guide/glossary#di-token \"DI token definition\") that indicates the root directory of\n * the application\n * @publicApi\n * @deprecated\n */\nconst PACKAGE_ROOT_URL = new InjectionToken(ngDevMode ? 'Application Packages Root URL' : '');\n// We keep this token here, rather than the animations package, so that modules that only care\n// about which animations module is loaded (e.g. the CDK) can retrieve it without having to\n// include extra dependencies. See #44970 for more context.\n/**\n * A [DI token](api/core/InjectionToken) that indicates which animations\n * module has been loaded.\n * @publicApi\n */\nconst ANIMATION_MODULE_TYPE = new InjectionToken(ngDevMode ? 'AnimationModuleType' : '');\n// TODO(crisbeto): link to CSP guide here.\n/**\n * Token used to configure the [Content Security Policy](https://web.dev/strict-csp/) nonce that\n * Angular will apply when inserting inline styles. If not provided, Angular will look up its value\n * from the `ngCspNonce` attribute of the application root node.\n *\n * @publicApi\n */\nconst CSP_NONCE = new InjectionToken(ngDevMode ? 'CSP nonce' : '', {\n providedIn: 'root',\n factory: () => {\n // Ideally we wouldn't have to use `querySelector` here since we know that the nonce will be on\n // the root node, but because the token value is used in renderers, it has to be available\n // *very* early in the bootstrapping process. This should be a fairly shallow search, because\n // the app won't have been added to the DOM yet. Some approaches that were considered:\n // 1. Find the root node through `ApplicationRef.components[i].location` - normally this would\n // be enough for our purposes, but the token is injected very early so the `components` array\n // isn't populated yet.\n // 2. Find the root `LView` through the current `LView` - renderers are a prerequisite to\n // creating the `LView`. This means that no `LView` will have been entered when this factory is\n // invoked for the root component.\n // 3. Have the token factory return `() => string` which is invoked when a nonce is requested -\n // the slightly later execution does allow us to get an `LView` reference, but the fact that\n // it is a function means that it could be executed at *any* time (including immediately) which\n // may lead to weird bugs.\n // 4. Have the `ComponentFactory` read the attribute and provide it to the injector under the\n // hood - has the same problem as #1 and #2 in that the renderer is used to query for the root\n // node and the nonce value needs to be available when the renderer is created.\n return getDocument().body?.querySelector('[ngCspNonce]')?.getAttribute('ngCspNonce') || null;\n },\n});\nconst IMAGE_CONFIG_DEFAULTS = {\n breakpoints: [16, 32, 48, 64, 96, 128, 256, 384, 640, 750, 828, 1080, 1200, 1920, 2048, 3840],\n placeholderResolution: 30,\n disableImageSizeWarning: false,\n disableImageLazyLoadWarning: false,\n};\n/**\n * Injection token that configures the image optimized image functionality.\n * See {@link ImageConfig} for additional information about parameters that\n * can be used.\n *\n * @see {@link NgOptimizedImage}\n * @see {@link ImageConfig}\n * @publicApi\n */\nconst IMAGE_CONFIG = new InjectionToken(ngDevMode ? 'ImageConfig' : '', { providedIn: 'root', factory: () => IMAGE_CONFIG_DEFAULTS });\n\n/**\n * Create a `StateKey` that can be used to store value of type T with `TransferState`.\n *\n * Example:\n *\n * ```\n * const COUNTER_KEY = makeStateKey('counter');\n * let value = 10;\n *\n * transferState.set(COUNTER_KEY, value);\n * ```\n *\n * @publicApi\n */\nfunction makeStateKey(key) {\n return key;\n}\nfunction initTransferState() {\n const transferState = new TransferState();\n if (inject(PLATFORM_ID) === 'browser') {\n transferState.store = retrieveTransferredState(getDocument(), inject(APP_ID));\n }\n return transferState;\n}\n/**\n * A key value store that is transferred from the application on the server side to the application\n * on the client side.\n *\n * The `TransferState` is available as an injectable token.\n * On the client, just inject this token using DI and use it, it will be lazily initialized.\n * On the server it's already included if `renderApplication` function is used. Otherwise, import\n * the `ServerTransferStateModule` module to make the `TransferState` available.\n *\n * The values in the store are serialized/deserialized using JSON.stringify/JSON.parse. So only\n * boolean, number, string, null and non-class objects will be serialized and deserialized in a\n * non-lossy manner.\n *\n * @publicApi\n */\nclass TransferState {\n constructor() {\n /** @internal */\n this.store = {};\n this.onSerializeCallbacks = {};\n }\n /** @nocollapse */\n static { this.ɵprov = \n /** @pureOrBreakMyCode */ ɵɵdefineInjectable({\n token: TransferState,\n providedIn: 'root',\n factory: initTransferState,\n }); }\n /**\n * Get the value corresponding to a key. Return `defaultValue` if key is not found.\n */\n get(key, defaultValue) {\n return this.store[key] !== undefined ? this.store[key] : defaultValue;\n }\n /**\n * Set the value corresponding to a key.\n */\n set(key, value) {\n this.store[key] = value;\n }\n /**\n * Remove a key from the store.\n */\n remove(key) {\n delete this.store[key];\n }\n /**\n * Test whether a key exists in the store.\n */\n hasKey(key) {\n return this.store.hasOwnProperty(key);\n }\n /**\n * Indicates whether the state is empty.\n */\n get isEmpty() {\n return Object.keys(this.store).length === 0;\n }\n /**\n * Register a callback to provide the value for a key when `toJson` is called.\n */\n onSerialize(key, callback) {\n this.onSerializeCallbacks[key] = callback;\n }\n /**\n * Serialize the current state of the store to JSON.\n */\n toJson() {\n // Call the onSerialize callbacks and put those values into the store.\n for (const key in this.onSerializeCallbacks) {\n if (this.onSerializeCallbacks.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\n try {\n this.store[key] = this.onSerializeCallbacks[key]();\n }\n catch (e) {\n console.warn('Exception in onSerialize callback: ', e);\n }\n }\n }\n // Escape script tag to avoid break out of