Interface | Description |
Profile.ParameterValuesProvider |
Interface used by the setup model to retrieve profile parameter values.
Profile.SetupConfiguration |
Represents the configuration of the setup associated to this profile.
SetupConsole |
Can be used to consume messages issued by
Setup process. |
Class | Description |
DirectoryServerSetup |
Class which setup an OpenDJ directory server.
DirectoryServerSetup.CreateBaseEntry |
Represents data needed to only generate base entry.
DirectoryServerSetup.ImportDataFromLdifFile |
Contains data needed to import existing ldif file content in the directory server at setup.
DirectoryServerSetup.ImportDataMethod<T extends DirectoryServerSetup.ImportDataMethod<T>> |
Represents the option chosen to import data in a local backend at setup.
DirectoryServerSetup.ImportSampleData |
Represents data used to generate sample entries.
DirectoryServerSetup.LeaveDataBaseEmpty |
Represents the fact that no data needs to be imported.
DirectoryServerSetup.LocalBackend |
Represents a local backend which must be created at directory server setup.
FrontEndServerSetup<T extends FrontEndServerSetup<T>> |
Represents a server instance which can expose Ldap or Ldaps connection handlers.
Installation |
Class to be used by client tools to retrieve install and instance paths.
LicenseFile |
Represents information about the license file.
Profile |
Represents a setup profile.
Profile.ParameterType<T> |
Represents a
parameter type. |
Profile.ParameterValues |
Profile.ParameterValuesProvider base implementation which can be used to pass profile parameter values. |
ProxyServerSetup |
Class which setup an OpenDJ as a proxy server.
ProxyServerSetup.ReplicationMechanism |
Represents a replication service discovery mechanism
to use in
ProxyServerSetup.serviceDiscoveryMechanism(ServiceDiscoveryMechanism) . |
ProxyServerSetup.RoutingStrategy |
Represents a strategy to use to route incoming requests to the remote servers.
ProxyServerSetup.Server |
Represents server host and port.
ProxyServerSetup.ServiceDiscoveryMechanism<T extends ProxyServerSetup.ServiceDiscoveryMechanism<T>> |
Represents global data used to configure a service discovery mechanism.
ProxyServerSetup.StaticMechanism |
Represents a static servers service discovery mechanism to use
ProxyServerSetup.serviceDiscoveryMechanism(ServiceDiscoveryMechanism) . |
ReplicationServerSetup |
Class which setup OpenDJ as a replication server (RS).
ReplicationServerSetup.ExistingTopology |
Represents the data needed by the new RS to join a replication topology.
ReplicationServerSetup.Topology |
Represents the replication topology that the new replication server should join.
Security |
Utility class which contains methods to use to secure an OpenDJ instance setup.
Security.BlindTrustStore |
Blindly trusts all certificates.
Security.ExistingKeyStore |
Abstract class which represents an existing keystore to use to setup a server instance.
Security.ExistingTrustStore |
Represents an existing file based
Security.TrustStore . |
Security.JceksKeyStore |
Represents a JCEKS keystore.
Security.JksKeyStore |
Represents a JKS keystore.
Security.JvmTrustStore |
Represents the fact that the JVM truststore should be used to trust remote server certificate.
Security.KeyStoreComponent |
Represents keystore data which will be used to secure the server instance to setup.
Security.PasswordProvider |
Represents a strategy to retrieve an existing password.
Security.Pkcs11KeyStore |
Represents a PKCS#11 keystore.
Security.Pkcs12KeyStore |
Represents a PKCS#12 keystore.
Security.SelfSignedCertificate |
Contains data that will be used to generate a keystore with a self signed certificate.
Security.TrustStore |
Represents a truststore to trust remote server certificates.
Setup<T extends Setup<T>> |
Class used to install a new OpenDJ server instance.
SetupConstants |
Class which defines constants used to setup and opendj server instance.
SetupUtils |
Utility methods used by the
Setup class. |
TempLogFile |
This class represents a temporary log file which should be usually deleted if linked operation succeeded.
Exception | Description |
SetupException |
Exception which may be thrown by the
Setup model. |
Copyright 2010-2022 ForgeRock AS.