Reference for ForgeRock® Directory Services, including bundled tools.

ForgeRock Identity Platform™ serves as the basis for our simple and comprehensive Identity and Access Management solution. We help our customers deepen their relationships with their customers, and improve the productivity and connectivity of their employees and partners. For more information about ForgeRock and about the platform, see

The ForgeRock Common REST API works across the platform to provide common ways to access web resources and collections of resources.

This reference covers Directory Services configuration, tools, and other topics such as supported languages and standards. For the dsconfig command, also see Configuration Reference. For API specifications suitable for Directory Services developers, see the appropriate Javadoc.

OpenDJ offers two alternatives for access to directory data over HTTP:

  • OpenDJ servers have an HTTP connection handler that exposes RESTful APIs to directory data over HTTP (or HTTPS). You configure an OpenDJ HTTP connection handler, and the HTTP endpoints that it serves, by using the dsconfig command. For each HTTP endpoint served by an HTTP connection handler that exposes your directory data, you configure mappings between JSON resources and LDAP entries.

  • The OpenDJ REST to LDAP gateway runs in a Servlet container independent from the directory service. You configure the gateway to access the directory service by editing configuration files for the gateway web application.

Interface stability: Evolving (See "ForgeRock Product Interface Stability")

The files for configuring the gateway and the JSON resource to LDAP entry mappings are in JSON format.

In an OpenDJ server installation, the default location for the configuration files is under /path/to/opendj/config.

In a REST to LDAP gateway Servlet, the configuration files are under WEB-INF/classes.

The format and relative locations of the mapping files are the same for OpenDJ servers and the OpenDJ REST to LDAP gateway. Only OpenDJ REST to LDAP gateway, however, has files for configuring how the gateway connects to LDAP servers, how user identities extracted from HTTP requests map to LDAP user identities, and what LDAP features the gateway uses. In OpenDJ servers these capabilities are part of the server configuration.

The following list describes the configuration files, indicated by relative location under the configuration directory:

config.json (gateway only)

This file defines how the gateway connects to LDAP servers, and how user identities extracted from HTTP requests map to LDAP user identities.

For details, see "Gateway Configuration File".

rest2ldap/rest2ldap.json (gateway only)

This file defines which LDAP features the gateway uses.

For details, see "Gateway REST2LDAP Configuration File".


These files define JSON resource to LDAP entry mappings.

For details about the configuration fields, see "Mapping Configuration File".

The config.json file for the REST to LDAP gateway can hold the configuration objects described in this section.

The order of the settings in the JSON file is not meaningful. Here, the order shown is that of the default configuration file:


Configures security parameters for establishing secure connections between the gateway (as a client) and the servers it contacts, such as LDAP directory servers and OAuth 2.0 authorization servers.

This field has the following properties:

trustManager (optional)

This setting configures how the servers are trusted. This setting is ignored for connections to LDAP servers if connectionSecurity is set to none:

  • file means trust server certificates signed by a CA that is trusted according to the file-based truststore configured with fileBasedTrustManager* settings described below.

  • jvm (default) means trust server certificates signed by a CA trusted by the Java environment.

  • trustAll means blindly trust all server certificates.


    This setting is not secure and makes man-in-the-middle attacks possible.

fileBasedTrustManagerType (optional)

If trustManager is set to file, then this setting configures the format for the data in the truststore file specified by the fileBasedTrustManagerFile setting. Formats include the following, though other implementations might be supported as well, depending on the Java environment:

  • JKS specifies Java Keystore format.

  • PKCS12 specifies Public-Key Cryptography Standards 12 format.


If trustManager is set to file, then this setting must specify the location of the truststore file.

Example: /path/to/truststore

fileBasedTrustManagerPasswordFile (optional)

If trustManager is set to file, then this setting specifies the file containing the truststore password.

Example: /path/to/pinfile

keyManager (optional)

This setting configures how the keys are managed for the gateway when the gateway is acting as a client of an LDAP server or OAuth 2.0 authorization server. The client keys are used to establish a secure connection to a server when the server requires client authentication.

This field can take the following values:

  • jvm (default) means look for client keys in the default keystore for the Java environment.

  • file means look for client keys in the specified keystore file, configured with the fileBasedKeyManager* settings.

  • pkcs11 means look for client keys in a PKCS #11 cryptographic token, where the PIN file is configured with the pkcs11KeyManagerPasswordFile setting described below.


If keyManager is set to file, then this setting must specify the keystore file.

Example: /path/to/keystore

fileBasedKeyManagerPasswordFile (optional)

If keyManager is set to file, then this setting specifies the file containing the keystore password.

Example: /path/to/pinfile

fileBasedKeyManagerType (optional)

If keyManager is set to file, then this setting specifies the format of the keystore specified by the fileBasedKeyManagerFile setting. Formats include the following, though other implementations might be supported as well, depending on the Java environment:

  • JKS specifies Java Keystore format.

  • PKCS12 specifies Public-Key Cryptography Standards 12 format.

pkcs11KeyManagerPasswordFile (optional)

If keyManager is set to pkcs11, then this setting specifies the file containing the PKCS #11 token password.

Example: /path/to/pinfile


Configures how the gateway connects to LDAP servers. This entire configuration object applies only to the REST to LDAP gateway.

Configures at least a connection factory for unauthenticated connections that are used for bind requests. By default, also configures a factory for authenticated connections that are used for searches during authentication and for proxied authorization operations.

The default configuration is set to connect to a local directory server listening for LDAP connections on port 1389, authenticating as the root DN user cn=Directory Manager, with the password password:


Configures the unauthenticated connection factory for bind operations:

connectionSecurity (optional)

Whether connections to LDAP servers should be secured by using SSL or StartTLS. The following values are supported:

  • none (default) means connections use plain LDAP and are not secured.

  • ssl means connections are secured using LDAPS.

  • startTLS means connections are secured using LDAP and StartTLS.

If you set connectionSecurity, also review the trustManager and fileBasedTrustManager* settings in the security field.

sslCertAlias (optional)

If secure connections to LDAP servers require client authentication, this identifies the alias of the certificate to use for client authentication when establishing a secure connection.

If you uses this setting because client authentication is required, make sure the keyManager settings in the security field are properly configured.

If this field is missing, then the certificate is chosen during the SSL handshake.

Example: client-cert

connectionPoolSize (optional)

The gateway creates connection pools to the primary and secondary LDAP servers. The connection pools maintain up to connectionPoolSize connections to the servers.

Default: 24

heartBeatIntervalSeconds (optional)

The gateway tests its connections every heartBeatIntervalSeconds to detect whether the connection is still alive. The first test is performed immediately when the gateway gets a connection. Subsequent tests follow every heartBeatIntervalSeconds.

Default: 30 (seconds)

heartBeatTimeoutMilliSeconds (optional)

When the gateway tests a connection, if the heartbeat does not come back after heartBeatTimeoutMilliSeconds the connection is marked as closed.

Default: 500 (milliseconds)

primaryLdapServers (required)

The gateway accesses this array of LDAP servers before failing over to the secondary LDAP servers. These might be LDAP servers in the same data center, for example:

    "primaryLdapServers": [
            "hostname": "",
            "port": 1389
            "hostname": "",
            "port": 1389

By default, the gateway connects to the directory server listening on port 1389 on the local host.

secondaryLdapServers (optional)

The gateway accesses this array of LDAP servers if primary LDAP servers cannot be contacted. These might be LDAP servers in the same remote data center, for example:

    "secondaryLdapServers": [
            "hostname": "",
            "port": 1389
            "hostname": "",
            "port": 1389

No secondary LDAP servers are configured by default.


Configures the authenticated connection factory:

inheritFrom (optional)

Identifies the unauthenticated connection factory to inherit the settings from. If this connection factory does not inherit from another configuration object, then you must specify the configuration here.

Default: bind

authentication (required)

The gateway authenticates by simple bind using the credentials specified:

    "authentication": {
        "bindDn": "cn=Directory Manager",
        "password": "password"

If the OAuth 2.0 authorization policy is configured for the gateway, then the directory service must be configured to allow the user configured here to perform proxied authorization.


Configures how authorization is performed for REST operations. This entire configuration object applies only to the REST to LDAP gateway.

The default configuration handles authorization by mapping HTTP Basic authentication credentials to LDAP bind credentials. User entries are inetOrgPerson entries expected to have uid=username, and expected to be found under ou=people,dc=example,dc=com.

The default configuration also allows alternative, HTTP header-based authentication in the style of OpenIDM software.

To protect passwords, configure HTTPS for the container where the REST to LDAP gateway runs.

This object has the following configuration fields:


Which authorization policies are allowed, where the supported policies include:

  • anonymous

  • basic (HTTP Basic)

  • oauth2

When more than one policy is specified, policies are applied in the following order:

  1. If the client request has an Authorization header, and policies include oauth2, the server attempts to apply the OAuth 2.0 policy.

  2. If the client request has an Authorization header, or has the custom credentials headers specified in the configuration, and policies includes basic, the server attempts to apply the Basic Auth policy.

  3. Otherwise, if policies includes anonymous, and none of the previous policies apply, the server attempts to apply the policy for anonymous requests.

Default: [ "basic" ]


Configuration for authorization when the HTTP connection to the gateway is not authenticated.

Operations are performed using connections from the specified factory:


Factor providing LDAP connections to use for anonymous HTTP requests.

In effect, you add "anonymous" to the array of policies allowed without otherwise changing the default configuration, anonymous HTTP requests result in LDAP requests performed by Directory Manager. Take care to adjust this setting appropriately when allowing anonymous requests.

Default: root


Configuration for authorization using HTTP Basic credentials.

The HTTP Basic credentials are mapped to LDAP credentials. The LDAP credentials are then used to bind to the directory service.

This object has the following configuration fields:


Whether to allow alternative, HTTP header-based authentication. If this is set to true, then the headers containing credentials are specified as the values for altAuthenticationUsernameHeader and altAuthenticationPasswordHeader, and the bind DN is resolved using a template.

Default: true


The HTTP header containing the username for authentication when alternative, HTTP header-based authentication is allowed.

Default: X-OpenIDM-Username


The HTTP header containing the password for authentication when alternative, HTTP header-based authentication is allowed.

Default: X-OpenIDM-Password


How HTTP Basic credentials are mapped to LDAP credentials used to bind to the directory service.

The following values are supported:

  • search (default) means the gateway performs a search based on the HTTP Basic user name to obtain the bind DN.

  • sasl-plain means the gateway transforms the HTTP Basic user name to an authorization ID (authzid) using a template.

  • simple means the HTTP Basic user name is mapped to a component of the LDAP bind DN.


How to reuse HTTP Basic credentials for an LDAP simple bind.

This object has the following configuration fields:


The factory providing LDAP connections to the directory service.

Default: bind


The template to produce the bind DN from the HTTP Basic user name.

A single occurrence of the string {username} is replaced in the template with the HTTP Basic user name.

Default: uid={username},ou=People,dc=example,dc=com (The HTTP Basic user name is the UID of the LDAP entry.)


How to reuse HTTP Basic credentials for an LDAP SASL plain bind.

This object has the following configuration fields:


The factory providing LDAP connections to the directory service.

Default: bind


The template to produce the authorization ID from the HTTP Basic user name.

A single occurrence of the string {username} is replaced in the template with the HTTP Basic user name.

If the user name is also the authorization ID, use u:{username}.

If the user name is the LDAP bind DN, use dn:{username}.


How to reuse HTTP Basic credentials to find the bind DN for an LDAP simple bind.

This object has the following configuration fields:


The factory providing LDAP connections to the directory service for the LDAP search operation.

Default: root


The factory providing LDAP connections to the directory service for the LDAP bind operation that uses the bind DN returned by the search.

Default: bind


The base DN for the LDAP search.

Example: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com.


The scope for the LDAP search.

Use sub for a subtree search, one for a one-level search.


The template for the filter of the LDAP search.

A single occurrence of the string {username} is replaced in the template with the HTTP Basic user name.

If the user name is also the UID, use (&(uid={username})(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)).


Configuration for authorization based on OAuth 2.0, where the gateway plays the role of resource server.

This object has the following configuration fields:


Realm associated with access tokens presented to the gateway.


Array of OAuth 2.0 scopes that are required to allow access.

This array must not be empty.

Example: [ "read", "write", "uid" ]


How to resolve OAuth 2.0 access tokens presented to the gateway.

Supported values include the following:

  • cts to resolve tokens in a directory service acting as a Core Token Service (CTS) store for AM

  • openam to send requests for token resolution to an AM server

  • rfc7662 to send requests for token resolution to an RFC 7622-compliant server

Each access token resolution mechanism has its own configuration.


How to cache OAuth 2.0 token information to avoid repeating calls for access token resolution.

This object has the following configuration fields:


Whether to cache access token information obtained from the resolver.

Default: false


How long to cache information for a particular token if caching is enabled.

Default: 5 minutes


Configuration for resolving OAuth 2.0 tokens by a request to AM.

This object has the following configuration fields:


AM URL for requests for token information, which depends on AM's OAuth 2.0 authorization server configuration.


sslCertAlias (optional)

If secure connections to the authorization server require client authentication, this identifies the alias of the certificate to use for client authentication when establishing a secure connection.

If you uses this setting because client authentication is required, make sure the keyManager settings in the security field are properly configured.

If this field is missing, then the certificate is chosen during the SSL handshake.

Example: client-cert


The template to produce the authorization ID from OAuth 2.0 token information.

A JSON pointer value in braces is replaced in the template with a field value from the JSON returned during token resolution.

This template must start with u: or dn:.

For example, if token resolution returns a JSON document where the value of the uid field is the UID of the user entry in the directory, you might use u:{uid} or dn:{uid},ou=People,dc=example,dc=com.


Configuration for resolving OAuth 2.0 tokens by a request to an RFC 7662-compliant authorization server.

RFC 7662, OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection, defines a standard method for resolving access tokens.

This object has the following configuration fields:


Authorization server URL for requests for token information with HTTP Basic authentication for OAuth 2.0 clients.


sslCertAlias (optional)

If secure connections to the authorization server require client authentication, this identifies the alias of the certificate to use for client authentication when establishing a secure connection.

If you uses this setting because client authentication is required, make sure the keyManager settings in the security field are properly configured.

If this field is missing, then the certificate is chosen during the SSL handshake.

Example: client-cert


OAuth 2.0 client identifier defined during registration with the authorization server.


OAuth 2.0 client secret defined during registration with the authorization server.


The template to produce the authorization ID from OAuth 2.0 token information.

A JSON pointer value in braces is replaced in the template with a field value from the JSON returned during token resolution.

This template must start with u: or dn:.

For example, if token resolution returns a JSON document where the value of the username field is the UID of the user entry in the directory, you might use u:{username} or dn:{username},ou=People,dc=example,dc=com.


Configuration for resolving OAuth 2.0 tokens when the directory service acts as AM's CTS store.

AM's CTS store is constrained to a specific layout. The authzIdTemplate must therefore use {userName/0} for the user identifier.

This mechanism makes it possible to resolve access tokens by making a request to the CTS directory service, without making a request to AM. This mechanism does not, however, ensure that the token requested will have already been replicated to the directory server where the request is routed.

This object has the following configuration fields:


The factory providing LDAP connections used to obtain token information from the CTS directory service.

Default: root


The base DN in the CTS directory service where tokens are found.

If the base DN configured for CTS in AM is dc=cts,dc=example,dc=com, then use ou=famrecords,ou=openam-session,ou=tokens,dc=cts,dc=example,dc=com.


The template to produce the authorization ID from OAuth 2.0 token information.

A JSON pointer value in braces is replaced in the template with a field value from the JSON returned during token resolution.

This template must start with u: or dn:.

In AM CTS, the user name field is an array. For example, if the user name is the UID of the user entry, the use u:{userName/0} or dn:{userName/0},ou=People,dc=example,dc=com.

The rest2ldap/rest2ldap.json for the REST to LDAP gateway can hold the configuration objects described in this section.

The order of the settings in the JSON file is not meaningful. Here, the order shown is that of the default configuration file:


Whether the gateway supports multi-version concurrency control (MVCC). If true, also specify an mvccAttribute to use for MVCC.

Default: true


The LDAP attribute whose value is used for MVCC. Before performing a write operation, the client application can check, for example, whether it is modifying the correct version of a resource by matching the value of the header If-Match: value.

Default: etag


The policy used to read an entry before it is deleted, or to read an entry after it is added or modified. One of the following:

  • controls: (default) use RFC 4527 read-entry controls to reflect the state of the resource at the time the update was performed.

    The directory service must support RFC 4527.

  • disabled: do not read the entry or return the resource on update.

  • search: perform an LDAP search to retrieve the entry before deletion or after it is added or modified.

    The JSON resource returned might differ from the LDAP entry that was updated.


Whether to use the LDAP Subtree Delete request control (OID: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.805) for LDAP delete operations resulting from delete operations on resources. Clients applications that request deletes for resources with children must have access to use the control.

If this setting is true, REST to LDAP attempts to use the control, but falls back to searching for and deleting children if the server rejects the request, because the control is not supported, for example.

Default: true

Set this to false if the directory server does not support the control.


Whether to use the LDAP Permissive Modify request control (OID: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1413) for LDAP modify operations resulting from patch and update operations on resources.

Default: true

Set this to false when using the gateway if the directory server does not support the control.

The rest2ldap/endpoints/base-path/root-resource.json files define how JSON resources map to LDAP entries.

For each base path exposing a REST API, a base-path directory holds one or more root-resource.json files. In the OpenDJ server configuration, the Rest2ldap endpoint base-path must match the base-path directory name.

Each root-resource.json file defines mappings for a specific version of the API. The root-resource in the file name must match the name of the root resource defined in the file.

If there is more than one version of the API, then client applications must select the version by setting a version header:

Accept-API-Version: resource=version

If more than one version of the API is available, and the client application does not select the version by setting a version header, then the latest version is returned.

Here, version is the value of the version field in the mapping configuration file.

The file rest2ldap/endpoints/api/example-v1.json is delivered as an example mapping. This file has the following basic structure:

  "version": "1.0",         // Version for this API.
  "resourceTypes": {        // Resources for this API.
    "example-v1": {         // Root resource type. Name matches file basename.
      "subResources": {     // The base resource, at /api, is not defined.
        "users": {},        // The subresources at /api/users/ and
        "groups": {}        // /api/groups are defined, however.

    // In addition to the root resource type,
    // the example defines a number of other resource type schemas.
    // These are used to describe the resources exposed under the root resource.
    // In the example file, you can see how these are used for inheritance.
    "frapi:opendj:rest2ldap:object:1.0": {},    // Parent type of all objects.
    "frapi:opendj:rest2ldap:user:1.0": {},      // Basic user type, parent of
    "frapi:opendj:rest2ldap:posixUser:1.0": {}, // user with uid, gid, home dir.
    "frapi:opendj:rest2ldap:group:1.0": {}      // Basic group type.

The following list describes the individual fields in more detail.

The order of the settings in the JSON file is not meaningful. Here, the order shown is that of the default example configuration file:

version (optional)

The version string for the root resource of this API.

Valid values are *, integer, and integer.integer, where integer is a positive decimal integer.

If the version is set, and the client application sets the request header Accept-API-Version: resource=version, The mapping with the matching version value is selected.

If more than one version of the API is available, and the client application does not select the version by setting a version header, then the latest version is returned.

Default: * (no version specified)

resourceTypes (required)

The map of resource type names to resource type definitions for this API.

One of the resource type name must match the basename of the mapping file. This resource is referred to as the root resource for this version of the API.

The value of a resource type is an object whose properties are described in "Resource Type Properties".


resourceTypeProperty (string, required for inheritance)

Name of the resource type property that specifies the type of this resource.

REST to LDAP uses this to determine the resource subtype when creating a resource.

This points the mapper to the type of the resource. The specified property must be of type resourceType.

properties (map, optional)

Map of property names to property definitions.

Unlike LDAP entries, JSON resources are not necessarily flat. You can define nested properties of type object that have their own properties.

For details on properties configuration, see "Properties of Resource Type Properties Objects".

subResources (map, optional)

Map of subresource names to subresource definitions.

The subresource names are URL templates. A URL template sets the relative URL template beneath which the subresources are located. If empty, the subresources are located directly beneath the parent resource.

URL templates can set variables in braces {}. Any URL template variables will be substituted into the DN template.

For example, suppose LDAP entries for devices are located under the following base DNs:

  • ou=others,ou=devices,dc=example,dc=com

  • ou=pcs,ou=devices,dc=example,dc=com

  • ou=phones,ou=devices,dc=example,dc=com

  • ou=tablets,ou=devices,dc=example,dc=com

The subresource name /{type} would be substituted in actual paths with /others, /pcs, /phones, and /tablets. The DN template for the subresource would specify ou={type},ou=devices,dc=example,dc=com in order to locate the entries in the correct LDAP organizational unit. In the example, REST to LDAP substitutes {type} in the DN template with the type defined in the request URL path.

For details on subresource configuration, see "Sub-Resource Properties".

isAbstract (boolean, optional)

Whether this is an abstract resource type used only for inheritance.

Default: false

superType (string, optional)

Name of the resource type that this resource type extends. Resource types that extend another type inherit properties of the extended type, and inherit subresource definitions.

Default: none. This resource type does not extend another type.

objectClasses (array, optional)

Names of the LDAP object classes that this type corresponds to. When an object of this type is created, these object class names are added to the list of object classes on the LDAP entry. The LDAP object classes are not shown in the JSON resource.

Default: none.

supportedActions (array, optional)

Names of the common REST actions that this resource type supports. The names must match actions allowed on the resource in the underlying implementation.

Default: none.

includeAllUserAttributesByDefault (boolean, optional)

Whether to include all LDAP user attributes as properties of the JSON resource. If true, the property names in the JSON resource match the attribute names in the LDAP entries.

Default: false

excludedDefaultUserAttributes (array, optional)

Names of the LDAP user attributes to exclude from the JSON resource when includeAllUserAttributesByDefault is true.

Default: none.


type (string, required)

Determines the type of the mapping property, and therefore which other properties the object has.

The type must be one of the following:


The property maps the JSON resource property to a fixed value specified by the value property.


The property value maps the JSON resource property to a Json syntax LDAP attribute.

When the type is json, the mapping must specify an ldapAttribute property that specifies the Json syntax LDAP attribute.

The mapping may have the following optional properties:

  • defaultJsonValue

  • isMultiValued

  • isRequired

  • schema

  • writability


The property value is a JSON object with its own type and mapping specified by the object's properties.


The property maps a JSON field to an LDAP entry found by reference.

This is useful for LDAP attributes that reference other entries, such as manager, and (group) member.

When the type is reference, the mapping must have the following required properties.

  • baseDn

  • ldapAttribute

  • mapper

  • primaryKey

The mapping may have the following optional properties.

  • isMultiValued

  • isRequired

  • searchFilter

  • writability


The property value is the name of a resource type defined in this mapping file.

The name of the property with this type should match the resourceTypeProperty name. For example, if "resourceTypeProperty": "_schema" then the following should be specified or inherited: "_schema": { "type": "resourceType" }.


The property maps a JSON property to an LDAP attribute.

Use simple mappings where the correspondence between JSON properties and LDAP attributes is one-to-one.

When the type is simple, the mapping must specify an ldapAttribute property.

The mapping may have the following optional properties.

  • defaultJsonValue

  • isBinary

  • isMultiValued

  • isRequired

  • writability


Indicates the base LDAP DN under which to find entries referenced by the JSON resource.

Base DN values can be literal values, such as dc=example,dc=com, and can also use the following notation:


The {url-template} used in the description of the URL to the resource is replaced with the literal value used in the request.

For example, suppose the path defined for the resources is /{tenant}/users and the base DN is ou=people,dc={tenant},dc=com. For a request to /example/users, the base DN is ou=people,dc=example,dc=com.


The .. refers to the relative parent RDN.

This is like .. in a file system path, where .. refers to the parent directory. Keep in mind that file system paths are big endian, whereas DNs are little endian. You write ../../file-in-grandparent-directory, but cn=Child of Grandparent Entry,..,...

The following excerpt from the default example configuration shows how this could be used to reference a manager's entry (the mapper configuration is not shown):

    "manager": {
        "type": "reference",
        "ldapAttribute": "manager",
        "baseDn": "..",
        "primaryKey": "uid",
        "mapper": {}

In this case, if the current LDAP entry for the resource uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com, then the base DN is ou=people,dc=example,dc=com.

Another excerpt from the default example configuration shows a reference to group member entries (again, the mapper configuration is not shown):

    "members": {
        "type": "reference",
        "ldapAttribute": "uniqueMember",
        "baseDn": "ou=people,..,..",
        "primaryKey": "uid",
        "isMultiValued": true,
        "mapper": {}

In this case, if the current LDAP entry for the resource cn=Directory Administrators,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com, then the base DN is ou=people,dc=example,dc=com.

Notice a limitation in this reference to group member entries: all group members must be people; the configuration does not handle nested groups and other types of members.


Sets the JSON value if no corresponding LDAP attribute is present.

No default is set if this is omitted.


Whether the underlying LDAP attribute holds a binary value, such as a JPEG photo or a digital certificate.

If true, the JSON property takes the base64-encoded value. Binary values can also be handled directly as described in "Working With Alternative Content Types" in the Developer's Guide.

Default: false.


Whether the JSON resource property can take an array value.

Most LDAP attributes can take multiple values. A literal-minded mapping from LDAP to JSON would therefore be full of array properties, many with only one value.

To minimize inconvenience, REST to LDAP generally returns single value scalars, even when the underlying LDAP attribute is multi-valued.

If this property is omitted or set to false, then the JSON resource contains the first value returned for multi-valued LDAP attributes with more than value.

If this property is true, then if the LDAP attribute only has one value, it is returned as a scalar. If the LDAP attribute has more than one value, the values are returned in an array.

Default: false


true means the LDAP attribute is mandatory and must be provided to create the resource; false means it is optional.

Default: false.


Specifies the LDAP attribute in the entry underlying the JSON resource whose value points to the referenced entry.

For example, a manager attribute value is the DN of the manager's entry.

Default: use the name of the JSON property. For example, the JSON property description maps to the LDAP attribute description by default.


Describes how the referenced entry content maps to the content of this JSON property.

A mapper object is a properties object of its own.


Indicates which LDAP attribute in the mapper holds the primary key to the referenced entry.


Specifies a JSON Schema that applies values of type json.

Default: No schema is specified; values may be arbitrary JSON.


Specifies the LDAP filter to use to search for the referenced entry.

Default: "(objectClass=*)"


Use with "type": "constant" to specify the constant value.


Indicates whether the mapping supports updates.

The writability property takes one of the following values:

  • createOnly: This attribute can be set only when the entry is created. Attempts to update this attribute thereafter result in errors.

  • createOnlyDiscardWrites: This attribute can be set only when the entry is created. Attempts to update this attribute thereafter do not result in errors. Instead the update value is discarded.

  • readOnly: This attribute cannot be written. Attempts to write this attribute result in errors.

  • readOnlyDiscardWrites: This attribute cannot be written. Attempts to write this attribute do not result in errors. Instead the value to write is discarded.

  • readWrite: (default) This attribute can be set at creation and updated thereafter.


type (string, required)

The type of this subresource, either collection or singleton.

A collection subresource is a container for other resources, which can be created, read, updated, deleted, patched, and queried.

A collection definition has the following required properties:

  • namingStrategy

  • resource

A collection definition has the following optional properties:

  • dnTemplate

  • glueObjectClasses

  • isReadOnly

A singleton subresource is a resource with no children.

A singleton definition has the following required properties:

  • resource

A singleton definition has the following optional properties:

  • dnTemplate

  • isReadOnly

dnTemplate (string, optional)

Sets the relative DN template beneath which the subresource LDAP entries are located.

