Package | Description |
org.opends.server.api.plugin |
Defines the Directory Server plugin API.
org.opends.server.core |
Contains various classes that comprise the core of the Directory Server codebase.
org.opends.server.plugins |
Contains the implementation for various Directory Server plugins.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static PluginResult.SubordinateDelete |
Defines a continue processing subordinate delete plugin result.
PluginResult.SubordinateDelete |
DirectoryServerPlugin.processSubordinateDelete(DeleteOperation deleteOperation,
Entry entry)
Performs any necessary processing that should be done whenever a subordinate entry is deleted as part of subtree
delete operation.
static PluginResult.SubordinateDelete |
Defines a skip further plugin processing subordinate delete plugin result.
static PluginResult.SubordinateDelete |
PluginResult.SubordinateDelete.stopProcessing(ResultCode resultCode,
LocalizableMessage errorMessage)
Constructs a new stop processing subordinate delete plugin result.
static PluginResult.SubordinateDelete |
PluginResult.SubordinateDelete.stopProcessing(ResultCode resultCode,
LocalizableMessage errorMessage,
Dn matchedDN,
List<String> referralURLs)
Defines a new stop processing subordinate delete plugin result.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PluginResult.SubordinateDelete |
PluginConfigManager.invokeSubordinateDeletePlugins(DeleteOperation deleteOperation,
Entry entry)
Invokes the set of subordinate delete plugins that have been configured in the Directory Server.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PluginResult.SubordinateDelete |
ReferentialIntegrityPlugin.processSubordinateDelete(DeleteOperation deleteOperation,
Entry entry) |
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