Package | Description |
org.forgerock.i18n |
A common framework for embedding localizable messages in applications.
org.forgerock.opendj.config |
Common administration classes.
org.forgerock.opendj.config.client |
Common client-side administration classes.
org.forgerock.opendj.config.server |
Server-side administration interface.
org.forgerock.opendj.ldap |
Classes and interfaces for core types including connections, entries, and
org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema |
Classes and interfaces for constructing and querying LDAP schemas.
| |
An LDAP based security provider having the name "OpenDJ" and exposing an LDAP/LDIF based
KeyStore service. |
org.forgerock.opendj.server.embedded |
Provides support for an embedded directory server.
org.opends.server.authorization.dseecompat |
Contains the Directory Server Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition (dseecompat) compatability access
control handler implementation.
org.opends.server.protocols.asn1 |
Contains the Directory Server classes for performing encoding and decoding of ASN.1 elements.
org.opends.server.protocols.http |
Contains the implementation for the Directory Server connection handler that is responsible for interacting with
clients using HTTP.
org.opends.server.replication.server.changelog.api |
This package contains the API for the changelog database.
| |
Defines the classes that are you used by the replication command lines.
| |
This package contains classes that support client tool interaction with the tasks backend.
org.opends.server.types |
Contains implementations for a number of Directory Server data types.
org.opends.server.util |
Contains implementations for various Directory Server utility classes and methods which may be used throughout the
server but do not necessarily fit in elsewhere.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Thrown to indicate that a method has been passed an illegal or inappropriate
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Exceptions thrown when interacting with administration framework.
class |
The requested managed object was found but it could not be decoded.
class |
The requested managed object was found but its type could not be determined.
class |
Exception related to decoding of expression.
class |
A managed object could not be created because there is an existing managed
object with the same name.
class |
The requested managed object could not be located.
class |
Exceptions thrown as a result of errors that occurred when reading, listing,
and modifying managed objects.
class |
Exceptions thrown as a result of errors that occurred when decoding and
modifying property values.
class |
Thrown when an attempt is made to retrieve a property using its name but the
name was not recognized.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static PropertyException |
PropertyException.errorReadingFileCommonsConfigTokenException(PropertyDefinition<?> pd,
String expression,
LocalizableException cause)
Creates a new error reading file commons-config token exception, raised when the file content resolver
could not retrieve the value from the file.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This exception is thrown when a critical concurrent modification is detected
by the client.
class |
Thrown when an attempt is made to create a new managed object with an illegal
class |
The requested managed object was found but one or more of its properties could not be decoded successfully.
class |
This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to add or modify a managed
object when one or more of its mandatory properties are undefined.
class |
This exception is thrown when the client or server refuses to create, delete,
or modify a managed object due to one or more constraints that cannot be
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Thrown during the course of interactions with the Directory Server configuration.
class |
The requested server managed object was found but one or more of its
properties could not be decoded successfully.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Thrown when the result code returned in a Result indicates that the Request
failed because the filter contained in an assertion control failed to match
the target entry.
class |
Thrown when the result code returned in a Result indicates that the Bind
Request failed due to an authentication failure.
class |
Thrown when the result code returned in a Result indicates that the Request
failed due to an authorization failure.
class |
Thrown when the result code returned in a Result indicates that the Request
was cancelled.
class |
Thrown when the result code returned in a Result indicates that the Request
was unsuccessful because of a connection failure.
class |
Thrown when the result code returned in a Result indicates that the update
Request failed because it would have left the Directory in an inconsistent
class |
Thrown when data from an input source cannot be decoded, perhaps due to the
data being malformed in some way.
class |
Thrown when the result code returned in a Result indicates that the Request
failed because the target entry was not found by the Directory Server.
class |
Thrown when the result code returned in a Result indicates that the Request
was unsuccessful.
class |
Thrown when the result code returned in a Result indicates that the requested
single entry search operation or read operation failed because the Directory
Server returned multiple matching entries (or search references) when only a
single matching entry was expected.
class |
Thrown when the result code returned in a Result indicates that the Request
could not be processed by the Directory Server because the target entry is
located on another server.
class |
Thrown when the result code returned in a Result indicates that the Request
was aborted because it did not complete in the required time out period.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Thrown when addition of a schema element to a schema builder fails because
the OID of the schema element conflicts with an existing schema element and
the caller explicitly requested not to override existing schema elements.
class |
Thrown when a schema query fails because the requested schema element could
not be found or is ambiguous.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
A localized
KeyStoreException . |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Exception that may be thrown by an embedded directory server if a problem occurs while performing an operation on the
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
The AciException class defines an exception that may be thrown either during ACI syntax verification of an "aci"
attribute type value or during evaluation of an LDAP operation using a set of applicable ACIs.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This class defines an exception that may be thrown if a problem occurs while interacting with a GSER String.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Thrown to indicate that an
HttpApplication was unable to start. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This exception is thrown when a cursor that has been aborted is used.
class |
This class define an Exception that must be used when some error condition was detected in the changelog database
that cannot be recovered automatically.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This is the exception that is thrown in
ADSContext . |
class |
This class represents the Exception that can occur while reading server configuration through the TopologyCache
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Exception for problems related to interacting with the task backend.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This class defines an exception that is thrown in the case of problems with encryption key management, and is a
wrapper for a variety of other cipher related exceptions.
class |
This class defines a base exception that should be extended by any exception that exposes a unique identifier for the
associated message.
class |
This class defines an exception that may be thrown if a problem occurs while trying to initialize a Directory Server
class |
This class defines an exception that may be thrown if a problem occurs while attempting to iterate across the members
of a group.
class |
This class defines a base exception for OpenDS exceptions.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This class defines an exception that may be thrown while attempting to parse LDIF content.
Copyright 2010-2022 ForgeRock AS.