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Directory Services 6.5.6 API


Package org.opends.server.config

Contains code used to interact with the Directory Server configuration.

See: Description

Package org.opends.server.config Description

Contains code used to interact with the Directory Server configuration. This includes various kinds of configuration attributes for different data types, as well as the primary means of exposing configuration and operations over JMX. Further, it includes the code for the default configuration handler which stores information in an LDIF file.

Whenever a configuration entry is modified, assuming that the result of the modification is in conformance with the server schema, then any configurable components and configuration change listeners associated with that entry will be invoked and given an opportunity to reject that update if there is a problem with it, or dynamically react to it by applying the new configuration. If a new configuration entry is added, then any configuration add listeners associated with that entry's parent will be invoked. If an existing entry is removed, then any configuration delete listeners associated with that entry's parent will be invoked.
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Directory Services 6.5.6 API

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