Hands-on guide to configuring and using OpenDJ features. The OpenDJ project offers open source LDAP directory services in Java.

This guide shows you how to configure, maintain, and troubleshoot OpenDJ directory services. This guide also describes file layouts, ports used, and standards, controls, extended operations, and languages supported for OpenDJ installations.

This guide is written for directory designers and administrators who build, deploy, and maintain OpenDJ directory services for your organizations.

This guide starts by introducing the OpenDJ administrative interfaces and tools, and by showing how to manage OpenDJ server processes. It also demonstrates how to import and export directory data. This guide continues by showing how to configure and monitor the principle features of individual OpenDJ servers, and how to configure and monitor replicated server topologies for distributed high availability. It then demonstrates how to tune, troubleshoot, and move servers. This guide concludes with appendices of useful reference information for directory designers and administrators.

You do not need to be an LDAP wizard to learn something from this guide, though a background in directory services and maintaining server software can help. You do need some background in managing servers and services on your operating system of choice. You can nevertheless get started with this guide, and then learn more as you go along.

Most examples in the documentation are created in GNU/Linux or Mac OS X operating environments. If distinctions are necessary between operating environments, examples are labeled with the operating environment name in parentheses. To avoid repetition file system directory names are often given only in UNIX format as in /path/to/server, even if the text applies to C:\path\to\server as well.

Absolute path names usually begin with the placeholder /path/to/. This path might translate to /opt/, C:\Program Files\, or somewhere else on your system.

Command-line, terminal sessions are formatted as follows:

$ echo $JAVA_HOME

Command output is sometimes formatted for narrower, more readable output even though formatting parameters are not shown in the command.

Program listings are formatted as follows:

class Test {
    public static void main(String [] args)  {
        System.out.println("This is a program listing.");

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  • The ForgeRock Knowledge Base offers a large and increasing number of up-to-date, practical articles that help you deploy and manage ForgeRock software.

    While many articles are visible to community members, ForgeRock customers have access to much more, including advanced information for customers using ForgeRock software in a mission-critical capacity.

  • ForgeRock product documentation, such as this document, aims to be technically accurate and complete with respect to the software documented. It is visible to everyone and covers all product features and examples of how to use them.

The ForgeRock.org site has links to source code for ForgeRock open source software, as well as links to the ForgeRock forums and technical blogs.

If you are a ForgeRock customer, raise a support ticket instead of using the forums. ForgeRock support professionals will get in touch to help you.

OpenDJ server software installs with a cross-platform, Java Swing-based Control Panel for many day-to-day tasks. OpenDJ server software also installs command-line tools for configuration and management tasks.

This chapter is one of the few to include screen shots of the control panel. Most examples make use of the command-line tools. Once you understand the concepts, and how to perform a task using the command-line tools, you no doubt need no more than to know where to start in the Control Panel to accomplish what you set out to do.

At a protocol level, administration tools and interfaces connect to servers through a different network port than that used to listen for traffic from other client applications.

This chapter takes a quick look at the tools for managing directory services.

OpenDJ Control Panel offers a graphical user interface for managing both local and remote servers. You choose the server to manage when you start the Control Panel. The Control Panel connects to the administration server port, making a secure LDAPS connection.

Start OpenDJ Control Panel.

  • (UNIX) Run opendj/bin/control-panel.

  • (Windows) Double-click opendj\bat\control-panel.bat.

  • (Mac OS X) Double-click opendj/bin/ControlPanel.app.

    If you encounter an error message when starting the Control Panel on Mac OS X, see the solution described in Section 25.3, "Troubleshooting OpenDJ Utilities".

When you login to OpenDJ Control Panel, you authenticate over LDAP. This means that if users can run the Control Panel, they can use it to manage a running server. Yet, to start and stop the server process through OpenDJ Control Panel, you must start the Control Panel on the system where OpenDJ runs, as the user who owns the OpenDJ server files (such as the user who installed OpenDJ). In other words, the OpenDJ Control Panel does not do remote process management.

OpenDJ Control Panel displays key information about the server.

Down the left side of OpenDJ Control Panel, notice what you can configure.

Directory Data

Directory data provisioning is typically not something you do by hand in most deployments. Usually entries are created, modified, and deleted through specific directory client applications. The Manage Entries window can be useful, however, both in the lab as you design and test directory data, and also if you modify individual ACIs or debug issues with particular entries.

The Manage Entries window can check that your changes are valid before sending the request to the directory.

Additionally, the Directory Data list makes it easy to create a new base DN, and then import user data for the new base DN from LDIF. You can also use the tools in the list to export user data to LDIF, and to backup and restore user data.


The Manage Schema window lets you browse and modify the rules that define how data is stored in the directory. You can add new schema definitions such as new attribute types and new object classes while the server is running, and the changes you make take effect immediately.


The Manage Indexes window gives you a quick overview of all the indexes currently maintained for directory attributes. To protect your directory resources from being absorbed by costly searches on unindexed attributes, you may choose to keep the default behavior, preventing unindexed searches, instead adding indexes required by specific applications. (Notice that if the number of user data entries is smaller than the default resource limits, you can still perform what appear to be unindexed searches. That is because the dn2id index returns all user data entries without hitting a resource limit that would make the search unindexed.)

OpenDJ Control Panel also allows you to verify and rebuild existing indexes, which you may have to do after an upgrade operation, or if you have reason to suspect index corruption.


The Monitoring list gives you windows to observe information about the system, the JVM used, and indications about how the cache is used, whether the work queue has been filling up, as well as details about the database. You can also view the numbers and types of requests arriving over the connection handlers, and the current tasks in progress as well.

Runtime Options

If you did not set appropriate JVM runtime options during the installation process, this is the list that allows you to do so through the Control Panel.

All OpenDJ command-line tools take the --help option.

All commands call Java programs and therefore involve starting a JVM.

Setup, upgrade, and uninstall tools are located in the directory where you unpacked OpenDJ, such as /path/to/opendj. Find the additional command-line tools for your platform.

  • (UNIX) In opendj/bin.

  • (Windows) In opendj\bat.

The following list uses the UNIX names for the tools. On Windows all command-line tools have the extension .bat.


Backup or schedule backup of directory data.


Encode and decode data in base64 format.

Base64 encoding represents binary data in ASCII, and can be used to encode character strings in LDIF, for example.

create-rc-script (UNIX)

Generate a script you can use to start, stop, and restart the server either directly or at system boot and shutdown. Use create-rc-script -f script-file.


Debug JE databases.


The dsconfig command is the primary command-line tool for viewing and editing OpenDJ configuration. When started without arguments, dsconfig prompts you for administration connection information. Once connected it presents you with a menu-driven interface to the server configuration.

When you pass connection information, subcommands, and additional options to dsconfig, the command runs in script mode and so is not interactive.

You can prepare dsconfig batch scripts by running the tool with the --commandFilePath option in interactive mode, then reading from the batch file with the --batchFile option in script mode. Batch files can be useful when you have many dsconfig commands to run and want to avoid starting the JVM and setting up a new connection for each command.

In addition to the dsconfig reference that covers subcommands, the Configuration Reference covers the properties you can set using the dsconfig command.


Apply changes you make to opendj/config/java.properties, which sets Java runtime options.


Configure data replication between directory servers to keep their contents in sync.


Encode a clear text password according to one of the available storage schemes.


Export directory data to LDAP Data Interchange Format, a standard, portable, text-based representation of directory content.


Load LDIF content into the directory, overwriting existing data.


Compare the attribute values you specify with those stored on entries in the directory.


Delete one entry or an entire branch of subordinate entries in the directory.


Modify the specified attribute values for the specified entries.

Use the ldapmodify command with the -a option to add new entries.


Modify user passwords.


Search a branch of directory data for entries matching the LDAP filter that you specify.


Display differences between two LDIF files, with the resulting output having LDIF format.


Similar to the ldapmodify command, modify specified attribute values for specified entries in an LDIF file.


Similar to the ldapsearch command, search a branch of data in LDIF for entries matching the LDAP filter you specify.


List backends and base DNs served by OpenDJ.


Generate directory data in LDIF, based on templates that define how the data should appear.

The make-ldif command is designed to help you quickly generate test data that mimics data you expect to have in production, but without compromising private information.


Lock and unlock user accounts, and view and manipulate password policy state information.


View information about tasks scheduled to run in the server, and cancel specified tasks.


Rebuild an index stored in a JE backend.


Restore user data from backup.


Start OpenDJ directory server.


Display information about the server.


Stop OpenDJ directory server.


Verify that an index stored in a JE backend is not corrupt.

windows-service.bat (Windows)

Register OpenDJ as a Windows Service.

Using the OpenDJ Control Panel, you can start and stop local servers. You can also start and stop OpenDJ using command-line tools, and use the operating system's capabilities for starting OpenDJ at boot time.

This chapter demonstrates how to start and stop server processes with command line tools and using operating system capabilities. This chapter also describes what OpenDJ directory server does during startup and shutdown, and how it recovers following an abrupt shutdown such as happens during a system crash or when you kill the server process using system tools.

Use one of the following techniques.

  • Use the start-ds command.

    $ opendj/bin/start-ds

    Alternatively, you can specify the --no-detach option to start the server in the foreground.

  • (UNIX) Create an RC script, and then use the script to start the server.

    Unless you run OpenDJ as root, use the --userName userName option to specify the user who installed OpenDJ.

    $ sudo opendj/bin/create-rc-script
     --outputFile /etc/init.d/opendj
     --userName mark
    $ sudo /etc/init.d/opendj start

    For example, on Linux if you run OpenDJ as root, you can use the RC script to start the server at system boot, and stop the server at system shutdown.

    $ sudo update-rc.d opendj defaults
    update-rc.d: warning: /etc/init.d/opendj missing LSB information
    update-rc.d: see <http://wiki.debian.org/LSBInitScripts>
     Adding system startup for /etc/init.d/opendj ...
       /etc/rc0.d/K20opendj -> ../init.d/opendj
       /etc/rc1.d/K20opendj -> ../init.d/opendj
       /etc/rc6.d/K20opendj -> ../init.d/opendj
       /etc/rc2.d/S20opendj -> ../init.d/opendj
       /etc/rc3.d/S20opendj -> ../init.d/opendj
       /etc/rc4.d/S20opendj -> ../init.d/opendj
       /etc/rc5.d/S20opendj -> ../init.d/opendj
  • (Windows) Register OpenDJ as a Windows Service, and then manage the service through Windows administration tools.

    C:\Users\Mark> opendj\bat\windows-service.bat --enableService

By default OpenDJ saves a compressed version of the server configuration used on successful startup. This ensures that the server provides a "last known good" configuration, which can be used as a reference or copied into the active configuration if the server fails to start with the current active configuration. It is possible, though not usually recommended, to turn this behavior off by changing the global server setting save-config-on-successful-startup to false.

Use one of the following techniques.

  • Use the stop-ds command.

    $ opendj/bin/stop-ds
  • (UNIX) Create an RC script, and then use the script to stop the server.

    $ sudo opendj/bin/create-rc-script
     --outputFile /etc/init.d/opendj
     --userName mark
    $ sudo /etc/init.d/opendj stop
  • (Windows) Register OpenDJ as a Windows Service, and then manage the service through Windows administration tools.

    C:\Users\Mark> opendj\bat\windows-service.bat --enableService

Use one of the following techniques.

  • Use the stop-ds command.

    $ opendj/bin/stop-ds --restart
  • (UNIX) Create an RC script, and then use the script to stop the server.

    $ sudo opendj/bin/create-rc-script
     --outputFile /etc/init.d/opendj
     --userName mark
    $ /etc/init.d/opendj restart
  • (Windows) Register OpenDJ as a Windows Service, and then manage the service through Windows administration tools.

    C:\Users\Mark> opendj\bat\windows-service.bat --enableService

OpenDJ tends to show resilience when restarting after a crash or after the server process is killed abruptly. OpenDJ might have to replay the last few entries in a transaction log. Generally OpenDJ returns to service quickly.

You can find Berkeley Java Edition database recovery messages in the database log file, such as /path/to/opendj/db/userRoot/je.info.0. The following shows two example messages from that log, the first written at the beginning of the recovery process, the second written at the end of the process.

111104 10:23:48:967 CONFIG [/path/to/opendj/db/userRoot]Recovery
 underway, found end of log
111104 10:23:49:015 CONFIG [/path/to/opendj/db/userRoot]Recovery finished:
 Recovery Info ...

What can take some time during server startup is preloading database content into memory when the server starts. Objects cached in memory do not survive a crash. By default, OpenDJ does not cache objects in memory before starting to accept client requests. You can however set a preload-time-limit for the database cache of your backend if you do want to load objects into the database cache before OpenDJ begins accepting client connections.

LDAP Data Interchange Format provides a mechanism for representing directory data in text format. LDIF data is typically used to initialize directory databases, but also may be used to move data between different directories that cannot replicate directly, or even as an alternative backup format.

This chapter shows you how to import and export LDIF. This chapter also covers creating test data in LDIF format, and manipulating LDIF data with command-line tools.

When you install OpenDJ, you have the option of importing sample data generated during the installation. This procedure demonstrates how to generate LDIF using the make-ldif command.

The make-ldif command uses templates to provide sample data. Default templates are located in the OpenDJ/config/MakeLDIF/ directory. The example.template file can be used to create a suffix with entries of the type inetOrgPerson. You can do the equivalent in OpenDJ Control Panel (Directory Data > New Base DN... > Import Automatically Generated Example Data).

  1. Write a file to act as the template for your generated LDIF.

    The resulting test data template depends on what data you expect to encounter in production. Base your work on your knowledge of the production data, and on the sample template, OpenDJ/config/MakeLDIF/example.template, and associated data.

    See make-ldif.template for reference information about template files.

  2. Create additional data files for the content in your template to be selected randomly from a file, rather than generated by an expression.

    Additional data files are located in the same directory as your template file.

  3. Decide whether you want to generate the same test data each time you run the make-ldif command with your template.

    If so, provide the same randomSeed integer each time you run the command.

  4. Before generating a very large LDIF file, make sure you have enough space on disk.

  5. Run the make-ldif command to generate your LDIF file.

    $ make-ldif
     --randomSeed 0
     --templateFile /path/to/my.template
     --ldifFile /path/to/generated.ldif
    Processed 1000 entries
    Processed 2000 entries
    Processed 10000 entries
    LDIF processing complete.  10003 entries written

You can use the OpenDJ Control Panel to import data (Directory Data > Import LDIF...) and to export data (Directory Data > Export LDIF...). The following procedures demonstrate how to use the import-ldif and export-ldif commands.

The most efficient method of importing LDIF data is to take the OpenDJ server offline. Alternatively, you can schedule a task to import the data while the server is online.

  1. (Optional) If you do not want to use the default userRoot backend, create a new JE backend for your data.

    See Section 3.4, "Creating a New Database Backend" for details.

  2. The following example imports dc=example,dc=org data into the userRoot backend, overwriting existing data.

    • If you want to speed up the process—for example because you have millions of directory entries to import—first shut down the server, and then run the import-ldif command.

      $ stop-ds
      $ import-ldif
       --includeBranch dc=example,dc=org
       --backendID userRoot
       --ldifFile /path/to/generated.ldif
    • If not, schedule a task to import the data while online.

      $ import-ldif
       --port 4444
       --hostname opendj.example.com
       --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
       --bindPassword password
       --includeBranch dc=example,dc=org
       --backendID userRoot
       --ldifFile /path/to/generated.ldif

      Notice that the task is scheduled through communication over SSL on the administration port, by default 4444. You can schedule the import task to start at a particular time using the --start option.

      The --trustAll option trusts all SSL certificates, such as a default self-signed certificate used for testing.

  • The following example exports dc=example,dc=org data from the userRoot backend.

    • If you want to speed up export, first shut down the server, and then export data using the export-ldif command.

      $ stop-ds
      $ export-ldif
       --includeBranch dc=example,dc=org
       --backendID userRoot
       --ldifFile /path/to/backup.ldif
    • If not, schedule a task to export the data while online.

      $ export-ldif
       --port 4444
       --hostname opendj.example.com
       --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
       --bindPassword password
       --includeBranch dc=example,dc=org
       --backendID userRoot
       --ldifFile /path/to/backup.ldif
       --start 20111221230000

      The --start 20111221230000 option tells OpenDJ to start the export at 11 PM on December 21, 2012.

      If OpenDJ is stopped at this time, then when you start OpenDJ again, the server attempts to perform the task after starting up.

This section demonstrates the ldifsearch, ldifmodify, and ldif-diff tools.

The ldifsearch command lets you search LDIF files in a similar way to how you search LDAP directories with the ldapsearch command.

$ ldifsearch
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=org
 --ldifFile generated.ldif
dn: uid=user.4630,ou=People,dc=example,dc=org
mobile: +1 728 983 6669

The --ldifFile ldif-file option replaces the --hostname and --port options used to connect to an LDAP directory. Otherwise the command syntax and LDIF output is familiar to ldapsearch users.

The ldifmodify command lets you apply changes to LDIF files, generating a new, changed version of the original file.

$ cat changes.ldif 
dn: uid=user.0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=org
changetype: modify
replace: description
description: This is the new description for Aaccf Amar.
replace: initials
initials: AAA

$ ldifmodify
 --sourceLDIF generated.ldif
 --changesLDIF changes.ldif
 --targetLDIF new.ldif

Notice that the resulting new LDIF file is likely to be about the same size as the source LDIF file.

The ldif-diff command reports differences between two LDIF files in LDIF format.

$ ldif-diff --sourceLDIF old.ldif --targetLDIF new.ldif
dn: uid=user.0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=org
changetype: modify
add: initials
initials: AAA
delete: initials
initials: ASA
add: description
description: This is the new description for Aaccf Amar.
delete: description
description: This is the description for Aaccf Amar.

As the ldif-diff command reads both files into memory, constructing tree maps to perform the comparison, the command is designed to work with small files and fragments. The command can quickly run out of memory when calculating differences between large files.

OpenDJ stores your data in a backend. OpenDJ stores directory data in backends. Backends are what you backup and restore. By default, OpenDJ stores your data in a backend named userRoot. You can create new backends using the dsconfig command. The following example creates a local backend named testData.

$ dsconfig create-backend --backend-name testData --type local-db

>>>> Configuring the "base-dn" property

    Specifies the base DN(s) for the data that the backend handles.

    A single backend may be responsible for one or more base DNs. Note that no
    two backends may have the same base DN although one backend may have a
    base DN that is below a base DN provided by another backend (similar to
    the use of sub-suffixes in the Sun Java System Directory Server). If any
    of the base DNs is subordinate to a base DN for another backend, then all
    base DNs for that backend must be subordinate to that same base DN.

    Syntax:  DN

Enter a value for the "base-dn" property: dc=example,dc=org

Enter another value for the "base-dn" property [continue]: 

>>>> Configuring the "enabled" property

    Indicates whether the backend is enabled in the server.

    If a backend is not enabled, then its contents are not accessible when
    processing operations.

Select a value for the "enabled" property:

    1)  true
    2)  false

    ?)  help
    q)  quit

Enter choice: 1

>>>> Configure the properties of the Local DB Backend

        Property           Value(s)
    1)  backend-id         testData
    2)  base-dn            "dc=example,dc=org"
    3)  compact-encoding   true
    4)  db-cache-percent   10
    5)  db-cache-size      0 b
    6)  db-directory       db
    7)  enabled            true
    8)  index-entry-limit  4000
    9)  writability-mode   enabled

    ?)  help
    f)  finish - create the new Local DB Backend
    q)  quit

Enter choice [f]: 

The Local DB Backend was created successfully

Alternatively, you can create a new backend in OpenDJ Control Panel (Directory Data > New Base DN... > Backend > New Backend: backend-name).

You delete a database backend by using the dsconfig delete-backend command.

When you delete a database backend by using the dsconfig delete-backend command, OpenDJ does not actually remove the database files for two reasons. First, a mistake could potentially cause lots of data to be lost. Second, deleting a large database backend could cause severe service degradation due to a sudden increase in I/O load.

Instead, after you run the dsconfig delete-backend command you must also manually remove the database backend files.

If you do run the dsconfig delete-backend command by mistake and have not yet deleted the actual files, then you can recover from the mistake by creating the backend again, reconfiguring the indexes that were removed, and rebuilding the indexes as described in the section on Configuring & Rebuilding Indexes.

This chapter shows you how to configure OpenDJ directory server to listen for directory client requests, using connection handlers. You can view information about connection handlers in the OpenDJ Control Panel, and update the configuration using the dsconfig command.

You configure LDAP client access by using the command-line tool dsconfig. By default you configure OpenDJ to listen for LDAP when you install.

The standard port number for LDAP client access is 389. If you install OpenDJ directory server as a user who can use port 389 and the port is not yet in use, then 389 is the default port number presented at installation time. If you install as a user who cannot use a port < 1024, then the default port number presented at installation time is 1389.

  1. Change the port number using the dsconfig command.

    $ dsconfig
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --port 4444
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --handler-name "LDAP Connection Handler"
     --set listen-port:11389

    This example changes the port number to 11389 in the configuration.

  2. Restart the connection handler so the change takes effect.

    To restart the connection handler, you disable it, then enable it again.

    $ dsconfig
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --port 4444
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --handler-name "LDAP Connection Handler"
     --set enabled:false
    $ dsconfig
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --port 4444
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --handler-name "LDAP Connection Handler"
     --set enabled:true

One common way to protect connections between OpenDJ and client applications involves using StartTLS for LDAP or LDAPS to secure connections. OpenDJ and client applications use X.509 digital certificates to set up secure connections.

Both OpenDJ and client applications check that certificates are signed by a trusted party before accepting them. Merely setting up a secure connection therefore involves a sort of authentication using certificates. If either OpenDJ or the client application cannot trust the peer certificate, then the attempt to set up a secure connection must fail.

By default OpenDJ client tools prompt you if they do not recognize the server certificate. Other clients might not prompt you. OpenDJ server has no one to prompt when a client presents a certificate that cannot be trusted, so it must simply refuse to set up the connection.[1] In other words, it is important for both OpenDJ and client applications to be able to verify that peer certificates exchanged have been signed by a trusted party.

In practice this means that both OpenDJ and client applications must put the certificates that were used to sign each others' certificates in their respective trust stores. Conventionally, certificates are therefore signed by a Certificate Authority (CA). A CA is trusted to sign other certificates. The Java runtime environment for example comes with a trust store holding certificates from many well-known CAs.[2] If your client uses a valid certificate signed by one of these CAs, then OpenDJ can verify the certificate without additional configuration, because OpenDJ can find the CA certificate in the Java CA certificate trust store. Likewise if you set up StartTLS or LDAPS in OpenDJ using a valid certificate signed by one of these CAs, then many client applications can verify the OpenDJ server certificate without further configuration.

In summary, if you need a certificate to be recognized automatically, get the certificate signed by a well-known CA.

You can, however, choose to have your certificates signed some other way. You can set up your own CA. You can use a CA whose signing certificate is not widely distributed. You can also use self-signed certificates. In each case, you must add the signing certificates into the trust store of each peer making secure connections.

For OpenDJ directory server, you can choose to import your own CA-signed certificate as part of the installation process, or later using command-line tools. Alternatively, you can let the OpenDJ installation program create a self-signed certificate as part of the OpenDJ installation process. In addition, you can add a signing certificate to the OpenDJ trust store using the Java keytool command.

The following example shows the keytool command to add a client application's binary format, self-signed certificate to the OpenDJ trust store (assuming OpenDJ is already configured to use secure connections). This enables OpenDJ to recognize the self-signed client application certificate. (By definition a self-signed certificate is itself the signing certificate. Notice that the Owner and the Issuer are the same.)

$ keytool
 -alias myapp-cert
 -file myapp-cert.crt
 -keystore /path/to/opendj/config/truststore
 -storepass `cat /path/to/opendj/config/keystore.pin`
Owner: CN=My App, OU=Apps, DC=example, DC=com
Issuer: CN=My App, OU=Apps, DC=example, DC=com
Serial number: 5ae2277
Valid from: Fri Jan 18 18:27:09 CET 2013 until: Thu Jan 13 18:27:09 CET 2033
Certificate fingerprints:
	 MD5:  48:AC:F9:13:11:E0:AB:C4:65:A2:83:9E:DB:FE:0C:37
	 SHA1: F9:61:54:37:AA:C1:BC:92:45:07:64:4B:23:6C:BC:C9:CD:1D:44:0F
	 SHA256: 2D:B1:58:CD:33:40:E9:ED:...:EA:C9:FF:6A:19:93:FE:E4:84:E3
	 Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
	 Version: 3


#1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
SubjectKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: 54 C0 C5 9C 73 37 85 4B   F2 3B D3 37 FD 45 0A AB  T...s7.K.;.7.E..
0010: C9 6B 32 95                                        .k2.

Trust this certificate? [no]:  yes
Certificate was added to keystore

When working with a certificate in printable encoding format (.pem) rather than binary format, use the -rfc option, too.

Restart OpenDJ after adding certificates to the trust store to make sure that OpenDJ reads the updated trust store file.

On the client side, if your applications are also Java applications, then you can also import the OpenDJ signing certificate into the trust store for the applications using the keytool command.

The following example shows the keytool command to export the OpenDJ self-signed certificate in binary format.

$ keytool
 -alias server-cert
 -file server-cert.crt
 -keystore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore
 -storepass `cat /path/to/opendj/config/keystore.pin`
Certificate stored in file <server-cert.crt>

Importing the server certificate is similar to importing the client certificate, as shown above.

The following sections describe how to get and install certificates for OpenDJ directory server on the command line, for use when setting up StartTLS or LDAPS.

First you create a server certificate in a Java Key Store. Next you issue a signing request to the CA, and get the CA-signed certificate as a reply. Then you set up the Key Manager Provider and Trust Manager Provider to rely on your new server certificate stored in the OpenDJ key store.

  1. Generate the server certificate by using the Java keytool command.

    The CN attribute value is the FQDN for OpenDJ directory server, which you can see under Server Details in the OpenDJ Control Panel.

    $ keytool
     -alias server-cert
     -keyalg rsa
     -dname "CN=opendj.example.com,O=Example Corp,C=FR"
     -keystore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore
     -storepass changeit
     -keypass changeit


    Notice that the -storepass and -keypass options take identical password arguments. OpenDJ requires that you use the same password to protect both the keystore and also the private key.

  2. Create a certificate signing request file for the certificate you generated.

    $ keytool
     -alias server-cert
     -keystore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore
     -storepass changeit
     -file server-cert.csr
  3. Have the CA sign the request (server-cert.csr).

    See the instructions from your CA on how to provide the request.

    The CA returns the signed certificate.

  4. If you have set up your own CA and signed the certificate, or are using a CA whose signing certificate is not included in the Java runtime environment, import the CA certificate into the key store so that it can be trusted.

    Otherwise, when you import the signed certificate in the reply from the (unknown) CA, keytool fails to import the signed certificate with the message keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Failed to establish chain from reply.

    The following example illustrates import of a CA certificate created with the openssl command. See the openssl documentation for instructions on creating CAs and on signing other certificates with the CA you created.

    $ keytool
     -keystore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore
     -file ca.crt
     -alias ca-cert
     -storepass changeit
    Owner: EMAILADDRESS=admin@example.com, CN=Example CA, O=Example Corp, C=FR
    Issuer: EMAILADDRESS=admin@example.com, CN=Example CA, O=Example Corp, C=FR
    Serial number: d4586ea05c878b0c
    Valid from: Tue Jan 29 09:30:31 CET 2013 until: Mon Jan 24 09:30:31 CET 2033
    Certificate fingerprints:
    	 MD5:  8A:83:61:9B:E7:18:A2:21:CE:92:94:96:59:68:60:FA
    	 SHA1: 01:99:18:38:3A:57:D7:92:7B:D6:03:8C:7B:E4:1D:37:45:0E:29:DA
    	 SHA256: 5D:20:F1:86:CC:CD:64:50:...:DF:15:43:07:69:44:00:FB:36:CF
    	 Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
    	 Version: 3
    #1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
    AuthorityKeyIdentifier [
    KeyIdentifier [
    0000: 30 07 67 7D 1F 09 B6 E6   90 85 95 58 94 37 FD 31  0.g........X.7.1
    0010: 03 D4 56 7B                                        ..V.
    [EMAILADDRESS=admin@example.com, CN=Example CA, O=Example Corp, C=FR]
    SerialNumber: [    d4586ea0 5c878b0c]
    #2: ObjectId: Criticality=false
    #3: ObjectId: Criticality=false
    SubjectKeyIdentifier [
    KeyIdentifier [
    0000: 30 07 67 7D 1F 09 B6 E6   90 85 95 58 94 37 FD 31  0.g........X.7.1
    0010: 03 D4 56 7B                                        ..V.
    Trust this certificate? [no]:  yes
    Certificate was added to keystore
  5. Import the signed certificate from the CA reply into the keystore where you generated the server certificate.

    In this example the certificate from the reply is ~/Downloads/server-cert.crt.

    $ keytool
     -alias server-cert
     -file ~/Downloads/server-cert.crt
     -keystore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore
     -storepass changeit
     -keypass changeit
    Certificate reply was installed in keystore
  6. Configure the File Based Key Manager Provider for JKS to use the file name and key store PIN that you set up with the keytool command.

    $ dsconfig
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --port 4444
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --provider-name JKS
     --set enabled:true
     --set key-store-pin:changeit
     --remove key-store-pin-file:config/keystore.pin
  7. Configure the File Based Trust Manager Provider for JKS to use the key store and PIN as well.

    $ dsconfig
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --port 4444
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --provider-name JKS
     --set enabled:true
     --set trust-store-file:config/keystore
     --set trust-store-pin:changeit

    At this point, OpenDJ directory server can use your new CA-signed certificate, for example for StartTLS and LDAPS connection handlers.

  8. If you use a CA certificate that is not known to clients, such as a CA that you set up yourself rather than a well-known CA whose certificate is included with the client system, import the CA certificate into the client application trust store. Otherwise the client application cannot trust the signature on the OpenDJ CA-signed server certificate.

If you choose to configure LDAP Secure Access when setting up OpenDJ directory server, the setup program generates a key pair in the Java Key Store /path/to/opendj/config/keystore, and self-signs the public key certificate, which has the alias server-cert. The password for the key store and the private key is stored in clear text in the file /path/to/opendj/config/keystore.pin.

If you want to secure communications, but did not chose to configure LDAP Secure Access at setup time, this procedure can help. The following steps explain how to create and install a key pair with a self-signed certificate in preparation to configure LDAPS or HTTPS. First you create a key pair in a new Java Key Store, and then self-sign the certificate. Next, you set up the Key Manager Provider and Trust Manager Provider to access the new server certificate in the new key store.

If instead you want to replace the existing server key pair with self-signed certificate, then first use keytool -delete -alias server-cert to delete the existing keys before you generate a new key pair with the same alias. You can also either reuse the existing password in keystore.pin, or use a new password as shown in the steps below.

  1. Generate the server certificate using the Java keytool command.

    $ keytool
     -alias server-cert
     -keyalg rsa
     -dname "CN=opendj.example.com,O=Example Corp,C=FR"
     -keystore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore
     -storepass changeit
     -keypass changeit

    In this example, OpenDJ is running on a system with fully qualified host name opendj.example.com. The Java Key Store (JKS) is created in the config directory where OpenDJ is installed, which is the default value for JKS.


    Notice that the -storepass and -keypass options take identical password arguments. OpenDJ requires that you use the same password to protect both the key store and also the private key.

    Keep track of the password provided to the -storepass and -keypass options.

  2. Self-sign the server certificate.

    $ keytool
     -alias server-cert
     -keystore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore
     -storepass changeit
  3. Configure the File Based Key Manager Provider for JKS to access the Java Key Store with key store/private key password.

    In this example, the alias is server-cert and the password is changeit.

    If you are replacing a key pair with a self-signed certificate, reusing the server-cert alias and password stored in keystore.pin, then you can skip this step.

    $ echo changeit > /path/to/opendj/config/keystore.pin
    $ chmod 600 /path/to/opendj/config/keystore.pin
    $ dsconfig
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --port 4444
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --provider-name JKS
     --set enabled:true
     --set key-store-file:config/keystore
     --set key-store-pin-file:config/keystore.pin
  4. Configure the File Based Trust Manager Provider for JKS to use the key store and PIN as well.

    If you skipped the previous step, you can also skip this step.

    $ dsconfig
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --port 4444
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --provider-name JKS
     --set enabled:true
     --set trust-store-file:config/keystore
     --set trust-store-pin-file:config/keystore.pin

    At this point, OpenDJ directory server can use your new self-signed certificate, for example for StartTLS and LDAPS or HTTPS connection handlers.

StartTLS (Transport Layer Security) negotiations start on the unsecure LDAP port, and then protect communication with the client. You can opt to configure StartTLS during installation, or later using the dsconfig command.

  1. Make sure you have a server certificate installed.

    $ keytool
     -alias server-cert
     -keystore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore
     -storepass `cat /path/to/opendj/config/keystore.pin`
    server-cert, Jun 17, 2013, PrivateKeyEntry,
    Certificate fingerprint (SHA1): 92:B7:4C:4F:2E:24:...:EB:7C:22:3F
  2. Activate StartTLS on the current LDAP port.

    $ dsconfig
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --port 4444
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --handler-name "LDAP Connection Handler"
     --set allow-start-tls:true
     --set key-manager-provider:JKS
     --set trust-manager-provider:JKS

    The change takes effect. No need to restart the server.

You configure LDAPS (LDAP/SSL) client access by using the command-line tool dsconfig. You can opt to configure LDAPS access when you install.

The standard port number for LDAPS client access is 636. If you install OpenDJ directory server as a user who can use port 636 and the port is not yet in use, then 636 is the default port number presented at installation time. If you install as a user who cannot use a port < 1024, then the default port number presented at installation time is 1636.

  1. Make sure you have a server certificate installed.

    $ keytool
     -alias server-cert
     -keystore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore
     -storepass `cat /path/to/opendj/config/keystore.pin`
    server-cert, Jun 17, 2013, PrivateKeyEntry,
    Certificate fingerprint (SHA1): 92:B7:4C:4F:2E:24:...:EB:7C:22:3F
  2. Configure the server to activate LDAPS access.

    $ dsconfig
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --port 4444
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --handler-name "LDAPS Connection Handler"
     --set listen-port:1636
     --set enabled:true
     --set use-ssl:true

    This example changes the port number to 1636 in the configuration.

  1. Change the port number using the dsconfig command.

    $ dsconfig
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --port 4444
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --handler-name "LDAPS Connection Handler"
     --set listen-port:11636

    This example changes the port number to 11636 in the configuration.

  2. Restart the connection handler so the change takes effect.

    To restart the connection handler, you disable it, then enable it again.

    $ dsconfig
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --port 4444
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --handler-name "LDAPS Connection Handler"
     --set enabled:false
    $ dsconfig
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --port 4444
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --handler-name "LDAPS Connection Handler"
     --set enabled:true

Using the OpenDJ directory server global configuration properties, you can add global restrictions on how clients access the server. These settings are per server, and so much be set independently on each server in replication topology.

These global settings are fairly coarse-grained. For a full discussion of the rich set of administrative privileges and fine-grained access control instructions that OpenDJ supports, see the chapter on Configuring Privileges & Access Control.

Consider the following global configuration settings.


Whether the directory server should reject any simple bind request that contains a DN but no password. Default: true

To change this setting use the following command.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --set bind-with-dn-requires-password:false

Restricts the number of concurrent client connections to the directory server. Default: 0, meaning no limit is set

To set a limit of 32768 use the following command.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --set max-allowed-client-connections:32768

Rejects any request (other than bind or StartTLS requests) received from a client that has not yet been authenticated, whose last authentication attempt was unsuccessful, or whose last authentication attempt used anonymous authentication. Default: false

To shut down anonymous binds use the following command.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --set reject-unauthenticated-requests:true

Does not restrict access, but by default prevents OpenDJ directory server from returning extra information about why a bind failed, as that information could be used by an attacker. Instead, the information is written to the server errors log. Default: false

To have OpenDJ return additional information about why a bind failed use the following command.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --set return-bind-error-messages:true

By default OpenDJ supports the SSL and TLS protocols and the cipher suites supported by the underlying Java virtual machine. For details see the documentation for the Java virtual machine in which you run OpenDJ. For Oracle Java, see the Java Cryptography Architecture Oracle Providers Documentation for the The SunJSSE Provider.

To list the available protocols and cipher suites, read the supportedTLSProtocols and supportedTLSCiphers attributes of the root DSE. Install unlimited strength Java cryptography extensions for stronger ciphers.

$ ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN "" --searchScope base "(objectclass=*)"
 supportedTLSCiphers supportedTLSProtocols
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA
supportedTLSCiphers: SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA
supportedTLSCiphers: SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5
supportedTLSProtocols: SSLv2Hello
supportedTLSProtocols: SSLv3
supportedTLSProtocols: TLSv1
supportedTLSProtocols: TLSv1.1
supportedTLSProtocols: TLSv1.2

You can restrict the list of protocols and cipher suites used by setting the ssl-protocol and ssl-cipher-suite connection handler properties to include only the protocols or cipher suites you want.

For example, to restrict the cipher suites to TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV and TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA use the dsconfig set-connection-handler-prop command as shown in the following example.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --handler-name "LDAPS Connection Handler"
 --add ssl-cipher-suite:TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA

OpenDJ offers two ways to give RESTful client applications HTTP access to directory data as JSON resources.

  1. Enable the listener on OpenDJ directory server to respond to REST requests.

    With this approach, you do not need to install additional software.

  2. Configure the external REST LDAP gateway Servlet to access your directory service.

    With this approach, you must install the gateway separately.

OpenDJ directory server has a handler for HTTP connections, where it exposes the RESTful API demonstrated in the chapter on Performing RESTful Operations. The HTTP connection handler is not enabled by default.

You configure the mapping between JSON resources and LDAP entries by editing the configuration file for the HTTP connection handler, by default /path/to/opendj/config/http-config.json. The configuration is described in the appendix, REST LDAP Configuration. The default mapping works out of the box with Example.com data generated as part of the setup process and with Example.ldif.

  1. Enable the connection handler.

    $ dsconfig
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --port 4444
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --handler-name "HTTP Connection Handler"
     --set enabled:true
  2. Enable the HTTP access log.

    $ dsconfig
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --port 4444
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --publisher-name "File-Based HTTP Access Logger"
     --set enabled:true

    This enables the HTTP access log, opendj/logs/http-access. For details on the format of the HTTP access log, see the section on Server Logs.

  3. (Optional) Try reading a resource.

    The HTTP connection handler paths start by default at the root context, as shown in the following example.

    $ curl http://bjensen:hifalutin@opendj.example.com:8080/users/bjensen
      "_rev" : "00000000315fb731",
      "schemas" : [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0" ],
      "manager" : [ {
        "_id" : "trigden",
        "displayName" : "Torrey Rigden"
      } ],
      "contactInformation" : {
        "telephoneNumber" : "+1 408 555 1862",
        "emailAddress" : "bjensen@example.com"
      "_id" : "bjensen",
      "name" : {
        "familyName" : "Jensen",
        "givenName" : "Barbara"
      "userName" : "bjensen@example.com",
      "displayName" : "Barbara Jensen"
  4. (Optional) If necessary, change the connection handler configuration using the dsconfig command.

    The following example shows how to set the port to 8443, and to configure the connection handler to do SSL (using the default server certificate). If you did not generate a default, self-signed certificate when installing OpenDJ directory server see the instructions, To Create & Install a Self-Signed Certificate, and more generally the section on Preparing For Secure Communications for additional instructions including how to import a CA-signed certificate.

    $ dsconfig
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --port 4444
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --handler-name "HTTP Connection Handler"
     --set listen-port:8443
     --set use-ssl:true
     --set key-manager-provider:JKS
     --set trust-manager-provider:"Blind Trust"
    $ stop-ds --restart
    Stopping Server...
    .... The Directory Server has started successfully
    $ keytool
     -alias server-cert
     -keystore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore
     -storepass `cat /path/to/opendj/config/keystore.pin`
     -file server-cert.pem
    Certificate stored in file <server-cert.pem>
    $ curl
     --cacert server-cert.pem
     --user bjensen:hifalutin
      "_rev" : "0000000018c8b685",
      "schemas" : [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0" ],
      "contactInformation" : {
        "telephoneNumber" : "+1 408 555 1862",
        "emailAddress" : "bjensen@example.com"
      "_id" : "bjensen",
      "name" : {
        "familyName" : "Jensen",
        "givenName" : "Barbara"
      "userName" : "bjensen@example.com",
      "displayName" : "Barbara Jensen",
      "manager" : [ {
        "_id" : "trigden",
        "displayName" : "Torrey Rigden"
      } ]

Follow these steps to set up OpenDJ REST LDAP gateway Servlet to access your directory service.

  1. Download and install the gateway as described in To Install OpenDJ REST LDAP Gateway in the Installation Guide.

  2. Adjust the configuration for your directory service as described in REST LDAP Configuration.

Directory Services Markup Language (DSML) client access is implemented as a servlet that runs in a web application container.

You configure DSML client access by editing the WEB-INF/web.xml after you deploy the web application. In particular, you must at least set the ldap.host and ldap.port parameters if they differ from the default values, which are localhost and 389.

The list of DSML configuration parameters, including those that are optional, consists of the following.


Required parameter indicating the host name of the underlying directory server. Default: localhost.


Required parameter indicating the LDAP port of the underlying directory server. Default: 389.


Optional parameter specifying the DN used by the DSML gateway to bind to the underlying directory server. Not used by default.


Optional parameter specifying the password used by the DSML gateway to bind to the underlying directory server. Not used by default.


This parameter can help you set up the DSML gateway to do HTTP Basic Access Authentication, given the appropriate mapping between the user ID, and the user's entry in the directory.

Required boolean parameter specifying whether the HTTP Authorization header field's Basic credentials in the request hold a plain ID, rather than a DN. If set to true, then the gateway performs an LDAP SASL bind using SASL plain, enabled by default in OpenDJ to look for an exact match between a uid value and the plain ID value from the header. In other words, if the plain ID is bjensen, and that corresponds in the directory server to Babs Jensen's entry with DN uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com, then the bind happens as Babs Jensen. Note also that you can configure OpenDJ identity mappers for scenarios that use a different attribute than uid, such as the mail attribute.

Default: false


Required parameter indicating whether ldap.port points to a port listening for LDAPS (LDAP/SSL) traffic. Default: false.


Required parameter indicating whether to use StartTLS to connect to the specified ldap.port. Default: false.


Required parameter indicating whether blindly to trust all certificates presented to the DSML gateway when using secure connections (LDAPS or StartTLS). Default: false.


Optional parameter indicating the trust store used to verify certificates when using secure connections. If you want to connect using LDAPS or StartTLS, and do not want the gateway blindly to trust all certificates, then you must set up a trust store. Not used by default.


Optional parameter indicating the trust store password. If you set up and configure a trust store, then you need to set this as well. Not used by default.

The DSML servlet translates between DSML and LDAP, and passes requests to the directory server. For initial testing purposes, you might try JXplorer, where DSML Service: /webapp-dir/DSMLServlet. Here, webapp-dir refers to the name of the directory in which you unpacked the DSML .war file.

JXplorer accessing OpenDJ through DSML

You configure Java Management Extensions (JMX) client access by using the command-line tool, dsconfig.

  1. Configure the server to activate JMX access.

    $ dsconfig
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --port 4444
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --handler-name "JMX Connection Handler"
     --set enabled:true

    This example uses the default port number, 1689.

  2. Restart the server so the change takes effect.

    $ stop-ds --restart

After you set up OpenDJ directory server to listen for JMX connections, you must assign privileges in order to allow a user to connect over protocol.

  1. Assign the privileges, jmx-notify, jmx-read, and jmx-write as necessary to the user who connects over JMX.

    See the section on Configuring Privileges for details.

  2. Connect using the service URI, user name, and password.

    Service URI

    Full URI to the service including the hostname or IP address and port number for JMX where OpenDJ directory server listens for connections. For example, if the server IP is and you configured OpenDJ to listen for JMX connections on port 1689, then the service URI is service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://

    User name

    The full DN of the user with privileges to connect over JMX such as uid=kvaughan,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com.


    The bind password for the user.

The LDIF connection handler lets you make changes to directory data by placing LDIF in a file system directory that OpenDJ server regularly polls for changes. The LDIF, once consumed, is deleted.

You configure LDIF file access by using the command-line tool dsconfig.

  1. Activate LDIF file access.

    $ dsconfig
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --port 4444
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --handler-name "LDIF Connection Handler"
     --set enabled:true

    The change takes effect immediately.

  2. Add the directory where you put LDIF to be processed.

    $ mkdir /path/to/opendj/config/auto-process-ldif

    This example uses the default value of the ldif-directory property for the LDIF connection handler.

For instructions on setting up the SNMP Connection Handler, see the section, SNMP-Based Monitoring.

[1] Unless you use the Blind Trust Manager Provider, which is recommended only for test purposes.

[2] $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts holds the CA certificates. To read the full list, use the following command.

$ keytool
 -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts
 -storepass changeit

OpenDJ supports two mechanisms to protect access to the directory, access control instructions and privileges.

Access control instructions apply to directory data, providing fine-grained control over what a user or group member is authorized to do in terms of LDAP operations. Most access control instructions specify scopes (targets) to which they apply such that an administrative user who has all access to dc=example,dc=com need not have any access to dc=example,dc=org.

Privileges control the administrative tasks that users can perform, such as bypassing the access control mechanism, performing backup and restore operations, making changes to the configuration, and so forth. Privileges are implemented independently from access control. By default, privileges restrict administrative access to directory root users, though any user can be assigned a privilege. Privileges apply to a directory server, and do not have a scope.

Some operations require both privileges and also access control instructions. For example, in order to reset user's passwords, an administrator needs both the password-reset privilege and also access control to write userPassword values on the user entries. By combining an access control instruction with a privilege, you can effectively restrict the scope of that privilege to a particular branch of the Directory Information Tree.

This chapter covers both access control instructions and privileges, demonstrating how to configure both.

OpenDJ directory server access control instructions (ACIs) exist as operational aci attribute values on directory entries, and as global ACIs stored in the configuration. ACIs apply to a scope defined in the instruction, and set permissions that depend on what operation is requested, who requested the operation, and how the client connected to the server.

For example, the ACIs on the following entry allow anonymous read access to all attributes except passwords, and allow read-write access for directory administrators under dc=example,dc=com.

dn: dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: domain
objectClass: top
dc: example
aci: (target ="ldap:///dc=example,dc=com")(targetattr !=
 "userPassword")(version 3.0;acl "Anonymous read-search access";
 allow (read, search, compare)(userdn = "ldap:///anyone");)
aci: (target="ldap:///dc=example,dc=com") (targetattr =
 "*")(version 3.0; acl "allow all Admin group"; allow(all) groupdn =
 "ldap:///cn=Directory Administrators,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com";)

OpenDJ directory server's default behavior is that no access is allowed unless it is specifically granted by an access control instruction. In addition privileges assigned to certain users such as cn=Directory Manager allow them to bypass access control checks.

OpenDJ directory server provides several global ACIs out of the box to facilitate evaluation while maintaining a reasonable security policy. By default users are allow to read the root DSE, to read the schema, to use certain controls and extended operations, to modify their own entries, to bind, and so forth. Global ACIs are defined on the access control handler, and apply to the entire directory server. You must adjust the default global ACIs to match the security policies for your organization, for example to restrict anonymous access.

ACI attribute values use a specific language described in this section. Although ACI attribute values can become difficult to read in LDIF, the basic syntax is simple.

targets(version 3.0;acl "name";permissions subjects;)

The following list briefly explains the variables in the syntax above.


The targets specifies entries, attributes, controls, and extended operations to which the ACI applies.

To include multiple targets, enclose each individual target in parentheses, (). When you specify multiple targets, all targets must match for the ACI to apply (AND).


Supplies a human-readable description of what the ACI does.


Defines which actions to allow, and which to deny. Paired with subjects.


Identify clients to which the ACI applies depending on who connected, and when, where, and how they connected. Paired with permissions.

Separate multiple pairs of permissions subjects definitions with semicolons, ;. When you specify multiple permissions-subjects pairs, at least one must match (OR).

The seven types of ACI targets identify the objects to which the ACI applies.

(target = "ldap:///DN"), (target != "ldap:///DN")

Sets the scope to the entry with distinguished name DN, and to child entries.

You can use asterisks, *, to replace attribute types, attribute values, and entire DN components. In other words, the following specification targets both uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com and also cn=Frank Zappa,ou=Musicians,dc=example,dc=com.

(target = "ldap:///*=*,*,dc=example,dc=com")

The DN must be in the subtree of the entry on which the ACI is defined.

If you do not specify target, then the entry holding this ACI will be affected. If targetscope is also omitted, then this entry and all subordinates will be affected.

(targetattr = "attr-list"), (targetattr != "attr-list")

Replace attr-list with a list of attribute type names, such as userPassword, separating multiple attribute type names with ||.

This specification affects the entry where the ACI is located, or the entries specified by other targets in the ACI.

You can use an asterisk, *, to specify all non-operational attributes, although you will see better performance when explicitly including or excluding attribute types needed. You can use a plus, +, to specify all operational attributes.

If you do not include this target specification, then by default no attributes are affected by the ACI.

(targetfilter = "ldap-filter"), (targetfilter != "ldap-filter")

Sets the scope to match the ldap-filter dynamically, as in an LDAP search. The ldap-filter can be any valid LDAP filter.

(targattrfilters = "expression"), (targattrfilters != "expression")

Use this target specification when managing changes made to particular attributes.

Here expression takes one of the following forms. Separate expressions with semicolons, ;.

op=attr1:filter1[&& attr2:filter2 …][;op=attr3:filter3[&& attr4:filter4 …] …]

Here op can be either add for operations creating attributes, or delete for operations removing them. Replace attr with an attribute type. Replace filter with an LDAP filter that corresponds to the attr attribute type.

(targetscope = "base|onelevel|subtree|subordinate")

Here base refers to the entry where the ACI is defined, onelevel to immediate children, subtree to the base entry and all children, and subordinate to all children only.

If you do not specify targetscope, then the default is subtree.

(targetcontrol = "OID"), (targetcontrol != "OID")

Replace OID with the object identifier for the LDAP control to target. Separate multiple OIDs with ||.

This target cannot be restricted to a specific subtree by combining it with another target.

(extop = "OID"), (extop != "OID")

Replace OID with the object identifier for the extended operation to target. Separate multiple OIDs with ||.

This target cannot be restricted to a specific subtree by combining it with another target.

ACI permission definitions take one of the following forms.

allow(action[, action …])
deny(action[, action …])


Although deny is supported, avoid restricting permissions by using deny. Instead, explicitly allow access only where needed. What looks harmless and simple in your lab examples can grow difficult to maintain in a real-world deployment with nested ACIs.

Replace action with one of the following.


Entry creation, as for an LDAP add operation


All permissions, except export, import, proxy


Attribute value comparison, as for an LDAP compare operation


Entry deletion, as for an LDAP delete operation


Entry export during a modify DN operation.

Despite the name, this action is unrelated to LDIF export operations.


Entry import during a modify DN operation.

Despite the name, this action is unrelated to LDIF import operations.


Access the ACI target using the rights of another user


Read entries and attributes


Search the ACI targets. Needs to be combine with read in order to read the search results.


Add or delete own DN from a group


Modify attributes on ACI target entries

ACI subjects match characteristics of the client connection to the server. Use subjects to restrict whether the ACI applies depending on who connected, and when, where, and how they connected.

authmethod = "none|simple|ssl|sasl mech", authmethod != "none|simple|ssl|sasl mech"

Here you use none to mean do not check, simple for simple authentication, ssl for certificate-based authentication over LDAPS, sasl mech for SASL where mech is DIGEST-MD5, EXTERNAL, or GSSAPI.

dayofweek = "day[, day …]", dayofweek != "day[, day …]"

Replace day with one of sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat.

dns = "hostname", dns != "hostname"

You can use asterisks, *, to replace name components, such as dns = "*.myCompany.com".

groupdn = "ldap:///DN[|| ldap:///DN …:///DN …]", groupdn != "ldap:///DN[|| ldap:///DN …:///DN …]"

Replace DN with the distinguished name of a group to permit or restrict access for members.

ip = "addresses", ip != "addresses"

Here addresses can be specified for IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 addresses are specified in brackets as ldap://[address]/subnet-prefix where /subnet-prefix is optional. You can specify individual IPv4 addresses, addresses with asterisks (*) to replace subnets and host numbers, CIDR notation, and forms such as 192.168.0.*+ to specify subnet masks.

ssf = "strength", ssf != "strength", ssf > "strength", ssf >= "strength", ssf < "strength", ssf <= "strength"

Here the security strength factor pertains to the cipher key strength for connections using DIGEST-MD5, GSSAPI, SSL, or TLS. For example, to require that the connection must have at least 128 bits of encryption, specify ssf >= 128.

timeofday = "hhmm", timeofday != "hhmm", timeofday > "hhmm", timeofday >= "hhmm", timeofday < "hhmm", timeofday <= "hhmm"

Here hhmm is expressed as on a 24-hour clock. For example, 1:15 PM is written 1315.

userattr = "attr#value", userattr != "attr#value", userattr = ldap-url#LDAPURL", userattr != ldap-url#LDAPURL", userattr = "[parent[child-level]. ]attr#GROUPDN|USERDN", userattr != "[parent[child-level]. ]attr#GROUPDN|USERDN"

The userattr subject specifies an attribute that must match on both the bind entry and the target of the ACI.

