Notes covering prerequisites, fixes, known issues for ForgeRock® Access Management web policy agents. ForgeRock Access Management provides authentication, authorization, entitlement, and federation software.

Read these release notes before you install the Web Policy Agent.

The information contained in these release notes cover prerequisites for installation, known issues and improvements to the software, changes and deprecated functionality, and other important information.

ForgeRock Identity Platform™ serves as the basis for our simple and comprehensive Identity and Access Management solution. We help our customers deepen their relationships with their customers, and improve the productivity and connectivity of their employees and partners. For more information about ForgeRock and about the platform, see

Before you install AM web policy agents or update your existing web policy agent installation, read these release notes.

Web Policy Agent 4.1.1
  • Certificate Verification depth for OpenSSL Configurable

    Web Policy Agent 4.1.1 includes a new property, org.forgerock.agents.config.cert.verify.depth, to specify the certificate verification depth when OpenSSL is enabled.

    For more information, see Encryption Properties in the Web Policy Agent Guide.

  • New Environment Variable to Support Load Balancers Without Session Stickiness

    When the AM servers are configured behind a load balancer that does not support session stickiness, the web policy agent login sequence may fail, resulting in the following issues:

    • Web policy agents returning HTTP 403 errors.

    • Web policy agents logging error messages, such as invalid session, session was not obtained, or get_config failed.

    Web Policy Agent 4.1.1 includes a new environment variable, AM_AGENT_REST_LOGIN, to allow the agent to authenticate to AM servers configured behind a load balancer that does not support session stickiness.

    For more information, see "Configuring Web Policy Agent Environment Variables" in the Web Policy Agent Guide.

  • Pattern-Match Policy Delegation

    In environments where protected URLs are dynamic, the web agent's policy decision cache may not receive hits on subsequent policy validations. For example, a request to the resource at would not match a request for even though the base URL is the same.

    In these cases, the web agent may need to contact AM frequently for policy evaluation, which may cause a performance impact on both the agent and AM.

    Although this is the expected behavior, Web Policy Agent 4.1.1 includes a new advanced property, org.forgerock.agents.config.policy.rule, that allows the web agent to match an inbound request from an authenticated user against a regular expression stored alongside a policy decision in the policy cache. If there is a match, the web agent replays the policy decision without contacting AM.

    For more information, see Miscellaneous Custom Properties in the Web Policy Agent Guide.

  • Support for CDSSO Environments Without Sticky Load Balancing

    Web Policy Agent 4.1.1 adds a new environment variable, AM_AGENT_KEY, to help the login process in CDSSO environments without sticky load balancing.

    When configured, web agents store CDSSO data encrypted and zipped into the X-AMAGENT-TX cookie. Any web agent in the environment can decrypt the cookie and satisfy the CDSSO request.

    For more information, see "Configuring Web Policy Agent Environment Variables" in the Web Policy Agent Guide.

  • Support for OpenSSL 1.1.0 Added

    Web Policy Agent 4.1.1 for Unix and Linux supports OpenSSL 1.1.0 libraries. For more information about OpenSSL supported versions, see "Supported OpenSSL Versions".

  • Cookie Reset Support for Cookie Paths

    The Cookie Reset Name List (com.sun.identity.agents.config.cookie.reset) property now supports specifying the cookie path of the cookie to be reset.

    For more information, see Cookie Reset Properties in the Web Policy Agent Guide.

  • Support for Windows Server 2016 Added

    Web Policy Agent 4.1.x now supports Apache HTTP Server and Microsoft IIS web servers on Windows Server 2016. For more information about supported web servers, see "Web Policy Agents Platform Requirements".

Web Policy Agent 4.1
  • New NGINX Plus Policy Agent

    Web Policy Agent 4.1 includes a new policy agent that supports NGINX Plus web servers. For more information, see "Web Policy Agents Platform Requirements" and "Installing Web Policy Agents in NGINX Plus" in the Web Policy Agent Guide.

    The NGINX Plus policy agent supports regular expressions to improve conditional login URL redirection. For more information, see the Regular Expression Conditional Login URL property on "Configuring Access Management Services Properties" in the Web Policy Agent Guide.

  • Improved Logging and Caching

    Web Policy Agents 4.1 have re-engineered logging and agent policy caching functionality for improved stability and performance.

