IG 2023.6

Set up logs and configuration files

The following table summarizes the default location of the IG configuration and logs.

Purpose Default location on Linux Default location on Windows

Log messages from IG and third-party dependencies



Administration (admin.json)

Gateway (config.json)



Routes (Route)



SAML 2.0



Groovy scripts for scripted filters and handlers, and other objects



Temporary directory

To change the directory, configure temporaryDirectory in admin.json



JSON schema for custom audit

To change the directory, configure topicsSchemasDirectory in AuditService.



Secure the configuration and logs

For the /logs, /tmp, and all configuration directories, allow the following access:

  • Highest privilege the IG system account.

  • Least priviledge for specific accounts, on a case-by-case basis

  • No priviledge for all other accounts, by default

Change the base location of the IG configuration

By default, the base location for IG configuration files is in the following directory:

  • Linux

  • Windows


To change the location use an argument with the startup command. The following example reads the configuration from the config directory under /path/to/config-dir:


  • Linux

  • Windows

$ /path/to/identity-gateway/bin/start.sh /path/to/config-dir
C:\path\to\identity-gateway\bin\start.bat /path/to/config-dir
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