To match when the attribute on the bind DN entry corresponds directly to the attribute on the target entry, replace attr with the attribute type, and value with the attribute value.

To match when the target entry is identified by an LDAP URL, and the bind DN is in the subtree of the DN of the LDAP URL, use ldap-url#LDAPURL.

To match when the bind DN corresponds to a member of the group identified by the attr value on the target entry, use attr#GROUPDN.

To match when the bind DN corresponds to the attr value on the target entry, use attr#USERDN.

The optional inheritance specification, parent[child-level]., lets you specify how many levels below the target entry inherit the ACI. Here child-level is a number from 0 to 9, with 0 indicating the target entry only. Separate multiple child-level digits with commas (,).

userdn = "ldap-url++[|| ldap-url++ …]", userdn != "ldap-url++[|| ldap-url++ …]"

To match the bind DN, replace ldap-url++ with either a valid LDAP URL such as ldap:///uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com, ldap:///dc=example,dc=com??sub?(uid=bjensen), or a special LDAP URL-like keyword from the following list.


Match authenticated users.


Match anonymous and authenticated users.


Match when the bind DN is a parent of the ACI target.


Match when the bind DN entry corresponds to ACI target.

Understanding how OpenDJ evaluates the aci values is critical when implementing an access control policy. The rules the server follows are simple.

  1. To determine if an operation is allowed or denied, the OpenDJ server looks in the directory for the target of the operation. It collects any aci values from that entry, and then walks up the directory tree to the suffix, collecting all aci values en route. Global aci values are then collected.

  2. It then separates the aci values into two lists; one list contains all the aci values that matches the target and denies the required access, and the other list contains all the aci values that matches the target and allows the required access.

  3. If the deny list contains any aci values after this procedure, access will be immediately denied.

  4. If the deny list is empty, then the allow list is processed. If the allow list contains any aci values, access will be allowed.

  5. If both lists are empty, access will be denied.


Some operations require multiple permissions and involve multiple targets. Evaluation will therefore take place multiple times. For example a search operation requires the search permission for each attribute in the search filter. If all those are allowed, the read permission is used to decide what attributes and values can be returned.

The minimal access control information required for specific LDAP operations is described here.


The ACI must allow the add permission to entries in the target. This implicitly allows the attributes and values to be set. Use targetattrfilters to explicitly deny access to any values if required.

For example, the ACI required to allow uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com to add an entry is:

aci: (version 3.0;acl "Add entry"; allow (add)(userdn =

Because this is used to establish the user's identity and derived authorizations, ACI is irrelevant for this operation and is not checked. To prevent authentication, disable the account instead. For more information see Managing Accounts Manually.


The ACI must allow the compare permission to the attribute in the target entry.

For example, the ACI required to allow uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com to compare values against the sn attribute is:

aci: (targetattr = "sn")(version 3.0;acl "Compare surname";
 allow (compare)(userdn =

The ACI must allow the delete permission to the target entry. This implicitly allows the attributes and values in the target to be deleted. Use targetattrfilters to explicitly deny access to the values if required.

For example, the ACI required to allow uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com to delete an entry is:

aci: (version 3.0;acl "Delete entry"; allow (delete)
 (userdn = "ldap:///uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com");)

The ACI must allow the write permission to attributes in the target entries. This implicitly allows all values in the target attribute to be modified. Use targetattrfilters to explicitly deny access to specific values if required.

For example, the ACI required to allow uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com to modify the description attribute in an entry is:

aci: (targetattr = "description")(version 3.0;
 acl "Modify description"; allow (write)(userdn =

If the entry is being moved to a newSuperior, the export permission must be allowed on the target, and the import permission must be allowed on the newSuperior entry.

The ACI must allow write permission to the attributes in the old RDN and the new RDN. All values of the old RDN and new RDN can be written implicitly; use targetattrfilters to explicitly deny access to values used if required.

For example, the ACI required to allow uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com to rename entries named with the uid attribute to new locations:

aci: (targetattr = "uid")(version 3.0;acl "Rename uid= entries";
 allow (write, import, export)(userdn =

ACI is required to process the search filter, and to determine what attributes and values may be returned in the results. The search permission is used to allow particular attributes in the search filter. The read permission is used to allow particular attributes to be returned. If read permission is allowed to any attribute, the server will automatically allow the objectClass attribute to also be read. All values of readable attributes can be implicitly read; to restrict this use targetattrfilters.

For example, the ACI required to allow uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com to search for uid attributes, and also to read that attribute in matching entries is:

aci: (targetattr = "uid")(version 3.0;acl "Search and read uid";
 allow (search, read)(userdn =

Privileges provide access control for server administration independently from access control instructions.

Directory root users, such as cn=Directory Manager, are granted privileges in the following list and marked with an asterisk (*) by default. Other administrator users can be assigned privileges, too.


Request a task to backup data


Request a task to restore data from backup


Perform operations without regard to ACIs


Perform operations without regard to lockdown mode


Cancel any client request


Read the server configuration


Change the server configuration


Perform data synchronization


Close any client connection


Subscribe to JMX notifications


Read JMX attribute values


Write JMX attribute values


Export data to LDIF


Import data from LDIF


Change ACIs


Reset other users' passwords


Change the privileges assigned to users


Use the Proxied Authorization control


Put OpenDJ into, and take OpenDJ out of, lockdown mode


Request a task to restart the server


Request a task to stop the server


Perform LDAP subentry write operations


Search using a filter with no correponding index


Change OpenDJ schema definitions

* = default directory root user privileges

For root directory administrators, by default cn=Directory Manager, you configure privileges using the dsconfig command.

For non-root directory administrators, you add privileges with the ldapmodify command.

  1. Start dsconfig in interactive mode.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
  2. Select the Root DN menu.

  3. Select View and edit the Root DN.

  4. Edit the default-root-privilege-name.

  5. Make sure you apply the changes when finished.

Privileges are specified using the ds-privilege-name operational attribute, which you can change on the command-line using ldapmodify.

  1. Determine the privileges to add.

    $ cat privilege.ldif 
    dn: uid=kvaughan,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    changetype: modify
    add: ds-privilege-name
    ds-privilege-name: config-read
    ds-privilege-name: password-reset

    This example lets the user read the server configuration, and reset user passwords. In order for the user to be able to change a user password, you must also allow the modification using ACIs. For this example, Kirsten Vaughan is a member of the Directory Administrators group for Example.com, and already has access to modify user entries.

    Prior to having the privileges, Kirsten gets messages about insufficent access when trying to read the server configuration, or reset a user password.

    $ ldapsearch
     --port 1389
     --bindDN "uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
     --bindPassword bribery
     --baseDN cn=config
    SEARCH operation failed
    Result Code:  50 (Insufficient Access Rights)
    Additional Information:  You do not have sufficient privileges to perform
     search operations in the Directory Server configuration
    $ ldappasswordmodify
     --port 1389
     --bindDN "uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
     --bindPassword bribery
     --authzID "dn:uid=scarter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"
     --newPassword changeit
    The LDAP password modify operation failed with result code 50
    Error Message:  You do not have sufficient privileges to perform password
    reset operations
  2. Apply the change as a user with the privilege-change privilege.

    $ ldapmodify
     --port 1389
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --filename privilege.ldif
    Processing MODIFY request for uid=kvaughan,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    MODIFY operation successful for DN uid=kvaughan,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com

    At this point, Kirsten can perform the operations requiring privileges.

    $ ldapsearch
     --port 1389
     --bindDN "uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
     --bindPassword bribery
     --baseDN cn=config
    dn: cn=config
    ds-cfg-return-bind-error-messages: false
    ds-cfg-default-password-policy: cn=Default Password Policy,cn=Password Policies,
    $ ldappasswordmodify
     --port 1389
     --bindDN "uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
     --bindPassword bribery
     --authzID "dn:uid=scarter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"
     --newPassword changeit
    The LDAP password modify operation was successful

For deployments with more than one administrator, you no doubt use a group to define adminstrative rights. You can use a collective attribute subentry to specify privileges for the administrator group.

Collective attributes provide a standard mechanism for defining attributes that appear on all the entries in a particular subtree. OpenDJ extends collective attributes to give you fine-grained control over the which entries in the subtree are targetted. Also, OpenDJ lets you use virtual attributes, such as isMemberOf to construct the filter for targetting entries to which the collective attributes apply. This allows you, for example, to define administrative privileges that apply to all users who belong to an administrator group.

  1. Create an LDAP subentry that specifies the collective attributes.

    $ cat collective.ldif 
    dn: cn=Administrator Privileges,dc=example,dc=com
    objectClass: collectiveAttributeSubentry
    objectClass: extensibleObject
    objectClass: subentry
    objectClass: top
    cn: Administrator Privileges
    ds-privilege-name;collective: config-read
    ds-privilege-name;collective: config-write
    ds-privilege-name;collective: ldif-export
    ds-privilege-name;collective: modify-acl
    ds-privilege-name;collective: password-reset
    ds-privilege-name;collective: proxied-auth
    subtreeSpecification: {base "ou=people", specificationFilter
      "(isMemberOf=cn=Directory Administrators,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com)" }
    $ ldapmodify
     --port 1389
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --filename collective.ldif
    Processing ADD request for cn=Administrator Privileges,dc=example,dc=com
    ADD operation successful for DN cn=Administrator Privileges,dc=example,dc=com

    The Directory Administrators group for Example.com includes members like Kirsten Vaughan.

  2. Observe that the change takes effect immediately.

    $ ldappasswordmodify
     --port 1389
     --bindDN "uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
     --bindPassword bribery
     --authzID "dn:uid=scarter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"
     --newPassword changeit
    The LDAP password modify operation was successful

Access control instructions are defined in the data, as values for aci attributes. They can be imported in LDIF. They can be modified over LDAP. Yet in order to make changes to ACIs users first need the modify-acl privilege described previously. By default, only the root DN user has the modify-acl privilege.

Global ACIs on cn=Access Control Handler,cn=config can be set using the dsconfig command. Global ACIs have attribute type ds-cfg-global-aci. Modify global ACIs from the Access Control Handler menu in dsconfig.

Default global ACIs set up the following access rules.

  • Users can employ LDAP controls and perform extended operations.

  • Anonymous read access is allowed for most user data attributes.

  • Users can read password values on their own entries after binding. (Also by default, password values are hashed.)

  • Anonymous read access is allowed for schema-related operational attributes.

  • Anonymous read access is allowed for root DSE attributes describing what the server supports.

  • Anonymous read access is allowed for operational attributes related to entry updates and entry identification.

  • Access to replication data is denied.

Users with write access to add ACIs and with the modify-acl privilege can use the ldapmodify command to change ACIs located in user data.

This section therefore focuses on ACI examples, rather than demonstrating how to update the directory for each example. To update ACIs, either change them using the ldapmodify command, or using OpenDJ Control Panel.

If you use OpenDJ Control Panel, find the entry to modify in the Manage Entries window. Then try View > LDIF View to edit the entry. Control Panel checks your syntax and lets you know if you made an error before it saves any changes.

For hints on updating directory entries with ldapmodify, see the section on Modifying Entry Attributes, keeping in mind that the name of the ACI attribute is aci as shown in the examples that follow.

This works when the only attributes you do not want world-readable are password attributes.

aci: (target ="ldap:///dc=example,dc=com")(targetattr !=
 "authPassword || userPassword")(version 3.0;acl "Anonymous read-search access";
 allow (read, search, compare)(userdn = "ldap:///anyone");)

By default OpenDJ denies access unless an access control explicitly allows access.[3] However, OpenDJ also allows anonymous access by default to use some controls, to perform certain extended operations, to view root DSE operational attributes, to view directory schema definitions, to view some other operational attibutes, and to perform compare and search operations.

These default capabilities are defined on the global-aci property of the access control handler, which you can read by using the dsconfig get-access-control-handler-prop command.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --property global-aci

To disable anonymous read access for example, use the dsconfig set-access-control-handler-prop command.

First, remove the global-aci attribute value that allows anonymous read access. Do not wrap the lines in the following example if you use it as the basis for your script.

$ dsconfig \
 set-access-control-handler-prop \
 --remove global-aci:\(targetattr!=\"userPassword\|\|authPassword\|\|changes\|\
\|changeLogCookie\|\|includedAttributes\"\)\(version\ 3.0\;\ acl\ \"Anonymous\
\ read\ access\"\;\ allow\ \(read,search,compare\)\
\ userdn=\"ldap:///anyone\"\;\)\
 --hostname opendj.example.com \
 --port 4444 \
 --bindDN cn=Directory\ Manager \
 --bindPassword password \
 --trustAll \

If the global-aci does not match the ACI exactly then the command fails to remove the value. An alternative approach is to use the dsconfig command interactively, adding the --commandFilePath option. You can then use the command you capture to remove the property value on other servers for example. To use the dsconfig command this way, start the command as follows.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --commandFilePath /tmp/captured-command.sh

Next, add a global ACI value that allows authenticated users to perform read operations. You can use dsconfig interactively to add the ACI value as shown below (targetattr!= … userdn="ldap:///all";).

global-aci: (targetattr!="userPassword||
 changeLogCookie||includedAttributes")(version 3.0; acl "Authenticated users
 read access"; allow (read,search,compare) userdn="ldap:///all";)

Notice that these changes are made to the OpenDJ directory server configuration, and so are not replicated to other servers. You must instead apply the changes separately to each server.

Directory Administrators need privileges as well for full access to administrative operations.

aci: (target="ldap:///dc=example,dc=com") (targetattr =
 "* || +")(version 3.0;acl "Admins can run amok"; allow(
 all, proxy, import, export) groupdn =
 "ldap:///cn=Directory Administrators,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com";)

Notice both targetattr = "* || +", which permits access to both all user attributes and all operational attributes, and allow(all, proxy, import, export), which permits not only all user operations, but also proxy authorization as well as data import and export operations.

By default this capability is set in a global ACI.

aci: (target ="ldap:///ou=People,dc=example,dc=com")(targetattr =
 "authPassword || userPassword")(version 3.0;acl "Allow users to change pass
 words"; allow (write)(userdn = "ldap:///self");)

For some static groups such as carpoolers and social club members, you might choose to let users manage their own memberships.

aci: (target ="ldap:///ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com")(
 targetattr = "member")(version 3.0;acl "Self registration"; allow(selfwrite)(
 userdn = "ldap:///uid=*,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com");)

Let users create and delete self-managed groups.

aci: (target ="ldap:///ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com")(
 targattrfilters="add=objectClass:(objectClass=groupOfNames)")(version 3.0;
 acl "All can create self service groups"; allow (add)(userdn= "
aci: (target ="ldap:///ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com")(version 3
 .0; acl "Owner can delete self service groups"; allow (delete)(userattr= "

This ACI uses IP address and Security Strength Factor subjects.

aci: (target = "ldap:///dc=example,dc=com")(targetattr =
 "*")(version 3.0;acl "Use loopback only for LDAP in the clear"; deny (all)(
 ip != "" and ssf <= "1");)

The ssf is one for example when using SSL but you have not configured a cipher, so the packets are checksummed for integrity checking by all content is nevertheless sent in clear text.

Once you set up a number of ACIs, you might find it difficult to understand by inspection what rights a user actually has to a given entry. The Get Effective Rights control can help.


The control OID,, is not allowed by the default global ACIs.

In this example, Babs Jensen is the owner of a small group of people who are willing to carpool.

$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
 --bindPassword hifalutin
 --baseDN "ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com"
dn: cn=Carpoolers,ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: groupOfNames
objectClass: top
member: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
description: People who are willing to carpool
owner: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
cn: Carpoolers

Performing the same search with the get effective rights control, and asking for the aclRights attribute, shows what rights Babs has on the entry.

$ ldapsearch
 --control effectiverights
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
 --bindPassword hifalutin
 --baseDN "ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com"
dn: cn=Carpoolers,ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
aclRights;entryLevel: add:0,delete:1,read:1,write:0,proxy:0

Requesting the aclRightsInfo attribute results in information about the ACIs applied to arrive at the results.

$ ldapsearch
 --control effectiverights
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
 --bindPassword hifalutin
 --baseDN "ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com"
dn: cn=Carpoolers,ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
aclRightsInfo;logs;entryLevel;read: acl_summary(main): access allowed(read) on e
 ntry/attr(cn=Carpoolers,ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com, objectClas
 s) to (uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com) (not proxied) ( reason: evaluat
 ed allow , deciding_aci: Anonymous read-search access)
aclRightsInfo;logs;entryLevel;write: acl_summary(main): access not allowed(write
 ) on entry/attr(cn=Carpoolers,ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com, NULL
 ) to (uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com) (not proxied) ( reason: no acis 
 matched the subject )
aclRightsInfo;logs;entryLevel;add: acl_summary(main): access not allowed(add) on
  entry/attr(cn=Carpoolers,ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com, NULL) to
  (uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com) (not proxied) ( reason: no acis matc
 hed the subject )
aclRightsInfo;logs;entryLevel;delete: acl_summary(main): access allowed(delete) 
 on entry/attr(cn=Carpoolers,ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com, NULL) 
 to (uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com) (not proxied) ( reason: evaluated 
 allow , deciding_aci: Owner can delete self service groups)
aclRights;entryLevel: add:0,delete:1,read:1,write:0,proxy:0
aclRightsInfo;logs;entryLevel;proxy: acl_summary(main): access not allowed(proxy
 ) on entry/attr(cn=Carpoolers,ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com, NULL
 ) to (uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com) (not proxied) ( reason: no acis 
 matched the subject )

You can also request the effective rights for another user by using the --getEffectiveRightsAuthzid (short form: -g) option, which takes the authorization identity of the other user as an argument. The following example shows Directory Manager checking anonymous user rights to the same entry. Notice that the authorization identity for an anonymous user is expressed as "dn:".

$ ldapsearch
 --getEffectiveRightsAuthzid "dn:"
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --baseDN "ou=Self Service,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com"
 "cn=*" aclRightsInfo
dn: cn=Carpoolers,ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
aclRightsInfo;logs;entryLevel;read: acl_summary(main): access allowed(read) on e
 ntry/attr(cn=Carpoolers,ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com, objectClas
 s) to (anonymous) (not proxied) ( reason: evaluated allow , deciding_aci: Anony
 mous read-search access)
aclRightsInfo;logs;entryLevel;write: acl_summary(main): access not allowed(write
 ) on entry/attr(cn=Carpoolers,ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com, NULL
 ) to (anonymous) (not proxied) ( reason: no acis matched the subject )
aclRightsInfo;logs;entryLevel;add: acl_summary(main): access not allowed(add) on
  entry/attr(cn=Carpoolers,ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com, NULL) to
  (anonymous) (not proxied) ( reason: no acis matched the subject )
aclRightsInfo;logs;entryLevel;delete: acl_summary(main): access not allowed(dele
 te) on entry/attr(cn=Carpoolers,ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com, NU
 LL) to (anonymous) (not proxied) ( reason: no acis matched the subject )
aclRightsInfo;logs;entryLevel;proxy: acl_summary(main): access not allowed(proxy
 ) on entry/attr(cn=Carpoolers,ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com, NULL
 ) to (anonymous) (not proxied) ( reason: no acis matched the subject )

When you need to check access to an attribute that might not yet exist on the entry, you can further use the --getEffectiveRightsAttribute (short form: -e) option, which takes an attribute list as an argument. The following example shows Directory Manager checking anonymous user access to the description attribute for the Self Service groups organizational unit entry. The description attribute is not present on the entry, yet.

$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --baseDN "ou=Self Service,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com"
 "ou=Self Service" description
dn: ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com

$ ldapsearch
 --getEffectiveRightsAuthzid "dn:"
 --getEffectiveRightsAttribute description
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --baseDN "ou=Self Service,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com"
 "ou=Self Service" aclRights
dn: ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
aclRights;attributeLevel;description: search:1,read:1,compare:1,write:0,selfwrit
aclRights;entryLevel: add:0,delete:0,read:1,write:0,proxy:0

[3] This does not apply to the directory root user, such as cn=Directory Manager, who bypasses ACIs.

OpenDJ comes with a Control Panel browser for managing entries and also command-line tools for performing LDAP operations. This chapter demonstrates how to use the command line tools to script LDAP operations.

Searching the directory resembles searching for a phone number in a paper phone book. You can look up a phone number because you know the last name of a subscriber's entry. In other words, you use the value of one attribute of the entry to find entries that have another attribute you want.

Yet whereas a paper phone book has only one index (alphabetical order by name), the directory has many indexes. For a search you therefore always specify which index to use, by specifying which attribute(s) you are using to lookup entries.

Your paper phone book might be divided into white pages for residential subscribers, and yellow pages for businesses. If you are looking up an individual's phone number, you limit your search to the white pages. Directory services divide entries in various ways, often to separate organizations, and to separate groups from user entries from printers for example, but potentially in other ways. When searching you therefore also specify where in the directory to search.

The ldapsearch command thus takes at minimum a search base DN option and an LDAP filter. The search base DN identifies where in the directory to search for entries that match the filter. For example, if you are looking for printers, you might specify the base DN as ou=Printers,dc=example,dc=com. Perhaps you are visiting the GNB00 office and are looking for a printer.

$ ldapsearch --baseDN ou=Printers,dc=example,dc=com "(printerLocation=GNB00)"

In the example, the LDAP filter indicates to the directory that you want to lookup printer entries where the printerLocation attribute is equal to GNB00.

You also specify the host and port to access directory services, what protocol to use (for example, LDAP/SSL, or StartTLS to protect communication). If the directory service does not allow anonymous access to the data you want to search, you also identify who is performing the search and provide their credentials, such as a password or certificate. Finally, you can specify a list of attributes to return. If you do not specify attributes, then the search returns all user attributes for the entry.

RFC 4515: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): String Representation of Search Filters mentions a number of characters that you must handle with care when using them in search filters.

For a filter like (attr=value), the following list indicates characters that you must replace with a backslash ( \ ) followed by two hexadecimal digits when using them as part of the value string.

  • Replace * with \2a.

  • Replace ( with \28.

  • Replace ) with \29.

  • Replace \ with \5c.

  • Replace NUL (0x00) with \00.

The following example shows a filter with escaped characters matching an actual value.

$ ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
 "(description=\28*\5c*\2a\29)" description
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
description: (A \great\ description*)

The following table describes the operators you can use in LDAP search filters.


Equality comparison, as in (sn=Jensen).

This can also be used with substring matches. For example, to match last names starting with Jen, use the filter (sn=Jen*). Substrings are more expensive for the directory server to index. Substring searches therefore might not be permitted for many attributes.

"(cn=My App)" matches entries with common name My App.

"(sn=Jen*)" matches entries with surname starting with Jen.


Less than or equal to comparison, which works alphanumerically.

"(cn<=App)" matches entries with commonName up to those starting with App (case-insensitive) in alphabetical order.


Greater than or equal to comparison, which works alphanumerically.

"(uidNumber>=1151)" matches entries with uidNumber greater than 1151.


Presence comparison. For example, to match all entries having a userPassword, use the filter (userPassword=*).

"(member=*)" matches entries with a member attribute.


Approximate comparison, matching attribute values similar to the value you specify.

"(sn~=jansen)" matches entries with a surname that sounds similar to Jansen (Johnson, Jensen, and so forth).


Extensible match comparison.

At the end of the OID or language subtype, you further specify the matching rule as follows:

  • Add .1 for less than

  • Add .2 for less than or equal to

  • Add .3 for equal to (default)

  • Add .4 for greater than or equal to

  • Add .5 for greater than

  • Add .6 for substring

(uid:dn:=bjensen) matches entries where uid having the value bjensen is a component of the entry DN.

(lastLoginTime: matches entries with a last login time more recent than 13 weeks.

You also use extensible match filters with localized values. Directory servers like OpenDJ support a variety of internationalized locales, each of which has an OID for collation order, such as for French. OpenDJ also lets you use the language subtype, such as fr, instead of the OID.

"(cn:dn:=My App)" matches entries who have My App as the common name and also as the value of a DN component.


NOT operator, to find entries that do not match the specified filter component.

Take care to limit your search when using ! to avoid matching so many entries that the server treats your search as unindexed.

'!(objectclass=person)' matches non-person entries.


AND operator, to find entries that match all specified filter components.

'(&(l=Cupertino)(!(uid=bjensen)))' matches entries for users in Cupertino other than the user with ID bjensen.


OR operator, to find entries that match one of the specified filter components.

"|(sn=Jensen)(sn=Johnson)" matches entries with surname Jensen or surname Johnson.

The compare operation checks whether an attribute value you specify matches the attribute value stored on one or more directory entries.

In this example, Kirsten Vaughan checks whether the hashed password value matches the stored value on authPassword.

$ ldapcompare
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
 --bindPassword bribery
Comparing type authPassword with value
 MD5$dFHgpDxXUT8=$qlC4xMXvmVlusJLz9/WJ5Q== in entry
Compare operation returned true for entry

Authorized users can change directory data using the LDAP add, modify, modify DN, and delete operations.

With the ldapmodify -a command, authorized users can add entire entries from the same sort of LDIF file used to import and export data.

$ cat new-users.ldif 
dn: cn=Arsene Lupin,ou=Special Users,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: person
objectClass: top
cn: Arsene Lupin
telephoneNumber: +33 1 23 45 67 89
sn: Lupin

dn: cn=Horace Velmont,ou=Special Users,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: person
objectClass: top
cn: Horace Velmont
telephoneNumber: +33 1 12 23 34 45
sn: Velmont

$ ldapmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
 --bindPassword bribery
 --filename new-users.ldif
Processing ADD request for cn=Arsene Lupin,ou=Special Users,dc=example,dc=com
ADD operation successful for DN
 cn=Arsene Lupin,ou=Special Users,dc=example,dc=com
Processing ADD request for cn=Horace Velmont,ou=Special Users,dc=example,dc=com
ADD operation successful for DN
 cn=Horace Velmont,ou=Special Users,dc=example,dc=com

With the ldapmodify command, authorized users can change the values of attributes in the directory using LDIF as specified in RFC 2849.

The following example adds a description and JPEG photo to Sam Carter's entry.

$ cat scarter-mods.ldif 
dn: uid=scarter,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
add: description
description: Accounting Manager
add: jpegphoto

$ ldapmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
 --bindPassword bribery
 --filename scarter-mods.ldif
Processing MODIFY request for uid=scarter,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
MODIFY operation successful for DN uid=scarter,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com

The following example replaces the description on Sam Carter's entry.

$ cat scarter-newdesc.ldif
dn: uid=scarter,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
replace: description
description: Accounting Director

$ ldapmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
 --bindPassword bribery
 --filename scarter-newdesc.ldif 
Processing MODIFY request for uid=scarter,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
MODIFY operation successful for DN uid=scarter,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com

The following example deletes the JPEG photo on Sam Carter's entry.

$ cat /path/to/scarter-deljpeg.ldif 
dn: uid=scarter,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
delete: jpegphoto

$ ldapmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
 --bindPassword bribery
 --filename scarter-deljpeg.ldif 
Processing MODIFY request for uid=scarter,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
MODIFY operation successful for DN uid=scarter,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com

Imagine you are writing an application that lets end users update user profiles through a browser. You store user profiles as OpenDJ entries. Your end users can look up user profiles and modify them. Your application assumes that the end users can tell the right information when they see it, and so aims to update profiles exactly as users see them on their screens.

Consider two users, Alice and Bob, both busy and often interrupted. Alice has Babs Jensen's new phone and room numbers. Bob has Babs's new location and description. Both assume that they have all the information that has changed. What can you do to make sure that your application applies the right changes when Alice and Bob simulaneously update Babs Jensen's profile?

OpenDJ offers a couple of features to help you in this situation. One of the features is the LDAP Assertion Control, used to tell OpenDJ to perform the modify only if an assertion you make stays true. The other feature is OpenDJ's support for entity tag (ETag) attributes, making it easy to check whether the entry in the directory is the same as the entry you read.

Alice and Bob both get Babs's entry. In LDIF the relevant attributes from the entry look like this. Notice the ETag.

dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
telephoneNumber: +1 408 555 1862
roomNumber: 0209
l: Cupertino
ETag: 000000007a1999df

Bob prepares his changes in your application. Bob is almost ready to submit the new location and description when Carol stops by to ask Bob a few questions.

Alice starts just after Bob, but manages to submit her changes without getting interrupted. Now Babs's entry looks like this.

dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
description: Updated by Alice
telephoneNumber: +47 2108 1746
roomNumber: 1389
l: Cupertino
ETag: 00000000aec2c1e9

In your application, you use the ETag attribute value with the assertion control to prevent Bob's update from going through when the ETag value has changed. Your application tries the equivalent of the following commands with Bob's updates.

$ cat /path/to/bobs.ldif
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
replace: l
l: Grenoble
add: description
description: Employee of the Month

$ ldapmodify
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --port 1389
 --filename /path/to/bobs.ldif
 --assertionFilter "(ETag=000000007a1999df)"
Processing MODIFY request for uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
MODIFY operation failed
Result Code:  122 (Assertion Failed)
Additional Information:  Entry uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
 cannot be modified because the request contained an LDAP assertion control
 and the associated filter did not match the contents of the that entry

Your application therefore reloads Babs's entry, also getting the new ETag value, 00000000aec2c1e9, and lets Bob try again. This time Bob's changes do not collide with other changes. Babs's entry is successfully updated.

dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
description: Employee of the Month
telephoneNumber: +47 2108 1746
roomNumber: 1389
l: Grenoble
ETag: 00000000e882c35e

Some client applications send updates including attributes with names that differ from the attribute names defined in OpenDJ. Other client applications might try to update attributes they should not update, such as the operational attributes creatorsName, createTimestamp, modifiersName, and modifyTimestamp. Ideally you would fix the client application behavior, but that is not always feasible.

You can configure the attribute cleanup plugin to filter add and modify requests, renaming attributes in requests using incorrect names, and removing attributes that applications should not change.

The following example renames incoming email attributes to mail attributes. First, configure the attribute cleanup plugin to rename the inbound attribute.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --type attribute-cleanup
 --plugin-name "Rename email to mail"
 --set enabled:true
 --set rename-inbound-attributes:email:mail

Next, see that it works as expected.

$ cat email.ldif 
dn: uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: newuser
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: top
cn: New User
sn: User
ou: People
email: newuser@example.com
userPassword: changeme

$ ldapmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --filename email.ldif
Processing ADD request for uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
ADD operation successful for DN uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
$ ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com uid=newuser mail
dn: uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
mail: newuser@example.com

The following example prevents client applications from adding or modifying creatorsName, createTimestamp, modifiersName, and modifyTimestamp attributes. First, set up the attribute cleanup plugin.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --type attribute-cleanup
 --plugin-name "Remove attrs"
 --set enabled:true
 --set remove-inbound-attributes:creatorsName
 --set remove-inbound-attributes:createTimestamp
 --set remove-inbound-attributes:modifiersName
 --set remove-inbound-attributes:modifyTimestamp

Next, see that it works as expected.

$ cat badattrs.ldif 
dn: uid=badattr,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: newuser
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: top
cn: Bad Attr
sn: Attr
ou: People
mail: badattr@example.com
userPassword: changeme
creatorsName: cn=Bad Attr
createTimestamp: Never in a million years.
modifiersName: cn=Directory Manager,cn=Root DNs,cn=config
modifyTimestamp: 20110930164937Z

$ ldapmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --filename badattrs.ldif
Processing ADD request for uid=badattr,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
ADD operation successful for DN uid=badattr,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
$ ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com uid=badattr +
dn: uid=badattr,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
numSubordinates: 0
structuralObjectClass: inetOrgPerson
pwdPolicySubentry: cn=Default Password Policy,cn=Password Policies,cn=config
subschemaSubentry: cn=schema
hasSubordinates: false
entryDN: uid=badattr,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
entryUUID: 35e5cb0e-e929-49d8-a50f-2df036d60db9
pwdChangedTime: 20110930165959.135Z
creatorsName: cn=Directory Manager,cn=Root DNs,cn=config
createTimestamp: 20110930165959Z

The Relative Distinguished Name (RDN) refers to the part of an entry's DN that distinguishes it from all other DNs at the same level in the directory tree. For example uid=bjensen is the RDN of the entry having DN uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com.

With the ldapmodify command, authorized users can rename entries in the directory.

When you change the RDN of the entry, you are renaming the entry, modifying the value of the naming attribute, but also modifying the entry's DN.

Sam Carter is changing her last name to Jensen, and changing her login from scarter to sjensen. The following example renames and changes Sam Carter's entry accordingly. Notice the boolean field, deleteoldrdn: 1, which indicates that the previous RDN, uid: scarter, should be removed. (Setting deleteoldrdn: 0 instead would preserve uid: scarter on the entry.)

$ cat /path/to/scarter-sjensen.ldif
dn: uid=scarter,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modrdn
newrdn: uid=sjensen
deleteoldrdn: 1

dn: uid=sjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
replace: cn
cn: Sam Jensen
replace: sn
sn: Jensen
replace: homeDirectory
homeDirectory: /home/sjensen
replace: mail
mail: sjensen@example.com

$ ldapmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
 --bindPassword bribery
 --filename /path/to/scarter-sjensen.ldif 
Processing MODIFY DN request for uid=scarter,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
MODIFY DN operation successful for DN uid=scarter,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
Processing MODIFY request for uid=sjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
MODIFY operation successful for DN uid=sjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com

When you rename an entry with child entries, the directory has to move all the entries underneath.


The modify DN operation only works when moving entries in the same backend, under the same suffix. Also, depending on the number of entries you move, this can be a resource-intensive operation.

With the ldapmodify command, authorized users can move entries in the directory.

The following example moves ou=Customers,dc=example,dc=com to ou=People,dc=example,dc=com, and then moves each employee under ou=Employees,dc=example,dc=com under ou=People,dc=example,dc=com as well, finally removing the empty ou=Employees,dc=example,dc=com container. Here, deleteoldrdn: 1 indicates that the old RDN, ou: Customers, should be removed from the entry. For employees, deleteoldrdn: 0 indicates that old RDNs, in this case uid attribute values, should be preserved.

$ cat move-customers.ldif 
dn: ou=Customers,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modrdn
newrdn: ou=People
deleteoldrdn: 1
newsuperior: dc=example,dc=com

$ ldapmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --filename move-customers.ldif 
Processing MODIFY DN request for ou=Customers,dc=example,dc=com
MODIFY DN operation successful for DN ou=Customers,dc=example,dc=com
$ cat move-employees.pl 
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# For each employee, construct a spec to move under ou=People.
while (<>)
    # Next line folded for readability only. Should not be split.
    $_ =~ s/dn: (.*?)(,.*)/dn: $1$2\nchangetype: moddn\nnewrdn: $1\n
     deleteoldrdn: 0\nnewsuperior: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com/;
$ ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN ou=Employees,dc=example,dc=com uid=* - |
 move-employees.pl > /tmp/move-employees.ldif
$ head -n 6 /tmp/move-employees.ldif 
dn: uid=abarnes,ou=Employees,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: moddn
newrdn: uid=abarnes
deleteoldrdn: 0
newsuperior: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com

$ ldapmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --filename /tmp/move-employees.ldif
Processing MODIFY DN request for uid=abarnes,ou=Employees,dc=example,dc=com
MODIFY DN operation successful for DN uid=abarnes,ou=Employees,dc=example,dc=com
Processing MODIFY DN request for uid=abergin,ou=Employees,dc=example,dc=com
MODIFY DN operation successful for DN uid=abergin,ou=Employees,dc=example,dc=com
Processing MODIFY DN request for uid=wlutz,ou=Employees,dc=example,dc=com
MODIFY DN operation successful for DN uid=wlutz,ou=Employees,dc=example,dc=com
$ ldapdelete
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
Processing DELETE request for ou=Employees,dc=example,dc=com
DELETE operation successful for DN ou=Employees,dc=example,dc=com

With the ldapmodify command, authorized users can delete entries from the directory.

The following example uses the subtree delete option to remove all Special Users from the directory.

$ ldapdelete
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --deleteSubtree "ou=Special Users,dc=example,dc=com"
Processing DELETE request for ou=Special Users,dc=example,dc=com
DELETE operation successful for DN ou=Special Users,dc=example,dc=com

With the ldappasswordmodify command, authorized users can change and reset user passwords.

The following example shows Kirsten Vaughan resetting Sam Carter's password. Kirsten has the appropriate privilege to reset Sam's password.

$ ldappasswordmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
 --bindPassword bribery
 --authzID "dn:uid=scarter,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
 --newPassword ChangeMe
The LDAP password modify operation was successful


Whenever one user changes another user's password, OpenDJ considers it a password reset. That often means the user has to change her password again after the reset.

If you want your application to change a user's password, rather than reset a user's password, have your application request the password change as the user whose password is changing. To change the password as the user, either bind as the user or use proxied authorization. For instructions on the latter, see the section on Configuring Proxied Authorization.

You could also accomplish password reset with the following command, but set-password-is-reset is a hidden option, supported only for testing.

$ manage-account
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --targetDN uid=scarter,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
 --operationValue true
Password Is Reset:  true

You can use the ldappasswordmodify command to change your password, as long as you know your current password.

$ ldappasswordmodify
 --port 1389
 --authzID "dn:uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
 --currentPassword hifalutin
 --newPassword secret12
The LDAP password modify operation was successful

The same operation works for cn=Directory Manager.

$ ldappasswordmodify
 --port 1389
 --authzID "dn:cn=Directory Manager"
 --currentPassword password
 --newPassword secret12
The LDAP password modify operation was successful

OpenDJ expects passwords to be UTF-8 encoded (base64 encoded when included in LDIF).

$ echo $LANG
$ ldappasswordmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
 --bindPassword hifalutin
 --currentPassword hifalutin
 --newPassword pàsswȏrd
The LDAP password modify operation was successful
$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --bindDN uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
 --bindPassword pàsswȏrd
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
 "(uid=bjensen)" cn
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
userPassword: {SSHA}k0eEeCxj9YRXUp8yJn0Z/mwqe+wrcFb1N1gg2g==
cn: Barbara Jensen
cn: Babs Jensen

You can use ~/.opendj/tools.properties to set the defaults for bind DN, host name, and port number as in the following example.



The location on Windows is %UserProfile%/.opendj/tools.properties.

Authentication is the act of confirming the identity of a principal. Authorization is the act of determining whether to grant or to deny access to a principal. Authentication is done to make authorization decisions.

As explained in Configuring Privileges & Access Control, OpenDJ directory server implements fine-grained access control for authorization. What is authorized depends on who is requesting the operation. Directory servers like OpenDJ must first therefore authenticate the principals using the clients before they can authorize or deny access. The LDAP bind operation, where a directory client authenticates with the directory server, is therefore the first LDAP operation in every LDAP session.

Clients bind by providing both a means to find their principal's entry in the directory and also providing some credentials that the directory server can check against their entry.

In the simplest bind operation, the client provides a zero-length name and a zero-length password. This results in an anonymous bind, meaning the client is authenticated as an anonymous user of the directory. In the simplest examples in Section 6.1, "Searching the Directory", notice that no authentication information is provided. The examples work because the client commands default to requesting anonymous binds when you provide no credentials, and because access controls for the sample data allow anonymous clients to read, search, and compare some directory data.

In a simple bind operation, the client provides an LDAP name, such as the DN identifying its entry, and the corresponding password stored on the userPassword attribute of the entry. In Section 6.3, "Updating the Directory", notice that to change directory data the client provides the bind DN and bind password of a user who has permission to change directory data. The commands do not work with a bind DN and bind password because access controls for the sample data only allow authorized users to change directory data.

Users rarely provide client applications with DNs, however. Instead users might provide a client application with an identity string like a user ID or an email address for example. Depending on how the DNs are constructed, the client application can either build the DN directly from the user's identity string, or use a session where the bind has been done with some other identity to search for the user entry based on the user's identity string. Given the DN constructed or found, the client application can then perform a simple bind.

For example, suppose Babs Jensen enters her email address, bjensen@example.com, and her password in order to log in. The client application might search for the entry matching (mail=bjensen@example.com) under base DN dc=example,dc=com. Alternatively, the client application might know to extract the user ID bjensen from the address, and then build the corresponding DN, uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com in order to bind.

When an identifier string provided by the user can readily be mapped to the user's entry DN, OpenDJ directory server can do the translation between the identifier string and the entry DN. This translation is the job of a component called an identity mapper. Identity mappers are used to perform PLAIN SASL authentication (with a user name and password), SASL GSSAPI authentication (Kerberos V5), SASL CRAM MD5 and DIGEST MD5 authentication. They also handle authorization IDs during password modify extended operations and proxied authorization.

One use of PLAIN SASL is to translate user names from HTTP Basic authentication to LDAP authentication. The following example shows PLAIN SASL authentication using the default Exact Match identity mapper. In this (contrived) example, Babs Jensen reads the hashed value of her password. (According to the access controls in the example data, Babs must authenticate to read her password.) Notice the authentication ID is her user ID, u:bjensen, rather than the DN of her entry.

$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
 --saslOption mech=PLAIN
 --saslOption authid=u:bjensen
 --bindPassword hifalutin
 "(cn=Babs Jensen)" cn userPassword
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
cn: Barbara Jensen
cn: Babs Jensen
userPassword: {SSHA}7S4Si+vPE513cYQ7otiqb8hjiCzU7XNTv0RPBA==

The Exact Match identity mapper searches for a match between the string provided (here, bjensen) and the value of a specified attribute (by default the uid attribute). If you know users are entering their email addresses, you could create an exact match identity mapper for email addresses, and then use that for PLAIN SASL authentication as in the following example.

$ dsconfig
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --port 4444
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --mapper-name "Email Mapper"
 --type exact-match
 --set match-attribute:mail
 --set enabled:true
$ dsconfig
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --port 4444
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --handler-name PLAIN
 --set identity-mapper:"Email Mapper"
$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
 --saslOption mech=PLAIN
 --saslOption authid=u:bjensen@example.com
 --bindPassword hifalutin
 "(cn=Babs Jensen)" cn userPassword
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
cn: Barbara Jensen
cn: Babs Jensen
userPassword: {SSHA}7S4Si+vPE513cYQ7otiqb8hjiCzU7XNTv0RPBA==

The Regular Expression identity mapper uses a regular expression to extract a substring from the string provided, and then searches for a match between the substring and the value of a specified attribute. In the case of example data where an email address is user ID + @ + domain, you can use the default Regular Expression identity mapper in the same way as the email mapper from the previous example. The default regular expression pattern is ^([^@]+)@.+$, and the part of the identity string matching ([^@]+) is used to find the entry by user ID.

$ dsconfig
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --port 4444
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --handler-name PLAIN
 --set identity-mapper:"Regular Expression"
$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
 --saslOption mech=PLAIN
 --saslOption authid=u:bjensen@example.com
 --bindPassword hifalutin
 "(cn=Babs Jensen)" cn userPassword
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
cn: Barbara Jensen
cn: Babs Jensen
userPassword: {SSHA}7S4Si+vPE513cYQ7otiqb8hjiCzU7XNTv0RPBA==

Try the dsconfig command interactively to experiment with match-pattern and replace-pattern settings for the Regular Expression identity mapper. The match-pattern can be any regular expression supported by javax.util.regex.Pattern.

Proxied authorization provides a standard control as defined in RFC 4370 (and an earlier Internet-Draft) for binding with the user credentials of a proxy, who carries out LDAP operations on behalf of other users. You might use proxied authorization, for example, to have your application bind with its credentials, and then carry out operations as the users who login to the application.

Suppose you have an administrative directory client application that has an entry in the directory with DN cn=My App,ou=Apps,dc=example,dc=com. You can give that application the access rights and privileges to use proxied authorization. The default access control for OpenDJ permits authenticated users to use the proxied authorization control.

Suppose also that when directory administrator, Kirsten Vaughan, logs in to your application to change Babs Jensen's entry, your application looks up Kirsten's entry, and finds that she has DN uid=kvaughan,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com. For the example commands in the following procedure. My App uses proxied authorization to make a change to Babs's entry as Kirsten.

  1. Grant access to applications that can use proxied authorization.

    $ ldapmodify
     --port 1389
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
    dn: dc=example,dc=com
    changetype: modify
    add: aci
    aci: (target="ldap:///dc=example,dc=com") (targetattr ="*
     ")(version 3.0; acl "Allow apps proxied auth"; allow(all, proxy
     )(userdn = "ldap:///cn=*,ou=Apps,dc=example,dc=com");)
    Processing MODIFY request for dc=example,dc=com
    MODIFY operation successful for DN dc=example,dc=com
  2. Grant the privilege to use proxied authorization to My App.

    $ ldapmodify
     --port 1389
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
    dn: cn=My App,ou=Apps,dc=example,dc=com
    changetype: modify
    add: ds-privilege-name
    ds-privilege-name: proxied-auth
    Processing MODIFY request for cn=My App,ou=Apps,dc=example,dc=com
    MODIFY operation successful for DN cn=My App,ou=Apps,dc=example,dc=com
  3. Test that My App can use proxied authorization.

    $ ldapmodify
     --port 1389
     --bindDN "cn=My App,ou=Apps,dc=example,dc=com"
     --bindPassword password
     --proxyAs "dn:uid=kvaughan,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"
    dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    changetype: modify
    replace: description
    description: Changed through proxied auth
    Processing MODIFY request for uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    MODIFY operation successful for DN uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com

If you need to map authorization identifiers using the u: form rather than using dn:, you can set the identity mapper with the global configuration setting, proxied-authorization-identity-mapper. For example, if you get user ID values from the client, such as bjensen, you can use the Exact Match Identity Mapper to match those to DNs based on an attribute of the entry. Use the dsconfig command interactively to investigate the settings you need.

One alternative to simple binds with user name/password combinations consists in storing a digital certificate on the user entry, and then using the certificate as credentials during the bind. You can use this mechanism for example to let applications bind without using passwords.

Simply by setting up a secure connection with a certificate, the client is in effect authenticating to the server. The server must close the connection if it cannot trust the client certificate. However, the process of establishing a secure connection does not in itself identify the client to OpenDJ directory server.

Instead when binding with a certificate, the client must request the SASL External mechanism by which OpenDJ directory server maps the certificate to the client entry in the directory. When it finds a match, OpenDJ sets the authorization identity for the connection to that of the client, and the bind is successful.

For the whole process of authenticating with a certificate to work smoothly, OpenDJ and the client must trust each others' certificates, the client certificate must be stored on the client entry in the directory, and OpenDJ must be configured to map the certificate to the client entry.

Before trying to bind to OpenDJ directory server using a certificate, create a certificate, and then add the certificate attributes to the entry.

Example.ldif includes an entry for cn=My App,ou=Apps,dc=example,dc=com. Examples in this section use that entry, and use the Java keytool command to manage the certificate.

  1. Create a certificate using the DN of the client entry as the distinguished name string.

    $ keytool
     -alias myapp-cert
     -keyalg rsa
     -dname "cn=My App,ou=Apps,dc=example,dc=com"
     -keystore keystore
     -storepass changeit
     -keypass changeit
  2. Get the certificate signed.

    If you cannot get the certificate signed by a Certificate Authority, self-sign the certificate.

    $ keytool
     -alias myapp-cert
     -validity 7300
     -keystore keystore
     -storepass changeit
     -keypass changeit
  3. Make note of the certificate fingerprints.

    Later in this procedure you update the client application entry with the MD5 fingerprint, which in this example is 48:AC:F9:13:11:E0:AB:C4:65:A2:83:9E:DB:FE:0C:37.

    $ keytool
     -alias myapp-cert
     -keystore keystore
     -storepass changeit
    Alias name: myapp-cert
    Creation date: Jan 18, 2013
    Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
    Certificate chain length: 1
    Owner: CN=My App, OU=Apps, DC=example, DC=com
    Issuer: CN=My App, OU=Apps, DC=example, DC=com
    Serial number: 5ae2277
    Valid from: Fri Jan 18 18:27:09 CET 2013 until: Thu Jan 13 18:27:09 CET 2033
    Certificate fingerprints:
    	 MD5:  48:AC:F9:13:11:E0:AB:C4:65:A2:83:9E:DB:FE:0C:37
    	 SHA1: F9:61:54:37:AA:C1:BC:92:45:07:64:4B:23:6C:BC:C9:CD:1D:44:0F
    	 SHA256: 2D:B1:58:CD:33:40:E9:...:FD:61:EA:C9:FF:6A:19:93:FE:E4:84:E3
    	 Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
    	 Version: 3
    #1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
    SubjectKeyIdentifier [
    KeyIdentifier [
    0000: 54 C0 C5 9C 73 37 85 4B   F2 3B D3 37 FD 45 0A AB  T...s7.K.;.7.E..
    0010: C9 6B 32 95                                        .k2.
  4. Export the certificate to a file in binary format.

    $ keytool
     -alias myapp-cert
     -keystore keystore
     -storepass changeit
     -keypass changeit
     -file myapp-cert.crt
    Certificate stored in file </path/to/myapp-cert.crt>
  5. Modify the entry to add attributes related to the certificate.

    By default, you need the userCertificate value.

    If you want OpenDJ to map the certificate to its fingerprint, use ds-certificate-fingerprint. This example uses the MD5 fingerprint, which corresponds to the default setting for the Fingerprint Certificate Mapper.

    If you want to map the certificate subject DN to an attribute of the entry, use ds-certificate-subject-dn.

    $ cat addcert.ldif
    dn: cn=My App,ou=Apps,dc=example,dc=com
    changetype: modify
    add: objectclass
    objectclass: ds-certificate-user
    add: ds-certificate-fingerprint
    ds-certificate-fingerprint: 48:AC:F9:13:11:E0:AB:C4:65:A2:83:9E:DB:FE:0C:37
    add: ds-certificate-subject-dn
    ds-certificate-subject-dn: CN=My App, OU=Apps, DC=example, DC=com
    add: userCertificate;binary
    $ ldapmodify
     --port 1389
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --filename addcert.ldif
    Processing MODIFY request for cn=My App,ou=Apps,dc=example,dc=com
    MODIFY operation successful for DN cn=My App,ou=Apps,dc=example,dc=com
  6. Check your work.

    $ ldapsearch
     --port 1389
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
     "(cn=My App)"
    dn: cn=My App,ou=Apps,dc=example,dc=com
    ds-certificate-fingerprint: 4B:F5:CF:2C:2D:B3:86:14:FF:43:A8:37:17:DD:E7:55
    userCertificate;binary:: MIIDOzCCAiOgAwIBAgIESfC6IjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADBOMRMwEQY
    objectClass: person
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    objectClass: organizationalPerson
    objectClass: ds-certificate-user
    objectClass: top
    ds-certificate-subject-dn: CN=My App, OU=Apps, DC=example, DC=com
    cn: My App
    sn: App
  7. When using a self-signed certificate, import the client certificate into the trust store for OpenDJ.

    When the client presents its certificate to OpenDJ, by default OpenDJ has to be able to trust the client certificate before it can accept the connection. If OpenDJ cannot trust the client certificate, it cannot establish a secure connection.

    $ keytool
     -alias myapp-cert
     -file /path/to/myapp-cert.crt
     -keystore /path/to/opendj/config/truststore
     -storepass `cat /path/to/opendj/config/keystore.pin`
    Owner: CN=My App, OU=Apps, DC=example, DC=com
    Issuer: CN=My App, OU=Apps, DC=example, DC=com
    Serial number: 5ae2277
    Valid from: Fri Jan 18 18:27:09 CET 2013 until: Thu Jan 13 18:27:09 CET 2033
    Certificate fingerprints:
    	 MD5:  48:AC:F9:13:11:E0:AB:C4:65:A2:83:9E:DB:FE:0C:37
    	 SHA1: F9:61:54:37:AA:C1:BC:92:45:07:64:4B:23:6C:BC:C9:CD:1D:44:0F
    	 SHA256: 2D:B1:58:CD:33:40:E9:...:FD:61:EA:C9:FF:6A:19:93:FE:E4:84:E3
    	 Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
    	 Version: 3
    #1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
    SubjectKeyIdentifier [
    KeyIdentifier [
    0000: 54 C0 C5 9C 73 37 85 4B   F2 3B D3 37 FD 45 0A AB  T...s7.K.;.7.E..
    0010: C9 6B 32 95                                        .k2.
    Trust this certificate? [no]:  yes
    Certificate was added to keystore
  8. When using a certificate signed by a CA whose certificate is not delivered with the Java runtime environment[4], import the CA certificate either into the Java runtime environment trust store, or into the OpenDJ trust store as shown in the following example.

    $ keytool
     -alias ca-cert
     -file ca.crt
     -keystore /path/to/opendj/config/truststore
     -storepass `cat /path/to/opendj/config/keystore.pin`
    Owner: EMAILADDRESS=admin@example.com, CN=Example CA, O=Example Corp, C=FR
    Issuer: EMAILADDRESS=admin@example.com, CN=Example CA, O=Example Corp, C=FR
    Serial number: d4586ea05c878b0c
    Valid from: Tue Jan 29 09:30:31 CET 2013 until: Mon Jan 24 09:30:31 CET 2033
    Certificate fingerprints:
    	 MD5:  8A:83:61:9B:E7:18:A2:21:CE:92:94:96:59:68:60:FA
    	 SHA1: 01:99:18:38:3A:57:D7:92:7B:D6:03:8C:7B:E4:1D:37:45:0E:29:DA
    	 SHA256: 5D:20:F1:86:CC:CD:64:50:1E:54:...:DF:15:43:07:69:44:00:FB:36:CF
    	 Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
    	 Version: 3
    #1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
    AuthorityKeyIdentifier [
    KeyIdentifier [
    0000: 30 07 67 7D 1F 09 B6 E6   90 85 95 58 94 37 FD 31  0.g........X.7.1
    0010: 03 D4 56 7B                                        ..V.
    [EMAILADDRESS=admin@example.com, CN=Example CA, O=Example Corp, C=FR]
    SerialNumber: [    d4586ea0 5c878b0c]
    #2: ObjectId: Criticality=false
    #3: ObjectId: Criticality=false
    SubjectKeyIdentifier [
    KeyIdentifier [
    0000: 30 07 67 7D 1F 09 B6 E6   90 85 95 58 94 37 FD 31  0.g........X.7.1
    0010: 03 D4 56 7B                                        ..V.
    Trust this certificate? [no]:  yes
    Certificate was added to keystore
  9. If you updated the OpenDJ trust store to add a certificate, restart OpenDJ to make sure it reads the updated trust store and can recognize the certificate.

