Package | Description |
---|---| |
Classes and interfaces providing I/O functionality.
org.forgerock.opendj.ldap |
Classes and interfaces for core types including connections, entries, and
org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema |
Classes and interfaces for constructing and querying LDAP schemas.
org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.spi |
Interfaces and classes for service providers.
| |
An LDAP based security provider having the name "OpenDJ" and exposing an LDAP/LDIF based
KeyStore service. |
org.opends.server.api |
Contains a number of API declarations for use throughout the
Directory Server.
org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi |
Interfaces and classes required when implementing new storage engines for the pluggable backend.
org.opends.server.crypto |
This package implements the Directory Server cryptographic framework, which is described in the
CrytpoManager design document.
org.opends.server.extensions |
Contains various implementations of Directory Server APIs that are not appropriate for other packages.
org.opends.server.replication.common |
This package contains utilities that can are used by all the packages below org.opends.server.replication.
org.opends.server.replication.plugin |
This package contains the part of the Multi-master
replication code that works on the Directory Server side.
org.opends.server.schema |
Contains implementations of various Directory Server schema elements.
org.opends.server.util |
Contains implementations for various Directory Server utility classes and methods which may be used throughout the
server but do not necessarily fit in elsewhere.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Asn1Reader |
Asn1.getReader(ByteSequence sequence)
Returns an ASN.1 reader whose source is the provided byte sequence and
having an unlimited maximum BER element size.
static Asn1Reader |
Asn1.getReader(ByteSequence sequence,
int maxElementSize)
Returns an ASN.1 reader whose source is the provided byte sequence and
having a user defined maximum BER element size.
Asn1Writer |
Asn1Writer.writeOctetString(byte type,
ByteSequence value)
Writes an octet string element using the provided type tag.
Asn1Writer |
Asn1Writer.writeOctetString(ByteSequence value)
Writes an octet string element using the Universal Octet String ASN.1
type tag.
Asn1Writer |
AbstractAsn1Writer.writeOctetString(ByteSequence value) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
An immutable sequence of bytes backed by a byte array.
class |
A mutable sequence of bytes backed by a byte array.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static Comparator<ByteSequence> |
A ByteSequence comparator.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ByteSequence |
ByteSequenceReader.readByteSequence(int length)
Relative bulk read method.
ByteSequence |
ByteStringBuilder.subSequence(int start,
int end)
Returns a new byte sequence that is a subsequence of this byte sequence.
ByteSequence |
ByteSequence.subSequence(int start,
int end)
Returns a new byte sequence that is a subsequence of this byte sequence.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ByteStringBuilder |
ByteStringBuilder.appendBytes(ByteSequence bytes)
Appends the provided
ByteSequence to this byte string builder. |
int |
ByteStringBuilder.compareTo(ByteSequence o) |
int |
ByteString.compareTo(ByteSequence o) |
int |
ByteSequence.compareTo(ByteSequence o)
Compares this byte sequence with the specified byte sequence for order.
static String |
Base64.encode(ByteSequence bytes)
Encodes the provided data as a base64 string.
static Assertion |
Assertion.greaterOrEqualAssertion(String indexId,
ByteSequence normalizedAssertionValue)
Returns an assertion for greater than or equal comparisons.
static Assertion |
Assertion.greaterThanAssertion(String indexId,
ByteSequence normalizedAssertionValue)
Returns an assertion for greater than comparisons.
static Assertion |
Assertion.lessOrEqualAssertion(String indexId,
ByteSequence normalizedAssertionValue)
Returns an assertion for less than or equal comparisons.
static Assertion |
Assertion.lessThanAssertion(String indexId,
ByteSequence normalizedAssertionValue)
Returns an assertion for less than comparisons.
ConditionResult |
Assertion.matches(ByteSequence normalizedAttributeValue)
Indicates whether the provided attribute value should be considered a
match for this assertion value according to the matching rule.
ConditionResult |
Attribute.matchesApproximateAssertion(Assertion assertion,
ByteSequence rawAssertion)
Indicates whether this attribute matches the specified assertion using the attribute's default approximate
matching rule.