If this is an empty string, the LDAP entries are located directly beneath the parent LDAP entry.

DN templates can use variables in braces {}. DN template variables are substituted using values extracted from the URL template.

Default: empty string

glueObjectClasses (array, required if the DN template contains one or more RDNs)

Specifies one or more LDAP object class names associated with any intermediate "glue" entries forming the DN template.

Default: no object classes are specified

isReadOnly (boolean, optional)

Whether this resource is read-only.

Default: false

namingStrategy (object, required)

Specifies the approach used to map LDAP entry names to JSON resources.

LDAP entries mapped to JSON resources must be immediate subordinates of the mapping's baseDn.

The following naming strategies are supported:

  • RDN and resource ID are both derived from a single user attribute in the LDAP entry, as in the following example, where the uid attribute is the RDN and its value is the JSON resource ID:

        "namingStrategy": {
            "type": "clientDnNaming",
            "dnAttribute": "uid"
  • RDN and resource ID are derived from separate user attributes in the LDAP entry, as in the following example, where the RDN attribute is uid, but the JSON resource ID is the value of the mail attribute:

        "namingStrategy": {
            "type": "clientNaming",
            "dnAttribute": "uid",
            "idAttribute": "mail"
  • RDN is derived from a user attribute and the resource ID from an operational attribute in the LDAP entry, as in the following example, where the RDN attribute is uid, but the JSON resource ID is the value of the entryUUID operational attribute:

        "namingStrategy": {
            "type": "serverNaming",
            "dnAttribute": "uid",
            "idAttribute": "entryUUID"

resource (string, required)

Specifies the resource type name of the subresource.

A collection can contain objects with different subresource types as long as all types inherit from the same super type. In that case, set resource to the super type name.

An operation result code as defined in RFC 4511 section 4.1.9 is used to indicate the final status of an operation. If a server detects multiple errors for an operation, only one result code is returned. The server should return the result code that best indicates the nature of the error encountered. Servers may return substituted result codes to prevent unauthorized disclosures.

Result CodeNameDescription



The result code that should only be used if the actual result code has not yet been determined. Despite not being a standard result code, it is an implementation of the null object design pattern for this type.



The result code that indicates that the operation completed successfully.


Operations Error

The result code that indicates that the operation is not properly sequenced with relation to other operations (of same or different type). For example, this code is returned if the client attempts to StartTLS [RFC4346] while there are other uncompleted operations or if a TLS layer was already installed.


Protocol Error

The result code that indicates that the client sent a malformed or illegal request to the server.


Time Limit Exceeded

The result code that indicates that a time limit was exceeded while attempting to process the request.


Size Limit Exceeded

The result code that indicates that a size limit was exceeded while attempting to process the request.


Compare False

The result code that indicates that the attribute value assertion included in a compare request did not match the targeted entry.


Compare True

The result code that indicates that the attribute value assertion included in a compare request did match the targeted entry.


Authentication Method Not Supported

The result code that indicates that the requested authentication attempt failed because it referenced an invalid SASL mechanism.


Strong Authentication Required

The result code that indicates that the requested operation could not be processed because it requires that the client has completed a strong form of authentication.



The result code that indicates that a referral was encountered. Strictly speaking this result code should not be exceptional since it is considered as a "success" response. However, referrals should occur rarely in practice and, when they do occur, should not be ignored since the application may believe that a request has succeeded when, in fact, nothing was done.


Administrative Limit Exceeded

The result code that indicates that processing on the requested operation could not continue because an administrative limit was exceeded.


Unavailable Critical Extension

The result code that indicates that the requested operation failed because it included a critical extension that is unsupported or inappropriate for that request.


Confidentiality Required

The result code that indicates that the requested operation could not be processed because it requires confidentiality for the communication between the client and the server.


SASL Bind in Progress

The result code that should be used for intermediate responses in multi-stage SASL bind operations.


No Such Attribute

The result code that indicates that the requested operation failed because it targeted an attribute or attribute value that did not exist in the specified entry.


Undefined Attribute Type

The result code that indicates that the requested operation failed because it referenced an attribute that is not defined in the server schema.


Inappropriate Matching

The result code that indicates that the requested operation failed because it attempted to perform an inappropriate type of matching against an attribute.


Constraint Violation

The result code that indicates that the requested operation failed because it would have violated some constraint defined in the server.


Attribute or Value Exists

The result code that indicates that the requested operation failed because it would have resulted in a conflict with an existing attribute or attribute value in the target entry.


Invalid Attribute Syntax

The result code that indicates that the requested operation failed because it violated the syntax for a specified attribute.


No Such Entry

The result code that indicates that the requested operation failed because it referenced an entry that does not exist.


Alias Problem

The result code that indicates that the requested operation failed because it attempted to perform an illegal operation on an alias.


Invalid DN Syntax

The result code that indicates that the requested operation failed because it would have resulted in an entry with an invalid or malformed DN.


Alias Dereferencing Problem

The result code that indicates that a problem was encountered while attempting to dereference an alias for a search operation.


Inappropriate Authentication

The result code that indicates that an authentication attempt failed because the requested type of authentication was not appropriate for the targeted entry.


Invalid Credentials

The result code that indicates that an authentication attempt failed because the user did not provide a valid set of credentials.


Insufficient Access Rights

The result code that indicates that the client does not have sufficient permission to perform the requested operation.



The result code that indicates that the server is too busy to process the requested operation.



The result code that indicates that either the entire server or one or more required resources were not available for use in processing the request.


Unwilling to Perform

The result code that indicates that the server is unwilling to perform the requested operation.


Loop Detected

The result code that indicates that a referral or chaining loop was detected while processing the request.


Sort Control Missing

The result code that indicates that a search request included a VLV request control without a server-side sort control.


Offset Range Error

The result code that indicates that a search request included a VLV request control with an invalid offset.


Naming Violation

The result code that indicates that the requested operation failed because it would have violated the server's naming configuration.


Object Class Violation

The result code that indicates that the requested operation failed because it would have resulted in an entry that violated the server schema.


Not Allowed on Non-Leaf

The result code that indicates that the requested operation is not allowed for non-leaf entries.


Not Allowed on RDN

The result code that indicates that the requested operation is not allowed on an RDN attribute.


Entry Already Exists

The result code that indicates that the requested operation failed because it would have resulted in an entry that conflicts with an entry that already exists.


Object Class Modifications Prohibited

The result code that indicates that the operation could not be processed because it would have modified the objectclasses associated with an entry in an illegal manner.


Affects Multiple DSAs

The result code that indicates that the operation could not be processed because it would impact multiple DSAs or other repositories.


Virtual List View Error

The result code that indicates that the operation could not be processed because there was an error while processing the virtual list view control.



The result code that should be used if no other result code is appropriate.


Server Connection Closed

The client-side result code that indicates that the server is down. This is for client-side use only and should never be transferred over protocol.


Local Error

The client-side result code that indicates that a local error occurred that had nothing to do with interaction with the server. This is for client-side use only and should never be transferred over protocol.


Encoding Error

The client-side result code that indicates that an error occurred while encoding a request to send to the server. This is for client-side use only and should never be transferred over protocol.


Decoding Error

The client-side result code that indicates that an error occurred while decoding a response from the server. This is for client-side use only and should never be transferred over protocol.


Client-Side Timeout

The client-side result code that indicates that the client did not receive an expected response in a timely manner. This is for client-side use only and should never be transferred over protocol.


Unknown Authentication Mechanism

The client-side result code that indicates that the user requested an unknown or unsupported authentication mechanism. This is for client-side use only and should never be transferred over protocol.


Filter Error

The client-side result code that indicates that the filter provided by the user was malformed and could not be parsed. This is for client-side use only and should never be transferred over protocol.


Cancelled by User

The client-side result code that indicates that the user cancelled an operation. This is for client-side use only and should never be transferred over protocol.


Parameter Error

The client-side result code that indicates that there was a problem with one or more of the parameters provided by the user. This is for client-side use only and should never be transferred over protocol.


Out of Memory

The client-side result code that indicates that the client application was not able to allocate enough memory for the requested operation. This is for client-side use only and should never be transferred over protocol.


Connect Error

The client-side result code that indicates that the client was not able to establish a connection to the server. This is for client-side use only and should never be transferred over protocol.


Operation Not Supported

The client-side result code that indicates that the user requested an operation that is not supported. This is for client-side use only and should never be transferred over protocol.


Control Not Found

The client-side result code that indicates that the client expected a control to be present in the response from the server but it was not included. This is for client-side use only and should never be transferred over protocol.


No Results Returned

The client-side result code that indicates that the requested single entry search operation or read operation failed because the Directory Server did not return any matching entries. This is for client-side use only and should never be transferred over protocol.


Unexpected Results Returned

The client-side result code that the requested single entry search operation or read operation failed because the Directory Server returned multiple matching entries (or search references) when only a single matching entry was expected. This is for client-side use only and should never be transferred over protocol.


Referral Loop Detected

The client-side result code that indicates that the client detected a referral loop caused by servers referencing each other in a circular manner. This is for client-side use only and should never be transferred over protocol.


Referral Hop Limit Exceeded

The client-side result code that indicates that the client reached the maximum number of hops allowed when attempting to follow a referral (i.e., following one referral resulted in another referral which resulted in another referral and so on). This is for client-side use only and should never be transferred over protocol.



The result code that indicates that a cancel request was successful, or that the specified operation was canceled.


No Such Operation

The result code that indicates that a cancel request was unsuccessful because the targeted operation did not exist or had already completed.


Too Late

The result code that indicates that a cancel request was unsuccessful because processing on the targeted operation had already reached a point at which it could not be canceled.


Cannot Cancel

The result code that indicates that a cancel request was unsuccessful because the targeted operation was one that could not be canceled.


Assertion Failed

The result code that indicates that the filter contained in an assertion control failed to match the target entry.


Authorization Denied

The result code that should be used if the server will not allow the client to use the requested authorization.


No Operation

The result code that should be used if the server did not actually complete processing on the associated operation because the request included the LDAP No-Op control.

OpenDJ software installs and creates the following files and directories. The following list is not meant to be exhaustive:


License information


Directory for saving backup files


Windows command-line tools and control panel


UNIX/Linux command-line tools and control panel


Backend data for the external change log when using replication


Directory added to the server CLASSPATH, permitting individual classes to be patched


OpenDJ server configuration and schema, PKI stores, LDIF generation templates, resources for upgrade


Templates for use with the makeldif LDIF generation tool


Templates for configuring external Common Audit event handlers


LDIF representation of current OpenDJ server configuration

Use the dsconfig command to edit OpenDJ server configuration.


List of common passwords used to check password strength


JVM settings for OpenDJ server and tools


LDAP schema definition files


Data used by task scheduler backend so that scheduled tasks and recurring tasks persist after server restart


Default settings for command-line tools

Use as a template when creating an ~/.opendj/ file.


Resources used by the upgrade command to move to the next server version


List of words used to check password strength


Backend database files for persistent, indexed backends that hold user data

Sample OpenDJ plugin code. Custom plugins are meant to be installed in lib/extensions.


Directory where you put optional additional .jar files that are required for your deployment and that are not delivered with the server

If the instance path is not the same as the binaries, make sure you place the files in instance-path/extlib/.


Used when importing data into OpenDJ


Pointer to the server on the file system, provided for package installations where the program files are separate from the server instance files


Directory for saving LDIF export files


Scripts and libraries provided by the server

For additional .jar files, use extlib.


Directory to hold server plugins


Directory to hold lock files used when the server is running to prevent backends from accidentally being used by more than one server process


Access, errors, audit, and replication logs


Contains the process ID for a running server


UNIX setup utility


Windows setup utility


Template files for a server instance


UNIX utility for upgrading OpenDJ servers


Windows utility for upgrading OpenDJ servers

OpenDJ server software uses the TCP/IP ports described in "Server Ports".

ProtocolsConventional PortsActive by Default?Description




Port for cleartext LDAP requests; also used to request StartTLS for a secure connection.

The reserved LDAP port number is 389.

Interactive setup initially suggests this port number. If the initially suggested port is not free or cannot be used due to lack of privileges, interactive setup adds 1000 to the port number and tries again, repeatedly adding 1000 until a free port is found.

If LDAP is used, leave this port open to client applications.




Port for secure LDAPS requests.

The standard LDAPS port number is 636.

Interactive setup initially suggests this port number. If the initially suggested port is not free or cannot be used due to lack of privileges, interactive setup adds 1000 to the port number and tries again, repeatedly adding 1000 until a free port is found.

If LDAPS is used, leave this port open to client applications.


80, 443


Port for HTTP client requests, such as RESTful API calls.

The standard HTTP port number is 80. The standard HTTPS port number is 443.

Interactive setup initially suggests 8080 and 8443 instead. If an initially suggested port is not free or cannot be used due to lack of privileges, interactive setup adds 1000 to the port number and tries again, repeatedly adding 1000 until a free port is found.

If HTTP or HTTPS is used, leave this port open to client applications.

For production deployments, use HTTPS instead of HTTP.

Server administration



Port for administrative requests, such as requests from the dsconfig command.

Interactive setup initially suggests 4444. If an initially suggested port is not free or cannot be used due to lack of privileges, interactive setup adds 1000 to the port number and tries again, repeatedly adding 1000 until a free port is found.

Initial setup secures access to this port.

Directory data replication



Port for replication requests, using the OpenDJ-specific replication protocol.

Interactive setup initially suggests 8989. If an initially suggested port is not free or cannot be used due to lack of privileges, interactive setup adds 1000 to the port number and tries again, repeatedly adding 1000 until a free port is found.

If replication is used, leave this port open to other replicas.

For production deployments, secure access to this port.




Port for Java Management eXtension requests (1689), and JMX RMI requests.

The default setting for the JMX RMI port is 0, meaning the service chooses a port of its own. This can be configured using the JMX connection handler rmi-port setting

If used in production deployments, secure access to this port.


161, 162


Reserved ports are 161 for regular SNMP requests and 162 for traps.

If used in production deployments, secure access to these ports.

OpenDJ 5.5 software implements the following RFCs, Internet-Drafts, and standards:

RFC 1274: The COSINE and Internet X.500 Schema

X.500 Directory Schema, or Naming Architecture, for use in the COSINE and Internet X.500 pilots.

RFC 1321: The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm

MD5 message-digest algorithm that takes as input a message of arbitrary length and produces as output a 128-bit "fingerprint" or "message digest" of the input.

RFC 1777: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAPv2)

Provide access to the X.500 Directory while not incurring the resource requirements of the Directory Access Protocol.

Classified as an Historic document.

RFC 1778: The String Representation of Standard Attribute Syntaxes

Defines the requirements that must be satisfied by encoding rules used to render X.500 Directory attribute syntaxes into a form suitable for use in the LDAP, then defines the encoding rules for the standard set of attribute syntaxes.

Classified as an Historic document.

RFC 1779: A String Representation of Distinguished Names

Defines a string format for representing names, which is designed to give a clean representation of commonly used names, whilst being able to represent any distinguished name.

Classified as an Historic document.

RFC 2079: Definition of an X.500 Attribute Type and an Object Class to Hold Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)

Defines a new attribute type and an auxiliary object class to allow URIs, including URLs, to be stored in directory entries in a standard way.

RFC 2222: Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL)

Describes a method for adding authentication support to connection-based protocols.

RFC 2246: The TLS Protocol Version 1.0

Specifies Version 1.0 of the Transport Layer Security protocol.

RFC 2247: Using Domains in LDAP/X.500 Distinguished Names

Defines an algorithm by which a name registered with the Internet Domain Name Service can be represented as an LDAP distinguished name.

RFC 2251: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3)

Describes a directory access protocol designed to provide access to directories supporting the X.500 models, while not incurring the resource requirements of the X.500 Directory Access Protocol.

RFC 2252: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Attribute Syntax Definitions

Defines a set of syntaxes for LDAPv3, and the rules by which attribute values of these syntaxes are represented as octet strings for transmission in the LDAP protocol.

RFC 2253: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): UTF-8 String Representation of Distinguished Names

Defines a common UTF-8 format to represent distinguished names unambiguously.

RFC 2254: The String Representation of LDAP Search Filters

Defines the string format for representing names, which is designed to give a clean representation of commonly used distinguished names, while being able to represent any distinguished name.

RFC 2255: The LDAP URL Format

Describes a format for an LDAP Uniform Resource Locator.

RFC 2256: A Summary of the X.500(96) User Schema for use with LDAPv3

Provides an overview of the attribute types and object classes defined by the ISO and ITU-T committees in the X.500 documents, in particular those intended for use by directory clients.

RFC 2307: An Approach for Using LDAP as a Network Information Service

Describes an experimental mechanism for mapping entities related to TCP/IP and the UNIX system into X.500 entries so that they may be resolved with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.

RFC 2377: Naming Plan for Internet Directory-Enabled Applications

Proposes a new directory naming plan that leverages the strengths of the most popular and successful Internet naming schemes for naming objects in a hierarchical directory.

RFC 2696: LDAP Control Extension for Simple Paged Results Manipulation

Allows a client to control the rate at which an LDAP server returns the results of an LDAP search operation.

RFC 2713: Schema for Representing Java(tm) Objects in an LDAP Directory

Defines a common way for applications to store and retrieve Java objects from the directory.

RFC 2714: Schema for Representing CORBA Object References in an LDAP Directory

Define a common way for applications to store and retrieve CORBA object references from the directory.

RFC 2739: Calendar Attributes for vCard and LDAP

Defines a mechanism to locate a user calendar and free/busy time using the LDAP protocol.

RFC 2798: Definition of the inetOrgPerson LDAP Object Class

Define an object class called inetOrgPerson for use in LDAP and X.500 directory services that extends the X.521 standard organizationalPerson class.

RFC 2829: Authentication Methods for LDAP

Specifies particular combinations of security mechanisms which are required and recommended in LDAP implementations.

RFC 2830: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Extension for Transport Layer Security

Defines the "Start Transport Layer Security (TLS) Operation" for LDAP.

RFC 2849: The LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) - Technical Specification

Describes a file format suitable for describing directory information or modifications made to directory information.

RFC 2891: LDAP Control Extension for Server Side Sorting of Search Results

Describes two LDAPv3 control extensions for server-side sorting of search results.

RFC 2926: Conversion of LDAP Schemas to and from SLP Templates

Describes a procedure for mapping between Service Location Protocol service advertisements and lightweight directory access protocol descriptions of services.

RFC 3045: Storing Vendor Information in the LDAP root DSE

Specifies two Lightweight Directory Access Protocol attributes, vendorName and vendorVersion that MAY be included in the root DSA-specific Entry (DSE) to advertise vendor-specific information.

RFC 3062: LDAP Password Modify Extended Operation

Describes an LDAP extended operation to allow modification of user passwords which is not dependent upon the form of the authentication identity nor the password storage mechanism used.

RFC 3112: LDAP Authentication Password Schema

Describes schema in support of user/password authentication in a LDAP directory including the authPassword attribute type. This attribute type holds values derived from the user's password(s) (commonly using cryptographic strength one-way hash).

RFC 3296: Named Subordinate References in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Directories

Details schema and protocol elements for representing and managing named subordinate references in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Directories.

RFC 3377: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Technical Specification

Specifies the set of RFCs comprising the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Version 3 (LDAPv3), and addresses the "IESG Note" attached to RFCs 2251 through 2256.

RFC 3383: Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Considerations for the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

Provides procedures for registering extensible elements of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).

RFC 3546: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Extensions

Describes extensions that may be used to add functionality to Transport Layer Security.

RFC 3671: Collective Attributes in the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

Summarizes the X.500 information model for collective attributes and describes use of collective attributes in LDAP.

RFC 3672: Subentries in the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

Adapts X.500 subentries mechanisms for use with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).

RFC 3673: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol version 3 (LDAPv3): All Operational Attributes

Describes an LDAP extension which clients may use to request the return of all operational attributes.

RFC 3674: Feature Discovery in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

Introduces a general mechanism for discovery of elective features and extensions which cannot be discovered using existing mechanisms.

RFC 3712: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Schema for Printer Services

Defines a schema, object classes and attributes, for printers and printer services, for use with directories that support Lightweight Directory Access Protocol v3 (LDAP).

RFC 3771: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Intermediate Response Message

Defines and describes the IntermediateResponse message, a general mechanism for defining single-request/multiple-response operations in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.

RFC 3829: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Authorization Identity Request and Response Controls

Extends the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol bind operation with a mechanism for requesting and returning the authorization identity it establishes.

RFC 3876: Returning Matched Values with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol version 3 (LDAPv3)

Describes a control for the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol version 3 that is used to return a subset of attribute values from an entry.

RFC 3909: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Cancel Operation

Describes a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol extended operation to cancel (or abandon) an outstanding operation, with a response to indicate the outcome of the operation.

RFC 4346: The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.1

Specifies Version 1.1 of the Transport Layer Security protocol.

RFC 4370: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Proxied Authorization Control

Defines the Proxy Authorization Control, that allows a client to request that an operation be processed under a provided authorization identity instead of under the current authorization identity associated with the connection.

RFC 4403: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Schema for Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration version 3 (UDDIv3)

Defines the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol schema for representing Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration data types in an LDAP directory.

RFC 4422: Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL)

Describes a framework for providing authentication and data security services in connection-oriented protocols via replaceable mechanisms.

RFC 4505: Anonymous Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) Mechanism

Describes a new way to provide anonymous login is needed within the context of the Simple Authentication and Security Layer framework.

RFC 4510: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Technical Specification Road Map

Provides a road map of the LDAP Technical Specification.

RFC 4511: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): The Protocol

Describes the protocol elements, along with their semantics and encodings, of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.

RFC 4512: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Directory Information Models

Describes the X.500 Directory Information Models as used in LDAP.

RFC 4513: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Authentication Methods and Security Mechanisms

Describes authentication methods and security mechanisms of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.

RFC 4514: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): String Representation of Distinguished Names

Defines the string representation used in the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol to transfer distinguished names.

RFC 4515: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): String Representation of Search Filters

Defines a human-readable string representation of LDAP search filters that is appropriate for use in LDAP URLs and in other applications.

RFC 4516: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Uniform Resource Locator

Describes a format for a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Uniform Resource Locator.

RFC 4517: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Syntaxes and Matching Rules

Defines a base set of syntaxes and matching rules for use in defining attributes for LDAP directories.

RFC 4518: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Internationalized String Preparation

Defines string preparation algorithms for character-based matching rules defined for use in LDAP.

RFC 4519: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Schema for User Applications

Provides a technical specification of attribute types and object classes intended for use by LDAP directory clients for many directory services, such as White Pages.

RFC 4523: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Schema Definitions for X.509 Certificates

Describes schema for representing X.509 certificates, X.521 security information, and related elements in directories accessible using the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).

RFC 4524: COSINE LDAP/X.500 Schema

Provides a collection of schema elements for use with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol from the COSINE and Internet X.500 pilot projects.

RFC 4525: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Modify-Increment Extension

Describes an extension to the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Modify operation to support an increment capability.

RFC 4526: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Absolute True and False Filters

Extends the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol to support absolute True and False filters based upon similar capabilities found in X.500 directory systems.

RFC 4527: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Read Entry Controls

Specifies an extension to the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol to allow the client to read the target entry of an update operation.

RFC 4528: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Assertion Control

Defines the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Assertion Control, which allows a client to specify that a directory operation should only be processed if an assertion applied to the target entry of the operation is true.

RFC 4529: Requesting Attributes by Object Class in the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

Extends LDAP to support a mechanism that LDAP clients may use to request the return of all attributes of an object class.

RFC 4530: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) entryUUID Operational Attribute

Describes the LDAP/X.500 'entryUUID' operational attribute and associated matching rules and syntax.

RFC 4532: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) "Who am I?" Operation

Provides a mechanism for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol clients to obtain the authorization identity the server has associated with the user or application entity.

RFC 4616: The PLAIN Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) Mechanism

Defines a simple cleartext user/password Simple Authentication and Security Layer mechanism called the PLAIN mechanism.

RFC 4634: US Secure Hash Algorithms (SHA and HMAC-SHA)

Specifies Secure Hash Algorithms, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512, for computing a condensed representation of a message or a data file.

RFC 4752: The Kerberos V5 ("GSSAPI") Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) Mechanism

Describes the method for using the Generic Security Service Application Program Interface (GSS-API) Kerberos V5 in the Simple Authentication and Security Layer, called the GSSAPI mechanism.

RFC 4876: A Configuration Profile Schema for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)-Based Agents

Defines a schema for storing a profile for agents that make use of the Lightweight Directory Access protocol (LDAP).

RFC 5020: The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) entryDN Operational Attribute

Describes the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) / X.500 'entryDN' operational attribute, that provides a copy of the entry's distinguished name for use in attribute value assertions.

FIPS 180-1: Secure Hash Standard (SHA-1)

Specifies a Secure Hash Algorithm, SHA-1, for computing a condensed representation of a message or a data file.

FIPS 180-2: Secure Hash Standard (SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512)

Specifies four Secure Hash Algorithms for computing a condensed representation of electronic data.

DSMLv2: Directory Service Markup Language

Provides a method for expressing directory queries and updates as XML documents.

JavaScript Object Notation

A data-interchange format that aims to be both "easy for humans to read and write," and also "easy for machines to parse and generate."

Simple Cloud Identity Management: Core Schema 1.0

Platform neutral schema and extension model for representing users and groups in JSON and XML formats. OpenDJ supports the JSON formats.

Controls provide a mechanism whereby the semantics and arguments of existing LDAP operations may be extended. One or more controls may be attached to a single LDAP message. A control only affects the semantics of the message it is attached to. Controls sent by clients are termed request controls, and those sent by servers are termed response controls.

OpenDJ software supports the following LDAP controls:

Account Usability Control

Object Identifier:

Control originally provided by Sun Microsystems, used to determine whether a user account can be used to authenticate to the directory.

Assertion request control

Object Identifier:

RFC: RFC 4528 - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Assertion Control

Authorization Identity request control

Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.16

RFC: RFC 3829 - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Authorization Identity Request and Response Controls

Authorization Identity response control

Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.15

RFC: RFC 3829 - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Authorization Identity Request and Response Controls

Entry Change Notification response control

Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.7

Internet-Draft: draft-ietf-ldapext-psearch - Persistent Search: A Simple LDAP Change Notification Mechanism

Get Effective Rights request control

Object Identifier:

Internet-Draft: draft-ietf-ldapext-acl-model - Access Control Model for LDAPv3

Manage DSAIT request control

Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2

RFC: RFC 3296 - Named Subordinate References in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Directories

Matched Values request control

Object Identifier: 1.2.826.0.1.3344810.2.3

RFC: RFC 3876 - Returning Matched Values with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol version 3 (LDAPv3)

No-Op Control

Object Identifier:

Internet-Draft: draft-zeilenga-ldap-noop - LDAP No-Op Control

Password Expired response control

Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.4

Internet-Draft: draft-vchu-ldap-pwd-policy - Password Policy for LDAP Directories

Password Expiring response control

Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.5

Internet-Draft: draft-vchu-ldap-pwd-policy - Password Policy for LDAP Directories

Password Policy response control

Object Identifier:

Internet-Draft: draft-behera-ldap-password-policy - Password Policy for LDAP Directories

Permissive Modify request control

Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1413

Microsoft defined this control that, "Allows an LDAP modify to work under less restrictive conditions. Without it, a delete will fail if an attribute done not exist, and an add will fail if an attribute already exists. No data is needed in this control." (source of quote)

Persistent Search request control

Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.3

Internet-Draft: draft-ietf-ldapext-psearch - Persistent Search: A Simple LDAP Change Notification Mechanism

Post-Read request control

Object Identifier:

RFC: RFC 4527 - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Read Entry Controls

Post-Read response control

Object Identifier:

RFC: RFC 4527 - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Read Entry Controls

Pre-Read request control

Object Identifier:

RFC: RFC 4527 - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Read Entry Controls

Pre-Read response control

Object Identifier:

RFC: RFC 4527 - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Read Entry Controls

Proxied Authorization v1 request control

Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.12

Internet-Draft: draft-weltman-ldapv3-proxy-04 - LDAP Proxied Authorization Control

Proxied Authorization v2 request control

Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.18

RFC: RFC 4370 - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Proxied Authorization Control

Public Changelog Exchange Control

Object Identifier:

OpenDJ specific, for using the bookmark cookie when reading the external change log.

