Package | Description |
org.forgerock.opendj.ldap |
Classes and interfaces for core types including connections, entries, and
org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.controls |
Classes and interfaces for common LDAP controls.
org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.messages |
Classes and interfaces for core LDAP requests/responses.
org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema |
Classes and interfaces for constructing and querying LDAP schemas.
org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.spi |
Interfaces and classes for service providers.
org.forgerock.opendj.ldif |
Classes and interfaces for reading and writing LDIF.
org.forgerock.opendj.rest2ldap |
APIs for implementing REST to LDAP gateways.
org.opends.server.api |
Contains a number of API declarations for use throughout the
Directory Server.
org.opends.server.core |
Contains various classes that comprise the core of the Directory Server codebase.
org.opends.server.extensions |
Contains various implementations of Directory Server APIs that are not appropriate for other packages.
org.opends.server.replication.plugin |
This package contains the part of the Multi-master
replication code that works on the Directory Server side.
org.opends.server.types |
Contains implementations for a number of Directory Server data types.
org.opends.server.types.operation |
Contains a number of interfaces that are implemented by the various types of Directory Server operations.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AbstractMapEntry<M extends Map<AttributeDescription,Attribute>>
Abstract implementation for
Map based entries. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AttributeDescription |
Returns the first value decoded as an
AttributeDescription using
the schema associated with this parser, or null if the attribute
does not contain any values. |
AttributeDescription |
AttributeParser.asAttributeDescription(AttributeDescription defaultValue)
Returns the first value decoded as an
AttributeDescription using
the schema associated with this parser, or defaultValue if the
attribute does not contain any values. |
AttributeDescription |
AttributeParser.asAttributeDescription(String defaultValue)
Returns the first value decoded as an
AttributeDescription using
the schema associated with this parser, or defaultValue if the
attribute does not contain any values. |
static AttributeDescription |
Functions.byteStringToAttributeDescription(ByteString value,
Schema schema)
Parses a
ByteString as an AttributeDescription using the provided schema. |
static AttributeDescription |
AttributeDescription.create(AttributeType attributeType)
Creates an attribute description having the provided attribute type and no options.
static AttributeDescription |
AttributeDescription.create(AttributeType attributeType,
Collection<String> options)
Creates an attribute description having the provided attribute type and options.
static AttributeDescription |
AttributeDescription.create(AttributeType attributeType,
String... options)
Creates an attribute description having the provided attribute type and options.
static AttributeDescription |
AttributeDescription.create(AttributeType attributeType,
String option)
Creates an attribute description having the provided attribute type and single option.
static AttributeDescription |
AttributeDescription.create(String attributeName,
AttributeType attributeType)
Creates an attribute description having the provided attribute name, type and no options.
AttributeDescription |
Returns the attribute description for this comparison filter
Matcher , which may be null if the
filter is an extensible match filter specifying an extensible matching rule. |
AttributeDescription |
LinkedAttribute.getAttributeDescription() |
AttributeDescription |
Returns the attribute description of this attribute, which includes its attribute type and any options.
static AttributeDescription |
AttributeDescription.maxKey(AttributeType attributeType)
Returns an attribute description having the provided attribute type and a set of options which sorts after any
other set of options.
static AttributeDescription |
Returns an attribute description representing the object class attribute type with no options.
static AttributeDescription |
AttributeDescription.valueOf(String attributeDescription)
Parses the provided LDAP string representation of an attribute
description using the default schema.
static AttributeDescription |
AttributeDescription.valueOf(String attributeDescription,
Schema schema)
Parses the provided LDAP string representation of an attribute
description using the provided schema.
AttributeDescription |
AttributeDescription.withOption(String option)
Returns an attribute description having the same attribute type and
options as this attribute description as well as the provided option.
AttributeDescription |
AttributeDescription.withOptions(Iterable<String> options)
Returns an attribute description having the same attribute type and options as this attribute description as well
as the provided options.
AttributeDescription |
AttributeDescription.withOptions(String... options)
Returns an attribute description having the same attribute type and options as this attribute description as well
as the provided options.
AttributeDescription |
Returns an attribute description having the same attribute type as this attribute description
except that all options has been removed.