  • New JSON-Formatted Response Properties

    Additional properties for controlling JSON-formatted responses are available in Web Policy Agents 4.1.

    For more information, see JSON-Formatted Response Properties in the Web Policy Agent Guide.

  • New Garbage Collector Statistics Log

    Garbage collector statistics for all policy agent instances in the container are written into the new /web_agents/type/log/agent.log file.

    For more information, see "Configuring Web Policy Agent Environment Variables" in the Web Policy Agent Guide.

  • 32-bit and 64-bit Web Policy Agent Package for IIS

    New in Web Policy Agent 4.1 for IIS, there is only one downloadable package that supports both 32-bit and 64-bit IIS application pools.

  • Added Support for Windows built-in Secure Channel API

    Web policy agents installed on Windows operating systems now use the built-in Secure Channel API for SSL/TLS communications with AM by default.

    For more information, see Encryption Properties in the Web Policy Agent Guide.

  • Relative URL Support in Access Denied Property

    You can now specify a relative path in the com.sun.identity.agents.config.access.denied.url property.

    For more information, see General Properties in the Web Policy Agent Guide.

  • The agentadmin Command Now Returns Status Codes on Failure

    If running the agentadmin command in a script, you can now check the return value to determine if the command succeeded.

    For more information, see agentadmin(1) in the Web Policy Agent Guide.

  • Added Support for PKCS#12/PFX Client Certificate Files

    On Windows operating systems you can now specify a PKCS#12/PFX client certificate file in the com.forgerock.agents.config.cert.file property.

    For more information, see Encryption Properties in the Web Policy Agent Guide.

This chapter covers software and hardware prerequisites for installing and running web policy agent software.

ForgeRock supports customers using the versions specified here. Other versions and alternative environments might work as well. When opening a support ticket for an issue, however, make sure you can also reproduce the problem on a combination covered here.

The following table summarizes platform support.

Operating SystemsOS VersionsWeb Servers & Versions
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Oracle Linux
Apache HTTP Server 2.2, 2.4
6, 7
Apache HTTP Server 2.2, 2.4
NGINX Plus R12
Microsoft Windows Server
2008 R2
Microsoft IIS 7.5
Apache HTTP Server 2.2, 2.4[a]
2012, 2012 R2
Microsoft IIS 8, 8.5
Apache HTTP Server 2.2, 2.4[a]
Microsoft IIS 10
Apache HTTP Server 2.2, 2.4[a]
Oracle Solaris x64
Oracle Solaris SPARC
10, 11
Apache HTTP Server 2.2, 2.4
Ubuntu Linux
12.04 LTS
Apache HTTP Server 2.2, 2.4
14.04 LTS
Apache HTTP Server 2.2, 2.4
NGINX Plus R12
16.04 LTS
NGINX Plus R12
6, 7
Apache HTTP Server 2.2, 2.4

[a] The Apache HTTP Server Project does not offer binary releases for Microsoft Windows. The ForgeRock Apache HTTP Server policy agent for Windows was tested against the binaries offered by Apache Lounge.

The following table summarizes OpenSSL support for SSL and TLS connections.

Operating SystemsOpenSSL Versions
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Oracle Linux
Ubuntu Linux
OpenSSL 1.0.x, OpenSSL 1.1.0
Microsoft Windows Server OpenSSL 1.0.x [a]
Oracle Solaris X86/SPARC
OpenSSL 0.9.8, OpenSSL 1.0.x, OpenSSL 1.1.0
IBM AIX OpenSSL 0.9.8, OpenSSL 1.0.x, OpenSSL 1.1.0

[a] On Windows operating systems, the policy agents use the native Windows SSL libraries by default.


  • OpenSSL 1.1.0 is supported for Web Policy Agent 4.1.1 only

  • OpenSSL 1.0.2 is required to support TLSv1.2

Before installing web policy agents on your platform, also make sure that the system meets the following requirements:

Linux Systems
  • Before installing web policy agents on Linux, make sure the system can run gcc 4.4.7. must be available and it must support the GLIBC_2.3 ABI. You can check this by running the following command: strings | grep GLIBC_2.