ConditionResult |
AbstractAttribute.matchesApproximateAssertion(Assertion assertion,
ByteSequence rawAssertion) |
ConditionResult |
LinkedAttribute.matchesEqualityAssertion(Assertion assertion,
ByteSequence rawAssertion)
NOTE: it is only possible to optimize for the equality matching rule because the other matching rules may not be
compatible with the equality matching rule's normalized representation.
ConditionResult |
Attribute.matchesEqualityAssertion(Assertion assertion,
ByteSequence rawAssertion)
Indicates whether this attribute matches the specified assertion using the attribute's default equality matching
ConditionResult |
AbstractAttribute.matchesEqualityAssertion(Assertion assertion,
ByteSequence rawAssertion) |
ConditionResult |
Attribute.matchesGreaterOrEqualAssertion(Assertion assertion,
ByteSequence rawAssertion)
Indicates whether this attribute matches the specified assertion using the attribute's default ordering matching
ConditionResult |
AbstractAttribute.matchesGreaterOrEqualAssertion(Assertion assertion,
ByteSequence rawAssertion) |
ConditionResult |
Attribute.matchesLessOrEqualAssertion(Assertion assertion,
ByteSequence rawAssertion)
Indicates whether this attribute matches the specified assertion using the attribute's default ordering matching
ConditionResult |
AbstractAttribute.matchesLessOrEqualAssertion(Assertion assertion,
ByteSequence rawAssertion) |
ConditionResult |
Attribute.matchesSubstringAssertion(Assertion assertion,
ByteSequence rawInitialSubstring,
List<? extends ByteSequence> rawAnySubstrings,
ByteSequence rawFinalSubstring)
Indicates whether this attribute matches the specified assertion using the attribute's default ordering matching
ConditionResult |
AbstractAttribute.matchesSubstringAssertion(Assertion assertion,
ByteSequence rawInitialSubstring,
List<? extends ByteSequence> rawAnySubstrings,
ByteSequence rawFinalSubstring) |
boolean |
ByteStringBuilder.startsWith(ByteSequence prefix) |
boolean |
ByteString.startsWith(ByteSequence prefix) |
boolean |
ByteSequence.startsWith(ByteSequence prefix)
Tests if this ByteSequence starts with the specified prefix.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default ConditionResult |
Assertion.matchesAny(Set<? extends ByteSequence> normalizedAttributeValues)
Indicates whether the provided attribute values should be considered a
match for this assertion value according to the matching rule.
ConditionResult |
Attribute.matchesSubstringAssertion(Assertion assertion,
ByteSequence rawInitialSubstring,
List<? extends ByteSequence> rawAnySubstrings,
ByteSequence rawFinalSubstring)
Indicates whether this attribute matches the specified assertion using the attribute's default ordering matching
ConditionResult |
AbstractAttribute.matchesSubstringAssertion(Assertion assertion,
ByteSequence rawInitialSubstring,
List<? extends ByteSequence> rawAnySubstrings,
ByteSequence rawFinalSubstring) |
Constructor and Description |
ByteStringBuilder(ByteSequence bs)
Creates a new byte string builder with the content of the provided
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Assertion |
MatchingRule.getAssertion(ByteSequence value)
Returns the normalized form of the provided assertion value, which is
best suited for efficiently performing matching operations on that value.
Assertion |
MatchingRuleImpl.getAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence assertionValue)
Retrieves the normalized form of the provided assertion value, which is
best suited for efficiently performing less than matching operations on
that value.
Assertion |
AbstractOrderingMatchingRuleImpl.getAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value) |
Assertion |
AbstractEqualityMatchingRuleImpl.getAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence assertionValue) |
Assertion |
MatchingRule.getGreaterOrEqualAssertion(ByteSequence value)
Returns the normalized form of the provided assertion value, which is
best suited for efficiently performing greater than or equal ordering
matching operations on that value.
Assertion |
MatchingRuleImpl.getGreaterOrEqualAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value)
Retrieves the normalized form of the provided assertion value, which is
best suited for efficiently performing greater than or equal matching
operations on that value.