Server-Side Sort request control

Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.473

RFC: RFC 2891 - LDAP Control Extension for Server Side Sorting of Search Results

Server-Side Sort response control

Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.474

RFC: RFC 2891 - LDAP Control Extension for Server Side Sorting of Search Results

Simple Paged Results Control

Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.319

RFC: RFC 2696 - LDAP Control Extension for Simple Paged Results Manipulation

Subentries request controls

Object Identifier:

RFC: Subentries in the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

Object Identifier:

Internet-Draft: draft-ietf-ldup-subentry - LDAP Subentry Schema

Subtree Delete request control

Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.805

Internet-Draft: draft-armijo-ldap-treedelete - Tree Delete Control

Transaction ID control

Object Identifier:

ForgeRock control that enables Common Audit to associate an ID with a request. The ID is recorded with audit events, and can be used to correlate and track user interactions as they traverse the components of the ForgeRock platform.

The control's value is the UTF-8 encoding of the transaction ID.

Virtual List View request control

Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.9

Internet-Draft: draft-ietf-ldapext-ldapv3-vlv - LDAP Extensions for Scrolling View Browsing of Search Results

Virtual List View response control

Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.10

Internet-Draft: draft-ietf-ldapext-ldapv3-vlv - LDAP Extensions for Scrolling View Browsing of Search Results

Extended operations allow additional operations to be defined for services not already available in the protocol

OpenDJ software supports the following LDAP extended operations:

Cancel Extended Request

Object Identifier:

RFC: RFC 3909 - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Cancel Operation

Get Connection ID Extended Request

Object Identifier:

OpenDJ extended operation to return the connection ID of the associated client connection. This extended operation is intended for OpenDJ internal use.

Password Modify Extended Request

Object Identifier:

RFC: RFC 3062 - LDAP Password Modify Extended Operation

Password Policy State Extended Operation

Object Identifier:

OpenDJ extended operation to query and update password policy state for a given user entry. This extended operation is intended for OpenDJ internal use.

Start Transport Layer Security Extended Request

Object Identifier:

RFC: RFC 4511 - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): The Protocol

Who am I? Extended Request

Object Identifier:

RFC: RFC 4532 - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) "Who am I?" Operation

OpenDJ software stores data in UTF-8 format. It enables you to store and to search for attribute values according to a variety of language specific locales. OpenDJ software is also itself localized for a smaller variety of languages.

OpenDJ 5.5 software is localized in the following languages:

  • French

  • German

  • Japanese

  • Simplified Chinese

  • Spanish


Certain messages have also been translated into Catalan, Korean, Polish, and Traditional Chinese. Some error messages including messages labeled ERROR are provided only in English.

OpenDJ software supports the following locales with their associated language and country codes and their collation order object identifiers. Locale support depends on the Java Virtual Machine used at run time. The following list reflects all supported locales.

Supported Locales

Code tag: af

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: sq

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: am

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: ar

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Algeria)

Code tag: ar-DZ

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Bahrain)

Code tag: ar-BH

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Egypt)

Code tag: ar-EG

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (India)

Code tag: ar-IN

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Iraq)

Code tag: ar-IQ

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Jordan)

Code tag: ar-JO

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Kuwait)

Code tag: ar-KW

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Lebanon)

Code tag: ar-LB

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Libya)

Code tag: ar-LY

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Morocco)

Code tag: ar-MA

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Oman)

Code tag: ar-OM

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Qatar)

Code tag: ar-QA

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Saudi Arabia)

Code tag: ar-SA

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Sudan)

Code tag: ar-SD

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Syria)

Code tag: ar-SY

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Tunisia)

Code tag: ar-TN

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (United Arab Emirates)

Code tag: ar-AE

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Yemen)

Code tag: ar-YE

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: hy

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: eu

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: be

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: bn

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: bg

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: ca

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: zh

Collation order object identifier:

Chinese (China)

Code tag: zh-CN

Collation order object identifier:

Chinese (Hong Kong)

Code tag: zh-HK

Collation order object identifier:

Chinese (Macao)

Code tag: zh-MO

Collation order object identifier:

Chinese (Singapore)

Code tag: zh-SG

Collation order object identifier:

Chinese (Taiwan)

Code tag: zh-TW

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: kw

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: hr

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: cs

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: da

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: nl

Collation order object identifier:

Dutch (Belgium)

Code tag: nl-BE

Collation order object identifier:

Dutch (Netherlands)

Code tag: nl-NL

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: en

Collation order object identifier:

English (Australia)

Code tag: en-AU

Collation order object identifier:

English (Canada)

Code tag: en-CA

Collation order object identifier:

English (Hong Kong)

Code tag: en-HK

Collation order object identifier:

English (India)

Code tag: en-IN

Collation order object identifier:

English (Ireland)

Code tag: en-IE

Collation order object identifier:

English (Malta)

Code tag: en-MT

Collation order object identifier:

English (New Zealand)

Code tag: en-NZ

Collation order object identifier:

English (Philippines)

Code tag: en-PH

Collation order object identifier:

English (Singapore)

Code tag: en-SG

Collation order object identifier:

English (South Africa)

Code tag: en-ZA

Collation order object identifier:

English (U.S. Virgin Islands)

Code tag: en-VI

Collation order object identifier:

English (United Kingdom)

Code tag: en-GB

Collation order object identifier:

English (United States)

Code tag: en-US

Collation order object identifier:

English (Zimbabwe)

Code tag: en-ZW

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: eo

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: et

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: fo

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: fi

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: fr

Collation order object identifier:

French (Belgium)

Code tag: fr-BE

Collation order object identifier:

French (Canada)

Code tag: fr-CA

Collation order object identifier:

French (France)

Code tag: fr-FR

Collation order object identifier:

French (Luxembourg)

Code tag: fr-LU

Collation order object identifier:

French (Switzerland)

Code tag: fr-CH

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: gl

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: de

Collation order object identifier:

German (Austria)

Code tag: de-AT

Collation order object identifier:

German (Belgium)

Code tag: de-BE

Collation order object identifier:

German (Germany)

Code tag: de-DE

Collation order object identifier:

German (Luxembourg)

Code tag: de-LU

Collation order object identifier:

German (Switzerland)

Code tag: de-CH

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: el

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: kl

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: gu

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: iw

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: hi

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: hu

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: is

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: in

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: ga

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: it

Collation order object identifier:

Italian (Switzerland)

Code tag: it-CH

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: ja

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: kn

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: kok

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: ko

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: lv

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: lt

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: mk

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: mt

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: gv

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: mr

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: no

Collation order object identifier:

Norwegian (Norway)

Code tag: no-NO-NY

Collation order object identifier:

Norwegian Bokmål

Code tag: nb

Collation order object identifier:

Norwegian Nynorsk

Code tag: nn

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: om

Collation order object identifier:

Oromo (Ethiopia)

Code tag: om-ET

Collation order object identifier:

Oromo (Kenya)

Code tag: om-KE

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: fa

Collation order object identifier:

Persian (India)

Code tag: fa-IN

Collation order object identifier:

Persian (Iran)

Code tag: fa-IR

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: pl

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: pt

Collation order object identifier:

Portuguese (Brazil)

Code tag: pt-BR

Collation order object identifier:

Portuguese (Portugal)

Code tag: pt-PT

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: ro

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: ru

Collation order object identifier:

Russian (Russia)

Code tag: ru-RU

Collation order object identifier:

Russian (Ukraine)

Code tag: ru-UA

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: sr

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: sh

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: sk

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: sl

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: so

Collation order object identifier:

Somali (Djibouti)

Code tag: so-DJ

Collation order object identifier:

Somali (Ethiopia)

Code tag: so-ET

Collation order object identifier:

Somali (Kenya)

Code tag: so-KE

Collation order object identifier:

Somali (Somalia)

Code tag: so-SO

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: es

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Argentina)

Code tag: es-AR

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Bolivia)

Code tag: es-BO

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Chile)

Code tag: es-CL

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Colombia)

Code tag: es-CO

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Costa Rica)

Code tag: es-CR

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Dominican Republic)

Code tag: es-DO

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Ecuador)

Code tag: es-EC

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (El Salvador)

Code tag: es-SV

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Guatemala)

Code tag: es-GT

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Honduras)

Code tag: es-HN

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Mexico)

Code tag: es-MX

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Nicaragua)

Code tag: es-NI

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Panama)

Code tag: es-PA

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Paraguay)

Code tag: es-PY

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Peru)

Code tag: es-PE

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Puerto Rico)

Code tag: es-PR

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Spain)

Code tag: es-ES

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (United States)

Code tag: es-US

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Uruguay)

Code tag: es-UY

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Venezuela)

Code tag: es-VE

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: sw

Collation order object identifier:

Swahili (Kenya)

Code tag: sw-KE

Collation order object identifier:

Swahili (Tanzania)

Code tag: sw-TZ

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: sv

Collation order object identifier:

Swedish (Finland)

Code tag: sv-FI

Collation order object identifier:

Swedish (Sweden)

Code tag: sv-SE

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: ta

Collation order object identifier: 1 3


Code tag: te

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: th

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: ti

Collation order object identifier:

Tigrinya (Eritrea)

Code tag: ti-ER

Collation order object identifier:

Tigrinya (Ethiopia)

Code tag: ti-ET

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: tr

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: uk

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: vi

Collation order object identifier:

Supported Language Subtypes
  • Afrikaans, af

  • Albanian, sq

  • Amharic, am

  • Arabic, ar

  • Armenian, hy

  • Basque, eu

  • Belarusian, be

  • Bengali, bn

  • Bulgarian, bg

  • Catalan, ca

  • Chinese, zh

  • Cornish, kw

  • Croatian, hr

  • Czech, cs

  • Danish, da

  • Dutch, nl

  • English, en

  • Esperanto, eo

  • Estonian, et

  • Faroese, fo

  • Finnish, fi

  • French, fr

  • Gallegan, gl

  • German, de

  • Greek, el

  • Greenlandic, kl

  • Gujarati, gu

  • Hebrew, iw

  • Hindi, hi

  • Hungarian, hu

  • Icelandic, is

  • Indonesian, in

  • Irish, ga

  • Italian, it

  • Japanese, ja

  • Kannada, kn

  • Konkani, kok

  • Korean, ko

  • Latvian, lv

  • Lithuanian, lt

  • Macedonian, mk

  • Maltese, mt

  • Manx, gv

  • Marathi, mr

  • Norwegian, no

  • Norwegian Bokmål, nb

  • Norwegian Nynorsk, nn

  • Oromo, om

  • Persian, fa

  • Polish, pl

  • Portuguese, pt

  • Romanian, ro

  • Russian, ru

  • Serbian, sr

  • Serbo-Croatian, sh

  • Slovak, sk

  • Slovenian, sl

  • Somali, so

  • Spanish, es

  • Swahili, sw

  • Swedish, sv

  • Tamil, ta

  • Telugu, te

  • Thai, th

  • Tigrinya, ti

  • Turkish, tr

  • Ukrainian, uk

  • Vietnamese, vi

This appendix includes ForgeRock definitions for product release levels and interface stability.

Some interfaces are labelled as Evolving in the body of the documentation. In addition, the following rules apply:

  • All Java APIs are Evolving, except com.* packages, which are Internal/Undocumented.

  • The class org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.CoreMessages is Internal.

  • The configuration, user, and application programming interfaces for RESTful access over HTTP to directory data are Evolving. This includes interfaces exposed for the HTTP connection handler, its access log, and also the REST to LDAP gateway.

  • Text in log messages should be considered Internal. Log message IDs are Evolving.

  • The default content of cn=schema (LDAP schema) is Evolving.

  • The monitoring interface cn=monitor for LDAP and the monitoring interface exposed by the JMX connection handler are Evolving.

  • Newly Deprecated and Removed interfaces are identified in "Compatibility" in the Release Notes.

  • Interfaces that are not described in released product documentation should be considered Internal/Undocumented. For example, the LDIF representation of the server configuration, config.ldif, should be considered Internal.

ForgeRock defines Major, Minor, Maintenance, and Patch product release levels. The release level is reflected in the version number. The release level tells you what sort of compatibility changes to expect.

Release LabelVersion NumbersCharacteristics


Version: x[.0.0] (trailing 0s are optional)

  • Bring major new features, minor features, and bug fixes

  • Can include changes even to Stable interfaces

  • Can remove previously Deprecated functionality, and in rare cases remove Evolving functionality that has not been explicitly Deprecated

  • Include changes present in previous Minor and Maintenance releases


Version: x.y[.0] (trailing 0s are optional)

  • Bring minor features, and bug fixes

  • Can include backwards-compatible changes to Stable interfaces in the same Major release, and incompatible changes to Evolving interfaces

  • Can remove previously Deprecated functionality

  • Include changes present in previous Minor and Maintenance releases

Maintenance, Patch

Version: x.y.z[.p]

The optional .p reflects a Patch version.

  • Bring bug fixes

  • Are intended to be fully compatible with previous versions from the same Minor release

ForgeRock products support many protocols, APIs, GUIs, and command-line interfaces. Some of these interfaces are standard and very stable. Others offer new functionality that is continuing to evolve.

ForgeRock acknowledges that you invest in these interfaces, and therefore must know when and how ForgeRock expects them to change. For that reason, ForgeRock defines interface stability labels and uses these definitions in ForgeRock products.

Stability LabelDefinition


This documented interface is expected to undergo backwards-compatible changes only for major releases. Changes may be announced at least one minor release before they take effect.


This documented interface is continuing to evolve and so is expected to change, potentially in backwards-incompatible ways even in a minor release. Changes are documented at the time of product release.

While new protocols and APIs are still in the process of standardization, they are Evolving. This applies for example to recent Internet-Draft implementations, and also to newly developed functionality.


This interface is deprecated and likely to be removed in a future release. For previously stable interfaces, the change was likely announced in a previous release. Deprecated interfaces will be removed from ForgeRock products.


This interface was deprecated in a previous release and has now been removed from the product.

Technology Preview

Technology previews provide access to new features that are evolving new technology that are not yet supported. Technology preview features may be functionally incomplete and the function as implemented is subject to change without notice. DO NOT DEPLOY A TECHNOLOGY PREVIEW INTO A PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT.

Customers are encouraged to test drive the technology preview features in a non-production environment and are welcome to make comments and suggestions about the features in the associated forums.

ForgeRock does not guarantee that a technology preview feature will be present in future releases, the final complete version of the feature is liable to change between preview and the final version. Once a technology preview moves into the completed version, said feature will become part of the ForgeRock platform. Technology previews are provided on an “AS-IS” basis for evaluation purposes only and ForgeRock accepts no liability or obligations for the use thereof.


Internal and undocumented interfaces can change without notice. If you depend on one of these interfaces, contact ForgeRock support or email to discuss your needs.

Find the bundled tools where you installed the server, as indicated in "Server Command-Line Tools" in the Administration Guide.


addrate — measure add and delete throughput and response time


addrate {options} template-file-path


This utility can be used to measure add and optionally delete throughput and response time of a directory server using user-defined entries. The {template-file-path} argument identifies a template file that has the same form as a template file for the makeldif command.


This example adds entries and randomly deletes them while the number of entries added is greater than 10,000:

addrate -p 1389 -f -c 10 -C random -s 10000 addrate.template

This example adds entries and starts to delete them in the same order if their age is greater than a certain time:

addrate -p 1389 -f -c 10 -C fifo -a 2 addrate.template

For details about the template file, see makeldif.template.

When you do not use the -f option to keep connections open and rebind on the connections, the tool can exhaust its available ports, causing the tool to crash. You can work around this problem on test systems by changing TCP settings on the system.

For example, on Linux systems, set the following parameters in the /etc/sysctl.conf file:

net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 30
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse = 1

The parameter net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout sets the length of time in seconds to wait for a final FIN packet before forcing a close of the socket. The default is 60 (seconds).

The parameter net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle enables fast recycling of TIME_WAIT sockets. The default is 0 (false). Enabling this can cause Network Address Translation (NAT) issues.

The parameter net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse enables reuse of TIME_WAIT sockets for new connections. The default is 0 (false).

These settings are recommended only for testing, and not for production systems.

After making the changes to /etc/sysctl.conf, reload the configuration with the sysctl command:

# sysctl -p


The addrate command takes the following options:

Command options:

-a | --deleteAgeThreshold {seconds}

Specifies the age at which added entries will become candidates for deletion.

-B | --warmUpDuration {warmUpDuration}

Warm up duration in seconds.

Default: 0

-c | --numConnections {numConnections}

Number of connections.

Default: 1

-C | --deleteMode {fifo | random | off}

The algorithm used for selecting entries to be deleted which must be one of "fifo", "random", or "off".

Default: FIFO

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default: 30000

-d | --maxDuration {maxDuration}

Maximum duration in seconds, 0 for unlimited.

Default: 0

-e | --percentile {percentile}

Calculate max response time for a percentile of operations.

-f | --keepConnectionsOpen

Keep connections open.

Default: false

-F | --noRebind

Keep connections open and do not rebind.

Default: false

-g | --constant {name=value}

A constant that overrides the value set in the template file.

-i | --statInterval {statInterval}

Display results each specified number of seconds.

Default: 5

-m | --maxIterations {maxIterations}

Max iterations, 0 for unlimited.

Default: 0

-M | --targetThroughput {targetThroughput}

Target average throughput to achieve.

Default: 0

-n | --noPurge

Disable the purge phase when the tool stops.

Default: false

-r | --resourcePath {path}

Path to look for template resources (e.g. data files).

The utility looks for resources in the following locations in this order:

  1. The current directory where the command is run.

  2. The resource path directory.

  3. The built-in files.

-R | --randomSeed {seed}

The seed to use for initializing the random number generator.

Default: 0

-s | --deleteSizeThreshold {count}

Specifies the number of entries to be added before deletion begins.

Default: 10000

-S | --scriptFriendly

Use script-friendly mode.

Default: false

-t | --numConcurrentRequests {numConcurrentRequests}

Number of concurrent requests per connection.

Default: 1

LDAP connection options:

-D | --bindDn {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server.


-E | --reportAuthzId

Use the authorization identity control.

Default: false

-h | --hostname {host}

The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-j | --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file.

-K | --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path.

-N | --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of the certificate that the server should use when accepting SSL-based connections or performing StartTLS negotiation.

-o | --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options.

-p | --port {port}

Directory server port number.

-P | --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path.

-q | --useStartTls

Use StartTLS to secure communication with the server.

Default: false

-T | --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN.

-u | --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-U | --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file.


Use the password policy request control.

Default: false

-w | --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server. Use -w - to ensure that the command prompts for the password, rather than entering the password as a command argument.

-W | --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-X | --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates.

Default: false

-Z | --useSsl

Use SSL for secure communication with the server.

Default: false

Utility input/output options:


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values.

Default: false

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments.

-v | --verbose

Use verbose mode.

Default: false

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.


The command could not complete due to an input/output error.


An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments.


The following examples use this template file, addrate.template:

define suffix=dc=example,dc=com

branch: [suffix]

branch: ou=People,[suffix]
subordinateTemplate: person

template: person
rdnAttr: uid
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
givenName: <first>
sn: <last>
cn: {givenName} {sn}
initials: {givenName:1}<random:chars:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ:1>{sn:1}
employeeNumber: <sequential:0>
uid: user.{employeeNumber}
mail: {uid}@[maildomain]
userPassword: password
telephoneNumber: <random:telephone>
homePhone: <random:telephone>
pager: <random:telephone>
mobile: <random:telephone>
street: <random:numeric:5> <file:streets> Street
l: <file:cities>
st: <file:states>
postalCode: <random:numeric:5>
postalAddress: {cn}${street}${l}, {st}  {postalCode}
description: This is the description for {cn}.


The following example adds entries, and then randomly deletes them when more than 10,000 entries have been added:

$ addrate -p 1389 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password \
-f -c 10 -C random -s 10000 addrate.template

    Throughput                            Response Time
  (ops/second)                           (milliseconds)
recent  average  recent  average  99.9%  99.99%  99.999%  err/sec  Add%
466.7    467.2  20.738   20.738  187.00  201.00   201.00      0.0  100.00
588.9    528.1  17.015   18.661  166.00  201.00   201.00      0.0  100.00
1584.9    880.3   6.076   11.109  150.00  196.00   201.00      0.0  79.87
1577.8   1054.5   6.138    9.252  132.00  192.00   201.00      0.0  50.00
1853.0   1214.4   5.188    8.010  124.00  187.00   201.00      0.0  49.99
^CPurge phase...
2482.7   1426.2   3.790    6.783  114.00  187.00   201.00      0.0  9.77

The following example also adds entries, and then deletes them in the order they were added after they are 10 seconds old:

$ addrate -p 1389 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password \
-f -c 10 -C fifo -a 10 addrate.template

    Throughput                            Response Time
  (ops/second)                           (milliseconds)
recent  average  recent  average  99.9%  99.99%  99.999%  err/sec  Add%
2065.6   2068.1   4.646    4.646  30.00   51.00    58.00      0.0  100.00
1479.7   1773.3   6.567    5.449  46.00   59.00    67.00      0.0  99.23
1443.4   1663.3   6.730    5.820  56.00  112.00   120.00      0.0  50.01
1462.6   1613.0   6.635    6.005  56.00  102.00   120.00      0.0  50.08
1452.2   1580.8   6.678    6.129  62.00  110.00   120.00      0.0  49.97
^CPurge phase...
1344.5   1541.4   7.170    6.280  69.00  176.00  1900.00      0.0  17.30
1703.3   1564.6   5.449    6.151  68.00  176.00  3000.00      0.0  0.00


authrate — measure bind throughput and response time


authrate {options} [filter format string] [attributes ...]


This utility can be used to measure bind throughput and response time of a directory service using user-defined bind or search-then-bind operations.

Format strings may be used in the bind DN option as well as the authid and authzid SASL bind options. A search operation may be used to retrieve the bind DN by specifying the base DN and a filter. The retrieved entry DN will be appended as the last argument in the argument list when evaluating format strings.

Example (bind only):

authrate -p 1389 -D "uid=user.%d,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" \

-w password -f -c 10 -g "rand(0,2000)"

Example (search then bind):

authrate -p 1389 -D '%2$s' -w password -f -c 10 \

-b "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" -s one -g "rand(0,2000)" "(uid=user.%d)"

Before trying the example, import 2000 randomly generated users.

When you do not use the -f option to keep connections open and rebind on the connections, the tool can exhaust its available ports, causing the tool to crash. You can work around this problem on test systems by changing TCP settings on the system.

For example, on Linux systems, set the following parameters in the /etc/sysctl.conf file:

net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 30
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse = 1

The parameter net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout sets the length of time in seconds to wait for a final FIN packet before forcing a close of the socket. The default is 60 (seconds).

The parameter net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle enables fast recycling of TIME_WAIT sockets. The default is 0 (false). Enabling this can cause Network Address Translation (NAT) issues.

The parameter net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse enables reuse of TIME_WAIT sockets for new connections. The default is 0 (false).

These settings are recommended only for testing, and not for production systems.

After making the changes to /etc/sysctl.conf, reload the configuration with the sysctl command:

# sysctl -p


The authrate command takes the following options:

Command options:

-a | --dereferencePolicy {dereferencePolicy}

Alias dereference policy ('never', 'always', 'search', or 'find').

Default: never

-b | --baseDn {baseDN}

Base DN format string.

-B | --warmUpDuration {warmUpDuration}

Warm up duration in seconds.

Default: 0

-c | --numConnections {numConnections}

Number of connections.

Default: 1

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default: 30000

-d | --maxDuration {maxDuration}

Maximum duration in seconds, 0 for unlimited.

Default: 0

-e | --percentile {percentile}

Calculate max response time for a percentile of operations.

-f | --keepConnectionsOpen

Keep connections open.

Default: false

-g | --argument {generator function or static string}

Argument used to evaluate the Java style format strings in program parameters (ie. Base DN, Search Filter). The set of all arguments provided form the the argument list in order. Besides static string arguments, they can be generated per iteration with the following functions:

"inc({filename})" Consecutive, incremental line from file

"inc({min},{max})" Consecutive, incremental number

"rand({filename})" Random line from file

"rand({min},{max})" Random number

"randstr({length},_charSet_)" Random string of specified length and optionally from characters in the charSet string. A range of character can be specified with [start-end] charSet notation. If no charSet is specified, the default charSet of [A-Z][a-z][0-9] will be used.

-i | --statInterval {statInterval}

Display results each specified number of seconds.

Default: 5

-I | --invalidPassword {invalidPassword}

Calculate max response time for a percentile of operations.

Default: 0

-m | --maxIterations {maxIterations}

Max iterations, 0 for unlimited.

Default: 0

-M | --targetThroughput {targetThroughput}

Target average throughput to achieve.

Default: 0

-s | --searchScope {searchScope}

Search scope ('base', 'one', 'sub', or 'subordinates'). Note: 'subordinates' is an LDAP extension that might not work with all LDAP servers.

Default: sub

-S | --scriptFriendly

Use script-friendly mode.

Default: false

LDAP connection options:

-D | --bindDn {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server.


-E | --reportAuthzId

Use the authorization identity control.

Default: false

-h | --hostname {host}

The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-j | --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file.

-K | --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path.

-N | --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of the certificate that the server should use when accepting SSL-based connections or performing StartTLS negotiation.

-o | --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options.

-p | --port {port}

Directory server port number.

-P | --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path.

-q | --useStartTls

Use StartTLS to secure communication with the server.

Default: false

-T | --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN.

-u | --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-U | --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file.


Use the password policy request control.

Default: false

-w | --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server. Use -w - to ensure that the command prompts for the password, rather than entering the password as a command argument.

-W | --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-X | --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates.

Default: false

-Z | --useSsl

Use SSL for secure communication with the server.

Default: false

Utility input/output options:


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values.

Default: false

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments.

-v | --verbose

Use verbose mode.

Default: false

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.


An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments.


The following example demonstrates measuring simple bind performance:

$ authrate -p 1389 -g "rand(names.txt)" \
 -D "uid=%s,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" -w password -c 10 -f
     Throughput                            Response Time
   (ops/second)                           (milliseconds)
recent  average  recent  average  99.9%  99.99%  99.999%  err/sec
9796.9   9816.6   1.029    1.029  12.413  161.451  161.835      0.0
14201.1  12028.1   0.704    0.835  9.508  161.456  167.573      0.0
14450.0  12835.9   0.692    0.782  8.989  161.835  174.518      0.0
12934.3  12860.6   0.773    0.779  9.253  161.339  174.426      0.0
14154.5  13121.0   0.706    0.764  9.025  161.451  177.101      0.0

The names.txt contains all the user IDs for the sample suffix. All user password values have been set to password for this example.


backendstat — gather OpenDJ backend debugging information


backendstat {subcommand} {options}


This utility can be used to debug a backend.


The backendstat command takes the following options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false


The backendstat command supports the following subcommands:

backendstat dump-index

Dump records from an index, decoding keys and values. Depending on index size, this subcommand can generate lots of output.


The backendstat dump-index command takes the following options:

-n | --backendId {backendName}

The backend ID of the backend.

