public abstract class PasswordPolicy extends AuthenticationPolicy
Modifier | Constructor and Description |
protected |
Creates a new password policy.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PasswordPolicyState |
createAuthenticationPolicyState(Entry userEntry,
long time)
Returns an authentication policy state object for the provided user using the specified time as the basis for all
time-based state logic (such as expiring passwords).
abstract Collection<AccountStatusNotificationHandler<?>> |
Retrieves the set of account status notification handlers that should be used with this password policy.
abstract List<PasswordStorageScheme<?>> |
Retrieves the default set of password storage schemes that will be used for this password policy.
abstract Set<String> |
Gets the "deprecated-password-storage-scheme" property.
abstract Dn |
Returns the name of the configuration entry associated with this authentication policy.
abstract int |
Gets the "grace-login-count" property.
abstract long |
Gets the "idle-lockout-interval" property.
abstract AttributeType |
Gets the "last-login-time-attribute" property.
abstract String |
Gets the "last-login-time-format" property.
abstract long |
Gets the "lockout-duration" property.
abstract int |
Gets the "lockout-failure-count" property.
abstract long |
Gets the "lockout-failure-expiration-interval" property.
abstract long |
Gets the "max-password-age" property.
abstract long |
Gets the "max-password-reset-age" property.
abstract long |
Gets the "min-password-age" property.
abstract AttributeType |
Gets the "password-attribute" property.
abstract long |
Gets the "password-expiration-warning-interval" property.
abstract PasswordGenerator<?> |
Retrieves the password generator that will be used with this password policy.
abstract int |
Gets the "password-history-count" property.
abstract long |
Gets the "password-history-duration" property.
abstract Collection<PasswordValidator<?>> |
Retrieves the set of password validators for this password policy.
abstract SortedSet<String> |
Gets the "previous-last-login-time-format" property.
abstract long |
Retrieves the time by which all users will be required to change their passwords, expressed in the number of
milliseconds since midnight of January 1, 1970 (i.e., the zero time for
System.currentTimeMillis() ). |
abstract PasswordPolicyCfgDefn.StateUpdateFailurePolicy |
Gets the "state-update-failure-policy" property.
abstract boolean |
Gets the "allow-expired-password-changes" property.
abstract boolean |
Gets the "allow-multiple-password-values" property.
abstract boolean |
Gets the "allow-pre-encoded-passwords" property.
abstract boolean |
Gets the "allow-user-password-changes" property.
abstract boolean |
Indicates whether the associated password attribute uses the auth password syntax.
abstract boolean |
isDefaultPasswordStorageScheme(String name)
Indicates whether the specified storage scheme is a default scheme for this password policy.
abstract boolean |
isDeprecatedPasswordStorageScheme(String name)
Indicates whether the specified storage scheme is deprecated.
abstract boolean |
Gets the "expire-passwords-without-warning" property.
abstract boolean |
Gets the "force-change-on-add" property.
abstract boolean |
Gets the "force-change-on-reset" property.
abstract boolean |
Gets the "password-change-requires-current-password" property.
boolean |
true if this authentication policy is a password policy and the methods
AuthenticationPolicy.createAuthenticationPolicyState(Entry) and AuthenticationPolicy.createAuthenticationPolicyState(Entry, long) will
return a PasswordPolicyState . |
abstract boolean |
Gets the "require-secure-authentication" property.
abstract boolean |
Gets the "require-secure-password-changes" property.
abstract boolean |
Gets the "skip-validation-for-administrators" property.
createAuthenticationPolicyState, finalizeAuthenticationPolicy, forUser
public abstract Dn getDN()
in class AuthenticationPolicy
public abstract boolean isAuthPasswordSyntax()
if the associated password attribute uses the auth password syntax, or
if not.public abstract List<PasswordStorageScheme<?>> getDefaultPasswordStorageSchemes()
public abstract Set<String> getDeprecatedPasswordStorageSchemes()
Specifies the names of the password storage schemes that are considered deprecated for this password policy.