    $ stop-ds --restart
    Stopping Server...
    ... The Directory Server has started successfully

OpenDJ uses certificate mappers during binds to establish a mapping between a client certificate and the entry that corresponds to that certificate. The certificate mappers provided out of the box include the following.

Fingerprint Certificate Mapper

Looks for the MD5 (default) or SHA1 certificate fingerprint in an attribute of the entry (default: ds-certificate-fingerprint).

Subject Attribute To User Attribute Mapper

Looks for a match between an attribute of the certificate subject and an attribute of the entry (default: match cn in the certificate to cn on the entry, or match emailAddress in the certificate to mail on the entry).

Subject DN to User Attribute Certificate Mapper

Looks for the certificate subject DN in an attribute of the entry (default: ds-certificate-subject-dn).

Subject Equals DN Certificate Mapper

Looks for an entry whose DN matches the certificate subject DN.

If the default configurations for the certificate mappers are acceptable, you do not need to change them. They are enabled by default.

The following steps demonstrate how to change the Fingerprint Mapper default algorithm of MD5 to SHA1.

  1. List the certificate mappers to retrieve the correct name.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
    Certificate Mapper                  : Type                                : enabled
    Fingerprint Mapper                  : fingerprint                         : true
    Subject Attribute to User Attribute : subject-attribute-to-user-attribute : true
    Subject DN to User Attribute        : subject-dn-to-user-attribute        : true
    Subject Equals DN                   : subject-equals-dn                   : true
  2. Examine the current configuration.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --mapper-name "Fingerprint Mapper"
    Property              : Value(s)
    enabled               : true
    fingerprint-algorithm : md5
    fingerprint-attribute : ds-certificate-fingerprint
    user-base-dn          : -
  3. Change the configuration as necessary.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --mapper-name "Fingerprint Mapper"
     --set fingerprint-algorithm:sha1
  4. Set the External SASL Mechanism Handler to use the appropriate certificate mapper (default: Subject Equals DN).

    Clients applications use the SASL External mechanism during the bind to have OpenDJ set the authorization identifier based on the entry that matches the client certificate.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --handler-name External
     --set certificate-mapper:"Fingerprint Mapper"

Instead of providing a bind DN and password as for simple authentication, use the SASL EXTERNAL authentication mechanism, and provide the certificate. As a test with example data you can try an anonymous search, and then try with certificate-based authentication.

Before you try this example, make sure OpenDJ is set up to accept StartTLS from clients, and that you have set up the client certificate as described above. Next, create a password .pin file for your client key store.

$ echo changeit > keystore.pin
$ chmod 400 keystore.pin

Also, if OpenDJ directory server uses a certificate for StartTLS that was not signed by a well-known CA, import the appropriate certificate into the client key store, which can then double as a trust store. For example, if OpenDJ uses a self-signed certificate, import the server certificate into the key store.

$ keytool
 -alias server-cert
 -file server-cert.crt
 -keystore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore
 -storepass `cat /path/to/opendj/config/keystore.pin`
$ keytool
 -alias server-cert
 -file server-cert.crt
 -keystore keystore
 -storepass `cat keystore.pin`

If OpenDJ directory server uses a CA-signed certificate, but the CA is not well known, import the CA certificate into your keystore.

$ keytool
 -alias ca-cert
 -file ca-cert.crt
 -keystore keystore
 -storepass `cat keystore.pin`

Now that you can try the example, notice that OpenDJ does not return the userPassword value for an anonymous search.

$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
 --trustStorePath keystore
 --trustStorePasswordFile keystore.pin
 "(cn=My App)" userPassword
dn: cn=My App,ou=Apps,dc=example,dc=com

OpenDJ does let users read the values of their own userPassword attributes after they bind successfully.

$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
 --certNickName myapp-cert
 --keyStorePath keystore
 --keyStorePasswordFile keystore.pin
 --trustStorePath keystore
 --trustStorePasswordFile keystore.pin
 "(cn=My App)" userPassword
dn: cn=My App,ou=Apps,dc=example,dc=com
userPassword: {SSHA}vy/vTthOQoV/wH3MciTOBKKR4OX+0dSN/a09Ew==

You can also try the same test with other certificate mappers.

# Fingerprint mapper
$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --handler-name External
 --set certificate-mapper:"Fingerprint Mapper"
$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
 --certNickName myapp-cert
 --keyStorePath keystore
 --keyStorePasswordFile keystore.pin
 --trustStorePath keystore
 --trustStorePasswordFile keystore.pin
 "(cn=My App)" userPassword
dn: cn=My App,ou=Apps,dc=example,dc=com
userPassword: {SSHA}vy/vTthOQoV/wH3MciTOBKKR4OX+0dSN/a09Ew==

# Subject Attribute to User Attribute mapper
$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --handler-name External
 --set certificate-mapper:"Subject Attribute to User Attribute"
$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
 --certNickName myapp-cert
 --keyStorePath keystore
 --keyStorePasswordFile keystore.pin
 --trustStorePath keystore
 --trustStorePasswordFile keystore.pin
 "(cn=My App)" userPassword
dn: cn=My App,ou=Apps,dc=example,dc=com
userPassword: {SSHA}vy/vTthOQoV/wH3MciTOBKKR4OX+0dSN/a09Ew==

# Subject DN to User Attribute mapper
$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --handler-name External
 --set certificate-mapper:"Subject DN to User Attribute"
$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
 --certNickName myapp-cert
 --keyStorePath keystore
 --keyStorePasswordFile keystore.pin
 --trustStorePath keystore
 --trustStorePasswordFile keystore.pin
 "(cn=My App)" userPassword
dn: cn=My App,ou=Apps,dc=example,dc=com
userPassword: {SSHA}vy/vTthOQoV/wH3MciTOBKKR4OX+0dSN/a09Ew==

[4] $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts holds the certificates for many CAs. To get the full list, use the following command.

$ keytool
 -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts
 -storepass changeit

OpenDJ lets you access directory data as JSON resources over HTTP. This chapter demonstrates basic RESTful client operations using the default configuration and sample directory data imported into OpenDJ from Example.ldif. Before trying the examples, enable HTTP access to OpenDJ directory server as described in procedure, To Set Up REST Access to OpenDJ Directory Server.

Interface stability: Evolving

The OpenDJ REST API is built on a common ForgeRock HTTP-based REST API for interacting with JSON Resources. APIs built on this common layer all let you perform the following operations.


Add a resource that does not yet exist


Retrieve a single resource


Replace an existing resource


Remove an existing resource


Modify part of an existing resource


Perform a predefined action


List a set of resources

The present implementation in OpenDJ maps JSON resources onto LDAP entries, meaning REST clients can in principle do just about anything an LDAP client can do with directory data.

In addition to query string parameters that depend on the operation, the examples in this chapter make use of the following parameters that apply to the JSON resource returned for all operations.


Retain only the specified fields in the JSON resource returned.


Make the JSON resource returned easy for humans to read.

When you first try to get a resource that you can read as an LDAP entry with an anonymous search, you might be surprised that you must authenticate.

$ curl http://opendj.example.com:8080/users/bjensen?_prettyPrint=true
  "code" : 401,
  "reason" : "Unauthorized",
  "message" : "Unauthorized"

HTTP status code 401 tells your HTTP client that the request requires user authentication. You can change this behavior by setting the HTTP connection handler property, authentication-required, to false.

$ dsconfig
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --port 4444
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --handler-name "HTTP Connection Handler"
 --set authentication-required:false

Out of the box both the HTTP Connection Handler and also the REST LDAP gateway are configured to allow HTTP Basic authentication and HTTP header based authentication in the style of OpenIDM. The authentication mechanisms translate HTTP authentication to LDAP authentication on the directory server side.

When you install OpenDJ either with generated sample user entries or with data from Example.ldif, the relative distinguished name attribute for the sample user entries is the user ID (uid) attribute. For example, the DN and user ID for Babs Jensen are as follows.

dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: bjensen

Given this pattern in the user entries, the default REST to LDAP configuration assumes that the user name on the HTTP side is the value of the user ID, and that user entries can be found under ou=People,dc=example,dc=com. In other words, Babs Jensen authenticates as bjensen (password: hifalutin) over HTTP. This is mapped for an LDAP bind to the bind DN uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com.

With HTTP Basic authentication, it looks like this.

$ curl
 --user bjensen:hifalutin
  "_rev" : "0000000016cbb68c",

Or, using the HTTP Basic username:password@ form in the URL, it looks like this.

$ curl
  "_rev" : "0000000016cbb68c",

With HTTP header based authentication, it looks like this.

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: bjensen"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: hifalutin"
  "_rev" : "0000000016cbb68c",

If your directory data are laid out differently, or if your user names are email addresses rather than user IDs for example, then you must update the configuration in order for authentication to work.

The REST LDAP gateway can also translate HTTP user name and password authentication to PLAIN SASL authentication on the LDAP side. Moreover, the gateway can fall back to proxied authorization as necessary, using a root DN authenticated connection to LDAP servers. See REST LDAP Configuration for details on all configuration choices.

There are two ways to create resources.

  • To create a resource using an ID that you specify, perform an HTTP PUT request with headers Content-Type: application/json and If-None-Match: *, and the JSON content of your resource.

    The following example creates a new user entry with ID newuser.

    $ curl
     --request PUT
     --user kvaughan:bribery
     --header "Content-Type: application/json"
     --header "If-None-Match: *"
     --data '{
      "_id": "newuser",
      "contactInformation": {
        "telephoneNumber": "+1 408 555 1212",
        "emailAddress": "newuser@example.com"
      "name": {
        "familyName": "New",
        "givenName": "User"
      "displayName": "New User",
      "manager": [
          "_id": "kvaughan",
          "displayName": "Kirsten Vaughan"
      "_rev" : "000000005b337348",
      "schemas" : [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0" ],
      "contactInformation" : {
        "telephoneNumber" : "+1 408 555 1212",
        "emailAddress" : "newuser@example.com"
      "_id" : "newuser",
      "name" : {
        "familyName" : "New",
        "givenName" : "User"
      "userName" : "newuser@example.com",
      "displayName" : "New User",
      "meta" : {
        "created" : "2013-04-11T09:58:27Z"
      "manager" : [ {
        "_id" : "kvaughan",
        "displayName" : "Kirsten Vaughan"
      } ]
  • To create a resource letting the server choose the ID, perform an HTTP POST with _action=create as described in Section 7.8, "Using Actions".

To read a resource, perform an HTTP GET.

$ curl
 --request GET
 --user kvaughan:bribery
  "_rev" : "000000005b337348",
  "schemas" : [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0" ],
  "contactInformation" : {
    "telephoneNumber" : "+1 408 555 1212",
    "emailAddress" : "newuser@example.com"
  "_id" : "newuser",
  "name" : {
    "familyName" : "New",
    "givenName" : "User"
  "userName" : "newuser@example.com",
  "displayName" : "New User",
  "meta" : {
    "created" : "2013-04-11T09:58:27Z"
  "manager" : [ {
    "_id" : "kvaughan",
    "displayName" : "Kirsten Vaughan"
  } ]

To update a resource, perform an HTTP PUT with the changes to the resource. For read-only fields, either include unmodified versions, or omit them from your updated version.

The following example adds a manager for Sam Carter.

$ curl
 --request PUT
 --user kvaughan:bribery
 --header "Content-Type: application/json"
 --data '{
   "contactInformation": {
     "telephoneNumber": "+1 408 555 4798",
     "emailAddress": "scarter@example.com"
   "name": {
     "familyName": "Carter",
     "givenName": "Sam"
   "userName": "scarter@example.com",
   "displayName": "Sam Carter",
   "groups": [
       "_id": "Accounting Managers"
   "manager": [
       "_id": "trigden",
       "displayName": "Torrey Rigden"
  "_rev" : "00000000a1923db2",
  "schemas" : [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0" ],
  "contactInformation" : {
    "telephoneNumber" : "+1 408 555 4798",
    "emailAddress" : "scarter@example.com"
  "_id" : "scarter",
  "name" : {
    "familyName" : "Carter",
    "givenName" : "Sam"
  "userName" : "scarter@example.com",
  "displayName" : "Sam Carter",
  "manager" : [ {
    "_id" : "trigden",
    "displayName" : "Torrey Rigden"
  } ],
  "meta" : {
    "lastModified" : "2013-04-12T07:42:34Z"
  "groups" : [ {
    "_id" : "Accounting Managers"
  } ]

To update a resource only if the resource matches a particular version, use an If-Match: revision header.

 $ curl
 --user kvaughan:bribery
$ curl
 --request PUT
 --user kvaughan:bribery
 --header "If-Match: 00000000b017c5b8"
 --header "Content-Type: application/json"
 --data '{
   "contactInformation": {
     "telephoneNumber": "+1 408 555 1212",
     "emailAddress": "scarter@example.com"
   "name": {
     "familyName": "Carter",
     "givenName": "Sam"
   "userName": "scarter@example.com",
   "displayName": "Sam Carter",
   "groups": [
       "_id": "Accounting Managers"
   "manager": [
       "_id": "trigden",
       "displayName": "Torrey Rigden"
  "_rev" : "00000000a1ee3da3",
  "schemas" : [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0" ],
  "contactInformation" : {
    "telephoneNumber" : "+1 408 555 1212",
    "emailAddress" : "scarter@example.com"
  "_id" : "scarter",
  "name" : {
    "familyName" : "Carter",
    "givenName" : "Sam"
  "userName" : "scarter@example.com",
  "displayName" : "Sam Carter",
  "meta" : {
    "lastModified" : "2013-04-12T07:47:45Z"
  "groups" : [ {
    "_id" : "Accounting Managers"
  } ],
  "manager" : [ {
    "_id" : "trigden",
    "displayName" : "Torrey Rigden"
  } ]

To delete a resource, perform an HTTP DELETE on the resource URL. On success, the operation returns the resource you deleted.

$ curl
 --request DELETE
 --user kvaughan:bribery
  "_rev" : "000000003a5f3cb2",
  "schemas" : [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0" ],
  "contactInformation" : {
    "telephoneNumber" : "+1 408 555 1212",
    "emailAddress" : "newuser@example.com"
  "_id" : "newuser",
  "name" : {
    "familyName" : "New",
    "givenName" : "User"
  "userName" : "newuser@example.com",
  "displayName" : "New User",
  "meta" : {
    "created" : "2013-04-11T09:58:27Z"
  "manager" : [ {
    "_id" : "kvaughan",
    "displayName" : "Kirsten Vaughan"
  } ]

To delete a resource only if the resource matches a particular version, use an If-Match: revision header.

$ curl
 --user kvaughan:bribery
$ curl
 --request DELETE
 --user kvaughan:bribery
 --header "If-Match: 000000006d8d7358"
  "_rev" : "00000000383f3cae",
  "schemas" : [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0" ],
  "contactInformation" : {
    "telephoneNumber" : "+1 408 555 1212",
    "emailAddress" : "newuser@example.com"
  "_id" : "newuser",
  "name" : {
    "familyName" : "New",
    "givenName" : "User"
  "userName" : "newuser@example.com",
  "displayName" : "New User",
  "meta" : {
    "created" : "2013-04-11T12:48:48Z"
  "manager" : [ {
    "_id" : "kvaughan",
    "displayName" : "Kirsten Vaughan"
  } ]

To delete a resource and all its children, you must change the configuration, get the REST LDAP gateway or HTTP Connection Handler to reload its configuration, and perform the operation as a user who has the access rights required. The following steps show one way to do this with the HTTP Connection Handler.

In this case the LDAP view of the user to delete shows two child entries.

$ ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN uid=nbohr,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com "(&)" dn
dn: uid=nbohr,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com

dn: cn=quantum dot,uid=nbohr,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com

dn: cn=qubit generator,uid=nbohr,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
  1. In the configuration file for the HTTP Connection Handler, by default /path/to/opendj/config/http-config.json, set "useSubtreeDelete" : true.


    After this change, only users who have access to request a tree delete can delete resources.

  2. Force the HTTP Connection Handler to reread its configuration.

    $ dsconfig
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --port 4444
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --handler-name "HTTP Connection Handler"
     --set enabled:false
    $ dsconfig
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --port 4444
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --handler-name "HTTP Connection Handler"
     --set enabled:true
  3. Delete as a user who has rights to perform a subtree delete on the resource.

    $ curl
     --request DELETE
     --user kvaughan:bribery
      "_rev" : "000000003d912113",
      "schemas" : [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0" ],
      "contactInformation" : {
        "telephoneNumber" : "+1 408 555 1212",
        "emailAddress" : "nbohr@example.com"
      "_id" : "nbohr",
      "name" : {
        "familyName" : "Bohr",
        "givenName" : "Niels"
      "userName" : "nbohr@example.com",
      "displayName" : "Niels Bohr"

OpenDJ lets you patch JSON resources, updating part of the resource rather than replacing it. For example, you could change Babs Jensen's email address by issuing an HTTP PATCH request, as in the example that follows.

Notice that the data sent specifies the type of patch operation, the field to change, and a value that depends on the field you change and on the operation. A single-valued field takes an object, boolean, string, or number depending on its type, whereas a multi-valued field takes an array of values. Getting the type wrong results in an error. Also notice that the patch data is itself an array, since you could patch more than one part of the resource by using a set of patch operations in the same request.

$ curl
 --user kvaughan:bribery
 --request PATCH
 --header "Content-Type: application/json"
 --data '[
    "operation": "replace",
    "field": "/contactInformation/emailAddress",
    "value": "babs@example.com"
  "_rev" : "00000000f3fdd370",
  "schemas" : [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0" ],
  "contactInformation" : {
    "telephoneNumber" : "+1 408 555 1862",
    "emailAddress" : "babs@example.com"
  "_id" : "bjensen",
  "name" : {
    "familyName" : "Jensen",
    "givenName" : "Barbara"
  "userName" : "babs@example.com",
  "displayName" : "Barbara Jensen",
  "meta" : {
    "lastModified" : "2013-05-13T14:35:31Z"
  "manager" : [ {
    "_id" : "trigden",
    "displayName" : "Torrey Rigden"
  } ]

OpenDJ supports four types of patch operation.


The add operation ensures that the target field contains the value provided, creating parent fields as necessary.

If the target field is single-valued and a value already exists, then that value is replaced with the value you provide. Note that you do not get an error when adding a value to a single-valued field that already has a value. A single-valued field is one whose value is not an array (an object, string, boolean, or number).

If the target field is multi-valued, then the array of values you provide is merged with the set of values already in the resource. New values are added, and duplicate values are ignored. A multi-valued field takes an array value.


The remove operation ensures that the target field does not contain the value provided. If you do not provide a value, the entire field is removed if it already exists.

If the target field is single-valued and a value is provided, then the provided value must match the existing value to remove, otherwise the field is left unchanged.

If the target field is multi-valued, then values in the array you provide are removed from the existing set of values.


The replace operation removes existing values on the target field, and replaces them with the values you provide. It is equivalent to performing a remove on the field, then an add with the values you provide.


The increment operation increments or decrements the value or values in the target field by the amount you specify, which is positive to increment, negative to decrement. The target field must be a number or a set of numbers. The value you provide must be a single number.

One key nuance in how patch works with OpenDJ has to do with multi-valued fields. Although JSON resources represent multi-valued fields as arrays, OpenDJ treats those values as sets. In other words, values in the field are unique, and the ordering of an array of values is not meaningful in the context of patch operations. If you reference array values by index, OpenDJ returns an error.[5]

Instead use the patch operations as if arrays values were sets. For example, you can include Barbara Jensen in a group by adding her to the set of members.

$ curl
 --user kvaughan:bribery
 --request PATCH
 --header "Content-Type: application/json"
 --data '[
    "operation": "add",
    "field": "/members",
    "value": [
        "_id": "bjensen"
  "_rev" : "00000000b70c881a",
  "schemas" : [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0" ],
  "_id" : "Directory Administrators",
  "displayName" : "Directory Administrators",
  "meta" : {
    "lastModified" : "2013-05-13T16:40:23Z"
  "members" : [ {
    "_id" : "kvaughan",
    "displayName" : "Kirsten Vaughan"
  }, {
    "_id" : "rdaugherty",
    "displayName" : "Robert Daugherty"
  }, {
    "_id" : "bjensen",
    "displayName" : "Barbara Jensen"
  }, {
    "_id" : "hmiller",
    "displayName" : "Harry Miller"
  } ]

Removing her from the group is similar.

$ curl
 --user kvaughan:bribery
 --request PATCH
 --header "Content-Type: application/json"
 --data '[
    "operation": "remove",
    "field": "/members",
    "value": [
        "_id": "bjensen"
  "_rev" : "00000000e241797e",
  "schemas" : [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0" ],
  "_id" : "Directory Administrators",
  "displayName" : "Directory Administrators",
  "meta" : {
    "lastModified" : "2013-05-13T16:40:55Z"
  "members" : [ {
    "_id" : "kvaughan",
    "displayName" : "Kirsten Vaughan"
  }, {
    "_id" : "rdaugherty",
    "displayName" : "Robert Daugherty"
  }, {
    "_id" : "hmiller",
    "displayName" : "Harry Miller"
  } ]

You can use resource revision numbers in If-Match: revision headers to patch the resource only if the resource matches a particular version.

$ curl
 --user kvaughan:bribery
  "_rev" : "00000000c1b6d4c7"
$ curl
 --user kvaughan:bribery
 --request PATCH
 --header "If-Match: 00000000c1b6d4c7"
 --header "Content-Type: application/json"
 --data '[
    "operation": "add",
    "field": "/contactInformation/emailAddress",
    "value": "babs@example.com"
  "_rev" : "00000000f946d377",
  "schemas" : [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0" ],
  "contactInformation" : {
    "telephoneNumber" : "+1 408 555 1862",
    "emailAddress" : "babs@example.com"
  "_id" : "bjensen",
  "name" : {
    "familyName" : "Jensen",
    "givenName" : "Barbara"
  "userName" : "babs@example.com",
  "displayName" : "Barbara Jensen",
  "meta" : {
    "lastModified" : "2013-05-13T16:56:33Z"
  "manager" : [ {
    "_id" : "trigden",
    "displayName" : "Torrey Rigden"
  } ]

The resource revision changes after you successfully perform the patch operation.

OpenDJ implements an action that lets the server set the resource ID on creation. To use this action, perform an HTTP POST with header Content-Type: application/json, _action=create in the query string, and the JSON content of your resource.

The following example creates a new user entry.

$ curl
 --request POST
 --user kvaughan:bribery
 --header "Content-Type: application/json"
 --data '{
  "_id": "newuser",
  "contactInformation": {
    "telephoneNumber": "+1 408 555 1212",
    "emailAddress": "newuser@example.com"
  "name": {
    "familyName": "New",
    "givenName": "User"
  "displayName": "New User",
  "manager": [
      "_id": "kvaughan",
      "displayName": "Kirsten Vaughan"
  "_rev" : "0000000034a23ca7",
  "schemas" : [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0" ],
  "contactInformation" : {
    "telephoneNumber" : "+1 408 555 1212",
    "emailAddress" : "newuser@example.com"
  "_id" : "newuser",
  "name" : {
    "familyName" : "New",
    "givenName" : "User"
  "userName" : "newuser@example.com",
  "displayName" : "New User",
  "meta" : {
    "created" : "2013-04-11T11:19:08Z"
  "manager" : [ {
    "_id" : "kvaughan",
    "displayName" : "Kirsten Vaughan"
  } ]

To query resource collections, perform an HTTP GET with a _queryFilter=filter parameter in your query string.

For query operations, your filter expressions are constructed from the following building blocks. Make sure you URL encode the filter expressions, which are shown here without URL encoding to make them easier to read.

In these expressions the simplest json-pointer is a field of the JSON resource, such as userName or id. A json-pointer can however point to nested elements as described in the JSON Pointer Internet-Draft.

Comparison expressions

You can build filters using the following comparison expressions.

json-pointer eq json-value

Matches when the pointer equals the value, as in the following example.

$ curl --user kvaughan:bribery 'http://opendj.example.com:8080
  "result" : [ {
    "_rev" : "00000000315fb731",
    "schemas" : [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0" ],
    "manager" : [ {
      "_id" : "trigden",
      "displayName" : "Torrey Rigden"
    } ],
    "contactInformation" : {
      "telephoneNumber" : "+1 408 555 1862",
      "emailAddress" : "bjensen@example.com"
    "_id" : "bjensen",
    "name" : {
      "familyName" : "Jensen",
      "givenName" : "Barbara"
    "userName" : "bjensen@example.com",
    "displayName" : "Barbara Jensen"
  } ],
  "resultCount" : 1,
  "pagedResultsCookie" : null,
  "remainingPagedResults" : -1
json-pointer co json-value

Matches when the pointer contains the value, as in the following example.

$ curl --user kvaughan:bribery 'http://opendj.example.com:8080
  "result" : [ {
    "userName" : "ajensen@example.com"
  }, {
    "userName" : "bjensen@example.com"
  }, {
    "userName" : "gjensen@example.com"
  }, {
    "userName" : "jjensen@example.com"
  }, {
    "userName" : "kjensen@example.com"
  }, {
    "userName" : "rjensen@example.com"
  }, {
    "userName" : "tjensen@example.com"
  } ],
  "resultCount" : 7,
  "pagedResultsCookie" : null,
  "remainingPagedResults" : -1
json-pointer sw json-value

Matches when the pointer starts with the value, as in the following example.

$ curl --user kvaughan:bribery 'http://opendj.example.com:8080
  "result" : [ {
    "userName" : "abarnes@example.com"
  }, {
    "userName" : "abergin@example.com"
  } ],
  "resultCount" : 2,
  "pagedResultsCookie" : null,
  "remainingPagedResults" : -1
json-pointer lt json-value

Matches when the pointer is less than the value, as in the following example.

$ curl --user kvaughan:bribery 'http://opendj.example.com:8080
  "result" : [ {
    "userName" : "abarnes@example.com"
  }, {
    "userName" : "abergin@example.com"
  } ],
  "resultCount" : 2,
  "pagedResultsCookie" : null,
  "remainingPagedResults" : -1
json-pointer le json-value

Matches when the pointer is less than or equal to the value, as in the following example.

$ curl --user kvaughan:bribery 'http://opendj.example.com:8080
  "result" : [ {
    "userName" : "abarnes@example.com"
  }, {
    "userName" : "abergin@example.com"
  }, {
    "userName" : "achassin@example.com"
  } ],
  "resultCount" : 3,
  "pagedResultsCookie" : null,
  "remainingPagedResults" : -1
json-pointer gt json-value

Matches when the pointer is greater than the value, as in the following example.

$ curl --user kvaughan:bribery 'http://opendj.example.com:8080
  "result" : [ {
    "userName" : "ttully@example.com"
  }, {
    "userName" : "tward@example.com"
  }, {
    "userName" : "wlutz@example.com"
  } ],
  "resultCount" : 3,
  "pagedResultsCookie" : null,
  "remainingPagedResults" : -1
json-pointer ge json-value

Matches when the pointer is greater than or equal to the value, as in the following example.

$ curl --user kvaughan:bribery 'http://opendj.example.com:8080
  "result" : [ {
    "userName" : "tward@example.com"
  }, {
    "userName" : "wlutz@example.com"
  } ],
  "resultCount" : 2,
  "pagedResultsCookie" : null,
  "remainingPagedResults" : -1
Presence expression

json-pointer pr matches any resource on which the json-pointer is present, as in the following example.

$ curl --user kvaughan:bribery 'http://opendj.example.com:8080
  "result" : [ {
    "_rev" : "000000002210a544",
    "schemas" : [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0" ],
    "manager" : [ {
      "_id" : "scarter",
      "displayName" : "Sam Carter"
    } ],
    "contactInformation" : {
      "telephoneNumber" : "+1 408 555 9445",
      "emailAddress" : "abarnes@example.com"
    "_id" : "abarnes",
    "name" : {
      "familyName" : "Barnes",
      "givenName" : "Anne-Louise"
    "userName" : "abarnes@example.com",
    "displayName" : "Anne-Louise Barnes"
  },… many entries omitted …
    "_id" : "newuser",
    "name" : {
      "familyName" : "New",
      "givenName" : "User"
    "userName" : "newuser@example.com",
    "displayName" : "New User",
    "meta" : {
      "created" : "2013-03-26T10:52:42Z"
  } ],
  "resultCount" : 152,
  "pagedResultsCookie" : null,
  "remainingPagedResults" : -1
Literal expressions

true matches any resource in the collection.

false matches no resource in the collection.

In other words you can list all resources in a collection as in the following example.

$ curl --user kvaughan:bribery 'http://opendj.example.com:8080
  "result" : [ {
    "displayName" : "Accounting Managers"
  }, {
    "displayName" : "Directory Administrators"
  }, {
    "displayName" : "HR Managers"
  }, {
    "displayName" : "PD Managers"
  }, {
    "displayName" : "QA Managers"
  } ],
  "resultCount" : 5,
  "pagedResultsCookie" : null,
  "remainingPagedResults" : -1
Complex expressions

You can combine expressions using boolean operators and, or, and ! (not), using parentheses, (expression), to group expressions. The following example queries resources with last name Jensen and manager name starting with Bar. Notice that the filters use the JSON pointers name/familyName and manager/displayName to identify the fields that are nested inside the name and manager objects.

$ curl --user kvaughan:bribery 'http://opendj.example.com:8080
  "result" : [ {
    "displayName" : "Jody Jensen"
  }, {
    "displayName" : "Ted Jensen"
  } ],
  "resultCount" : 2,
  "pagedResultsCookie" : null,
  "remainingPagedResults" : -1

[5] OpenDJ does let you use a hyphen as the last element of the "field" JSON pointer value to add an element to the set, as in curl --user kvaughan:bribery --request PATCH --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data '[{ "operation" : "add", "field" : "/members/-", "value" : { "_id" : "bjensen" } }]' http://opendj.example.com:8080/groups/Directory%20Administrators.

OpenDJ provides several indexing schemes to speed up searches.

When a client requests a directory search operation, the client sends the server a filter expression such as (&(uid=*jensen*)(l=Stavanger)). The server then uses applicable indexes to find entries with attribute values likely to match the search. If no indexes are applicable, then the server potentially has to go through all entries to look for candidate matches.

Looking through all entries is resource-intensive for large directories. For this reason, the unindexed-search privilege, allowing users to request searches for which no applicable index exists, is reserved for the directory root user by default.

Rather than granting the unindexed-search privilege to more users and client applications, you configure indexes to correspond to the searches that clients need to perform.

This chapter first describes index types, then demonstrates how to index attribute values. This chapter also lists the default indexing configuration for OpenDJ directory server.

OpenDJ provides several different index types, each corresponding to a different type of search.

An approximate index is used to match values that "sound like" those provided in the filter. An approximate index on cn allows clients to find people even when they misspell names as in the following example.

$ ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com "(cn~=Babs Jansen)" cn
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
cn: Barbara Jensen
cn: Babs Jensen

An equality index is used to match values that correspond exactly (though generally without case sensitivity) to the value provided in the search filter. An equality index requires clients to match values without wildcards or misspellings.

$ ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com "(uid=bjensen)" mail
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
mail: bjensen@example.com

An ordering index is used to match values for a filter that specifies a range. The ds-sync-hist has an ordering index by default because searches on that attribute often seek entries with changes more recent than the last time a search was performed.

The following example shows a search that specifies ranges.

$ ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
 "(&(uidNumber>=1120)(roomNumber>=4500))" uid
dn: uid=charvey,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: charvey

dn: uid=eward,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: eward

dn: uid=mvaughan,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: mvaughan

dn: uid=pchassin,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: pchassin

A presence index is used to match the fact that an attribute is present on the entry, regardless of the value. The aci attribute is indexed for presence by default to allow quick retrieval of entries with ACIs.

$ ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com "(aci=*)" -
dn: dc=example,dc=com

dn: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com

A substring index is used to match values specified with wildcards in the filter. Substring indexes can be expensive to maintain, especially for large attribute values.

$ ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com "(cn=Barb*)" cn
dn: uid=bfrancis,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
cn: Barbara Francis

dn: uid=bhal2,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
cn: Barbara Hall

dn: uid=bjablons,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
cn: Barbara Jablonski

dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
cn: Barbara Jensen
cn: Babs Jensen

dn: uid=bmaddox,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
cn: Barbara Maddox

A VLV or browsing index are designed to help the server respond to client applications that need virtual list view results, for example to browse through a long list in a GUI. They also help the server respond to clients that request server-side sorting of the search results.

VLV indexes correspond to particular searches. Configure your VLV indexes using the Control Panel, and copy the command-line equivalent from the Details pane for the operation, if necessary.

In some cases you need an index for a matching rule other than those described above. For example, OpenDJ supports generalized time based matching so applications can search for all times later than, or earlier than a specified time.

You modify index configurations using the dsconfig command. The configuration changes then take effect after you rebuild the index according to the new configuration, using the rebuild-index. The dsconfig --help-database command lists subcommands for creating, reading, updating, and deleting index configuration.


Indexes are per directory backend rather than per suffix. To maintain separate indexes for different suffixes on the same directory server, put the suffixes in different backends.

You can configure standard indexes from the Control Panel, and also on the command line using the dsconfig command. After you finish configuring the index, you must rebuild the index for the changes to take effect.

The following example creates a new substring index for description.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --backend-name userRoot
 --index-name description
 --set index-type:substring

The following example configures an approximate index for cn (common name).

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --backend-name userRoot
 --index-name cn
 --set index-type:approximate

The OpenDJ Control Panel New Index window does not help you set up extensible matching rule indexes. Use the dsconfig command instead.

The following example configures an extensible matching rule index for "later than" and "earlier than" generalized time matching on a lastLoginTime attribute.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --backend-name userRoot
 --set index-type:extensible
 --set index-extensible-matching-rule:
 --set index-extensible-matching-rule:
 --index-name lastLoginTime

In the OpenDJ Control Panel, select Manage Indexes > New VLV Index..., and then set up your VLV index using the New VLV Index window.

After you finish configuring your index and click OK, the Control Panel prompts you to make the additional changes necessary to complete the VLV index configuration, and then to build the index.

You can also create the equivalent index configuration using the dsconfig command.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDn "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --backend-name userRoot
 --index-name people-by-last-name
 --set base-dn:ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
 --set filter:"(|(givenName=*)(sn=*))"
 --set scope:single-level
 --set sort-order:"+sn +givenName"


When referring to a virtual list view (VLV) index after creation, you must add vlv. as a prefix. In other words, if you named the VLV index people-by-last-name, you refer to it as vlv.people-by-last-name when rebuilding indexes, changing index properties such as the index entry limit, or verifying indexes.

After you change an index configuration, or when you find that an index is corrupt, you can rebuild the index. When you rebuild indexes, you specify the base DN of the data to index, and either the list of indexes to rebuild or --rebuildAll. You can rebuild indexes while the server is offline, or while the server is online. If you rebuild the index while the server is online, then you must schedule the rebuild process as a task.

The following example rebuilds the cn index immediately with the server online.

$ rebuild-index
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
 --index cn
 --start 0
Rebuild Index task 20110607171639867 scheduled to start Jun 7, 2011 5:16:39 PM

The following example rebuilds degraded indexes immediately with the server online.

$ rebuild-index
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
[31/Jan/2012:16:43:25 +0100] severity="NOTICE" msgCount=7 msgID=8847510
 message="Due to changes in the configuration, index
 dc_example_dc_com_description is currently operating in a degraded state
 and must be rebuilt before it can be used"
[31/Jan/2012:16:43:25 +0100] severity="NOTICE" msgCount=8 msgID=8847591
 message="Rebuild of all degraded indexes started with 160 total entries
 to process"
[31/Jan/2012:16:43:25 +0100] severity="NOTICE" msgCount=10 msgID=8847493
 message="Rebuild complete. Processed 160 entries in 0 seconds (average
 rate 1860.5/sec)"
Rebuild Index task 20120131164324838 has been successfully completed

When you add a new attribute as described in Updating Directory Schema, and then create indexes for the new attribute, the new indexes appear as degraded, even though the attribute has not yet been used, and so indexes are sure to be empty, rather than degraded.

In this special case, you can safely use the rebuild-index command --clearDegradedState option to avoid having to scan the entire directory backend to rebuild the new, unused index. This is shown in the following example, where an index has just been created for newUnusedAttribute.

$ dbtest
 --backendID userRoot
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
 | grep newUnusedAttribute
newUnusedAttribute.equality   Index  ...newUnusedAttribute.equality   false...
newUnusedAttribute.presence   Index  ...newUnusedAttribute.presence   false...
newUnusedAttribute.substring  Index  ...newUnusedAttribute.substring  false...
$ rebuild-index
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
 --index newUnusedAttribute
 --start 0
Rebuild Index task 20130211175925012 scheduled to start Feb 11, 2013 5:59:25
$ dbtest
 --backendID userRoot
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
 | grep newUnusedAttribute
newUnusedAttribute.equality   Index  ...newUnusedAttribute.equality   true...
newUnusedAttribute.presence   Index  ...newUnusedAttribute.presence   true...
newUnusedAttribute.substring  Index  ...newUnusedAttribute.substring  true...

If the newly indexed attribute has already been used, rebuild indexes instead.

As the number of entries in your directory grows, it can make sense not to maintain indexes for particular values. For example, every entry in the directory has the value top for the objectClass attribute, so maintaining a list of entries that match the filter (objectClass=top) is not a reasonable use of resources. In a very, very large directory, the same can be true for (givenName=John) and (sn=Smith).

In an index, each index key points to a list of entries that are candidates to match. For the objectClass index key that corresponds to =top, the list of entries can include every entry in the directory.

OpenDJ directory server therefore defines an index entry limit. When the number of entries that an index key points to exceeds the index entry limit, OpenDJ stops maintaining the list of entries for that index key.

The default index entry limit value is 4000. 4000 is usually plenty large for all index keys, except for objectClass indexes. If you have clients performing searches with filters such as (objectClass=person), you might suggest that they adjust the search to be more specific, such as (&(mail=username@maildomain.net)(objectClass=person)), so that the server can use an index, in this case equality for mail, to limit the number of candidate entries to check for matches.

You can change the index entry limit on a per index basis.

The following example changes the index entry limit for the objectClass index, and then rebuilds the index for the configuration change to take effect.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --backend-name userRoot
 --index-name objectClass
 --set index-entry-limit:5000
$ rebuild-index
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
 --index objectclass
 --start 0
Rebuild Index task 20110607160349596 scheduled to start Jun 7, 2011 4:03:49 PM

Alternatively, you can configure the index entry limit for all indexes stored in a backend by using the dsconfig set-backend-prop command with the --backend-name backendName --set index-entry-limit:limitValue options.

You can verify that indexes correspond to current directory data, and that indexes do not contain errors using the verify-index command.

The following example verifies the cn (common name) index for completeness and for errors.

$ verify-index
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
 --index cn
[07/Jun/2011:16:06:50 +0200] category=BACKEND severity=INFORMATION
 msgID=9437595 msg=Local DB backend userRoot does not specify the number of
 lock tables: defaulting to 97
[07/Jun/2011:16:06:50 +0200] category=BACKEND severity=INFORMATION
 msgID=9437594 msg=Local DB backend userRoot does not specify the number of
 cleaner threads: defaulting to 24 threads
[07/Jun/2011:16:06:51 +0200] category=JEB severity=NOTICE msgID=8847461
 msg=Checked 1316 records and found 0 error(s) in 0 seconds
 (average rate 2506.7/sec)
[07/Jun/2011:16:06:51 +0200] category=JEB severity=INFORMATION
 msgID=8388710 msg=Number of records referencing more than one entry: 315
[07/Jun/2011:16:06:51 +0200] category=JEB severity=INFORMATION
 msgID=8388711 msg=Number of records that exceed the entry limit: 0
[07/Jun/2011:16:06:51 +0200] category=JEB severity=INFORMATION
 msgID=8388712 msg=Average number of entries referenced is 1.58/record
[07/Jun/2011:16:06:51 +0200] category=JEB severity=INFORMATION
 msgID=8388713 msg=Maximum number of entries referenced by any
 record is 32

Ignore the messages regarding lock tables and cleaner threads. The important information is whether any errors are found in the indexes.

When searching, you can improve performance by making sure your search is indexed as you expect. One way of checking is to request the debugsearchindex attribute in your results.

$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
dn: cn=debugsearch
debugsearchindex: filter=(uid=bjensen)[INDEX:uid.equality:uid.equality][COUNT:1:1]

When you request the debugsearchindex attribute, instead of performing the search, OpenDJ returns debug information indicating how it would process the search operation. In the example above you notice OpenDJ hits the equality index for uid right away.

A less exact search requires more work from OpenDJ. In the following example OpenDJ would have to return 160 entries.

$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
dn: cn=debugsearch
debugsearchindex: filter=(uid=*)[NOT-INDEXED] scope=wholeSubtree[COUNT:160:160]

By default OpenDJ rejects unindexed searches when the number of candidate entries goes beyond the search or look-though limit.

When you first install OpenDJ directory server and import your data from LDIF, the following indexes are configured.

IndexApprox.EqualityOrderingPresenceSubstringEntry Limit
dn2idNon-configurable internal index
id2childrenNon-configurable internal index
id2subtreeNon-configurable internal index

When you create a JE backend using the dsconfig command, OpenDJ creates the aci presence, ds-sync-conflict equality, ds-sync-hist ordering, entryUUID equality, and objectClass equality indexes automatically.

OpenDJ uses advanced data replication with automated conflict resolution to help ensure your directory services remain available in the event a server crashes or a network goes down, and also as you backup or upgrade your directory service. You can configure data replication as part of OpenDJ installation, and in many cases let replication do its work in the background.

You can set up replication during installation by choosing to configure replication through the setup wizard.

In the Topology Options screen for the first server you set up, select This server will be part of a replication topology. If you also choose Configure as Secure, then replication traffic is protected by SSL.

In the Topology Options screen for subsequent servers, also select There is already a server in the topology, providing the Host Name, Administration Connector Port number, Admin User, and Admin Password for the first replica you set up.

You also set up a global administrator account, stored under cn=admin data across replicas, used to manage replication in the topology.

You further set up what to replicate.

Once replication is set up, it works for all the replicas. You can monitor the replication connection and status through the OpenDJ Control Panel.

Before you take replication further than setting up replication in the setup wizard, read this section to learn more about how OpenDJ replication works.

Replication is the process of copying updates between OpenDJ directory servers such that all servers converge on identical copies of directory data. Replication is designed to let convergence happen over time by default. [6] Letting convergence happen over time means that different replicas can be momentarily out of sync, but it also means that if you lose an individual server or even an entire data center, your directory service can keep on running, and then get back in sync when the servers are restarted or the network is repaired.

Replication is specific to the OpenDJ directory service. Replication uses a specific protocol that replays update operations quickly, storing enough historical information about the updates to resolve most conflicts automatically. For example, if two client applications separately update a user entry to change the phone number, replication can work out which was the latest change, and apply that change across servers. The historical information needed to resolve these issues is periodically purged to avoid growing larger and larger forever. As a directory administrator, you must ensure that you do not purge the historical information more often than you backup your directory data.

Keep server clocks synchronized for your topology. You can use NTP for example. Keeping server clocks synchronized helps prevent issues with SSL connections and with replication itself. Keeping server clocks synchronized also makes it easier to compare timestamps from multiple servers.

The primary unit of replication is the suffix, specified by a base DN such as dc=example,dc=com.[7] Replication also depends on the directory schema, defined on cn=schema, and the cn=admin data suffix with administrative identities and certificates for protecting communications. Thus that content gets replicated as well.

The set of OpenDJ servers replicating data for a given suffix is called a replication topology. You can have more than one replication topology. For example, one topology could be devoted to dc=example,dc=com, and another to dc=example,dc=org. OpenDJ servers are capable of serving more than one suffix. They are also capable of participating in more than one replication topology.

Three replication topologies set up correctly

Within a replication topology, the suffixes being replicated are identified to the replication servers by their DN. As all the replication servers are fully connected in a topology, a consequence is that it is impossible to have multiple "sub-topologies" within the overall set of servers as illustrated in the following diagram.

Two replication topologies, one of which does not work

In order to understand what happens when individual servers stop responding due to a network partition or a crash, know that OpenDJ can offer both directory service and also replication service, and the two services are not the same, even if they can run alongside each other in the same OpenDJ server in the same Java Virtual Machine.

Replication relies on the replication service provided by OpenDJ replication servers, where OpenDJ directory servers publish changes made to their data, and subscribe to changes published by other OpenDJ directory servers. A replication server manages replication data only, handling replication traffic with directory servers and with other replication servers, receiving, sending, and storing only changes to directory data rather than directory data itself. Once a replication server is connected to a replication topology, it maintains connections to all other replication servers in that topology.

A directory server handles directory data. It responds to requests, stores directory data and historical information. For each replicated suffix, such as dc=example,dc=com, cn=schema and cn=admin data, the directory server publishes changes to a replication server, and subscribes to changes from that replication server. (Directory servers do not publish changes to other directory servers.) A directory server also resolves any conflicts that arise when reconciling changes from other directory servers, using the historical information about changes to resolve the conflicts. (Conflict resolution is the responsibility of the directory server rather than the replication server.)

Once a directory server is connected to a replication topology for a particular suffix, it connects to one replication server at a time for that suffix. The replication server provides the directory server with a list of all replication servers for that suffix. Given the list of possible replication servers to which it can connect, the directory server can determine which replication server to connect to when starting up, or when the current connection is lost or becomes unresponsive.

For each replicated suffix, a directory server prefers to connect to a replication server:

  1. In the same group as the directory server

  2. Having the same initial data for the suffix as the directory server

  3. If initial data were the same, having all the latest changes from the directory server

  4. Running in the same Java Virtual Machine as the directory server

  5. Having the most available capacity relative to other eligible replication servers

    Available capacity depends on how many directory servers in the topology are already connected to a replication server, and what proportion of all directory servers in the topology ought to be connected to the replication server.

    To determine what proportion of the total number of directory servers should be connected to a replication server, OpenDJ uses replication server weight. When configuring a replication server, you can assign it a weight (default: 1). The weight property takes an integer that indicates capacity to provide replication service relative to other servers. For example, a weight of 2 would indicate a replication server that can handle twice as many connected servers as a replication server with weight 1.

    The proportion of directory servers in a topology that should be connected to a given replication server is equal to (replication server weight)/(sum of replication server weights). In other words, if there are 4 replication servers in a topology each with default weights, the proportion for each replication server is 1/4.

Consider a situation where 7 directory servers are connected to replication servers A, B, C, and D for dc=example,dc=com data. Suppose 2 directory servers each are connected to A, B, and C, and 1 directory server is connected to replication server D. Replication server D is therefore the server with the most available capacity relative to other replication servers in the topology. All other criteria being equal, replication server D is the server to connect to when an 8th directory server joins the topology.

The directory server regularly updates the list of replication servers in case it must reconnect. As available capacity of replication servers for each replication topology can change dynamically, a directory server can potentially reconnect to another replication server to balance the replication load in the topology. For this reason the server can also end up connected to different replication servers for different suffixes.

This section shows how to configure replication with command-line tools.

You can start the replication process by using the dsreplication enable command.

$ dsreplication
 --adminUID admin
 --adminPassword password
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
 --host1 opendj.example.com
 --port1 4444
 --bindDN1 "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword1 password
 --replicationPort1 8989
 --host2 opendj2.example.com
 --port2 4444
 --bindDN2 "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword2 password
 --replicationPort2 8989

Establishing connections ..... Done.
Checking registration information ..... Done.
Updating remote references on server opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
Configuring Replication port on server opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
Updating replication configuration for baseDN dc=example,dc=com on server
 opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
Updating replication configuration for baseDN dc=example,dc=com on server
 opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
Updating registration configuration on server
 opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
Updating registration configuration on server
 opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
Updating replication configuration for baseDN cn=schema on server
 opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
Updating replication configuration for baseDN cn=schema on server
 opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
Initializing registration information on server opendj2.example.com:4444 with
 the contents of server opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
Initializing schema on server opendj2.example.com:4444 with the contents of
 server opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.

Replication has been successfully enabled.  Note that for replication to
 work you must initialize the contents of the base DN's that are being
  replicated (use dsreplication initialize to do so).

for a detailed log of this operation.

To enable secure connections for replication use the --secureReplication1 and --secureReplication2 options, which are equivalent to selecting Configure as Secure in the replication topology options screen of the setup wizard.

As you see in the command output, replication is set up to function once enabled. You must however initialize replication in order to start the process.


When scripting the configuration to set up multiple replicas in quick succession, use the same initial replication server each time you run the command. In other words, pass the same --host1, --port1, --bindDN1, --bindPassword1, and --replicationPort1 options for each of the other replicas that you set up in your script.

If you need to add another OpenDJ directory server to participate in replication, use the dsreplication enable with the new server as the second server.

You can initialize replication between servers by performing initialization over the network after you have enabled replication, or by importing the same LDIF data on all servers and then enabling replication. You can also add a new server by restoring a backup from an existing replica onto the new server and then enabling replication with an existing replica.

Initialization over the network while the server is online works well when you have no initial data, or when your network bandwidth is large compared to the initial amount of data to replicate.

  1. Enable replication on all servers.

    See Section 9.3.1, "Enabling Replication" for instructions.

  2. Start replication with the dsreplication initialize-all command.

    $ dsreplication
     --adminUID admin
     --adminPassword password
     --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --port 4444
    Initializing base DN dc=example,dc=com with the contents from
     opendj.example.com:4444: 160 entries processed (100 % complete).
    Base DN initialized successfully.
    for a detailed log of this operation.

This procedure can be useful when you are starting with a large amount of directory data that is available locally to all directory servers.

  1. Import the same LDIF on all servers as described in the procedure, To Import LDIF Data.

    Do not yet accept updates to the directory data. Section 9.3.6, "Read-Only Replicas" shows how to prevent replicas from accepting updates from clients.

  2. Enable replication for all servers.

    See Section 9.3.1, "Enabling Replication" for instructions.

  3. Allow updates to the directory data by setting writability-mode:enabled using a command like the one you found in Section 9.3.6, "Read-Only Replicas".

You can create a new replica from a backup of a server in the existing topology.

  1. Install a new server to use as the new replica.

  2. Backup the database on an existing server as described in Backing Up Directory Data.

    At this point, other servers in the topology can continue to process updates.

  3. Enable replication on the new replica.

    $ dsreplication
     --adminUID admin
     --adminPassword password
     --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
     --host1 opendj.example.com
     --port1 4444
     --bindDN1 "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword1 password
     --replicationPort1 8989
     --host2 opendj3.example.com
     --port2 4444
     --bindDN2 "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword2 password
     --replicationPort2 8989
    Establishing connections ..... Done.
    Checking registration information ..... Done.
    Updating remote references on server opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Configuring Replication port on server opendj3.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Updating replication configuration for baseDN dc=example,dc=com on server
     opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Updating replication configuration for baseDN dc=example,dc=com on server
     opendj3.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Updating replication configuration for baseDN dc=example,dc=com on server
     opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Updating remote references on server opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Updating registration configuration on server
     opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Updating registration configuration on server
     opendj3.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Updating registration configuration on server
     opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Updating replication configuration for baseDN cn=schema on server
     opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Updating replication configuration for baseDN cn=schema on server
     opendj3.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Updating replication configuration for baseDN cn=schema on server
     opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Initializing registration information on server opendj3.example.com:4444 with
     the contents of server opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Replication has been successfully enabled.  Note that for replication to
     work you must initialize the contents of the base DN's that are being
     replicated (use dsreplication initialize to do so).
    for a detailed log of this operation.

    Contrary to the message from the command, you do not need to use the dsreplication initialize command at this point.

  4. On the new server, restore the database from the backup archive as described in the procedure, To Restore a Replica.

    As long as you restore the database on the new replica before the replication purge delay runs out, updates processed by other servers after you created the backup are replicated to the new server after you restore the data.

How you stop replication depends on whether the change is meant to be temporary or permanent.

If you need to stop a server from replicating temporarily, you can do so using dsconfig command.


Do not allow modifications on the replica for which replication is disabled, as no record of such changes is kept, and the changes cause replication to diverge.

  1. Disable the multimaster synchronization provider.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj2.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
     --set enabled:false
  2. (Optional) When you are ready to resume replication, enable the multimaster synchronization provider.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj2.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
     --set enabled:true

If you need to stop a server from replicating permanently, for example in preparation to remove a server, you can do so with the dsreplication disable command.