-b | --baseDn {baseDN}

The base DN within the backend.

-i | --indexName {indexName}

The name of the index.

-q | --statsOnly

Do not display backend data, just statistics.

Default: false

-K | --maxKeyValue {maxKeyValue}

Only show records with keys that should be ordered before the provided value using the comparator for the database container.

-k | --minKeyValue {minKeyValue}

Only show records with keys that should be ordered after the provided value using the comparator for the database container.

-X | --maxHexKeyValue {maxKeyValue}

Only show records with keys that should be ordered before the provided value using the comparator for the database container.

-x | --minHexKeyValue {minKeyValue}

Only show records with keys that should be ordered after the provided value using the comparator for the database container.

-S | --maxDataSize {maxDataSize}

Only show records whose data is no larger than the provided value.

Default: -1

-s | --minDataSize {minDataSize}

Only show records whose data is no smaller than the provided value.

Default: -1

-p | --skipDecode

Do not try to decode backend data to their appropriate types.

Default: false

backendstat dump-raw-db

Dump the raw records in hexadecimal format for a low-level database within the pluggable backend's storage engine. Depending on index size, this subcommand can generate lots of output.


The backendstat dump-raw-db command takes the following options:

-n | --backendId {backendName}

The backend ID of the backend.

-d | --dbName {databaseName}

The raw database name.

-q | --statsOnly

Do not display backend data, just statistics.

Default: false

-K | --maxKeyValue {maxKeyValue}

Only show records with keys that should be ordered before the provided value using the comparator for the database container.

-k | --minKeyValue {minKeyValue}

Only show records with keys that should be ordered after the provided value using the comparator for the database container.

-X | --maxHexKeyValue {maxKeyValue}

Only show records with keys that should be ordered before the provided value using the comparator for the database container.

-x | --minHexKeyValue {minKeyValue}

Only show records with keys that should be ordered after the provided value using the comparator for the database container.

-S | --maxDataSize {maxDataSize}

Only show records whose data is no larger than the provided value.

Default: -1

-s | --minDataSize {minDataSize}

Only show records whose data is no smaller than the provided value.

Default: -1

-l | --singleLine

Write hexadecimal data on a single line instead of pretty format.

Default: false

backendstat list-backends

List the pluggable backends.

backendstat list-base-dns

List the base DNs in a backend.


The backendstat list-base-dns command takes the following options:

-n | --backendId {backendName}

The backend ID of the backend.

backendstat list-indexes

List the indexes associated with a pluggable backend. This subcommand may take a long time to complete depending on the size of the backend.


The backendstat list-indexes command takes the following options:

-n | --backendId {backendName}

The backend ID of the backend.

-b | --baseDn {baseDN}

The base DN within the backend.

backendstat list-raw-dbs

List the low-level databases within a pluggable backend's storage engine. This subcommand may take a long time to complete depending on the size of the backend.


The backendstat list-raw-dbs command takes the following options:

-n | --backendId {backendName}

The backend ID of the backend.

-u | --useSiUnits

Uses SI Units for printing sizes.

Default: false

backendstat show-index-status

Shows the status of indexes for a backend base DN. This subcommand can take a long time to complete, as it reads all indexes for all backends.

When you run the 'list-index-status' command, the result is a table, followed by a "Total", which is the total number of indexes, followed by a list of indexes with "Over index-entry-limit keys" to show the values for which the number of entries exceeded the index entry limit. The table has the following columns.

Index Name

Name of the index, which takes the form attr.type for attribute indexes, and for VLV indexes. Some indexes are for OpenDJ directory server's internal use.

Example: givenName.caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch:6

Tree Name

Name of the backend tree, which reflects how OpenDJ directory server organizes the data in the database.

Example: /dc=example,dc=com/givenName.caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch:6

Index Valid

This is true for valid indexes. If this is false, the index might be degraded. Verify the index, and rebuild the index if necessary.

Record Count

Number of indexed keys. Use the backendstat dump-tree command to see how many entry IDs correspond to each key.

Over Index Entry Limit

Number of keys for which there are too many values to maintain an index, based on the index entry limit. This is recorded as - for VLV indexes.

In other words, with the default index entry limit of 4000, if every user in your large directory has an email address ending in, and a substring index with default substring length of 6 is maintained for mail, then OpenDJ directory server does not maintain indexes for keys corresponding to substrings in

As a result, an LDAP search with the filter "(mail=*" becomes an unindexed search even though a substring index exists for the mail attribute. By default OpenDJ directory server does not allow unindexed searches except by privileged users. This is usually exactly the behavior you want in order to prevent client applications from sending searches that return every user in the directory for example. Clients should refine their search filters instead.

95%, 90%, 85%

Number of keys for which the number of values is approaching the index entry limit, having at least the specified percentage. This is a measure of how full the entry ID lists are.


The backendstat show-index-status command takes the following options:

-n | --backendId {backendName}

The backend ID of the backend.

-b | --baseDn {baseDN}

The base DN within the backend.

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following example displays index information.

$ bin/backendstat dump-index  -n userRoot -b dc=example,dc=com -i id2childrencount 

    Key (len 2): 1#52
    Value (len 8): 1
    Key (len 2): 2#52
    Value (len 8): 500000
    Key (len 9): Total Children Count
    Value (len 8): 500001

    Total Records: 3
    Total / Average Key Size: 13 bytes / 4 bytes
    Total / Average Data Size: 24 bytes / 8 bytes



backup — back up directory data


backup {options}


This utility can be used to back up one or more Directory Server backends.


The backup command takes the following options:

Command options:

-a | --backUpAll

Back up all backends in the server.

Default: false

-A | --hash

Generate a hash of the backup contents.

Default: false

-B | --incrementalBaseId {backupID}

Backup ID of the source archive for an incremental backup.

-c | --compress

Compress the backup contents.

Default: false

-d | --backupDirectory {backupDir}

Path to the target directory for the backup file(s).

-i | --incremental

Perform an incremental backup rather than a full backup.

Default: false

-I | --backupId {backupID}

Use the provided identifier for the backup.

-n | --backendId {backendName}

Backend ID for the backend to archive.


Indicates that the command must be run in offline mode.

Default: false

-s | --signHash

Sign the hash of the backup contents.

Default: false

-y | --encrypt

Encrypt the backup contents.

Default: false

Task Backend Connection Options

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default: 30000

-D | --bindDn {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server.

Default: cn=Directory Manager

-h | --hostname {host}

The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-j | --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file.

-K | --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path.

-N | --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of the certificate that the server should use when accepting SSL-based connections or performing StartTLS negotiation.

-o | --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options.

-p | --port {port}

Directory server administration port number.

-P | --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path.

-T | --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN.

-u | --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-U | --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file.

-w | --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server. Use -w - to ensure that the command prompts for the password, rather than entering the password as a command argument.

-W | --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-X | --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates.

Default: false

Task Scheduling Options

--completionNotify {emailAddress}

Email address of a recipient to be notified when the task completes. This option may be specified more than once.

--dependency {taskID}

ID of a task upon which this task depends. A task will not start execution until all its dependencies have completed execution.

--errorNotify {emailAddress}

Email address of a recipient to be notified if an error occurs when this task executes. This option may be specified more than once.

--failedDependencyAction {action}

Action this task will take should one if its dependent tasks fail. The value must be one of PROCESS,CANCEL,DISABLE. If not specified defaults to CANCEL.

--recurringTask {schedulePattern}

Indicates the task is recurring and will be scheduled according to the value argument expressed in crontab(5) compatible time/date pattern.

The schedule pattern for a recurring task supports only the following crontab features:

FieldAllowed Values
day of month1-31
month1-12 (or names)
day of week0-7 (0 or 7 is Sunday, or use names)

A field can contain an asterisk, *. An asterisk stands for first-last.

Fields can include ranges of numbers. A range is two numbers separated by a hyphen, and is inclusive. For example, 8-10 for an "hour" field means execution at hours 8, 9, and 10.

Fields can include lists. A list is a set of numbers or ranges separated by commas. For example, 4,8-10 for an "hour" field means execution at hours 4, 8, 9, and 10.

When using names for in "month" or "day of week" fields, use the first three letters of the particular month or day of the week. Case does not matter. Ranges and lists of names are not supported.

-t | --start {startTime}

Indicates the date/time at which this operation will start when scheduled as a server task expressed in YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ format for UTC time or YYYYMMDDhhmmss for local time. A value of '0' will cause the task to be scheduled for immediate execution. When this option is specified the operation will be scheduled to start at the specified time after which this utility will exit immediately.

Utility input/output options:


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values.

Default: false

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments.

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.


An error occurred.


The following example backs up all user data while the server is online.

$ backup -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password \
 -a -d /path/to/opendj/bak -t 0
Backup task 20110613143801866 scheduled to start ...

The following example schedules back up of all user data every night at 2 AM when the server is online, and notifies when finished, or on error.

$ backup -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -a \
 -d /path/to/opendj/bak --recurringTask "00 02 * * *" \
 --completionNotify --errorNotify
Recurring Backup task BackupTask-988d6adf-4d65-44bf-8546-6ea74a2480b0
scheduled successfully

The following example backs up all user data while the server is offline.

$ stop-ds
Stopping Server...

$ backup --backupAll --backupDirectory /path/to/opendj/bak
... msg=The backup process completed successfully

$ start-ds
... The Directory Server has started successfully


base64 — encode and decode base64 strings


base64 {subcommand} {options}


This utility can be used to encode and decode information using base64.


The base64 command takes the following options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false


The base64 command supports the following subcommands:

base64 decode

Decode base64-encoded information into raw data. When no options are specified, this subcommand reads from standard input and writes to standard output.


The base64 decode command takes the following options:

-d | --encodedData {data}

The base64-encoded data to be decoded.

-f | --encodedDataFile {path}

The path to a file containing the base64-encoded data to be decoded.

-o | --toRawFile {path}

The path to a file to which the raw base64-decoded data should be written.

base64 encode

Encode raw data using base64. When no options are specified, this subcommand reads from standard input and writes to standard output.


The base64 encode command takes the following options:

-d | --rawData {data}

The raw data to be base64 encoded.

-f | --rawDataFile {path}

The path to a file containing the raw data to be base64 encoded.

-o | --toEncodedFile {path}

The path to a file to which the base64-encoded data should be written.

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following command shows the changes from the external change log in human-readable format.

$ base64 decode -d YWRkOiBkZXNjcmlwdGlvbgpkZXNjcmlwdGlvbjogQSB0aGlyZCBjaGFuZ2UK\
add: description
description: A third change
replace: modifiersName
modifiersName: cn=Directory Manager,cn=Root DNs,cn=config
replace: modifyTimestamp
modifyTimestamp: 20110613071210Z


control-panel — start the graphical admin interface


control-panel {options}


This utility can be used to display the Control Panel window which displays basic server information and allows to do some basic administration tasks on the server.

If no host name or port is provided, the tool will try to connect to the local server.


The control-panel command takes the following options:

Command options:

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default: 30000

-r | --remote

Connect to a remote server.

Default: false

LDAP connection options:

-D | --bindDn {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server.

Default: cn=Directory Manager

-h | --hostname {host}

The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-j | --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file.

-p | --port {port}

Directory server administration port number.

-w | --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server. Use -w - to ensure that the command prompts for the password, rather than entering the password as a command argument.

-X | --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates.

Default: false

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following example starts the Control Panel on a remote host.

$ control-panel -r -h -p 4444 &


create-rc-script — script to manage OpenDJ as a service on UNIX


create-rc-script {options}


Create an RC script that may be used to start, stop, and restart the Directory Server on UNIX-based systems.


The create-rc-script command takes the following options:

Command options:

-f | --outputFile {path}

The path to the output file to create.

-j | --javaHome {path}

The path to the Java installation that should be used to run the server.

-J | --javaArgs {args}

A set of arguments that should be passed to the JVM when running the server.

-u | --userName {userName}

The name of the user account under which the server should run.

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following example adds a script to start OpenDJ at boot time on a Debian-based system, and then updates the runlevel system to use the script.

$ sudo create-rc-script -f /etc/init.d/opendj -u opendj-user
$ sudo update-rc.d opendj


dsconfig — manage OpenDJ server configuration


dsconfig {subcommand} {options}


This utility can be used to define a base configuration for the Directory Server.

The dsconfig command is the primary command-line tool for viewing and editing OpenDJ configuration. When started without arguments, dsconfig prompts you for administration connection information, including the host name, administration port number, administrator bind DN and administrator password. The dsconfig command then connects securely to the directory server over the administration port. Once connected it presents you with a menu-driven interface to the server configuration.

When you pass connection information, subcommands, and additional options to dsconfig, the command runs in script mode and so is not interactive, though it can prompt you to ask whether to apply changes and whether to trust certificates (unless you use the --no-prompt and --trustAll options, respectively).

You can prepare dsconfig batch scripts by running the tool with the --commandFilePath option in interactive mode, then reading from the batch file with the --batchFilePath option in script mode. Batch files can be useful when you have many dsconfig commands to run and want to avoid starting the JVM for each command. Alternatively, you can read commands from standard input by using the --batch option.

The dsconfig command categorizes directory server configuration into components, also called managed objects. Actual components often inherit from a parent component type. For example, one component is a Connection Handler. An LDAP Connection Handler is a type of Connection Handler. You configure the LDAP Connection Handler component to specify how OpenDJ directory server handles LDAP connections coming from client applications.

Configuration components have properties. For example, the LDAP Connection Handler component has properties such as listen-port and allow-start-tls. You can set the component's listen-port property to 389 to use the default LDAP port number. You can set the component's allow-start-tls property to true to permit LDAP client applications to use StartTLS. Much of the configuration you do with dsconfig involves setting component properties.


The dsconfig command takes the following options:

Command options:


Reads from standard input a set of commands to be executed.

Default: false

--commandFilePath {path}

The full path to the file where the equivalent non-interactive commands will be written when this command is run in interactive mode.

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default: 30000


Display all subcommands.

Default: false


Display subcommands relating to core server.

Default: false


Display subcommands relating to caching and backends.

Default: false


Display subcommands relating to logging.

Default: false


Display subcommands relating to directory proxy.

Default: false


Display subcommands relating to replication.

Default: false


Display subcommands relating to authentication and authorization.

Default: false


Display subcommands relating to service discovery mechanism.

Default: false


Display subcommands relating to user management.

Default: false

Configuration Options


Allows the configuration of advanced components and properties.

Default: false

LDAP connection options:

-D | --bindDn {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server.

Default: cn=Directory Manager

-E | --reportAuthzId

Use the authorization identity control.

Default: false

-h | --hostname {host}

The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-j | --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file.

-K | --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path.

-N | --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of the certificate that the server should use when accepting SSL-based connections or performing StartTLS negotiation.

-o | --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options.

-p | --port {port}

Directory server administration port number.

-P | --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path.

-T | --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN.

-u | --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-U | --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file.


Use the password policy request control.

Default: false

-w | --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server. Use -w - to ensure that the command prompts for the password, rather than entering the password as a command argument.

-W | --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-X | --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates.

Default: false

Utility input/output options:

-F | --batchFilePath {batchFilePath}

Path to a batch file containing a set of commands to be executed.

-n | --no-prompt

Use non-interactive mode. If data in the command is missing, the user is not prompted and the tool will fail.

Default: false


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values.

Default: false

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments.

-Q | --quiet

Use quiet mode.

Default: false

-s | --script-friendly

Use script-friendly mode.

Default: false

-v | --verbose

Use verbose mode.

Default: false

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false


The dsconfig command provides many subcommands.

Subcommands let you create, list, and delete entire configuration components, and also let you get and set component properties. Subcommands therefore have names that reflect these five actions.

  • create-component

  • list-components

  • delete-component

  • get-component-prop

  • set-component-prop

Here, component names are names of managed object types. Subcommand component names are lower-case, hyphenated versions of the friendly names. When you act on an actual configuration component, you provide the name of the component as an option argument.

For example, the Log Publisher component has these corresponding subcommands.

  • create-log-publisher

  • list-log-publishers

  • delete-log-publisher

  • get-log-publisher-prop

  • set-log-publisher-prop

When you create or delete Log Publisher components and when you get and set their configuration properties, you provide the name of the actual log publisher, which you can find by using the list-log-publishers subcommand:

# Get the log publishers' names:
$ dsconfig \
 list-log-publishers \
 --hostname \
 --port 4444 \
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
 --bindPassword password \
 --trustAll \
Log Publisher                      : Type                   : enabled
Json File-Based Access Logger      : json-file-access       : true

# Use the name to read a property:
$ dsconfig \
 get-log-publisher-prop \
 --publisher-name "Json File-Based Access Logger" \
 --property rotation-policy \
 --hostname \
 --port 4444 \
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
 --bindPassword password \
 --trustAll \
Property        : Value(s)
rotation-policy : 24 Hours Time Limit Rotation Policy, Size Limit Rotation
                : Policy

Many subcommands let you set property values. Notice in the reference for the subcommands below that specific options are available for handling multi-valued properties. Whereas you can assign a single property value by using the --set option, you assign multiple values to a multi-valued property by using the --add option. You can reset the values of the multi-valued property by using the --reset option.

Some property values take a time duration. Durations are expressed as numbers followed by units. For example 1 s means one second, and 2 w means two weeks. Some durations have minimum granularity or maximum units, so you cannot necessary specify every duration in milliseconds or weeks for example. Some durations allow you to use a special value to mean unlimited. Units are specified as follows.

  • ms: milliseconds

  • s: seconds

  • m: minutes

  • h: hours

  • d: days

  • w: weeks

Use the --help* options described above to view help for subcommands.

For help with individual subcommands, either use dsconfig subcommand --help, or start dsconfig in interactive mode, without specifying a subcommand.

To view all component properties, use the dsconfig list-properties command.

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


Much of the OpenDJ Administration Guide consists of dsconfig examples with text in between. This section therefore remains short.

The following example starts dsconfig in interactive, menu-driven mode on the default port of the current host.

$ dsconfig -h -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password

>>>> OpenDJ configuration console main menu

What do you want to configure?

    1)   Access Control Handler               23)  Log Publisher
    2)   Access Log Filtering Criteria        24)  Log Retention Policy
    3)   Account Status Notification Handler  25)  Log Rotation Policy
    4)   Administration Connector             26)  Monitor Provider
    5)   Alert Handler                        27)  Password Generator
    6)   Backend                              28)  Password Policy
    7)   Backend Index                        29)  Password Storage Scheme
    8)   Backend VLV Index                    30)  Password Validator
    9)   Certificate Mapper                   31)  Plugin
    10)  Connection Handler                   32)  Plugin Root
    11)  Crypto Manager                       33)  Replication Domain
    12)  Debug Target                         34)  Replication Server
    13)  Entry Cache                          35)  Root DN
    14)  Extended Operation Handler           36)  Root DSE Backend
    15)  External Changelog Domain            37)  SASL Mechanism Handler
    16)  Global Access Control Policy         38)  Schema Provider
    17)  Global Configuration                 39)  Service Discovery Mechanism
    18)  Group Implementation                 40)  Synchronization Provider
    19)  HTTP Authorization Mechanism         41)  Trust Manager Provider
    20)  HTTP Endpoint                        42)  Virtual Attribute
    21)  Identity Mapper                      43)  Work Queue
    22)  Key Manager Provider

    q)   quit

Enter choice:

The following example demonstrates generating a batch file that corresponds to an interactive session enabling the debug log. The example then demonstrates using a modified batch file to disable the debug log.

$ dsconfig \
 --hostname \
 --port 4444 \
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
 --bindPassword password \
 --commandFilePath ~/enable-debug-log.batch
$ cat ~/enable-debug-log.batch
# dsconfig session start date: 19/Oct/2011:08:52:22 +0000

# Session operation number: 1
# Operation date: 19/Oct/2011:08:55:06 +0000
dsconfig set-log-publisher-prop \
          --publisher-name File-Based\ Debug\ Logger \
          --set enabled:true \
          --hostname \
          --port 4444 \
          --trustStorePath /path/to/opendj/config/admin-truststore \
          --bindDN cn=Directory\ Manager \
          --bindPassword ****** \

$ cp ~/enable-debug-log.batch ~/disable-debug-log.batch
$ vi ~/disable-debug-log.batch
$ cat ~/disable-debug-log.batch
set-log-publisher-prop \
          --publisher-name File-Based\ Debug\ Logger \
          --set enabled:false \
          --hostname \
          --port 4444 \
          --trustStorePath /path/to/opendj/config/admin-truststore \
          --bindDN cn=Directory\ Manager \
          --bindPassword password \

$ dsconfig --batchFilePath ~/disable-debug-log.batch --no-prompt
File-Based Debug Logger
cn=Directory Manager


Notice that the original command file looks like a shell script with the bind password value replaced by asterisks. To pass the content as a batch file to dsconfig, strip dsconfig itself, and include the bind password for the administrative user or replace that option with an alternative, such as reading the password from a file.


dsreplication — manage directory data replication


dsreplication {subcommand} {options}


This utility manages replication between servers so that their data is synchronized. For replication to work you must first configure replication using the 'configure' subcommand and then initialize the contents of one of the servers with the contents of the other using the 'initialize' subcommand.


The dsreplication command takes the following options:

Command options:

--commandFilePath {path}

The full path to the file where the equivalent non-interactive commands will be written when this command is run in interactive mode.

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default: 30000

-j | --adminPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

The file containing the password of the global administrator.

-w | --adminPassword {bindPassword}

The global administrator password.

Configuration Options


Allows the configuration of advanced components and properties.

Default: false

LDAP connection options:

-I | --adminUid {adminUID}

User ID of the Global Administrator to use to bind to the server. For the 'configure' subcommand if no Global Administrator was defined previously for none of the server the Global Administrator will be created using the provided data.

Default: admin

-K | --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path.

-N | --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of the certificate that the server should use when accepting SSL-based connections or performing StartTLS negotiation.

-o | --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options.

-P | --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path.

-T | --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN.

-u | --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-U | --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file.

-W | --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-X | --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates.

Default: false

Utility input/output options:

-n | --no-prompt

Use non-interactive mode. If data in the command is missing, the user is not prompted and the tool will fail.

Default: false


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values.

Default: false

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments.

-Q | --quiet

Use quiet mode.

Default: false

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false


The dsreplication command supports the following subcommands:

dsreplication configure

Updates the configuration of the servers to replicate the data under the specified base DN. If one of the specified servers is already replicating the data under the base DN with other servers, executing this subcommand will update the configuration of all the servers (so it is sufficient to execute the command line once for each server we add to the replication topology).


The dsreplication configure command takes the following options:

-h | --host1 {host}

Fully qualified host name or IP address of the first server whose contents will be replicated.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-p | --port1 {port}

Directory server administration port number of the first server whose contents will be replicated.

-D | --bindDn1 {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the first server whose contents will be replicated. If not specified the global administrator will be used to bind.

Default: cn=Directory Manager

--bindPassword1 {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the first server whose contents will be replicated. If no bind DN was specified for the first server the password of the global administrator will be used to bind.

--bindPasswordFile1 {bindPasswordFile}

File containing the password to use to bind to the first server whose contents will be replicated. If no bind DN was specified for the first server the password of the global administrator will be used to bind.

-r | --replicationPort1 {port}

Port that will be used by the replication mechanism in the first server to communicate with the other servers. You have to specify this option only if replication was not previously configured in the first server.


Specifies whether the communication through the replication port of the first server is encrypted or not. This option will only be taken into account the first time replication is configured on the first server.

Default: false


Do not configure a replication port or change log on the first server. The first server will contain replicated data but will not contain a change log of modifications made to the replicated data. Note that each replicated topology must contain at least two servers with a change log to avoid a single point of failure.

Default: false


Configure only a change log and replication port on the first server. The first server will not contain replicated data, but will contain a change log of the modifications made to the replicated data on other servers.

Default: false

-O | --host2 {host}

Fully qualified host name or IP address of the second server whose contents will be replicated.

Default: localhost.localdomain

--port2 {port}

Directory server administration port number of the second server whose contents will be replicated.

--bindDn2 {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the second server whose contents will be replicated. If not specified the global administrator will be used to bind.

Default: cn=Directory Manager

--bindPassword2 {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the second server whose contents will be replicated. If no bind DN was specified for the second server the password of the global administrator will be used to bind.

-F | --bindPasswordFile2 {bindPasswordFile}

File containing the password to use to bind to the second server whose contents will be replicated. If no bind DN was specified for the second server the password of the global administrator will be used to bind.

-R | --replicationPort2 {port}

Port that will be used by the replication mechanism in the second server to communicate with the other servers. You have to specify this option only if replication was not previously configured in the second server.


Specifies whether the communication through the replication port of the second server is encrypted or not. This option will only be taken into account the first time replication is configured on the second server.

Default: false


Do not configure a replication port or change log on the second server. The second server will contain replicated data but will not contain a change log of modifications made to the replicated data. Note that each replicated topology must contain at least two servers with a change log to avoid a single point of failure.

Default: false


Configure only a change log and replication port on the second server. The second server will not contain replicated data, but will contain a change log of the modifications made to the replicated data on other servers.

Default: false

-S | --skipPortCheck

Skip the check to determine whether the specified replication ports are usable.

Default: false


Do not replicate the schema between the servers.

Default: false


Use the second server to initialize the schema of the first server. If this option nor option --noSchemaReplication are specified the schema of the first server will be used to initialize the schema of the second server.

Default: false

-b | --baseDn {baseDN}

Base DN(s) of the data to be replicated. Multiple base DNs can be provided by using this option multiple times.

dsreplication initialize

Initialize the contents of the data under the specified base DN on the destination server with the contents on the source server. This operation is required after configuring replication in order replication to work ('initialize-all' can also be used for this purpose).


The dsreplication initialize command takes the following options:

-h | --hostSource {host}

Fully qualified host name or IP address of the source server whose contents will be used to initialize the destination server.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-p | --portSource {port}

Directory server administration port number of the source server whose contents will be used to initialize the destination server.

-O | --hostDestination {host}

Fully qualified host name or IP address of the destination server whose contents will be initialized.

Default: localhost.localdomain

--portDestination {port}

Directory server administration port number of the destination server whose contents will be initialized.

-b | --baseDn {baseDN}

Base DN(s) of the data for which replication will be initialized. Multiple base DNs can be provided by using this option multiple times.

dsreplication initialize-all

Initialize the contents of the data under the specified base DN on all the servers whose contents are being replicated with the contents on the specified server. This operation is required after configuring replication for replication to work ('initialize' applied to each server can also be used for this purpose).


The dsreplication initialize-all command takes the following options:

-h | --hostname {host}

The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-p | --port {port}

Directory server administration port number.

-b | --baseDn {baseDN}

Base DN(s) of the data for which replication will be initialized. Multiple base DNs can be provided by using this option multiple times.

dsreplication post-external-initialization

This subcommand must be called after initializing the contents of all the replicated servers using the tool import-ldif or the binary copy method. You must specify the list of base DNs that have been initialized and you must provide the credentials of any of the servers that are being replicated. See the usage of the subcommand 'pre-external-initialization' for more information.


The dsreplication post-external-initialization command takes the following options:

-h | --hostname {host}

The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-p | --port {port}

Directory server administration port number.

-b | --baseDn {baseDN}

Base DN(s) of the data that have been restored from backup. Multiple base DNs can be provided by using this option multiple times.

dsreplication pre-external-initialization

This subcommand must be called before initializing the contents of all the replicated servers using the tool import-ldif or the binary copy method. You must specify the list of base DNs that will be initialized and you must provide the credentials of any of the servers that are being replicated. After calling this subcommand, initialize the contents of all the servers in the topology (use the same LDIF file/binary copy on each of the servers), then call the subcommand 'post-external-initialization'.