Assertion |
AbstractOrderingMatchingRuleImpl.getGreaterOrEqualAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value) |
Assertion |
MatchingRule.getLessOrEqualAssertion(ByteSequence value)
Returns the normalized form of the provided assertion value, which is
best suited for efficiently performing greater than or equal ordering
matching operations on that value.
Assertion |
MatchingRuleImpl.getLessOrEqualAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value)
Retrieves the normalized form of the provided assertion value, which is
best suited for efficiently performing less than or equal matching
operations on that value.
Assertion |
AbstractOrderingMatchingRuleImpl.getLessOrEqualAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value) |
Assertion |
MatchingRule.getSubstringAssertion(ByteSequence subInitial,
List<? extends ByteSequence> subAnyElements,
ByteSequence subFinal)
Returns the normalized form of the provided assertion substring values,
which is best suited for efficiently performing matching operations on
that value.
Assertion |
MatchingRuleImpl.getSubstringAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence subInitial,
List<? extends ByteSequence> subAnyElements,
ByteSequence subFinal)
Retrieves the normalized form of the provided assertion substring values,
which is best suited for efficiently performing matching operations on
that value.
ByteString |
MatchingRule.normalizeAttributeValue(ByteSequence value)
Returns the normalized form of the provided attribute value, which is
best suited for efficiently performing matching operations on that value.
ByteString |
MatchingRuleImpl.normalizeAttributeValue(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value)
Retrieves the normalized form of the provided attribute value, which is
best suited for efficiently performing matching operations on that value.
boolean |
Syntax.valueIsAcceptable(ByteSequence value,
LocalizableMessageBuilder invalidReason)
Indicates whether the provided value is acceptable for use in an
attribute with this syntax.
boolean |
SyntaxImpl.valueIsAcceptable(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value,
LocalizableMessageBuilder invalidReason)
Indicates whether the provided value is acceptable for use in an
attribute with this syntax.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Assertion |
MatchingRule.getSubstringAssertion(ByteSequence subInitial,
List<? extends ByteSequence> subAnyElements,
ByteSequence subFinal)
Returns the normalized form of the provided assertion substring values,
which is best suited for efficiently performing matching operations on
that value.
Assertion |
MatchingRuleImpl.getSubstringAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence subInitial,
List<? extends ByteSequence> subAnyElements,
ByteSequence subFinal)
Retrieves the normalized form of the provided assertion substring values,
which is best suited for efficiently performing matching operations on
that value.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
T |
IndexQueryFactory.createExactMatchQuery(AttributeDescription attributeDescription,
String indexID,
ByteSequence key)
Returns a query requesting an index record matching the provided key.
void |
Indexer.createKeys(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value,
Collection<ByteString> keys)
Generates the set of index keys for an attribute.
T |
IndexQueryFactory.createRangeMatchQuery(AttributeDescription attributeDescription,
String indexID,
ByteSequence lower,
ByteSequence upper,
boolean lowerIncluded,
boolean upperIncluded)
Returns a query requesting all index records in the specified range.
String |
Indexer.keyToHumanReadableString(ByteSequence key)
Returns a human readable representation of the key.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ByteSequence |
ExternalKeyWrappingStrategy.unwrapKey(ByteSequence wrappedKey)
Unwraps the provided
wrapped key. |
ByteSequence |
ExternalKeyWrappingStrategy.wrapKey(ByteSequence unwrappedKey)
Wraps the provided encoded key.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ByteSequence |
ExternalKeyWrappingStrategy.unwrapKey(ByteSequence wrappedKey)
Unwraps the provided
wrapped key. |
ByteSequence |
ExternalKeyWrappingStrategy.wrapKey(ByteSequence unwrappedKey)
Wraps the provided encoded key.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
PasswordStorageScheme.authPasswordMatches(ByteSequence plaintextPassword,
String authInfo,
String authValue)
Indicates whether the provided plaintext password matches the encoded password using the authentication password
syntax with the given authInfo and authValue components.
