Deprecated in 2021.3.4
No new functions were deprecated in this release, other than those in previous releases.
Deprecated in 2021.3.3
No new functions were deprecated in this release, other than those in previous releases.
Deprecated in 2021.3.2
No new functions were deprecated in this release, other than those in previous releases.
Deprecated in 2021.3.1
POST employees (/api/singleViewWithApp/employees)
This endpoint was originally removed in 2021.3.0, but was re-added in 2021.3.1. The endpoint is still deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
For more information, see Autonomous Identity API Guide.
Deprecated in 2021.3.0
The following API endpoints have been deprecated in this release:
/api/report. The Spark jobs now generates the Anomaly and Master Feed reports.
The following CompanyView endpoints have been deprecated as the data is included in the response from the /companyOverview
GET Entitlements Without Owner: /api/companyview/entitlementsWithoutOwner
GET Users without manager: /api/companyview/usersWithoutManager
GET coverage: /api/companyview/coverage
GET companyViewEntitlements: /api/companyview/companyViewEntitlements
GET companyViewEmployeeTypes: /api/companyview/companyViewEmployeeTypes
GET Assignments High Threshold: /api/companyview/assignments
The following Single View with Application endpoints have been deprecated:
POST employees: /api/singleViewWithApp/employees. This endpoint is replaced by the
endpoint. -
GET entitlements/entitlementId: /api/singleViewWithApp/entitlements/{entitlementID}. This endpoint is replaced by the
The following Role Owner with Application Oriented endpoints have been deprecated:
POST unscoredEntitlements: /api/roleOwnerWithAppOriented/unscoredEntitlements. This endpoint is replaced by the
endpoint. -
POST entownuserdata: /api/roleOwnerWithAppOriented/entownuserdata. This endpoint is replaced by the
endpoint. -
POST entownentdata: /api/roleOwnerWithAppOriented/entownentdata. This endpoint is replaced by the
The following Manager with Application Oriented endpoints have been deprecated:
POST unscoredEntitlements:
POST supervisor: /api/managersWithAppOriented/supervisor. This endpoint is replaced by the
endpoint. -
POST supervisorEntitlements: /api/managersWithAppOriented/supervisorEntitlements. This endpoint is replaced by the
endpoint. -
POST supervisorUser: /api/managersWithAppOriented/supervisorUser. This endpoint is replaced by the
The following Entitlements endpoints have been deprecated:
GET Filters by Entt Owners: /api/entitlements/filters?by=entitlementOwner&ownerId=timothy.slack. The endpoint has been moved to the Filters API.
GET Filters by Supervisor: /api/entitlements/filters?by=supervisor&ownerId=albert.pardini. The endpoint has been moved to the Filters API.
The following Applications (formerly Appcentric
View) endpoints have been deprecated:
GET filters: /api/applications/<appID>/filters. This endpoint has been moved to the Filters API.
For more information, see Autonomous Identity API Guide.