The dsreplication pre-external-initialization command takes the following options:

-h | --hostname {host}

The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-p | --port {port}

Directory server administration port number.

-b | --baseDn {baseDN}

Base DN(s) of the data that will be restored from backup. Multiple base DNs can be provided by using this option multiple times.

dsreplication purge-historical

Launches a purge processing of the historical informations stored in the user entries by replication. Since this processing may take a while, you must specify the maximum duration for this processing.


The dsreplication purge-historical command takes the following options:

-h | --hostname {host}

The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-p | --port {port}

Directory server administration port number.

--maximumDuration {maximum duration}

This argument specifies the maximum duration the purge processing must last expressed in seconds.

Default: 3600

-b | --baseDn {baseDN}

Base DN(s) from which historical information will be purged. Multiple base DNs can be provided by using this option multiple times.

-t | --start {startTime}

Indicates the date/time at which this operation will start when scheduled as a server task expressed in YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ format for UTC time or YYYYMMDDhhmmss for local time. A value of '0' will cause the task to be scheduled for immediate execution. When this option is specified the operation will be scheduled to start at the specified time after which this utility will exit immediately.

--recurringTask {schedulePattern}

Indicates the task is recurring and will be scheduled according to the value argument expressed in crontab(5) compatible time/date pattern.

The schedule pattern for a recurring task supports only the following crontab features:

FieldAllowed Values
day of month1-31
month1-12 (or names)
day of week0-7 (0 or 7 is Sunday, or use names)

A field can contain an asterisk, *. An asterisk stands for first-last.

Fields can include ranges of numbers. A range is two numbers separated by a hyphen, and is inclusive. For example, 8-10 for an "hour" field means execution at hours 8, 9, and 10.

Fields can include lists. A list is a set of numbers or ranges separated by commas. For example, 4,8-10 for an "hour" field means execution at hours 4, 8, 9, and 10.

When using names for in "month" or "day of week" fields, use the first three letters of the particular month or day of the week. Case does not matter. Ranges and lists of names are not supported.

--completionNotify {emailAddress}

Email address of a recipient to be notified when the task completes. This option may be specified more than once.

--errorNotify {emailAddress}

Email address of a recipient to be notified if an error occurs when this task executes. This option may be specified more than once.

--dependency {taskID}

ID of a task upon which this task depends. A task will not start execution until all its dependencies have completed execution.

--failedDependencyAction {action}

Action this task will take should one if its dependent tasks fail. The value must be one of PROCESS,CANCEL,DISABLE. If not specified defaults to CANCEL.

dsreplication reset-change-number

Re-synchronizes the change-log changenumber on one server with the change-log changenumber of another.


The dsreplication reset-change-number command takes the following options:

-h | --hostSource {host}

Fully qualified host name or IP address of the source server whose contents will be used to initialize the destination server.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-p | --portSource {port}

Directory server administration port number of the source server whose contents will be used to initialize the destination server.

-O | --hostDestination {host}

Fully qualified host name or IP address of the destination server whose contents will be initialized.

Default: localhost.localdomain

--portDestination {port}

Directory server administration port number of the destination server whose contents will be initialized.

--change-number {change number}

The change number to use as the basis for re-synchronization.

dsreplication resume

Resumes replication on the specified server.


The dsreplication resume command takes the following options:

-h | --hostname {host}

The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-p | --port {port}

Directory server administration port number.

dsreplication status

Displays a list with the basic replication configuration of the base DNs of the servers defined in the registration information. If no base DNs are specified as parameter the information for all base DNs is displayed.


The dsreplication status command takes the following options:

-h | --hostname {host}

The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-p | --port {port}

Directory server administration port number.

-s | --script-friendly

Use script-friendly mode.

Default: false

-b | --baseDn {baseDN}

This option can be used to filter replication topology base DN(s).

Multiple base DNs can be provided by using this option multiple times. If no base DNs are specified the information for all base DNs is displayed.

dsreplication suspend

Suspends (pauses) replication on the specified server.


The dsreplication suspend command takes the following options:

-h | --hostname {host}

The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-p | --port {port}

Directory server administration port number.

dsreplication unconfigure

Unconfigures replication on the specified server for the provided base DN and removes references in the other servers with which it is replicating data.


The dsreplication unconfigure command takes the following options:

-h | --hostname {host}

The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-p | --port {port}

Directory server administration port number.

-a | --unconfigureReplicationServer

Unconfigure the replication server. The replication port and change log will be unconfigured on the specified server.

Default: false


Unconfigure the replication configuration on the specified server. The contents of the server are no longer replicated and the replication server (changelog and replication port) is unconfigured if it is configured.

Default: false

-D | --bindDn {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server where we want to unconfigure replication. This option must be used when no Global Administrator has been defined on the server or if the user does not want to remove references in the other replicated servers. The password provided for the Global Administrator will be used when specifying this option.

Default: cn=Directory Manager

-b | --baseDn {baseDN}

Base DN(s) of the data for which replication will be unconfigured. Multiple base DNs can be provided by using this option multiple times.

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following example configures and then initializes replication for a new replica on from an existing replica on

$ dsreplication configure -I admin -w password -X -n -b dc=example,dc=com \
 --host1 --port1 4444 --bindDN1 "cn=Directory Manager" \
 --bindPassword1 password --replicationPort1 8989 \
 --host2 --port2 4444 --bindDN2 "cn=Directory Manager" \
 --bindPassword2 password --replicationPort2 8989

$ dsreplication initialize-all -I admin -w password -X -n -b dc=example,dc=com \
 -h -p 4444


encode-password — encode a password with a storage scheme


encode-password {options}


This utility can be used to encode user passwords with a specified storage scheme, or to determine whether a given clear-text value matches a provided encoded password.


The encode-password command takes the following options:

Command options:

-a | --authPasswordSyntax

Use the authentication password syntax rather than the user password syntax.

Default: false

-c | --clearPassword {clearPW}

Clear-text password to encode or to compare against an encoded password.

-e | --encodedPassword {encodedPW}

Encoded password to compare against the clear-text password.

-E | --encodedPasswordFile {file}

Encoded password file.

-f | --clearPasswordFile {file}

Clear-text password file.

-i | --interactivePassword

The password to encode or to compare against an encoded password is interactively asked to the user.

Default: false

-l | --listSchemes

List available password storage schemes.

Default: false

-r | --useCompareResultCode

Use the LDAP compare result as an exit code for the password comparison.

Default: false

-s | --storageScheme {scheme}

Scheme to use for the encoded password.

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.


The -r option was used, and the compare did not match.


The -r option was used, and the compare did match.


An error occurred.


The following example encodes a password, and also shows comparison of a password with the encoded value.

$ encode-password -l

$ encode-password -c secret12 -s CRYPT
Encoded Password:  "{CRYPT}ZulJ6Dy3TFnrE"

$ encode-password -c secret12 -s CRYPT -e "{CRYPT}ZulJ6Dy3TFnrE" -r
The provided clear-text and encoded passwords match

$ echo $?


export-ldif — export directory data in LDIF


export-ldif {options}


This utility can be used to export data from a Directory Server backend in LDIF form.


The export-ldif command takes the following options:

Command options:

-a | --appendToLdif

Append an existing LDIF file rather than overwriting it.

Default: false

-b | --includeBranch {branchDN}

Base DN of a branch to include in the LDIF export.

-B | --excludeBranch {branchDN}

Base DN of a branch to exclude from the LDIF export.

-c | --compress

Compress the LDIF data as it is exported.

Default: false

-e | --excludeAttribute {attribute}

Attribute to exclude from the LDIF export.

-E | --excludeFilter {filter}

Filter to identify entries to exclude from the LDIF export.

-i | --includeAttribute {attribute}

Attribute to include in the LDIF export.

-I | --includeFilter {filter}

Filter to identify entries to include in the LDIF export.

-l | --ldifFile {ldifFile}

Path to the LDIF file to be written.

-n | --backendId {backendName}

Backend ID for the backend to export.

-O | --excludeOperational

Exclude operational attributes from the LDIF export.

Default: false


Indicates that the command must be run in offline mode.

Default: false

Task Backend Connection Options

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default: 30000

-D | --bindDn {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server.

Default: cn=Directory Manager

-h | --hostname {host}

The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-j | --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file.

-K | --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path.

-N | --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of the certificate that the server should use when accepting SSL-based connections or performing StartTLS negotiation.

-o | --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options.

-p | --port {port}

Directory server administration port number.

-P | --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path.

-T | --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN.

-u | --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-U | --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file.

-w | --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server. Use -w - to ensure that the command prompts for the password, rather than entering the password as a command argument.

-W | --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-X | --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates.

Default: false

Task Scheduling Options

--completionNotify {emailAddress}

Email address of a recipient to be notified when the task completes. This option may be specified more than once.

--dependency {taskID}

ID of a task upon which this task depends. A task will not start execution until all its dependencies have completed execution.

--errorNotify {emailAddress}

Email address of a recipient to be notified if an error occurs when this task executes. This option may be specified more than once.

--failedDependencyAction {action}

Action this task will take should one if its dependent tasks fail. The value must be one of PROCESS,CANCEL,DISABLE. If not specified defaults to CANCEL.

--recurringTask {schedulePattern}

Indicates the task is recurring and will be scheduled according to the value argument expressed in crontab(5) compatible time/date pattern.

The schedule pattern for a recurring task supports only the following crontab features:

FieldAllowed Values
day of month1-31
month1-12 (or names)
day of week0-7 (0 or 7 is Sunday, or use names)

A field can contain an asterisk, *. An asterisk stands for first-last.

Fields can include ranges of numbers. A range is two numbers separated by a hyphen, and is inclusive. For example, 8-10 for an "hour" field means execution at hours 8, 9, and 10.

Fields can include lists. A list is a set of numbers or ranges separated by commas. For example, 4,8-10 for an "hour" field means execution at hours 4, 8, 9, and 10.

When using names for in "month" or "day of week" fields, use the first three letters of the particular month or day of the week. Case does not matter. Ranges and lists of names are not supported.

-t | --start {startTime}

Indicates the date/time at which this operation will start when scheduled as a server task expressed in YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ format for UTC time or YYYYMMDDhhmmss for local time. A value of '0' will cause the task to be scheduled for immediate execution. When this option is specified the operation will be scheduled to start at the specified time after which this utility will exit immediately.

Utility input/output options:


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values.

Default: false

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments.

--wrapColumn {wrapColumn}

Column at which to wrap long lines (0 for no wrapping).

Default: 0

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following example exports data to a file, Example.ldif, with the server offline.

$ export-ldif -b dc=example,dc=com -n userRoot -l ../ldif/Example.ldif
... category=BACKEND severity=INFORMATION ...
...Exported 160 entries and skipped 0 in 0 seconds (average rate 1428.6/sec)


import-ldif — import directory data from LDIF


import-ldif {options}


This utility can be used to import LDIF data into a Directory Server backend, overwriting existing data. It cannot be used to append data to the backend database.


The import-ldif command takes the following options:

Command options:

-A | --templateFile {templateFile}

Path to a MakeLDIF template to use to generate the import data.

-b | --includeBranch {branchDN}

Base DN of a branch to include in the LDIF import.

-B | --excludeBranch {branchDN}

Base DN of a branch to exclude from the LDIF import.

-c | --isCompressed

LDIF file is compressed.

Default: false


Count the number of entries rejected by the server and return that value as the exit code (values > 255 will be reduced to 255 due to exit code restrictions).

Default: false

-e | --excludeAttribute {attribute}

Attribute to exclude from the LDIF import.

-E | --excludeFilter {filter}

Filter to identify entries to exclude from the LDIF import.

-F | --clearBackend

Remove all entries for all base DNs in the backend before importing.

Default: false

-i | --includeAttribute {attribute}

Attribute to include in the LDIF import.

-I | --includeFilter {filter}

Filter to identify entries to include in the LDIF import.

-l | --ldifFile {ldifFile}

Path to the LDIF file to be imported.

-n | --backendId {backendName}

Backend ID for the backend to import.

-O | --overwrite

Overwrite an existing rejects and/or skip file rather than appending to it.

Default: false


Indicates that the command must be run in offline mode.

Default: false

-R | --rejectFile {rejectFile}

Write rejected entries to the specified file.

-s | --randomSeed {seed}

Seed for the MakeLDIF random number generator.

Default: 0

-S | --skipSchemaValidation

Skip schema validation during the LDIF import.

Default: false

--skipFile {skipFile}

Write skipped entries to the specified file.

--threadCount {count}

Number of threads used to read LDIF file during import. Default value (0) equals: 2 x (number of CPUs).

Default: 0

--tmpDirectory {directory}

Path to temporary directory for index scratch files during LDIF import.

Default: import-tmp

Task Backend Connection Options

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default: 30000

-D | --bindDn {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server.

Default: cn=Directory Manager

-h | --hostname {host}

The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-j | --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file.

-K | --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path.

-N | --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of the certificate that the server should use when accepting SSL-based connections or performing StartTLS negotiation.

-o | --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options.

-p | --port {port}

Directory server administration port number.

-P | --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path.

-T | --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN.

-u | --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-U | --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file.

-w | --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server. Use -w - to ensure that the command prompts for the password, rather than entering the password as a command argument.

-W | --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-X | --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates.

Default: false

Task Scheduling Options

--completionNotify {emailAddress}

Email address of a recipient to be notified when the task completes. This option may be specified more than once.

--dependency {taskID}

ID of a task upon which this task depends. A task will not start execution until all its dependencies have completed execution.

--errorNotify {emailAddress}

Email address of a recipient to be notified if an error occurs when this task executes. This option may be specified more than once.

--failedDependencyAction {action}

Action this task will take should one if its dependent tasks fail. The value must be one of PROCESS,CANCEL,DISABLE. If not specified defaults to CANCEL.

--recurringTask {schedulePattern}

Indicates the task is recurring and will be scheduled according to the value argument expressed in crontab(5) compatible time/date pattern.

The schedule pattern for a recurring task supports only the following crontab features:

FieldAllowed Values
day of month1-31
month1-12 (or names)
day of week0-7 (0 or 7 is Sunday, or use names)

A field can contain an asterisk, *. An asterisk stands for first-last.

Fields can include ranges of numbers. A range is two numbers separated by a hyphen, and is inclusive. For example, 8-10 for an "hour" field means execution at hours 8, 9, and 10.

Fields can include lists. A list is a set of numbers or ranges separated by commas. For example, 4,8-10 for an "hour" field means execution at hours 4, 8, 9, and 10.

When using names for in "month" or "day of week" fields, use the first three letters of the particular month or day of the week. Case does not matter. Ranges and lists of names are not supported.

-t | --start {startTime}

Indicates the date/time at which this operation will start when scheduled as a server task expressed in YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ format for UTC time or YYYYMMDDhhmmss for local time. A value of '0' will cause the task to be scheduled for immediate execution. When this option is specified the operation will be scheduled to start at the specified time after which this utility will exit immediately.

Utility input/output options:


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values.

Default: false

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments.

-Q | --quiet

Use quiet mode (no output).

Default: false

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following example imports the content of a file, Example.ldif, with the server offline.

$ import-ldif -b dc=example,dc=com -n userRoot -l /path/to/Example.ldif
... category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION severity=NOTICE...
... msg=Import LDIF environment close took 0 seconds


ldapcompare — perform LDAP compare operations


ldapcompare {options} attribute:value DN


This utility can be used to perform LDAP compare operations in the Directory Server.


The ldapcompare command takes the following options:

Command options:

--assertionFilter {filter}

Use the LDAP assertion control with the provided filter.

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default: 30000

-J | --control {controloid[:criticality[:value|::b64value|:<filePath]]}

Use a request control with the provided information.

For some controloid values, you can replace object identifiers with user-friendly strings. The strings are listed here in lower case, but the case is not important. You can use camelCase if you prefer, for example.

Assertion, LdapAssertion

Assertion Request Control, Object Identifier:

AccountUsable, AccountUsability

Account Usability Request Control, Object Identifier:

AuthzId, AuthorizationIdentity

Authorization Identity Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.16

Csn, ChangeNumber, ChangeSequenceNumber

Change Sequence Number Request Control, Object Identifier:

This is an internal OpenDJ control.

EffectiveRights, GetEffectiveRights

Get Effective Rights Request Control, Object Identifier:


Manage DSAIT Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2

Noop, No-Op

No-Op Request Control, Object Identifier:

PwPolicy, PasswordPolicy

Password Policy Request Control, Object Identifier:


Permissive Modify Request Control, Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1413

PSearch, PersistentSearch

Persistent Search Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.3


Post Read Request Control, Object Identifier:


Pre Read Request Control, Object Identifier:


Proxied Authorization Request Control V1, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.12

ProxiedAuth, ProxiedAuthV2

Proxied Authorization Request Control V2, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.18

RealAttrsOnly, RealAttributesOnly

Real Attributes Only Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.17

TreeDelete, SubTreeDelete

Subtree Delete Request Control, Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.805

Sort, ServerSideSort

Server Side Sort Request Control, Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.473

PagedResults, SimplePagedResults

Simple Paged Results Control, Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.319


Sub-Entries Request Control, Object Identifier:

TxnId, TransactionId

Transaction ID Control, Object Identifier:

This is an internal ForgeRock control.

VirtualAttrsOnly, VirtualAttributesOnly

Virtual Attributes Only Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.19

Vlv, VirtualListView

Virtual List View Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.9

-m | --useCompareResultCode

Use the LDAP compare result as an exit code for the LDAP compare operations.

Default: false

-n | --dry-run

Show what would be done but do not perform any operation.

Default: false

-S | --scriptFriendly

Use script-friendly mode.

Default: false

-Y | --proxyAs {authzID}

Use the proxied authorization control with the given authorization ID.

LDAP connection options:

-D | --bindDn {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server.


-E | --reportAuthzId

Use the authorization identity control.

Default: false

-h | --hostname {host}

The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-j | --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file.

-K | --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path.

-N | --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of the certificate that the server should use when accepting SSL-based connections or performing StartTLS negotiation.

-o | --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options.

-p | --port {port}

Directory server port number.

-P | --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path.

-q | --useStartTls

Use StartTLS to secure communication with the server.

Default: false

-T | --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN.

-u | --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-U | --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file.


Use the password policy request control.

Default: false

-w | --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server. Use -w - to ensure that the command prompts for the password, rather than entering the password as a command argument.

-W | --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-X | --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates.

Default: false

-Z | --useSsl

Use SSL for secure communication with the server.

Default: false

Utility input/output options:


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values.

Default: false

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments.

-v | --verbose

Use verbose mode.

Default: false

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.


The LDAP compare operation did not match.


The -m option was used, and the LDAP compare operation did match.


An LDAP error occurred while processing the operation.

LDAP result codes are described in RFC 4511. Also see the additional information for details.


An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments.


You can use ~/.opendj/ to set the defaults for bind DN, host name, and port number as in the following example.



The following examples demonstrate comparing Babs Jensen's UID.

The following example uses a matching UID value.

$ ldapcompare -p 1389 uid:bjensen uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
Comparing type uid with value bjensen in entry
Compare operation returned true for entry

The following example uses a UID value that does not match.

$ ldapcompare -p 1389 uid:beavis uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
Comparing type uid with value beavis in entry
Compare operation returned false for entry


ldapdelete — perform LDAP delete operations


ldapdelete {options} [DN]


This utility can be used to perform LDAP delete operations in the Directory Server.

If standard input is used to specify entries to remove, end your input with EOF (Ctrl+D on UNIX, Ctrl+Z on Windows).


The ldapdelete command takes the following options:

Command options:

-c | --continueOnError

Continue processing even if there are errors.

Default: false

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default: 30000

-J | --control {controloid[:criticality[:value|::b64value|:<filePath]]}

Use a request control with the provided information.

For some controloid values, you can replace object identifiers with user-friendly strings. The strings are listed here in lower case, but the case is not important. You can use camelCase if you prefer, for example.

Assertion, LdapAssertion

Assertion Request Control, Object Identifier:

AccountUsable, AccountUsability

Account Usability Request Control, Object Identifier:

AuthzId, AuthorizationIdentity

Authorization Identity Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.16

Csn, ChangeNumber, ChangeSequenceNumber

Change Sequence Number Request Control, Object Identifier:

This is an internal OpenDJ control.

EffectiveRights, GetEffectiveRights

Get Effective Rights Request Control, Object Identifier:


Manage DSAIT Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2

Noop, No-Op

No-Op Request Control, Object Identifier:

PwPolicy, PasswordPolicy

Password Policy Request Control, Object Identifier:


Permissive Modify Request Control, Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1413

PSearch, PersistentSearch

Persistent Search Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.3


Post Read Request Control, Object Identifier:


Pre Read Request Control, Object Identifier:


Proxied Authorization Request Control V1, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.12

ProxiedAuth, ProxiedAuthV2

Proxied Authorization Request Control V2, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.18

RealAttrsOnly, RealAttributesOnly

Real Attributes Only Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.17

TreeDelete, SubTreeDelete

Subtree Delete Request Control, Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.805

Sort, ServerSideSort

Server Side Sort Request Control, Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.473

PagedResults, SimplePagedResults

Simple Paged Results Control, Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.319


Sub-Entries Request Control, Object Identifier:

TxnId, TransactionId

Transaction ID Control, Object Identifier:

This is an internal ForgeRock control.

VirtualAttrsOnly, VirtualAttributesOnly

Virtual Attributes Only Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.19

Vlv, VirtualListView

Virtual List View Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.9

-n | --dry-run

Show what would be done but do not perform any operation.

Default: false

-x | --deleteSubtree

Delete the specified entry and all entries below it.

Default: false

LDAP connection options:

-D | --bindDn {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server.


-E | --reportAuthzId

Use the authorization identity control.

Default: false

-h | --hostname {host}

The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-j | --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file.

-K | --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path.

-N | --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of the certificate that the server should use when accepting SSL-based connections or performing StartTLS negotiation.

-o | --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options.

-p | --port {port}

Directory server port number.

-P | --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path.

-q | --useStartTls

Use StartTLS to secure communication with the server.

Default: false

-T | --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN.

-u | --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-U | --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file.


Use the password policy request control.

Default: false

-w | --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server. Use -w - to ensure that the command prompts for the password, rather than entering the password as a command argument.

-W | --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-X | --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates.

Default: false

-Z | --useSsl

Use SSL for secure communication with the server.

Default: false

Utility input/output options:


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values.

Default: false

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments.

-v | --verbose

Use verbose mode.

Default: false

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.


An LDAP error occurred while processing the operation.

LDAP result codes are described in RFC 4511. Also see the additional information for details.


An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments.


You can use ~/.opendj/ to set the defaults for bind DN, host name, and port number as in the following example.



The following command deletes a user entry from the directory.

$ ldapdelete -p 1389 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password \
Processing DELETE request for uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
DELETE operation successful for DN uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com

The following command deletes the ou=Groups entry and all entries underneath ou=Groups.

$ ldapdelete -p 1389 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -x \
Processing DELETE request for ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com
DELETE operation successful for DN ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com


ldapmodify — perform LDAP modify, add, delete, mod DN operations


ldapmodify {options} [changes_files ...]


This utility can be used to perform LDAP modify, add, delete, and modify DN operations in the Directory Server. When not using file(s) to specify modifications, end your input with EOF (Ctrl+D on UNIX, Ctrl+Z on Windows).


The ldapmodify command takes the following options:

Command options:

--assertionFilter {filter}

Use the LDAP assertion control with the provided filter.

-c | --continueOnError

Continue processing even if there are errors.

Default: false

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default: 30000

-J | --control {controloid[:criticality[:value|::b64value|:<filePath]]}

Use a request control with the provided information.

For some controloid values, you can replace object identifiers with user-friendly strings. The strings are listed here in lower case, but the case is not important. You can use camelCase if you prefer, for example.

Assertion, LdapAssertion

Assertion Request Control, Object Identifier:

AccountUsable, AccountUsability

Account Usability Request Control, Object Identifier:

AuthzId, AuthorizationIdentity

Authorization Identity Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.16

Csn, ChangeNumber, ChangeSequenceNumber

Change Sequence Number Request Control, Object Identifier:

This is an internal OpenDJ control.

EffectiveRights, GetEffectiveRights

Get Effective Rights Request Control, Object Identifier:


Manage DSAIT Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2

Noop, No-Op

No-Op Request Control, Object Identifier:

PwPolicy, PasswordPolicy

Password Policy Request Control, Object Identifier:


Permissive Modify Request Control, Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1413

PSearch, PersistentSearch

Persistent Search Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.3


Post Read Request Control, Object Identifier:


Pre Read Request Control, Object Identifier:


Proxied Authorization Request Control V1, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.12

ProxiedAuth, ProxiedAuthV2

Proxied Authorization Request Control V2, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.18

RealAttrsOnly, RealAttributesOnly

Real Attributes Only Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.17

TreeDelete, SubTreeDelete

Subtree Delete Request Control, Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.805

Sort, ServerSideSort

Server Side Sort Request Control, Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.473

PagedResults, SimplePagedResults

Simple Paged Results Control, Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.319


Sub-Entries Request Control, Object Identifier:

TxnId, TransactionId

Transaction ID Control, Object Identifier:

This is an internal ForgeRock control.

VirtualAttrsOnly, VirtualAttributesOnly

Virtual Attributes Only Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.19

Vlv, VirtualListView

Virtual List View Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.9

-n | --dry-run

Show what would be done but do not perform any operation.

Default: false

--postReadAttributes {attrList}

Use the LDAP ReadEntry post-read control.

--preReadAttributes {attrList}

Use the LDAP ReadEntry pre-read control.

-Y | --proxyAs {authzID}

Use the proxied authorization control with the given authorization ID.

LDAP connection options:

-D | --bindDn {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server.


-E | --reportAuthzId

Use the authorization identity control.

Default: false

-h | --hostname {host}

The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-j | --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file.

-K | --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path.

-N | --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of the certificate that the server should use when accepting SSL-based connections or performing StartTLS negotiation.

-o | --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options.

-p | --port {port}

Directory server port number.

-P | --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path.

-q | --useStartTls

Use StartTLS to secure communication with the server.

Default: false

-T | --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN.

-u | --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-U | --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file.


Use the password policy request control.

Default: false

-w | --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server. Use -w - to ensure that the command prompts for the password, rather than entering the password as a command argument.

-W | --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-X | --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates.

Default: false

-Z | --useSsl

Use SSL for secure communication with the server.

Default: false

Utility input/output options:


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values.

Default: false

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments.

-v | --verbose

Use verbose mode.

Default: false

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.


An LDAP error occurred while processing the operation.

LDAP result codes are described in RFC 4511. Also see the additional information for details.


An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments.


You can use ~/.opendj/ to set the defaults for bind DN, host name, and port number as in the following example.



The following example demonstrates use of the command to add an entry to the directory:

$ cat newuser.ldif
dn: uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: newuser
facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 408 555 1213
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: top
givenName: New
cn: New User
cn: Real Name
telephoneNumber: +1 408 555 1212
sn: Jensen
roomNumber: 1234
homeDirectory: /home/newuser
uidNumber: 10389
l: South Pole
ou: Product Development
ou: People
gidNumber: 10636

$ ldapmodify -p 1389 -D uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com -w bribery newuser.ldif
Processing ADD request for uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
ADD operation successful for DN uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com

The following listing shows a UNIX shell script that adds a user entry:

# Add a new user with the ldapmodify utility.

        echo "Usage: $0 uid firstname lastname"
        exit 1
[[ $# -lt 3 ]] && usage


dn: uid=$1,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
uid: $1
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
cn: $2 $3
givenName: $2
sn: $3
mail: $

The following example demonstrates adding a Description attribute to the new user's entry:

$ cat newdesc.ldif
dn: uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
add: description
description: A new user's entry

$ ldapmodify -p 1389 -D uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com -w bribery newdesc.ldif
Processing MODIFY request for uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
MODIFY operation successful for DN uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com

The following example demonstrates changing the Description attribute for the new user's entry:

$ cat moddesc.ldif
dn: uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
replace: description
description: Another description

$ ldapmodify -p 1389 -D uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com -w bribery moddesc.ldif
Processing MODIFY request for uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
MODIFY operation successful for DN uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com

The following example demonstrates deleting the new user's entry:

$ cat deluser.ldif
dn: uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: delete

$ ldapmodify -p 1389 -D uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com -w bribery deluser.ldif
Processing DELETE request for uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
DELETE operation successful for DN uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com


ldappasswordmodify — perform LDAP password modifications


ldappasswordmodify {options}


This utility can be used to perform LDAP password modify operations in the Directory Server.