ByteString |
PasswordStorageScheme.encodeAuthPassword(ByteSequence plaintext)
Encodes the provided plaintext password for this storage scheme using the authentication password syntax defined
in RFC 3112.
abstract ByteString |
PasswordStorageScheme.encodePassword(ByteSequence plaintext)
Encodes the provided plaintext password for this storage scheme, without the name of the associated scheme.
ByteString |
PasswordStorageScheme.encodePasswordWithScheme(ByteSequence plaintext)
Encodes the provided plaintext password for this storage scheme, prepending the name of the scheme in curly
ByteString |
PasswordStorageScheme.getPlaintextValue(ByteSequence storedPassword)
Retrieves the original plaintext value for the provided stored password.
abstract boolean |
PasswordStorageScheme.passwordMatches(ByteSequence plaintextPassword,
ByteSequence storedPassword)
Indicates whether the provided plaintext password included in a bind request matches the given stored value.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ByteSequence |
UpdateFunction.computeNewValue(ByteSequence oldValue)
Computes the new value for a record based on the record's existing content.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ByteSequence |
UpdateFunction.computeNewValue(ByteSequence oldValue)
Computes the new value for a record based on the record's existing content.
boolean |
WriteableTransaction.delete(TreeName treeName,
ByteSequence key)
Deletes the record with the provided key, in the tree whose name is provided.
boolean |
EmptyCursor.positionToKey(ByteSequence key) |
boolean |
Cursor.positionToKey(ByteSequence key)
Positions the cursor to the provided key if it exists in the tree.
boolean |
EmptyCursor.positionToKeyOrNext(ByteSequence key) |
boolean |
Cursor.positionToKeyOrNext(ByteSequence key)
Positions the cursor to the provided key if it exists in the tree, or else the lesser key greater than the
provided key in the tree.
void |
WriteableTransaction.put(TreeName treeName,
ByteSequence key,
ByteSequence value)
Adds a record with the provided key and value, replacing any existing record having the same key.
void |
Importer.put(TreeName treeName,
ByteSequence key,
ByteSequence value)
Creates a record with the provided key and value in the tree identified by the provided name.
ByteString | treeName,
ByteSequence key)
Reads the record's value associated to the provided key, in the tree whose name is provided.
ByteString | treeName,
ByteSequence key)
Reads the record's value associated to the provided key, in the tree whose name is provided.
boolean |
WriteableTransaction.update(TreeName treeName,
ByteSequence key,
UpdateFunction f)
Atomically adds, deletes, or replaces a record with the provided key according to the new value computed by the
update function.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ByteString |
CryptoSuite.hash48(ByteSequence data)
Returns a ByteString of 6 bytes hash of the data.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
SaltedAbstractPasswordStorageScheme.authPasswordMatches(ByteSequence plaintextPassword,
String authInfo,
String authValue) |
boolean |
PKCS5S2PasswordStorageScheme.authPasswordMatches(ByteSequence plaintextPassword,
String authInfo,
String authValue) |
boolean |
PBKDF2PasswordStorageScheme.authPasswordMatches(ByteSequence plaintextPassword,
String authInfo,
String authValue) |
boolean |
BlowfishPasswordStorageScheme.authPasswordMatches(ByteSequence plaintextPassword,
String authInfo,
String authValue) |
ByteString |
SaltedAbstractPasswordStorageScheme.encodeAuthPassword(ByteSequence plaintext) |
ByteString |
PKCS5S2PasswordStorageScheme.encodeAuthPassword(ByteSequence plaintext) |
ByteString |
PBKDF2PasswordStorageScheme.encodeAuthPassword(ByteSequence plaintext) |
ByteString |
TripleDESPasswordStorageScheme.encodePassword(ByteSequence plaintext) |
ByteString |
SaltedAbstractPasswordStorageScheme.encodePassword(ByteSequence plaintext) |