If a user with this password policy authenticates to the server and his/her password is encoded with a deprecated scheme, those values are removed and replaced with values encoded using the default password storage scheme(s).
public abstract boolean isDefaultPasswordStorageScheme(String name)
- The name of the password storage scheme for which to make the determination.true
if the storage scheme is a default scheme for this password policy, or
if not.public abstract boolean isDeprecatedPasswordStorageScheme(String name)
- The name of the password storage scheme for which to make the determination.true
if the storage scheme is deprecated, or false
if not.public abstract Collection<PasswordValidator<?>> getPasswordValidators()
public abstract Collection<AccountStatusNotificationHandler<?>> getAccountStatusNotificationHandlers()
public abstract PasswordGenerator<?> getPasswordGenerator()
if there is
none.public abstract long getRequireChangeByTime()
Any passwords not changed before this time will automatically enter a state in which they must be changed before
any other operation will be allowed.public abstract boolean isAllowExpiredPasswordChanges()
Indicates whether a user whose password is expired is still allowed to change that password using the password modify extended operation.
public abstract boolean isAllowMultiplePasswordValues()
Indicates whether user entries can have multiple distinct values for the password attribute.
This is potentially dangerous because many mechanisms used to change the password do not work well with such a configuration. If multiple password values are allowed, then any of them can be used to authenticate, and they are all subject to the same policy constraints.
public abstract boolean isAllowPreEncodedPasswords()
Indicates whether users can change their passwords by providing a pre-encoded value.
This can cause a security risk because the clear-text version of the password is not known and therefore validation checks cannot be applied to it.
public abstract boolean isAllowUserPasswordChanges()
Indicates whether users can change their own passwords.
This check is made in addition to access control evaluation. Both must allow the password change for it to occur.
public abstract boolean isExpirePasswordsWithoutWarning()
Indicates whether the directory server allows a user's password to expire even if that user has never seen an expiration warning notification.
If this property is true, accounts always expire when the expiration time arrives. If this property is false or disabled, the user always receives at least one warning notification, and the password expiration is set to the warning time plus the warning interval.
public abstract boolean isForceChangeOnAdd()
Indicates whether users are forced to change their passwords upon first authenticating to the directory server after their account has been created.
public abstract boolean isForceChangeOnReset()
Indicates whether users are forced to change their passwords if they are reset by an administrator.
For this purpose, anyone with permission to change a given user's password other than that user is considered an administrator.
public abstract int getGraceLoginCount()
Specifies the number of grace logins that a user is allowed after the account has expired to allow that user to choose a new password.
A value of 0 indicates that no grace logins are allowed.
public abstract long getIdleLockoutInterval()
Specifies the maximum length of time that an account may remain idle (that is, the associated user does not authenticate to the server) before that user is locked out.
The value of this attribute is an integer followed by a unit of seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks. A value of 0 seconds indicates that idle accounts are not automatically locked out. This feature is available only if the last login time is maintained.
public abstract AttributeType getLastLoginTimeAttribute()
Specifies the name or OID of the attribute type that is used to hold the last login time for users with the associated password policy.
This attribute type must be defined in the directory server schema and must either be defined as an operational attribute or must be allowed by the set of objectClasses for all users with the associated password policy.
public abstract String getLastLoginTimeFormat()
Specifies the format string that is used to generate the last login time value for users with the associated password policy.
This format string conforms to the syntax described in the API documentation for the java.text.SimpleDateFormat class.
public abstract long getLockoutDuration()
Specifies the length of time that an account is locked after too many authentication failures.
The value of this attribute is an integer followed by a unit of seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks. A value of 0 seconds indicates that the account must remain locked until an administrator resets the password.
public abstract int getLockoutFailureCount()
Specifies the maximum number of authentication failures that a user is allowed before the account is locked out.
A value of 0 indicates that accounts are never locked out due to failed attempts.
public abstract long getLockoutFailureExpirationInterval()
Specifies the length of time before an authentication failure is no longer counted against a user for the purposes of account lockout.
The value of this attribute is an integer followed by a unit of seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks. A value of 0 seconds indicates that the authentication failures must never expire. The failure count is always cleared upon a successful authentication.
public abstract long getMaxPasswordAge()
Specifies the maximum length of time that a user can continue using the same password before it must be changed (that is, the password expiration interval).