  1. Stop replication using the dsreplication disable command.

    $ dsreplication
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj2.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --adminPassword password
    Establishing connections ..... Done.
    Disabling replication on base DN cn=admin data of server
     opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Disabling replication on base DN dc=example,dc=com of server
     opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Disabling replication on base DN cn=schema of server
     opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Disabling replication port 8989 of server
     opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Removing registration information ..... Done.
    Removing truststore information ..... Done.
    for a detailed log of this operation.

    The dsreplication disable as shown completely removes the replication configuration information from the server.

  2. (Optional) If you want to restart replication for the server, you need to run the dsreplication enable and dsreplication initialize commands again.

Replication in OpenDJ is designed to be both easy to implement in environments with a few servers, and also scalable in environments with many servers. You can enable the replication service on each OpenDJ directory server in your deployment, for example, to limit the number of servers you deploy. Yet in a large deployment, you can use stand-alone replication servers — OpenDJ servers that do nothing but relay replication messages — to configure (and troubleshoot) the replication service separately from the directory service. You only need a few stand-alone replication servers publishing changes to serve many directory servers subscribed to the changes. Furthermore, replication is designed such that you need only connect a directory server to the nearest replication server for the directory server to replicate with all others in your topology. Yet only the stand-alone replication servers participate in fully-meshed replication.

All replication servers in a topology are connected to all other replication servers. Directory servers are connected only to one replication server at a time, and their connections should be to replication servers on the same LAN. Therefore the total number of replication connections, Totalconn is expressed as follows.

Equation 9.1. 
Totalconn = (NRS * NRS-1)/2 + NDS

Here, NRS is the number of replication servers, and NDS is the number of stand-alone directory servers. In other words, if you have only 3 servers, then Totalconn is 3 with no stand-alone servers. However, if you have two data centers, and need 12 directory servers, then with no stand-alone directory servers Totalconn is (12 * 11)/2 or 66. Yet, with 4 stand-alone replication servers, and 12 stand-alone directory servers, Totalconn is (4 * 3)/2 + 12, or 18, with only four of those connections needing to go over the WAN. (By running four directory servers that also run replication servers and eight stand-alone directory servers, you reduce the number of replication connections to 14 for 12 replicas.)

Dedicated servers versus consolidated instances


If you set up OpenDJ directory server to replicate by using the Quick Setup wizard, then the wizard activated the replication service for that server. You can turn off the replication service on OpenDJ directory server, and then configure the server to work with a separate, stand-alone replication server instead. Start by using the dsreplication disable --disableReplicationServer command to turn off the replication service on the server.

This example sets up a stand-alone replication server to handle the replication traffic between two directory servers that do not handle replication themselves.

Here the replication server is rs.example.com. The directory servers are opendj.example.com and opendj2.example.com.

In a real deployment, you would have more replication servers to avoid a single point of failure.

  1. Setup the replication server as a directory server that has no database.

  2. Setup the directory servers as stand-alone directory servers.

  3. Enable replication with the appropriate --noReplicationServer and --onlyReplicationServer options.

    $ dsreplication
     --adminUID admin
     --adminPassword password
     --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
     --host1 opendj.example.com
     --port1 4444
     --bindDN1 "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword1 password
     --host2 rs.example.com
     --port2 4444
     --bindDN2 "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword2 password
     --replicationPort2 8989
    Establishing connections ..... Done.
    Only one replication server will be defined for the following base DN's:
    It is recommended to have at least two replication servers (two changelogs) to
    avoid a single point of failure in the replication topology.
    Checking registration information ..... Done.
    Configuring Replication port on server rs.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Updating replication configuration for baseDN dc=example,dc=com on server
     opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Updating registration configuration on server
     opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Updating registration configuration on server
     rs.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Updating replication configuration for baseDN cn=schema on server
     opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Initializing registration information on server rs.example.com:4444 with
     the contents of server opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Replication has been successfully enabled.  Note that for replication to work
     you must initialize the contents of the base DN's that are being
     replicated (use dsreplication initialize to do so).
    for a detailed log of this operation.
    $ dsreplication
     --adminUID admin
     --adminPassword password
     --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
     --host1 opendj2.example.com
     --port1 4444
     --bindDN1 "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword1 password
     --host2 rs.example.com
     --port2 4444
     --bindDN2 "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword2 password
     --replicationPort2 8989
    Establishing connections ..... Done.
    Only one replication server will be defined for the following base DN's:
    It is recommended to have at least two replication servers (two changelogs) to
    avoid a single point of failure in the replication topology.
    Checking registration information ..... Done.
    Updating remote references on server rs.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Updating replication configuration for baseDN dc=example,dc=com on server
     opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Updating replication configuration for baseDN dc=example,dc=com on server
     opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Updating registration configuration on server
     opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Updating registration configuration on server
     rs.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Updating registration configuration on server
     opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Updating replication configuration for baseDN cn=schema on server
     opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Updating replication configuration for baseDN cn=schema on server
     opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Initializing registration information on server opendj2.example.com:4444 with
     the contents of server rs.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Replication has been successfully enabled.  Note that for replication to work
     you must initialize the contents of the base DN's that are being
     replicated (use dsreplication initialize to do so).
    for a detailed log of this operation.
  4. Initialize replication from one of the directory servers.

    $ dsreplication
     --adminUID admin
     --adminPassword password
     --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --port 4444
    Initializing base DN dc=example,dc=com with the contents from
     opendj.example.com:4444: 160 entries processed (100 % complete).
    Base DN initialized successfully.
    for a detailed log of this operation.

Replication lets you define groups so that replicas communicate first with replication servers in the group before going to replication servers outside the group. Groups are identified with unique numeric group IDs.

Replication groups are designed for deployments across multiple data centers, where you aim to focus replication traffic on the LAN rather than the WAN. In multi-data center deployments, group nearby servers together.

For each group, set the appropriate group ID for the topology on both the replication servers and the directory servers.

The example commands in this procedure set up two replication groups, each with a replication server and a directory server. The directory servers are opendj.example.com and opendj2.example.com. The replication servers are rs.example.com and rs2.example.com. In a full-scale deployment, you would have multiple servers of each type in each group, such as all the replicas and replication servers in each data center being in the same group.

  1. Pick a group ID for each group.

    The default group ID is 1.

  2. Set the group ID for each group by replication domain on the directory servers.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
     --domain-name "dc=example,dc=com"
     --set group-id:1
    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj2.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
     --domain-name "dc=example,dc=com"
     --set group-id:2
  3. Set the group ID for each group on the replication servers.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname rs.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
     --set group-id:1
    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname rs2.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
     --set group-id:2

By default all directory servers in a replication topology are read-write. You can however choose to make replicas take updates only from the replication protocol, and refuse updates from client applications.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj2.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --set writability-mode:internal-only

In standard replication, when a client requests an update operation the directory server performs the update and, if the update is successful, sends information about the update to the replication service, and sends a result code to the client application right away. As a result, the client application can conclude that the update was successful, but only on the replica that handled the update.

Assured replication lets you force the replica performing the initial update to wait for confirmation that the update has been received elsewhere in the topology before sending a result code to the client application. You can configure assured replication either to wait for one or more replication servers to acknowledge having received the update, or to wait for all directory servers to have replayed the update.

As you might imagine, assured replication is theoretically safer than standard replication, yet it is also slower, potentially waiting for a timeout before failing when the network or other servers are down.

Safe data mode requires the update be sent to assured-sd-level replication servers before acknowledgement is returned to the client application.

  • For each directory server, set safe data mode for the replication domain, and also set the safe data level.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
     --domain-name "dc=example,dc=com"
     --set assured-type:safe-data
     --set assured-sd-level:1
    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj2.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
     --domain-name "dc=example,dc=com"
     --set assured-type:safe-data
     --set assured-sd-level:1

Safe read mode requires the update be replayed on all directory servers before acknowledgement is returned to the client application.

  • For each directory server, set safe read mode for the replication domain.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
     --domain-name "dc=example,dc=com"
     --set assured-type:safe-read
    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj2.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
     --domain-name "dc=example,dc=com"
     --set assured-type:safe-read

When working with assured replication, the replication server property degraded-status-threshold (default: 5000), sets the number of operations allowed to build up in the replication queue before the server is assigned degraded status. When a replication server has degraded status, assured replication ceases to have an effect.

OpenDJ can perform subtree replication, for example replicating ou=People,dc=example,dc=com, but not the rest of dc=example,dc=com, by putting the subtree in a separate backend from the rest of the suffix.

For example, in this case you might have a userRoot backend containing everything in dc=example,dc=com except ou=People,dc=example,dc=com, and a separate peopleRoot backend for ou=People,dc=example,dc=com. Then you replicate ou=People,dc=example,dc=com in its own topology.

OpenDJ can perform fractional replication, whereby you specify the attributes to include in or to exclude from the replication process.

You set fractional replication configuration as fractional-include or fractional-exclude properties for a replication domain. When you include attributes, the attributes that are required on the relevant object classes are also included, whether you specify them or not. When you exclude attributes, the excluded attributes must be optional attributes for the relevant object classes. Fractional replicas still respect schema definitions.

Fractional replication works by filtering objects at the replication server. Initialize replication as you would normally. Of course you cannot create a full replica from a replica with only a subset of the data. If you must prevent data from being replicated across a national boundary, split the replication server handling the updates from the directory servers receiving the updates as described in Procedure 9.6, "To Set Up a Stand-alone Replication Server".

For example, you might configure an externally facing fractional replica to include only some inetOrgPerson attributes.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
 --domain-name "dc=example,dc=com"

As another example, you might exclude a custom attribute called sessionToken from being replicated.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
 --domain-name "dc=example,dc=com"
 --set fractional-exclude:*:sessionToken

This last example only works if you first define a sessionToken attribute in the directory server schema.

Some applications require notification when directory data updates occur. For example, an application might need to sync directory data with another database, or the application might need to kick off other processing when certain updates occur.

In addition to supporting persistent search operations, OpenDJ provides an external change log mechanism to allow applications to be notified of changes to directory data.

OpenDJ directory servers without replication cannot expose an external change log. The OpenDJ server that exposes the change log must function both as a directory server, and also as a replication server for the suffix whose changes you want logged.

  • Enable replication without using the --noReplicationServer or --onlyReplicationServer options.

    With replication enabled, the changelog data can be accessed under cn=changelog. For example, the following search shows the publicly visible data available before any changes have been made.

    $ ldapsearch --baseDN cn=changelog --port 1389 "(objectclass=*)" \* +
    dn: cn=changelog
    cn: changelog
    objectClass: top
    objectClass: container
    subschemaSubentry: cn=schema
    hasSubordinates: false
    entryDN: cn=changelog

You read the external change log over LDAP. In addition, when you poll the change log periodically, you can get the list of updates that happened since your last request.

The external change log mechanism uses an LDAP control with OID to allow the exchange of cookies for the client application to bookmark the last changes seen, and then start reading the next set of changes from where it left off on the previous request.

This procedure shows the client reading the change log as cn=Directory Manager. Make sure your client application reads the changes with sufficient access to view all the changes it needs to see.

  1. Send an initial search request using the LDAP control with no cookie value.

    Notice the value of the changeLogCookie attribute for the last of the two changes.

    $ ldapsearch
     --baseDN cn=changelog
     --port 1389
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --control ""
     \* +
    dn: cn=changelog
    cn: changelog
    objectClass: top
    objectClass: container
    subschemaSubentry: cn=schema
    hasSubordinates: true
    entryDN: cn=changelog
    # Public changelog exchange control(
    dn: replicationCSN=0000013087cbc28212d100000001,dc=example,dc=com,cn=changelog
    targetDN: cn=arsene lupin,ou=special users,dc=example,dc=com
    changeNumber: 0
    changes:: b2JqZWN0Q2xhc3M6IHBlcnNvbgpvYmplY3RDbGFzczogdG9wCmNuOiBBcnNlbmUgTHVwaW
    changeType: add
    changeTime: 20110613065855Z
    objectClass: top
    objectClass: changeLogEntry
    targetEntryUUID: 90c714f7-486b-4d47-9409-b44d19dea31e
    replicationCSN: 0000013087cbc28212d100000001
    numSubordinates: 0
    replicaIdentifier: 4817
    changeLogCookie: dc=example,dc=com:0000013087cbc28212d100000001;
    changeInitiatorsName: cn=Directory Manager,cn=Root DNs,cn=config
    subschemaSubentry: cn=schema
    hasSubordinates: false
    entryDN: replicationCSN=0000013087cbc28212d100000001,dc=example,dc=com,cn=change
    # Public changelog exchange control(
    dn: replicationCSN=0000013087cbc34a12d100000002,dc=example,dc=com,cn=changelog
    targetDN: cn=horace velmont,ou=special users,dc=example,dc=com
    changeNumber: 0
    changes:: b2JqZWN0Q2xhc3M6IHBlcnNvbgpvYmplY3RDbGFzczogdG9wCmNuOiBIb3JhY2UgVmVsbW
    changeType: add
    changeTime: 20110613065855Z
    objectClass: top
    objectClass: changeLogEntry
    targetEntryUUID: 6b22440a-76d0-4031-94b7-35b1d86f067e
    replicationCSN: 0000013087cbc34a12d100000002
    numSubordinates: 0
    replicaIdentifier: 4817
    changeLogCookie: dc=example,dc=com:0000013087cbc34a12d100000002;
    changeInitiatorsName: cn=Directory Manager,cn=Root DNs,cn=config
    subschemaSubentry: cn=schema
    hasSubordinates: false
    entryDN: replicationCSN=0000013087cbc34a12d100000002,dc=example,dc=com,cn=change

    In this example, two new users were added to another replica before the change log request was made.

    Here the changes are base64 encoded, so you can decode them using the base64 command.

    $ base64 decode --encodedData b2JqZW...ZmlnCg==
    objectClass: person
    objectClass: top
    cn: Horace Velmont
    telephoneNumber: +33 1 12 23 34 45
    sn: Velmont
    entryUUID: 6b22440a-76d0-4031-94b7-35b1d86f067e
    createTimestamp: 20110613065855Z
    creatorsName: cn=Directory Manager,cn=Root DNs,cn=config
  2. For the next search, provide the cookie to start reading where you left off last time.

    In this example, a description was added to Babs Jensen's entry.

    $ ldapsearch
     --baseDN cn=changelog
     --port 1389
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --control "
     \* +
    dn: cn=changelog
    cn: changelog
    objectClass: top
    objectClass: container
    subschemaSubentry: cn=schema
    hasSubordinates: true
    entryDN: cn=changelog
    # Public changelog exchange control(
    dn: replicationCSN=0000013087d7e27f12d100000003,dc=example,dc=com,cn=changelog
    targetDN: uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
    changeNumber: 0
    changes:: YWRkOiBkZXNjcmlwdGlvbgpkZXNjcmlwdGlvbjogQSB0aGlyZCBjaGFuZ2UKLQpyZXBsYW
    changeType: modify
    changeTime: 20110613071210Z
    objectClass: top
    objectClass: changeLogEntry
    targetEntryUUID: fc252fd9-b982-3ed6-b42a-c76d2546312c
    replicationCSN: 0000013087d7e27f12d100000003
    numSubordinates: 0
    replicaIdentifier: 4817
    changeLogCookie: dc=example,dc=com:0000013087d7e27f12d100000003;
    changeInitiatorsName: cn=Directory Manager,cn=Root DNs,cn=config
    subschemaSubentry: cn=schema
    hasSubordinates: false
    entryDN: replicationCSN=0000013087d7e27f12d100000003,dc=example,dc=com,cn=change

    If we base64-decode the changes, we see the following.

    $ base64 decode --encodedData YWRkO...gotCg==
    add: description
    description: A third change
    replace: modifiersName
    modifiersName: cn=Directory Manager,cn=Root DNs,cn=config
    replace: modifyTimestamp
    modifyTimestamp: 20110613071210Z
  3. If for some reason you lose the cookie, you can start over from the earliest available change by sending a search request with no value for the cookie.

As shown above, the changes returned from a search on the external change log include only what was actually changed. If you have applications that need additional attributes published with every change log entry, regardless of whether or not the attribute itself has changed, then specify those using ecl-include and ecl-include-for-deletes.

  1. Set the attributes to include for all update operations with ecl-include.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
     --domain-name dc=example,dc=com
     --set ecl-include:"@person"
  2. Set the attributes to include for deletes with ecl-include-for-deletes.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
     --domain-name dc=example,dc=com
     --add ecl-include-for-deletes:"*"
     --add ecl-include-for-deletes:"+"

You can limit external change log content by disabling the domain for a base DN. By default, cn=schema and cn=admin data are not enabled.

  • Prevent OpenDJ from logging changes by disabling the domain.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
     --domain-name dc=example,dc=com
     --set enabled:false

The external change log can also work for applications that follow the Internet-Draft: Definition of an Object Class to Hold LDAP Change Records. Nothing special is required to get the objects specified for this legacy format. Such applications cannot however use the change log cookies that are shared across the replication topology, and therefore can continue to be used after failover to another replica in a multi-master replication environment.

[6] Assured replication can require, however, that the convergence happen before the client application is notified that the operation was successful.

[7] When you configure partial and fractional replication, however, you can replicate only part of a suffix, or only certain attributes on entries. Also, if you split your suffix across multiple backends, then you need to set up replication separately for each part of suffix in a different backend.

OpenDJ lets you backup and restore your data either in compressed, binary format, or in LDAP Data Interchange Format. This chapter shows you how to backup and to restore OpenDJ data from archives, and explains portability of backup archives, as well as backing up server configuration information.

A bak/ directory is provided when you install OpenDJ, as a location to save binary backups. When you create a backup, the bak/backup.info contains information about the archive.

Archives produced by the backup command contain backups only of the directory data. Backups of server configuration are found in config/archived-configs/.

To perform online backup, you start backup as a task by connecting to the administrative port and authenticating as a user with the backend-backup privilege, and also setting a start time for the task by using the --start option.

To perform offline backup when OpenDJ is stopped, you run the backup command without connecting to the server, authenticating, or requesting a backup task.

  • Use one of the following alternatives.

    • Back up only the database for Example.com, where the data is stored in the backend named userRoot.

      The following example requests an online backup task that starts immediately, backing up only the userRoot backend.

      $ backup
       --port 4444
       --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
       --bindPassword password
       --backendID userRoot
       --backupDirectory /path/to/opendj/bak
       --start 0
      Backup task 20110613143715983 scheduled to start Jun 13, 2011 2:37:15 PM CEST
    • Stop the server to back up Example.com data offline.

      The following example stops OpenDJ, runs offline backup, and starts the server after backup has completed.

      $ stop-ds 
      Stopping Server...
      [13/Jun/2011:14:31:00 +0200] category=BACKEND severity=NOTICE msgID=9896306
       msg=The backend userRoot is now taken offline
      [13/Jun/2011:14:31:00 +0200] category=CORE severity=NOTICE msgID=458955
       msg=The Directory Server is now stopped
      $ backup --backendID userRoot -d /path/to/opendj/bak
      [13/Jun/2011:14:33:48 +0200] category=TOOLS severity=NOTICE msgID=10944792
       msg=Starting backup for backend userRoot
      [13/Jun/2011:14:33:48 +0200] category=JEB severity=NOTICE msgID=8847446
       msg=Archived: 00000000.jdb
      [13/Jun/2011:14:33:48 +0200] category=TOOLS severity=NOTICE msgID=10944795
       msg=The backup process completed successfully
      $ start-ds
      ... The Directory Server has started successfully
    • Back up all user data on the server.

      The following example requests an online backup task that starts immediately, backing up all backends.

      $ backup
       --port 4444
       --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
       --bindPassword password
       --backupDirectory /path/to/opendj/bak
       --start 0
      Backup task 20110613143801866 scheduled to start Jun 13, 2011 2:38:01 PM CEST

You can schedule online data backup using crontab format.

  • Back up all user data every night at 2 AM, and notify diradmin@example.com when finished, or on error.

    $ backup
     --port 4444
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --backupDirectory /path/to/opendj/bak
     --recurringTask "00 02 * * *"
     --completionNotify diradmin@example.com
     --errorNotify diradmin@example.com
    Recurring Backup task BackupTask-988d6adf-4d65-44bf-8546-6ea74a2480b0
    scheduled successfully

When you restore data, the procedure to follow depends on whether the OpenDJ directory server is replicated.

To restore OpenDJ when the server is online, you start a restore task by connecting to the administrative port and authenticating as a user with the backend-restore privilege, and also setting a start time for the task by using the --start option.

To restore data when OpenDJ is stopped, you run the restore command without connecting to the server, authenticating, or requesting a restore task.

  • Use one of the following alternatives.

    • Stop the server to restore data for Example.com.

      The following example stops OpenDJ, restores data offline from one of the available backups, and then starts the server after the restore is complete.

      $ stop-ds
      Stopping Server...
      [13/Jun/2011:15:44:06 +0200] category=BACKEND severity=NOTICE msgID=9896306
       msg=The backend userRoot is now taken offline
      [13/Jun/2011:15:44:06 +0200] category=CORE severity=NOTICE msgID=458955
       msg=The Directory Server is now stopped
      $ restore --backupDirectory /path/to/opendj/bak --listBackups
      Backup ID:          20110613080032
      Backup Date:        13/Jun/2011:08:00:45 +0200
      Is Incremental:     false
      Is Compressed:      false
      Is Encrypted:       false
      Has Unsigned Hash:  false
      Has Signed Hash:    false
      Dependent Upon:     none
      $ restore --backupDirectory /path/to/opendj/bak --backupID 20110613080032
      [13/Jun/2011:15:47:41 +0200] category=JEB severity=NOTICE msgID=8847445
       msg=Restored: 00000000.jdb (size 341835)
      $ start-ds
      ... The Directory Server has started successfully
    • Schedule the restore as a task to begin immediately.

      The following example requests an online restore task, scheduled to start immediately.

      $ restore
       --port 4444
       --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
       --bindPassword password
       --backupDirectory /path/to/opendj/bak
       --backupID 20110613080032
       --start 0
      Restore task 20110613155052932 scheduled to start Jun 13, 2011 3:50:52 PM CEST

After you restore a replica from backup, replication brings the replica up to date with changes that happened after you created the backup. In order to bring the replica up to date, replication must apply changes that happened after the backup was made. Replication uses internal change log records to determine what changes to apply.

Internal change log records are not kept forever, though. Replication is configured to purge the change log of old changes, preventing the log from growing indefinitely. Yet, for replication to determine what changes to apply to a restored replica, it must find change log records dating back at least to the last change in the backup. In other words, replication can bring the restored replica up to date as long as the change log records used to determine which changes to apply have not been purged.

Therefore, when you restore a replicated server from backup, make sure the backup you use is newer than the last purge of the replication change log (default: 3 days). If all your backups are older than the replication purge delay, do not restore from a backup, but instead initialize a new replica as described in Initializing Replicas.

  • Restore the server database from the backup archive that you are sure is newer than the last purge of the replication change log.

    $ stop-ds
    Stopping Server...
    [13/Jun/2011:15:44:06 +0200] category=BACKEND severity=NOTICE msgID=9896306
     msg=The backend userRoot is now taken offline
    [13/Jun/2011:15:44:06 +0200] category=CORE severity=NOTICE msgID=458955
     msg=The Directory Server is now stopped
    $ restore --backupDirectory /path/to/opendj/bak --listBackups
    Backup ID:          20110613080032
    Backup Date:        13/Jun/2011:08:00:45 +0200
    Is Incremental:     false
    Is Compressed:      false
    Is Encrypted:       false
    Has Unsigned Hash:  false
    Has Signed Hash:    false
    Dependent Upon:     none
    $ restore --backupDirectory /path/to/opendj/bak --backupID 20110613080032
    [13/Jun/2011:15:47:41 +0200] category=JEB severity=NOTICE msgID=8847445
     msg=Restored: 00000000.jdb (size 341835)
    $ start-ds
    ... The Directory Server has started successfully

If you want to synchronize password policy across your organization and your applications go to the directory for authentication, then the directory can be a good place to enforce your password policy uniformly. Even if you do not depend on the directory for all your password policy, you no doubt still want to consider directory password policy if only to choose the appropriate password storage scheme.

This chapter covers password policy, including examples of how to configure password policies for common use cases.

OpenDJ password policies govern not only passwords, but also account lockout, and how OpenDJ provides notification about account status.

OpenDJ supports password policies as part of the server configuration, and also subentry password policies as part of the (replicated) user data.

You manage server based password policies in the OpenDJ configuration by using the dsconfig command. As they are part of the server configuration, such password policies are not replicated. You must instead apply password policy configuration updates to each replica in your deployment.

By default, OpenDJ includes two password policy configurations, one default for all users, and another for directory root DN users, such as cn=Directory Manager. You can see all the default password policy settings using the dsconfig command as follows.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --policy-name "Default Password Policy"
Property                                  : Value(s)
account-status-notification-handler       : -
allow-expired-password-changes            : false
allow-multiple-password-values            : false
allow-pre-encoded-passwords               : false
allow-user-password-changes               : true
default-password-storage-scheme           : Salted SHA-1
deprecated-password-storage-scheme        : -
expire-passwords-without-warning          : false
force-change-on-add                       : false
force-change-on-reset                     : false
grace-login-count                         : 0
idle-lockout-interval                     : 0 s
last-login-time-attribute                 : -
last-login-time-format                    : -
lockout-duration                          : 0 s
lockout-failure-count                     : 0
lockout-failure-expiration-interval       : 0 s
max-password-age                          : 0 s
max-password-reset-age                    : 0 s
min-password-age                          : 0 s
password-attribute                        : userpassword
password-change-requires-current-password : false
password-expiration-warning-interval      : 5 d
password-generator                        : Random Password Generator
password-history-count                    : 0
password-history-duration                 : 0 s
password-validator                        : -
previous-last-login-time-format           : -
require-change-by-time                    : -
require-secure-authentication             : false
require-secure-password-changes           : false
skip-validation-for-administrators        : false
state-update-failure-policy               : reactive

See the OpenDJ Configuration Reference page on Password Policy for detailed descriptions of each property.

Here you notice that many capabilities are not set by default: no lockout, no password expiration, no multiple passwords, no password validator to check that passwords contain the appropriate mix of characters. This means that if you decide to use the directory to enforce password policy, you must configure at least the default password policy to meet your needs.

Yet a few basic protections are configured by default. When you import LDIF with userPassword values, OpenDJ hashes the values before storing them. When a user provides a password value during a bind for example, the server hashes the value provided to compared it with the stored value. Even the directory manager cannot see the plain text value of a user's password.

$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
userpassword: {SSHA}QWAtw8ch/9850HNFRRqLNMIQc1YhxCnOoGmk1g==

In addition, users can change their passwords provided you have granted them access to do so. OpenDJ uses the userPassword attribute to store passwords by default, rather than the authPassword attribute, which is designed to store passwords hashed by the client application.

You manage subentry password policies by adding the subentries alongside the user data. Thus OpenDJ can replicate subentry password policies across servers.

Subentry password policies support the Internet-Draft Password Policy for LDAP Directories (version 09). A subentry password policy effectively overrides settings in the default password policy defined in the OpenDJ configuration. Settings not supported or not included in the subentry password policy are thus inherited from the default password policy.

As a result, the following Internet-Draft password policy attributes override the default password policy when you set them in the subentry.

  • pwdAllowUserChange, corresponding to the OpenDJ password policy property allow-user-password-changes

  • pwdMustChange, corresponding to the OpenDJ password policy property force-change-on-reset

  • pwdGraceAuthNLimit, corresponding to the OpenDJ password policy property grace-login-count

  • pwdLockoutDuration, corresponding to the OpenDJ password policy property lockout-duration

  • pwdMaxFailure, corresponding to the OpenDJ password policy property lockout-failure-count

  • pwdFailureCountInterval, corresponding to the OpenDJ password policy property lockout-failure-expiration-interval

  • pwdMaxAge, corresponding to the OpenDJ password policy property max-password-age

  • pwdMinAge, corresponding to the OpenDJ password policy property min-password-age

  • pwdAttribute, corresponding to the OpenDJ password policy property password-attribute

  • pwdSafeModify, corresponding to the OpenDJ password policy property password-change-requires-current-password

  • pwdExpireWarning, corresponding to the OpenDJ password policy property password-expiration-warning-interval

  • pwdInHistory, corresponding to the OpenDJ password policy property password-history-count

The following Internet-Draft password policy attributes are not taken into account by OpenDJ.

  • pwdCheckQuality, as OpenDJ has password validators. You can set password validators to use in the default password policy.

  • pwdMinLength, as this is handled by the Length Based Password Validator. You can configure this as part of the default password policy.

  • pwdLockout, as OpenDJ can deduce whether lockout is configured based on the values of other lockout-related password policy attributes.

Values of the following properties are inherited from the default password policy for Internet-Draft based password policies.

  • account-status-notification-handlers

  • allow-expired-password-changes

  • allow-multiple-password-values

  • allow-pre-encoded-passwords

  • default-password-storage-schemes

  • deprecated-password-storage-schemes

  • expire-passwords-without-warning

  • force-change-on-add

  • idle-lockout-interval

  • last-login-time-attribute

  • last-login-time-format

  • max-password-reset-age

  • password-generator

  • password-history-duration

  • password-validators

  • previous-last-login-time-formats

  • require-change-by-time

  • require-secure-authentication

  • require-secure-password-changes

  • skip-validation-for-administrators

  • state-update-failure-policy

The password policy that applies to a user is identified by the operational attribute, pwdPolicySubentry.

$ ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com uid=bjensen pwdPolicySubentry
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
pwdPolicySubentry: cn=Default Password Policy,cn=Password Policies,cn=config

You configure server based password policies using the dsconfig command. Notice that server based password policies are part of the server configuration, and therefore not replicated. Alternatively, you can configure a subset of password policy features using subentry based password policies that are stored with the replicated server data. This section covers both server based and subentry based password policies.

You can reconfigure the default password policy for example to enforce password expiration, check that passwords do not match dictionary words, and prevent password reuse. This default policy is a server based password policy.

  1. Enable the appropriate password validator.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --validator-name Dictionary
     --set enabled:true
     --set check-substrings:true
     --set min-substring-length:4
  2. Apply the changes to the default password policy.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --policy-name "Default Password Policy"
     --set max-password-age:90d
     --set min-password-age:4w
     --set password-history-count:7
     --set password-validator:Dictionary
  3. Check your work.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --policy-name "Default Password Policy"
    Property                                  : Value(s)
    account-status-notification-handler       : -
    allow-expired-password-changes            : false
    allow-user-password-changes               : true
    default-password-storage-scheme           : Salted SHA-1
    deprecated-password-storage-scheme        : -
    expire-passwords-without-warning          : false
    force-change-on-add                       : false
    force-change-on-reset                     : false
    grace-login-count                         : 0
    idle-lockout-interval                     : 0 s
    last-login-time-attribute                 : -
    last-login-time-format                    : -
    lockout-duration                          : 0 s
    lockout-failure-count                     : 0
    lockout-failure-expiration-interval       : 0 s
    max-password-age                          : 12 w 6 d
    max-password-reset-age                    : 0 s
    min-password-age                          : 4 w
    password-attribute                        : userpassword
    password-change-requires-current-password : false
    password-expiration-warning-interval      : 5 d
    password-generator                        : Random Password Generator
    password-history-count                    : 7
    password-history-duration                 : 0 s
    password-validator                        : Dictionary
    previous-last-login-time-format           : -
    require-change-by-time                    : -
    require-secure-authentication             : false
    require-secure-password-changes           : false

You can add a password policy for example for new users who have not yet used their credentials to bind.

  1. Create the new password policy.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --policy-name "New Account Password Policy"
     --set default-password-storage-scheme:"Salted SHA-1"
     --set force-change-on-add:true
     --set password-attribute:userPassword
     --type password-policy
  2. Check your work.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --policy-name "New Account Password Policy"
    Property                                  : Value(s)
    account-status-notification-handler       : -
    allow-expired-password-changes            : false
    allow-user-password-changes               : true
    default-password-storage-scheme           : Salted SHA-1
    deprecated-password-storage-scheme        : -
    expire-passwords-without-warning          : false
    force-change-on-add                       : true
    force-change-on-reset                     : false
    grace-login-count                         : 0
    idle-lockout-interval                     : 0 s
    last-login-time-attribute                 : -
    last-login-time-format                    : -
    lockout-duration                          : 0 s
    lockout-failure-count                     : 0
    lockout-failure-expiration-interval       : 0 s
    max-password-age                          : 0 s
    max-password-reset-age                    : 0 s
    min-password-age                          : 0 s
    password-attribute                        : userpassword
    password-change-requires-current-password : false
    password-expiration-warning-interval      : 5 d
    password-generator                        : -
    password-history-count                    : 0
    password-history-duration                 : 0 s
    password-validator                        : -
    previous-last-login-time-format           : -
    require-change-by-time                    : -
    require-secure-authentication             : false
    require-secure-password-changes           : false

    If you use a password policy like this, you might want to change the user's policy again when the new user successfully updates the password.

You can add a subentry to configure a password policy that applies to Directory Administrators.

  1. Create the entry that specifies the password policy.

    $ cat /path/to/subentry-pwp.ldif 
    dn: cn=Subentry Password Policy,dc=example,dc=com
    objectClass: top
    objectClass: subentry
    objectClass: pwdPolicy
    cn: Subentry Password Policy
    pwdAttribute: userPassword
    pwdLockout: TRUE
    pwdMaxFailure: 3
    pwdFailureCountInterval: 300
    pwdLockoutDuration: 300
    pwdAllowUserChange: TRUE
    pwdSafeModify: TRUE
    subtreeSpecification: {base "ou=people", specificationFilter
      "(isMemberOf=cn=Directory Administrators,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com)" }
  2. Add the policy to the directory.

    $ ldapmodify
     --port 1389
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --filename /path/to/subentry-pwp.ldif 
    Processing ADD request for cn=Subentry Password Policy,dc=example,dc=com
    ADD operation successful for DN cn=Subentry Password Policy,dc=example,dc=com
  3. Check that the policy applies as specified.

    In the example, the policy should apply to a Directory Administrator, while a normal user has the default password policy. Here, Kirsten Vaughan is a member of the Directory Administrators group, and Babs Jensen is not a member.

    $ ldapsearch
     --port 1389
     --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
    dn: uid=kvaughan,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    pwdPolicySubentry: cn=Subentry Password Policy,dc=example,dc=com
    $ ldapsearch
     --port 1389
     --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
    dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    pwdPolicySubentry: cn=Default Password Policy,cn=Password Policies,cn=config

You assign subentry based password policies for a subtree of the DIT by adding the policy to an LDAP subentry whose immediate superior is the root of the subtree. In other words you can add the subtree based password policy under ou=People,dc=example,dc=com, to have it apply to all entries under ou=People,dc=example,dc=com. You can further use the capabilities of LDAP subentries to refine the scope of application.

You assign server based password policies by using the ds-pwp-password-policy-dn attribute.

  1. Prevent users from selecting their own password policy.

    $ cat protectpwp.ldif 
    dn: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    changetype: modify
    add: aci
    aci: (target ="ldap:///uid=*,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com")(targetattr =
     "ds-pwp-password-policy-dn")(version 3.0;acl "Cannot choose own pass
     word policy";deny (write)(userdn = "ldap:///self");)
    $ ldapmodify
     --port 1389
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --filename protectpwp.ldif
    Processing MODIFY request for ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    MODIFY operation successful for DN ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
  2. Update the user's ds-pwp-password-policy-dn attribute.

    $ cat newuser.ldif 
    dn: uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    uid: newuser
    objectClass: person
    objectClass: organizationalPerson
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    objectClass: top
    cn: New User
    sn: User
    ou: People
    mail: newuser@example.com
    userPassword: changeme
    ds-pwp-password-policy-dn: cn=New Account Password Policy,cn=Password Policies,
    $ ldapmodify
     --port 1389
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --filename newuser.ldif
    Processing ADD request for uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    ADD operation successful for DN uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
  3. Check your work.

    $ ldapsearch
     --port 1389
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
    dn: uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    pwdPolicySubentry: cn=New Account Password Policy,cn=Password Policies,cn=config
  1. Create a subentry defining the collective attribute that sets the ds-pwp-password-policy-dn attribute for group members' entries.

    $ cat pwp-coll.ldif
    dn: cn=Password Policy for Dir Admins,dc=example,dc=com
    objectClass: collectiveAttributeSubentry
    objectClass: extensibleObject
    objectClass: subentry
    objectClass: top
    cn: Password Policy for Dir Admins
    ds-pwp-password-policy-dn;collective: cn=Root Password Policy,cn=Pass
     word Policies,cn=config
    subtreeSpecification: { base "ou=People", specificationFilter "(isMemberOf=
     cn=Directory Administrators,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com)"}
    $ ldapmodify
     --port 1389
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --filename pwp-coll.ldif
    Processing ADD request for cn=Password Policy for Dir Admins,dc=example,dc=com
    ADD operation successful for DN cn=Password Policy for Dir
  2. Check your work.

    $ ldapsearch
     --port 1389
     --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
    dn: uid=kvaughan,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    pwdPolicySubentry: cn=Root Password Policy,cn=Password Policies,cn=config

Password generators are used by OpenDJ during the LDAP password modify extended operation to construct a new password for the user. In other words, a directory administrator resetting a user's password can have OpenDJ directory server generate the new password.

$ ldappasswordmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --authzID "u:bjensen"
The LDAP password modify operation was successful
Generated Password:  eak77qdi

The default password policy shown in Procedure 11.1, "To Adjust the Default Password Policy" uses the Random Password Generator.

$ dsconfig
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --port 4444
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --policy-name "Default Password Policy"
 --property password-generator
Property           : Value(s)
password-generator : Random Password Generator
$ dsconfig
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --port 4444
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --generator-name "Random Password Generator"
 --property password-generator
 Property               : Value(s)
enabled                : true
password-character-set : alpha:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, numeric:0123456789
password-format        : "alpha:3,numeric:2,alpha:3"

Notice that the default configuration for the Random Password Generator defines two password-character-set values, and then uses those definitions in the password-format so that generated passwords have eight characters: three from the alpha set, followed by two from the numeric set, followed by three from the alpha set. The password-character-set name must be ASCII.

To set the password generator that OpenDJ employs when constructing a new password for a user, set the password-generator property for the password policy that applies to the user.

The following example does not change the password policy, but instead changes the Random Password Generator configuration, and then demonstrates a password being generated upon reset.

$ dsconfig
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --port 4444
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --generator-name "Random Password Generator"
 --remove password-character-set:alpha:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
 --add password-character-set:punct:,./\`!@#\$%^&*:\;[]\"\'\(\)+=-_~\\
$ ldappasswordmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --authzID "u:bjensen"
The LDAP password modify operation was successful
Generated Password:  pld^06:)529HTq$'

If you also set up a password validator in the password policy as shown in Procedure 11.1, "To Adjust the Default Password Policy" and further described in Section 11.6, "Configuring Password Validation", make sure the generated passwords are acceptable to the validator.

Password storage schemes encode new passwords provided by users so that they are stored in an encoded manner. This makes it difficult or impossible for someone to determine the clear-text passwords from the encoded values. Password storage schemes also determine whether a clear-text password provided by a client matches the encoded value stored in the server.

OpenDJ offers a variety of both reversible and one-way password storage schemes. Some schemes make it easy to recover the clear-text password, whereas others aim to make it computationally hard to do so.

$ dsconfig
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --port 4444
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password

Password Storage Scheme : Type          : enabled
3DES                    : triple-des    : true
AES                     : aes           : true
Base64                  : base64        : true
Blowfish                : blowfish      : true
Clear                   : clear         : true
CRYPT                   : crypt         : true
MD5                     : md5           : true
PBKDF2                  : pbkdf2        : true
RC4                     : rc4           : true
Salted MD5              : salted-md5    : true
Salted SHA-1            : salted-sha1   : true
Salted SHA-256          : salted-sha256 : true
Salted SHA-384          : salted-sha384 : true
Salted SHA-512          : salted-sha512 : true
SHA-1                   : sha1          : true

As shown in Procedure 11.1, "To Adjust the Default Password Policy", the default password storage scheme for users in Salted SHA-1. When you add users or import user entries with userPassword values in clear text, OpenDJ hashes them with the default password storage scheme. Root DN users have a different password policy by default, shown in Procedure 11.5, "To Assign a Password Policy to a Group". The Root Password Policy uses Salted SHA-512 by default.

You change the default password policy storage scheme for users by changing the applicable password policy, as shown in the following example.

$ dsconfig
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --port 4444
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --policy-name "Default Password Policy"
 --set default-password-storage-scheme:pbkdf2

Notice that the change in default password storage scheme does not cause OpenDJ to update any stored password values. By default, OpenDJ only stores a password with the new storage scheme the next time that the password is changed.

OpenDJ prefixes passwords with the scheme used to encode them, which means it is straightforward to see which password storage scheme is in use. After the default password storage scheme is changed to PBKDF2, old user passwords remain encoded with Salted SHA-1.

$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --bindDN uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
 --bindPassword hifalutin
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
 "(uid=bjensen)" userPassword
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
userPassword: {SSHA}Rc3tkAj1qP5zGiRkwDIWDFxrxpGgO8Fwh3aibg==

When the password is changed, the new default password storage scheme takes effect, as shown in the following example.

$ ldappasswordmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --authzID "u:bjensen"
 --newPassword changeit
The LDAP password modify operation was successful
$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --bindDN uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
 --bindPassword changeit
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
 "(uid=bjensen)" userPassword
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
userPassword: {PBKDF2}10000:O3V6G7y7n7AefOkRGNKQ5ukrMuO5uf+iEQ9ZLg==

When you change the password storage scheme for users, realize that the user passwords must change in order for OpenDJ to encode them with the chosen storage scheme. If you are changing the storage scheme because the old scheme was too weak, then you no doubt want users to change their passwords anyway.

If however the storage scheme change is not related to vulnerability, you can use the deprecated-password-storage-scheme property of the password policy to have OpenDJ store the password in the new format after successful authentication. This makes it possible to do password migration for active users without forcing users to change their passwords.

$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --bindDN uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
 --bindPassword bribery
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
 "(uid=kvaughan)" userPassword
dn: uid=kvaughan,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
userPassword: {SSHA}hDgK44F2GhIIZj913b+29Ak7phb9oU3Lz4ogkg==

$ dsconfig
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --port 4444
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --policy-name "Default Password Policy"
 --set deprecated-password-storage-scheme:"Salted SHA-1"
$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --bindDN uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
 --bindPassword bribery
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
 "(uid=kvaughan)" userPassword
dn: uid=kvaughan,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
userPassword: {PBKDF2}10000:L4dCYqSsNnf47YZ3a6aC8K2E3DChhHHhpcoUzg==

Notice that with deprecated-password-storage-scheme set appropriately, Kirsten Vaughan's password was hashed again after she authenticated successfully.

Password validators are responsible for determining whether a proposed password is acceptable for use and can run checks like ensuring the password meets minimum length requirements, that it has an appropriate range of characters, or that it is not in the history. OpenDJ directory server provides a variety of password validators.

$ dsconfig
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --port 4444
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password

Password Validator                  : Type                : enabled
Attribute Value                     : attribute-value     : true
Character Set                       : character-set       : true
Dictionary                          : dictionary          : false
Length-Based Password Validator     : length-based        : true
Repeated Characters                 : repeated-characters : true
Similarity-Based Password Validator : similarity-based    : true
Unique Characters                   : unique-characters   : true

The password policy for a user specifies the set of password validators that should be used whenever that user provides a new password. By default no password validators are configured. You can see an example setting the Default Password Policy to use the Dictionary validator in Procedure 11.1, "To Adjust the Default Password Policy". The following example shows how to set up a custom password validator and assign it to the default password policy.

The custom password validator ensures passwords meet at least three of the following four criteria. Passwords are composed of:

  • English lowercase characters (a through z)

  • English uppercase characters (A through Z)

  • Base 10 digits (0 through 9)

  • Non-alphabetic characters (for example, !, $, #, %)

Notice how the character-set values are constructed. The initial 0: means the set is optional, whereas 1: would mean the set is required.

$ dsconfig
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --port 4444
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --validator-name "Custom Character Set Password Validator"
 --set allow-unclassified-characters:true
 --set enabled:true
 --set character-set:0:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
 --set character-set:0:0123456789
 --set character-set:0:!\"#\$%&\'\(\)*+,-./:\;\\<=\>?@[\\]^_\`{\|}~
 --set min-character-sets:3
 --type character-set

$ dsconfig
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --port 4444
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --policy-name "Default Password Policy"
 --set password-validator:"Custom Character Set Password Validator"

$ ldappasswordmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --authzID "u:bjensen"
 --newPassword '!ABcd$%^'

In the preceding example, the character set of ASCII punctuation, !\"#\$%&\'\(\)*+,-./:\;\\<=\>?@[\\]^_\`{\|}~, is hard to read because of all the escape characters. In practice it can be easier to enter sequences like that by using dsconfig in interactive mode, and letting it do the escaping for you. You can also use the --commandFilePath {path} option to save the result of your interactive session to a file for use in scripts later.

An attempt to set an invalid password fails as shown in the following example.

$ ldappasswordmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --authzID "u:bjensen"
 --newPassword hifalutin
 The LDAP password modify operation failed with result code 19
Error Message:  The provided new password failed the validation checks defined
in the server:  The provided password did not contain characters from at least
3 of the following character sets or ranges: 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ',
'!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=\>?@[\]^_`{|}~', '0123456789', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'

Validation does not affect existing passwords, but only takes effect when the password is updated.

OpenDJ directory server supports automatic account lockout. The aim of account lockout is not to punish users who mistype their passwords, but instead to protect the directory against attacks in which the attacker attempts to guess a user password, repeatedly attempting to bind until success is achieved.

Account lockout disables a user account after a specified number of successive authentication failures. When you implement account lockout, you can opt to have OpenDJ directory server unlock the account again after a specified interval, or you can leave the account locked until the password is reset.


When you configure account lockout as part of password policy, OpenDJ locks an account after the specified number of consecutive authentication failures. Account lockout is not transactional across a replication topology, however. Under normal circumstances, replication nevertheless propagates lockout quickly. If ever replication is delayed, an attacker with direct access to multiple replicas could try to authenticate up to the specified number of times on each replica before being locked out on all replicas.

This chapter shows you how to set up account lockout policies, and how to intervene manually to lock and unlock accounts.

Account lockout is configured as part of password policy. This section demonstrates configuring account lockout as part of the default password policy. Users are allowed three consecutive failures before being locked out for five minutes. Failures themselves also expire after five minutes.

Change the default password policy to activate lockout using the dsconfig command. As the password policy is part of the server configuration, you must manually apply the changes to each replica in a replication topology.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname `hostname`
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --policy-name "Default Password Policy" 
 --set lockout-failure-count:3
 --set lockout-duration:5m 
 --set lockout-failure-expiration-interval:5m

Users having the default password policy are then locked out after three failed attempts in succession.

$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
 --bindPassword hifalutin
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
mail: bjensen@example.com

$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
 --bindPassword fatfngrs
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
The simple bind attempt failed
Result Code:  49 (Invalid Credentials)
$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
 --bindPassword fatfngrs
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
The simple bind attempt failed
Result Code:  49 (Invalid Credentials)
$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
 --bindPassword fatfngrs
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
The simple bind attempt failed
Result Code:  49 (Invalid Credentials)
$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
 --bindPassword hifalutin
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
The simple bind attempt failed
Result Code:  49 (Invalid Credentials)

This section covers disabling and enabling accounts by using the manage-account command. Password reset is covered in the chapter on performing LDAP operations.

For the following examples, the directory admin user, Kirsten Vaughan, has ds-privilege-name: password-reset, and the following ACI on ou=People,dc=example,dc=com.

(target="ldap:///ou=People,dc=example,dc=com") (targetattr ="*||+")(
version 3.0;acl "Admins can run amok"; allow(all) groupdn =
"ldap:///cn=Directory Administrators,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com";)
  • Set the account status to disabled with the manage-account command.

    $ manage-account
     --port 4444
     --bindDN "uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
     --bindPassword bribery
     --operationValue true
     --targetDN uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
    Account Is Disabled:  true
  • Clear the disabled status using the manage-account command.

    $ manage-account
     --port 4444
     --bindDN "uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
     --bindPassword bribery
     --targetDN uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
    Account Is Disabled:  false

OpenDJ can send mail about account status changes. OpenDJ needs an SMTP server to send messages, and needs templates for the mail it sends. By default, message templates are in English, under /path/to/opendj/config/messages/.

OpenDJ generates notifications only when OpenDJ writes to an entry or evaluates a user entry for authentication. OpenDJ generates account enabled and account disabled notifications when the user account is enabled or disabled with the manage-account command, which writes to the entry. OpenDJ generates password expiration notifications when a user tries to bind.

For example, if you set up OpenDJ to send a notification about password expiration, that notification gets triggered when the user authenticates during the password expiration warning interval. OpenDJ does not automatically scan entries to send password expiry notifications. OpenDJ does implement controls that you can pass in an LDAP search to determine whether a user's password is about to expire. See the appendix on LDAP Controls for a list. You can send notifications then based on the results of your search.

The following steps demonstrate how to set up notifications. Whether OpenDJ sends notifications depends on the settings in the password policy, and on account activity as described above.

  1. Identify the SMTP server to which OpenDJ sends messages.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname `hostname`
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --set smtp-server:smtp.example.com
  2. Set up OpenDJ to be able to mail users about account status.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname `hostname`
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --handler-name "SMTP Handler"
     --set enabled:true
     --set email-address-attribute-type:mail

    Notice that OpenDJ finds the user's mail address on the attribute on the user's entry, specified by email-address-attribute-type.

    You can also configure the message-subject and message-template-file properties. Try interactive mode if you plan to do so.

    You find templates for messages by default under the config/messages directory. You can edit the templates to suit your purposes.

  3. Adjust applicable password policies to use the account status notification handler you configured.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname `hostname`
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --policy-name "Default Password Policy"
     --set account-status-notification-handler:"SMTP Handler"
About Notification Message Templates

When editing the config/messages templates to suit your purposes, you can use the following tokens to have OpenDJ update the message text dynamically.


This token is replaced with the name of the account status notification type for the notification.


This token is replaced with the message for the account status notification.


This token is replaced with the string representation of the DN for the user that is the target of the account status notification.


This token is replaced with the value of the attribute specified by attrname from the user's entry. If the specified attribute has multiple values, then OpenDJ uses the first value encountered. If the specified attribute does not have any values, then OpenDJ replaces it with an emtpy string.


This token is replaced with the value of the specified notification property from the account status notification. If the specified property has multiple values, then OpenDJ uses the first value encountered. If the specified property does not have any values, then OpenDJ replaces it with an emtpy string. Valid propname values include the following.

  • account-unlock-time

  • new-password

  • old-password

  • password-expiration-time

  • password-policy-dn

  • seconds-until-expiration

  • seconds-until-unlock

  • time-until-expiration

  • time-until-unlock

This chapter shows you how to set resource limits that prevent directory clients from using an unfair share of system resources.

Well-written directory client applications limit the scope of their searches with filters that narrow the number of results returned. By default, OpenDJ also only allows users with appropriate privileges to perform unindexed searches.

You can further adjust additional limits on search operations, such as the following.

  • The lookthrough limit defines the maximum number of candidate entries OpenDJ considers when processing a search.

    The default lookthrough limit, set by using the global server property lookthrough-limit, is 5000.

    You can override the limit for a particular user by changing the operational attribute, ds-rlim-lookthrough-limit, on the user's entry.

  • The size limit sets the maximum number of entries returned for a search.

    The default size limit, set by using the global server property size-limit, is 1000.

    You can override the limit for a particular user by changing the operational attribute, ds-rlim-size-limit, on the user's entry.

  • The time limit defines the maximum processing time OpenDJ devotes to a search operation.

    The default time limit, set by using the global server property time-limit, is 1 minute.

    You can override the limit for a particular user by changing the operational attribute, ds-rlim-time-limit, on the user's entry. Times for ds-rlim-time-limit are expressed in seconds.

  • The idle time limit defines how long OpenDJ allows idle connections to remain open.

    No default idle time limit is set. You can set an idle time limit by using the global server property idle-time-limit.

    You can override the limit for a particular user by changing the operational attribute, ds-rlim-idle-time-limit, on the user's entry. Times for ds-rlim-idle-time-limit are expressed in seconds.

  • The maximum number of persistent searches can be set using the global server property max-psearches.

  • Change the user entry to set the limits to override.

    $ cat limit.ldif
    dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    changetype: modify
    add: ds-rlim-size-limit
    ds-rlim-size-limit: 10
    $ ldapmodify
     --port 1389
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --filename limit.ldif
    Processing MODIFY request for uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    MODIFY operation successful for DN uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com

    Now when Babs Jensen performs a search returning more than 10 entries, she sees the following message.

    Result Code:  4 (Size Limit Exceeded)
    Additional Information:  This search operation has sent the maximum of
     10 entries to the client
  1. Create an LDAP subentry to specify the limits using collective attributes.

    $ cat grouplim.ldif 
    dn: cn=Remove Administrator Search Limits,dc=example,dc=com
    objectClass: collectiveAttributeSubentry
    objectClass: extensibleObject
    objectClass: subentry
    objectClass: top
    cn: Remove Administrator Search Limits
    ds-rlim-lookthrough-limit;collective: 0
    ds-rlim-size-limit;collective: 0
    ds-rlim-time-limit;collective: 0
    subtreeSpecification: {base "ou=people", specificationFilter "
     (isMemberOf=cn=Directory Administrators,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com)" }
    $ ldapmodify
     --port 1389
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --filename grouplim.ldif
    Processing ADD request for
     cn=Remove Administrator Search Limits,dc=example,dc=com
    ADD operation successful for DN
     cn=Remove Administrator Search Limits,dc=example,dc=com
  2. Check the results.

