Package | Description |
org.forgerock.opendj.config |
Common administration classes.
org.forgerock.opendj.config.client |
Common client-side administration classes.
org.forgerock.opendj.config.client.spi |
Client side driver implementation interfaces.
org.forgerock.opendj.config.conditions |
Logical conditions for defining constraints.
org.forgerock.opendj.config.server |
Server-side administration interface.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
protected static class |
PropertyDefinition.AbstractBuilder<T,D extends PropertyDefinition<T>>
An interface for incrementally constructing property definitions.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
ACI property definition.
class |
AggregationPropertyDefinition<C extends ConfigurationClient,S extends Configuration>
Aggregation property definition.
class |
Attribute type property definition.
class |
Boolean property definition.
class |
Class property definition.
class |
DN property definition.
class |
Duration property definition.
class |
EnumPropertyDefinition<E extends Enum<E>>
Enumeration property definition.
class |
Integer property definition.
class |
IP address mask property definition.
class |
IP address property definition.
class |
Memory size property definition.
class |
String property definition.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PropertyDefinition<?> |
Get the property of the child managed object definition which should be
used for naming children.
PropertyDefinition<?> |
Returns the property definition associated with the property that caused
the exception.
PropertyDefinition<?> |
AbstractManagedObjectDefinition.getPropertyDefinition(String name)
Get the specified property definition associated with this type of
managed object.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Collection<PropertyDefinition<?>> |
Get all the property definitions associated with this type of managed
Collection<PropertyDefinition<?>> |
Get the property definitions defined by this managed object definition.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
PropertyDefinition.compareTo(PropertyDefinition<?> o)
Compares this property definition with the specified property definition
for order.
static PropertyException |
PropertyException.defaultBehaviorException(PropertyDefinition<?> pd,
Throwable cause)
Creates a new default behavior exception with a cause.
static PropertyException |
PropertyException.errorReadingFileCommonsConfigTokenException(PropertyDefinition<?> pd,
String expression,
LocalizableException cause)
Creates a new error reading file commons-config token exception, raised when the file content resolver
could not retrieve the value from the file.
String |
LdapProfile.getAttributeName(AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<?,?> d,
PropertyDefinition<?> pd)
Get the name of the LDAP attribute associated with the specified property
String |
LdapProfile.Wrapper.getAttributeName(AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<?,?> d,
PropertyDefinition<?> pd)
Get the name of the LDAP attribute associated with the specified property definition.
<T> Collection<ValueOrExpression<T>> |
PropertyProvider.getPropertyValues(PropertyDefinition<T> d)
Get the property values associated with the specified property
<T> SortedSet<ValueOrExpression<T>> |
DefaultManagedObject.getPropertyValues(PropertyDefinition<T> pd)
Gets a mutable copy of the set of property values for the specified
LocalizableMessage |
PropertyDefinitionUsageBuilder.getUsage(PropertyDefinition<?> pd)
Generates the usage information for the provided property definition.
static PropertyException |
PropertyException.illegalPropertyValueException(PropertyDefinition<?> pd,
Object value)
Creates a new illegal property value exception.
static PropertyException |
PropertyException.illegalPropertyValueException(PropertyDefinition<?> pd,
Object value,
Throwable cause)
Creates a new illegal property value exception.
static PropertyException |
PropertyException.propertyIsMandatoryException(PropertyDefinition<?> pd)
Creates a new property is mandatory exception.
static PropertyException |
PropertyException.propertyIsReadOnlyException(PropertyDefinition<?> pd)
Creates a new property is read-only exception.
static PropertyException |
PropertyException.propertyIsSingleValuedException(PropertyDefinition<?> pd)
Creates a new property is single valued exception.
protected void |
AbstractManagedObjectDefinition.registerPropertyDefinition(PropertyDefinition<?> d)
Register a property definition with this managed object definition,
overriding any existing property definition with the same name.
void |
InstantiableRelationDefinition.Builder.setNamingProperty(PropertyDefinition<?> namingPropertyDefinition)
Sets the naming property for the instantiable relation definition.
static PropertyException |
PropertyException.unknownPropertyDefinitionException(PropertyDefinition<?> pd)
Creates a new unknown property definition exception.
static PropertyException |
PropertyException.unresolvedCommonsConfigTokenException(PropertyDefinition<?> pd,
String expression,
Throwable cause)
Creates a new unresolved commons-config token exception, raised when a token in a commons-config expression
could not be resolved.
<T> R |
PropertyDefinitionVisitor.visitUnknown(PropertyDefinition<T> pd,
P p)
Visit an unknown type of property definition.
<T> R |
PropertyValueVisitor.visitUnknown(PropertyDefinition<T> pd,
ValueOrExpression<T> v,
P p)
Visit an unknown type of property value.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PropertyDefinition<?> |
Get the naming property definition if applicable.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<P> SortedSet<ValueOrExpression<P>> |
ManagedObject.getPropertyDefaultValues(PropertyDefinition<P> pd)
Gets a mutable copy of the set of default values for the specified
<P> ValueOrExpression<P> |
ManagementContext.getPropertyValue(ManagedObjectPath<?,?> path,
PropertyDefinition<P> pd)
Gets the effective value of a property in the named managed object.