The ldappasswordmodify command takes the following options:

Command options:

-a | --authzId {authzID}

Authorization ID for the user entry whose password should be changed. The authorization ID is a string having either the prefix "dn:" followed by the user's distinguished name, or the prefix "u:" followed by a user identifier that depends on the identity mapping used to match the user identifier to an entry in the directory. Examples include "dn:uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", and, if we assume that "bjensen" is mapped to Barbara Jensen's entry, "u:bjensen".

-c | --currentPassword {currentPassword}

Current password for the target user.

-C | --currentPasswordFile {file}

Path to a file containing the current password for the target user.

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default: 30000

-F | --newPasswordFile {file}

Path to a file containing the new password to provide for the target user.

-J | --control {controloid[:criticality[:value|::b64value|:<filePath]]}

Use a request control with the provided information.

For some controloid values, you can replace object identifiers with user-friendly strings. The strings are listed here in lower case, but the case is not important. You can use camelCase if you prefer, for example.

Assertion, LdapAssertion

Assertion Request Control, Object Identifier:

AccountUsable, AccountUsability

Account Usability Request Control, Object Identifier:

AuthzId, AuthorizationIdentity

Authorization Identity Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.16

Csn, ChangeNumber, ChangeSequenceNumber

Change Sequence Number Request Control, Object Identifier:

This is an internal OpenDJ control.

EffectiveRights, GetEffectiveRights

Get Effective Rights Request Control, Object Identifier:


Manage DSAIT Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2

Noop, No-Op

No-Op Request Control, Object Identifier:

PwPolicy, PasswordPolicy

Password Policy Request Control, Object Identifier:


Permissive Modify Request Control, Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1413

PSearch, PersistentSearch

Persistent Search Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.3


Post Read Request Control, Object Identifier:


Pre Read Request Control, Object Identifier:


Proxied Authorization Request Control V1, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.12

ProxiedAuth, ProxiedAuthV2

Proxied Authorization Request Control V2, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.18

RealAttrsOnly, RealAttributesOnly

Real Attributes Only Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.17

TreeDelete, SubTreeDelete

Subtree Delete Request Control, Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.805

Sort, ServerSideSort

Server Side Sort Request Control, Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.473

PagedResults, SimplePagedResults

Simple Paged Results Control, Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.319


Sub-Entries Request Control, Object Identifier:

TxnId, TransactionId

Transaction ID Control, Object Identifier:

This is an internal ForgeRock control.

VirtualAttrsOnly, VirtualAttributesOnly

Virtual Attributes Only Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.19

Vlv, VirtualListView

Virtual List View Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.9

-n | --newPassword {newPassword}

New password to provide for the target user.

LDAP connection options:

-D | --bindDn {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server.


-E | --reportAuthzId

Use the authorization identity control.

Default: false

-h | --hostname {host}

The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-j | --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file.

-K | --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path.

-N | --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of the certificate that the server should use when accepting SSL-based connections or performing StartTLS negotiation.

-o | --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options.

-p | --port {port}

Directory server port number.

-P | --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path.

-q | --useStartTls

Use StartTLS to secure communication with the server.

Default: false

-T | --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN.

-u | --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-U | --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file.


Use the password policy request control.

Default: false

-w | --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server. Use -w - to ensure that the command prompts for the password, rather than entering the password as a command argument.

-W | --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-X | --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates.

Default: false

-Z | --useSsl

Use SSL for secure communication with the server.

Default: false

Utility input/output options:


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values.

Default: false

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments.

-v | --verbose

Use verbose mode.

Default: false

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.


An LDAP error occurred while processing the operation.

LDAP result codes are described in RFC 4511. Also see the additional information for details.


An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments.


You can use ~/.opendj/ to set the defaults for bind DN, host name, and port number as in the following example.



The following example demonstrates a user changing their own password.

$ cat /tmp/currpwd.txt /tmp/newpwd.txt

$ ldappasswordmodify -p 1389 -C /tmp/currpwd.txt --newPasswordFile /tmp/newpwd.txt \
 -D uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com -w bribery
The LDAP password modify operation was successful


ldapsearch — perform LDAP search operations


ldapsearch {options} filter [attributes ...]


This utility can be used to perform LDAP search operations in the Directory Server.


The ldapsearch command takes the following options:

Command options:

-a | --dereferencePolicy {dereferencePolicy}

Alias dereference policy ('never', 'always', 'search', or 'find').

Default: never

-A | --typesOnly

Only retrieve attribute names but not their values.

Default: false

--assertionFilter {filter}

Use the LDAP assertion control with the provided filter.

-b | --baseDn {baseDN}

Search base DN.

-c | --continueOnError

Continue processing even if there are errors.

Default: false

-C | --persistentSearch ps[:changetype[:changesonly[:entrychgcontrols]]]

Use the persistent search control.

A persistent search allows the client to continue receiving new results whenever changes are made to data that is in the scope of the search, thus using the search as a form of change notification.

The optional changetype setting defines the kinds of updates that result in notification. If you do not set the changetype, the default behavior is to send notifications for all updates.


Send notifications for LDAP add operations.

del, delete

Send notifications for LDAP delete operations.

mod, modify

Send notifications for LDAP modify operations.

moddn, modrdn, modifydn

Send notifications for LDAP modify DN (rename and move) operations.

all, any

Send notifications for all LDAP update operations.

The optional changesonly setting defines whether the server returns existing entries as well as changes.


Do not return existing entries, but instead only notifications about changes.

This is the default setting.


Also return existing entries.

The optional entrychgcontrols setting defines whether the server returns an Entry Change Notification control with each entry notification. The Entry Change Notification control provides additional information about the change that caused the entry to be returned by the search. In particular, it indicates the change type, the change number if available, and the previous DN if the change type was a modify DN operation.


Do request the Entry Change Notification control.

This is the default setting.


Do not request the Entry Change Notification control.

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default: 30000


Count the number of entries returned by the server.

Default: false

-e | --getEffectiveRightsAttribute {attribute}

Specifies geteffectiverights control specific attribute list.

-g | --getEffectiveRightsAuthzId {authzID}

Use geteffectiverights control with the provided authzid.

-G | --virtualListView {before:after:index:count | before:after:value}

Use the virtual list view control to retrieve the specified results page.

-J | --control {controloid[:criticality[:value|::b64value|:<filePath]]}

Use a request control with the provided information.

For some controloid values, you can replace object identifiers with user-friendly strings. The strings are listed here in lower case, but the case is not important. You can use camelCase if you prefer, for example.

Assertion, LdapAssertion

Assertion Request Control, Object Identifier:

AccountUsable, AccountUsability

Account Usability Request Control, Object Identifier:

AuthzId, AuthorizationIdentity

Authorization Identity Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.16

Csn, ChangeNumber, ChangeSequenceNumber

Change Sequence Number Request Control, Object Identifier:

This is an internal OpenDJ control.

EffectiveRights, GetEffectiveRights

Get Effective Rights Request Control, Object Identifier:


Manage DSAIT Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2

Noop, No-Op

No-Op Request Control, Object Identifier:

PwPolicy, PasswordPolicy

Password Policy Request Control, Object Identifier:


Permissive Modify Request Control, Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1413

PSearch, PersistentSearch

Persistent Search Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.3


Post Read Request Control, Object Identifier:


Pre Read Request Control, Object Identifier:


Proxied Authorization Request Control V1, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.12

ProxiedAuth, ProxiedAuthV2

Proxied Authorization Request Control V2, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.18

RealAttrsOnly, RealAttributesOnly

Real Attributes Only Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.17

TreeDelete, SubTreeDelete

Subtree Delete Request Control, Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.805

Sort, ServerSideSort

Server Side Sort Request Control, Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.473

PagedResults, SimplePagedResults

Simple Paged Results Control, Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.319


Sub-Entries Request Control, Object Identifier:

TxnId, TransactionId

Transaction ID Control, Object Identifier:

This is an internal ForgeRock control.

VirtualAttrsOnly, VirtualAttributesOnly

Virtual Attributes Only Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.19

Vlv, VirtualListView

Virtual List View Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.9

-l | --timeLimit {timeLimit}

Maximum length of time in seconds to allow for the search.

Default: 0

--matchedValuesFilter {filter}

Use the LDAP matched values control with the provided filter.

-n | --dry-run

Show what would be done but do not perform any operation.

Default: false

-s | --searchScope {searchScope}

Search scope ('base', 'one', 'sub', or 'subordinates'). Note: 'subordinates' is an LDAP extension that might not work with all LDAP servers.

Default: sub

-S | --sortOrder {sortOrder}

Sort the results using the provided sort order.

--simplePageSize {numEntries}

Use the simple paged results control with the given page size.

Default: 1000


Use subentries control to specify that subentries are visible and normal entries are not.

Default: false

-Y | --proxyAs {authzID}

Use the proxied authorization control with the given authorization ID.

-z | --sizeLimit {sizeLimit}

Maximum number of entries to return from the search.

Default: 0

LDAP connection options:

-D | --bindDn {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server.


-E | --reportAuthzId

Use the authorization identity control.

Default: false

-h | --hostname {host}

The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-j | --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file.

-K | --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path.

-N | --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of the certificate that the server should use when accepting SSL-based connections or performing StartTLS negotiation.

-o | --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options.

-p | --port {port}

Directory server port number.

-P | --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path.

-q | --useStartTls

Use StartTLS to secure communication with the server.

Default: false

-T | --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN.

-u | --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-U | --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file.


Use the password policy request control.

Default: false

-w | --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server. Use -w - to ensure that the command prompts for the password, rather than entering the password as a command argument.

-W | --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-X | --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates.

Default: false

-Z | --useSsl

Use SSL for secure communication with the server.

Default: false

Utility input/output options:


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values.

Default: false

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments.

-t | --wrapColumn {wrapColumn}

Maximum length of an output line (0 for no wrapping).

Default: 0

-v | --verbose

Use verbose mode.

Default: false

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false


The filter argument is a string representation of an LDAP search filter as in (cn=Babs Jensen), (&(objectClass=Person)(|(sn=Jensen)(cn=Babs J*))), or (cn:caseExactMatch:=Fred Flintstone).


The optional attribute list specifies the attributes to return in the entries found by the search. In addition to identifying attributes by name such as cn sn mail and so forth, you can use the following notations, too.


Return all user attributes such as cn, sn, and mail.


Return all operational attributes such as etag and pwdPolicySubentry.


Return all attributes of the specified object class, where objectclass is one of the object classes on the entries returned by the search.


Return no attributes, only the DNs of matching entries.

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.


An LDAP error occurred while processing the operation.

LDAP result codes are described in RFC 4511. Also see the additional information for details.


An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments.


You can use ~/.opendj/ to set the defaults for bind DN, host name, and port number as in the following example.



The following example searches for entries with UID containing jensen, returning only DNs and uid values:

$ ldapsearch -p 1389 -b dc=example,dc=com "(uid=*jensen*)" uid
dn: uid=ajensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: ajensen

dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: bjensen

dn: uid=gjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: gjensen

dn: uid=jjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: jjensen

dn: uid=kjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: kjensen

dn: uid=rjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: rjensen

dn: uid=tjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: tjensen

Result Code:  0 (Success)

You can also use @objectclass notation in the attribute list to return the attributes of a particular object class. The following example shows how to return attributes of the inetOrgPerson object class:

$ ldapsearch -p 1389 -b dc=example,dc=com "(uid=bjensen)" @inetorgperson
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
givenName: Barbara
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: top
uid: bjensen
cn: Barbara Jensen
cn: Babs Jensen
telephoneNumber: +1 408 555 1862
sn: Jensen
roomNumber: 0209
l: San Francisco
ou: Product Development
ou: People
facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 408 555 1992

You can use + in the attribute list to return all operational attributes, as in the following example:

$ ldapsearch -p 1389 -b dc=example,dc=com "(uid=bjensen)" +
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
numSubordinates: 0
structuralObjectClass: inetOrgPerson
etag: 0000000073c29972
subschemaSubentry: cn=schema
hasSubordinates: false
entryDN: uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
entryUUID: fc252fd9-b982-3ed6-b42a-c76d2546312c


ldifdiff — compare small LDIF files


ldifdiff {options} source target


This utility can be used to compare two LDIF files and report the differences in LDIF format.

If standard input is used to specify source or target, end your input with EOF (Ctrl+D on UNIX, Ctrl+Z on Windows).


The ldifdiff command takes the following options:

Command options:

-B | --excludeBranch {branchDN}

Base DN of a branch to exclude when comparing entries.

-e | --excludeAttribute {attribute}

Attribute to ignore when comparing entries.

-o | --outputLdif {file}

Write differences to {file} instead of stdout.

Default: stdout

Utility input/output options:

-t | --wrapColumn {wrapColumn}

Maximum length of an output line (0 for no wrapping).

Default: 0

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false

Exit Codes


No differences were found.


Differences were found.


An error occurred.


The following example demonstrates use of the command with two small LDIF files.

$ cat /path/to/newuser.ldif
dn: uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: newuser
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: top
cn: New User
sn: User
ou: People
userPassword: changeme

$ cat /path/to/neweruser.ldif
dn: uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: newuser
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: top
cn: New User
sn: User
ou: People
userPassword: secret12
description: A new description.

$ ldifdiff -s /path/to/newuser.ldif -t /path/to/neweruser.ldif
dn: uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
add: userPassword
userPassword: secret12
delete: userPassword
userPassword: changeme
add: description
description: A new description.


ldifmodify — apply LDIF changes to LDIF


ldifmodify {options} source_file [changes_files...]


This utility can be used to apply a set of modify, add, and delete operations to entries contained in an LDIF file.

If standard input is used to specify source or changes, end your input with EOF (Ctrl+D on UNIX, Ctrl+Z on Windows).


The ldifmodify command takes the following options:

Command options:

-c | --continueOnError

Continue processing even if there are errors.

Default: false

-o | --outputLdif {file}

Write updated entries to {file} instead of stdout.

Default: stdout

Utility input/output options:

-t | --wrapColumn {wrapColumn}

Maximum length of an output line (0 for no wrapping).

Default: 0

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following example demonstrates use of the command.

$ cat /path/to/newuser.ldif
dn: uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: newuser
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: top
cn: New User
sn: User
ou: People
userPassword: changeme

$ cat /path/to/newdiff.ldif
dn: uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
add: userPassword
userPassword: secret12
delete: userPassword
userPassword: changeme
add: description
description: A new description.

$ ldifmodify -o neweruser.ldif /path/to/newuser.ldif /path/to/newdiff.ldif

$ cat neweruser.ldif
dn: uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: newuser
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: top
cn: New User
sn: User
ou: People
userPassword: secret12
description: A new description.


ldifsearch — search LDIF with LDAP filters


ldifsearch {options} source filter [attributes ...]


This utility can be used to perform search operations against entries contained in an LDIF file.

If standard input is used to specify source, end your input with EOF (Ctrl+D on UNIX, Ctrl+Z on Windows).


The ldifsearch command takes the following options:

Command options:

-A | --typesOnly

Only retrieve attribute names but not their values.

Default: false

-b | --baseDn {baseDN}

The base DN for the search. If no base DN is provided, then the root DSE will be used.


-l | --timeLimit {timeLimit}

Maximum length of time in seconds to allow for the search.

Default: 0

-o | --outputLdif {file}

Write search results to {file} instead of stdout.

Default: stdout

-s | --searchScope {searchScope}

Search scope ('base', 'one', 'sub', or 'subordinates'). Note: 'subordinates' is an LDAP extension that might not work with all LDAP servers.

Default: sub

-z | --sizeLimit {sizeLimit}

Maximum number of entries to return from the search.

Default: 0

Utility input/output options:

-t | --wrapColumn {wrapColumn}

Maximum length of an output line (0 for no wrapping).

Default: 0

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following example demonstrates use of the command.

$ ldifsearch -b dc=example,dc=com Example.ldif uid=bjensen
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: top
uid: bjensen
userpassword: hifalutin
facsimiletelephonenumber: +1 408 555 1992
givenname: Barbara
cn: Barbara Jensen
cn: Babs Jensen
telephonenumber: +1 408 555 1862
sn: Jensen
roomnumber: 0209
homeDirectory: /home/bjensen
l: San Francisco
ou: Product Development
ou: People
uidNumber: 1076
gidNumber: 1000

You can also use @objectclass notation in the attribute list to return the attributes of a particular object class. The following example shows how to return attributes of the posixAccount object class.

$ ldifsearch -b dc=example,dc=com Example.ldif "(uid=bjensen)" @posixaccount
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: top
uid: bjensen
userpassword: hifalutin
cn: Barbara Jensen
cn: Babs Jensen
homeDirectory: /home/bjensen
uidNumber: 1076
gidNumber: 1000


makeldif — generate test LDIF


makeldif {options} template-file-path


This utility can be used to generate LDIF data based on a definition in a template file.

The template-file-path can be one of the following:

  • A full path to the template file such as /path/to/opendj/config/MakeLDIF/example.template.

  • A relative path to the template file such as ../../my-test-data.template.

  • A file name that specifies one of the template files that are built into the LDAP Toolkit, such as example.template, or people_and_groups.template.

The LDAP Toolkit includes these built-in template and data files:


List of more than 200 cities.


Template to generate a base entry and users in a branch ou=people,[suffix], where the default setting for suffix is suffix=dc=example,dc=com.


List of more than 8000 first names.


List of more than 13000 last names.


Template to generate a base entry, users, and groups.


List of US states by their two-character codes.


List of more than 70 street names.


The makeldif command takes the following options:

Command options:

-c | --constant {name=value}

A constant that overrides the value set in the template file.

-o | --outputLdif {file}

The path to the LDIF file to be written. If the filename ends in .gz, the output will be gzipped.

-r | --resourcePath {path}

Path to look for MakeLDIF resources (e.g., data files).

The utility looks for resources in the following locations in this order:

  1. The current directory where the command is run.

  2. The resource path directory.

  3. The built-in files.

-s | --randomSeed {seed}

The seed to use to initialize the random number generator.

Default: 0

Utility input/output options:

-t | --wrapColumn {wrapColumn}

Maximum length of an output line (0 for no wrapping).

Default: 0

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.


An error occurred.


The following example uses the default template to generate LDIF.

$ makeldif -o ../ldif/generated.ldif ../config/MakeLDIF/example.template
Processed 1000 entries
Processed 2000 entries
Processed 10000 entries
LDIF processing complete.  10003 entries written


makeldif.template — template file for the makeldif command


# Comment lines start with #.
# Notice that this synopsis includes blank lines after entries.
# In the same way you would use blank lines after entries in normal LDIF,
# leave empty lines after "entries" in template files.

# Optionally define constants used in the template.
# To reference constants later, put brackets around the name: [constant-name]
define constant-name=value

# Define branches by suffix DN, such as the following:
#  dc=example,dc=com
#  ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
#  ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
# makeldif generates the necessary object class definitions and RDNs.
# A branch can have subordinateTemplates that define templates to use for
# the branch entry. The optional number at the end
# of the subordinateTemplate specification defines how many entries to generate.
# If you do not specify a number, makeldif continues to generate entries
# indefinitely until you interrupt the command.
# A branch can have additional attributes generated on the branch entry. See
# the Description below for more information on specifying attribute values.
branch: suffix-dn
objectClass: top
objectClass: suffix-object-class
[subordinateTemplate: template-name[:number]
[attribute: attr-value


# Define entries using templates.
# A template can extend another template.
# A template defines the RDN attribute(s) used for generated entries.
# A template can have a subordinateTemplate that defines a template to use for
# the generated entries.
# A template then defines attributes. See the Description below for more
# information on specifying attribute values.
template: template-name
[extends: template-name]
rdnAttr: attribute[+attribute ...]
[subordinateTemplate: template-name:number]
[attribute: attr-value



Template files specify how to build LDIF. They allow you to define variables, insert random values from other files, and generally build arbitrarily large LDIF files for testing purposes. You pass template files to the makeldif command when generating LDIF.

The Synopsis above shows the layout for a makeldif template file. This section focuses on what you can do to specify entry attribute values, called attr-value in the Synopsis section.

Specifying Attribute Values

When specifying attribute values in makeldif templates, you can use static text and constants that you have defined, enclosing names for constants in brackets, [myConstant]. You can use more than one constant per line, as in the following example:

description: Description for [org] under [suffix]

You can also use two kinds of tags when specifying attribute values. One kind of tag is replaced with the value of another attribute in the generated entry. Such tags are delimited with braces, { }. For example, if your template includes definitions for first name and last name attributes, use:

givenName: <first>
sn: <last>

Then you can define a mail attribute that uses the values of both attributes, and an initials attribute that takes the first character of each:

mail: {givenName}.{sn}@[myDomain]
initials: {givenName:1}{sn:1}

The other kind of tag is delimited with < and >, as shown above in the example with <first> and <last>. Tag names are not case sensitive. Many tags can take arguments separated by colons, :, from the tag names within the tag.

Use backslashes to escape literal start tag characters (< [ {) as shown in the following example, and to escape literal end tag characters within tags (> ] }):

scimMail: \{"emails": \[\{"value": "{mail}", "type": "work", "primary": true}]}
xml: \<id>{uid}\</id>

The makeldif command supports the following tags:


The DN tag is replaced by the distinguished name of the current entry. An optional integer argument specifies the subcomponents of the DN to generate. For example, if the DN of the entry is uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com, then <DN:1> is replaced by uid=bjensen, and <DN:-2> is replaced by dc=example,dc=com.


The File tag is replaced by a line from a text file you specify. The File tag takes a required argument, the path to the text file, and an optional second argument, either random or sequential. For the file argument, either specify an absolute path to the file such as <file:/path/to/myDescriptions>, or specify a path relative to the template file such as <file:streets>. For the second argument, if you specify sequential then lines from the file are read in sequential order. Otherwise, lines from the file are read in random order.


The first name tag is replaced by a random line from first.names. Combinations of generated first and last names are unique, with integers appended to the name strings if not enough combinations are available.


The GUID tag is replaced by a 128-bit, type 4 (random) universally unique identifier, such as f47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d479.


The IfAbsent tag takes as its first argument the name of another attribute, and optionally, as its second argument, a value to use. This tag causes the attribute to be generated only if the named attribute is not present on the generated entry. Use this tag when you have used <Presence> to define another attribute that is not always present on generated entries.


The IfPresent takes as its first argument the name of another attribute, and optionally, as its second argument, a value to use. This tag causes the attribute to be generated only if the named attribute is also present on the generated entry. Use this tag when you have used <Presence> to define another attribute that is sometimes present on generated entries.


The last name tag is replaced by a random line from the last names template file, last.names. Combinations of generated first and last names are unique, with integers appended to the name strings if not enough combinations are available.


The List tag is replaced by one of the values from the list of arguments you provide. For example, <List:bronze:silver:gold> is replaced with bronze, silver, or gold.

You can weight arguments to ensure that some arguments are selected more often than others. For example, if you want two bronze for one silver and one gold, use <List:bronze;2:silver;1:gold;1>.


The ParentDN tag is replaced by the distinguished name of the parent entry. For example, if the DN of the entry is uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com, <ParentDN> is replaced by ou=People,dc=example,dc=com.


The Presence tag takes a percent argument. It results in the attribute value being generated or not based on the percentage of entries you specify in the argument. For example, description: <Presence:50>A description generates description: A description on half the entries.


The Random tag lets you generate a variety of random numbers and strings. The Random tag has the following subtypes, which you include as arguments, that is <Random:subtype>:

  • alpha:length

  • alpha:min-length:max-length

  • numeric:length

  • numeric:minvalue:maxvalue

  • numeric:minvalue:maxvalue:format, where format is a java.text.DecimalFormat pattern

  • alphanumeric:length

  • alphanumeric:min-length:max-length

  • chars:characters:length

  • chars:characters:min-length:max-length

  • hex:length

  • hex:min-length:max-length

  • base64:length

  • base64:min-length:max-length

  • month

  • month:max-length

  • telephone, a telephone number starting with the country code +1


The RDN tag is replaced with the RDN of the entry. Use this in the template after you have specified rdnAttr so that the RDN has already been generated when this tag is replaced.

An optional integer argument specifies the subcomponents of the RDN to generate.


The Sequential tag is replaced by a sequentially increasing generated integer. The first optional integer argument specifies the starting number. The second optional boolean argument specifies whether to start over when generating entries for a new parent entry. For example, <Sequential>:42:true starts counting from 42, and starts over when the parent entry changes from o=Engineering to o=Marketing.


The _DN tag is replaced by the DN of the current entry with underscores in the place of commas.


The _ParentDN tag is replaced by the DN the parent entry with underscores in the place of commas.


The following example generates 10 organization units, each containing 50 entries. Add it next to the supporting files, such as first.names and last.names needed to generate the output:

define suffix=dc=example,dc=com
define numusers=50
define numorgs=10

branch: [suffix]
objectClass: top
objectClass: domain

branch: ou=People,[suffix]
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
subordinateTemplate: orgunit:[numorgs]
description: This is the People container
telephoneNumber: +33 00010002

template: orgunit
subordinateTemplate: person:[numusers]
rdnAttr: ou
ou: Org-<sequential:0>
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
description: This is the {ou} organizational unit

template: person
rdnAttr: uid
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
givenName: <first>
sn: <last>
cn: {givenName} {sn}
initials: {givenName:1}<random:chars:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ:1>{sn:1}
employeeNumber: <sequential:0>
uid: user.{employeeNumber}
mail: {uid}@[maildomain]
userPassword: password
telephoneNumber: <random:telephone>
homePhone: <random:telephone>
pager: <random:telephone>
mobile: <random:telephone>
street: <random:numeric:5> <file:streets> Street
l: <file:cities>
st: <file:states>
postalCode: <random:numeric:5>
postalAddress: {cn}${street}${l}, {st}  {postalCode}
description: This is the description for {cn}.

See Also

makeldif(1), the server template file config/MakeLDIF/example.template


manage-account — manage state of OpenDJ server accounts


manage-account {subcommand} {options}


This utility can be used to retrieve and manipulate the values of password policy state variables.


The manage-account command takes the following options:

Command options:

-b | --targetDn {targetDN}

The DN of the user entry for which to get and set password policy state information.

LDAP connection options:

-D | --bindDn {bindDN}

The DN to use to bind to the server.

-h | --hostname {host}

Directory server hostname or IP address.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-j | --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

The path to the file containing the bind password.

-K | --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path.

-N | --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of certificate for SSL client authentication.

-o | --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options.

-p | --port {port}

Directory server administration port number.

-P | --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path.

-T | --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN.

-u | --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file.

-U | --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file.

-w | --bindPassword {bindPassword}

The password to use to bind to the server.

-W | --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN.

-X | --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates.

Default: false

Utility input/output options:

-v | --verbose

Use verbose mode.