    $ ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com uid=kvaughan +|grep ds-rlim
    ds-rlim-lookthrough-limit: 0
    ds-rlim-time-limit: 0
    ds-rlim-size-limit: 0

If you have applications that leave connections open for long periods, OpenDJ can end up devoting resources to maintaining connections that are no longer used. If your network does not drop such connections eventually, you can configure OpenDJ to drop them by setting the global configuration property, idle-time-limit. By default, no idle time limit is set.


OpenDJ does not enforce idle timeout for persistent searches.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --set idle-time-limit:24h

The example shown sets the idle time limit to 24 hours.

The default maximum request size of 5 MB, set using the advanced connection handler property max-request-size, is sufficient to satisfy most client requests. Yet, there are some cases where you might need to raise the request size limit. For example, if clients add groups with large numbers of members, those add requests can go beyond the 5 MB limit.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --handler-name "LDAP Connection Handler"
 --set max-request-size:20mb

The example shown sets the maximum request size on the LDAP connection handler to 20 MB.

OpenDJ supports several methods of grouping entries in the directory. Static groups list their members, whereas dynamic groups look up their membership based on an LDAP filter. OpenDJ also supports virtual static groups, which uses a dynamic group style definition, but allows applications to list group members as if the group were static.

When listing entries in static groups, you must also have a mechanism for removing entries from the list when they are deleted or modified in ways that end their membership. OpenDJ makes that possible with referential integrity functionality.

This chapter demonstrates how to work with groups.


The examples in this chapter assume that an ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com entry already exists. If you imported data from Example.ldif, then you already have the entry. If you generated data during setup and did not create an organizational unit for groups yet, create the entry before you try the examples.

$ ldapmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
dn: ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: organizationalunit
objectClass: top
ou: Groups

Processing ADD request for ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
ADD operation successful for DN ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com

A static group is expressed as an entry that enumerates all the entries that belong to the group. Static group entries grow as their membership increases.

Static group entries can take the standard object class groupOfNames where each member attribute value is a distinguished name of an entry, or groupOfUniqueNames where each uniqueMember attribute value has Name and Optional UID syntax.[8] Like other LDAP attributes, member and uniqueMember attributes take sets of unique values.

Static group entries can also have the object class groupOfEntries, which is like groupOfNames except that it is designed to allow groups not to have members.

When creating a group entry, use groupOfNames or groupOfEntries where possible.

To create a static group, add a group entry such as the following to the directory.

$ cat static.ldif 
dn: cn=My Static Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
cn: My Static Group
objectClass: groupOfNames
objectClass: top
ou: Groups
member: uid=ahunter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=tmorris,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com

$ ldapmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --filename static.ldif 
Processing ADD request for cn=My Static Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
ADD operation successful for DN cn=My Static Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com

To change group membership, modify the values of the membership attribute.

$ cat add2grp.ldif 
dn: cn=My Static Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
add: member
member: uid=scarter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com

$ ldapmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --filename add2grp.ldif 
Processing MODIFY request for cn=My Static Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
MODIFY operation successful for DN
 cn=My Static Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
 "(cn=My Static Group)"
dn: cn=My Static Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
ou: Groups
objectClass: groupOfNames
objectClass: top
member: uid=ahunter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=tmorris,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=scarter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
cn: My Static Group

RFC 4519 says a groupOfNames entry must have at least one member. Although OpenDJ allows you to create a groupOfNames without members, strictly speaking that behavior is not standard. Alternatively, you can use the groupOfEntries object class as shown in the following example.

$ cat group-of-entries.ldif
dn: cn=Initially Empty Static Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
cn: Initially Empty Static Group
objectClass: groupOfEntries
objectClass: top
ou: Groups

$ ldapmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --filename group-of-entries.ldif
Processing ADD request for
 cn=Initially Empty Static Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
ADD operation successful for DN
 cn=Initially Empty Static Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
$ cat add-members.ldif
# Now add some members to the group.
dn: cn=Initially Empty Static Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
add: member
member: uid=ahunter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=tmorris,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=scarter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com

$ ldapmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --filename add-members.ldif
Processing MODIFY request for
 cn=Initially Empty Static Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
MODIFY operation successful for DN
 cn=Initially Empty Static Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com

A dynamic group specifies members using LDAP URLs. Dynamic groups entries can stay small even as their membership increases.

Dynamic group entries take the groupOfURLs object class, with one or more memberURL values specifying LDAP URLs to identify group members.

To create a dynamic group, add a group entry such as the following to the directory.

The following example builds a dynamic group of entries effectively matching the filter "(l=Cupertino)" (users whose location is Cupertino). Change the filter if your data is different, and so no entries have l: Cupertino.

$ cat dynamic.ldif
dn: cn=My Dynamic Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
cn: My Dynamic Group
objectClass: top
objectClass: groupOfURLs
ou: Groups
memberURL: ldap:///ou=People,dc=example,dc=com??sub?l=Cupertino

$ ldapmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --filename dynamic.ldif 
Processing ADD request for cn=My Dynamic Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
ADD operation successful for DN cn=My Dynamic Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com

Group membership changes dynamically as entries change to match the memberURL values.

$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
 "(&(uid=*jensen)(isMemberOf=cn=My Dynamic Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com))"
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
mail: bjensen@example.com

dn: uid=rjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
mail: rjensen@example.com

$ ldapmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
dn: uid=ajensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
replace: l
l: Cupertino

Processing MODIFY request for uid=ajensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
MODIFY operation successful for DN uid=ajensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
 "(&(uid=*jensen)(isMemberOf=cn=My Dynamic Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com))"
dn: uid=ajensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
mail: ajensen@example.com

dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
mail: bjensen@example.com

dn: uid=rjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
mail: rjensen@example.com

OpenDJ lets you create virtual static groups, which let applications see dynamic groups as what appear to be static groups.

The virtual static group takes auxiliary object class ds-virtual-static-group. Virtual static groups also take either the object class groupOfNames, or groupOfUniqueNames, but instead of having member or uniqueMember attributes, have ds-target-group-dn attributes pointing to other groups.

Generating the list of members can be resource intensive for large groups, so by default you cannot retrieve the list of members. You can change this with the dsconfig command by setting the Virtual Static member or Virtual Static uniqueMember property.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --name "Virtual Static member"
 --set allow-retrieving-membership:true

The following example creates a virtual static group, and reads the group entry with all members.

$ cat virtual.ldif 
dn: cn=Virtual Static,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
cn: Virtual Static
objectclass: top
objectclass: groupOfNames
objectclass: ds-virtual-static-group
ds-target-group-dn: cn=My Dynamic Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com

$ ldapmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --filename virtual.ldif
Processing ADD request for cn=Virtual Static,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
ADD operation successful for DN cn=Virtual Static,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
$ ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com "(cn=Virtual Static)"
dn: cn=Virtual Static,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: groupOfNames
objectClass: ds-virtual-static-group
objectClass: top
member: uid=jwalker,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=jmuffly,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=tlabonte,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=dakers,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=jreuter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=rfisher,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=pshelton,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=rjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=jcampaig,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=mjablons,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=mlangdon,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=aknutson,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=bplante,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=awalker,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=smason,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=ewalker,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=dthorud,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=btalbot,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=tcruse,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=kcarter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=aworrell,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=ajensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=cwallace,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=mwhite,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=kschmith,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=mtalbot,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=tschmith,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=gfarmer,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=speterso,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=prose,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=jbourke,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=mtyler,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=abergin,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=mschneid,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
cn: Virtual Static
ds-target-group-dn: cn=My Dynamic Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com

OpenDJ lets you look up which groups a user belongs to by using the isMemberOf attribute.

$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
isMemberOf: cn=My Static Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
isMemberOf: cn=Virtual Static,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
isMemberOf: cn=My Dynamic Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com

You must request isMemberOf explicitly.

When you delete or rename an entry that belongs to static groups, that entry's DN must be removed or changed in the list of each group to which it belongs. You can configure OpenDJ to resolve membership on your behalf after the change operation succeeds by enabling referential integrity.

Referential integrity functionality is implemented as a plugin. The referential integrity plugin is disabled by default. To enable the plugin, use the dsconfig command.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --plugin-name "Referential Integrity"
 --set enabled:true
 --trustAll --no-prompt

With the plugin enabled, you can see OpenDJ referential integrity resolving group membership automatically.

$ ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com "(cn=My Static Group)"
dn: cn=My Static Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
ou: Groups
objectClass: groupOfNames
objectClass: top
member: uid=ahunter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=tmorris,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=scarter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
cn: My Static Group

$ ldapdelete
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
Processing DELETE request for uid=scarter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
DELETE operation successful for DN uid=scarter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
$ ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com "(cn=My Static Group)"
dn: cn=My Static Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
ou: Groups
objectClass: groupOfNames
objectClass: top
cn: My Static Group
member: uid=ahunter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=tmorris,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com

By default the referential integrity plugin is configured to manage member and uniqueMember attributes. These attributes take values that are DNs, and are indexed for equality by default. Before you add an additional attribute to manage, make sure that it has DN syntax and that it is indexed for equality. OpenDJ requires that the attribute be indexed because an unindexed search for integrity would potentially consume too many of the server's resources. Attribute syntax is explained in the chapter on Managing Schema. For instructions on indexing attributes, see the section on Configuring & Rebuilding Indexes.

You can also configure the referential integrity plugin to check that new entries added to groups actually exist in the directory by setting the check-references property to true. You can specify additional criteria once you have activated the check. To ensure that entries added must match a filter, set the check-references-filter-criteria to identify the attribute and the filter. For example, you can specify that group members must be person entries by setting check-references-filter-criteria to member:(objectclass=person). To ensure that entries must be located in the same naming context, set check-references-scope-criteria to naming-context.

[8] Name and Optional UID syntax values are a DN optionally followed by #BitString. The BitString, such as '0101111101'B, serves to distinguish the entry from another entry having the same DN, which can occur when the original entry was deleted and a new entry created with the same DN.

Some attribute values ought to remain unique. If you are using uid values as RDNs to distinguish between millions of user entries stored under ou=People, then you do not want your directory to contain two or more identical uid values. If your credit card or mobile number is stored as an attribute value on your directory entry, you certainly do not want to share that credit card or mobile number with another customer. The same is true for your email address.

The difficulty for you as directory administrator lies in implementing attribute value uniqueness without sacrificing the high availability that comes from using OpenDJ's loosely consistent, multi-master data replication. Indeed OpenDJ's replication model lets you maintain write access during network outages for directory applications. Yet, write access during a network outage can result in the same, theoretically unique attribute value getting assigned to two different entries at once. You do not notice the problem until the network outage goes away and replication resumes.

This chapter shows you how to set up attribute value uniqueness in your directory environment.

OpenDJ provides a unique attribute plugin that you configure by using the dsconfig command. By default, the plugin is prepared to ensure attribute values are unique for uid attributes.

  1. Set the base DN where uid should have unique values, and enable the plugin.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --plugin-name "UID Unique Attribute"
     --set base-dn:ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
     --set enabled:true

    Alternatively, you can specify multiple base DNs for unique values across multiple suffixes.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDn "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --plugin-name "UID Unique Attribute"
     --set enabled:true
     --add base-dn:ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
     --add base-dn:ou=people,dc=example,dc=org
  2. Check that the plugin is working correctly.

    $ cat bjensen.ldif 
    dn: uid=ajensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    changetype: modify
    add: uid
    uid: bjensen
    $ ldapmodify
     --port 1389
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --filename bjensen.ldif
    Processing MODIFY request for uid=ajensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    MODIFY operation failed
    Result Code:  19 (Constraint Violation)
    Additional Information:  A unique attribute conflict was detected for \
     attribute uid:  value bjensen already exists in entry

    If you have set up multiple suffixes, you might try something like this.

    $ cat bjensen.ldif 
    dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=org
    objectClass: top
    objectClass: person
    objectClass: organizationalPerson
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    cn: Babs
    sn: Jensen
    uid: bjensen
    $ ldapmodify
     --port 1389
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --filename bjensen.ldif
    Processing ADD request for uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=org
    ADD operation failed
    Result Code:  19 (Constraint Violation)
    Additional Information:  A unique attribute conflict was detected for attribute
     uid:  value bjensen already exists in entry

You can also configure the unique attribute plugin for use with other attributes, such as mail, mobile, or attributes you define, for example cardNumber.

  1. Before you set up the plugin, index the attribute for equality.

  2. Set up the plugin configuration for your attribute.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --plugin-name "Unique mobile numbers"
     --type unique-attribute
     --set enabled:true
     --set base-dn:ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
     --set type:mobile
  3. Check that the plugin is working correctly.

    $ cat mobile.ldif
    dn: uid=ajensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    changetype: modify
    add: mobile
    mobile: +1 828 555 1212
    dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    changetype: modify
    add: mobile
    mobile: +1 828 555 1212
    $ ldapmodify
     --port 1389
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --filename mobile.ldif 
    Processing MODIFY request for uid=ajensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    MODIFY operation successful for DN uid=ajensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    Processing MODIFY request for uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    MODIFY operation failed
    Result Code:  19 (Constraint Violation)
    Additional Information:  A unique attribute conflict was detected for
     attribute mobile:  value +1 828 555 1212 already exists in entry

The unique attribute plugin ensures unique attribute values on the directory server where the attribute value is updated. If client applications separately write the same attribute value at the same time on different directory replicas, it is possible that both servers consider the duplicate value unique, especially if the network is down between the replicas.

  1. Enable the plugin identically on all replicas.

  2. To avoid duplicate values where possible, try one of the following solutions.

    • Use a load balancer or proxy technology to direct all updates to the unique attribute to the same directory server.

      The drawback here is the need for an additional component to direct the updates to the same server, and to manage failover should that server go down.

    • Configure safe read mode assured replication between replicas storing the unique attribute.

      The drawbacks here are the cost of safe read assured replication, and the likelihood that assured replication can enter degraded mode during a network outage, thus continuing to allow updates during the outage.

Schema definitions describe the data, and especially the object classes and attribute types that can be stored in the directory. By default OpenDJ conforms strictly to LDAPv3 standards pertaining to schema definitions and attribute syntax checking, ensuring that data stored is valid and properly formed. Unless your data use only standard schema present in OpenDJ when you install, then you must add additional schema definitions to account the data your applications stored.

Out of the box, OpenDJ comes with many standard schema definitions. In addition you can update and extend schema definitions while OpenDJ is online. As a result you can add new applications requiring additional data without stopping your directory service.

This chapter demonstrates how to change and to extend OpenDJ schema. This chapter also identifies the standard schema definitions available when you install OpenDJ.

Directory schema, described in RFC 4512, define the kinds of information you find in the directory, and can define how the information are related. This chapter focuses primarily on two types of directory schema definitions.

  • Attribute type definitions describe attributes of directory entries, such as givenName or mail.

    Here is an example of an attribute type definition.

    # Attribute type definition
    attributeTypes: ( 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3 NAME ( 'mail' 'rfc822Mailbox' )
      EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SUBSTR caseIgnoreIA5SubstringsMatch
      SYNTAX{256} X-ORIGIN 'RFC 4524' )

    Attribute type definitions start with an object identifier (OID), and generally a short name or names that are easier to remember than the OID. The attribute type definition can specify how attribute values should be collated for sorting, and what syntax they use. The X-ORIGIN is an extension to identify where the definition originated. When you define your one schema, you likely want to provide an X-ORIGIN to help you to track versions of definitions, and where the definitions came from.

  • Object class definitions identify the attribute types that an entry must have, and may have. Examples of object classes include person and organizationalUnit.

    Here is an example of an object class definition.

    # Object class definition
    objectClasses: ( NAME 'person' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ( sn $ cn )
      MAY ( userPassword $ telephoneNumber $ seeAlso $ description )
      X-ORIGIN 'RFC 4519' )

    Entries all have an attribute identifying their object classes, called objectClass.

    Object class definitions start with an object identifier (OID), and generally a short name that is easier to remember than the OID. The definition here says that the person object class inherits from the top object class, which is the top-level parent of all object classes. When you view the objectclass attribute values on an entry, you see the list of object classes that the entry takes. An entry can have one STRUCTURAL object class inheritance branch, such as top - person - organizationalPerson - inetOrgPerson. Yet entries can have multiple AUXILIARY object classes. The object class then defines the attribute types that must be included, and the attribute types that may be included on entries having the object class.

  • An attribute syntax constrains what directory clients can store as attribute values.

    An attribute syntax is identified in an attribute type definition by its OID. String-based syntax OIDs are optionally followed by a number, set between braces, that represents a minimum upper bound on the number of characters in the attribute value. For example, in the attribute type definition shown above, the syntax is{256}. The syntax is an IA5 string (composed of characters from the international version of the ASCII character set) that can contain at least 256 characters.

    You can find a table matching attribute syntax OIDs with their human-readable names in RFC 4517, Appendix A. Summary of Syntax Object Identifiers. The RFC describes attribute syntaxes in detail. Alternatively, you can see the attribute syntaxes that OpenDJ supports by opening the OpenDJ Control Panel and browsing to Schema > Manage Schema > Attribute Syntaxes. You can also list them by using the dsconfig command.

    Although attribute syntaxes are often specified in attribute type definitions, directory servers do not always check that attribute values comply with attribute syntaxes. OpenDJ directory server does tend to enforce compliance by default, in particular for certificates, country strings, directory strings, JPEG photos, and telephone numbers. The aim is to avoid accumulating garbage in your directory data.

    If you are trying unsuccessfully to import non-compliant data from a more lenient directory server, you can either clean the data before importing it, or if cleaning the data is not an option, read Section 16.3, "Relaxing Schema Checking to Import Legacy Data".

    When creating your own attribute type definitions, use existing attribute syntaxes where possible. If you must create your own attribute syntax, then consider the extensions in Extensions for Attribute Syntax Descriptions.

  • Matching rules determine how the directory server compares attribute values to assertion values for LDAP search and LDAP compare operations.

    For example, suppose you search with the filter (uid=bjensen). The assertion value in this case is bjensen.

    OpenDJ has the following schema definition for the user ID attribute.

    attributeTypes: ( 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1 NAME ( 'uid' 'userid' )
     EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
     SYNTAX{256} X-ORIGIN 'RFC 4519' )

    When finding an equality match for your search, OpenDJ uses the caseIgnoreMatch matching rule to check for user ID attribute values that equal bjensen without regard to case.

    You can see the matching rules that OpenDJ supports by opening the OpenDJ Control Panel and browsing to Schema > Manage Schema > Matching Rules. Notice that many matching rules support string collation in languages other than English. You can also list matching rules by using the dsconfig command.

    As you can read in examples like, Search: List Active Accounts, OpenDJ matching rules enable directory clients to do more interesting searches than simply comparing strings. That example shows how to search for users who have authenticated in the last three months.

OpenDJ exposes schema over protocol through the cn=schema entry. OpenDJ stores the schema definitions corresponding to the entry in LDIF under the config/schema/ directory. Many standard definitions and definitions pertaining to the server configuration are included at installation time.

OpenDJ directory server is designed to permit updating the list of directory schema definitions while the server is running. As a result you can add support for new applications that require new attributes or new kinds of entries without interrupting the directory service. OpenDJ also replicates schema definitions, so the schema you add on one replica are propagated to other replicas without you having to intervene manually.

As it is easy to introduce typos into schema definitions, the best way to start defining your own schema is with the OpenDJ Control Panel. Open the Control Panel > Schema > Manage Schema window to get started creating your custom object classes and attribute types.

As object classes reference attribute types, you first create custom attribute types, and then create the object class that references the attribute types.

Create a custom attribute type through the New Attribute window.

Using the New Object Class window, create an auxiliary object class that allows your new custom attribute type. You set the type to Auxiliary under Extra Options.

When you finish, the schema changes show up by default in the file config/schema/99-user.ldif. Notice that the file name starts with a number, 99. This number is larger than the numbers prefixing other schema file names. In fact, OpenDJ reads the schema files in sorted order, reading schema definitions as they occur. If OpenDJ reads a schema definition for an object class before it has read the definitions of the attribute types mentioned in the object class definition, then it displays an error. Therefore, when naming your schema file, make sure the name appears in the sorted list of file names after all the schema files containing definitions that your schema definitions depends on. The default file name for your schema, 99-user.ldif, ensures that your definitions load only after all of the schema files installed by default.

You can create this file in the lab using the Control Panel, and then apply the definitions in production by adapting the content for use with the ldapmodify command, for example.

$ cat config/schema/99-user.ldif 
dn: cn=schema
objectClass: top
objectClass: ldapSubentry
objectClass: subschema
cn: schema
attributeTypes: ( temporary-fake-attr-id NAME 'myCustomAttribute' EQUALITY case
 IgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstrings
 Match SYNTAX USAGE userApplications )
objectClasses: ( temporary-fake-oc-id NAME 'myCustomObjClass
 ' SUP top AUXILIARY MAY myCustomAttribute )
modifiersName: cn=Directory Manager,cn=Root DNs,cn=config
modifyTimestamp: 20110620095948Z

To test your schema definition, add the object class and attribute to an entry.

$ cat custom-attr.ldif 
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
add: objectClass
objectClass: myCustomObjClass
add: myCustomAttribute
myCustomAttribute: Testing 1, 2, 3...

$ ldapmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --filename custom-attr.ldif
Processing MODIFY request for uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
MODIFY operation successful for DN uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
myCustomAttribute: Testing 1, 2, 3...

In addition to supporting the standard schema definitions that are described in RFC 4512, section 4.1, OpenDJ also supports the following extensions that you can use when adding your own definitions.

Extensions for All Schema Definitions

Used to specify the origin of a schema element. Examples include X-ORIGIN 'RFC 4519', X-ORIGIN 'draft-ietf-ldup-subentry', and X-ORIGIN 'OpenDJ Directory Server'.


Used to specify the relative path to the schema file containing the schema element such as X-SCHEMA-FILE '00-core.ldif'. Schema definitions are located by default in /path/to/opendj/config/schema/*.ldif files.

Extensions for Attribute Syntax Descriptions

Used to define a syntax that is an enumeration of values. The following attribute syntax description defines a syntax allowing four possible attribute values for example.

ldapSyntaxes: ( security-label-syntax-oid DESC 'Security Label'
 X-ENUM ( 'top-secret' 'secret' 'confidential' 'unclassified' ) )

Used to define a syntax based on a regular expression pattern, where valid regular expressions are those defined for java.util.regex.Pattern. The following attribute syntax description defines a simple, lenient SIP phone URI syntax check.

ldapSyntaxes: ( simple-sip-uri-syntax-oid DESC 'Lenient SIP URI Syntax'
 X-PATTERN '^sip:[a-zA-Z0-9.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.]+(:[0-9]+)?$' )

Used as a fallback to substitute a defined syntax for one that OpenDJ does not implement. The following example substitutes Directory String syntax, which has OID, for a syntax that OpenDJ does not implement.

ldapSyntaxes: ( non-implemented-syntax-oid DESC 'Not Implemented in OpenDJ'
 X-SUBST '' )
Extension for Attribute Type Descriptions

X-APPROX is used to specify the approximate matching rule to use for a given attribute type when not using the default, which is the double metaphone approximate match.

By default, OpenDJ accepts data that follows the standards in terms of what is allowed and what is rejected. You might have legacy data from a directory service that is more lenient, allowing non-standard constructions such as multiple structural object classes per entry, not checking attribute value syntax, or even not respecting schema definitions.

For example, when importing data with multiple structural object classes defined per entry, you can relax schema checking to warn rather than reject entries having this issue.

$ dsconfig
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --port 4444
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --set single-structural-objectclass-behavior:warn

You can allow attribute values that do not respect the defined syntax with the dsconfig command as well.

$ dsconfig
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --port 4444
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --set invalid-attribute-syntax-behavior:warn

You can even turn off schema checking altogether, although turning off schema checking only really makes sense when you are absolutely sure that the entries and attribute values respect the schema definitions, and you simply want to turn off schema checking temporarily to speed up import processing.

$ dsconfig
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --port 4444
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --set check-schema:false

The following files under config/schema/ contain schema definitions out of the box.


This file contains a core set of attribute type and objectlass definitions from several standard LDAP documents, including draft-ietf-boreham-numsubordinates, draft-findlay-ldap-groupofentries, draft-furuseth-ldap-untypedobject, draft-good-ldap-changelog, draft-ietf-ldup-subentry, draft-wahl-ldap-adminaddr, RFC 1274, RFC 2079, RFC 2256, RFC 2798, RFC 3045, RFC 3296, RFC 3671, RFC 3672, RFC 4512, RFC 4519, RFC 4523, RFC 4524, RFC 4530, RFC 5020, and X.501.


This file contains schema definitions from draft-behera-ldap-password-policy, which defines a mechanism for storing password policy information in an LDAP directory server.


This file contains the attribute type and objectclass definitions for use with the directory server configuration.


This file contains schema definitions from draft-good-ldap-changelog, which defines a mechanism for storing information about changes to directory server data.


This file contains schema definitions from RFC 2713, which defines a mechanism for storing serialized Java objects in the directory server.


This file contains schema definitions from RFC 2714, which defines a mechanism for storing CORBA objects in the directory server.


This file contains schema definitions from RFC 2739, which defines a mechanism for storing calendar and vCard objects in the directory server. Note that the definition in RFC 2739 contains a number of errors, and this schema file has been altered from the standard definition in order to fix a number of those problems.


This file contains schema definitions from RFC 2926, which defines a mechanism for mapping between Service Location Protocol (SLP) advertisements and LDAP.


This file contains schema definitions from RFC 3112, which defines the authentication password schema.


This file contains schema definitions from RFC 3712, which defines a mechanism for storing printer information in the directory server.


This file contains schema definitions from RFC 4403, which defines a mechanism for storing UDDIv3 information in the directory server.


This file contains schema definitions from the draft-howard-rfc2307bis specification, used to store naming service information in the directory server.


This file contains schema definitions from RFC 4876, which defines a schema for storing Directory User Agent (DUA) profiles and preferences in the directory server.


This file contains schema definitions required when storing Samba user accounts in the directory server.


This file contains schema definitions required for Solaris and OpenSolaris LDAP naming services.


This file contains the attribute type and objectclass definitions for use with the directory server configuration.

Referrals point directory clients to another directory container, which can be another directory server running elsewhere, or another container on the same server. The client receiving a referral must then connect to the other container to complete the request.


Some clients follow referrals on your behalf by default. The OpenDJ ldapsearch command does not follow referrals.

Referrals are used for example when a some directory data are temporarily unavailable due to maintenance. Referrals can also be used when a container holds only some of the directory data for a suffix and points to other containers for branches whose data is not available locally.

This chapter demonstrates how to add and remove referrals with the ldapmodify command. You can also use the Manage Entries window of the Control Panel to handle referrals.

Referrals are implemented as entries with LDAP URL ref attribute values that point elsewhere. The ref attribute type is required by the referral object class. The referral object class is structural, however, and therefore cannot by default be added to an entry that already has a structural object class defined. When adding a ref attribute type to an existing entry, you can use the extensibleObject auxiliary object class.

When a referral is set, OpenDJ returns the referral to client applications requesting the entry or child entries affected. Client applications must be capable of following the referral returned. When the directory server responds for example to your search with referrals to one or more LDAP URLs, your client then constructs new searches from the LDAP URLs returned, and tries again.

To create an LDAP referral either you create a referral entry, or you add the extensibleObject object class and the ref attribute with an LDAP URL to an existing entry. This section demonstrates use of the latter approach.

$ cat referral.ldif 
dn: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
add: objectClass
objectClass: extensibleObject
add: ref
ref: ldap://opendj.example.com:2389/ou=People,dc=example,dc=com

$ ldapmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --filename referral.ldif
Processing MODIFY request for ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
MODIFY operation successful for DN ou=People,dc=example,dc=com

The example above adds a referral to ou=People,dc=example,dc=com. OpenDJ can now return a referral for operations under the People organizational unit.

$ ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com uid=bjensen description


$ ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com ou=people


To access the entry instead of the referral, use the Manage DSAIT control.

$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
 --control ManageDSAIT:true
dn: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
ref: ldap://opendj.example.com:2389/ou=People,dc=example,dc=com

$ cat people.ldif 
dn: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
delete: ref
ref: ldap://opendj.example.com:2389/ou=People,dc=example,dc=com

$ ldapmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --filename people.ldif 
Processing MODIFY request for ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
MODIFY operation successful for DN ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
A referral entry ou=People,dc=example,dc=com indicates that the operation must
 be processed at a different server
$ ldapmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --control ManageDSAIT
 --filename people.ldif
Processing MODIFY request for ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
MODIFY operation successful for DN ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
$ ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com ou=people
dn: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
ou: People
objectClass: organizationalunit
objectClass: extensibleObject
objectClass: top

The example above shows how to remove the referral using the Manage DSAIT control with the ldapmodify command.

OpenDJ supports virtual attributes with dynamically generated values. Virtual attributes are used by the server. You can also define your own. OpenDJ also supports standard collective attributes as described in RFC 3671, allowing entries to share common, read-only attribute values.

This chapter demonstrates how to define virtual and collective attributes, showing common solutions as examples of their use.

OpenDJ defines a number of virtual attributes by default.


The value is the DN of the entry.


Provides a universally unique identifier for the entry.


Entity tag as defined in RFC 2616, useful for checking whether an entry has changed since you last read it from the directory.


Boolean. Whether the entry has children.


Provides the number of direct child entries.


Identifies groups the entry belongs to.

By default OpenDJ generates isMemberOf on user entries (entries that have the object class person), and on group entries (entries that have the object class groupOfNames, groupOfUniqueNames, or groupOfEntries). You can change this by editing the filter property of the isMemberOf virtual attribute configuration.


Generated for virtual static groups.


Generated for virtual static groups.


Identifies the password policy that applies to the entry.

By default OpenDJ assigns root DN users the password policy with DN cn=Root Password Policy,cn=Password Policies,cn=config and regular users the password policy with DN cn=Default Password Policy,cn=Password Policies,cn=config. See Configuring Password Policy for information on configuring and assigning password policies.


References the schema definitions.


References applicable collective attribute definitions.


References the rule on what type of subordinates the entry can have.


References the structural object class for the entry.

These virtual attributes are typically operational, so you get them back from a search only when you request them.

$ ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com dc=example
dn: dc=example,dc=com
dc: example
objectClass: domain
objectClass: top

$ ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com dc=example numSubordinates
dn: dc=example,dc=com
numSubordinates: 4

You can use the existing virtual attribute types to create your own virtual attributes, and you can also use the user-defined type to create your own. The virtual attribute is defined by the server configuration, which is not replicated.

$ dsconfig
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --port 4444
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --name "Served By Description"
 --type user-defined
 --set enabled:true
 --set attribute-type:description
 --set base-dn:dc=example,dc=com
 --set value:"Served by OpenDJ.Example.com"
$ ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com uid=bjensen description
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
description: Served by OpenDJ.Example.com

Collective attributes cover many use cases better than virtual attributes.

Collective attributes provide a standard mechanism for defining attributes that appear on all the entries in a subtree potentially filtered by object class. Standard collective attribute type names have the prefix c-.

OpenDJ extends collective attributes to make them easier to use. You can define any OpenDJ attribute as collective using the ;collective attribute option. You can use LDAP filters in your subtree specification for fine-grained control over which entries have the collective attributes.

You can have entries inherit attributes from other entries using collective attributes. You establish the relationship between entries either by specifying another attribute of the entry that specifies the DN of the entry from which to inherit the attributes, or by specifying how to construct the RDN of the entry from which to inherit the attributes.

To Add Privileges For a Group of Administrators demonstrates setting administrative privileges in OpenDJ using collective attributes. The following examples demonstrate additional ways to use collective attributes in OpenDJ.

This example defines attributes that specify services available to a user depending on that user's service level.


The following example depends on the cos object class, and the classOfService attribute type defined but commented out in the Example.ldif file imported as sample data. To try this example for yourself, add the attribute type and object class definitions in comments near the top of the file, and then uncomment the objectClass: cos and classOfService attribute lines in Example.ldif before importing the data into OpenDJ.

This example positions collective attributes that depend on the classOfService attribute values.

  • For entries with classOfService: bronze, mailQuota is set to 1 GB, and diskQuota is set to 10 GB.

  • For entries with classOfService: silver, mailQuota is set to 5 GB, and diskQuota is set to 50 GB.

  • For entries with classOfService: gold, mailQuota is set to 10 GB, and diskQuota is set to 100 GB.

You define collective attributes in the user data using a subentry. In other words, collective attributes can be replicated. Collective attributes use attributes defined in the directory schema. First, add the mailQuote and diskQuota attributes, and adjust the definition of the cos object class to allow the two quota attributes.

$ cat quotas.ldif 
dn: cn=schema
changetype: modify
add: attributeTypes
attributeTypes: ( example-class-of-service-attribute-type NAME 'classOfService
 ' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnore
 Applications X-ORIGIN 'OpenDJ Documentation Examples' )
add: attributeTypes
attributeTypes: ( example-class-of-service-disk-quota NAME 'diskQuota
 ' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR case
 IgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX USAGE user
 Applications X-ORIGIN 'OpenDJ Documentation Examples' )
add: attributeTypes
attributeTypes: ( example-class-of-service-mail-quota NAME 'mailQuota
 ' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR case
 IgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX USAGE user
 Applications X-ORIGIN 'OpenDJ Documentation Examples' )
add: objectClasses
objectClasses: ( example-class-of-service-object-class NAME 'cos' SUP top AUX
 ILIARY MAY ( classOfService $ diskQuota $ mailQuota ) X-ORIGIN 'OpenDJ Doc
 umentation Examples' )

$ ldapmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --filename quotas.ldif
Processing MODIFY request for cn=schema
MODIFY operation successful for DN cn=schema

Use the following collective attribute definitions to set the quotas depending on class of service.

# cos.ldif: quotas by class of service
dn: cn=Bronze Class of Service,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: collectiveAttributeSubentry
objectClass: extensibleObject
objectClass: subentry
objectClass: top
cn: Bronze Class of Service
diskQuota;collective: 10 GB
mailQuota;collective: 1 GB
subtreeSpecification: { base "ou=People", specificationFilter "(classOfService=
 bronze)" }

dn: cn=Silver Class of Service,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: collectiveAttributeSubentry
objectClass: extensibleObject
objectClass: subentry
objectClass: top
cn: Silver Class of Service
diskQuota;collective: 50 GB
mailQuota;collective: 5 GB
subtreeSpecification: { base "ou=People", specificationFilter "(classOfService=
 silver)" }

dn: cn=Gold Class of Service,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: collectiveAttributeSubentry
objectClass: extensibleObject
objectClass: subentry
objectClass: top
cn: Gold Class of Service
diskQuota;collective: 100 GB
mailQuota;collective: 10 GB
subtreeSpecification: { base "ou=People", specificationFilter "(classOfService=
 gold)" }

You can add the collective attribute subentries by using the ldapmodify command.

$ ldapmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --filename cos.ldif
Processing ADD request for cn=Bronze Class of Service,dc=example,dc=com
ADD operation successful for DN cn=Bronze Class of Service,dc=example,dc=com
Processing ADD request for cn=Silver Class of Service,dc=example,dc=com
ADD operation successful for DN cn=Silver Class of Service,dc=example,dc=com
Processing ADD request for cn=Gold Class of Service,dc=example,dc=com
ADD operation successful for DN cn=Gold Class of Service,dc=example,dc=com

With the collective attributes defined, you can see the results on user entries.

$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
 classOfService mailQuota diskQuota
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
mailQuota: 1 GB
classOfService: bronze
diskQuota: 10 GB

$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
 classOfService mailQuota diskQuota
dn: uid=kvaughan,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
mailQuota: 5 GB
classOfService: silver
diskQuota: 50 GB

$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
 classOfService mailQuota diskQuota
dn: uid=scarter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
mailQuota: 10 GB
classOfService: gold
diskQuota: 100 GB

This example demonstrates how to have OpenDJ set an employee's department number using the manager's department number. To try the example, first import Example.ldif into OpenDJ in order to load the appropriate sample data.

For this example the relationship between employee entries and manager entries is based on the manager attributes on employee entries. Each manager attribute on an employee's entry specifies the DN of the manager's entry. OpenDJ retrieves the department number from the manager's entry to populate the attribute on the employee's entry.

The collective attribute subentry that specifies the relationship looks like this:

dn: cn=Inherit Department Number From Manager,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: subentry
objectClass: inheritedCollectiveAttributeSubentry
objectClass: inheritedFromDNCollectiveAttributeSubentry
cn: Inherit Department Number From Manager
subtreeSpecification: { base "ou=People" }
inheritFromDNAttribute: manager
inheritAttribute: departmentNumber

This entry specifies that users inherit department number from their manager.

As seen in Example.ldif, Babs Jensen's manager is Torrey Rigden.

dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
manager: uid=trigden, ou=People, dc=example,dc=com

Torrey's department number is 3001.

dn: uid=trigden,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
departmentNumber: 3001

Babs inherits her department number from Torrey.

$ ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com uid=bjensen
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
departmentNumber: 3001

This example demonstrates how to have OpenDJ set a user's language preferences and street address based on locality. To try the example, first import Example.ldif into OpenDJ in order to load the appropriate sample data.

For this example the relationship between entries is based on locality. The collective attribute subentry specifies how to construct the RDN of the object holding the attribute values to inherit.

dn: cn=Inherit From Locality,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: subentry
objectClass: inheritedCollectiveAttributeSubentry
objectClass: inheritedFromRDNCollectiveAttributeSubentry
cn: Inherit From Locality
subtreeSpecification: { base "ou=People" }
inheritFromBaseRDN: ou=Locations
inheritFromRDNAttribute: l
inheritFromRDNType: l
inheritAttribute: preferredLanguage
inheritAttribute: street
collectiveConflictBehavior: real-overrides-virtual

This specifies that the RDN of the entry from which to inherit attributes is like l=localityName,ou=Locations, where localityName is the value of the l (localityName) attribute on the user's entry.

In other words, if the user's entry has l: Bristol, then the RDN of the entry from which to inherit attributes starts with l=Bristol,ou=Locations. The actual entry looks like this:

dn: l=Bristol,ou=Locations,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: locality
objectClass: extensibleObject
l: Bristol
street: 60 Queen Square
preferredLanguage: en-gb

The subentry also specifies two attributes to inherit for preferred language and street address.

The object class extensibleObject is added to allow the entry to take a preferred language.[9]

Notice the last line of the collective attribute subentry:

collectiveConflictBehavior: real-overrides-virtual

This line says that if a collective attribute clashes with a real attribute, the real value takes precedence over the virtual, collective value. You can also set collectiveConflictBehavior to virtual-overrides-real for the opposite precedence, or to merge-real-and-virtual to keep both sets of values.

Here, users can set their own language preferences. When users set language preferences manually, the collective attribute subentry is configured to give the user's settings precedence over the locality-based setting, which is only a default guess.

Sam Carter is located in Bristol. Sam has specified no preferred languages.

dn: uid=scarter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
l: Bristol

Sam inherits both the street address and also preferred language from the Bristol locality.

$ ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com uid=scarter
 preferredLanguage street
dn: uid=scarter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
preferredLanguage: en-gb
street: 60 Queen Square

Babs's locality is San Francisco. Babs prefers English, but also knows Korean.

dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
preferredLanguage: en, ko;q=0.8
l: San Francisco

Babs inherits the street address from the San Francisco locality, but keeps her language preferences.

$ ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com uid=bjensen
 preferredLanguage street
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
preferredLanguage: en, ko;q=0.8
street: 500 3rd Street

[9] The object class extensibleObject means, "Let me add whatever attributes I want." It is usually better practice to add your own auxiliary object class if you need to decorate an entry with more attributes. The shortcut is taken here as the focus of this example is not schema extension, but instead how to use collective attributes.

This chapter focuses on pass through authentication (PTA), whereby you configure another server to determine the response to an authentication request. A typical use case for pass through authentication involves passing authentication through to Active Directory for users coming from Microsoft Windows systems.

You use LDAP pass through authentication when the credentials for authenticating are stored not in OpenDJ, but instead in a remote directory service. In effect OpenDJ redirects the bind operation against a remote LDAP server.

Exactly how OpenDJ redirects the bind depends on how the user entry in OpenDJ maps to the corresponding user entry in the remote directory.

OpenDJ provides you several choices to set up the mapping.

  • When both the local entry in OpenDJ and the remote entry in the other server have the same DN, you do not have to set up the mapping at all. By default, OpenDJ redirects the bind with the original DN and password from the client application.

  • When the local entry in OpenDJ has been provisioned with an attribute holding the DN of the remote entry, you can specify which attribute holds the DN, and OpenDJ redirects the bind on the remote server using the DN value.

  • When you cannot get the remote bind DN directly, you need an attribute and value on the OpenDJ entry that corresponds to an identical attribute and value on the remote server in order to map the local entry to the remote entry. In this case you also need the bind credentials for a user who can search for the entry on the remote server. OpenDJ performs a search for the entry using the matching attribute and value, and then redirects the bind with the DN from the remote entry.

You configure pass through authentication as an authentication policy that you associate with a user's entry in the same way that you associate a password policy with a user's entry. Either a user has an authentication policy for pass through authentication, or the user has a local password policy.

When setting up pass through authentication, you need to know to which remote server or servers to redirect binds, and you need to know how you map user entries in OpenDJ to user entries in the remote directory.

When performing pass through authentication, you no doubt protect communications between OpenDJ and the server providing authentication. If you test using SSL with self-signed certificates, and you do not want the client blindly to trust the server, follow these steps to import the authentication server's certificate into the OpenDJ key store.

  1. Export the server certificate from the authentication server.

    How you perform this step depends on the authentication directory server. With OpenDJ, you can export the certificate as shown here.

    $ cd /path/to/PTA-Server/config
    $ keytool
     -alias server-cert
     -keystore keystore
     -storepass `cat keystore.pin`
     > /tmp/pta-srv-cert.pem
  2. Make note of the host name used in the certificate.

    You use the host name when configuring the SSL connection. With OpenDJ, you can view the certificate details as shown here.

    $ keytool
     -alias server-cert
     -keystore keystore
     -storepass `cat keystore.pin`
    Alias name: server-cert
    Creation date: Sep 12, 2011
    Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
    Certificate chain length: 1
    Owner: CN=pta-server.example.com, O=OpenDJ Self-Signed Certificate
    Issuer: CN=pta-server.example.com, O=OpenDJ Self-Signed Certificate
    Serial number: 4e6dc429
    Valid from: Mon Sep 12 10:34:49 CEST 2011 until: Wed Sep 11 10:34:49 CEST 2013
    Certificate fingerprints:
      MD5:  B6:EE:1C:A0:71:12:EF:6F:21:24:B9:50:EF:8B:4E:6A
      SHA1: 7E:A1:C9:07:D2:86:56:31:24:14:F7:07:A8:6B:3E:A1:39:63:F4:0E
      Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
      Version: 3
  3. Import the authentication server certificate into OpenDJ's key store.

    $ cd /path/to/opendj/config
    $ keytool
     -alias pta-cert
     -keystore truststore
     -storepass `cat keystore.pin`
     -file /tmp/pta-srv-cert.pem
    Owner: CN=pta-server.example.com, O=OpenDJ Self-Signed Certificate
    Issuer: CN=pta-server.example.com, O=OpenDJ Self-Signed Certificate
    Serial number: 4e6dc429
    Valid from: Mon Sep 12 10:34:49 CEST 2011 until: Wed Sep 11 10:34:49 CEST 2013
    Certificate fingerprints:
      MD5:  B6:EE:1C:A0:71:12:EF:6F:21:24:B9:50:EF:8B:4E:6A
      SHA1: 7E:A1:C9:07:D2:86:56:31:24:14:F7:07:A8:6B:3E:A1:39:63:F4:0E
      Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
      Version: 3
    Trust this certificate? [no]:  yes
    Certificate was added to keystore

You configure authentication policies with the dsconfig command. Notice that authentication policies are part of the server configuration, and therefore not replicated.

  1. Set up an authentication policy for pass through authentication to the authentication server.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --type ldap-pass-through
     --policy-name "PTA Policy"
     --set primary-remote-ldap-server:pta-server.example.com:636
     --set mapped-attribute:uid
     --set mapped-search-base-dn:"dc=PTA Server,dc=com"
     --set mapping-policy:mapped-search
     --set use-ssl:true
     --set trust-manager-provider:JKS

    The policy shown here maps identities having this password policy to identities under dc=PTA Server,dc=com. Users must have the same uid values on both servers. The policy here also uses SSL between OpenDJ and the authentication server.

  2. Check that your policy has been added to the list.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --property use-ssl
    Password Policy         : Type              : use-ssl
    Default Password Policy : password-policy   : -
    PTA Policy              : ldap-pass-through : true
    Root Password Policy    : password-policy   : -

The steps below demonstrate setting up pass through authentication to Active Directory. Here is some background to help you make sense of the steps.

Entries on the OpenDJ side use uid as the naming attribute, and entries also have cn attributes. Active Directory entries use cn as the naming attribute. User entries on both sides share the same cn values. The mapping between entries therefore uses cn.

Consider the example where an OpenDJ account with cn=LDAP PTA User and DN uid=ldapptauser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com corresponds to an Active Directory account with DN CN=LDAP PTA User,CN=Users,DC=internal,DC=forgerock,DC=com. The steps below enable the user with cn=LDAP PTA User on OpenDJ authenticate through to Active Directory.

$ ldapsearch
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
dn: uid=ldapptauser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
cn: LDAP PTA User

$ ldapsearch
 --hostname ad.example.com
 --baseDN "CN=Users,DC=internal,DC=forgerock,DC=com"
 --bindDN "cn=administrator,cn=Users,DC=internal,DC=forgerock,DC=com"
 --bindPassword password
 "(cn=LDAP PTA User)"
dn: CN=LDAP PTA User,CN=Users,DC=internal,DC=forgerock,DC=com
cn: LDAP PTA User

OpenDJ must map its uid=ldapptauser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com entry to the Active Directory entry, CN=LDAP PTA User,CN=Users,DC=internal,DC=forgerock,DC=com. In order to do the mapping, OpenDJ has to perform a search for the user in Active Directory using the cn value it recovers from its own entry for the user. Active Directory does not allow anonymous searches, so part of the authentication policy configuration consists of the administrator DN and password OpenDJ uses to bind to Active Directory to be able to search.

Finally, before setting up the pass through authentication policy, make sure OpenDJ can connect to Active Directory over a secure connection to avoid sending passwords in the clear.

  1. Export the certificate from the Windows server.

    1. Click start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Certification Authority, then right-click the CA and select Properties.

    2. In the General tab, select the certificate and click View Certificate.

    3. In the Certificate dialog, click the Details tab, then click Copy to File...

    4. Use the Certificate Export Wizard to export the certificate into a file, such as windows.cer.

  2. Copy the exported certificate to the system running OpenDJ.

  3. Import the server certificate into OpenDJ's key store.

    $ cd /path/to/opendj/config
    $ keytool
     -alias ad-cert
     -keystore truststore
     -storepass `cat keystore.pin`
     -file ~/Downloads/windows.cer 
    Owner: CN=internal-ACTIVEDIRECTORY-CA, DC=internal, DC=forgerock, DC=com
    Issuer: CN=internal-ACTIVEDIRECTORY-CA, DC=internal, DC=forgerock, DC=com
    Serial number: 587465257200a7b14a6976cb47916b32
    Valid from: Tue Sep 20 11:14:24 CEST 2011 until: Tue Sep 20 11:24:23 CEST 2016
    Certificate fingerprints:
      MD5:  A3:D6:F1:8D:0D:F9:9C:76:00:BC:84:8A:14:55:28:38
      SHA1: 0F:BD:45:E6:21:DF:BD:6A:CA:8A:7C:1D:F9:DA:A1:8E:8A:0D:A4:BF
      Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
      Version: 3
    #1: ObjectId: Criticality=true
    #2: ObjectId: Criticality=false
    KeyUsage [
    #3: ObjectId: Criticality=false
    SubjectKeyIdentifier [
    KeyIdentifier [
    0000: A3 3E C0 E3 B2 76 15 DC   97 D0 B3 C0 2E 77 8A 11  .>...v.......w..
    0010: 24 62 70 0A                                        $bp.
    #4: ObjectId: Criticality=false
    Trust this certificate? [no]:  yes
    Certificate was added to keystore

    At this point OpenDJ can connect to Active Directory over SSL.

  4. Set up an authentication policy for OpenDJ users to authenticate to Active Directory.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --type ldap-pass-through
     --policy-name "AD PTA Policy"
     --set primary-remote-ldap-server:ad.example.com:636
     --set mapped-attribute:cn
     --set mapped-search-base-dn:"CN=Users,DC=internal,DC=forgerock,DC=com"
     --set mapped-search-bind-dn:"cn=administrator,cn=Users,DC=internal,DC=forgerock
     --set mapped-search-bind-password:password
     --set mapping-policy:mapped-search
     --set trust-manager-provider:JKS
     --set use-ssl:true
     --trustAll --no-prompt
  5. Assign the authentication policy to a test user.

    $ ldapmodify
     --port 1389
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
    dn: uid=ldapptauser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    changetype: modify
    add: ds-pwp-password-policy-dn
    ds-pwp-password-policy-dn: cn=AD PTA Policy,cn=Password Policies,cn=config
    Processing MODIFY request for uid=ldapptauser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    MODIFY operation successful for DN uid=ldapptauser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
  6. Check that the user can bind using pass through authentication to Active Directory.

    $ ldapsearch
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --port 1389
     --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
     --bindDN uid=ldapptauser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
     --bindPassword password
     "(cn=LDAP PTA User)"
     userpassword cn
    dn: uid=ldapptauser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    cn: LDAP PTA User

    Notice that to complete the search, the user authenticated with a password to Active Directory, though no userpassword value is present on the entry on the OpenDJ side.

You assign authentication policies in the same way as you assign password policies, by using the ds-pwp-password-policy-dn attribute.


Although you assign the pass through authentication policy using the same attribute as for password policy, the authentication policy is not in fact a password policy. Therefore, the user with a pass through authentication policy does not have a value for the operational attribute pwdPolicySubentry.

$ ldapsearch
 --port 1389
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
dn: uid=user.0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com

Users depending on pass through authentication no longer need a local password policy, as they no longer authenticate locally.

Examples in the following procedure work for this user, whose entry on OpenDJ is as shown. Notice that the user has no password set. The user's password on the authentication server is password.

dn: uid=user.0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
cn: Aaccf Amar
description: This is the description for Aaccf Amar.
employeeNumber: 0
givenName: Aaccf
homePhone: +1 225 216 5900
initials: ASA
l: Panama City
mail: user.0@maildomain.net
mobile: +1 010 154 3228
objectClass: person
objectClass: inetorgperson
objectClass: organizationalperson
objectClass: top
pager: +1 779 041 6341
postalAddress: Aaccf Amar$01251 Chestnut Street$Panama City, DE  50369
postalCode: 50369
sn: Amar
st: DE
street: 01251 Chestnut Street
telephoneNumber: +1 685 622 6202
uid: user.0

This user's entry on the authentication server also has uid=user.0, and the pass through authentication policy performs the mapping to find the user entry in the authentication server.

  1. Prevent users from changing their own password policies.

    $ cat protect-pta.ldif 
    dn: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    changetype: modify
    add: aci
    aci: (target ="ldap:///uid=*,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com")(targetattr =
     "ds-pwp-password-policy-dn")(version 3.0;acl "Cannot choose own pass
     word policy";deny (write)(userdn = "ldap:///self");)
    $ ldapmodify
     --port 1389
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --filename protect-pta.ldif
    Processing MODIFY request for ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    MODIFY operation successful for DN ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
  2. Update the user's ds-pwp-password-policy-dn attribute.

    $ ldapmodify
     --port 1389
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
    dn: uid=user.0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    changetype: modify 
    add: ds-pwp-password-policy-dn
    ds-pwp-password-policy-dn: cn=PTA Policy,cn=Password Policies,cn=config
    Processing MODIFY request for uid=user.0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    MODIFY operation successful for DN uid=user.0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
  3. Check that the user can authenticate through to the authentication server.

    $ ldapsearch
     --port 1389
     --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
     --bindDN uid=user.0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
     --bindPassword password
     cn sn
    dn: uid=user.0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
    cn: Aaccf Amar
    sn: Amar

Examples in the following steps use the pass through authentication policy as defined above. Kirsten Vaughan's entry has been reproduced on the authentication server under dc=PTA Server,dc=com.

  1. Create a subentry to assign a collective attribute that sets the ds-pwp-password-policy-dn attribute for group members' entries.

    $ cat pta-coll.ldif 
    dn: cn=PTA Policy for Dir Admins,dc=example,dc=com
    objectClass: collectiveAttributeSubentry
    objectClass: extensibleObject
    objectClass: subentry
    objectClass: top
    cn: PTA Policy for Dir Admins
    ds-pwp-password-policy-dn;collective: cn=PTA Policy,cn=Password Policies,
    subtreeSpecification: { base "ou=People", specificationFilter "(isMemberOf=
     cn=Directory Administrators,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com)"}
    $ ldapmodify
     --port 1389
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --filename pta-coll.ldif
    Processing ADD request for cn=PTA Policy for Dir Admins,dc=example,dc=com
    ADD operation successful for DN cn=PTA Policy for Dir Admins,dc=example,dc=com
  2. Check that OpenDJ has applied the policy.