<P> ValueOrExpression<P> |
DriverBasedManagementContext.getPropertyValue(ManagedObjectPath<?,?> path,
PropertyDefinition<P> pd) |
<P> ValueOrExpression<P> |
ManagedObject.getPropertyValue(PropertyDefinition<P> pd)
Gets the effective value of the specified property.
<P> SortedSet<ValueOrExpression<P>> |
ManagementContext.getPropertyValues(ManagedObjectPath<?,?> path,
PropertyDefinition<P> pd)
Gets the effective values of a property in the named managed object.
<P> SortedSet<ValueOrExpression<P>> |
DriverBasedManagementContext.getPropertyValues(ManagedObjectPath<?,?> path,
PropertyDefinition<P> pd) |
<P> SortedSet<ValueOrExpression<P>> |
ManagedObject.getPropertyValues(PropertyDefinition<P> pd)
Gets a mutable copy of the set of effective values for the specified
boolean |
ManagedObject.isModified(PropertyDefinition<?> pd)
Determines whether the provided property has been modified since this managed object was constructed.
boolean |
ManagedObject.isPropertyPresent(PropertyDefinition<?> pd)
Determines whether the specified property is set.
<P> void |
ManagedObject.setPropertyValue(PropertyDefinition<P> pd,
ValueOrExpression<P> value)
Sets a new pending value for the specified property.
<P> void |
ManagedObject.setPropertyValues(PropertyDefinition<P> pd,
Collection<ValueOrExpression<P>> values)
Sets a new pending values for the specified property.
Constructor and Description |
IllegalManagedObjectNameException(String illegalName,
PropertyDefinition<?> namingPropertyDefinition)
Create a new illegal name exception and a naming property definition.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected PropertyDefinition<?> |
Gets the naming property definition associated with this managed object.
PropertyDefinition<T> |
Get the property definition associated with this property.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> void |
PropertySet.addProperty(PropertyDefinition<T> pd,
Collection<ValueOrExpression<T>> defaultValues,
Collection<ValueOrExpression<T>> activeValues)
Creates a property with the provided sets of pre-validated default and
active values.
protected <P> Collection<ValueOrExpression<P>> |
Driver.findDefaultValues(ManagedObjectPath<?,?> p,
PropertyDefinition<P> pd,
boolean isCreate)
Gets the default values for the specified property.
protected <P> Property<P> |
AbstractManagedObject.getProperty(PropertyDefinition<P> pd)
Gets the property associated with the specified property definition.
<T> Property<T> |
PropertySet.getProperty(PropertyDefinition<T> d)
Get the property associated with the specified property definition.
<P> SortedSet<ValueOrExpression<P>> |
AbstractManagedObject.getPropertyDefaultValues(PropertyDefinition<P> pd) |
<P> ValueOrExpression<P> |
AbstractManagedObject.getPropertyValue(PropertyDefinition<P> pd) |
abstract <C extends ConfigurationClient,S extends Configuration,P> |
Driver.getPropertyValues(ManagedObjectPath<C,S> path,
PropertyDefinition<P> pd)
Gets the effective values of a property in the named managed object.
<P> SortedSet<ValueOrExpression<P>> |
AbstractManagedObject.getPropertyValues(PropertyDefinition<P> pd) |
boolean |
AbstractManagedObject.isModified(PropertyDefinition<?> pd) |
boolean |
AbstractManagedObject.isPropertyPresent(PropertyDefinition<?> pd) |
protected abstract <M extends ConfigurationClient> |
AbstractManagedObject.newInstance(ManagedObjectDefinition<M,?> d,
ManagedObjectPath<M,?> path,
PropertySet properties,
boolean existsOnServer,
PropertyDefinition<?> namingPropertyDefinition)
Creates a new managed object.
<P> void |
AbstractManagedObject.setPropertyValue(PropertyDefinition<P> pd,
ValueOrExpression<P> value) |
<P> void |
AbstractManagedObject.setPropertyValues(PropertyDefinition<P> pd,
Collection<ValueOrExpression<P>> values) |
Constructor and Description |
AbstractManagedObject(ManagedObjectDefinition<T,? extends Configuration> d,
ManagedObjectPath<T,? extends Configuration> path,
PropertySet properties,
boolean existsOnServer,
PropertyDefinition<?> namingPropertyDefinition)
Creates a new abstract managed object.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PropertyDefinition<?> |
Returns the property definition associated with this condition.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> T |
ServerManagedObject.getPropertyValue(PropertyDefinition<T> d)
Get the effective value of the specified property.
<T> SortedSet<T> |
ServerManagedObject.getPropertyValues(PropertyDefinition<T> d)
Get the effective values of the specified property.
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