Package | Description |
org.opends.server.replication.common |
This package contains utilities that can are used by all the packages below org.opends.server.replication.
org.opends.server.replication.plugin |
This package contains the part of the Multi-master
replication code that works on the Directory Server side.
org.opends.server.replication.protocol |
This package contains the code used by the replication server and by the code running on the Directory Server side to
exchange their information.
org.opends.server.replication.server |
This package contains the code for the Replication Server part of the Multimaster replication feature.
org.opends.server.replication.server.changelog.api |
This package contains the API for the changelog database.
org.opends.server.replication.service |
This package contains the generic of the Multi-Master replication code that works on the Directory Server side.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static ReplicaId |
Special ID for highest CSN comparison.
static ReplicaId |
Special ID for lowest CSN comparison.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ReplicaId |
Returns the special id corresponding to "all replicas".
static ReplicaId |
ReplicaId.fromNumericId(int numericId)
Generates a new
ReplicaId from the provided integer value. |
static ReplicaId |
ReplicaId.fromReplicaName(String name)
Generates a new
ReplicaId from the provided string value. |
ReplicaId |
ReplicationContext.getOrCreateReplicaId(int id)
Returns the replica ID corresponding to the provided integer.
ReplicaId |
IntegerReplicationContext.getOrCreateReplicaId(int id) |
ReplicaId |
ReplicationContext.getOrCreateReplicaId(String name)
Returns the replica ID corresponding to the provided name.
ReplicaId |
IntegerReplicationContext.getOrCreateReplicaId(String name) |
ReplicaId |
Get the replica id.
ReplicaId |
Getter for the replica ID.
static ReplicaId |
Returns the special id corresponding to the null replica id.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<ReplicaId,CSN> |
Returns a copy of this ServerState's content as a Map of replicaId to CSN.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
ReplicaId.compareTo(ReplicaId o) |
MultiDomainServerState.getCSN(Dn baseDN,
ReplicaId replicaId)
Returns the CSN associated to the provided replication domain's baseDN and replicaId.
ServerState.getCSN(ReplicaId replicaId)
Returns the
CSN contained in this server state which corresponds to the provided replica ID. |
static CSNGenerator |
CSNGenerator.newCSNGenerator(ReplicaId replicaId,
long timestamp)
Create a new
CSNGenerator . |
static CSNGenerator |
CSNGenerator.newCSNGenerator(ReplicaId replicaId,
ServerState state)
Create a new
CSNGenerator . |
static CSN |
CSN.newestCsn(ReplicaId replicaId)
Returns the newest possible CSN for a replica.
static CSN |
CSN.oldestCsn(ReplicaId replicaId)
Returns the oldest possible CSN for a replica.
Constructor and Description |
CSN(long timeStamp,
int seqNum,
ReplicaId replicaId)
Create a new
CSN . |
DSInfo(ReplicaId replicaId,
HostPort hostPort,
ReplicationServerId rsId,
long generationId,
ServerStatus status,
GroupId groupId,
Collection<String> refUrls,
Collection<String> eclIncludes,
Collection<String> eclIncludesForDeletes,
short protocolVersion)
Creates a new instance of DSInfo with every given info.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ReplicaId |
LDAPReplicationDomain.decodeSource(String sourceReplicaName)
Verifies that the given string represents a valid source from which this server can be initialized.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
LDAPReplicationDomain.initializeRemote(ReplicaId target,
ReplicaId requestorID,
Task initTask,
int initWindow)
Process the initialization of some other server or servers in the topology specified by the target argument when
this initialization specifying the server that requests the initialization.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected ReplicaId |
The destination server or servers of this message.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ReplicaId |
Get the destination.
ReplicaId |
Get the replica id of the server that initiated the export.
ReplicaId |
Get the replica ID from the message.
ReplicaId |
InitializeTargetMsg.getSenderID() |
ReplicaId |
InitializeRequestMsg.getSenderID() |
ReplicaId |
InitializeRcvAckMsg.getSenderID() |
ReplicaId |
EntryMsg.getSenderID() |
ReplicaId |
DoneMsg.getSenderID() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<ReplicaId,DSInfo> |
Returns the informations about DSs in the topology.