Default: false

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false


The manage-account command supports the following subcommands:

manage-account clear-account-is-disabled

Clear account disabled state information from the user account.

manage-account get-account-expiration-time

Display when the user account will expire.

manage-account get-account-is-disabled

Display information about whether the user account has been administratively disabled.

manage-account get-all

Display all password policy state information for the user.

manage-account get-authentication-failure-times

Display the authentication failure times for the user.

manage-account get-grace-login-use-times

Display the grace login use times for the user.

manage-account get-last-login-time

Display the time that the user last authenticated to the server.

manage-account get-password-changed-by-required-time

Display the required password change time with which the user last complied.

manage-account get-password-changed-time

Display the time that the user's password was last changed.

manage-account get-password-expiration-warned-time

Display the time that the user first received an expiration warning notice.

manage-account get-password-history

Display password history state values for the user.

manage-account get-password-is-reset

Display information about whether the user will be required to change his or her password on the next successful authentication.

manage-account get-password-policy-dn

Display the DN of the password policy for the user.

manage-account get-remaining-authentication-failure-count

Display the number of remaining authentication failures until the user's account is locked.

manage-account get-remaining-grace-login-count

Display the number of grace logins remaining for the user.

manage-account get-seconds-until-account-expiration

Display the length of time in seconds until the user account expires.

manage-account get-seconds-until-authentication-failure-unlock

Display the length of time in seconds until the authentication failure lockout expires.

manage-account get-seconds-until-idle-lockout

Display the length of time in seconds until user's account is locked because it has remained idle for too long.

manage-account get-seconds-until-password-expiration

Display length of time in seconds until the user's password expires.

manage-account get-seconds-until-password-expiration-warning

Display the length of time in seconds until the user should start receiving password expiration warning notices.

manage-account get-seconds-until-password-reset-lockout

Display the length of time in seconds until user's account is locked because the user failed to change the password in a timely manner after an administrative reset.

manage-account get-seconds-until-required-change-time

Display the length of time in seconds that the user has remaining to change his or her password before the account becomes locked due to the required change time.

manage-account set-account-is-disabled

Specify whether the user account has been administratively disabled.


The manage-account set-account-is-disabled command takes the following options:

-O | --operationValue {true|false}

'true' to indicate that the account is disabled, or 'false' to indicate that it is not disabled.

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.


An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments.


For the following examples the directory admin user, Kirsten Vaughan, has ds-privilege-name: password-reset and the following ACI on ou=People,dc=example,dc=com.

(target="ldap:///ou=People,dc=example,dc=com") (targetattr ="*||+")(
 version 3.0;acl "Admins can run amok"; allow(all) groupdn =
 "ldap:///cn=Directory Administrators,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com";)

The following command locks a user account.

$ manage-account -p 4444 -D "uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" \
 -w bribery set-account-is-disabled -O true \
 -b uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com -X
Account Is Disabled:  true

The following command unlocks a user account.

$ manage-account -p 4444 -D "uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" \
 -w bribery clear-account-is-disabled \
 -b uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com -X
Account Is Disabled:  false


manage-tasks — manage server administration tasks


manage-tasks {options}


This utility can be used to obtain a list of tasks scheduled to run within the Directory Server as well as information about individual tasks.


The manage-tasks command takes the following options:

Command options:

-c | --cancel {taskID}

ID of a particular task to cancel.

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default: 30000

-i | --info {taskID}

ID of a particular task about which this tool will display information.

-s | --summary

Print a summary of tasks.

Default: false

LDAP connection options:

-D | --bindDn {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server.

Default: cn=Directory Manager

-h | --hostname {host}

The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-j | --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file.

-K | --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path.

-N | --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of the certificate that the server should use when accepting SSL-based connections or performing StartTLS negotiation.

-o | --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options.

-p | --port {port}

Directory server administration port number.

-P | --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path.

-T | --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN.

-u | --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-U | --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file.

-w | --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server. Use -w - to ensure that the command prompts for the password, rather than entering the password as a command argument.

-W | --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-X | --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates.

Default: false

Utility input/output options:

-n | --no-prompt

Use non-interactive mode. If data in the command is missing, the user is not prompted and the tool will fail.

Default: false


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values.

Default: false

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments.

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following example demonstrates use of the command with a server that does daily backups at 2:00 AM.

$ manage-tasks -p 4444 -h -D "cn=Directory Manager" \
 -w password -s

  ID                                Type    Status
  example-backup                    Backup  Recurring
  example-backup-20110622020000000  Backup  Waiting on start time


modrate — measure modification throughput and response time


modrate {options} [(attribute:value format string) ...]


This utility can be used to measure modify throughput and response time of a directory service using user-defined modifications.


modrate -p 1389 -D "cn=directory manager" -w password \

-F -c 4 -t 4 -b "uid=user.%d,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" \

-g "rand(0,2000)" -g "randstr(16)" 'description:%2$s'

Before trying the example, import 2000 randomly generated users.

When you do not use the -f option to keep connections open and rebind on the connections, the tool can exhaust its available ports, causing the tool to crash. You can work around this problem on test systems by changing TCP settings on the system.

For example, on Linux systems, set the following parameters in the /etc/sysctl.conf file:

net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 30
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse = 1

The parameter net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout sets the length of time in seconds to wait for a final FIN packet before forcing a close of the socket. The default is 60 (seconds).

The parameter net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle enables fast recycling of TIME_WAIT sockets. The default is 0 (false). Enabling this can cause Network Address Translation (NAT) issues.

The parameter net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse enables reuse of TIME_WAIT sockets for new connections. The default is 0 (false).

These settings are recommended only for testing, and not for production systems.

After making the changes to /etc/sysctl.conf, reload the configuration with the sysctl command:

# sysctl -p


The modrate command takes the following options:

Command options:

-b | --targetDn {targetDN}

Target entry DN format string.

-B | --warmUpDuration {warmUpDuration}

Warm up duration in seconds.

Default: 0

-c | --numConnections {numConnections}

Number of connections.

Default: 1

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default: 30000

-d | --maxDuration {maxDuration}

Maximum duration in seconds, 0 for unlimited.

Default: 0

-e | --percentile {percentile}

Calculate max response time for a percentile of operations.

-f | --keepConnectionsOpen

Keep connections open.

Default: false

-F | --noRebind

Keep connections open and do not rebind.

Default: false

-g | --argument {generator function or static string}

Argument used to evaluate the Java style format strings in program parameters (ie. Base DN, Search Filter). The set of all arguments provided form the the argument list in order. Besides static string arguments, they can be generated per iteration with the following functions:

"inc({filename})" Consecutive, incremental line from file

"inc({min},{max})" Consecutive, incremental number

"rand({filename})" Random line from file

"rand({min},{max})" Random number

"randstr({length},_charSet_)" Random string of specified length and optionally from characters in the charSet string. A range of character can be specified with [start-end] charSet notation. If no charSet is specified, the default charSet of [A-Z][a-z][0-9] will be used.

-i | --statInterval {statInterval}

Display results each specified number of seconds.

Default: 5

-m | --maxIterations {maxIterations}

Max iterations, 0 for unlimited.

Default: 0

-M | --targetThroughput {targetThroughput}

Target average throughput to achieve.

Default: 0

-S | --scriptFriendly

Use script-friendly mode.

Default: false

-t | --numConcurrentRequests {numConcurrentRequests}

Number of concurrent requests per connection.

Default: 1

LDAP connection options:

-D | --bindDn {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server.


-E | --reportAuthzId

Use the authorization identity control.

Default: false

-h | --hostname {host}

The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-j | --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file.

-K | --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path.

-N | --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of the certificate that the server should use when accepting SSL-based connections or performing StartTLS negotiation.

-o | --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options.

-p | --port {port}

Directory server port number.

-P | --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path.

-q | --useStartTls

Use StartTLS to secure communication with the server.

Default: false

-T | --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN.

-u | --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-U | --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file.


Use the password policy request control.

Default: false

-w | --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server. Use -w - to ensure that the command prompts for the password, rather than entering the password as a command argument.

-W | --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-X | --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates.

Default: false

-Z | --useSsl

Use SSL for secure communication with the server.

Default: false

Utility input/output options:


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values.

Default: false

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments.

-v | --verbose

Use verbose mode.

Default: false

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.


An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments.


The following example demonstrates testing directory performance by using the modrate command to write random 16-character description values to all entries in a sample file:

$ grep ^uid: /path/to/Example.ldif | sed -e "s/uid: //" > names.txt
$ modrate -p 1389 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -F -c 4 -t 4 \
 -b "uid=%s,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" -g "rand(names.txt)" \
 -g "randstr(16)" 'description:%2$s'
     Throughput                            Response Time
   (ops/second)                           (milliseconds)
recent  average  recent  average  99.9%  99.99%  99.999%  err/sec  req/res
1085.9   1088.5  993.849  993.849  2135.220  2510.361  2510.361  0.0  2.3
2086.7   1648.8  1963.980  1683.038  3015.025  3078.628  3215.050  0.0  1.0
3097.3   2092.6  1332.930  1524.278  2940.131  3024.811  3215.050  0.0  1.0
3848.3   2501.4  1045.000  1352.583  2902.235  3015.863  3215.050  0.0  1.0
3641.2   2717.4  1106.157  1290.003  2901.379  3015.597  3215.050  0.0  1.0
3759.4   2883.0  1065.732  1243.534  2900.400  3015.501  3215.050  0.0  1.0


rebuild-index — rebuild index after configuration change


rebuild-index {options}


This utility can be used to rebuild index data within an indexed backend database.


The rebuild-index command takes the following options:

Command options:

-b | --baseDn {baseDN}

Base DN of a backend supporting indexing. Rebuild is performed on indexes within the scope of the given base DN.


Indicates that indexes do not need rebuilding because they are known to be empty and forcefully marks them as valid. This is an advanced option which must only be used in cases where a degraded index is known to be empty and does not therefore need rebuilding. This situation typically arises when an index is created for an attribute which has just been added to the schema.

Default: false

-i | --index {index}

Names of index(es) to rebuild. For an attribute index this is simply an attribute name. At least one index must be specified for rebuild. Cannot be used with the "--rebuildAll" option.


Indicates that the command must be run in offline mode.

Default: false


Rebuild all indexes, including any DN2ID, DN2URI, VLV and extensible indexes. Cannot be used with the "-i" option or the "--rebuildDegraded" option.

Default: false


Rebuild all degraded indexes, including any DN2ID, DN2URI, VLV and extensible indexes. Cannot be used with the "-i" option or the "--rebuildAll" option.

Default: false

--tmpDirectory {directory}

Path to temporary directory for index scratch files during index rebuilding.

Default: import-tmp

Task Backend Connection Options

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default: 30000

-D | --bindDn {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server.

Default: cn=Directory Manager

-h | --hostname {host}

The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-j | --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file.

-K | --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path.

-N | --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of the certificate that the server should use when accepting SSL-based connections or performing StartTLS negotiation.

-o | --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options.

-p | --port {port}

Directory server administration port number.

-P | --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path.

-T | --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN.

-u | --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-U | --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file.

-w | --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server. Use -w - to ensure that the command prompts for the password, rather than entering the password as a command argument.

-W | --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-X | --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates.

Default: false

Task Scheduling Options

--completionNotify {emailAddress}

Email address of a recipient to be notified when the task completes. This option may be specified more than once.

--dependency {taskID}

ID of a task upon which this task depends. A task will not start execution until all its dependencies have completed execution.

--errorNotify {emailAddress}

Email address of a recipient to be notified if an error occurs when this task executes. This option may be specified more than once.

--failedDependencyAction {action}

Action this task will take should one if its dependent tasks fail. The value must be one of PROCESS,CANCEL,DISABLE. If not specified defaults to CANCEL.

--recurringTask {schedulePattern}

Indicates the task is recurring and will be scheduled according to the value argument expressed in crontab(5) compatible time/date pattern.

The schedule pattern for a recurring task supports only the following crontab features:

FieldAllowed Values
day of month1-31
month1-12 (or names)
day of week0-7 (0 or 7 is Sunday, or use names)

A field can contain an asterisk, *. An asterisk stands for first-last.

Fields can include ranges of numbers. A range is two numbers separated by a hyphen, and is inclusive. For example, 8-10 for an "hour" field means execution at hours 8, 9, and 10.

Fields can include lists. A list is a set of numbers or ranges separated by commas. For example, 4,8-10 for an "hour" field means execution at hours 4, 8, 9, and 10.

When using names for in "month" or "day of week" fields, use the first three letters of the particular month or day of the week. Case does not matter. Ranges and lists of names are not supported.

-t | --start {startTime}

Indicates the date/time at which this operation will start when scheduled as a server task expressed in YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ format for UTC time or YYYYMMDDhhmmss for local time. A value of '0' will cause the task to be scheduled for immediate execution. When this option is specified the operation will be scheduled to start at the specified time after which this utility will exit immediately.

Utility input/output options:


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values.

Default: false

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments.

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following example schedules a task to start immediately that rebuilds the cn (common name) index.

$ rebuild-index -p 4444 -h -D "cn=Directory Manager" \
 -w password -b dc=example,dc=com -i cn -t 0
Rebuild Index task 20110607160349596 scheduled to start Jun 7, 2011 4:03:49 PM


restore — restore directory data backups


restore {options}


This utility can be used to restore a backup of a Directory Server backend.


The restore command takes the following options:

Command options:

-d | --backupDirectory {backupDir}

Path to the directory containing the backup file(s).

-I | --backupId {backupID}

Backup ID of the backup to restore.

-l | --listBackups

List available backups in the backup directory.

Default: false

-n | --dry-run

Verify the contents of the backup but do not restore it.

Default: false


Indicates that the command must be run in offline mode.

Default: false

Task Backend Connection Options

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default: 30000

-D | --bindDn {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server.

Default: cn=Directory Manager

-h | --hostname {host}

The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-j | --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file.

-K | --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path.

-N | --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of the certificate that the server should use when accepting SSL-based connections or performing StartTLS negotiation.

-o | --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options.

-p | --port {port}

Directory server administration port number.

-P | --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path.

-T | --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN.

-u | --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-U | --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file.

-w | --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server. Use -w - to ensure that the command prompts for the password, rather than entering the password as a command argument.

-W | --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-X | --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates.

Default: false

Task Scheduling Options

--completionNotify {emailAddress}

Email address of a recipient to be notified when the task completes. This option may be specified more than once.

--dependency {taskID}

ID of a task upon which this task depends. A task will not start execution until all its dependencies have completed execution.

--errorNotify {emailAddress}

Email address of a recipient to be notified if an error occurs when this task executes. This option may be specified more than once.

--failedDependencyAction {action}

Action this task will take should one if its dependent tasks fail. The value must be one of PROCESS,CANCEL,DISABLE. If not specified defaults to CANCEL.

--recurringTask {schedulePattern}

Indicates the task is recurring and will be scheduled according to the value argument expressed in crontab(5) compatible time/date pattern.

The schedule pattern for a recurring task supports only the following crontab features:

FieldAllowed Values
day of month1-31
month1-12 (or names)
day of week0-7 (0 or 7 is Sunday, or use names)

A field can contain an asterisk, *. An asterisk stands for first-last.

Fields can include ranges of numbers. A range is two numbers separated by a hyphen, and is inclusive. For example, 8-10 for an "hour" field means execution at hours 8, 9, and 10.

Fields can include lists. A list is a set of numbers or ranges separated by commas. For example, 4,8-10 for an "hour" field means execution at hours 4, 8, 9, and 10.

When using names for in "month" or "day of week" fields, use the first three letters of the particular month or day of the week. Case does not matter. Ranges and lists of names are not supported.

-t | --start {startTime}

Indicates the date/time at which this operation will start when scheduled as a server task expressed in YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ format for UTC time or YYYYMMDDhhmmss for local time. A value of '0' will cause the task to be scheduled for immediate execution. When this option is specified the operation will be scheduled to start at the specified time after which this utility will exit immediately.

Utility input/output options:


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values.

Default: false

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments.

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following example schedules a restore as a task to begin immediately while OpenDJ directory server is online.

$ restore -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password
 -d /path/to/opendj/bak -I 20110613080032 -t 0
Restore task 20110613155052932 scheduled to start Jun 13, 2011 3:50:52 PM CEST

The following example restores data while OpenDJ is offline.

$ stop-ds
Stopping Server...

$ restore --backupDirectory /path/to/opendj/bak/userRoot \
Backup ID:          20120928102414Z
Backup Date:        28/Sep/2012:12:24:17 +0200
Is Incremental:     false
Is Compressed:      false
Is Encrypted:       false
Has Unsigned Hash:  false
Has Signed Hash:    false
Dependent Upon:     none

$ restore --backupDirectory /path/to/opendj/bak/userRoot \
 --backupID 20120928102414Z
[28/Sep/2012:12:26:20 +0200] ... msg=Restored: 00000000.jdb (size 355179)

$ start-ds
[28/Sep/2012:12:27:29 +0200] ... The Directory Server has started successfully


searchrate — measure search throughput and response time


searchrate {options} [filter format string] [attributes ...]


This utility can be used to measure search throughput and response time of a directory service using user-defined searches.


searchrate -p 1389 -D "cn=directory manager" -w password \

-F -c 4 -t 4 -b "dc=example,dc=com" -g "rand(0,2000)" "(uid=user.%d)"

Before trying the example, import 2000 randomly generated users.

When you do not use the -f option to keep connections open and rebind on the connections, the tool can exhaust its available ports, causing the tool to crash. You can work around this problem on test systems by changing TCP settings on the system.

For example, on Linux systems, set the following parameters in the /etc/sysctl.conf file:

net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 30
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse = 1

The parameter net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout sets the length of time in seconds to wait for a final FIN packet before forcing a close of the socket. The default is 60 (seconds).

The parameter net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle enables fast recycling of TIME_WAIT sockets. The default is 0 (false). Enabling this can cause Network Address Translation (NAT) issues.

The parameter net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse enables reuse of TIME_WAIT sockets for new connections. The default is 0 (false).

These settings are recommended only for testing, and not for production systems.

After making the changes to /etc/sysctl.conf, reload the configuration with the sysctl command:

# sysctl -p


The searchrate command takes the following options:

Command options:

-a | --dereferencePolicy {dereferencePolicy}

Alias dereference policy ('never', 'always', 'search', or 'find').

Default: never

-b | --baseDn {baseDN}

Base DN format string.

-B | --warmUpDuration {warmUpDuration}

Warm up duration in seconds.

Default: 0

-c | --numConnections {numConnections}

Number of connections.

Default: 1

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default: 30000

-d | --maxDuration {maxDuration}

Maximum duration in seconds, 0 for unlimited.

Default: 0

-e | --percentile {percentile}

Calculate max response time for a percentile of operations.

-f | --keepConnectionsOpen

Keep connections open.

Default: false

-F | --noRebind

Keep connections open and do not rebind.

Default: false

-g | --argument {generator function or static string}

Argument used to evaluate the Java style format strings in program parameters (ie. Base DN, Search Filter). The set of all arguments provided form the the argument list in order. Besides static string arguments, they can be generated per iteration with the following functions:

"inc({filename})" Consecutive, incremental line from file

"inc({min},{max})" Consecutive, incremental number

"rand({filename})" Random line from file

"rand({min},{max})" Random number

"randstr({length},_charSet_)" Random string of specified length and optionally from characters in the charSet string. A range of character can be specified with [start-end] charSet notation. If no charSet is specified, the default charSet of [A-Z][a-z][0-9] will be used.

-i | --statInterval {statInterval}

Display results each specified number of seconds.

Default: 5

-m | --maxIterations {maxIterations}

Max iterations, 0 for unlimited.

Default: 0

-M | --targetThroughput {targetThroughput}

Target average throughput to achieve.

Default: 0

-s | --searchScope {searchScope}

Search scope ('base', 'one', 'sub', or 'subordinates'). Note: 'subordinates' is an LDAP extension that might not work with all LDAP servers.

Default: sub

-S | --scriptFriendly

Use script-friendly mode.

Default: false

-t | --numConcurrentRequests {numConcurrentRequests}

Number of concurrent requests per connection.

Default: 1

LDAP connection options:

-D | --bindDn {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server.


-E | --reportAuthzId

Use the authorization identity control.

Default: false

-h | --hostname {host}

The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-j | --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file.

-K | --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path.

-N | --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of the certificate that the server should use when accepting SSL-based connections or performing StartTLS negotiation.

-o | --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options.

-p | --port {port}

Directory server port number.

-P | --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path.

-q | --useStartTls

Use StartTLS to secure communication with the server.

Default: false

-T | --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN.

-u | --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-U | --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file.


Use the password policy request control.

Default: false

-w | --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server. Use -w - to ensure that the command prompts for the password, rather than entering the password as a command argument.

-W | --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-X | --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates.

Default: false

-Z | --useSsl

Use SSL for secure communication with the server.

Default: false

Utility input/output options:


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values.

Default: false

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments.

-v | --verbose

Use verbose mode.

Default: false

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.


An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments.


The following example demonstrates measuring search performance:

$ grep ^uid: /path/to/Example.ldif | sed -e "s/uid: //" > names.txt
$ searchrate -p 1389 -b dc=example,dc=com -F -c 4 -t 4 \
 -g "rand(names.txt)" "(uid=%s)"
     Throughput                            Response Time
   (ops/second)                           (milliseconds)
recent  average  recent  average  99.9%  99.99%  99.999%  err/sec  Entries/Srch
1475.9   1475.9   0.423    0.423  6.938  126.236 126.236      0.0           1.0
2596.5   2038.4   0.254    0.315  6.866  12.980  126.236      0.0           1.0
3210.7   2428.2   0.205    0.267  5.733  11.710  126.236      0.0           1.0
3080.5   2591.0   0.215    0.252  5.733  10.541  126.236      0.0           1.0
3236.9   2720.1   0.203    0.240  5.258  10.514  126.236      0.0           1.0
3181.1   2796.8   0.207    0.234  5.258  10.384  126.236      0.0           1.0
3202.5   2854.8   0.206    0.229  4.825  10.384  126.236      0.0           1.0


setup — install OpenDJ server


setup {subcommand} {options}


This utility can be used to install an OpenDJ instance either as a directory server, a replication server or a proxy server.


The setup command takes the following options:

Command options:


Automatically accepts the product license (if present).

Default: false

--adminConnectorPort {port}

Port on which the Administration Connector should listen for communication.

-D | --rootUserDn {rootUserDN}

DN for the initial root user for the Directory Server.

Default: cn=Directory Manager

--instancePath {path}

Path were the instance should be set up.

Default: /tmp

-j | --rootUserPasswordFile {rootUserPasswordFile}

Path to a file containing the password for the initial root user for the Directory Server.

-N | --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of a keystore entry containing a certificate that the server should use when negotiating secure connections using StartTLS or SSL. Multiple keystore entries may be provided by using this option multiple times.

-O | --doNotStart

Do not start the server when the configuration is completed.

Default: false


Harden default configuration for production use.

Default: false

-Q | --quiet

Use quiet mode.

Default: false

-S | --skipPortCheck

Skip the check to determine whether the specified ports are usable.

Default: false

-u | --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Path to a file containing the keystore password. The keystore password is required when you specify an existing file-based keystore (JKS, JCEKS, PKCS#12).

--useJavaKeyStore {keyStorePath}

Path of a JKS keystore containing the certificate(s) that the server should use when negotiating secure connections using StartTLS or SSL.

--useJceks {keyStorePath}

Path of a JCEKS keystore containing the certificate(s) that the server should use when negotiating secure connections using StartTLS or SSL.


Use certificate(s) in a PKCS#11 token that the server should use when accepting SSL-based connections or performing StartTLS negotiation.

Default: false

--usePkcs12KeyStore {keyStorePath}

Path of a PKCS#12 keystore containing the certificate(s) that the server should use when negotiating secure connections using StartTLS or SSL.

-w | --rootUserPassword {rootUserPassword}

Password for the initial root user for the Directory Server.

-W | --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Keystore cleartext password. The keystore password is required when you specify an existing file-based keystore (JKS, JCEKS, PKCS#12).

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false


The setup command supports the following subcommands:

setup directory-server

Install an OpenDJ directory server instance. See "setup directory-server --help" for specific options.


The setup directory-server command takes the following options:

-q | --enableStartTls

Enable StartTLS to allow secure communication with the server using the LDAP port.

Default: false

-p | --ldapPort {port}

Port on which the Directory Server should listen for LDAP communication.

-Z | --ldapsPort {port}

Port on which the Directory Server should listen for LDAPS communication. The LDAPS port will be configured and SSL will be enabled only if this argument is explicitly specified.

-a | --addBaseEntry

Indicates whether to create the base entry in the Directory Server database.

Default: false

-t | --backendType {backendType}

The type of the userRoot backend. Available backend type(s): je.

Default: je

-b | --baseDn {baseDN}

Base DN for user information in the Directory Server. Multiple base DNs may be provided by using this option multiple times.

-l | --ldifFile {ldifFile}

Path to an LDIF file containing data that should be added to the Directory Server database. Multiple LDIF files may be provided by using this option multiple times.

-R | --rejectFile {rejectFile}

Write rejected entries to the specified file.

-d | --sampleData {numEntries}

Specifies that the database should be populated with the specified number of sample entries.

--skipFile {skipFile}

Write skipped entries to the specified file.

-h | --hostname {host}

The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication.

Default: localhost.localdomain

--httpPort {port}

Port on which the server should listen for HTTP communication.

--httpsPort {port}

Port on which the server should listen for HTTPS communication.

setup proxy-server

Install an OpenDJ proxy server instance. There are two ways to specify the servers to be contacted by the proxy. They can either be listed exhaustively or retrieved from an existing replication topology. See "setup proxy-server --help" for specific options.


The setup proxy-server command takes the following options:

-q | --enableStartTls

Enable StartTLS to allow secure communication with the server using the LDAP port.

Default: false

-p | --ldapPort {port}

Port on which the Directory Server should listen for LDAP communication.

-Z | --ldapsPort {port}

Port on which the Directory Server should listen for LDAPS communication. The LDAPS port will be configured and SSL will be enabled only if this argument is explicitly specified.

--usePkcs12TrustStore {trustStorePath}

Use existing PKCS12 truststore file to trust the remote server certificates.

--useJceksTrustStore {trustStorePath}

Use existing JCEKS truststore file to trust the remote server certificates.

--useJavaTrustStore {trustStorePath}

Use existing JKS truststore file to trust the remote server certificates.


Use the JVM truststore for validating remote server certificates.

Default: false

-X | --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates.

Default: false

-T | --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Truststore cleartext password.

-U | --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Path to a file containing the truststore password.

--loadBalancingAlgorithm {algorithm}

Algorithm to use to load balance between servers. Available algorithms are 'affinity, least-requests'.

Default: affinity

--staticPrimaryServer {host:port}

Static server to contact when available before contacting secondary servers. Multiple servers may be provided by using this option multiple times.

--proxyUserBindDn {proxyBindDN}

The bind DN for forwarding LDAP requests to remote servers. This bind DN must be present on all the remote servers.

Default: cn=proxy

--proxyUserBindPassword {proxyBindPassword}

Password associated with the proxy bind DN. The bind password must be the same on all the remote servers.

--proxyUserBindPasswordFile {proxyBindPasswordFile}

Path to a file containing the password associated with the proxy bind DN. The bind password must be the same on all the remote servers.

--replicationBindDn {bindDN}

The bind DN for periodically reading replication server configurations. The bind DN must be present on all replication servers and directory servers, it must be able to read the server configuration.

--replicationBindPassword {bindPassword}

The bind password for periodically reading replication server configurations. The bind password must be the same on all replication and directory servers.

--replicationBindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Path to a file containing the bind password for periodically reading replication server configurations. The bind password must be the same on all replication and directory servers.

--replicationPreferredGroupId {domainGroupIDNumber}

Replication domain group ID number of directory server replicas to contact when available before contacting other replicas. If this option is not specified then all replicas will be treated the same.