    1. Make sure you can bind as the user on the authentication server.

      $ ldapsearch
       --port 2389
       --bindDN "uid=kvaughan,ou=People,dc=PTA Server,dc=com"
       --bindPassword password
       --baseDN "dc=PTA Server,dc=com"
      dn: uid=kvaughan,ou=People,dc=PTA Server,dc=com
      objectClass: person
      objectClass: organizationalPerson
      objectClass: inetOrgPerson
      objectClass: top
      givenName: Kirsten
      uid: kvaughan
      cn: Kirsten Vaughan
      sn: Vaughan
      userPassword: {SSHA}x1BdtrJyRTw63kBSJFDvgvd4guzk66CV8L+t8w==
      ou: People
      mail: jvaughan@example.com
    2. Check that the user can authenticate through to the authentication server from OpenDJ.

      $ ldapsearch
       --port 1389
       --bindDN "uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
       --bindPassword password
       --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
       cn sn
      dn: uid=kvaughan,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
      cn: Kirsten Vaughan
      sn: Vaughan

Samba, the Windows interoperability suite for Linux and UNIX, stores accounts because UNIX and Windows password storage management is not interoperable. The default account storage mechanism is designed to work well with relatively small numbers of accounts and configurations with one domain controller. For larger installations, you can configure Samba to use OpenDJ for storing Samba accounts. See the Samba documentation for your platform for instructions on how to configure an LDAP directory server such as OpenDJ as a Samba passdb backend.

The rest of this chapter focuses on how you keep passwords in sync when using OpenDJ for Samba account storage.

When you store Samba accounts in OpenDJ, Samba stores its own attributes as defined in the Samba schema. Samba does not use the LDAP standard userPassword attribute to store users' Samba passwords. You can configure Samba to apply changes to Samba passwords to LDAP passwords as well, too. Yet, if a user modifies her LDAP password directly without updating the Samba password, the LDAP and Samba passwords get out of sync.

The OpenDJ Samba Password plugin resolves this problem for you. The plugin intercepts password changes to Samba user profiles, synchronizing Samba password and LDAP password values. For an incoming Password Modify Extended Request or modify request changing the user password, the OpenDJ Samba Password plugin detects whether the user's entry reflects a Samba user profile (entry has object class sambaSAMAccount), hashes the incoming password value, and applies the password change to the appropriate password attribute, keeping the password values in sync. The OpenDJ Samba Password plugin can perform synchronization as long as new passwords values are provided in clear text in the modification request. If you configure Samba to synchronize LDAP passwords when it changes Samba passwords, then the plugin can ignore changes by the Samba user to avoid duplicate synchronization.

The Samba Administrator synchronizes LDAP passwords after changing Samba passwords by issuing a Password Modify Extended Request. In Samba's smb.conf configuration file, the value of ldap admin dn is set to the DN of this account. When the Samba Administrator changes a user password, the plugin ignores the changes, so choose a distinct account different from Directory Manager and other administrators.

  1. Create or choose an account for the Samba Administrator.

    $ cat samba.ldif 
    dn: uid=samba-admin,ou=Special Users,dc=example,dc=com
    cn: Samba Administrator
    givenName: Samba
    mail: samba@example.com
    objectClass: person
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    objectClass: organizationalPerson
    objectClass: top
    sn: Administrator
    uid: samba-admin
    userPassword: password
    $ ldapmodify
     --port 1389
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --filename samba.ldif
    Processing ADD request for uid=samba-admin,ou=Special Users,dc=example,dc=com
    ADD operation successful for DN uid=samba-admin,ou=Special Users,
  2. Ensure the Samba Administrator can reset user passwords.

    $ cat samba-rights.ldif
    dn: uid=samba-admin,ou=Special Users,dc=example,dc=com
    changetype: modify
    add: ds-privilege-name
    ds-privilege-name: password-reset
    dn: dc=example,dc=com
    changetype: modify
    add: aci
    aci: (target="ldap:///dc=example,dc=com") (targetattr ="*")(version 3.0; acl "
     Samba Admin user rights"; allow(all) groupdn ="ldap:///uid=samba-user,ou=
     Special Users,dc=example,dc=com";)
    $ ldapmodify
     --port 1389
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --filename samba-rights.ldif
    Processing MODIFY request for uid=samba-admin,ou=Special Users,dc=example,dc=com
    MODIFY operation successful for DN
     uid=samba-admin,ou=Special Users,dc=example,dc=com
    Processing MODIFY request for dc=example,dc=com
    MODIFY operation successful for DN dc=example,dc=com
  1. Determine whether the plugin must store passwords hashed like LanManager (sync-lm-password) or like Windows NT (sync-nt-password), based on how you set up Samba in your environment.

  2. Enable the plugin.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --plugin-name "Samba Password Synchronisation"
     --type samba-password
     --set enabled:true
     --set pwd-sync-policy:sync-nt-password
     samba-administrator-dn:"uid=samba-admin,ou=Special Users,dc=example,dc=com"

    At this point the Samba Password plugin is active.

  3. (Optional) When troubleshooting Samba Password plugin issues, you can turn on debug logging as follows.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --publisher-name "File-Based Debug Logger"
     --target-name org.opends.server.plugins.SambaPasswordPlugin
     --set debug-level:all
    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --publisher-name "File-Based Debug Logger"
     --set enabled:true

This chapter describes the monitoring capabilities that OpenDJ implements, and shows how to configure them.

OpenDJ Control Panel provides basic monitoring capabilities under Monitoring > General Information, Monitoring > Connection Handler, and Monitoring > Manage Tasks. This chapter covers the other options for monitoring OpenDJ.

OpenDJ exposes monitoring information over LDAP under the entry cn=monitor. Many different types of information are exposed. The following example shows monitoring information about the userRoot backend holding Example.com data.

Interface stability: Evolving

$ ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN cn=monitor "(cn=userRoot backend)"
dn: cn=userRoot backend,cn=Disk Space Monitor,cn=monitor
disk-state: normal
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: extensibleObject
disk-dir: /path/to/opendj/db/userRoot
disk-free: 343039315968
cn: userRoot backend

dn: cn=userRoot Backend,cn=monitor
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: ds-backend-monitor-entry
ds-backend-is-private: FALSE
ds-backend-writability-mode: enabled
cn: userRoot Backend
ds-backend-entry-count: 163
ds-backend-id: userRoot
ds-base-dn-entry-count: 163 dc=example,dc=com
ds-backend-base-dn: dc=example,dc=com

You can set global ACIs on the Access Control Handler if you want to limit read access under cn=monitor.

OpenDJ lets you monitor the server over the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), with support for the Management Information Base described in RFC 2605: Directory Server Monitoring MIB.

OpenDJ SNMP-based monitoring depends on OpenDMK, which you must download separately. Install the Full Binary Bundle by using the graphical installer, which requires that you accept the Binary License for Project OpenDMK. OpenDJ directory server that you download from ForgeRock is built with OpenDMK, but due to licensing OpenDMK is not part of OpenDJ. SNMP is therefore not enabled by default.

To run the OpenDMK installer, use the self-extracting .jar.

$ java -jar ~/Downloads/opendmk-1.0-b02-*.jar

If you install under /path/to, then the runtime library needed for SNMP is /path/to/OpenDMK-bin/lib/jdmkrt.jar.

Once you have installed OpenDMK, you can set up a connection handler for SNMP by enabling the connection handler, and pointing OpenDJ to your installation of the OpenDMK jdmkrt.jar library.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --handler-name "SNMP Connection Handler"
 --set enabled:true
 --set opendmk-jarfile:/path/to/OpenDMK-bin/lib/jdmkrt.jar

By default, the SNMP Connection Handler listens on port 161 and uses port 162 for traps. On UNIX and Linux systems, only root can normally open these ports. Therefore if you install as a normal user, you might want to change the listen and trap ports.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --handler-name "SNMP Connection Handler"
 --set listen-port:11161
 --set trap-port:11162

Restart the SNMP Connection Handler to take the port number changes into account.

To restart the connection handler, you disable it, then enable it again.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --handler-name "SNMP Connection Handler"
 --set enabled:false
$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --handler-name "SNMP Connection Handler"
 --set enabled:true

Use a command such as snmpwalk to check that the SNMP listen port works.

$ snmpwalk -v 2c -c OpenDJ@OpenDJ localhost:11161
SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = STRING: "OpenDJ 2.6.0..."
SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = STRING: "/path/to/opendj"

OpenDJ provides Java Management eXtensions (JMX) based monitoring. A number of tools support JMX, including jconsole and jvisualvm, which are bundled with the Sun/Oracle Java platform. JMX is not configured by default. Use the dsconfig command to configure the JMX connection handler.

Interface stability: Evolving

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --handler-name "JMX Connection Handler"
 --set enabled:true

By default, no users have privileges to access the JMX connection. The following command adds JMX privileges for Directory Manager.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --add default-root-privilege-name:jmx-notify
 --add default-root-privilege-name:jmx-read
 --add default-root-privilege-name:jmx-write

You must also configure security to login remotely. See the section on Using SSL in Monitoring and Management Using JMX for hints.

Alternatively, you can connect to a local server process by using the server process identifier.

$ cat ../logs/server.pid
$ jvisualvm --openpid 3363 &

OpenDJ comes with two commands for monitoring server processes and tasks. The status command displays basic information about the local server, similar to what is seen in the default window of the Control Panel. The manage-tasks command lets you manage tasks scheduled on a server, such as nightly backup.

The status command takes administrative credentials to read the configuration, as does the Control Panel.

$ status --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" --bindPassword password

          --- Server Status ---
Server Run Status:        Started
Open Connections:         1

          --- Server Details ---
Host Name:                localhost
Administrative Users:     cn=Directory Manager
Installation Path:        /path/to/opendj
Version:                  OpenDJ 2.6.0
Java Version:             1.6.0_24
Administration Connector: Port 4444 (LDAPS)

          --- Connection Handlers ---
Address:Port : Protocol : State
--           : LDIF     : Disabled  : LDAPS    : Disabled : LDAP     : Enabled : JMX      : Disabled

          --- Data Sources ---
Base DN:     dc=example,dc=com
Backend ID:  userRoot
Entries:     163
Replication: Disabled

The manage-tasks command connects over the administration port, and so can connect to both local and remote servers.

$ manage-tasks
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --port 4444
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password

ID                         Type    Status
example                    Backup  Recurring
example-20110623030000000  Backup  Waiting on start time

By default OpenDJ stores access and errors logs as well as a server process ID file under the logs/ directory. For the replication service, OpenDJ also keeps a replication log there. You can also configure a debug log. Furthermore, you can configure policies about how logs are rotated, and how they are retained. You configure logging using the dsconfig command.

  • The access log traces the operations the server processes including timestamps, connection information, and information about the operation itself. The access log can therefore grow quickly, as each client request results in at least one new log message.

    The following access log excerpt shows a search operation from the local host, with the first three lines wrapped for readability.

    [21/Jun/2011:08:01:53 +0200] CONNECT conn=4 from=
     to= protocol=LDAP
    [21/Jun/2011:08:01:53 +0200] SEARCH REQ conn=4 op=0 msgID=1
     base="dc=example,dc=com" scope=wholeSubtree filter="(uid=bjensen)" attrs="ALL"
    [21/Jun/2011:08:01:53 +0200] SEARCH RES conn=4 op=0 msgID=1
     result=0 nentries=1 etime=3
    [21/Jun/2011:08:01:53 +0200] UNBIND REQ conn=4 op=1 msgID=2
    [21/Jun/2011:08:01:53 +0200] DISCONNECT conn=4 reason="Client Unbind"
  • The errors log traces server events, error conditions, and warnings, categorized and identified by severity.

    The following errors log excerpt shows log entries about a backup task, with lines wrapped for readability.

    [22/Jun/2011:12:32:23 +0200] category=BACKEND severity=NOTICE msgID=9896349
     msg=Backup task 20110622123224088 started execution
    [22/Jun/2011:12:32:23 +0200] category=TOOLS severity=NOTICE msgID=10944792
     msg=Starting backup for backend userRoot
    [22/Jun/2011:12:32:24 +0200] category=JEB severity=NOTICE msgID=8847446
     msg=Archived: 00000000.jdb
    [22/Jun/2011:12:32:24 +0200] category=TOOLS severity=NOTICE msgID=10944795
     msg=The backup process completed successfully
    [22/Jun/2011:12:32:24 +0200] category=BACKEND severity=NOTICE msgID=9896350
     msg=Backup task 20110622123224088 finished execution
  • If you use the HTTP Connection Handler, OpenDJ maintains a separate access log in logs/http-access. This access log, by default configured as the File Based HTTP Access Log Publisher, uses a different format than the LDAP access log. This HTTP access log uses Extended Log File Format with fields described in Microsoft's implementation as well. The following default fields are shown here in the order they occur in the log file.

    Interface stability: Evolving


    Client host name


    Client IP address


    Username used to authenticate


    Completion timestamp for the HTTP request, which you can configure using the log-record-time-format property


    HTTP method requested by the client


    Path and query string requested by the client


    HTTP version requested by the client


    HTTP status code for the operation


    User-Agent identifier


    Connection ID used for OpenDJ internal operations

    When using this field to match HTTP requests with internal operations in the LDAP access log, first set the access log advanced property, suppress-internal-operations, to false. By default, internal operations do not appear in the LDAP access log.


    Execution time in milliseconds needed by OpenDJ to service the HTTP request

    Missing values are replaced with -. Tabs separate the fields, and if a field contains a tab character, then the field is surrounded with double quotes. OpenDJ then doubles double quotes in the field to escape them.

    The following example shows an excerpt of an HTTP access log with the default configuration. Lines are folded and space reformatted for the printed page.

    -  bjensen   22/May/2013:10:06:18 +0200
      GET  /users/bjensen?_prettyPrint=true                      HTTP/1.1    200
      curl/7.21.4  3    40
    -  bjensen   22/May/2013:10:06:52 +0200
      GET  /groups/Directory%20Administrators?_prettyPrint=true  HTTP/1.1    200
      curl/7.21.4  4    41
    -  bjensen   22/May/2013:10:07:07 +0200
      GET  /users/missing?_prettyPrint=true                      HTTP/1.1    200
      curl/7.21.4  5     9
    -  -         22/May/2013:10:07:46 +0200
      GET  /users/missing?_prettyPrint=true                      HTTP/1.1    401
      curl/7.21.4  6     0
    -  kvaughan  22/May/2013:10:09:10 +0200
      POST /users?_action=create&_prettyPrint=true               HTTP/1.1    200
      curl/7.21.4  7   120

    You can configure the log-format for the access log using the dsconfig command. In addition to the default fields, the following standard fields are supported.


    Client port number


    Server name where the access log was written


    Server IP address


    Server port number

  • The replication log traces replication events, with entries similar to the errors log. The following excerpt has lines wrapped for readability.

    [22/Jun/2011:14:37:34 +0200] category=SYNC severity=NOTICE msgID=15139026
     msg=Finished total update: exported domain "dc=example,dc=com" from this
     directory server DS(24065) to all remote directory servers. 
    [22/Jun/2011:14:37:35 +0200] category=SYNC severity=MILD_WARNING msgID=14745663
     msg=Replication server RS(23947) at opendj.example.com/ has
     closed the connection to this directory server DS(24065). This directory
     server will now try to connect to another replication server in order to
     receive changes for the domain "dc=example,dc=com"
    [22/Jun/2011:14:37:35 +0200] category=SYNC severity=NOTICE msgID=15138894
     msg=The generation ID for domain "dc=example,dc=com" has been reset to 3679640

    Notice that the replication log does not trace replication operations. Use the external change log instead to get notifications about changes to directory data over protocol. You can alternatively configure an audit log, which is a type of access log that dumps changes in LDIF.

  • A debug log traces details needed to troubleshoot a problem in the server. Debug logs can grow large quickly, and therefore no debug logs are enabled by default.

Each log depends on a log publisher, whose type corresponds to the type of log. OpenDJ uses file-based log publishers. The design allows for custom log publishers, however, which could publish the logs elsewhere besides a file.

For debug logging, you also set a debug target to control what gets logged.

Each file-based log can be associated with a log rotation policy, and a log retention policy. The former can specify when, after how much time, or at what maximum size a log is rotated. The latter can specify a maximum number or size of logs to retain, or an amount of free disk space to maintain. The design allows for custom policies as well.

By default the file-based logs are subject to rotation and retention policies that you can list with dsconfig list-log-rotation-policies and dsconfig list-log-retention-policies.

For example, view the log rotation policies with the following command.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password

Log Rotation Policy                 : Type       : file-size-limit : rotation-interval : time-of-day
24 Hours Time Limit Rotation Policy : time-limit : -               : 1 d               : -
7 Days Time Limit Rotation Policy   : time-limit : -               : 1 w               : -
Fixed Time Rotation Policy          : fixed-time : -               : -                 : 2359
Size Limit Rotation Policy          : size-limit : 100 mb          : -                 : -

View the log retention policies with the following command.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password

Log Retention Policy             : Type            : disk-space-used : free-disk-space : number-of-files
File Count Retention Policy      : file-count      : -               : -               : 10
Free Disk Space Retention Policy : free-disk-space : -               : 500 mb          : -
Size Limit Retention Policy      : size-limit      : 500 mb          : -               : -

Use the dsconfig get-log-publisher-prop command to examine the policies that apply to a particular logger.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --publisher-name "File-Based Access Logger"
 --property retention-policy
 --property rotation-policy
Property         : Value(s)
retention-policy : File Count Retention Policy
rotation-policy  : 24 Hours Time Limit Rotation Policy, Size Limit Rotation
                 : Policy

In other words, by default OpenDJ keeps 10 access log files, rotating the access log each day, or when the log size reaches 100 MB.

The dsconfig command offers a number of subcommands for creating and deleting log rotation and retention policies, and for setting policy properties. You can update which policies apply to a logger by using the dsconfig set-log-publisher-prop command.

Each time a client application sends a request to OpenDJ, the server writes to its access log. As shown above, a simple search operation results in five messages written to the access log. This volume of logging gives you the information to analyze overall access patterns, or to audit access when you do not know in advance what you are looking for.

Yet when you do know what you are looking for, log filtering lets you limit what the server logs, and focus on what you want to see. You define the filter criteria, and also set the filtering policy.

You can filter both access and also audit logs.

Log filtering lets you define rules based these criteria.

  • Client IP address, bind DN, group membership

  • Port number

  • Protocol used (such as LDAP, LDAPS, JMX)

  • Response times

  • Result codes (only log error results, for example)

  • Search response criteria (number of entries returned, whether the search was indexed)

  • Target DN

  • Type of operation (connect, bind, add, delete, modify, rename, search, etc.)

The filtering policy in the log publisher configuration specifies whether to include or exclude log messages that match the criteria you define. OpenDJ does not filter logs until you update the log publisher configuration.

A common development troubleshooting technique consists of sending client requests while tailing the access log:

$ tail -f /path/to/opendj/logs/access

Trouble is, when OpenDJ Control Panel is running, or when you are also adapting your configuration using the dsconfig command, OpenDJ writes access log messages related to administration. These might prevent you from noticing the messages that interest you.

This example demonstrates how to filter out access log messages due to administrative connections over LDAPS on ports 1636 and 4444.

Create access log filtering criteria rules.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --publisher-name "File-Based Access Logger"
 --criteria-name "Exclude LDAPS on 1636 and 4444"
 --type generic
 --set connection-port-equal-to:1636
 --set connection-port-equal-to:4444
 --set connection-protocol-equal-to:ldaps

Activate filtering to exclude messages from the default access log according to the criteria you specified.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --publisher-name "File-Based Access Logger"
 --set filtering-policy:exclusive

At this point, OpenDJ filters out connections over LDAPS to ports 1636 and 4444. While performing operations in OpenDJ Control Panel, if you perform a simple ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com uid=bjensen cn, then all you see in the access log is the effect of the ldapsearch command.

$ tail -f /path/to/opendj/logs/access
[19/Oct/2011:16:37:16 +0200] CONNECT conn=8 from=
 to= protocol=LDAP
[19/Oct/2011:16:37:16 +0200] SEARCH REQ conn=8 op=0 msgID=1
 base="dc=example,dc=com" scope=wholeSubtree filter="(uid=bjensen)" attrs="cn"
[19/Oct/2011:16:37:16 +0200] SEARCH RES conn=8 op=0 msgID=1 result=0 nentries=1
[19/Oct/2011:16:37:16 +0200] UNBIND REQ conn=8 op=1 msgID=2
[19/Oct/2011:16:37:16 +0200] DISCONNECT conn=8 reason="Client Unbind"

In addition to the filtering policy, you can also adjust how OpenDJ writes log messages. By default, OpenDJ writes one log message for a request, and another for a response. You can set the log publisher property log-format to combined to have OpenDJ write a single message per operation. This can be helpful, for example, when evaluating response times. In addition, you can change the log message time stamps with log-record-time-format, and specify whether to log LDAP control OIDs for operations by setting log-control-oids to true.

OpenDJ can send alerts to provide notifications of significant server events. Yet alert notifications are not enabled by default. You can use the dsconfig command to enable alert notifications.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --handler-name "JMX Alert Handler"
 --set enabled:true

OpenDJ can also send mail over SMTP instead of JMX notifications. Before you set up the SMTP-based alert handler, you must identify an SMTP server to which OpenDJ sends messages.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --set smtp-server:smtp.example.com
$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --handler-name "SMTP Alert Handler"
 --type smtp
 --set enabled:true
 --set message-subject:"OpenDJ Alert, Type: %%alert-type%%, ID: %%alert-id%%"
 --set message-body:"%%alert-message%%"
 --set recipient-address:kvaughan@example.com
 --set sender-address:opendj@example.com
Alert Types

OpenDJ directory server uses the following types when sending alerts. For alert types that indicate server problems, check OpenDJ/logs/errors for details.


The access control handler has been disabled.


The access control handler has been enabled.


The dseecompat access control subsystem failed to correctly parse one or more ACI rules when the server first started.


The JE backend has thrown a RunRecoveryException. The directory server needs to be restarted.


A problem has occurred while attempting to create copies of the existing schema configuration files before making a schema update, and the schema configuration has been left in a potentially inconsistent state.


The directory server is unable to rename the current tasks backing file in the process of trying to write an updated version.


The directory server is unable to rename the new tasks backing file into place.


The directory server is unable to schedule an iteration of a recurring task.


The directory server is unable to write its updated configuration for some reason and therefore the server may not exhibit the new configuration if it is restarted.


A problem has occurred while attempting to write new versions of the server schema configuration files, and the schema configuration has been left in a potentially inconsistent state.


The directory server is unable to write an updated tasks backing file for some reason.


The directory server has begun the process of shutting down.


The directory server has completed its startup process.


Free disk space has reached the full threshold.

Default is 20 MB.


Free disk space has reached the low threshold.

Default is 100 MB.


The directory server is entering lockdown mode, in which only root users are allowed to perform operations and only over the loopback address.


Consecutive failures have occurred in the LDAP connection handler and have caused it to become disabled.


Uncaught errors in the LDAP connection handler that have caused it to become disabled.


An LDIF backend was unable to store an updated copy of the LDIF file after processing a write operation.


The LDIF connection handler encountered an I/O error that prevented it from completing its processing.


The LDIF connection handler encountered an unrecoverable error while attempting to parse an LDIF file.


The directory server is leaving lockdown mode.


The directory server detects that its configuration has been manually edited with the server online and those changes were overwritten by another change made through the server. The manually-edited configuration will be copied to another location.


The directory server detects that its configuration has been manually edited with the server online and those changes were overwritten by another change made through the server. The manually-edited configuration could not be preserved due to an unexpected error.


Multimaster replication cannot resolve a conflict automatically.


A directory server thread has encountered an uncaught exception that caused that thread to terminate abnormally. The impact that this problem has on the server depends on which thread was impacted and the nature of the exception.


A unique attribute conflict has been detected during synchronization processing.


An error occurred while attempting to perform unique attribute conflict detection during synchronization processing.

Server tuning refers to the art of adjusting server, JVM, and system configuration to meet the service level performance requirements of directory clients. In the optimal case you achieve service level performance requirements without much tuning at all, perhaps only setting JVM runtime options when installing OpenDJ.

If you are reading this chapter, however, you are probably not facing an optimal situation. Instead you are looking for trade offs that maximize performance for clients given the constraints of your deployment. This chapter therefore aims to provide suggestions on how to measure and to improve directory service performance for better trade offs.

Your key performance requirement is most likely to satisfy your users or customers with the resources available to you. Before you can solve potential performance problems, define what those users or customers expect, and determine what resources you will have to satisfy their expectations.

Service-level agreement (SLA) is a formal name for what directory client applications and the people who run them expect from your service in terms of performance.

SLAs might cover many aspects of the directory service. Whether or not your SLA is formally defined, you ought to know what is expected, or at least what you provide, in the following four areas.

  • Directory service response times

    Directory service response times range from less than a millisecond on average across a low latency connection on the same network to however long it takes your network to deliver the response. More important than average or best response times is the response time distribution, because applications set timeouts based on worst case scenarios. For example, a response time performance requirement might be defined as, "Directory response times must average less than 10 milliseconds for all operations except searches returning more than 10 entries, with 99.9% of response times under 40 milliseconds."

  • Directory service throughput

    Directory service throughput can range up to many thousands of operations per second. In fact there is no upper limit for read operations such as searches, because only write operations must be replicated. To increase read throughput, simply add additional replicas. More important than average throughput is peak throughput. You might have peak write throughput in the middle of the night when batch jobs update entries in bulk, and peak binds for a special event or first thing Monday morning. For example, a throughput performance requirement might be expressed as, "The directory service must sustain a mix of 5,000 operations per second made up of 70% reads, 25% modifies, 3% adds, and 2% deletes."

    Even better is to mimic the behavior of key operations for performance testing, so that you understand the patterns of operations in the throughput you need to provide.

  • Directory service availability

    OpenDJ is designed to let you build directory services that are basically available, including during maintenance and even upgrade of individual servers. Yet, in order to reach very high levels of availability, you must make sure not only that the software is designed for availability, but also that your operations execute in such a way as to preserve availability. Availability requirements can be as lax as best effort, or as stringent as 99.999% or more uptime.

    Replication is the OpenDJ feature that allows you to build a highly available directory service.

  • Directory service administrative support

    Do not forget to make sure you understand and set expectations about how you support your users when they run into trouble. Directory services can perhaps help you turn password management into a self-service visit to a web site, but some users no doubt still need to know what they can expect if they need your help.

Writing down the SLA, even if your first version consists of guesses, helps you reduce performance tuning from an open-ended project to a clear set of measurable goals for a manageable project with a definite outcome.

With your SLA in hand, take inventory of the server, networks, storage, people, and other resources at your disposal. Now is the time to estimate whether it is possible to meet the requirements at all.

If for example you are expected to serve more throughput than the network can transfer, maintain high availability with only one physical machine, store 100 GB of backups on a 50 GB partition, or provide 24/7 support all alone, no amount of tweaking available resources is likely to fix the problem.

When checking that the resources you have at least theoretically suffice to meet your requirements, do not forget that high availability in particular requires at least two of everything to avoid single points of failure. Be sure to list the resources you expect to have, when and how long you expect to have them, and why you need them. Also make note of what is missing and why.

Concerning server hardware, OpenDJ runs on systems with Java support, and is therefore quite portable. That said, OpenDJ tends to perform best on single-board, x86 systems due to low memory latency.

OpenDJ is designed to work with local storage for the database, not for network file systems such as NFS.

High performance storage is essential if you need to handle high write throughput.

The Berkeley Java Edition DB works well with traditional disks as long as the database cache size allows the DB to stay fully cached in memory. This is the case because the database transaction log is append only. When the DB is too big to stay cached in memory, however, then cache misses lead to random disk access, slowing OpenDJ performance.

You might mitigate this effect by using solid-state disks for persistent storage, or for file system cache.

Regarding database size on disk, if you have sustained write traffic then the database grows to about twice its initial size on disk. This is normal, and due to the way the database manages its logs. The size on disk does not impact the DB cache size requirements.

Even if you do not need high availability, you still need two of everything, because your test environment needs to mimic your production environment as closely as possible if you want to avoid nasty surprises.

In your test environment, you set up OpenDJ as you will later in production, and then conduct experiments to determine how best to meet the requirements defined in the SLA.

Use make-ldif to generate sample data that match what you expect to find in production.

The OpenDJ LDAP Toolkit provides three command-line tools to help with basic performance testing.

  • The authrate in the LDAP SDK Developer's Guide command measures bind throughput and response time.

  • The modrate in the LDAP SDK Developer's Guide command measures modification throughput and response time.

  • The searchrate in the LDAP SDK Developer's Guide command measures search throughput and response time.

All three commands show you information about the response time distributions, and allow you to perform tests at specific levels of throughput.

If you need additional precision when evaluating response times, use the global configuration setting etime-resolution to change elapsed processing time resolution from milliseconds (default) to nanoseconds.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --set etime-resolution:nanoseconds

For more extensive testing, try the SLAMD Distributed Load Generation Engine. SLAMD is built to test more than just directory, but is particularly well suited to test directory service performance, is well documented, and is available under the Sun Public License. SLAMD is designed both to offer an easy to used web-based interface, and also to allow you to customize jobs to match the access patterns you expect from client applications.

When your tests show that OpenDJ performance is lacking even though you have the right underlying network, hardware, storage, and system resources in place, you can tweak OpenDJ performance in a number of ways. This section mentions the most common tweaks.

Default Java settings let you evaluate OpenDJ using limited system resources. If you need high performance for production system, test with the following JVM options. These apply to the Sun/Oracle JVM.


To apply JVM settings for your server, edit config/java.properties, and apply the changes with the dsjavaproperties command.


Use the C2 compiler and optimizer.


To use a heap larger than about 3.5 GB on a 64-bit system, use this option.

-Xms, -Xmx

Set both minimum and maximum heap size to the same value to avoid resizing. Leave space for the entire DB cache and more.


Set the new generation size between 1-4 GB for high throughput deployments, but leave enough overall JVM heap to avoid overlaps with the space used for DB cache.


Force OpenDJ to create only objects that have either a short lifetime, or a long lifetime.


The CMS garbage collector tends to give the best performance characteristics. You might also consider the G1 garbage collector.

-XX:+PrintGCDetails, -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps

Use these when diagnosing JVM tuning problems. You can turn them off when everything is running smoothly.


Java object pointers normally have the same size as native machine pointers. If you run a small, but 64-bit JVM, then compressed object pointers can save space. Set this option when you have a 64-bit JVM, -Xmx less than 32 GB, and Java SE 6u23 or later.

By default, OpenDJ compressing attribute descriptions and object class sets to reduce data size. This is called compact encoding.

By default, OpenDJ does not however compress entries stored in its backend database. If your entries hold values that compress well — such as text, and not JPEG photos or MP3 audio — you can gain space by setting the local DB backend property entries-compressed to true before you (re-)import data from LDIF. With entries-compressed: true OpenDJ compresses entries before writing them to the database.[10]

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --backend-name userRoot
 --set entries-compressed:true
$ import-ldif
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --ldifFile /path/to/Example.ldif
 --backendID userRoot
 --includeBranch dc=example,dc=com
 --start 0
Import task 20120917100628767 scheduled to start Sep 17, 2012 10:06:28 AM CEST

You can tweak OpenDJ to speed up import of large LDIF files.

By default, the temporary directory used for scratch files is import-tmp under the directory where you installed OpenDJ. Use import-ldif with the --tmpdirectory option to set this directory to a tmpfs file system, such as /tmp.

In some cases, you can improve performance by using the --threadCount option with the import-ldif command to set the thread count larger than the default, which is twice the number of CPUs.

If you are certain your LDIF contains only valid entries with correct syntax, because the LDIF was exported from OpenDJ with all checks active for example, you can skip schema and DN validation. Use the --skipSchemaValidation and --skipDNValidation options with the import-ldif command to skip validation.

Database cache size is, by default, set as a percentage of the JVM heap, using the backend property db-cache-percent. Alternatively, you use the backend property db-cache-size to set the size. If you set up multiple database backends, the total percent of JVM heap used must remain less than 100, and must leave space for other uses. Default settings work for servers with one user data backend JVM heaps up to 2 GB. For heaps larger than 2 GB, you can allocate a larger percentage of heap space to DB cache.

Depending on the size of your database, you have a choice to make about database cache settings.

By caching the entire database in the JVM heap, you can get more deterministic response times and limit disk I/O. Yet, caching the whole DB can require a very large JVM, which you must pre-load on startup, and which can result in long garbage collections and a difficult-to-manage JVM. Test database pre-load on startup by setting the preload-time-limit for the backend.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --backend-name userRoot
 --set preload-time-limit:30m

Database pre-load is single-threaded, and loads each database one at a time.

By allowing file system cache to hold the portion of database that does not fit in DB cache, you trade less deterministic and slightly slower response times for not having to pre-load the DB and not having garbage collection pauses with large JVMs. How you configure the file system cache depends on your operating system.

OpenDJ implements an entry cache. The entry cache is not designed to cache every entry in your database, but is instead useful in cases where you have a few, typically large entries that are regularly used. For example, if you have a few large static groups and applications that regularly check group membership, you could cache your group entries.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --cache-name "Large Group Entry Cache"
 --type fifo
 --set cache-level:1
 --set include-filter:"(ou=Large Static Groups)"
 --set max-entries:10
 --set enabled:true

You can use the global setting, entry-cache-preload, to force OpenDJ to load the entry cache as part of server startup.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --set entry-cache-preload:true

By default, OpenDJ does not pre-load the entry cache.

Debug logs trace the internal workings of OpenDJ, and therefore generally should be used sparingly, especially in high performance deployments.

In general leave other logs active for production environments to help troubleshoot any issues that arise.

For OpenDJ servers handling very high throughput, however, such as 100,000 operations per second or more, the access log constitute a performance bottleneck, as each client request results in multiple access log messages. Consider disabling the access log in such cases.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --publisher-name "File-Based Access Logger"
 --set enabled:false

[10] OpenDJ does not proactively rewrite all entries in the database after you change the settings. Instead, to force OpenDJ to compress all entries, import the data from LDIF.

OpenDJ uses key stores (for private keys) and trust stores (for public, signed certificates). Up to three sets of key stores are used, as shown in the following illustration.

OpenDJ uses different sets of public and private keys for different secure connections.

By default the key stores are located in the /path/to/opendj/config directory.

  • The keystore and truststore hold keys for securing connections with client applications.

  • The admin-keystore and admin-truststore hold keys for securing administrative connections, such as those used when connecting with the dsconfig command.

  • The ads-truststore holds keys for securing replication connections with other OpenDJ servers in the replication topology.

Each key store has a specific purpose.


This Java Key Store holds the private key and administrative certificate for the server, admin-cert. This key pair is used to protect communications on the administration port. The password, stored in admin-keystore.pin, is also the key password for admin-cert.


This Java Key Store holds a copy of the administrative certificate, admin-cert. The password is the same as for the admin-keystore, in other words the string in admin-keystore.pin.


This Java Key Store holds public key certificates of all servers replicating with the current server. It also includes the ads-certificate key pair of the current server. The password is stored in ads-truststore.pin.

Do not change this key store directly.


This Java Key Store holds the private key and server certificate, server-cert, used to protect TLS/SSL communications with client applications. The password, stored in keystore.pin, is also the key password for server-cert.


This Java Key Store holds a copy of the server-cert certificate from the keystore. This is also where you import certificates of client applications if you want OpenDJ to recognize them. The password is the same as for the keystore, in other words the string in keystore.pin.


Examples in this chapter use self-signed certificates, but you can also use certificates signed by a Certificate Authority (CA).

When importing a certificate (keytool -import) signed by a well-known CA, use the -trustcacerts option to trust the CA certificates delivered with the Java runtime environment.

This procedure shows how to replace a server key pair in the admin-keystore and copy of the administrative certificate in admin-truststore.

The examples also apply when replacing a key pair in the keystore and copy of the server certificate in truststore. Just adapt the commands to use the correct key store, trust store, and PIN file names.

This procedure does not apply for replication key pairs. Instead, see Procedure 23.2, "To Replace the Key Pair Used for Replication".

  1. Check the alias of the key pair and certificate copy to replace.

    $ cd /path/to/opendj/config
    $ keytool -list -keystore admin-keystore -storepass `cat admin-keystore.pin`
    Keystore type: JKS
    Keystore provider: SUN
    Your keystore contains 1 entry
    admin-cert, Mar 15, 2013, PrivateKeyEntry,
    Certificate fingerprint (SHA1): 54:9F:C3:F8:7B:B6:...:0A:98:D0:17:8E
    $ keytool -list -keystore admin-truststore -storepass `cat admin-keystore.pin`
    Keystore type: JKS
    Keystore provider: SUN
    Your keystore contains 1 entry
    admin-cert, Mar 15, 2013, trustedCertEntry,
    Certificate fingerprint (SHA1): 54:9F:C3:F8:7B:B6:...:0A:98:D0:17:8E

    This alias is also stored in the server configuration.

  2. Remove the key pair and certificate copy to replace.

    $ keytool
     -alias admin-cert
     -keystore admin-keystore
     -storepass `cat admin-keystore.pin`
    $ keytool
     -alias admin-cert
     -keystore admin-truststore
     -storepass `cat admin-keystore.pin`
  3. Generate a new key pair in the key store.

    $ keytool
     -alias admin-cert
     -keyalg RSA
     -validity 7300
     -keysize 2048
     -dname "CN=opendj.example.com, O=Administration Connector Self-Signed Certificate"
     -keystore admin-keystore
     -storepass `cat admin-keystore.pin`
     -keypass `cat admin-keystore.pin`

    Notice that the -alias option takes the same alias as before. This is because the ssl-cert-nickname for the Administration Connector is configured as admin-cert. Also, the -dname option has a CN value corresponding to the fully-qualified domain name of the host where OpenDJ directory server is running.

  4. Get the new key pair's certificate signed, using one of the following alternatives.

    • Self-sign the certificate.

      $ keytool
       -alias admin-cert
       -keystore admin-keystore
       -storepass `cat admin-keystore.pin`
    • Create a certificate signing request, have it signed by a CA, and import the signed certificate from the CA reply.

      For examples of the keytool commands to use, see the procedure To Request and Install a CA-Signed Certificate.

  5. Export a copy of the certificate from the key store.

    $ keytool
     -alias admin-cert
     -keystore admin-keystore
     -storepass `cat admin-keystore.pin`
     -file admin-cert.crt
    Certificate stored in file <admin-cert.crt>
  6. Import the copy of the certificate into the trust store.

    $ keytool
     -alias admin-cert
     -keystore admin-truststore
     -storepass `cat admin-keystore.pin`
     -file admin-cert.crt
    Owner: CN=opendj.example.com, O=Administration Connector Self-Signed Certificate
    Issuer: CN=opendj.example.com, O=Administration Connector Self-Signed Certificate
    Serial number: 904fc2b
    Valid from: Fri Mar 15 15:15:20 CET 2013 until: Thu Jun 13 16:15:20 CEST 2013
    Certificate fingerprints:
    	 MD5:  DD:2A:A1:3A:39:87:DF:02:15:A4:8A:9D:77:89:F1:E4
    	 SHA1: E1:99:82:92:D7:9B:28:B7:93:D2:B5:5B:C9:DA:4E:D2:62:C2:E7:B0
    	 SHA256: C5:34:9C:04:E2:87:A9:B1:72:B5:...:99:86:3A:02:28:D0:AB:02:5F:F4:BE
    	 Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
    	 Version: 3
    #1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
    SubjectKeyIdentifier [
    KeyIdentifier [
    0000: FE 33 69 67 FF E8 64 F6   D3 FB CD 14 1C D3 01 44  .3ig..d........D
    0010: EE 62 40 DD                                        .b@.
    Trust this certificate? [no]:  yes
    Certificate was added to keystore
  7. Restart OpenDJ to make sure it reloads the key stores.

    $ cd /path/to/opendj/bin
    $ stop-ds --restart
  8. If you have client applications trusting the self-signed certificate, have them import the new one (admin-cert.crt in this example).

Follow these steps to replace the key pair that is used to secure replication connections.

  1. Generate a new key pair for the server.

    The changes you perform are replicated across the topology.

    OpenDJ has an ads-certificate and private key, which is a local copy of the key pair used to secure replication connections.

    To generate the new key pair, you remove the ads-certificate key pair, prompt OpenDJ to generate a new ads-certificate key pair, and then add a copy to the administrative data using the MD5 fingerprint of the certificate to define the RDN.

    1. Delete the ads-certificate entry.

      $ ldapmodify
       --port 1389
       --hostname opendj.example.com
       --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
       --bindPassword password
      dn: ds-cfg-key-id=ads-certificate,cn=ads-truststore
      changetype: delete
      Processing DELETE request for ds-cfg-key-id=ads-certificate,cn=ads-truststore
      DELETE operation successful for DN ds-cfg-key-id=ads-certificate,
    2. Prompt OpenDJ to generate a new, self-signed ads-certificate key pair.

      You do this by adding an ads-certificate entry with object class ds-cfg-self-signed-cert-request.

      $ ldapmodify
       --port 1389
       --hostname opendj.example.com
       --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
       --bindPassword password
      dn: ds-cfg-key-id=ads-certificate,cn=ads-truststore
      changetype: add
      objectclass: ds-cfg-self-signed-cert-request
      Processing ADD request for ds-cfg-key-id=ads-certificate,cn=ads-truststore
      ADD operation successful for DN ds-cfg-key-id=ads-certificate,cn=ads-truststore
    3. Retrieve the ads-certificate entry.

      $ ldapsearch
       --port 1389
       --hostname opendj.example.com
       --baseDN cn=ads-truststore
      dn: ds-cfg-key-id=ads-certificate,cn=ads-truststore
      ds-cfg-key-id: ads-certificate
      ds-cfg-public-key-certificate;binary:: MIIB6zCCAVSgAwIBAgIEDKSUFjANBgkqhkiG9w0BA
      objectClass: top
      objectClass: ds-cfg-instance-key
    4. Retrieve the MD5 fingerprint of the ads-certificate.

      In this example, the MD5 fingerprint is 07:35:80:D8:F3:CE:E1:39:9C:D0:73:DB:6C:FA:CC:1C.

      $ keytool
       -alias ads-certificate
       -keystore /path/to/opendj/config/ads-truststore
       -storepass `cat /path/to/opendj/config/ads-truststore.pin`
      Alias name: ads-certificate
      Creation date: Feb 7, 2013
      Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
      Certificate chain length: 1
      Owner: CN=opendj.example.com, O=OpenDJ Certificate
      Issuer: CN=opendj.example.com, O=OpenDJ Certificate
      Serial number: ca49416
      Valid from: Thu Feb 07 11:30:33 CET 2013 until: Wed Feb 02 11:30:33 CET 2033
      Certificate fingerprints:
      	 MD5:  07:35:80:D8:F3:CE:E1:39:9C:D0:73:DB:6C:FA:CC:1C
      	 SHA1: 56:30:F6:79:AA:C0:BD:61:88:3E:FB:38:38:9D:84:70:0B:E4:43:57
      	 SHA256: A8:4B:81:EE:30:2A:0C:09:2E:...:C1:41:F5:AB:19:C6:EE:AB:50:64
      	 Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
      	 Version: 3
    5. Using the MD5 fingerprint and the certificate entry, prepare LDIF to update cn=admin data with the new server certificate.

      $ cat /path/to/update-server-cert.ldif
      dn: ds-cfg-key-id=073580D8F3CEE1399CD073DB6CFACC1C,cn=instance keys,
       cn=admin data
      changetype: add
      ds-cfg-key-id: 073580D8F3CEE1399CD073DB6CFACC1C
      ds-cfg-public-key-certificate;binary:: MIIB6zCCAVSgAwIBAgIEDKSUFjANBgkqhkiG9w0BA
      objectClass: top
      objectClass: ds-cfg-instance-key
      dn: cn=opendj.example.com:4444,cn=Servers,cn=admin data
      changetype: modify
      replace: ds-cfg-key-id
      ds-cfg-key-id: 073580D8F3CEE1399CD073DB6CFACC1C
    6. Update the administrative data, causing OpenDJ to create a copy of the new ads-certificate with its MD5 signature as the alias in the ads-truststore.

      $ ldapmodify
       --port 1389
       --hostname opendj.example.com
       --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
       --bindPassword password
       --filename /path/to/update-server-cert.ldif
      Processing ADD request for ds-cfg-key-id=073580D8F3CEE1399CD073DB6CFACC1C,
       cn=instance keys,cn=admin data
      ADD operation successful for DN ds-cfg-key-id=073580D8F3CEE1399CD073DB6CFACC1C,
       cn=instance keys,cn=admin data
      Processing MODIFY request for cn=opendj.example.com:4444,cn=Servers,
       cn=admin data
      MODIFY operation successful for DN cn=opendj.example.com:4444,cn=Servers,
       cn=admin data
  2. Force OpenDJ to reopen replication connections using the new key pair.

    Stop replication temporarily and then start it again as described in the Administration Guide section on Configuring Replication.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
     --set enabled:false
    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
     --set enabled:true

When you change where OpenDJ is deployed, you must take host names, port numbers, and certificates into account. The changes can also affect your replication configuration. This chapter shows what to do when moving a server.

From time to time you might change server hardware, file system layout, or host names. At those times you move the services running on the system. You can move OpenDJ data between servers and operating systems. Most of the configuration is also portable.

Two aspects of the configuration are not portable.

  • Server certificates contain the host name of the system. Even if you did not set up secure communications when you installed the server, the server still has a certificate used for secure communications on the administrative port.

    To resolve the issue with server certificates, you can change the server certificates during the move as described in this chapter.

  • Replication configuration includes the host name and administrative port numbers.

    You can work around the issue with replication configuration by disabling replication for the server before the move, and then enabling and initializing replication again after the move.

Take a moment to determine whether you find it quicker and easier to move your server, or instead to recreate a copy. To recreate a copy, install a new server, set up the new server configuration to match the old, and then copy only the data from the old server to the new server, initializing replication from existing data, or even from LDIF if your database is not too large.

After you decide to move a server, start by taking it out of service. Taking it out of service means directing client applications elsewhere, and then preventing updates from client applications, and finally disabling replication, too. Directing client applications elsewhere depends on your network configuration and possibly on your client application configuration. The other two steps can be completed with the dsconfig and dsreplication commands.

  1. Direct client applications to other servers.

    How you do this depends on your network and client application configurations.

  2. Prevent the server from accepting updates from client applications.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj2.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --set writability-mode:internal-only
  3. Disable replication for the server.

    $ dsreplication
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj2.example.com
     --adminUID admin
     --adminPassword password
    Establishing connections ..... Done.
    Disabling replication on base DN dc=example,dc=com of server
     opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Disabling replication on base DN cn=admin data of server
     opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Disabling replication on base DN cn=schema of server
     opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Disabling replication port 8989 of server opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Removing registration information ..... Done.
    Removing truststore information ..... Done.
    for a detailed log of this operation.
  4. With the server no longer receiving traffic or accepting updates from clients, and no longer replicating to other servers, you can shut it down in preparation for the move.

    $ stop-ds
    Stopping Server...
    ... msg=The Directory Server is now stopped
  5. (Optional) You might also choose to remove extra log files from the server logs/ directory before moving the server.

Now that you have decided to move your server, and prepared for the move, you must not only move the files but also fix the configuration and the server certificates, and then enable replication.

  1. Move the contents of the server installation directory to the new location.

  2. (Optional) If you must change port numbers, edit the port numbers in config/config.ldif, carefully avoiding changing any whitespace or other lines in the file.

  3. Change server certificates as described in the chapter on Changing Server Certificates.

  4. Start the server.

    $ start-ds
    ... The Directory Server has started successfully
  5. Enable and initialize replication.

    $ dsreplication
     --adminUID admin
     --bindPassword password
     --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
     --host1 opendj.example.com
     --port1 4444
     --bindDN1 "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword1 password
     --replicationPort1 8989
     --host2 opendj2.example.com
     --port2 4444
     --bindDN2 "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword2 password
     --replicationPort2 8989
    Establishing connections ..... Done.
    Checking registration information ..... Done.
    Configuring Replication port on server opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Updating remote references on server opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Updating replication configuration for baseDN dc=example,dc=com on server
     opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Updating replication configuration for baseDN dc=example,dc=com on server
     opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Updating registration configuration on server
     opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Updating registration configuration on server
     opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Updating replication configuration for baseDN cn=schema on server
     opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Updating replication configuration for baseDN cn=schema on server
     opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Initializing registration information on server opendj.example.com:4444 with
     the contents of server opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Initializing schema on server opendj2.example.com:4444 with the contents of
     server opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
    Replication has been successfully enabled.  Note that for replication to work
     you must initialize the contents of the base DN's that are being replicated
     (use dsreplication initialize to do so).
    See /tmp/opends-replication-1476402020764482023.log for a detailed log of this
    $ dsreplication
     --adminUID admin
     --bindPassword password
     --port 4444
     --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
    Preparing base DN dc=example,dc=com to be initialized externally ..... Done.
    Now you can proceed to the initialization of the contents of the base DN's on
     all the replicated servers.  You can use the command import-ldif or the binary
     copy to do so.  You must use the same LDIF file or binary copy on each server.
    When the initialization is completed you must use the subcommand
     'post-external-initialization' for replication to work with the new base DN's
    $ dsreplication
     --adminUID admin
     --bindPassword password
     --port 4444
     --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
    Updating replication information on base DN dc=example,dc=com ..... Done.
    Post initialization procedure completed successfully.
  6. Accept updates from client applications.

    $ dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --set writability-mode:enabled
  7. Direct client applications to the server.

This chapter describes how to troubleshoot common server problems, and how to collect information necessary when seeking support help.

In order to solve your problem methodically, save time by defining the problem clearly up front. In a replicated environment with multiple directory servers and many client applications, it can be particularly important to pin down not only the problem (difference in observed behavior compared to expected behavior), but also the circumstances and steps that lead to the problem occurring.

Answer the following questions.

  • How do you reproduce the problem?

  • What exactly is the problem? In other words, what is the behavior you expected? What is the behavior you observed?

  • When did the problem start occurring? Under similar circumstances, when does the problem not occur?

  • Is the problem permanent? Intermittent? Is it getting worse? Getting better? Staying the same?

Pinpointing the problem can sometimes indicate where you should start looking for solutions.

Installation and upgrade procedures result in a log file tracing the operation. The log location differs by operating system, but look for lines in the command output of the following form.

See /var/....log for a detailed log of this operation.

When trying to launch ControlPanel.app on Mac OS X, the system shows a message window indicating an error:

"ControlPanel" is damaged and can't be opened.
You should move it to the Trash.

This is related to the application signing and security settings. To work around the problem, try one of the following solutions:

  • Allow unidentified applications to run on your system by selecting System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General > Allow apps downloaded from: Anywhere.

  • Open the OpenDJ control panel by using the command instead. Open a Terminal window and issue the following command, replacing /path/to/opendj with the OpenDJ installation path on your system:

    $ /path/to/opendj/bin/control-panel &

The OpenDJ Mac OS X .app wrapper applications require Java 6.

This section describes what to do if you forgot the password for Directory Manager or for the global (replication) administrator.

OpenDJ directory server stores the entry for Directory Manager in the LDIF representation of its configuration. You must be able to edit directory server files in order to reset Directory Manager's password.

  1. Generate the encoded version of the new password using the OpenDJ encode-password command.

    $ cd /path/to/opendj/bin/
    $ ./encode-password --storageScheme SSHA512 --clearPassword password
    Encoded Password:  "{SSHA512}yWqHnYV4a5llPvE7WHLe5jzK27oZQWLIlVcs9gySu4TyZJMg
  2. Stop OpenDJ directory server while you edit the configuration.

    $ ./stop-ds
  3. Find Directory Manager's entry, which has DN cn=Directory Manager,cn=Root DNs,cn=config, in /path/to/opendj/config/config.ldif, and carefully replace the userpassword attribute value with the encoded version of the new password, taking care not to leave any whitespace at the end of the line.

    dn: cn=Directory Manager,cn=Root DNs,cn=config
    objectClass: person
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    objectClass: organizationalPerson
    objectClass: ds-cfg-root-dn-user
    objectClass: top
    userpassword: {SSHA512}yWqHnYV4a5llPvE7WHLe5jzK27oZQWLIlVcs9gySu4TyZJMg
    givenName: Directory
    cn: Directory Manager
    ds-cfg-alternate-bind-dn: cn=Directory Manager
    sn: Manager
    ds-pwp-password-policy-dn: cn=Root Password Policy,cn=Password Policies
    ds-rlim-time-limit: 0
    ds-rlim-lookthrough-limit: 0
    ds-rlim-idle-time-limit: 0
    ds-rlim-size-limit: 0
  4. Start OpenDJ directory server again.

    $ ./start-ds
  5. Verify that you can administer the server as Directory Manager using the new password.

    $ ./dsconfig -p 4444 -h `hostname` -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password
    >>>> OpenDJ configuration console main menu
    What do you want to configure?
    Enter choice: q

When you enable replication, part of the process involves creating a global administrator and setting that user's password. This user is present on all replicas. If you chose default values, this user has DN cn=admin,cn=Administrators,cn=admin data. You reset the password as you would for any other user, though you do so as Directory Manager.

  1. Use the ldappasswordmodify command to reset the global administrator's password

    $ cd /path/to/opendj/bin/
    $ ./ldappasswordmodify
     --port 1389
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --authzID "cn=admin,cn=Administrators,cn=admin data"
     --newPassword password
    The LDAP password modify operation was successful
  2. Let replication copy the password change to other replicas.