Constructor and Description |
DoneMsg(ReplicaId sender,
ReplicaId destination)
Creates a message.
EntryMsg(ReplicaId sender,
ReplicaId destination,
byte[] entryBytes,
int msgId)
Creates a new EntryMsg.
EntryMsg(ReplicaId sender,
ReplicaId destination,
byte[] entryBytes,
int startPos,
int length,
int msgId)
Creates a new EntryMsg.
ErrorMsg(ReplicaId destination,
LocalizableMessage details)
Creates an ErrorMsg.
ErrorMsg(ServerId<?> sender,
ReplicaId destination,
LocalizableMessage details)
Creates an ErrorMsg providing the destination server.
InitializeRcvAckMsg(ReplicaId sender,
ReplicaId destination,
int numAck)
Create a new message..
InitializeRequestMsg(Dn baseDN,
ReplicaId replicaId,
ReplicaId destination,
int initWindow)
Creates a InitializeRequestMsg message.
InitializeTargetMsg(Dn baseDN,
ReplicaId replicaId,
ReplicaId destination,
ReplicaId requestorID,
long entryCount,
int initWindow)
Creates a InitializeTargetMsg.
RoutableMsg(ServerId<?> sender,
ReplicaId destination)
Creates a routable message.
ServerStartMsg(ReplicaId replicaId,
HostPort hostPort,
Dn baseDN,
long heartbeatInterval,
ServerState serverState,
long generationId,
boolean sslEncryption,
GroupId groupId)
Creates a new ServerStartMsg.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ReplicaId |
DataServerHandler.getPeerServerId() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<ReplicaId> |
Return a Set containing the servers known by this replicationServer.
Map<ReplicaId,DataServerHandler> |
Get the map of connected DSs.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
ReplicationServerDomain.isDegradedDueToGenerationId(ReplicaId replicaId)
Returns whether the provided server is in degraded state due to the fact that the peer server has an invalid
generationId for this domain.
boolean |
ReplicationServerHandler.isRemoteLDAPServer(ReplicaId replicaId)
When this handler is connected to a replication server, specifies if a wanted server is connected to this
replication server.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ReplicaId |
Returns the replica ID of the replica the message belongs to.
ReplicaId |
Returns the replicaId.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static DomainReplicaId |
DomainReplicaId.of(Dn baseDN,
ReplicaId replicaId)
Creates a ReplicaId with the provided parameters.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ReplicaId |
ReplicationDomain.decodeTarget(String targetString)
Verifies that the given string represents a valid source from which this server can be initialized.
ReplicaId |
Gets the server id of the exporting server.
ReplicaId |
Gets the server id of the importing server.
ReplicaId |
Get the replica ID which identifies this Replication Domain inside the Replication Service.
ReplicaId |
Gets the replica id.
ReplicaId |
Returns the replica id of the replica that acknowledged the smallest EntryMsg id.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<ReplicaId,DSInfo> |
Gets the info for Replicas in the topology (except us).
Map<ReplicaId,DSInfo> |
Gets the info for DSs in the topology (except us).
Map<ReplicaId,ServerState> |
Gets the States of all the Replicas currently in the Topology.
Map<ReplicaId,ServerState> |
Gets the States of all the Replicas currently in the Topology.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ReplicationDomain.initializeFromRemote(ReplicaId source,
Task initTask)
Initializes asynchronously this domain from a remote source server.
protected void |
ReplicationDomain.initializeRemote(ReplicaId replicaToInitialize,
ReplicaId replicaRunningTheTask,
Task initTask,
int initWindow)
Process the initialization of some other server or servers in the topology specified by the target argument when
this initialization specifying the server that requests the initialization.
void |
ReplicationDomain.initializeRemote(ReplicaId target,
Task initTask)
Initializes a remote server from this server.
boolean |
ReplicationDomain.setEclIncludes(ReplicaId replicaId,
Set<String> includeAttributes,
Set<String> includeAttributesForDeletes)
Set the attributes configured on a server to be included in the ECL.
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