ByteString |
SHA1PasswordStorageScheme.encodePassword(ByteSequence plaintext) |
ByteString |
RC4PasswordStorageScheme.encodePassword(ByteSequence plaintext) |
ByteString |
PKCS5S2PasswordStorageScheme.encodePassword(ByteSequence plaintext) |
ByteString |
PBKDF2PasswordStorageScheme.encodePassword(ByteSequence plaintext) |
ByteString |
MD5PasswordStorageScheme.encodePassword(ByteSequence plaintext) |
ByteString |
CryptPasswordStorageScheme.encodePassword(ByteSequence plaintext) |
ByteString |
ClearPasswordStorageScheme.encodePassword(ByteSequence plaintext) |
ByteString |
BlowfishPasswordStorageScheme.encodePassword(ByteSequence plaintext) |
ByteString |
BcryptPasswordStorageScheme.encodePassword(ByteSequence plaintext) |
ByteString |
Base64PasswordStorageScheme.encodePassword(ByteSequence plaintext) |
ByteString |
AESPasswordStorageScheme.encodePassword(ByteSequence plaintext) |
ByteString |
TripleDESPasswordStorageScheme.getPlaintextValue(ByteSequence storedPassword) |
ByteString |
RC4PasswordStorageScheme.getPlaintextValue(ByteSequence storedPassword) |
ByteString |
ClearPasswordStorageScheme.getPlaintextValue(ByteSequence storedPassword) |
ByteString |
BlowfishPasswordStorageScheme.getPlaintextValue(ByteSequence storedPassword) |
ByteString |
Base64PasswordStorageScheme.getPlaintextValue(ByteSequence storedPassword) |
ByteString |
AESPasswordStorageScheme.getPlaintextValue(ByteSequence storedPassword) |
boolean |
TripleDESPasswordStorageScheme.passwordMatches(ByteSequence plaintextPassword,
ByteSequence storedPassword) |
boolean |
SaltedAbstractPasswordStorageScheme.passwordMatches(ByteSequence plaintextPassword,
ByteSequence storedPassword) |
boolean |
SHA1PasswordStorageScheme.passwordMatches(ByteSequence plaintextPassword,
ByteSequence storedPassword) |
boolean |
RC4PasswordStorageScheme.passwordMatches(ByteSequence plaintextPassword,
ByteSequence storedPassword) |
boolean |
PKCS5S2PasswordStorageScheme.passwordMatches(ByteSequence plaintextPassword,
ByteSequence storedPassword) |
boolean |
PBKDF2PasswordStorageScheme.passwordMatches(ByteSequence plaintextPassword,
ByteSequence storedPassword) |
boolean |
MD5PasswordStorageScheme.passwordMatches(ByteSequence plaintextPassword,
ByteSequence storedPassword) |
boolean |
CryptPasswordStorageScheme.passwordMatches(ByteSequence plaintextPassword,
ByteSequence storedPassword) |
boolean |
ClearPasswordStorageScheme.passwordMatches(ByteSequence plaintextPassword,
ByteSequence storedPassword) |
boolean |
BlowfishPasswordStorageScheme.passwordMatches(ByteSequence plaintextPassword,
ByteSequence storedPassword) |
boolean |
BcryptPasswordStorageScheme.passwordMatches(ByteSequence plaintextPassword,
ByteSequence storedPassword) |
boolean |
Base64PasswordStorageScheme.passwordMatches(ByteSequence plaintextPassword,
ByteSequence storedPassword) |
boolean |
AESPasswordStorageScheme.passwordMatches(ByteSequence plaintextPassword,
ByteSequence storedPassword) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static CSN |
CSN.valueOf(ByteSequence bs)
Decodes the provided
CSN.toByteString(CsnVersion) representation of a CSN. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Assertion |
HistoricalCsnRangeMatchingRuleImpl.getAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence assertionValue) |
Assertion |
HistoricalCsnOrderingMatchingRuleImpl.getAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value) |
Assertion |
HistoricalCsnRangeMatchingRuleImpl.getGreaterOrEqualAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value) |
Assertion |
HistoricalCsnOrderingMatchingRuleImpl.getGreaterOrEqualAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value) |
Assertion |
HistoricalCsnRangeMatchingRuleImpl.getLessOrEqualAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value) |
Assertion |
HistoricalCsnOrderingMatchingRuleImpl.getLessOrEqualAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value) |