OpenDJ can write debug information and stack traces to the server debug log. What is logged depends both on debug targets that you create, and also on the debug level that you choose.

  1. Enable the debug log, opendj/logs/debug, which is not enabled by default.

    $ dsconfig
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --port 4444
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --publisher-name "File-Based Debug Logger"
     --set enabled:true
     --set default-debug-level:all

    You can set default-debug-level to a less verbose level if necessary.

  2. Create a debug target or targets.

    No debug targets are enabled by default.

    $ dsconfig
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --port 4444
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --publisher-name "File-Based Debug Logger"
    Debug Target : debug-level : debug-category

    A debug target specifies a fully-qualified OpenDJ Java package, class, or method for which to log debug messages at the level you specify.

    $ dsconfig
     --hostname opendj.example.com
     --port 4444
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --publisher-name "File-Based Debug Logger"
     --type generic
     --target-name org.opends.server.api
     --set debug-level:all
  3. Restart OpenDJ to see debug messages in the log.

    $ /path/to/opendj/bin/stop-ds --restart
    $ tail -f /path/to/opendj/logs/debug

    If you have set debug-level:all, OpenDJ generates a great deal of output in the debug log file. Use debug logging very sparingly on production systems.

Misconfiguration can potentially put OpenDJ in a state where you must intervene, and where you need to prevent users and applications from accessing the directory until you are done fixing the problem.

OpenDJ provides a lockdown mode that allows connections only on the loopback address, and allows only operations requested by root users, such as cn=Directory Manager. You can use lockdown mode to prevent all but administrative access to OpenDJ in order to repair the server.

To put OpenDJ into lockdown mode, the server must be running. You cause the server to enter lockdown mode by using a task. Notice that the modify operation is performed over the loopback address (accessing OpenDJ on the local host).

$ ldapmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
dn: ds-task-id=Enter Lockdown Mode,cn=Scheduled Tasks,cn=tasks
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-task
ds-task-id: Enter Lockdown Mode
ds-task-class-name: org.opends.server.tasks.EnterLockdownModeTask

Processing ADD request for
 ds-task-id=Enter Lockdown Mode,cn=Scheduled Tasks,cn=tasks
ADD operation successful for DN
 ds-task-id=Enter Lockdown Mode,cn=Scheduled Tasks,cn=tasks

OpenDJ logs a notice message in logs/errors when lockdown mode takes effect.

[30/Jan/2012:17:04:32 +0100] category=BACKEND severity=NOTICE msgID=9896350
 msg=Lockdown task Enter Lockdown Mode finished execution

Client applications that request operations get a message concerning lockdown mode.

$ ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN "" --searchScope base "(objectclass=*)" +
SEARCH operation failed
Result Code:  53 (Unwilling to Perform)
Additional Information:  Rejecting the requested operation because the server
 is in lockdown mode and will only accept requests from root users over
 loopback connections

You also leave lockdown mode by using a task.

$ ldapmodify
 --port 1389
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
dn: ds-task-id=Leave Lockdown Mode,cn=Scheduled Tasks,cn=tasks
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-task
ds-task-id: Leave Lockdown Mode
ds-task-class-name: org.opends.server.tasks.LeaveLockdownModeTask

Processing ADD request for
 ds-task-id=Leave Lockdown Mode,cn=Scheduled Tasks,cn=tasks
ADD operation successful for DN
 ds-task-id=Leave Lockdown Mode,cn=Scheduled Tasks,cn=tasks

OpenDJ also logs a notice message when leaving lockdown.

[30/Jan/2012:17:13:05 +0100] category=BACKEND severity=NOTICE msgID=9896350
 msg=Leave Lockdown task Leave Lockdown Mode finished execution

By default OpenDJ requires that LDIF data you import respect standards. In particular, OpenDJ is set to check that entries to import match the schema defined for the server. You can temporarily bypass this check by using the --skipSchemaValidation with the import-ldif command.

OpenDJ also ensures by default that entries have only one structural object class. You can relax this behavior by using the advanced global configuration property, single-structural-objectclass-behavior. This can be useful when importing data exported from Sun Directory Server. For example, to warn when entries have more than one structural object class instead of reject such entries being added, set single-structural-objectclass-behavior:warn as follows.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname `hostname`
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --set single-structural-objectclass-behavior:warn

By default, OpenDJ also checks syntax for a number of attribute types. You can relax this behavior as well by using the dsconfig set-attribute-syntax-prop command. See the list of attribute syntaxes and use the --help option for further information.

When running import-ldif, you can use the -R rejectFile option to capture entries that could not be imported, and the --countRejects option to return the number of rejected entries as the import-ldif exit code.

Once you work through the issues with your LDIF data, reinstate the default behavior to ensure automated checking.

In order to trust the server certificate, client applications usually compare the signature on certificates with those of the Certificate Authorities (CAs) whose certificates are distributed with the client software. For example, the Java environment is distributed with a key store holding many CA certificates.

$ keytool -list -keystore $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit
 | wc -l

The self-signed server certificates that can be configured during OpenDJ setup are not recognized as being signed by any CAs. Your software therefore is configured not to trust the self-signed certificates by default. You must either configure the client applications to accept the self-signed certificates, or else use certificates signed by recognized CAs.

You can further debug the network traffic by collecting debug traces. To see the traffic going over TLS/SSL in debug mode, configure OpenDJ to dump debug traces from javax.net.debug into the logs/server.out file.

OPENDJ_JAVA_ARGS="-Djavax.net.debug=all" start-ds

Replication uses SSL to protect directory data on the network. In some configurations, replica can fail to connect to each other due to SSL handshake errors. This leads to error log messages such as the following.

[21/Nov/2011:13:03:20 -0600] category=SYNC severity=NOTICE
 msgID=15138921 msg=SSL connection attempt from myserver (123.456.789.012)
 failed: Remote host closed connection during handshake

Notice these problem characteristics in the message above.

  • The host name, myserver, is not fully qualified.

    You should not see non fully qualified host names in the error logs. Non fully qualified host names are a sign that an OpenDJ server has not been configured properly.

    Always install and configure OpenDJ using fully-qualified host names. The OpenDJ administration connector, which is used by the dsconfig command, and also replication depend upon SSL and, more specifically, self-signed certificates for establishing SSL connections. If the host name used for connection establishment does not correspond to the host name stored in the SSL certificate then the SSL handshake can fail. For the purposes of establishing the SSL connection, a host name like myserver does not match myserver.example.com, and vice versa.

  • The connection succeeded, but the SSL handshake failed, suggesting a problem with authentication or with the cipher or protocol negotiation. As most deployments use the same Java Virtual Machine, and the same JVM configuration for each replica, the problem is likely not related to SSL cipher or protocol negotiation, but instead lies with authentication.

Follow these steps on each OpenDJ server to check whether the problem lies with the host name configuration.

  1. Make sure each OpenDJ server uses only fully qualified host names in the replication configuration. You can obtain a quick summary by running the following command against each server's configuration.

    $ grep ds-cfg-replication-server: config/config.ldif | sort | uniq
  2. Make sure that the host names in OpenDJ certificates also contain fully qualified host names, and correspond to the host names found in the previous step.

    # Examine the certificates used for the administration connector.
    $ keytool -list -v -keystore config/admin-truststore
     -storepass `cat config/admin-keystore.pin` |grep "^Owner:"
    # Examine the certificates used for replication.
    $ keytool -list -v -keystore config/ads-truststore
     -storepass `cat config/ads-truststore.pin`| grep "^Owner:"

Sample output for a server on host opendj.example.com follows.

$ grep ds-cfg-replication-server: config/config.ldif |sort | uniq
ds-cfg-replication-server: opendj.example.com:8989
ds-cfg-replication-server: opendj.example.com:9989

$ keytool -list -v -keystore config/admin-truststore
-storepass `cat config/admin-keystore.pin` | grep "^Owner:"
Owner: CN=opendj.example.com, O=Administration Connector Self-Signed Certificate

$ keytool -list -v -keystore config/ads-truststore
 -storepass `cat config/ads-truststore.pin`| grep "^Owner:"
Owner: CN=opendj.example.com, O=OpenDJ Certificate
Owner: CN=opendj.example.com, O=OpenDJ Certificate
Owner: CN=opendj.example.com, O=OpenDJ Certificate

Unfortunately there is no easy solution to badly configured host names. It is often easier and quicker simply to reinstall your OpenDJ servers remembering to use fully qualified host names everywhere.

  • When using the setup tool to install and configure a server ensure that the -h option is included, and that it specifies the fully qualified host name. Make sure you include this option even if you are not enabling SSL/StartTLS LDAP connections (see OPENDJ-363).

    If you are using the GUI installer, then make sure you specify the fully qualified host name on the first page of the wizard.

  • When using the dsreplication tool to enable replication make sure that any --host options include the fully qualified host name.

If you cannot reinstall the server, follow these steps.

  1. Disable replication in each replica.

    $ dsreplication
     --port adminPort
     --hostname hostName
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --adminPassword password
  2. Stop and restart each server in order to clear the in-memory ADS trust store backend.

  3. Enable replication making certain that fully qualified host names are used throughout

    $ dsreplication
     --adminUID admin
     --adminPassword password
     --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
     --host1 hostName1
     --port1 adminPort1
     --bindDN1 "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword1 password
     --replicationPort1 replPort1
     --host2 hostName2
     --port2 adminPort2
     --bindDN2 "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword2 password
     --replicationPort2 replPort2
  4. Repeat the previous step for each remaining replica. In other words, host1 with host2, host1 with host3, host1 with host4, ..., host1 with hostN.

  5. Initialize all remaining replica with the data from host1.

    $ dsreplication
     --adminUID admin
     --adminPassword password
     --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
     --hostname hostName1
     --port 4444
  6. Check that the host names are correct in the configuration and in the key stores by following the steps you used to check for host name problems. The only broken host name remaining should be in the key and trust stores for the administration connector.

    $ keytool -list -v -keystore config/admin-truststore
     -storepass `cat config/admin-keystore.pin` |grep "^Owner:"
  7. Stop each server, and then fix the remaining admin connector certificate as described here in the procedure To Replace a Server Key Pair.

As explained in Changing Server Certificates, OpenDJ directory server has different keys and key stores for different purposes. The public keys used for replication are also used to encrypt shared secret symmetric keys for example to encrypt and to sign back ups. This section looks at what to do if either a key pair or secret key is compromised.

How you deal with the problem depends on which key was compromised.

  • For a key pair used for a client connection handler and with a certificate signed by a certificate authority (CA), contact the CA for help. The CA might choose to publish a certificate revocation list (CRL) that identifies the certificate of the compromised key pair.

    Also make sure you replace the key pair. See To Replace a Server Key Pair for specific steps.

  • For a key pair used for a client connection handler and that has a self-signed certificate, follow the steps in To Replace a Server Key Pair, and make sure the clients remove the compromised certificate from their trust stores, updating those trust stores with the new certificate.

  • For a key pair that is used for replication, mark the key as compromised as described below, and replace the key pair. See To Replace a Server Key Pair for specific steps.

    To mark the key pair as compromised, follow these steps.

    1. Identity the key entry by searching administrative data on the server whose key was compromised.

      The server in this example is installed on opendj.example.com with administration port 4444.

      $ ldapsearch
       --port 1389
       --hostname opendj.example.com
       --baseDN "cn=admin data"
       "(cn=opendj.example.com:4444)" ds-cfg-key-id
      dn: cn=opendj.example.com:4444,cn=Servers,cn=admin data
      ds-cfg-key-id: 4F2F97979A7C05162CF64C9F73AF66ED

      The key ID, 4F2F97979A7C05162CF64C9F73AF66ED, is the RDN of the key entry.

    2. Mark the key as compromised by adding the attribute, ds-cfg-key-compromised-time, to the key entry.

      The attribute has generalized time syntax, and so takes as its value the time at which the key was compromised expressed in generalized time. In the following example, the key pair was compromised at 8:34 AM UTC on March 21, 2013.

      $ ldapmodify
       --port 1389
       --hostname opendj.example.com
       --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
       --bindPassword password
      dn: ds-cfg-key-id=4F2F97979A7C05162CF64C9F73AF66ED,cn=instance keys,cn=admin data
      changetype: modify
      add: ds-cfg-key-compromised-time
      ds-cfg-key-compromised-time: 201303210834Z
      Processing MODIFY request for ds-cfg-key-id=4F2F97979A7C05162CF64C9F73AF66ED,
       cn=instance keys,cn=admin data
      MODIFY operation successful for DN ds-cfg-key-id=4F2F97979A7C05162CF64C9F73AF66ED
       ,cn=instance keys,cn=admin data
    3. If the server uses encrypted or signed data, then the shared secret keys used for encryption or signing and associated with the compromised key pair should also be considered compromised. Therefore, mark all shared secret keys encrypted with the instance key as compromised.

      To identify the shared secret keys, find the list of secret keys in the administrative data whose ds-cfg-symmetric-key starts with the key ID of the compromised key.

      $ ldapsearch
       --port 1389
       --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
       --bindPassword password
       --baseDN "cn=secret keys,cn=admin data"
       "(ds-cfg-symmetric-key=4F2F97979A7C05162CF64C9F73AF66ED*)" dn
      dn: ds-cfg-key-id=fba16e59-2ce1-4619-96e7-8caf33f916c8,cn=secret keys,cn=admin d
      dn: ds-cfg-key-id=57bd8b8b-9cc6-4a29-b42f-fb7a9e48d713,cn=secret keys,cn=admin d
      dn: ds-cfg-key-id=f05e2e6a-5c4b-44d0-b2e8-67a36d304f3a,cn=secret keys,cn=admin d

      For each such key, mark the entry with ds-cfg-key-compromised-time as shown above for the instance key.

    Changes to administration data are replicated to other OpenDJ servers in the replication topology.

  • For a shared secret key used for data encryption that has been compromised, mark the key entry with ds-cfg-key-compromised-time as shown in the example above that demonstrates marking the instance key as compromised.

    Again, changes to administration data are replicated to other OpenDJ servers in the replication topology.

By default OpenDJ logs information about all LDAP client operations in logs/access, and all HTTP client operations in logs/http-access. The following lines are wrapped for readability, showing a search for the entry with uid=bjensen as traced in the LDAP access log. In the access log itself, each line starts with a time stamp.

[27/Jun/2011:17:23:00 +0200] CONNECT conn=19 from=
 to= protocol=LDAP
[27/Jun/2011:17:23:00 +0200] SEARCH REQ conn=19 op=0 msgID=1
 base="dc=example,dc=com" scope=wholeSubtree filter="(uid=bjensen)" attrs="ALL"
[27/Jun/2011:17:23:00 +0200] SEARCH RES conn=19 op=0 msgID=1
 result=0 nentries=1 etime=3
[27/Jun/2011:17:23:00 +0200] UNBIND REQ conn=19 op=1 msgID=2
[27/Jun/2011:17:23:00 +0200] DISCONNECT conn=19 reason="Client Unbind"

As you see, each client connection and set of LDAP operations are traced, starting with a time stamp and information about the operation performed, then including information about the connection, the operation number for the sequence of operations performed by the client, a message identification number, and additional information about the operation.

To match HTTP client operations with related internal server operations, first prevent OpenDJ from suppressing internal operations from the LDAP access log by using the dsconfig command to set the LDAP access log publisher suppress-internal-operations advanced property to false. Then match the values of the x-connection-id field in the HTTP access log with conn=id values in the LDAP access log.

For example, consider an HTTP GET request for the _id field of the user newuser, which is handled by connection 4 as shown in logs/http-access.

-  bjensen  22/May/2013:16:27:52 +0200
  GET  /users/newuser?_fields=_id  HTTP/1.1  200
  curl/7.21.4  4  12

With internal operations logged in logs/access, log lines for the related operations have conn=4.

[22/May/2013:16:27:52 +0200] CONNECT conn=4
  from= to= protocol=HTTP/1.1
[22/May/2013:16:27:52 +0200] SEARCH REQ conn=4
  op=0 msgID=0 base="ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" scope=wholeSubtree
   filter="(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=bjensen))" attrs="1.1"
[22/May/2013:16:27:52 +0200] SEARCH RES conn=4
  op=0 msgID=0 result=0 nentries=1 etime=5
[22/May/2013:16:27:52 +0200] BIND REQ conn=4
  op=1 msgID=1 version=3 type=SIMPLE
[22/May/2013:16:27:52 +0200] BIND RES conn=4
  op=1 msgID=1 result=0 authDN="uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"
[22/May/2013:16:27:52 +0200] SEARCH REQ conn=4
  op=2 msgID=2 base="uid=newuser,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" scope=baseObject
   filter="(objectClass=*)" attrs="uid,etag"
[22/May/2013:16:27:52 +0200] SEARCH RES conn=4
   op=2 msgID=2 result=0 nentries=1 etime=4
[22/May/2013:16:27:52 +0200] UNBIND REQ conn=4
   op=3 msgID=3
[22/May/2013:16:27:52 +0200] DISCONNECT conn=4
   reason="Client Unbind"

To help diagnose errors due to access permissions, OpenDJ supports the get effective rights control. The control OID,, is not allowed by the default global ACIs. You must therefore add access to use the get effective rights control when not using it as Directory Manager.

For Solaris and some versions of Linux you might see a message in the OpenDJ access logs such as the following.

The request control with Object Identifier (OID) "1.2.840.113556.1.4.319"
cannot be used due to insufficient access rights

This message means clients are trying to use the simple paged results control without authenticating. By default, OpenDJ includes a global ACI to allow only authenticated users to use the control.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword "password"

Property   : Value(s)
enabled    : true
global-aci : (extop=" || ||
           : (targetcontrol=" || ||
           : || 1.2.840.113556.1.4.319 || 1.2.826.0.1.3344810.2.3 ||
           : 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.18 || 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.9 ||
           : 1.2.840.113556.1.4.473 ||") (version
           : 3.0; acl "Authenticated users control access"; allow(read)
           : userdn="ldap:///all";), (targetcontrol="2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2 ||
           : 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.17 || 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.19 ||
           : || ||
           : 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.16") (version 3.0; acl "Anonymous control
           : access"; allow(read) userdn="ldap:///anyone";)

To grant anonymous (unauthenticated) user access to the control, add the OID for the simple paged results control to the list of those in the Anonymous control access global ACI.

$ dsconfig
 --port 4444
 --hostname opendj.example.com
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword "password"
 --remove global-aci:"(targetcontrol=\"2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2 ||
 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.17 || 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.19 || || ||
 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.16\") (version 3.0; acl \"Anonymous control access\";
 allow(read) userdn=\"ldap:///anyone\";)"
 --add global-aci:"(targetcontrol=\"2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2 ||
 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.17 || 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.19 || || ||
 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.16 || 1.2.840.113556.1.4.319\")
 (version 3.0; acl \"Anonymous control access\"; allow(read)

Alternatively, stop OpenDJ, edit the corresponding ACI carefully in /path/to/opendj/config/config.ldif, and restart OpenDJ. [11]

Replication can generally recover from conflicts and transient issues. Replication does, however, require that update operations be copied from server to server. It is therefore possible to experience temporary delays while replicas converge, especially when the write operation load is heavy. OpenDJ's tolerance for temporary divergence between replicas is what allows OpenDJ to remain available to serve client applications even when networks linking the replicas go down.

In other words, the fact that directory services are loosely convergent rather than transactional is a feature, not a bug.

That said, you may encounter errors. Replication uses its own error log file, logs/replication. Error messages in the log file have category=SYNC. The messages have the following form. Here the line is folded for readability.

[27/Jun/2011:14:37:48 +0200] category=SYNC severity=INFORMATION msgID=14680169
 msg=Replication server accepted a connection from
 to local address but the SSL handshake failed. This is
 probably benign, but may indicate a transient network outage or a
 misconfigured client application connecting to this replication server.
 The error was: Remote host closed connection during handshake

OpenDJ maintains historical information about changes in order to bring replicas up to date, and to resolve replication conflicts. To prevent historical information from growing without limit, OpenDJ purges historical information after a configurable delay (replication-purge-delay, default: 3 days). A replica can become irrevocably out of sync if you restore it from a backup archive older than the purge delay, or if you stop it for longer than the purge delay. If this happens to you, disable the replica, and then reinitialize it from a recent backup or from a server that is up to date.

When you cannot resolve a problem yourself, and want to ask for help, clearly identify the problem and how you reproduce it, and also the version of OpenDJ you use to reproduce the problem. The version includes both a version number and also a build time stamp.

$ dsconfig --version
OpenDJ 2.6.0
Build yyyymmddhhmmssZ

Be ready to provide additional information, too.

  • The output from the java -version command.

  • access and errors logs showing what the server was doing when the problem started occurring

  • A copy of the server configuration file, config/config.ldif, in use when the problem started occurring

  • Other relevant logs or output, such as those from client applications experiencing the problem

  • A description of the environment where OpenDJ is running, including system characteristics, host names, IP addresses, Java versions, storage characteristics, and network characteristics. This helps to understand the logs, and other information.

[11] Unlike the dsconfig command, the config.ldif file is not a public interface, so this alternative should not be used in production.

You can find the tools under the bin/ or bat\ folder where you installed OpenDJ directory server. For example, /path/to/opendj/bin.


backup — back up OpenDJ directory data


backup {options}


This utility can be used to back up one or more directory server backends.


The following options are supported.

-a, --backUpAll

Back up all backends in the server

-A, --hash

Generate a hash of the backup contents

-B, --incrementalBaseID {backupID}

Backup ID of the source archive for an incremental backup.

-c, --compress

Compress the backup content

-d, --backupDirectory {backupDir}

Path to the target directory for the backup file(s)

-i, --incremental

Perform an incremental backup rather than a full backup

-I, --backupID {backupID}

Use the provided identifier for the backup

-n, --backendID {backendName}

Backend ID for the backend to archive

-s, --signHash

Sign the hash of the backup contents

-y, --encrypt

Encrypt the backup contents

Task Backend Connection Options

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default value: 30000

-D, --bindDN {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server

Default value: cn=Directory Manager

-h, --hostname {host}

Directory server hostname or IP address

Default value: localhost.localdomain

-j, --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file

-K, --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path

-N, --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of certificate for SSL client authentication

-o, --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options

-p, --port {port}

Directory server administration port number

Default value: 4444

-P, --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path

-T, --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN

-u, --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file

-U, --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file

-w, --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server

Use -w - to have the command prompt for the password, rather than enter the password on the command line.

-W, --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN

-X, --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates

Task Scheduling Options

--completionNotify {emailAddress}

Email address of a recipient to be notified when the task completes. This option may be specified more than once.

--dependency {taskID}

ID of a task upon which this task depends. A task will not start execution until all its dependencies have completed execution.

--errorNotify {emailAddress}

Email address of a recipient to be notified if an error occurs when this task executes. This option may be specified more than once.

--failedDependencyAction {action}

Action this task will take should one if its dependent tasks fail. The value must be one of PROCESS, CANCEL, DISABLE. If not specified defaults to CANCEL.

--recurringTask {schedulePattern}

Indicates the task is recurring and will be scheduled according to the value argument expressed in crontab(5) compatible time/date pattern.

-t, --start {startTime}

Indicates the date/time at which this operation will start when scheduled as a server task expressed in YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ format for UTC time or YYYYMMDDhhmmss for local time. A value of '0' will cause the task to be scheduled for immediate execution. When this option is specified the operation will be scheduled to start at the specified time after which this utility will exit immediately.

Utility Input/Output Options


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments

General Options

-V, --version

Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.


An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments.


The following example backs up all user data while the server is online.

$ backup -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password
 -a -d /path/to/opendj/bak -t 0
Backup task 20110613143801866 scheduled to start Jun 13, 2011 2:38:01 PM CEST

The following example schedules back up of all user data every night at 2 AM when the server is online, and notifies diradmin@example.com when finished, or on error.

$ backup -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -a
 -d /path/to/opendj/bak --recurringTask "00 02 * * *"
 --completionNotify diradmin@example.com --errorNotify diradmin@example.com
Recurring Backup task BackupTask-988d6adf-4d65-44bf-8546-6ea74a2480b0
scheduled successfully

The following example backs up all user data while the server is offline.

$ /path/to/opendj/bin/stop-ds
Stopping Server...
$ /path/to/opendj/bin/backup --backupAll --backupDirectory /path/to/opendj/bak
[28/Sep/2012:12:14:22 +0200] ... msg=The backup process completed successfully
$ /path/to/opendj/bin/start-ds
[28/Sep/2012:12:15:48 +0200] ... The Directory Server has started successfully


base64 — encode and decode base64 strings


base64 subcommand {options}


This utility can be used to encode and decode information using base64.


The following subcommands are supported.

base64 decode

Decode base64-encoded information into raw data

When no options are specified, this subcommand reads from standard input and writes to standard output.

Decode Options
-d, --encodedData {data}

The base64-encoded data to be decoded

-f, --encodedDataFile {path}

The path to a file containing the base64-encoded data to be decoded

-o, --toRawFile {path}

The path to a file to which the raw base64-decoded data should be written

base64 encode

Encode raw data using base64

When no options are specified, this subcommand reads from standard input and writes to standard output.

Decode Options
-d, --rawData {data}

The raw data to be base64 encoded

-f, --rawDataFile {path}

The path to a file containing the raw data to be base64 encoded

-o, --toEncodedFile {path}

The path to a file to which the base64-encoded data should be written

General Options

-V, --version

Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following command shows the changes from the external change log in human-readable format.

$ base64 decode -d YWRkOiBkZXNjcmlwdGlvbgpkZXNjcmlwdGlvbjogQSB0aGlyZCBjaGFuZ2UK
add: description
description: A third change
replace: modifiersName
modifiersName: cn=Directory Manager,cn=Root DNs,cn=config
replace: modifyTimestamp
modifyTimestamp: 20110613071210Z


control-panel — start the OpenDJ graphical admin interface


control-panel {options}


This utility can be used to display the Control Panel window which displays basic server information and allows to do some basic administration tasks on the server.


The following options are supported.

-r, --remote

Connect to a remote server

LDAP Connection Options

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default value: 30000

-D, --bindDN {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server

Default value: cn=Directory Manager

-h, --hostname {host}

Directory server hostname or IP address

Default value: localhost.localdomain

-j, --adminPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Global administrator password file

-p, --port {port}

Directory server administration port number

Default value: 4444

-w, --adminPassword {bindPassword}

Password for the global administrator

-X, --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates

General Options


Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following example starts the Control Panel on a remote host.

$ control-panel -r -h opendj.example.com -p 4444 &


create-rc-script — script to manage OpenDJ as a service on UNIX


create-rc-script {options}


Create an RC script that may be used to start, stop, and restart the directory server on UNIX-based systems.


The following options are supported.

-f, --outputFile {path}

The path to the output file to create.

-j, --javaHome {path}

The path to the Java installation that should be used to run the server.

-J, --javaArgs {args}

A set of arguments that should be passed to the JVM when running the server.

-u, --userName {userName}

The name of the user account under which the server should run.

General Options


Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following example adds a script to start OpenDJ at boot time on a Debian-based system, and then updates the runlevel system to use the script.

$ sudo create-rc-script -f /etc/init.d/opendj -u mark
$ sudo update-rc.d opendj


dbtest — gather OpenDJ JE database debugging information


subcommand [options]


This utility can be used to debug the JE database.


The following subcommands are supported.

dbtest dump-database-container

Dump records from a database container

dbtest list-database-containers

List the database containers for an entry container

dbtest list-entry-containers

List the entry containers for a root container

dbtest list-index-status

List the status of indexes in an entry container

dbtest list-root-containers

List the root containers used by all JE backends


The following global options are supported.

For other options, see dbtest subcommand --help.


Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following example displays debugging information about the equality index for sudoUser.

$ dbtest dump-database-container -n userRoot -b dc=example,dc=com
 -d sudoUser.equality
Indexed Value (6 bytes): %admin
Entry ID List (8 bytes): 165 

Indexed Value (5 bytes): %sudo
Entry ID List (8 bytes): 164 

Indexed Value (4 bytes): root
Entry ID List (8 bytes): 163 

Total Records: 3
Total / Average Key Size: 13 bytes / 4 bytes
Total / Average Data Size: 24 bytes / 8 bytes


dsconfig — manage OpenDJ directory server configuration


dsconfig [subcommand] [options]


This utility serves to configure a running directory server.

The dsconfig command is the primary command-line tool for viewing and editing OpenDJ configuration. When started without arguments, dsconfig prompts you for administration connection information, including the host name, administration port number, administrator bind DN and administrator password. The dsconfig command then connects securely to the directory server over the administration port. Once connected it presents you with a menu-driven interface to the server configuration.

When you pass connection information, subcommands, and additional options to dsconfig, the command runs in script mode and so is not interactive, though it can prompt you to ask whether to apply changes and whether to trust certificates (unless you use the --no-prompt and --trustAll options, respectively).

You can prepare dsconfig batch scripts by running the tool with the --commandFilePath option in interactive mode, then reading from the batch file with the --batchFile option in script mode. Batch files can be useful when you have many dsconfig commands to run and want to avoid starting the JVM and setting up a new connection for each command.

The dsconfig command categorizes directory server configuration into components, also called managed objects. Actual components often inherit from a parent component type. For example, one component is a Connection Handler. An LDAP Connection Handler is a type of Connection Handler. You configure the LDAP Connection Handler component to specify how OpenDJ directory server handles LDAP connections coming from client applications.

Configuration components have properties. For example, the LDAP Connection Handler component has properties such as listen-port and allow-start-tls. You can set the component's listen-port property to 389 to use the default LDAP port number. You can set the component's allow-start-tls property to true to permit LDAP client applications to use StartTLS. Much of the configuration you do with dsconfig involves setting component properties. The OpenDJ Configuration Reference covers all dsconfig component properties in detail, drawing on the documentation you also view when getting help through the dsconfig command.

Getting Help

The dsconfig command provides many subcommands. Use the following options to view help for subcommands.

See dsconfig Subcommands for details of individual subcommands.

dsconfig --help-all

Display all subcommands

dsconfig --help-core-server

Display subcommands relating to core server

dsconfig --help-database

Display subcommands relating to caching and back-ends

dsconfig --help-logging

Display subcommands relating to logging

dsconfig --help-replication

Display subcommands relating to replication

dsconfig --help-security

Display subcommands relating to authentication and authorization

dsconfig --help-user-management

Display subcommands relating to user management

For help with individual subcommands, either use dsconfig subcommand --help, or start dsconfig in interactive mode, without specifying a subcommand.

To view component properties, use the dsconfig list-properties command.

Generally Applicable Options

The following options are supported for all dsconfig subcommands.


Allows the configuration of advanced components and properties

LDAP Connection Options

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default value: 30000

-h, --hostname {host}

Directory server hostname or IP address

Default value: localhost.localdomain

-I, --adminUID {adminUID}

User ID of the global administrator to use to bind to the server. For the enable subcommand, if no global administrator was defined previously for any servers, the global administrator will be created using the UID provided.

Default value: admin

-j, --adminPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Global administrator password file

-K, --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path

-N, --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of certificate for SSL client authentication

-o, --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options

-p, --port {port}

Directory server administration port number

Default value: 4444

-P, --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path

Default value: /path/to/opendj/config/admin-truststore

-T, --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN

-u, --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file

-U, --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file

-w, --adminPassword {bindPassword}

Password for the global administrator

-W, --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN

-X, --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates

Utility Input/Output Options

--commandFilePath {path}

The full path to the file where the equivalent non-interactive commands will be written when this command is run in interactive mode.


Display the equivalent non-interactive option on standard output when this command is run in interactive mode.

-F, --batchFilePath {batchFilePath}

Path to a batch file containing a set of dsconfig commands to be executed

-n, --no-prompt

Use non-interactive mode. If data in the command is missing, the user is not prompted and the command exits with an error.


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments

-Q, --quiet

Do not write progress information to standard output

-s, --script-friendly

Use script-friendly mode

-v, --verbose

Use verbose mode

General Options


Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information

dsconfig Subcommands

This section covers individual dsconfig subcommands.

Subcommands let you create, list, and delete entire configuration components, and also let you get and set component properties. Subcommands therefore have names that reflect these five actions.

  • create-component

  • list-components

  • delete-component

  • get-component-prop

  • set-component-prop

Component properties for the dsconfig command are covered in the OpenDJ Configuration Reference.

Many subcommands let you set property values. Notice in the reference for the subcommands below that specific options are available for handling multi-valued properties. Whereas you can assign a single property value using the --set option, you assign multiple values to a multi-valued property using the --add option. You can reset the values of the multi-valued property using the --reset option.

Some property values take a time duration. Durations are expressed as numbers followed by units. For example 1 s means one second, and 2 w means two weeks. Some durations have minimum granularity or maximum units, so you cannot necessary specify every duration in milliseconds or weeks for example. Some durations allow you to use a special value to mean unlimited. Units are specified as follows.

  • ms: milliseconds

  • s: seconds

  • m: minutes

  • h: hours

  • d: days

  • w: weeks

dsconfig create-access-log-filtering-criteria

Creates Access Log Filtering Criteria

--publisher-name {name}

The name of the Access Log Publisher

--criteria-name {name}

The name of the new Access Log Filtering Criteria

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Access Log Filtering Criteria which should be created (Default: generic). The value for TYPE can be one of: generic

dsconfig create-account-status-notification-handler

Creates Account Status Notification Handlers

--handler-name {name}

The name of the new Account Status Notification Handler

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Account Status Notification Handler which should be created. The value for TYPE can be one of: custom | error-log | smtp

dsconfig create-alert-handler

Creates Alert Handlers

--handler-name {name}

The name of the new Alert Handler

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Alert Handler which should be created. The value for TYPE can be one of: custom | jmx | smtp

dsconfig create-attribute-syntax

Creates Attribute Syntaxes

--syntax-name {name}

The name of the new Attribute Syntax

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Attribute Syntax which should be created (Default: generic). The value for TYPE can be one of: attribute-type-description | certificate | country-string | directory-string | generic | jpeg | telephone-number

dsconfig create-backend

Creates Backends

--backend-name {STRING}

The name of the new Backend which will also be used as the value of the "backend-id" property: Specifies a name to identify the associated backend.

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Backend which should be created. The value for TYPE can be one of: backup | config-file-handler | custom | ldif | local-db | memory | monitor | null | schema | task | trust-store

dsconfig create-certificate-mapper

Creates Certificate Mappers

--mapper-name {name}

The name of the new Certificate Mapper

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Certificate Mapper which should be created. The value for TYPE can be one of: custom | fingerprint | subject-attribute-to-user-attribute | subject-dn-to-user-attribute | subject-equals-dn

dsconfig create-connection-handler

Creates Connection Handlers

--handler-name {name}

The name of the new Connection Handler

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Connection Handler which should be created. The value for TYPE can be one of: custom | http | jmx | ldap | ldif | snmp

dsconfig create-debug-target

Creates Debug Targets

--publisher-name {name}

The name of the Debug Log Publisher

--target-name {STRING}

The name of the new Debug Target which will also be used as the value of the "debug-scope" property: Specifies the fully-qualified OpenDJ Java package, class, or method affected by the settings in this target definition. Use the number character (#) to separate the class name and the method name (that is, org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer#startUp).

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Debug Target which should be created (Default: generic). The value for TYPE can be one of: generic

dsconfig create-entry-cache

Creates Entry Caches

--cache-name {name}

The name of the new Entry Cache

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Entry Cache which should be created. The value for TYPE can be one of: custom | fifo | file-system | soft-reference

dsconfig create-extended-operation-handler

Creates Extended Operation Handlers

--handler-name {name}

The name of the new Extended Operation Handler

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Extended Operation Handler which should be created. The value for TYPE can be one of: cancel | custom | get-connection-id | get-symmetric-key | password-modify | password-policy-state | start-tls | who-am-i

dsconfig create-group-implementation

Creates Group Implementations

--implementation-name {name}

The name of the new Group Implementation

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Group Implementation which should be created. The value for TYPE can be one of: custom | dynamic | static | virtual-static

dsconfig create-identity-mapper

Creates Identity Mappers

--mapper-name {name}

The name of the new Identity Mapper

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Identity Mapper which should be created. The value for TYPE can be one of: custom | exact-match | regular-expression

dsconfig create-key-manager-provider

Creates Key Manager Providers

--provider-name {name}

The name of the new Key Manager Provider

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Key Manager Provider which should be created. The value for TYPE can be one of: custom | file-based | pkcs11

dsconfig create-local-db-index

Creates Local DB Indexes

--backend-name {name}

The name of the Local DB Backend

--index-name {OID}

The name of the new Local DB Index which will also be used as the value of the "attribute" property: Specifies the name of the attribute for which the index is to be maintained.

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Local DB Index which should be created (Default: generic). The value for TYPE can be one of: generic

dsconfig create-local-db-vlv-index

Creates Local DB VLV Indexes

--backend-name {name}

The name of the Local DB Backend

--index-name {STRING}

The name of the new Local DB VLV Index which will also be used as the value of the "name" property: Specifies a unique name for this VLV index.

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Local DB VLV Index which should be created (Default: generic). The value for TYPE can be one of: generic

dsconfig create-log-publisher

Creates Log Publishers

--publisher-name {name}

The name of the new Log Publisher

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Log Publisher which should be created. The value for TYPE can be one of: custom-access | custom-debug | custom-error | custom-http-access | file-based-access | file-based-audit | file-based-debug | file-based-error | file-based-http-access

dsconfig create-log-retention-policy

Creates Log Retention Policies

--policy-name {name}

The name of the new Log Retention Policy

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Log Retention Policy which should be created. The value for TYPE can be one of: custom | file-count | free-disk-space | size-limit

dsconfig create-log-rotation-policy

Creates Log Rotation Policies

--policy-name {name}

The name of the new Log Rotation Policy

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Log Rotation Policy which should be created. The value for TYPE can be one of: custom | fixed-time | size-limit | time-limit

dsconfig create-matching-rule

Creates Matching Rules

--rule-name {name}

The name of the new Matching Rule

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Matching Rule which should be created (Default: generic). The value for TYPE can be one of: collation | generic

dsconfig create-monitor-provider

Creates Monitor Providers

--provider-name {name}

The name of the new Monitor Provider

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Monitor Provider which should be created. The value for TYPE can be one of: client-connection | custom | entry-cache | memory-usage | stack-trace | system-info | version

dsconfig create-password-generator

Creates Password Generators

--generator-name {name}

The name of the new Password Generator

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Password Generator which should be created. The value for TYPE can be one of: custom | random

dsconfig create-password-policy

Creates Authentication Policies

--policy-name {name}

The name of the new Authentication Policy

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Authentication Policy which should be created. The value for TYPE can be one of: ldap-pass-through | password-policy

dsconfig create-password-storage-scheme

Creates Password Storage Schemes

--scheme-name {name}

The name of the new Password Storage Scheme

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Password Storage Scheme which should be created. The value for TYPE can be one of: aes | base64 | blowfish | clear | crypt | custom | md5 | pbkdf2 | rc4 | salted-md5 | salted-sha1 | salted-sha256 | salted-sha384 | salted-sha512 | sha1 | triple-des

dsconfig create-password-validator

Creates Password Validators

--validator-name {name}

The name of the new Password Validator

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Password Validator which should be created. The value for TYPE can be one of: attribute-value | character-set | custom | dictionary | length-based | repeated-characters | similarity-based | unique-characters

dsconfig create-plugin

Creates Plugins

--plugin-name {name}

The name of the new Plugin

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Plugin which should be created. The value for TYPE can be one of: attribute-cleanup | change-number-control | custom | entry-uuid | fractional-ldif-import | last-mod | ldap-attribute-description-list | password-policy-import | profiler | referential-integrity | samba-password | seven-bit-clean | unique-attribute

dsconfig create-replication-domain

Creates Replication Domains

--provider-name {name}

The name of the Replication Synchronization Provider

--domain-name {name}

The name of the new Replication Domain

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Replication Domain which should be created (Default: generic). The value for TYPE can be one of: generic

dsconfig create-replication-server

Creates Replication Servers

--provider-name {name}

The name of the Replication Synchronization Provider

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Replication Server which should be created (Default: generic). The value for TYPE can be one of: generic

dsconfig create-sasl-mechanism-handler

Creates SASL Mechanism Handlers

--handler-name {name}

The name of the new SASL Mechanism Handler

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of SASL Mechanism Handler which should be created. The value for TYPE can be one of: anonymous | cram-md5 | custom | digest-md5 | external | gssapi | plain

dsconfig create-synchronization-provider

Creates Synchronization Providers

--provider-name {name}

The name of the new Synchronization Provider

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Synchronization Provider which should be created. The value for TYPE can be one of: custom | replication

dsconfig create-trust-manager-provider

Creates Trust Manager Providers

--provider-name {name}

The name of the new Trust Manager Provider

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Trust Manager Provider which should be created. The value for TYPE can be one of: blind | custom | file-based

dsconfig create-virtual-attribute

Creates Virtual Attributes

--name {name}

The name of the new Virtual Attribute

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

-t | --type {type}

The type of Virtual Attribute which should be created. The value for TYPE can be one of: collective-attribute-subentries | custom | entity-tag | entry-dn | entry-uuid | governing-structure-rule | has-subordinates | is-member-of | member | num-subordinates | password-expiration-time | password-policy-subentry | structural-object-class | subschema-subentry | user-defined

dsconfig delete-access-log-filtering-criteria

Deletes Access Log Filtering Criteria

--publisher-name {name}

The name of the Access Log Publisher

--criteria-name {name}

The name of the Access Log Filtering Criteria

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Access Log Filtering Criteria

dsconfig delete-account-status-notification-handler

Deletes Account Status Notification Handlers

--handler-name {name}

The name of the Account Status Notification Handler

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Account Status Notification Handlers

dsconfig delete-alert-handler

Deletes Alert Handlers

--handler-name {name}

The name of the Alert Handler

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Alert Handlers

dsconfig delete-attribute-syntax

Deletes Attribute Syntaxes

--syntax-name {name}

The name of the Attribute Syntax

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Attribute Syntaxes

dsconfig delete-backend

Deletes Backends

--backend-name {name}

The name of the Backend

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Backends

dsconfig delete-certificate-mapper

Deletes Certificate Mappers

--mapper-name {name}

The name of the Certificate Mapper

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Certificate Mappers

dsconfig delete-connection-handler

Deletes Connection Handlers

--handler-name {name}

The name of the Connection Handler

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Connection Handlers

dsconfig delete-debug-target

Deletes Debug Targets

--publisher-name {name}

The name of the Debug Log Publisher

--target-name {name}

The name of the Debug Target

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Debug Targets

dsconfig delete-entry-cache

Deletes Entry Caches

--cache-name {name}

The name of the Entry Cache

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Entry Caches

dsconfig delete-extended-operation-handler

Deletes Extended Operation Handlers

--handler-name {name}

The name of the Extended Operation Handler

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Extended Operation Handlers

dsconfig delete-group-implementation

Deletes Group Implementations

--implementation-name {name}

The name of the Group Implementation

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Group Implementations

dsconfig delete-identity-mapper

Deletes Identity Mappers

--mapper-name {name}

The name of the Identity Mapper

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Identity Mappers

dsconfig delete-key-manager-provider

Deletes Key Manager Providers

--provider-name {name}

The name of the Key Manager Provider

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Key Manager Providers

dsconfig delete-local-db-index

Deletes Local DB Indexes

--backend-name {name}

The name of the Local DB Backend

--index-name {name}

The name of the Local DB Index

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Local DB Indexes

dsconfig delete-local-db-vlv-index

Deletes Local DB VLV Indexes

--backend-name {name}

The name of the Local DB Backend

--index-name {name}

The name of the Local DB VLV Index

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Local DB VLV Indexes

dsconfig delete-log-publisher

Deletes Log Publishers

--publisher-name {name}

The name of the Log Publisher

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Log Publishers

dsconfig delete-log-retention-policy

Deletes Log Retention Policies

--policy-name {name}

The name of the Log Retention Policy

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Log Retention Policies

dsconfig delete-log-rotation-policy

Deletes Log Rotation Policies

--policy-name {name}

The name of the Log Rotation Policy

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Log Rotation Policies

dsconfig delete-matching-rule

Deletes Matching Rules

--rule-name {name}

The name of the Matching Rule

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Matching Rules

dsconfig delete-monitor-provider

Deletes Monitor Providers

--provider-name {name}

The name of the Monitor Provider

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Monitor Providers

dsconfig delete-password-generator

Deletes Password Generators

--generator-name {name}

The name of the Password Generator

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Password Generators

dsconfig delete-password-policy

Deletes Authentication Policies

--policy-name {name}

The name of the Authentication Policy

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Authentication Policies

dsconfig delete-password-storage-scheme

Deletes Password Storage Schemes

--scheme-name {name}

The name of the Password Storage Scheme

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Password Storage Schemes

dsconfig delete-password-validator

Deletes Password Validators

--validator-name {name}

The name of the Password Validator

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Password Validators

dsconfig delete-plugin

Deletes Plugins

--plugin-name {name}

The name of the Plugin

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Plugins

dsconfig delete-replication-domain

Deletes Replication Domains

--provider-name {name}

The name of the Replication Synchronization Provider

--domain-name {name}

The name of the Replication Domain

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Replication Domains

dsconfig delete-replication-server

Deletes Replication Servers

--provider-name {name}

The name of the Replication Synchronization Provider

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Replication Servers

dsconfig delete-sasl-mechanism-handler

Deletes SASL Mechanism Handlers

--handler-name {name}

The name of the SASL Mechanism Handler

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent SASL Mechanism Handlers

dsconfig delete-synchronization-provider

Deletes Synchronization Providers

--provider-name {name}

The name of the Synchronization Provider

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Synchronization Providers

dsconfig delete-trust-manager-provider

Deletes Trust Manager Providers

--provider-name {name}

The name of the Trust Manager Provider

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Trust Manager Providers

dsconfig delete-virtual-attribute

Deletes Virtual Attributes

--name {name}

The name of the Virtual Attribute

-f | --force

Ignore non-existent Virtual Attributes

dsconfig get-access-control-handler-prop

Shows Access Control Handler properties

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-access-log-filtering-criteria-prop

Shows Access Log Filtering Criteria properties

--publisher-name {name}

The name of the Access Log Publisher

--criteria-name {name}

The name of the Access Log Filtering Criteria

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-account-status-notification-handler-prop

Shows Account Status Notification Handler properties

--handler-name {name}

The name of the Account Status Notification Handler

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-administration-connector-prop

Shows Administration Connector properties

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-alert-handler-prop

Shows Alert Handler properties

--handler-name {name}

The name of the Alert Handler

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-attribute-syntax-prop

Shows Attribute Syntax properties

--syntax-name {name}

The name of the Attribute Syntax

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-backend-prop

Shows Backend properties

--backend-name {name}

The name of the Backend

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-certificate-mapper-prop

Shows Certificate Mapper properties

--mapper-name {name}

The name of the Certificate Mapper

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-connection-handler-prop

Shows Connection Handler properties

--handler-name {name}

The name of the Connection Handler

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-crypto-manager-prop

Shows Crypto Manager properties

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-debug-target-prop

Shows Debug Target properties

--publisher-name {name}

The name of the Debug Log Publisher

--target-name {name}

The name of the Debug Target

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-entry-cache-prop

Shows Entry Cache properties

--cache-name {name}

The name of the Entry Cache

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-extended-operation-handler-prop

Shows Extended Operation Handler properties

--handler-name {name}

The name of the Extended Operation Handler

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-external-changelog-domain-prop

Shows External Changelog Domain properties

--provider-name {name}

The name of the Replication Synchronization Provider

--domain-name {name}

The name of the Replication Domain

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-global-configuration-prop

Shows Global Configuration properties

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-group-implementation-prop

Shows Group Implementation properties

--implementation-name {name}

The name of the Group Implementation

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-identity-mapper-prop

Shows Identity Mapper properties

--mapper-name {name}

The name of the Identity Mapper

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-key-manager-provider-prop

Shows Key Manager Provider properties

--provider-name {name}

The name of the Key Manager Provider

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-local-db-index-prop

Shows Local DB Index properties

--backend-name {name}

The name of the Local DB Backend

--index-name {name}

The name of the Local DB Index

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-local-db-vlv-index-prop

Shows Local DB VLV Index properties

--backend-name {name}

The name of the Local DB Backend

--index-name {name}

The name of the Local DB VLV Index

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-log-publisher-prop

Shows Log Publisher properties

--publisher-name {name}

The name of the Log Publisher

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-log-retention-policy-prop

Shows Log Retention Policy properties

--policy-name {name}

The name of the Log Retention Policy

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-log-rotation-policy-prop

Shows Log Rotation Policy properties

--policy-name {name}

The name of the Log Rotation Policy

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-matching-rule-prop

Shows Matching Rule properties

--rule-name {name}

The name of the Matching Rule

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-monitor-provider-prop

Shows Monitor Provider properties

--provider-name {name}

The name of the Monitor Provider

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-password-generator-prop

Shows Password Generator properties

--generator-name {name}

The name of the Password Generator

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-password-policy-prop

Shows Authentication Policy properties

--policy-name {name}

The name of the Authentication Policy

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-password-storage-scheme-prop

Shows Password Storage Scheme properties

--scheme-name {name}

The name of the Password Storage Scheme

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-password-validator-prop

Shows Password Validator properties

--validator-name {name}

The name of the Password Validator

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-plugin-prop

Shows Plugin properties

--plugin-name {name}

The name of the Plugin

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-plugin-root-prop

Shows Plugin Root properties

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-replication-domain-prop

Shows Replication Domain properties

--provider-name {name}

The name of the Replication Synchronization Provider

--domain-name {name}

The name of the Replication Domain

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-replication-server-prop

Shows Replication Server properties

--provider-name {name}

The name of the Replication Synchronization Provider

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-root-dn-prop

Shows Root DN properties

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-root-dse-backend-prop

Shows Root DSE Backend properties

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-sasl-mechanism-handler-prop

Shows SASL Mechanism Handler properties

--handler-name {name}

The name of the SASL Mechanism Handler

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-synchronization-provider-prop

Shows Synchronization Provider properties

--provider-name {name}

The name of the Synchronization Provider

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-trust-manager-provider-prop

Shows Trust Manager Provider properties

--provider-name {name}

The name of the Trust Manager Provider

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-virtual-attribute-prop

Shows Virtual Attribute properties

--name {name}

The name of the Virtual Attribute

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig get-work-queue-prop

Shows Work Queue properties

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-E | --record

Modifies the display output to show one property value per line

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-access-log-filtering-criteria

Lists existing Access Log Filtering Criteria

--publisher-name {name}

The name of the Access Log Publisher

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-account-status-notification-handlers

Lists existing Account Status Notification Handlers

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-alert-handlers

Lists existing Alert Handlers

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-attribute-syntaxes

Lists existing Attribute Syntaxes

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-backends

Lists existing Backends

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-certificate-mappers

Lists existing Certificate Mappers

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-connection-handlers

Lists existing Connection Handlers

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-debug-targets

Lists existing Debug Targets

--publisher-name {name}

The name of the Debug Log Publisher

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-entry-caches

Lists existing Entry Caches

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-extended-operation-handlers

Lists existing Extended Operation Handlers

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-group-implementations

Lists existing Group Implementations

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-identity-mappers

Lists existing Identity Mappers

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-key-manager-providers

Lists existing Key Manager Providers

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-local-db-indexes

Lists existing Local DB Indexes

--backend-name {name}

The name of the Local DB Backend

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-local-db-vlv-indexes

Lists existing Local DB VLV Indexes

--backend-name {name}

The name of the Local DB Backend

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-log-publishers

Lists existing Log Publishers

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-log-retention-policies

Lists existing Log Retention Policies

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-log-rotation-policies

Lists existing Log Rotation Policies

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-matching-rules

Lists existing Matching Rules

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-monitor-providers

Lists existing Monitor Providers

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-password-generators

Lists existing Password Generators

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-password-policies

Lists existing Password Policies

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-password-storage-schemes

Lists existing Password Storage Schemes

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-password-validators

Lists existing Password Validators

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-plugins

Lists existing Plugins

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-properties

Describes managed objects and their properties

-c | --category {category}

The category of components whose properties should be described

-t | --type {type}

The type of components whose properties should be described. The value for TYPE must be one of the component types associated with the CATEGORY specified using the "--category" option


Modifies the display output to show the inherited properties of components

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

dsconfig list-replication-domains

Lists existing Replication Domains

--provider-name {name}

The name of the Replication Synchronization Provider

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-replication-server

Lists existing Replication Server

--provider-name {name}

The name of the Replication Synchronization Provider

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-sasl-mechanism-handlers

Lists existing SASL Mechanism Handlers

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-synchronization-providers

Lists existing Synchronization Providers

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-trust-manager-providers

Lists existing Trust Manager Providers

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig list-virtual-attributes

Lists existing Virtual Attributes

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes)

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, or w (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks)

dsconfig set-access-control-handler-prop

Modifies Access Control Handler properties

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-access-log-filtering-criteria-prop

Modifies Access Log Filtering Criteria properties

--publisher-name {name}

The name of the Access Log Publisher

--criteria-name {name}

The name of the Access Log Filtering Criteria

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-account-status-notification-handler-prop

Modifies Account Status Notification Handler properties

--handler-name {name}

The name of the Account Status Notification Handler

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-administration-connector-prop

Modifies Administration Connector properties

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-alert-handler-prop

Modifies Alert Handler properties

--handler-name {name}

The name of the Alert Handler

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-attribute-syntax-prop

Modifies Attribute Syntax properties

--syntax-name {name}

The name of the Attribute Syntax

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-backend-prop

Modifies Backend properties

--backend-name {name}

The name of the Backend

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-certificate-mapper-prop

Modifies Certificate Mapper properties

--mapper-name {name}

The name of the Certificate Mapper

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-connection-handler-prop

Modifies Connection Handler properties

--handler-name {name}

The name of the Connection Handler

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-crypto-manager-prop

Modifies Crypto Manager properties

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-debug-target-prop

Modifies Debug Target properties

--publisher-name {name}

The name of the Debug Log Publisher

--target-name {name}

The name of the Debug Target

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-entry-cache-prop

Modifies Entry Cache properties

--cache-name {name}

The name of the Entry Cache

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-extended-operation-handler-prop

Modifies Extended Operation Handler properties

--handler-name {name}

The name of the Extended Operation Handler

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-external-changelog-domain-prop

Modifies External Changelog Domain properties

--provider-name {name}

The name of the Replication Synchronization Provider

--domain-name {name}

The name of the Replication Domain

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-global-configuration-prop

Modifies Global Configuration properties

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-group-implementation-prop

Modifies Group Implementation properties

--implementation-name {name}

The name of the Group Implementation

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-identity-mapper-prop

Modifies Identity Mapper properties

--mapper-name {name}

The name of the Identity Mapper

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-key-manager-provider-prop

Modifies Key Manager Provider properties

--provider-name {name}

The name of the Key Manager Provider

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-local-db-index-prop

Modifies Local DB Index properties

--backend-name {name}

The name of the Local DB Backend

--index-name {name}

The name of the Local DB Index

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-local-db-vlv-index-prop

Modifies Local DB VLV Index properties

--backend-name {name}

The name of the Local DB Backend

--index-name {name}

The name of the Local DB VLV Index

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-log-publisher-prop

Modifies Log Publisher properties

--publisher-name {name}

The name of the Log Publisher

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-log-retention-policy-prop

Modifies Log Retention Policy properties

--policy-name {name}

The name of the Log Retention Policy

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-log-rotation-policy-prop

Modifies Log Rotation Policy properties

--policy-name {name}

The name of the Log Rotation Policy

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-matching-rule-prop

Modifies Matching Rule properties

--rule-name {name}

The name of the Matching Rule

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-monitor-provider-prop

Modifies Monitor Provider properties

--provider-name {name}

The name of the Monitor Provider

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-password-generator-prop

Modifies Password Generator properties

--generator-name {name}

The name of the Password Generator

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-password-policy-prop

Modifies Authentication Policy properties

--policy-name {name}

The name of the Authentication Policy

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-password-storage-scheme-prop

Modifies Password Storage Scheme properties

--scheme-name {name}

The name of the Password Storage Scheme

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-password-validator-prop

Modifies Password Validator properties

--validator-name {name}

The name of the Password Validator

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-plugin-prop

Modifies Plugin properties

--plugin-name {name}

The name of the Plugin

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-plugin-root-prop

Modifies Plugin Root properties

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-replication-domain-prop

Modifies Replication Domain properties

--provider-name {name}

The name of the Replication Synchronization Provider

--domain-name {name}

The name of the Replication Domain

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-replication-server-prop

Modifies Replication Server properties

--provider-name {name}

The name of the Replication Synchronization Provider

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-root-dn-prop

Modifies Root DN properties

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-root-dse-backend-prop

Modifies Root DSE Backend properties

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-sasl-mechanism-handler-prop

Modifies SASL Mechanism Handler properties

--handler-name {name}

The name of the SASL Mechanism Handler

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-synchronization-provider-prop

Modifies Synchronization Provider properties

--provider-name {name}

The name of the Synchronization Provider

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-trust-manager-provider-prop

Modifies Trust Manager Provider properties

--provider-name {name}

The name of the Trust Manager Provider

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-virtual-attribute-prop

Modifies Virtual Attribute properties

--name {name}

The name of the Virtual Attribute

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

dsconfig set-work-queue-prop

Modifies Work Queue properties

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

--reset {property}

Resets a property back to its default values where PROP is the name of the property to be reset

--add {PROP:VALUE}

Adds a single value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be added

--remove {PROP:VALUE}

Removes a single value from a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be removed

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


Much of the OpenDJ Administration Guide consists of dsconfig examples with text in between. This section therefore remains short.