AttributeDescription |
AttributeDescription.withoutOption(String option)
Returns an attribute description having the same attribute type and options as this attribute description except
for the provided option.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<AttributeDescription> |
Returns the values decoded as a set of
AttributeDescription s
using the schema associated with this parser, or an empty set if the
attribute does not contain any values. |
Set<AttributeDescription> |
AttributeParser.asSetOfAttributeDescription(AttributeDescription... defaultValues)
Returns the values decoded as a set of
AttributeDescription s
using the schema associated with this parser, or defaultValues if
the attribute does not contain any values. |
Set<AttributeDescription> |
AttributeParser.asSetOfAttributeDescription(Collection<AttributeDescription> defaultValues)
Returns the values decoded as a set of
AttributeDescription s
using the schema associated with this parser, or defaultValues if
the attribute does not contain any values. |
Set<AttributeDescription> |
AttributeParser.asSetOfAttributeDescription(String... defaultValues)
Returns the values decoded as a set of
AttributeDescription s
using the schema associated with this parser, or defaultValues if
the attribute does not contain any values. |
Function<AttributeDescription,Attribute> |
Returns the function which will be used for creating new
Attribute instances when decoding attributes. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AttributeDescription |
AttributeParser.asAttributeDescription(AttributeDescription defaultValue)
Returns the first value decoded as an
AttributeDescription using
the schema associated with this parser, or defaultValue if the
attribute does not contain any values. |
Set<AttributeDescription> |
AttributeParser.asSetOfAttributeDescription(AttributeDescription... defaultValues)
Returns the values decoded as a set of
AttributeDescription s
using the schema associated with this parser, or defaultValues if
the attribute does not contain any values. |
int |
AttributeDescription.compareTo(AttributeDescription other)
Compares this attribute description to the provided attribute
boolean |
TreeMapEntry.containsAnyAttributes(AttributeDescription attributeDescription) |
default boolean |
Entry.containsAnyAttributes(AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
true if this entry contains any non-empty attributes having an attribute description which is
a sub-type of the provided attribute description. |
default boolean |
Entry.containsAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription,
Object... values)
true if this entry contains all of the attribute values contained in values . |
<T> T |
Assertion.createIndexQuery(AttributeDescription attributeDescription,
IndexQueryFactory<T> factory)
Returns an index query appropriate for the provided attribute value assertion.
static Attribute |
Attributes.emptyAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
Returns a read-only empty attribute having the specified attribute
Iterable<Attribute> |
TreeMapEntry.getAllAttributes(AttributeDescription attributeDescription) |
default Iterable<Attribute> |
Entry.getAllAttributes(AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
Returns an
Iterable containing all the attributes in this entry having an attribute description which is
a sub-type of the provided attribute description. |
default Attribute |
Entry.getAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
Returns the named attribute contained in this entry, or
null if it is not included with this entry. |
Attribute |
AbstractMapEntry.getAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription) |
AttributeFilter |
AttributeFilter.includeAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
Specifies that the named attribute should be included in filtered
boolean |
AttributeDescription.isSubTypeOf(AttributeDescription other)
Indicates whether this attribute description is a sub-type of the
provided attribute description as defined in RFC 4512 section 2.5.
boolean |
AttributeDescription.isSuperTypeOf(AttributeDescription other)
Indicates whether this attribute description is a super-type of
the provided attribute description as defined in RFC 4512 section 2.5.
boolean |
AttributeDescription.matches(AttributeDescription other)
Indicates whether the provided attribute description matches this
attribute description.
boolean |
AttributeFilter.matchesAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
true if this attribute filter matches the provided attribute description. |
default AttributeParser |
Entry.parseAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
Returns a parser for the named attribute contained in this entry.
default boolean |
Entry.removeAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
Removes the named attribute from this entry if it is present (optional operation).
static Attribute |
Attributes.renameAttribute(Attribute attribute,
AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
Returns a view of
attribute having a different attribute
description. |
static Attribute |
Attributes.singletonAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription,
Object value)
Returns a read-only single-valued attribute having the specified
attribute description and value.
static Attribute |
Attributes.virtualAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
Returns an empty virtual attribute.
static Attribute |
Attributes.virtualAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription,
Supplier<?> attributeValueSupplier)
Returns a virtual attribute whose values will be supplied by provided
Supplier . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<AttributeDescription> |
AttributeParser.asSetOfAttributeDescription(Collection<AttributeDescription> defaultValues)
Returns the values decoded as a set of
AttributeDescription s
using the schema associated with this parser, or defaultValues if
the attribute does not contain any values. |
DecodeOptions |
DecodeOptions.setAttributeFactory(Function<AttributeDescription,Attribute> factory)
Sets the function which will be used for creating new
Attribute instances when decoding attributes. |
Constructor and Description |
LinkedAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
Creates a new attribute having the specified attribute description and no attribute values.
LinkedAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription,
Collection<?> values)
Creates a new attribute having the specified attribute description and attribute values.
LinkedAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription,
Object... values)
Creates a new attribute having the specified attribute description and attribute values.
LinkedAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription,
Object value)
Creates a new attribute having the specified attribute description and single attribute value.
SortKey(AttributeDescription attributeDescription,
boolean isReverseOrder,
MatchingRule orderingMatchingRule)
Creates a new sort key using the provided attribute description.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ServerSideSortResponseControl |
ServerSideSortResponseControl.newControl(ResultCode result,
AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
Creates a new server-side response control with the provided sort result
and attribute description.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AttributeDescription |
Returns the name of the attribute to be compared.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Iterable<Attribute> |
SearchResultEntry.getAllAttributes(AttributeDescription attributeDescription) |
Iterable<Attribute> |
AddRequest.getAllAttributes(AttributeDescription attributeDescription) |
Attribute |
SearchResultEntry.getAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription) |
Attribute |
AddRequest.getAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription) |
static CompareRequest |
Requests.newCompareRequest(Dn name,
AttributeDescription attributeDescription,
Object assertionValue)
Creates a new compare request using the provided distinguished name,
attribute name, and assertion value.
boolean |
SearchResultEntry.removeAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription) |
boolean |
AddRequest.removeAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription) |
CompareRequest |
CompareRequest.setAttributeDescription(AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
Sets the name of the attribute to be compared.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AttributeDescription |
Returns the option-less attribute description corresponding to this attribute type.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
T |
IndexQueryFactory.createExactMatchQuery(AttributeDescription attributeDescription,
String indexID,
ByteSequence key)
Returns a query requesting an index record matching the provided key.
T |
IndexQueryFactory.createMatchAllQuery(AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
Returns a query requesting all index records.
T |
IndexQueryFactory.createRangeMatchQuery(AttributeDescription attributeDescription,
String indexID,
ByteSequence lower,
ByteSequence upper,
boolean lowerIncluded,
boolean upperIncluded)
Returns a query requesting all index records in the specified range.
IndexingOptions |
IndexQueryFactory.getIndexingOptionsOrNull(AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
Returns the indexing options for the provided attribute, or
null if the attribute is not indexed. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
LdifEntryWriter |
LdifEntryWriter.setExcludeAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
Excludes the named attribute from any entries that are written to LDIF.
LdifEntryReader |
LdifEntryReader.setExcludeAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
Excludes the named attribute from any entries that are read from LDIF.
LdifChangeRecordWriter |
LdifChangeRecordWriter.setExcludeAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
Excludes the named attribute from any change records that are written to
LdifChangeRecordReader |
LdifChangeRecordReader.setExcludeAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
Excludes the named attribute from any change records that are read from
LdifEntryWriter |
LdifEntryWriter.setIncludeAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
Ensures that the named attribute is not excluded from any entries that
are written to LDIF.
LdifEntryReader |
LdifEntryReader.setIncludeAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
Ensures that the named attribute is not excluded from any entries that
are read from LDIF.
LdifChangeRecordWriter |
LdifChangeRecordWriter.setIncludeAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
Ensures that the named attribute is not excluded from any change records
that are written to LDIF.
LdifChangeRecordReader |
LdifChangeRecordReader.setIncludeAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
Ensures that the named attribute is not excluded from any change records
that are read from LDIF.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static JsonPropertyMapper |
Rest2Ldap.json(AttributeDescription attribute)
Returns a property mapper which provides a mapping from a JSON value to a LDAP attribute having the JSON syntax.
static ReferencePropertyMapper |
Rest2Ldap.reference(AttributeDescription attribute,
String baseDnTemplate,
AttributeDescription primaryKey,
PropertyMapper mapper)
Returns a property mapper which provides a mapping from a JSON value to a single DN valued LDAP attribute.
static SimplePropertyMapper |
Rest2Ldap.simple(AttributeDescription attribute)
Returns a property mapper which provides a simple mapping from a JSON value to a single LDAP attribute.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
abstract Attribute |
VirtualAttributeProvider.getAttribute(Entry entry,
AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
Generates an unmodifiable attribute with the values for the provided entry.
protected static long |
AuthenticationPolicyState.getGeneralizedTime(Entry entry,
AttributeDescription attrDesc)
A utility method which may be used by implementations in order to obtain the value of the specified attribute
from the provided entry as a time in generalized time format.
boolean |
VirtualAttributeProvider.isSearchable(AttributeDescription attributeDescription,
SearchOperation searchOperation,
boolean isPreIndexed)
Indicates whether this attribute may be included in search filters as part of the criteria for locating entries.