--replicationServer {host:port}

Replication server to contact periodically in order to discover backend servers. Multiple replication servers may be provided by using this option multiple times.

--baseDn {baseDN}

Base DN for user information in the Proxy Server. Multiple base DNs may be provided by using this option multiple times. If no base DNs are defined then the proxy will forward requests to all public naming contexts of the remote servers.

--staticSecondaryServer {host:port}

Static server to contact when all primary servers are unavailable. Multiple servers may be provided by using this option multiple times.


Use SSL to secure communications with remote servers.

Default: false


Use Start TLS to secure communication with remote servers.

Default: false

-h | --hostname {host}

The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication.

Default: localhost.localdomain

--httpPort {port}

Port on which the server should listen for HTTP communication.

--httpsPort {port}

Port on which the server should listen for HTTPS communication.

setup replication-server

Install OpenDJ as a standalone replication server. The server can be the first of a new replication topology (default behavior) or it can join an existing topology. See "setup replication-server --help" for specific options.


The setup replication-server command takes the following options:

--usePkcs12TrustStore {trustStorePath}

Use existing PKCS12 truststore file to trust certificates from other replication servers in the topology.

--useJceksTrustStore {trustStorePath}

Use existing JCEKS truststore file to trust certificates from other replication servers in the topology.

--useJavaTrustStore {trustStorePath}

Use existing JKS truststore file to trust certificates from other replication servers in the topology.


Use the JVM truststore to trust certificates from other replication servers in the topology.

Default: false

-X | --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates.

Default: false

-T | --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Truststore cleartext password.

-U | --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Path to a file containing the truststore password.

--replicationServer {host:port}

Replication server in the topology to be joined. This server must be online during setup. To bind to the remote server, this server uses the global administrator account for the topology. The global administrator account must have ID 'admin', and must use the same password as the root user password for this server.

--replicationPort {port}

Port used for replication protocol communications with other servers.


Specifies whether the communication through the replication port should be secured. This option is enforced if the --productionMode option is used.

Default: false

-b | --baseDn {baseDN}

Base DN(s) of the data to be replicated. Multiple base DNs can be provided by using this option multiple times. Leave this option empty to replicate all available base DNs in the topology.

-h | --hostname {host}

The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication.

Default: localhost.localdomain

--httpPort {port}

Port on which the server should listen for HTTP communication.

--httpsPort {port}

Port on which the server should listen for HTTPS communication.

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following command installs OpenDJ directory server, enabling StartTLS and importing 100 example entries without interaction.

$ /path/to/opendj/setup directory-server --adminConnectorPort 4444 -t pdb -b dc=example,dc=com -d 100 \
 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -h -p 1389 \

Validating parameters..... Done
Configuring certificates..... Done
Configuring server..... Done
Importing automatically-generated data (100 entries)......... Done
Starting directory server............... Done

To see basic server status and configuration, you can launch



start-ds — start OpenDJ server


start-ds {options}


This utility can be used to start the Directory Server, as well as to obtain the server version and other forms of general server information.


The start-ds command takes the following options:

Command options:

-L | --useLastKnownGoodConfig

Attempt to start using the configuration that was in place at the last successful startup (if it is available) rather than using the current active configuration.

Default: false

-N | --noDetach

Do not detach from the terminal and continue running in the foreground. This option cannot be used with the -t, --timeout option.

Default: false

-s | --systemInfo

Display general system information.

Default: false

-t | --timeout {seconds}

Maximum time (in seconds) to wait before the command returns (the server continues the startup process, regardless). A value of '0' indicates an infinite timeout, which means that the command returns only when the server startup is completed. The default value is 60 seconds. This option cannot be used with the -N, --nodetach option.

Default: 200

Utility input/output options:

-Q | --quiet

Use quiet mode.

Default: false

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following command starts the server without displaying information about the startup process.

$ start-ds -Q


status — display basic OpenDJ server information


status {options}


This utility can be used to display basic server information.


The status command takes the following options:

Command options:

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default: 30000

LDAP connection options:

-D | --bindDn {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server.

Default: cn=Directory Manager

-j | --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file.

-K | --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path.

-N | --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of the certificate that the server should use when accepting SSL-based connections or performing StartTLS negotiation.

-o | --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options.

-P | --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path.

-T | --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN.

-u | --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-U | --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file.

-w | --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server. Use -w - to ensure that the command prompts for the password, rather than entering the password as a command argument.

-W | --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate as server certificate.

-X | --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates.

Default: false

Utility input/output options:

-n | --no-prompt

Use non-interactive mode. If data in the command is missing, the user is not prompted and the tool will fail.

Default: false


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values.

Default: false

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments.

-r | --refresh {period}

When this argument is specified, the status command will display its contents periodically. Used to specify the period (in seconds) between two displays of the status.

-s | --script-friendly

Use script-friendly mode.

Default: false

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


$ status -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password

          --- Server Status ---
Server Run Status:        Started
Open Connections:         1

          --- Server Details ---
Host Name:                localhost.localdomain
Administrative Users:     cn=Directory Manager
Installation Path:        /path/to/opendj
Version:                  OpenDJ version
Java Version:             version
Administration Connector: Port 4444 (LDAPS)

          --- Connection Handlers ---
Address:Port : Protocol    : State
--           : LDIF        : Disabled
8989         : Replication : Enabled  : SNMP        : Disabled  : LDAPS       : Disabled : LDAP        : Enabled : JMX         : Disabled

          --- Data Sources ---
Base DN:                      dc=example,dc=com
Backend ID:                   userRoot
Entries:                      160
Replication:                  Enabled
Missing Changes:              0
Age of Oldest Missing Change: <not available>

Base DN:     dc=myCompany,dc=com
Backend ID:  myCompanyRoot
Entries:     3
Replication: Disabled

Base DN:     o=myOrg
Backend ID:  myOrgRoot
Entries:     3
Replication: Disabled


stop-ds — stop OpenDJ server


stop-ds {options}


This utility can be used to request that the Directory Server stop running or perform a restart. When run without connection options, this utility sends a signal to the OpenDJ process to stop the server. When run with connection options, this utility connects to the OpenDJ administration port and creates a shutdown task to stop the server.


The stop-ds command takes the following options:

Command options:

-r | --stopReason {stopReason}

Reason the server is being stopped or restarted.

-R | --restart

Attempt to automatically restart the server once it has stopped.

Default: false

-t | --stopTime {stopTime}

Indicates the date/time at which the shutdown operation will begin as a server task expressed in format YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ for UTC time or YYYYMMDDhhmmss for local time. A value of '0' will cause the shutdown to be scheduled for immediate execution. When this option is specified the operation will be scheduled to start at the specified time after which this utility will exit immediately.

-Y | --proxyAs {authzID}

Use the proxied authorization control with the given authorization ID.

LDAP connection options:

-D | --bindDn {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server.

-h | --hostname {host}

Directory server hostname or IP address.

Default: localhost.localdomain

-j | --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file.

-K | --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path.

-N | --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of certificate for SSL client authentication.

-o | --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options.

-p | --port {port}

Directory server administration port number.

-P | --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path.

-T | --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN.

-u | --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file.

-U | --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file.

-w | --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server.

-W | --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN.

-X | --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates.

Default: false

Utility input/output options:


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values.

Default: false

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments.

-Q | --quiet

Use quiet mode.

Default: false

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following example restarts OpenDJ directory server.

$ stop-ds --restart
Stopping Server...

...The Directory Server has started successfully


upgrade — upgrade OpenDJ configuration and application data


upgrade {options}


Upgrades OpenDJ configuration and application data so that it is compatible with the installed binaries.

This tool should be run immediately after upgrading the OpenDJ binaries and before restarting the server.

NOTE: this tool does not provide backup or restore capabilities. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the OpenDJ administrator to take necessary precautions before performing the upgrade.

This utility thus performs only part of the upgrade process, which includes the following phases for a single server.

  1. Get and unpack a newer version of OpenDJ directory server software.

  2. Stop the current OpenDJ directory server.

  3. Overwrite existing binary and script files with those of the newer version, and then run this utility before restarting OpenDJ.

  4. Start the upgraded OpenDJ directory server.


This utility does not back up OpenDJ before you upgrade, nor does it restore OpenDJ if the utility fails. In order to revert a failed upgrade, make sure you back up OpenDJ directory server before you overwrite existing binary and script files.

By default this utility requests confirmation before making important configuration changes. You can use the --no-prompt option to run the command non-interactively.

When using the --no-prompt option, if this utility cannot complete because it requires confirmation for a potentially very long or critical task, then it exits with an error and a message about how to finish making the changes. You can add the --force option to force a non-interactive upgrade to continue in this case, also performing long running and critical tasks.

After upgrading, see the resulting upgrade.log file for a full list of operations performed.


The upgrade command takes the following options:

Command options:


Automatically accepts the product license (if present).

Default: false


Forces a non-interactive upgrade to continue even if it requires user interaction. In particular, long running or critical upgrade tasks, such as re-indexing, which require user confirmation will be skipped. This option may only be used with the 'no-prompt' option.

Default: false


Ignores any errors which occur during the upgrade. This option should be used with caution and may be useful in automated deployments where potential errors are known in advance and resolved after the upgrade has completed.

Default: false

Utility input/output options:

-n | --no-prompt

Use non-interactive mode. If data in the command is missing, the user is not prompted and the tool will fail.

Default: false

-Q | --quiet

Use quiet mode.

Default: false

-v | --verbose

Use verbose mode.

Default: false

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.


The command was run in non-interactive mode, but could not complete because confirmation was required to run a long or critical task.

See the error message or the log for details.


An error occurred.

See the OpenDJ Installation Guide for an example upgrade process for OpenDJ directory server installed from the cross-platform (.zip) delivery.

Native packages (.deb, .rpm) perform more of the upgrade process, stopping OpenDJ if it is running, overwriting older files with newer files, running this utility, and starting OpenDJ if it was running when you upgraded the package(s).


verify-index — check index for consistency or errors


verify-index {options}


This utility can be used to ensure that index data is consistent within an indexed backend database.


The verify-index command takes the following options:

Command options:

-b | --baseDn {baseDN}

Base DN of a backend supporting indexing. Verification is performed on indexes within the scope of the given base DN.

-c | --clean

Specifies that a single index should be verified to ensure it is clean. An index is clean if each index value references only entries containing that value. Only one index at a time may be verified in this way.

Default: false


Count the number of errors found during the verification and return that value as the exit code (values > 255 will be reduced to 255 due to exit code restrictions).

Default: false

-i | --index {index}

Name of an index to be verified. For an attribute index this is simply an attribute name. Multiple indexes may be verified for completeness, or all indexes if no indexes are specified. An index is complete if each index value references all entries containing that value.

General options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.


The command was run in non-interactive mode, but could not complete because confirmation was required to run a long or critical task.

See the error message or the log for details.


The number of errors in the index, as indicated for the --countErrors option.


The following example shows how to verify the sn (surname) index for completeness and for errors. The messages shown are for a backend of type pdb. The output is similar for other backend types:

$ verify-index -b dc=example,dc=com -i sn --clean --countErrors
[20/05/2015:14:24:18 +0200] category=...PDBStorage seq=0 severity=INFO
 msg=The PDB storage for backend 'userRoot' initialized
 to use 57528 buffers of 16384 bytes (total 920448kb)
[20/05/2015:14:24:18 +0200] category=...pluggable.VerifyJob seq=1 severity=INFO
 msg=Checked 478 records and found 0 error(s) in 0 seconds
 (average rate 3594.0/sec)
[20/05/2015:14:24:18 +0200] category=...pluggable.VerifyJob seq=2 severity=FINE
 msg=Number of records referencing more than one entry: 224
[20/05/2015:14:24:18 +0200] category=...pluggable.VerifyJob seq=3 severity=FINE
 msg=Number of records that exceed the entry limit: 0
[20/05/2015:14:24:18 +0200] category=...pluggable.VerifyJob seq=4 severity=FINE
 msg=Average number of entries referenced is 2.00/record
[20/05/2015:14:24:18 +0200] category=...pluggable.VerifyJob seq=5 severity=FINE
 msg=Maximum number of entries referenced by any record is 32


windows-service — register OpenDJ as a Windows Service


windows-service {options}


This utility can be used to run OpenDJ directory server as a Windows Service.

Service Options

-c, --cleanupService serviceName

Disable the service and clean up the windows registry information associated with the provided service name

-d, --disableService

Disable the server as a Windows service and stop the server

-e, --enableService

Enable the server as a Windows service

-s, --serviceState

Provide information about the state of the server as a Windows service

General Options

-V, --version

Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following command registers OpenDJ directory server as a Windows Service.

C:\path\to\opendj\bat> windows-service.bat --enableService

After running this command, you can manage the service using Windows administration tools.

Abandon operation

LDAP operation to stop processing of a request in progress, after which the server drops the connection without a reply to the client application.

Access control

Control to grant or to deny access to a resource.

Access control instruction (ACI)

Instruction added as a directory entry attribute for fine-grained control over what a given user or group member is authorized to do in terms of LDAP operations and access to user data.

ACIs are implemented independently from privileges, which apply to administrative operations.

See also Privilege.

Access control list (ACL)

An access control list connects a user or group of users to one or more security entitlements. For example, users in group sales are granted the entitlement read-only to some financial data.

access log

Server log tracing the operations the server processes including timestamps, connection information, and information about the operation itself.

Account lockout

The act of making an account temporarily or permanently inactive after successive authentication failures.

Active user

A user that has the ability to authenticate and use the services, having valid credentials.

Add operation

LDAP operation to add a new entry or entries to the directory.


A user that does not need to authenticate, and is unknown to the system.

Anonymous bind

A bind operation using simple authentication with an empty DN and an empty password, allowing anonymous access such as reading public information.

Approximate index

Index is used to match values that "sound like" those provided in the filter.


Properties of a directory entry, stored as one or more key-value pairs. Typical examples include the common name (cn) to store the user's full name and variations of the name, user ID (uid) to store a unique identifier for the entry, and mail to store email addresses.

audit log

Type of access log that dumps changes in LDIF.


The process of verifying who is requesting access to a resource; the act of confirming the identity of a principal.


The process of determining whether access should be granted to an individual based on information about that individual; the act of determining whether to grant or to deny a principal access to a resource.


Repository that stores directory data. Different implementations with different capabilities exist.

Binary copy

Binary backup archive of one directory server that can be restored on another directory server.

Bind operation

LDAP authentication operation to determine the client's identity in LDAP terms, the identity which is later used by the server to authorize (or not) access to directory data that the client wants to lookup or change.


The distinguished name (DN) of a non-leaf entry in the Directory Information Tree (DIT), and also that entry and all its subordinates taken together.

Some administrative operations allow you to include or exclude branches by specifying the DN of the branch.

See also Suffix.

Collective attribute

A standard mechanism for defining attributes that appear on all the entries in a particular subtree.

Compare operation

LDAP operation to compare a specified attribute value with the value stored on an entry in the directory.


Information added to an LDAP message to further specify how an LDAP operation should be processed. OpenDJ supports many LDAP controls.

Database cache

Memory space set aside to hold database content.

debug log

Server log tracing details needed to troubleshoot a problem in the server.

Delete operation

LDAP operation to remove an existing entry or entries from the directory.


A directory is a network service which lists participants in the network such as users, computers, printers, and groups. The directory provides a convenient, centralized, and robust mechanism for publishing and consuming information about network participants.

Directory hierarchy

A directory can be organized into a hierarchy in order to make it easier to browse or manage. Directory hierarchies normally represent something in the physical world, such as organizational hierarchies or physical locations. For example, the top level of a directory may represent a company, the next level down divisions, the next level down departments, and down the hierarchy. Alternately, the top level may represent the world, the next level down countries, next states or provinces, and next cities.

Directory Information Tree (DIT)

A set of directory entries organized hierarchically in a tree structure, where the vertices are the entries and the arcs between vertices define relationships between entries

Directory manager

Default Root DN who has privileges to do full administration of the OpenDJ server, including bypassing access control evaluation, changing access controls, and changing administrative privileges.

See also Root DN.

Directory object

A directory object is an item in a directory. Example objects include users, user groups, computers, and more. Objects may be organized into a hierarchy and contain identifying attributes.

See also Entry.

Directory proxy server

Server that forwards LDAP requests to remote directory servers. A standalone directory proxy server does not store user data.

See also Directory server.

Directory server

Server application for centralizing information about network participants. A highly available directory service consists of multiple directory servers configured to replicate directory data.

See also Directory, Replication.

Directory Services Markup Language (DSML)

Standard language to access directory services using XML. DMSL v1 defined an XML mapping of LDAP objects, while DSMLv2 maps the LDAP Protocol and data model to XML.

Distinguished name (DN)

Fully qualified name for a directory entry, such as uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com, built by concatenating the entry RDN (uid=bjensen) with the DN of the parent entry (ou=People,dc=example,dc=com).


A replication domain consists of several directory servers sharing the same synchronized set of data.

The base DN of a replication domain specifies the base DN of the replicated data.

Dynamic group

Group that specifies members using LDAP URLs.


As generic and hierarchical data stores, directories always contain different kinds of entries, either nodes (or containers) or leaf entries. An entry is an object in the directory, defined by one of more object classes and their related attributes. At startup, OpenDJ reports the number of entries contained in each suffix.

Entry cache

Memory space set aside to hold frequently accessed, large entries, such as static groups.

Equality index

Index used to match values that correspond exactly (though generally without case sensitivity) to the value provided in the search filter.

errors log

Server log tracing server events, error conditions, and warnings, categorized and identified by severity.


Save directory data in an LDIF file.

Extended operation

Additional LDAP operation not included in the original standards. OpenDJ servers support several standard LDAP extended operations.

Extensible match index

Index for a matching rule other than approximate, equality, ordering, presence, substring or VLV, such as an index for generalized time.

External user

An individual that accesses company resources or services but is not working for the company. Typically a customer or partner.


An LDAP search filter is an expression that the server uses to find entries that match a search request, such as (mail=* to match all entries having an email address in the domain.


Entry identifying a set of members whose entries are also in the directory.

Idle time limit

Defines how long OpenDJ allows idle connections to remain open.


Read in and index directory data from an LDIF file.

Inactive user

An entry in the directory that once represented a user but which is now no longer able to be authenticated.


Directory server backend feature to allow quick lookup of entries based on their attribute values.

See also Approximate index, Equality index, Extensible match index, Ordering index, Presence index, Substring index, Virtual list view (VLV) index, Index entry limit.

Index entry limit

When the number of entries that an index key points to exceeds the index entry limit, OpenDJ stops maintaining the list of entries for that index key.

Internal user

An individual who works within the company either as an employee or as a contractor.

LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF)

Standard, portable, text-based representation of directory content. See RFC 2849.


LDAP Uniform Resource Locator such as ldap://,dc=com??sub?(uid=bjensen). See RFC 2255.


LDAP over SSL.

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

A simple and standardized network protocol used by applications to connect to a directory, search for objects and add, edit or remove objects. See RFC 4510.

Lookthrough limit

Defines the maximum number of candidate entries OpenDJ considers when processing a search.

Matching rule

Defines rules for performing matching operations against assertion values. Matching rules are frequently associated with an attribute syntax and are used to compare values according to that syntax. For example, the distinguishedNameEqualityMatch matching rule can be used to determine whether two DNs are equal and can ignore unnecessary spaces around commas and equal signs, differences in capitalization in attribute names, and other discrepancies.

Modify DN operation

LDAP modification operation to request that the server change the distinguished name of an entry.

Modify operation

LDAP modification operation to request that the server change one or more attributes of an entry.

Naming context

Base DN under which client applications can look for user data.

Object class

Identifies entries that share certain characteristics. Most commonly, an entry's object classes define the attributes that must and may be present on the entry. Object classes are stored on entries as values of the objectClass attribute. Object classes are defined in the directory schema, and can be abstract (defining characteristics for other object classes to inherit), structural (defining the basic structure of an entry, one structural inheritance per entry), or auxiliary (for decorating entries already having a structural object class with other required and optional attributes).

Object identifier (OID)

String that uniquely identifies an object, such as 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1 for the user ID attribute or for DirectoryString syntax.

Operational attribute

An attribute that has a special (operational) meaning for the server, such as pwdPolicySubentry or modifyTimestamp.

Ordering index

Index used to match values for a filter that specifies a range.

Password policy

A set of rules regarding what sequence of characters constitutes an acceptable password. Acceptable passwords are generally those that would be too difficult for another user or an automated program to guess and thereby defeat the password mechanism. Password policies may require a minimum length, a mixture of different types of characters (lowercase, uppercase, digits, punctuation marks, and other characters), avoiding dictionary words or passwords based on the user's name, and other attributes. Password policies may also require that users not reuse old passwords and that users change their passwords regularly.

Password reset

Password change performed by a user other than the user who owns the entry.

Password storage scheme

Mechanism for encoding user passwords stored on directory entries. OpenDJ implements a number of password storage schemes.

Password validator

Mechanism for determining whether a proposed password is acceptable for use. OpenDJ implements a number of password validators.


Java library with accompanying configuration that implements a feature through processing that is not essential to the core operation of an OpenDJ server.

As the name indicates, plugins can be plugged in to an installed server for immediate configuration and use without recompiling the server.

OpenDJ servers invoke plugins at specific points in the lifecycle of a client request. The OpenDJ configuration framework lets directory administrators manage plugins with the same tools used to manage the server.

Presence index

Index used to match the fact that an attribute is present on the entry, regardless of the value.


Entity that can be authenticated, such as a user, a device, or an application.


Server configuration settings controlling access to administrative operations such as exporting and importing data, restarting the server, performing password reset, and changing the server configuration.

Privileges are implemented independently from access control instructions (ACI), which apply to LDAP operations and user data.

See also Access control instruction (ACI).

Referential integrity

Ensuring that group membership remains consistent following changes to member entries.

referint log

Server log tracing referential integrity events, with entries similar to the errors log.


Reference to another directory location, which can be another directory server running elsewhere or another container on the same server, where the current operation can be processed.

Relative distinguished name (RDN)

Initial portion of a DN that distinguishes the entry from all other entries at the same level, such as uid=bjensen in uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com.


Data synchronization that ensures all directory servers participating eventually share a consistent set of directory data.

replication log

Server log tracing replication events, with entries similar to the errors log.

Replication server

Server dedicated to transmitting replication messages. A standalone replication server does not store user data.

Root DN

A directory superuser, whose account is specific to a server under cn=Root DNs,cn=config.

The default Root DN is Directory Manager. You can create additional Root DN accounts, each with different administrative privileges.

See also Directory manager, Privilege.

Root DSE

The directory entry with distinguished name "" (empty string), where DSE is an acronym for DSA-Specific Entry. DSA is an acronym for Directory Server Agent, a single directory server. The root DSE serves to expose information over LDAP about what the directory server supports in terms of LDAP controls, auth password schemes, SASL mechanisms, LDAP protocol versions, naming contexts, features, LDAP extended operations, and other information.


LDAP schema defines the object classes, attributes types, attribute value syntaxes, matching rules and other constrains on entries held by the directory server.

Search filter

See Filter.

Search operation

LDAP lookup operation where a client requests that the server return entries based on an LDAP filter and a base DN under which to search.

Simple authentication

Bind operation performed with a user's entry DN and user's password. Use simple authentication only if the network connection is secure.

Size limit

Sets the maximum number of entries returned for a search.

Static group

Group that enumerates member entries.


An entry, such as a password policy entry, that resides with the user data but holds operational data, and is not visible in search results unless explicitly requested.

Substring index

Index used to match values specified with wildcards in the filter.


The distinguished name (DN) of a root entry in the Directory Information Tree (DIT), and also that entry and all its subordinates taken together as a single object of administrative tasks such as export, import, indexing, and replication.


Mechanism to provide remote access to server administrative functions. OpenDJ software supports tasks to back up and restore backends, to import and export LDIF files, and to stop and restart the server.

Time limit

Defines the maximum processing time OpenDJ devotes to a search operation.

Unbind operation

LDAP operation to release resources at the end of a session.

Unindexed search

Search operation for which no matching index is available. If no indexes are applicable, then the directory server potentially has to go through all entries to look for candidate matches. For this reason, the unindexed-search privilege, which allows users to request searches for which no applicable index exists, is reserved for the directory manager by default.


An entry that represents an individual that can be authenticated through credentials contained or referenced by its attributes. A user may represent an internal user or an external user, and may be an active user or an inactive user.

User attribute

An attribute for storing user data on a directory entry such as mail or givenname.

Virtual attribute

An attribute with dynamically generated values that appear in entries but are not persistently stored in the backend.

Virtual directory

An application that exposes a consolidated view of multiple physical directories over an LDAP interface. Consumers of the directory information connect to the virtual directory's LDAP service. Behind the scenes, requests for information and updates to the directory are sent to one or more physical directories where the actual information resides. Virtual directories enable organizations to create a consolidated view of information that for legal or technical reasons cannot be consolidated into a single physical copy.

Virtual list view (VLV) index

Browsing index designed to help the directory server respond to client applications that need, for example, to browse through a long list of results a page at a time in a GUI.

Virtual static group

OpenDJ group that lets applications see dynamic groups as what appear to be static groups.


A family of standardized protocols for accessing, browsing and maintaining a directory. X.500 is functionally similar to LDAP, but is generally considered to be more complex, and has consequently not been widely adopted.


File layout, File Layout


Installed files, File Layout


Language subtypes, Directory Support For Locales and Language Subtypes
Languages, OpenDJ Languages
Result codes, LDAP Result Codes
LDAP controls
Account usability, LDAP Controls
Assertion, LDAP Controls
Authorization identity, LDAP Controls
Entry change notification, LDAP Controls
Get effective rights, LDAP Controls
Manage DSAIT, LDAP Controls
Matched values, LDAP Controls
No-op, LDAP Controls
Password expired, LDAP Controls
Password expiring, LDAP Controls
Password policy, LDAP Controls
Permissive modify, LDAP Controls
Persistent search, LDAP Controls
Post-read, LDAP Controls
Pre-read, LDAP Controls
Proxied authorization, LDAP Controls
Public changelog exchange, LDAP Controls
Server-side sort, LDAP Controls
Simple paged results, LDAP Controls
Subentries, LDAP Controls
Subtree delete, LDAP Controls
Transaction ID, LDAP Controls
Virtual list view (browsing), LDAP Controls
LDAP extended operations
Cancel, LDAP Extended Operations
Get Connection ID, LDAP Extended Operations
Password modify, LDAP Extended Operations
Password policy state, LDAP Extended Operations
StartTLS, LDAP Extended Operations
What am I?, LDAP Extended Operations
Specification, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
Locales, Directory Support For Locales and Language Subtypes


Port numbers, Ports Used


Supported standards
DSMLv2, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
FIPS 180-1, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
FIPS 180-2, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
JSON, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 1274, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 1321, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 1777, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 1778, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 1779, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 2079, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 2222, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 2246, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 2247, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 2251, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 2252, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 2253, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 2254, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 2255, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 2256, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 2307, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 2377, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 2696, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 2713, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 2714, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 2739, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 2798, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 2829, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 2830, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 2849, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 2891, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 2926, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 3045, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 3062, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 3112, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 3296, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 3377, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 3383, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 3546, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 3671, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 3672, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 3673, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 3674, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 3712, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 3771, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 3829, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 3876, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 3909, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 4346, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 4370, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 4403, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 4422, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 4505, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 4510, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 4511, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 4512, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 4513, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 4514, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 4515, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 4516, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 4517, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 4518, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 4519, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 4523, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 4524, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 4525, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 4526, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 4527, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 4528, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 4529, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 4530, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 4532, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 4616, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 4634, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 4752, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 4876, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
RFC 5020, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
SCIM Core Schema 1.0, Standards, RFCs, and Internet-Drafts
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