  • Web Policy Agents on Linux systems require a minimum of 135 megabytes of free disk space at all times. If the amount of free space drops below this threshold, a warning similar to the following appears in the agent.log file:

    [Fri Nov 11 10:02:10.138732 2016] [amagent:error] [pid 4350:tid 140545949357888] amagent_init() status: no space left on device
    [Fri Nov 11 10:02:10.138981 2016] [:emerg] [pid 4350:tid 140545949357888] AH00020: Configuration Failed, exiting
    am_log_init() free disk space on the system is only 116703232 bytes, required 134900080 bytes
Microsoft Windows Systems
  • Before installing the IIS 7 web policy agent on Microsoft IIS 7 or IIS 8, make sure that the optional Application Development component of Web Server (IIS) is installed. In the Windows Server 2012 Server Manager for example, Application Development is a component of Web Server (IIS) | Web Server.

  • Web Policy Agents on Windows systems require a minimum of 1.07 gigabytes of free disk space at all times. If the amount of free space drops below this threshold, a warning similar to the following appears in the agent.log file:

    2016-11-10 10:12:10.291 +0000   ERROR [10716:9348] am_shm_create(): free disk space on the system is only 528949248 bytes, required 1073627136 bytes
    2016-11-10 10:12:10.291 +0000   ERROR [10716:9348] get_memory_segment(): shared memory error: blocks

    After making more disk space available, you will need to restart the web policy agent.

    Failure to free up disk space and restart the web policy agent may result in errors similar to the following:

    2016-11-10 10:19:43.610 +0000   ERROR [3764:9348] OpenAMHttpModule(): agent init for site 1 failed (error: -31)

If you have a special request regarding support for a combination not listed here, contact ForgeRock at

This chapter covers both major changes to existing functionality, and also deprecated and removed functionality.

Web Policy Agent 4.1.1
  • Procedure to Enable SSL for Windows Agents Changed

    Earlier versions of the web policy agents used the property to determine whether to use OpenSSL or the native Windows libraries for SSL communications.

    This property is no longer used and web policy agents 4.1.1 use the native Windows libraries for SSL communications by default. Perform the following steps to enable OpenSSL:

  • Changes to the org.forgerock.agents.config.keepalive.disable Property

    Web Policy Agents 4.1.1 behave as if the org.forgerock.agents.config.keepalive.disable property is set to false when notifications are disabled.

    For more information, see Miscellaneous Custom Properties in the Web Policy Agent Guide.

  • Incoming request URL no longer showing in the goto parameter in CDSSO mode

    Web Policy Agents 4.1.1 in CDSSO mode no longer show the incoming request URL in the goto parameter when redirecting to AM for authentication.

    To show the incoming request URL, set the org.forgerock.agents.config.cdsso.original.url.redirect.param custom property to the name of the query parameter that should contain it, such as, mycustomgoto, and the agent will add the new query parameter to the redirection URL.

    For more information, see Miscellaneous Custom Properties in the Web Policy Agent Guide.

Web Policy Agent 4.1
  • UTF-8 strings in headers are now MIME-encoded

    Web Policy Agents now base64-encode UTF-8 strings in headers, then wrap the string as described in RFC 2047:

    encoded-word = "=?" charset "?" encoding "?" encoded-text "?="

    For example, given a UTF-8 username, such as ɗëɱø, Web Policy Agents will:

    1. Encode the string in base64 format: yZfDq8mxw7g=.

    2. Wrap the base64-encoded string as per RFC 2047: =?UTF-8?B?yZfDq8mxw7g=?=.

  • Unencoded URLs are now passed to AM

    Web Policy Agents no longer encode paths before passing them to AM for policy evaluation. AM will receive the path with the same formatting as provided by the user agent.

    For example, given a URL containing UTF-8 characters, such asé, Web Policy Agents will pass this exact string to AM.

    AM performs its own URL encoding, so to match the example above the policy would need to be configured with the following as a resource:

    You may need to add additional resource specifiers to handle the raw URL strings that are now passed on from Web Policy Agents 4.1 and newer.

  • Re-Implemented Properties for Forward Proxy Configuration

    Properties for configuring a forward proxy for communication from the web policy agent to AM have been re-implemented. They were previously removed in Web Policy Agent 4.0.0.

