The following sections describe how to restrict non-essential access to your deployment, and reduce the amount of non-essential information that it provides.
Remove non-essential features
The more features you have turned on, the more features you need to secure, patch, and audit. If something is not being used, uninstall it, disable it, or protect access to it.
Remove non-essential access
Make sure only authorized people can access your servers and applications through the appropriate network, using the appropriate ports, and presenting strong-enough credentials.
Make sure users connect to systems through the latest versions of TLS, and audit system access periodically.
Provide access only as necessary; restrict to required users, and limit their access to the information they need.
Update patches
Prevent the exploitation of security vulnerabilities by using up-to-date versions of the agent and third-party software.
Review and follow the ForgeRock Security advisories. To receive email notifications for new security advisories, log in to Backstage, and click the Subscribe button for agent security advisories. Follow similar lists from all of your vendors.
Manage cookies
Increase the security of cookies generated by Web Agent or the protected application in the following ways:
To prevent cookies from being easily associated with an application, change the default name of key cookies. For example, change the SSO cookie in Cookie Name.
To transmit securely all cookies written by the agent, set Enable Cookie Security.
To reduce the risk of cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks, set the SameSite attribute of cookies in SameSite Cookie Attribute.
To ensure that cookies cannot be accessed through client-side scripts, and to mitigate any XSS attacks, set Enable HTTP Only Mode to create cookies with the
flag. -
To make cookies accessible only from HTTPS sites, prefix the cookie name with
. A forged insecure site cannot overwrite a secure cookie. -
To make cookies accessible only on the same host where they are set, prefix the cookie name with
. A subdomain cannot overwrite the cookie value.