void |
VirtualAttributeProvider.processSearch(AttributeDescription attributeDescription,
SearchOperation searchOperation)
Processes the provided search operation in which the search criteria includes an operation targeted at this
virtual attribute.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AttributeDescription |
CompareOperation.getAttributeDescription() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
CompareOperation.setAttributeDescription(AttributeDescription attributeDescription) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Attribute |
UserDefinedVirtualAttributeProvider.getAttribute(Entry entry,
AttributeDescription attrDesc) |
Attribute |
SubschemaSubentryVirtualAttributeProvider.getAttribute(Entry entry,
AttributeDescription attributeDescription) |
Attribute |
StructuralObjectClassVirtualAttributeProvider.getAttribute(Entry entry,
AttributeDescription attributeDescription) |
Attribute |
PasswordPolicySubentryVirtualAttributeProvider.getAttribute(Entry entry,
AttributeDescription attributeDescription) |
Attribute |
PasswordExpirationTimeVirtualAttributeProvider.getAttribute(Entry entry,
AttributeDescription attributeDescription) |
Attribute |
NumSubordinatesVirtualAttributeProvider.getAttribute(Entry entry,
AttributeDescription attributeDescription) |
Attribute |
MemberVirtualAttributeProvider.getAttribute(Entry entry,
AttributeDescription attributeDescription) |
Attribute |
IsMemberOfVirtualAttributeProvider.getAttribute(Entry entry,
AttributeDescription attributeDescription) |
Attribute |
HasSubordinatesVirtualAttributeProvider.getAttribute(Entry entry,
AttributeDescription attributeDescription) |
Attribute |
GoverningStructureRuleVirtualAttributeProvider.getAttribute(Entry entry,
AttributeDescription attributeDescription) |
Attribute |
EntryUUIDVirtualAttributeProvider.getAttribute(Entry entry,
AttributeDescription attributeDescription) |
Attribute |
EntryDNVirtualAttributeProvider.getAttribute(Entry entry,
AttributeDescription attributeDescription) |
Attribute |
EntityTagVirtualAttributeProvider.getAttribute(Entry entry,
AttributeDescription attributeDescription) |
Attribute |
CollectiveAttributeSubentriesVirtualAttributeProvider.getAttribute(Entry entry,
AttributeDescription attributeDescription) |
boolean |
IsMemberOfVirtualAttributeProvider.isSearchable(AttributeDescription attributeDescription,
SearchOperation searchOperation,
boolean isPreIndexed)
Indicates whether this attribute may be included in search filters as part of the criteria for locating entries.
boolean |
EntryDNVirtualAttributeProvider.isSearchable(AttributeDescription attributeDescription,
SearchOperation searchOperation,
boolean isPreIndexed)
Indicates whether this attribute may be included in search filters as part of the criteria for locating entries.
void |
IsMemberOfVirtualAttributeProvider.processSearch(AttributeDescription attributeDescription,
SearchOperation searchOperation) |
void |
EntryDNVirtualAttributeProvider.processSearch(AttributeDescription attributeDescription,
SearchOperation searchOperation) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AttributeDescription |
EntryHistoricalAttribute.getAttributeDescription() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<AttributeDescription,AttrHistorical> |
Returns the historical information for all attributes.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
EntryHistorical.addAttrHistoricalAddValue(AttributeDescription attributeDescription,
CSN csn,
ByteString value)
Updates this entry historical information with the provided add modification.
void |
EntryHistorical.addAttrHistoricalDeleteAttr(AttributeDescription attributeDescription,
CSN csn)
Updates this entry historical information with the provided delete attribute modification.
void |
EntryHistorical.addAttrHistoricalDeleteValue(AttributeDescription attributeDescription,
CSN csn,
ByteString value)
Updates this entry historical information with the provided delete modification.
void |
EntryHistorical.addAttrHistoricalReplaceValue(AttributeDescription attributeDescription,
CSN csn,
ByteString value)
Updates this entry historical information with the provided replace modification.
AttrHistorical |
EntryHistorical.getAttrHistorical(AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
Returns the historical information for the named attribute.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AttributeDescription |
Retrieves the attribute description for which the values should be generated.
AttributeDescription |
AbstractVirtualAttribute.getAttributeDescription() |
Constructor and Description |
AbstractVirtualAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
Creates a new virtual attribute for the provided attribute description.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AttributeDescription |
Retrieves the attribute description for this compare operation.
AttributeDescription |
Retrieves the attribute description for this compare operation.
AttributeDescription |
Retrieves the attribute description for this compare operation.
AttributeDescription |
Retrieves the attribute description for this compare operation.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PreParseCompareOperation.setAttributeDescription(AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
Specifies the attribute description for this compare operation.
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