    For information on the properties, see Forward Proxy Custom Properties in the Web Policy Agent Guide.

  • New Swap Size Requirements on Solaris 11 x86

    Web Policy Agent 4.1 requires that the amount of swap size on Solaris 11 x86 is configured to be at least as large as the amount of available RAM.

  • 32-bit and 64-bit Application Pools Support on IIS

    Web Policy Agent 4.1 now supports 32-bit and 64-bit application pools on the same IIS environment.

No features are deprecated in this release.

  • The following agent configuration properties are no longer required:

    • com.forgerock.agents.nss.shutdown

    • com.sun.identity.agents.config.profilename

  • AMAGENTS-269: For remote audit logining need to be done additional configuration in OpenAM

  • AMAGENTS-262: Update cookie reset properties to reflect new behaviour of AMAGENTS-247

  • AMAGENTS-181: Memory leak in case of network connection failure

  • AMAGENTS-256: Could not find a way to use a client certificate file with IIS

  • OPENAM-1769: agentadmin should return exit codes other then 0

  • AMAGENTS-125: "agentadmin.exe --d" command not working

  • AMAGENTS-223: redirect loop if 'com.sun.identity.agents.config.access.denied.url' is set to absolute URL

  • OPENAM-8486: WPA interactive installator can't correctly read provided Apache configuration path

  • OPENAM-8681: RFE: Support com.sun.identity.agents.config.forward.proxy.* in WPA 4

  • AMAGENTS-32: Audit logging in WPA 4.0.0 includes requests for not enforced URLs

  • AMAGENTS-47: Agent truncates filtered HTTP POST body

  • AMAGENTS-95: Improve Agent error handling of AM responses after OPENAM-8910

  • AMAGENTS-103: Agent4 does not work well with mod_autoindex generated pages

  • AMAGENTS-105: IIS Agent Crash at read of log variable after destruction by another thread at application pool recycle

  • AMAGENTS-119: Windows Apache Agent crashes under load when constantly recycled

  • AMAGENTS-121: Web Agent not updating headers when AM Session Attributes are changed

  • AMAGENTS-130: IIS agent can crash in get_request_url method

  • AMAGENTS-132: WPA is not able to recover from XML parser error

  • AMAGENTS-135: WPA4 running on Schannel might not read complete HTTP response body

  • AMAGENTS-140: WPA is not using agents.config.polling.interval configuration property

  • AMAGENTS-147: Agentadmin stops in OpenAM server validation phase

  • AMAGENTS-164: Agent with remote audit logger enabled and a little more than 4K messages agent will crash

  • AMAGENTS-173: WPA4 on AIX does not work with a new logger

  • AMAGENTS-176: WPA4/3.x does not support policy.evaluation.application config property

  • AMAGENTS-177: WebAgent 4 not enforced URL cannot take path with 'exception'

  • AMAGENTS-186: first agent process should delete and recreate shared memory files

  • AMAGENTS-207: Accessing the agent logout URL without session will cause a redirect

  • AMAGENTS-208: Agent returns HTTP 500 internal error on logout page if com.sun.identity.agents.config.logout.url map is empty

  • AMAGENTS-209: Notification does not end up removing session from cache if first apache bucket contains less than 6 bytes

  • AMAGENTS-221: Location response header not set when 'com.sun.identity.agents.config.access.denied.url' is used

  • AMAGENTS-229: protocol/port/host override don't work with Post Data Preservation

  • AMAGENTS-257: IIS Agent crash in remove_from_freelist

  • AMAGENTS-52: WPA on Windows should be able to use Schannel for SSL/TLS communication

  • AMAGENTS-118: Delayed or missing log file entries possible in certain situations

  • AMAGENTS-19: IIS agent should support mixed 32 and 64 bit application pools

  • AMAGENTS-266: Agent recycle shutdown of shared memory occurs before all workers have finished

  • AMAGENTS-264: Deadly embrace in log buffer handling with IIS recycling

  • AMAGENTS-248: Agent might crash with misleading error when server is running out of disk space

  • AMAGENTS-123: CDSSO session token cleared when hitting denied URL

  • AMAGENTS-214: agent.log is set to debug level and it is not possible to change it

  • AMAGENTS-193: Web Policy agent overrides Apache access control directives, Need to be documented