Assertion |
HistoricalCsnRangeMatchingRuleImpl.getSubstringAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence subInitial,
List<? extends ByteSequence> subAnyElements,
ByteSequence subFinal) |
Assertion |
HistoricalCsnOrderingMatchingRuleImpl.getSubstringAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence subInitial,
List<? extends ByteSequence> subAnyElements,
ByteSequence subFinal) |
ConditionResult |
EntryHistoricalAttribute.matchesApproximateAssertion(Assertion assertion,
ByteSequence rawAssertion) |
ConditionResult |
EntryHistoricalAttribute.matchesEqualityAssertion(Assertion assertion,
ByteSequence rawAssertion) |
ConditionResult |
EntryHistoricalAttribute.matchesGreaterOrEqualAssertion(Assertion assertion,
ByteSequence rawAssertion) |
ConditionResult |
EntryHistoricalAttribute.matchesLessOrEqualAssertion(Assertion assertion,
ByteSequence rawAssertion) |
ConditionResult |
EntryHistoricalAttribute.matchesSubstringAssertion(Assertion assertion,
ByteSequence rawInitialSubstring,
List<? extends ByteSequence> rawAnySubstrings,
ByteSequence rawFinalSubstring) |
ByteString |
HistoricalCsnRangeMatchingRuleImpl.normalizeAttributeValue(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value) |
ByteString |
HistoricalCsnOrderingMatchingRuleImpl.normalizeAttributeValue(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Assertion |
HistoricalCsnRangeMatchingRuleImpl.getSubstringAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence subInitial,
List<? extends ByteSequence> subAnyElements,
ByteSequence subFinal) |
Assertion |
HistoricalCsnOrderingMatchingRuleImpl.getSubstringAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence subInitial,
List<? extends ByteSequence> subAnyElements,
ByteSequence subFinal) |
ConditionResult |
EntryHistoricalAttribute.matchesSubstringAssertion(Assertion assertion,
ByteSequence rawInitialSubstring,
List<? extends ByteSequence> rawAnySubstrings,
ByteSequence rawFinalSubstring) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static long |
GeneralizedTimeSyntax.decodeGeneralizedTimeValue(ByteSequence value)
Decodes the provided normalized value as a generalized time value and retrieves a timestamp containing its
static boolean |
UserPasswordSyntax.isEncoded(ByteSequence value)
Indicates whether the provided value is encoded using the user password syntax.
static boolean |
AuthPasswordSyntax.isEncoded(ByteSequence value)
Indicates whether the provided value is encoded using the auth password syntax.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
LDIFWriter.appendLDIFSeparatorAndValue(StringBuilder buffer,
ByteSequence valueBytes)
Appends an LDIF separator and properly-encoded form of the given value to the provided buffer.
static void |
LDIFWriter.appendLDIFSeparatorAndValue(StringBuilder buffer,
ByteSequence valueBytes,
boolean isURL,
boolean isBase64)
Appends an LDIF separator and properly-encoded form of the given value to the provided buffer.
static String |
StaticUtils.bytesToHex(ByteSequence b)
Retrieves a string representation of the contents of the provided byte sequence using hexadecimal characters and
a space between each byte.
static String |
BSDMD5Crypt.crypt(ByteSequence password)
Encode the supplied password in BSD MD5 crypt form, using a random salt.
static String |
BSDMD5Crypt.crypt(ByteSequence password,
String salt)
Encode the supplied password in BSD MD5 crypt form, using provided salt.
static boolean |
StaticUtils.needsBase64Encoding(ByteSequence valueBytes)
Indicates whether the provided value needs to be base64-encoded if it is represented in LDIF form.
static void |
StaticUtils.toLowerCase(ByteSequence b,
StringBuilder buffer,
boolean trim)
Appends a lower-case string representation of a given ByteSequence to a StringBuilder, verifying for null input.
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