The value of this attribute is an integer followed by a unit of seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks. A value of 0 seconds disables password expiration.
public abstract long getMaxPasswordResetAge()
Specifies the maximum length of time that users have to change passwords after they have been reset by an administrator before they become locked.
The value of this attribute is an integer followed by a unit of seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks. A value of 0 seconds disables this feature.
public abstract long getMinPasswordAge()
Specifies the minimum length of time after a password change before the user is allowed to change the password again.
The value of this attribute is an integer followed by a unit of seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks. This setting can be used to prevent users from changing their passwords repeatedly over a short period of time to flush an old password from the history so that it can be re-used.
public abstract AttributeType getPasswordAttribute()
Specifies the attribute type used to hold user passwords.
This attribute type must be defined in the server schema, and it must have either the user password or auth password syntax.
public abstract boolean isPasswordChangeRequiresCurrentPassword()
Indicates whether user password changes must use the password modify extended operation and must include the user's current password before the change is allowed.
public abstract long getPasswordExpirationWarningInterval()
Specifies the maximum length of time before a user's password actually expires that the server begins to include warning notifications in bind responses for that user.
The value of this attribute is an integer followed by a unit of seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks. A value of 0 seconds disables the warning interval.
public abstract int getPasswordHistoryCount()
Specifies the maximum number of former passwords to maintain in the password history.
When choosing a new password, the proposed password is checked to ensure that it does not match the current password, nor any other password in the history list. A value of zero indicates that either no password history is to be maintained (if the password history duration has a value of zero seconds), or that there is no maximum number of passwords to maintain in the history (if the password history duration has a value greater than zero seconds).
public abstract long getPasswordHistoryDuration()
Specifies the maximum length of time that passwords remain in the password history.
When choosing a new password, the proposed password is checked to ensure that it does not match the current password, nor any other password in the history list. A value of zero seconds indicates that either no password history is to be maintained (if the password history count has a value of zero), or that there is no maximum duration for passwords in the history (if the password history count has a value greater than zero).
public abstract SortedSet<String> getPreviousLastLoginTimeFormats()
Specifies the format string(s) that might have been used with the last login time at any point in the past for users associated with the password policy.
These values are used to make it possible to parse previous values, but are not used to set new values. The format strings conform to the syntax described in the API documentation for the java.text.SimpleDateFormat class.
public abstract boolean isRequireSecureAuthentication()
Indicates whether users with the associated password policy are required to authenticate in a secure manner.
This might mean either using a secure communication channel between the client and the server, or using a SASL mechanism that does not expose the credentials.
public abstract boolean isRequireSecurePasswordChanges()
Indicates whether users with the associated password policy are required to change their password in a secure manner that does not expose the credentials.
public abstract boolean isSkipValidationForAdministrators()
Indicates whether passwords set by administrators are allowed to bypass the password validation process that is required for user password changes.
public abstract PasswordPolicyCfgDefn.StateUpdateFailurePolicy getStateUpdateFailurePolicy()
Specifies how the server deals with the inability to update password policy state information during an authentication attempt.
In particular, this property can be used to control whether an otherwise successful bind operation fails if a failure occurs while attempting to update password policy state information (for example, to clear a record of previous authentication failures or to update the last login time). It can also be used to control whether to reject a bind request if it is known ahead of time that it will not be possible to update the authentication failure times in the event of an unsuccessful bind attempt (for example, if the backend writability mode is disabled).
public boolean isPasswordPolicy()
if this authentication policy is a password policy and the methods
and AuthenticationPolicy.createAuthenticationPolicyState(Entry, long)
return a PasswordPolicyState
The default implementation is to return false
in class AuthenticationPolicy
if this authentication policy is a password policy, otherwise false
.public PasswordPolicyState createAuthenticationPolicyState(Entry userEntry, long time) throws LdapException
in class AuthenticationPolicy
- The user's entry.time
- The time since the epoch to use for all time-based state logic (such as expiring passwords).LdapException
- If a problem occurs while attempting to initialize the state object from the provided user entry.Copyright 2010-2022 ForgeRock AS.