  • AMAGENTS-27: WPA4 needs a configurable option to bypass POST data inspection

  • AMAGENTS-252: WPA crashes on Solaris 11 if the swap size is not the same as the amount of RAM

  • OPENAM-8261: Improve documentation of indexed / mapped configuration attributes

  • OPENAM-3888: Possibility to disable redirect behaviour of the Policy Agents

  • OPENAM-8904: OpenAM did not follow RFC 2616 and RFC 2047

  • AMAGENTS-249: IIS Agent crash in purge of expired items or waiting for live readers when cache is shutting down in another thread

  • AMAGENTS-172: WPA4 does not handle oversized log messages properly

  • AMAGENTS-169: RFE: Don't depend on Apache's 'pathinfo'

  • AMAGENTS-93: RFE: file permissions and/or ownership of log files should be configurable

  • AMAGENTS-42: Percent encoded hash (#) (%23) is handled incorrectly during policy evaluation

  • AMAGENTS-26: Attributes Processing does not map multiple values

  • OPENAM-8428: WPA records audit logs to a local file although "Audit Log Location" is set to REMOTE

  • AMAGENTS-24: Non-enforced URL validation should be lazy

  • OPENAM-8328: WPA can't recognize custom access-denied page when there is GOTO parameter

  • AMAGENTS-70: WPA4 Fetch attributes for Not enforced URL not entirely working

  • AMAGENTS-68: invalid cookie causes 403 instead of redirect to login page

  • AMAGENTS-246: Performance drop when targeting two agents on single IIS

  • AMAGENTS-225: Under load remote audit logging produces many content length exceeded messages per batch

  • AMAGENTS-228: With Remote audit Logging message size should be in sync with OpenAM default acceptable value 16K

  • AMAGENTS-227: With Remote Audit logging, logging depends on time but not on buffer size which limits performance

  • AMAGENTS-231: Agent does not log banner message on startup

  • AMAGENTS-222: agent.conf has the wrong agent version

  • AMAGENTS-216: Agent is crashing on Windows with more than one worker in application pool

  • AMAGENTS-211: redirect location is not logged in case of access denied

  • AMAGENTS-144: Apache http server 2.2 crashes on Linux systems hosted on VirtualBox

  • AMAGENTS-192: New shared memory deletion code should handle fresh install

  • AMAGENTS-129: Policy agent crash caused by invalid user_offset in cache file

  • AMAGENTS-185: Possibility of hanging in ssl handshake when recycling

  • AMAGENTS-174: WPA4 agentadmin can not complete OpenAM server validation phase

  • OPENAM-8429: WPA audit log is not rotated when it reaches the size limit

  • AMAGENTS-133: WPA on Windows should use Schannel as default for its SSL/TLS communication

  • AMAGENTS-122: Agent Hangs during httpd restart on linux

  • OPENAM-8947: Web form submitted by a POST request is truncated by the Web Policy agent

  • OPENAM-8624: It is possible to silently install agent for site which already has one agent configured on Win2012

  • OPENAM-8656: It is possible to select not existing siteID on installation although installation fails - with no helpful message

  • AMAGENTS-59: Apache_v24_Linux_64bit_4.0.0 fails to install on Suse 12 SP1

  • OPENAM-8487: Parameter --changeOwner doesn't work in WPA silent installation

The following limitations and workarounds apply to Web Policy Agent 4.1.1:

  • The NGINX Plus policy agent does not support the ignore path info properties:



  • Apache HTTP Server Authentication Functionality Not Supported

    The web agent replaces authentication functionality provided by Apache, for example, the mod_auth_* modules. Integration with built-in Apache httpd authentication directives, such as AuthName, FilesMatch, and Require is not supported.

  • OPENAM-2396: Agents should set 'amlbcookie' when running in CDSSO mode

  • AMAGENTS-509: 1 CPU used per w3wp process caught in loop in read_retry

  • AMAGENTS-431: Not Enforced URLs Are Being Protected by Policy Agent 4.x

  • AMAGENTS-382: Apache 's Error Document does not work on any directories except for document root

  • AMAGENTS-380: Installer fails with permissions error 0xb7 on IIS

  • AMAGENTS-357: Installation of IIS Agent with an application pool identity type of SpecificUser results in ACL update status: error

  • AMAGENTS-349: GET method can change into HEAD due to use of ap_method_name_of

  • AMAGENTS-322: FastCGI module results in post data missing after processing with agent

  • AMAGENTS-317: agentadmin --v can report 0.0 memory if there is no access to unistd.h on AIX

  • AMAGENTS-315: Agent fails to start with insufficient shared memory

  • AMAGENTS-310: Agents4 add well known port to goto URL when it did not exist in the original URL

  • AMAGENTS-292: SIGBUS due to alignment issues in hashes on SPARC

  • AMAGENTS-290: Login redirect loop in CDSSO enabled webagent

  • AMAGENTS-285: Agent logging LOG_ALLOW or LOG_DENY does not work

  • AMAGENTS-272: Bug in agent's net_client send/recv handling. It uses builtin/hardcoded AM_NET_POOL_TIMEOUT value of 4 sec

  • AMAGENTS-268: 'agentadmin --v' does not show OS architecture

  • AMAGENTS-267: not enforced IP processing broken

  • AMAGENTS-263: Performance degradation when audit shared memory resizes

  • AMAGENTS-258: If the Web agent Installation take more than 4 sec , it will throw "error validating OpenAM agent configuration"

  • AMAGENTS-254: Apache's ErrorDocument does not work with Agents 4.x

  • AMAGENTS-215: FQDN checking should be turned off by default - Web agent local file

  • AMAGENTS-178: Invert Not Enforced does not work if Not Enforced URLs list is empty

  • AMAGENTS-46: 4.x WPA not enforced pattern matching not consistent with 3.x

The following table tracks changes to the documentation set following the release of AM Web Policy Agent 4.1.1:


Reorganization of web policy agent documentation


4.1.0 Release


Web Policy Agents 4.1 documentation refresh, which includes the following updates:


Web Policy Agents 4.1 documentation refresh, which includes the following updates:

  • Clarified support for OpenSSL. For more information, see "Supported OpenSSL Versions".

  • Improved documentation on the org.forgerock.agents.config.keepalive.disable property. For more information, see Miscellaneous Custom Properties in the Web Policy Agent Guide.

  • Clarified support for Apache HTTP Server for Windows. For more information, see "Supported Operating Systems & Web Servers".

  • Improved documentation regarding the Conditional Login URL feature. For more information, see Login URL Properties in the Web Policy Agent Guide.

  • Improved documentation on the org.forgerock.agents.config.tls property. For more information, see Bootstrap Properties in the Web Policy Agent Guide.

  • Improved documentation regarding not-enforced IP client lists. For more information, see Not Enforced IP Processing Properties in the Web Policy Agent Guide.

  • Improved documentation regarding audit logging properties. For more information, see Audit Properties in the Web Policy Agent Guide.

  • Improved documentation for the com.forgerock.agents.ext.url.validation.default.url.set property. For more information, see Naming URL and Failover Properties in the Web Policy Agent Guide.

  • Improved POST data preservation properties documentation. For more information, see Post Data Preservation Properties in the Web Policy Agent Guide.

2018-05-08 Added IIS 8.5 to the list of supported platforms for Web Policy Agent 4.1.x.

For more information or resources about AM and ForgeRock Support, see the following sections:

ForgeRock publishes comprehensive documentation online:

  • The ForgeRock Knowledge Base offers a large and increasing number of up-to-date, practical articles that help you deploy and manage ForgeRock software.

    While many articles are visible to community members, ForgeRock customers have access to much more, including advanced information for customers using ForgeRock software in a mission-critical capacity.

  • ForgeRock product documentation, such as this document, aims to be technically accurate and complete with respect to the software documented. It is visible to everyone and covers all product features and examples of how to use them.

The site has links to source code for ForgeRock open source software, as well as links to the ForgeRock forums and technical blogs.

If you are a ForgeRock customer, raise a support ticket instead of using the forums. ForgeRock support professionals will get in touch to help you.

ForgeRock provides support services, professional services, training through ForgeRock University, and partner services to assist you in setting up and maintaining your deployments. For a general overview of these services, see

ForgeRock has staff members around the globe who support our international customers and partners. For details on ForgeRock's support offering, including support plans and service level agreements (SLAs), visit

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