The following example starts dsconfig in interactive, menu-driven mode on the default port of the current host.

$ dsconfig -h `hostname` -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password

>>>> OpenDJ configuration console main menu

What do you want to configure?

    1)   Access Control Handler               21)  Log Publisher
    2)   Access Log Filtering Criteria        22)  Log Retention Policy
    3)   Account Status Notification Handler  23)  Log Rotation Policy
    4)   Administration Connector             24)  Matching Rule
    5)   Alert Handler                        25)  Monitor Provider
    6)   Attribute Syntax                     26)  Password Generator
    7)   Backend                              27)  Password Policy
    8)   Certificate Mapper                   28)  Password Storage Scheme
    9)   Connection Handler                   29)  Password Validator
    10)  Crypto Manager                       30)  Plugin
    11)  Debug Target                         31)  Plugin Root
    12)  Entry Cache                          32)  Replication Domain
    13)  Extended Operation Handler           33)  Replication Server
    14)  External Changelog Domain            34)  Root DN
    15)  Global Configuration                 35)  Root DSE Backend
    16)  Group Implementation                 36)  SASL Mechanism Handler
    17)  Identity Mapper                      37)  Synchronization Provider
    18)  Key Manager Provider                 38)  Trust Manager Provider
    19)  Local DB Index                       39)  Virtual Attribute
    20)  Local DB VLV Index                   40)  Work Queue

    q)   quit

Enter choice: 

The following examples demonstrates generating a batch file that corresponds to an interactive session enabling the debug log. The example then demonstates using a modified batch file to disable the debug log.

$ dsconfig
 --hostname `hostname`
 --port 4444
 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword password
 --commandFilePath ~/enable-debug-log.batch
$ cat ~/enable-debug-log.batch
# dsconfig session start date: 19/Oct/2011:08:52:22 +0000

# Session operation number: 1
# Operation date: 19/Oct/2011:08:55:06 +0000
dsconfig set-log-publisher-prop \
          --publisher-name File-Based\ Debug\ Logger \
          --set enabled:true \
          --hostname opendj.example.com \
          --port 4444 \
          --trustStorePath /path/to/opendj/config/admin-truststore \
          --bindDN cn=Directory\ Manager \
          --bindPassword ****** \

$ cp ~/enable-debug-log.batch ~/disable-debug-log.batch
$ vi ~/disable-debug-log.batch
$ cat ~/disable-debug-log.batch
set-log-publisher-prop \
          --publisher-name File-Based\ Debug\ Logger \
          --set enabled:false \
          --hostname opendj.example.com \
          --port 4444 \
          --trustStorePath /path/to/opendj/config/admin-truststore \
          --bindDN cn=Directory\ Manager \
          --bindPassword password \

$ dsconfig --batchFilePath ~/disable-debug-log.batch --no-prompt
File-Based Debug Logger
cn=Directory Manager


Notice that the original command file looks like a shell script with the bind password value replaced by asterisks. To pass the content as a batch file to dsconfig, strip dsconfig itself, and include the bind password for the administrative user (or replace that option with an alternative, such as reading the password from a file).


dsframework — manage OpenDJ administration framework


subcommand {options}


This utility can be used to perform operations in the directory server administration framework.

This utility has no interactive mode. Consider using -X if you authenticate over a secure connection protected with a self-signed certificate.


The dsconfig command provides many subcommands. Use the following options to view help for subcommands.


Display all subcommands


Display subcommands relating to admin-user


Display subcommands relating to server


Display subcommands relating to server-group

For help with individual subcommands, use dsframework subcommand --help.


The following options are supported.

LDAP Connection Options

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default value: 30000

-h, --hostname {host}

Directory server hostname or IP address

Default value: localhost.localdomain

-I, --adminUID {adminUID}

User ID of the global administrator to use to bind to the server. For the enable subcommand, if no global administrator was defined previously for any servers, the global administrator will be created using the UID provided.

Default value: admin

-j, --adminPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Global administrator password file

-K, --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path

-N, --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of certificate for SSL client authentication

-o, --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options

-p, --port {port}

Directory server administration port number

Default value: 4444

-P, --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path

Default value: /path/to/opendj/config/admin-truststore

-T, --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN

-u, --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file

-U, --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file

-w, --adminPassword {bindPassword}

Password for the global administrator

-W, --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN

-X, --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates

Utility Input/Output Options


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments

-v, --verbose

Use verbose mode

General Options

-V, --version

Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


This example lists server properties.

$ dsframework -p 4444 -h opendj.example.com -D "cn=Directory Manager"
 -w password -X list-server-properties
Option Types:

 r -- Property value(s) are readable
 w -- Property value(s) are writable
 m -- The property is mandatory
 s -- The property is single-valued

Property                       Options  Syntax              Default value
ldapsport                      rw--     INTEGER             -
certificate                    rw-s     STRING              -
hostname                       r-ms     STRING              localhost
ldapport                       rwm-     INTEGER             389
jmxsEnabled                    rw-s     BOOLEAN             false
instancepath                   rw-s     STRING              -
ldapsEnabled                   rw-s     BOOLEAN             false
jmxsport                       rw--     INTEGER             -
os                             rw-s     STRING              -
ds-cfg-key-id                  rw-s     STRING              -
jmxport                        rw--     INTEGER             -
description                    rw-s     STRING              -
id                             rw-s     STRING              -
startTLSEnabled                rw-s     BOOLEAN             false
jmxEnabled                     rw-s     BOOLEAN             false
ds-cfg-public-key-certificate  rw-s     CERTIFICATE_BINARY  -
location                       rw-s     STRING              -
ldapEnabled                    rw-s     BOOLEAN             false


dsjavaproperties — apply OpenDJ Java home and JVM settings


dsjavaproperties [options]


This utility can be used to change the Java arguments and Java home that are used by other server commands.

Before launching the command, edit the properties file located in /path/to/opendj/config/java.properties to specify the Java arguments and Java home. When you have edited the properties file, run this command for the changes to be taken into account.

Changes apply to the current server installation. No modifications are made to your environment variables.


The following options are supported.

-Q, --quiet

Run the tool in quiet mode. Quiet mode will not output progress information to standard output.

-V, --version

Display version information.

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information.


This command depends on the content of the config/java.properties file.

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


$ dsjavaproperties 
The operation was successful.  The server commands will use the java arguments
 and java home specified in the properties file located in


dsreplication — manage OpenDJ directory data replication


subcommand [options]


This utility can be used to configure replication between servers so that the data of the servers is synchronized. For replication to work you must first enable replication using the enable subcommand and then initialize the contents of one of the servers with the contents of the other using the initialize subcommand.


The following subcommands are supported.


Disable replication on the specified server for the provided base DN and removes references in the other servers with which it is replicating data.


Update the configuration of the servers to replicate the data under the specified base DN. If one of the specified servers is already replicating the data under the base DN with other servers, executing this subcommand will update the configuration of all the servers. Thus it is sufficient to execute the command line once for each server added to the replication topology.


Initialize the contents of the data under the specified base DN on the destination server with the contents on the source server. This operation is required after enabling replication in order replication to work. initialize-all can also be used for this purpose.


Initialize the contents of the data under the specified base DN on all the servers whose contents are being replicated with the contents on the specified server. This operation is required after enabling replication for replication to work. Run initialize for each server to achieve the same effect.


This subcommand must be called after initializing the contents of all the replicated servers using the import-ldif command, or by copying the database. You must specify the list of base DNs that have been initialized, and you must provide the credentials of any of the servers that are being replicated. See pre-external-initialization --help for more information.


This subcommand must be called before initializing the contents of all the replicated servers using the import-ldif command, or by copying the database. You must specify the list of base DNs that have been initialized, and you must provide the credentials of any of the servers that are being replicated. After calling this subcommand, initialize the contents of all the servers in the topology, either by using the same LDIF file or by copying the database to each of the servers, then call the post-external-initialization subcommand.


Launch a purge processing of the historical information stored in the user entries by replication. Since this processing may take a while, you must specify a maximum duration.


Display a list with the basic replication configuration of the base DNs of the servers defined in the registration information. If no base DNs are specified as parameter, information for all base DNs is displayed.


The following options are supported.


Access advanced settings when running this command in interactive mode.

-b, --baseDN {baseDN}

Base DN of the data to be replicated, initialized or for which you want to disable replication. Multiple base DNs can be provided by using this option multiple times.

LDAP Connection Options

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default value: 30000

-h, --hostname {host}

Directory server hostname or IP address

Default value: localhost.localdomain

-I, --adminUID {adminUID}

User ID of the global administrator to use to bind to the server. For the enable subcommand, if no global administrator was defined previously for any servers, the global administrator will be created using the UID provided.

Default value: admin

-j, --adminPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Global administrator password file

-K, --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path

-N, --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of certificate for SSL client authentication

-o, --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options

-p, --port {port}

Directory server administration port number

Default value: 4444

-P, --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path

Default value: /path/to/opendj/config/admin-truststore

-T, --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN

-u, --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file

-U, --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file

-w, --adminPassword {bindPassword}

Password for the global administrator

-W, --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN

-X, --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates

Utility Input/Output Options

--commandFilePath {path}

The full path to the file where the equivalent non-interactive commands will be written when this command is run in interactive mode.


Display the equivalent non-interactive option on standard output when this command is run in interactive mode.

-n, --no-prompt

Use non-interactive mode. If data in the command is missing, the user is not prompted and the command exits with an error.


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments

-Q, --quiet

Do not write progress information to standard output

General Options


Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following example enables and then initializes replication for a new replica on opendj2.example.com from an existing replica on opendj.example.com.

$ dsreplication enable -I admin -w password -X -n -b dc=example,dc=com
 --host1 opendj.example.com --port1 4444 --bindDN1 "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword1 password --replicationPort1 8989
 --host2 opendj2.example.com --port2 4444 --bindDN2 "cn=Directory Manager"
 --bindPassword2 password --replicationPort2 8989

Establishing connections ..... Done.
Checking registration information ..... Done.
Updating remote references on server opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
Configuring Replication port on server opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
Updating replication configuration for baseDN dc=example,dc=com on server
 opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
Updating replication configuration for baseDN dc=example,dc=com on server
 opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
Updating registration configuration on server
 opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
Updating registration configuration on server
 opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
Updating replication configuration for baseDN cn=schema on server
 opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
Updating replication configuration for baseDN cn=schema on server
 opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
Initializing registration information on server opendj2.example.com:4444 with
 the contents of server opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
Initializing schema on server opendj2.example.com:4444 with the contents of
 server opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.

Replication has been successfully enabled.  Note that for replication to
 work you must initialize the contents of the base DN's that are being
  replicated (use dsreplication initialize to do so).

for a detailed log of this operation.
$ dsreplication initialize-all -I admin -w password -X -n -b dc=example,dc=com
 -h opendj.example.com -p 4444

Initializing base DN dc=example,dc=com with the contents from
 opendj.example.com:4444: 160 entries processed (100 % complete).
Base DN initialized successfully.

for a detailed log of this operation.


encode-password — encode a password with an OpenDJ storage scheme


encode-password {options}


This utility can be used to encode user passwords with a specified storage scheme, or to determine whether a given clear-text value matches a provided encoded password.


The following global options are supported.

-a, --authPasswordSyntax

Use the authentication password syntax rather than the user password syntax.

-c, --clearPassword {clearPW}

Clear-text password to encode or to compare against an encoded password.

-e, --encodedPassword {encodedPW}

Encoded password to compare against the clear-text password.

-E, --encodedPasswordFile {file}

Encoded password file.

-f, --clearPasswordFile {file}

Clear-text password file.

-i, --interactivePassword

The password to encode or to compare against an encoded password is interactively asked to the user.

-l, --listSchemes

List available password storage schemes.

-r, --useCompareResultCode

Use the LDAP compare result as an exit code for the password comparison.

-s, --storageScheme {scheme}

Scheme to use for the encoded password.

-V, --version

Display version information.

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information.

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.


The -r option was used, and the compare did not match.


The -r option was used, and the compare did match.


An error occurred.


The following example encodes a password, and also shows comparison of a password with the encoded value.

$ encode-password -l
$ encode-password -c secret12 -s CRYPT
Encoded Password:  "{CRYPT}ZulJ6Dy3TFnrE"
$ encode-password -c secret12 -s CRYPT -e "{CRYPT}ZulJ6Dy3TFnrE" -r
The provided clear-text and encoded passwords match
$ echo $?


export-ldif — export OpenDJ directory data in LDIF


export-ldif {options}


This utility can be used to export data from a directory server backend in LDIF form.


The following options are supported.

-a, --appendToLDIF

Append an existing LDIF file rather than overwriting it.

-b, --includeBranch {branchDN}

Base DN of a branch to include in the LDIF export.

-B, --excludeBranch {branchDN}

Base DN of a branch to exclude from the LDIF export.

-c, --compress

Compress the LDIF data as it is exported.

-e, --excludeAttribute {attribute}

Attribute to exclude from the LDIF export.

-E, --excludeFilter {filter}

Filter to identify entries to exclude from the LDIF export.

-i, --includeAttribute {attribute}

Attribute to include in the LDIF export.

-I, --includeFilter {filter}

Filter to identify entries to include in the LDIF export.

-l, --ldifFile {ldifFile}

Path to the LDIF file to be written.

-n, --backendID {backendName}

Backend ID for the backend to export.

-O, --excludeOperational

Exclude operational attributes from the LDIF export.

--wrapColumn {wrapColumn}

Column at which to wrap long lines (0 for no wrapping).

Default value: 0

Task Backend Connection Options

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default value: 30000

-D, --bindDN {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server

Default value: cn=Directory Manager

-h, --hostname {host}

Directory server hostname or IP address

Default value: localhost.localdomain

-j, --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file

-K, --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path

-N, --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of certificate for SSL client authentication

-o, --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options

-p, --port {port}

Directory server administration port number

Default value: 4444

-P, --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path

-T, --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN

-u, --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file

-U, --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file

-w, --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server

Use -w - to have the command prompt for the password, rather than enter the password on the command line.

-W, --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN

-X, --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates

Task Scheduling Options

--completionNotify {emailAddress}

Email address of a recipient to be notified when the task completes. This option may be specified more than once.

--dependency {taskID}

ID of a task upon which this task depends. A task will not start execution until all its dependencies have completed execution.

--errorNotify {emailAddress}

Email address of a recipient to be notified if an error occurs when this task executes. This option may be specified more than once.

--failedDependencyAction {action}

Action this task will take should one if its dependent tasks fail. The value must be one of PROCESS, CANCEL, DISABLE. If not specified defaults to CANCEL.

--recurringTask {schedulePattern}

Indicates the task is recurring and will be scheduled according to the value argument expressed in crontab(5) compatible time/date pattern.

-t, --start {startTime}

Indicates the date/time at which this operation will start when scheduled as a server task expressed in YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ format for UTC time or YYYYMMDDhhmmss for local time. A value of '0' will cause the task to be scheduled for immediate execution. When this option is specified the operation will be scheduled to start at the specified time after which this utility will exit immediately.

Utility Input/Output Options


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments

General Options

-V, --version

Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following example exports data to a file, Example.ldif, with the server offline.

$ export-ldif -b dc=example,dc=com -n userRoot -l ../ldif/Example.ldif
[21/Jun/2011:13:40:49 +0200] category=BACKEND severity=INFORMATION ...
...Exported 160 entries and skipped 0 in 0 seconds (average rate 1428.6/sec)


import-ldif — import OpenDJ directory data from LDIF


import-ldif {options}


This utility can be used to import LDIF data into a directory server backend.


The following options are supported.

-a, --append

Append to an existing database rather than overwriting it.

-A, --templateFile {templateFile}

Path to a MakeLDIF template to use to generate the import data.

-b, --includeBranch {branchDN}

Base DN of a branch to include in the LDIF import.

-B, --excludeBranch {branchDN}

Base DN of a branch to exclude from the LDIF import.

-c, --isCompressed

LDIF file is compressed.


Count the number of entries rejected by the server and return that value as the exit code (values > 255 will be reduced to 255 due to exit code restrictions).

-e, --excludeAttribute {attribute}

Attribute to exclude from the LDIF import.

-E, --excludeFilter {filter}

Filter to identify entries to exclude from the LDIF import.

-F, --clearBackend

Remove all entries for all base DNs in the backend before importing.

-i, --includeAttribute {attribute}

Attribute to include in the LDIF import.

-I, --includeFilter {filter}

Filter to identify entries to include in the LDIF import.

-l, --ldifFile {ldifFile}

Path to the LDIF file to be imported.

-n, --backendID {backendName}

Backend ID for the backend to import.

-O, --overwrite

Overwrite an existing rejects and/or skip file rather than appending to it.

-r, --replaceExisting

Replace existing entries when appending to the database.

-R, --rejectFile {rejectFile}

Write rejected entries to the specified file.

-s, --randomSeed {seed}

Seed for the MakeLDIF random number generator.

Default value: 0

-S, --skipSchemaValidation

Skip schema validation during the LDIF import.


Perform DN validation during later part of LDIF import.

--skipFile {skipFile}

Write skipped entries to the specified file.

--threadCount {count}

Number of threads used to read LDIF file during import. Default value (0) equals: 2 x (number of CPUs).

--tmpdirectory {directory}

Path to temporary directory for index scratch files during LDIF import.

Default value: import-tmp

Task Backend Connection Options

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default value: 30000

-D, --bindDN {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server

Default value: cn=Directory Manager

-h, --hostname {host}

Directory server hostname or IP address

Default value: localhost.localdomain

-j, --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file

-K, --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path

-N, --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of certificate for SSL client authentication

-o, --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options

-p, --port {port}

Directory server administration port number

Default value: 4444

-P, --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path

-T, --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN

-u, --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file

-U, --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file

-w, --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server

Use -w - to have the command prompt for the password, rather than enter the password on the command line.

-W, --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN

-X, --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates

Task Scheduling Options

--completionNotify {emailAddress}

Email address of a recipient to be notified when the task completes. This option may be specified more than once.

--dependency {taskID}

ID of a task upon which this task depends. A task will not start execution until all its dependencies have completed execution.

--errorNotify {emailAddress}

Email address of a recipient to be notified if an error occurs when this task executes. This option may be specified more than once.

--failedDependencyAction {action}

Action this task will take should one if its dependent tasks fail. The value must be one of PROCESS, CANCEL, DISABLE. If not specified defaults to CANCEL.

--recurringTask {schedulePattern}

Indicates the task is recurring and will be scheduled according to the value argument expressed in crontab(5) compatible time/date pattern.

-t, --start {startTime}

Indicates the date/time at which this operation will start when scheduled as a server task expressed in YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ format for UTC time or YYYYMMDDhhmmss for local time. A value of '0' will cause the task to be scheduled for immediate execution. When this option is specified the operation will be scheduled to start at the specified time after which this utility will exit immediately.

Utility Input/Output Options


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments

General Options

-V, --version

Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following example imports the content of the LDIF file, Example.ldif, with the server offline.

  $ import-ldif -b dc=example,dc=com -n userRoot -l /path/to/Example.ldif
  [21/Jun/2011:13:38:03 +0200] category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION severity=NOTICE...
  ... msg=Import LDIF environment close took 0 seconds


ldapcompare — perform LDAP compare operations


ldapcompare {options} [[attribute] | [:] | [value]] [DN...]


This utility can be used to perform LDAP compare operations in the directory.


The following options are supported.

--assertionFilter {filter}

Use the LDAP assertion control with the provided filter

-c, --continueOnError

Continue processing even if there are errors

-f, --filename {file}

LDIF file containing one DN per line of entries to compare

-J, --control {controloid[:criticality[:value|::b64value|:<filePath]]}

Use a request control with the provided information

-m, --useCompareResultCode

Use the LDAP compare result as an exit code for the LDAP compare operations.

-n, --dry-run

Show what would be done but do not perform any operation

LDAP Connection Options

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default value: 30000

-D, --bindDN {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server

Default value: cn=Directory Manager

-h, --hostname {host}

Directory server hostname or IP address

Default value: localhost.localdomain

-j, --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file

-K, --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path

-N, --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of certificate for SSL client authentication

-o, --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options

-p, --port {port}

Directory server port number

Default value: 389

-P, --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path

-q, --useStartTLS

Use StartTLS to secure communication with the server

-r, --useSASLExternal

Use the SASL EXTERNAL authentication mechanism

--trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN

-u, --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file

-U, --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file

-V, --ldapVersion {version}

LDAP protocol version number

Default value: 3

-w, --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server

-W, --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN

-X, --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates

-Z, --useSSL

Use SSL for secure communication with the server

Utility Input/Output Options

-i, --encoding {encoding}

Use the specified character set for command-line input


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments

-s, --script-friendly

Use script-friendly mode

-v, --verbose

Use verbose mode

General Options


Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.


The -m option was used, and at least one of the LDAP compare operations did not match.


The -m option was used, and all the LDAP compare operations did match.


An LDAP error occurred while processing the operation.

LDAP result codes are described in RFC 4511. Also see the additional information for details.


An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments.


You can use ~/.opendj/tools.properties to set the defaults for bind DN, host name, and port number as in the following example.




The following examples demonstrate comparing Babs Jensen's UID.

The following example uses a matching UID value.

$ ldapcompare -p 1389 uid:bjensen uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
Comparing type uid with value bjensen in entry
Compare operation returned true for entry

The following example uses a UID value that does not match.

$ ldapcompare -p 1389 uid:beavis uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
Comparing type uid with value beavis in entry
Compare operation returned false for entry


ldapdelete — perform LDAP delete operations


ldapdelete {options} [DN]


This utility can be used to perform LDAP delete operations in the directory.


The following options are supported.

--assertionFilter {filter}

Use the LDAP assertion control with the provided filter

-c, --continueOnError

Continue processing even if there are errors

-f, --filename {file}

LDIF file containing the changes to apply

-J, --control {controloid[:criticality[:value|::b64value|:<filePath]]}

Use a request control with the provided information

-n, --dry-run

Show what would be done but do not perform any operation

-x, --deleteSubtree

Delete the specified entry and all entries below it

-Y, --proxyAs {authzID}

Use the proxied authorization control with the given authorization ID

LDAP Connection Options

-D, --bindDN {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server

Default value: cn=Directory Manager

-E, --reportAuthzID

Use the authorization identity control

-h, --hostname {host}

Directory server hostname or IP address

Default value: localhost.localdomain

-j, --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file

-K, --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path

-N, --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of certificate for SSL client authentication

-o, --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options

-p, --port {port}

Directory server port number

Default value: 389

-P, --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path

-q, --useStartTLS

Use StartTLS to secure communication with the server

-T, --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN

-u, --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file

-U, --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file


Use the password policy request control

-V, --ldapVersion {version}

LDAP protocol version number

Default value: 3

-w, --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server

-W, --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN

-X, --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates

-Z, --useSSL

Use SSL for secure communication with the server

Utility Input/Output Options

-i, --encoding {encoding}

Use the specified character set for command-line input


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments

-v, --verbose

Use verbose mode

General Options


Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.


An LDAP error occurred while processing the operation.

LDAP result codes are described in RFC 4511. Also see the additional information for details.


An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments.


You can use ~/.opendj/tools.properties to set the defaults for bind DN, host name, and port number as in the following example.




The following command deletes a user entry from the directory.

$ ldapdelete -p 1389 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password
Processing DELETE request for uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
DELETE operation successful for DN uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com

The following command deletes the ou=Groups entry and all entries underneath ou=Groups.

$ ldapdelete -p 1389 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -x
Processing DELETE request for ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com
DELETE operation successful for DN ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com


ldapmodify — perform LDAP modify, add, delete, mod DN operations


ldapmodify {options}


This utility can be used to perform LDAP modify, add, delete, and modify DN operations in the directory.

When not using a file to specify modifications, end your input with EOF (Ctrl+D on UNIX, Ctrl+Z on Windows).


The following options are supported.

-a, --defaultAdd

Treat records with no changetype as add operations

--assertionFilter {filter}

Use the LDAP assertion control with the provided filter

-c, --continueOnError

Continue processing even if there are errors

-f, --filename {file}

LDIF file containing the changes to apply

-J, --control {controloid[:criticality[:value|::b64value|:<filePath]]}

Use a request control with the provided information

-n, --dry-run

Show what would be done but do not perform any operation

--postReadAttributes {attrList}

Use the LDAP ReadEntry post-read control

--preReadAttributes {attrList}

Use the LDAP ReadEntry pre-read control

-Y, --proxyAs {authzID}

Use the proxied authorization control with the given authorization ID

LDAP Connection Options

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default value: 30000

-D, --bindDN {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server

Default value: cn=Directory Manager

-E, --reportAuthzID

Use the authorization identity control

-h, --hostname {host}

Directory server hostname or IP address

Default value: localhost.localdomain

-j, --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file

-K, --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path

-N, --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of certificate for SSL client authentication

-o, --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options

-p, --port {port}

Directory server port number

Default value: 389

-P, --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path

-q, --useStartTLS

Use StartTLS to secure communication with the server

-r, --useSASLExternal

Use the SASL EXTERNAL authentication mechanism

--trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN

-u, --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file

-U, --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file

-V, --ldapVersion {version}

LDAP protocol version number

Default value: 3

-w, --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server

-W, --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN

-X, --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates

-Z, --useSSL

Use SSL for secure communication with the server

Utility Input/Output Options

-i, --encoding {encoding}

Use the specified character set for command-line input


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments

-v, --verbose

Use verbose mode

General Options


Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.


An LDAP error occurred while processing the operation.

LDAP result codes are described in RFC 4511. Also see the additional information for details.


An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments.


You can use ~/.opendj/tools.properties to set the defaults for bind DN, host name, and port number as in the following example.




The following example demonstrates use of the command to add an entry to the directory.

$ cat newuser.ldif 
dn: uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: newuser
facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 408 555 1213
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: top
givenName: New
cn: New User
cn: Real Name
telephoneNumber: +1 408 555 1212
sn: Jensen
roomNumber: 1234
homeDirectory: /home/newuser
uidNumber: 10389
mail: newuser@example.com
l: South Pole
ou: Product Development
ou: People
gidNumber: 10636

$ ldapmodify -p 1389 -a -f newuser.ldif
 -D uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com -w bribery
Processing ADD request for uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
ADD operation successful for DN uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com

The following example demonstrates adding a Description attribute to the new user's entry.

$ cat newdesc.ldif 
dn: uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
add: description
description: A new user's entry

$ ldapmodify -p 1389 -f newdesc.ldif
 -D uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com -w bribery
Processing MODIFY request for uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
MODIFY operation successful for DN uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com

The following example demonstrates changing the Description attribute for the new user's entry.

$ cat moddesc.ldif 
dn: uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
replace: description
description: Another description

$ ldapmodify -p 1389 -f moddesc.ldif
 -D uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com -w bribery
Processing MODIFY request for uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
MODIFY operation successful for DN uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com

The following example demonstrates deleting the new user's entry.

$ cat deluser.ldif 
dn: uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: delete

$ ldapmodify -p 1389 -f deluser.ldif
 -D uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com -w bribery
Processing DELETE request for uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
DELETE operation successful for DN uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com


ldappasswordmodify — perform LDAP password modifications


ldappasswordmodify {options}


This utility can be used to perform LDAP password modify operations in the directory.


The following options are supported.

-a, --authzID {authzID}

Authorization ID for the user entry whose password should be changed

The authorization ID is a string having either the prefix dn: followed by the user's distinguished name, or the prefix u: followed by a user identifier that depends on the identity mapping used to match the user identifier to an entry in the directory. Examples include dn:uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com, and, if we assume that bjensen is mapped to Barbara Jensen's entry, u:bjensen.

-A, --provideDNForAuthzID

Use the bind DN as the authorization ID for the password modify operation

-c, --currentPassword {currentPassword}

Current password for the target user

-C, --currentPasswordFile {file}

Path to a file containing the current password for the target user

-J, --control {controloid[:criticality[:value|::b64value|:<filePath]]}

Use a request control with the provided information

-n, --newPassword {newPassword}

New password to provide for the target user

-N, --newPasswordFile {file}

Path to a file containing the new password to provide for the target user

LDAP Connection Options

--certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of certificate for SSL client authentication

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default: 30000

-D, --bindDN {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server

Default value: cn=Directory Manager

-h, --hostname {host}

Directory server hostname or IP address

Default value: localhost.localdomain

-j, --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file

-K, --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path

-p, --port {port}

Directory server port number

Default value: 389

-P, --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path

-q, --useStartTLS

Use StartTLS to secure communication with the server

--trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN

-u, --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file

-U, --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file

-w, --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server

-W, --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN

-X, --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates

-Z, --useSSL

Use SSL for secure communication with the server

Utility Input/Output Options


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information

-V, --version

Display directory server version information

General Options


Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.


An LDAP error occurred while processing the operation.

LDAP result codes are described in RFC 4511. Also see the additional information for details.


An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments.


You can use ~/.opendj/tools.properties to set the defaults for bind DN, host name, and port number as in the following example.




The following example demonstrates a user changing the password for her entry.

$ cat /tmp/currpwd.txt /tmp/newpwd.txt
$ ldappasswordmodify -p 1389 -C /tmp/currpwd.txt -N /tmp/newpwd.txt
-A -D uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com -w bribery
The LDAP password modify operation was successful


ldapsearch — perform LDAP search operations


ldapsearch {options} [filter] [attributes...]


This utility can be used to perform LDAP search operations in the directory.


The following options are supported.

-a, --dereferencePolicy {dereferencePolicy}

Alias dereference policy ('never', 'always', 'search', or 'find')

Default value: never

-A, --typesOnly

Only retrieve attribute names but not their values

--assertionFilter {filter}

Use the LDAP assertion control with the provided filter

-b, --baseDN {baseDN}

Base DN format string

-c, --continueOnError

Continue processing even if there are errors

-C, --persistentSearch ps[:changetype[:changesonly[:entrychgcontrols]]]

Use the persistent search control


Count the number of entries returned by the server

-e, --getEffectiveRightsAttribute {attribute}

Specifies geteffectiverights control specific attribute list

-f, --filename {file}

LDIF file containing the changes to apply

-g, --getEffectiveRightsAuthzid {authzID}

Use geteffectiverights control with the provided authzid

-G, --virtualListView {before:after:index:count | before:after:value}

Use the virtual list view control to retrieve the specified results page

-J, --control {controloid[:criticality[:value|::b64value|:<filePath]]}

Use a request control with the provided information

-l, --timeLimit {timeLimit}

Maximum length of time in seconds to allow for the search

Default value: 0

--matchedValuesFilter {filter}

Use the LDAP matched values control with the provided filter

-n, --dry-run

Show what would be done but do not perform any operation

-s, --searchScope {searchScope}

Search scope ('base', 'one', 'sub', or 'subordinate')

Default value: sub

subordinate is an LDAP extension that might not work with all LDAP servers.

-S, --sortOrder {sortOrder}

Sort the results using the provided sort order

--simplePageSize {numEntries}

Use the simple paged results control with the given page size

Default value: 1000


Use subentries control to specify that subentries are visible and normal entries are not

-Y, --proxyAs {authzID}

Use the proxied authorization control with the given authorization ID

-z, --sizeLimit {sizeLimit}

Maximum number of entries to return from the search

Default value: 0

LDAP Connection Options

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default value: 30000

-D, --bindDN {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server

Default value: cn=Directory Manager

-E, --reportAuthzID

Use the authorization identity control

-h, --hostname {host}

Directory server hostname or IP address

Default value: localhost.localdomain

-j, --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file

-K, --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path

-N, --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of certificate for SSL client authentication

-o, --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options

-p, --port {port}

Directory server port number

Default value: 389

-P, --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path

-q, --useStartTLS

Use StartTLS to secure communication with the server

-r, --useSASLExternal

Use the SASL EXTERNAL authentication mechanism

--trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN

-u, --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file

-U, --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file


Use the password policy request control

-V, --ldapVersion {version}

LDAP protocol version number

Default value: 3

-w, --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server

-W, --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN

-X, --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates

-Z, --useSSL

Use SSL for secure communication with the server

Utility Input/Output Options

-i, --encoding {encoding}

Use the specified character set for command-line input


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments

-T, --dontWrap

Do not wrap long lines

-v, --verbose

Use verbose mode

General Options


Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information


The filter argument is a string representation of an LDAP search filter as in (cn=Babs Jensen), (&(objectClass=Person)(|(sn=Jensen)(cn=Babs J*))), or (cn:caseExactMatch:=Fred Flintstone).


The optional attribute list specifies the attributes to return in the entries found by the search. In addition to identifying attributes by name such as cn sn mail and so forth, you can use the following notations, too.


Return all user attributes such as cn, sn, and mail.


Return all operational attributes such as etag and pwdPolicySubentry.


Return all attributes of the specified object class, where objectclass is one of the object classes on the entries returned by the search.

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.


An LDAP error occurred while processing the operation.

LDAP result codes are described in RFC 4511. Also see the additional information for details.


An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments.


You can use ~/.opendj/tools.properties to set the defaults for bind DN, host name, and port number as in the following example.




The following example searches for entries with UID containing jensen, returning only DNs and uid values.

$ ldapsearch -p 1389 -b dc=example,dc=com "(uid=*jensen*)" uid
dn: uid=ajensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: ajensen

dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: bjensen

dn: uid=gjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: gjensen

dn: uid=jjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: jjensen

dn: uid=kjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: kjensen

dn: uid=rjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: rjensen

dn: uid=tjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: tjensen

Result Code:  0 (Success)

You can also use @objectclass notation in the attribute list to return the attributes of a particular object class. The following example shows how to return attributes of the inetOrgPerson object class.

$ ldapsearch -p 1389 -b dc=example,dc=com "(uid=bjensen)" @inetorgperson
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
givenName: Barbara
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: top
uid: bjensen
cn: Barbara Jensen
cn: Babs Jensen
telephoneNumber: +1 408 555 1862
sn: Jensen
roomNumber: 0209
mail: bjensen@example.com
l: Cupertino
ou: Product Development
ou: People
facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 408 555 1992

You can use + in the attribute list to return all operational attributes, as in the following example.

$ ldapsearch -p 1389 -b dc=example,dc=com "(uid=bjensen)" +
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
numSubordinates: 0
structuralObjectClass: inetOrgPerson
etag: 0000000073c29972
pwdPolicySubentry: cn=Default Password Policy,cn=Password Policies,cn=config
subschemaSubentry: cn=schema
hasSubordinates: false
entryDN: uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
entryUUID: fc252fd9-b982-3ed6-b42a-c76d2546312c


ldif-diff — compare small LDIF files


ldif-diff {options}


This utility can be used to compare two LDIF files and report the differences in LDIF format.


The following options are supported.

-a, --ignoreAttrs {file}

File containing a list of attributes to ignore when computing the difference.


Takes into account the syntax of the attributes as defined in the schema to make the value comparison. The provided LDIF files must conform to the server schema.

-e, --ignoreEntries {file}

File containing a list of entries (DN) to ignore when computing the difference.

-o, --outputLDIF {file}

File to which the output should be written.

-O, --overwriteExisting

Any existing output file should be overwritten rather than appending to it.

-r, --useCompareResultCode

Use the LDAP compare result as an exit code for reporting differences between the two LDIF files.

-s, --sourceLDIF {file}

LDIF file to use as the source data.

-S, --singleValueChanges

Each attribute-level change should be written as a separate modification per attribute value rather than one modification per entry.

-t, --targetLDIF {file}

LDIF file to use as the target data.

-V, --version

Display version information.

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information.

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.


The -r option was used, and no differences are reported.


The-r option was used, and differences are reported.


An error occurred.


The following example demonstrates use of the command with two small LDIF files.

$ cat /path/to/newuser.ldif 
dn: uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: newuser
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: top
cn: New User
sn: User
ou: People
mail: newuser@example.com
userPassword: changeme

$ cat /path/to/neweruser.ldif 
dn: uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: newuser
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: top
cn: New User
sn: User
ou: People
mail: newuser@example.com
userPassword: secret12
description: A new description.

$ ldif-diff -s /path/to/newuser.ldif -t /path/to/neweruser.ldif
dn: uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
add: userPassword
userPassword: secret12
delete: userPassword
userPassword: changeme
add: description
description: A new description.


ldifmodify — apply LDIF changes to LDIF


ldifmodify {options}


This utility can be used to apply a set of modify, add, and delete operations against data in an LDIF file.


The following options are supported.

-m, --changesLDIF {ldifFile}

LDIF file containing the changes to apply.

-s, --sourceLDIF {ldifFile}

LDIF file containing the data to be updated.

-t, --targetLDIF {ldifFile}

File to which the updated data should be written.

-V, --version

Display version information.

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information.

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following example demonstrates use of the command.

$ cat /path/to/newuser.ldif 
dn: uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: newuser
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: top
cn: New User
sn: User
ou: People
mail: newuser@example.com
userPassword: changeme
$ cat /path/to/newdiff.ldif 
dn: uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
add: userPassword
userPassword: secret12
delete: userPassword
userPassword: changeme
add: description
description: A new description.

$ ldifmodify -s /path/to/newuser.ldif -m /path/to/newdiff.ldif -t neweruser.ldif
$ cat neweruser.ldif 
dn: uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: person
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: top
uid: newuser
description: A new description.
cn: New User
sn: User
userPassword: secret12
mail: newuser@example.com
ou: People


ldifsearch — search LDIF with LDAP filters


ldifsearch {options} [filter] [attribute...]


This utility can be used to perform search operations against data in an LDIF file.


The following options are supported.

-b, --baseDN {baseDN}

The base DN for the search. Multiple base DNs may be specified by providing the option multiple times. If no base DN is provided, then the root DSE will be used.

-f, --filterFile {filterFile}

The path to the file containing the search filter(s) to use. If this is not provided, then the filter must be provided on the command line after all configuration options.

-l, --ldifFile {ldifFile}

LDIF file containing the data to search. Multiple files may be specified by providing the option multiple times. If no files are provided, the data will be read from standard input.

-o, --outputFile {outputFile}

The path to the output file to which the matching entries should be written. If this is not provided, then the data will be written to standard output.

-O, --overwriteExisting

Any existing output file should be overwritten rather than appending to it.

-s, --searchScope {scope}

The scope for the search. It must be one of 'base', 'one', 'sub', or 'subordinate'. If it is not provided, then 'sub' will be used.

-t, --timeLimit {timeLimit}

Maximum length of time (in seconds) to spend processing.

Default value: 0

-T, --dontWrap

Long lines should not be wrapped.

-V, --version

Display version information.

-z, --sizeLimit {sizeLimit}

Maximum number of matching entries to return.

Default value: 0

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information.


The filter argument is a string representation of an LDAP search filter as in (cn=Babs Jensen), (&(objectClass=Person)(|(sn=Jensen)(cn=Babs J*))), or (cn:caseExactMatch:=Fred Flintstone).


The optional attribute list specifies the attributes to return in the entries found by the search. In addition to identifying attributes by name such as cn sn mail and so forth, you can use the following notations, too.


Return all user attributes such as cn, sn, and mail.


Return all operational attributes such as etag and pwdPolicySubentry.


Return all attributes of the specified object class, where objectclass is one of the object classes on the entries returned by the search.

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following example demonstrates use of the command.

$ ldifsearch -l /path/to/Example.ldif -b dc=example,dc=com uid=bjensen
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: top
uid: bjensen
userpassword: hifalutin
facsimiletelephonenumber: +1 408 555 1992
givenname: Barbara
cn: Barbara Jensen
cn: Babs Jensen
telephonenumber: +1 408 555 1862
sn: Jensen
roomnumber: 0209
homeDirectory: /home/bjensen
mail: bjensen@example.com
l: Cupertino
ou: Product Development
ou: People
uidNumber: 1076
gidNumber: 1000

You can also use @objectclass notation in the attribute list to return the attributes of a particular object class. The following example shows how to return attributes of the posixAccount object class.

$ ldifsearch --ldifFile /path/to/Example.ldif
 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com "(uid=bjensen)" @posixaccount
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: top
uid: bjensen
userpassword: hifalutin
cn: Barbara Jensen
cn: Babs Jensen
homeDirectory: /home/bjensen
uidNumber: 1076
gidNumber: 1000


list-backends — list OpenDJ backends and base DNs


list-backends [options]


This utility can be used to list the backends and base DNs configured in the Directory Server.


The following options are supported.

-b, --baseDN {baseDN}

Base DN for which to list the backend ID.

-n, --backendID {backendName}

Backend ID of the backend for which to list the base DNs.

-V, --version

Display version information.

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information.

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


$ list-backends 
Backend ID         : Base DN
adminRoot          : cn=admin data
ads-truststore     : cn=ads-truststore
backup             : cn=backups
config             : cn=config
monitor            : cn=monitor
myCompanyRoot      : "dc=myCompany,dc=com"
myOrgRoot          : o=myOrg
replicationChanges : dc=replicationChanges
schema             : cn=schema
tasks              : cn=tasks
userRoot           : "dc=example,dc=com"


make-ldif — generate test LDIF


make-ldif {options}


This utility can be used to generate LDIF data based on a definition in a template file.


The following options are supported.

-o, --ldifFile {file}

The path to the LDIF file to be written.

-s, --randomSeed {seed}

The seed to use to initialize the random number generator.

Default value: 0

-t, --templateFile {file}

The path to the template file with information about the LDIF data to generate.

-V, --version

Display version information.

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information.

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following example uses the default template to generate LDIF.

$ make-ldif -t ../config/MakeLDIF/example.template -o ../ldif/generated.ldif
Processed 1000 entries
Processed 2000 entries
Processed 10000 entries
LDIF processing complete.  10003 entries written


make-ldif.template — template file for the make-ldif command


# Comment lines start with #.

# Optionally include classes that define custom tags.
# Custom tag classes extend org.opends.server.tools.makeldif.Tag and
# must be on the class path when you run make-ldif.
include custom.makeldif.tag.ClassName

# Optionally define constants used in the template.
# To reference constants later, put brackets around the name: [constant-name]
define constant-name=value

# Define branches by suffix DN, such as the following:
#  dc=example,dc=com
#  ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
#  ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
# make-ldif generates the necessary object class definitions and RDNs.
# A branch can have subordinateTemplates that define templates to use for
# the branch entry.
# A branch can have additional attributes generated on the branch entry. See
# the Description below for more information on specifying attribute values.
branch: suffix-dn
[subordinateTemplate: template-name:number
[attribute: attr-value


# Define entries using templates.
# A template can extend another template.
# A template defines the RDN attribute(s) used for generated entries.
# A template can have a subordinateTemplate that defines a template to use for
# the generated entries.
# A template then defines attributes. See the Description below for more
# information on specifying attribute values.
template: template-name
[extends: template-name: template-name]
rdnAttr: attribute[+attribute ...]
[subordinateTemplate: template-name:number]
[attribute: attr-value



Template files specify how to build LDIF. They allow you to define variables, insert random values from other files, and generally build arbitrarily large LDIF files for testing purposes. You pass template files to the make-ldif command when generating LDIF.

The Synopsis above shows the layout for a make-ldif template file. This section focuses on what you can do to specify entry attribute values, called attr-value in the Synopsis section.

Specifying Attribute Values

When specifying attribute values in make-ldif templates, you can use static text and constants that you have defined, enclosing names for constants in brackets, [myConstant]. You can use more than one constant per line, as in the following example.

description: Description for [org] under [suffix]

You can also use two kinds of tags when specifying attribute values. One kind of tag gets replaced with the value of another attribute in the generated entry. Such tags are delimited with braces, { }. For example, if your template includes definitions for first name and last name attributes:

givenName: <first>
sn: <last>

Then you can define a mail attribute that uses the values of both attributes, and an initials attribute that takes the first character of each.

mail: {givenName}.{sn}@[myDomain]
initials: {givenName:1}{sn:1}

The other kind of tag is delimited with < and >, as shown above in the example with <first> and <last>. Tag names are not case sensitive. Many tags can take arguments separated by colons, :, from the tag names within the tag.

Use backslashes to escape literal start tag characters (< [ {) as shown in the following example, and to escape literal end tag characters within tags (> ] }).

scimMail: \{"emails": \[\{"value": "{mail}", "type": "work", "primary": true}]}
xml: \<id>{uid}\</id>

OpenDJ supports the following tags.


The DN tag gets replaced by the distinguished name of the current entry. An optional integer argument specifies the subcomponents of the DN to generate. For example, if the DN of the entry is uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com <DN:1> gets replaced by uid=bjensen, and <DN:-2> gets replaced by dc=example,dc=com.


The File tag gets replaced by a line from a text file you specify. The File tag takes a required argument, the path to the text file, and an optional second argument, either random or sequential. For the file argument, either you specify an absolute path to the file such as <file:/path/to/myDescriptions>, or you specify a path relative to the /path/to/opendj/config/MakeLDIF/ directory such as <file:streets>. For the second argument, if you specify sequential then lines from the file are read in sequential order. Otherwise, lines from the file are read in random order.


The first name tag gets replaced by a random line from /path/to/opendj/config/MakeLDIF/first.names. Combinations of generated first and last names are unique, with integers appended to the name strings if not enough combinations are available.


The GUID tag gets replaced by a 128-bit, type 4 (random) universally unique identifier, such as f47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d479.


The IfAbsent tag takes as its first argument the name of another attribute, and optionally as its second argument a value to use. This tag causes the attribute to be generated only if the named attribute is not present on the generated entry. Use this tag when you have used <Presence> to define another attribute that is not always present on generated entries.


The IfPresent takes as its first argument the name of another attribute, and optionally as its second argument a value to use. This tag causes the attribute to be generated only if the named attribute is also present on the generated entry. Use this tag when you have used <Presence> to define another attribute that is sometimes present on generated entries.


The last name tag gets replaced by a random line from /path/to/opendj/config/MakeLDIF/last.names. Combinations of generated first and last names are unique, with integers appended to the name strings if not enough combinations are available.


The List tag gets replaced by one of the values from the list of arguments you provide. For example, <List:bronze:silver:gold> gets replaced with bronze, silver, or gold.

You can weight arguments to ensure some arguments are selected more often than others. For example, if you want two bronze for one silver and one gold, use <List:bronze;2:silver;1:gold;1>.


The ParentDN tag gets replaced by the distinguished name of the parent entry. For example, if the DN of the entry is uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com, <ParentDN> gets replaced by ou=People,dc=example,dc=com.


The Presence tag takes a percent argument. It does not get replaced by a value itself, but instead results in the attribute being generated on the percentage of entries you specify in the argument. For example, description: <Presence:50>A description generates description: A description on half the entries.


The Random tag lets you generate a variety of random numbers and strings. The Random tag has the following subtypes, which you include as arguments, that is <Random:subtype>.

  • alpha:length

  • alpha:minlength:maxlength

  • numeric:length

  • numeric:minvalue:maxvalue

  • numeric:minvalue:maxvalue:format, where format is a java.text.DecimalFormat pattern

  • alphanumeric:length

  • alphanumeric:minlength:maxlength

  • chars:characters:length

  • chars:characters:minlength:maxlength

  • hex:length

  • hex:minlength:maxlength

  • base64:length

  • base64:minlength:maxlength

  • month

  • month:maxlength

  • telephone, a telephone number starting with the country code +1


The RDN tag gets replaced with the RDN of the entry. Use this in the template after you have specified rdnAttr so that the RDN has already been generated when this tag is replaced.

An optional integer argument specifies the subcomponents of the RDN to generate.


The Sequential tag gets replaced by a sequentially increasing generated integer. The first optional integer argument specifies the starting number. The second optional boolean argument specifies whether to start over when generating entries for a new parent entry. For example, <Sequential>:42:true starts counting from 42, and starts over when the parent entry changes from o=Engineering to o=Marketing.


The _DN tag gets replaced by the DN of the current entry with underscores in the place of commas.


The _ParentDN tag gets replaced by the DN the parent entry with underscores in the place of commas.


The following example generates 10 organization units, each containing 50 entries.

define suffix=dc=example,dc=com
define maildomain=example.com
define numusers=50
define numorgs=10

branch: [suffix]

branch: ou=People,[suffix]
subordinateTemplate: orgunit:[numorgs]
description: This is the People container
telephoneNumber: +33 00010002

template: orgunit
subordinateTemplate: person:[numusers]
rdnAttr: ou
ou: Org-<sequential:0>
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
description: This is the {ou} organizational unit

template: person
rdnAttr: uid
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
givenName: <first>
sn: <last>
cn: {givenName} {sn}
initials: {givenName:1}<random:chars:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ:1>{sn:1}
employeeNumber: <sequential:0>
uid: user.{employeeNumber}
mail: {uid}@[maildomain]
userPassword: password
telephoneNumber: <random:telephone>
homePhone: <random:telephone>
pager: <random:telephone>
mobile: <random:telephone>
street: <random:numeric:5> <file:streets> Street
l: <file:cities>
st: <file:states>
postalCode: <random:numeric:5>
postalAddress: {cn}${street}${l}, {st}  {postalCode}
description: This is the description for {cn}.

See Also

make-ldif(1), /path/to/opendj/config/MakeLDIF/example.template


manage-account — manage state of directory server accounts


subcommand {options}


This utility can be used to retrieve and manipulate the values of password policy state variables.


The following subcommands are supported.

manage-account clear-account-is-disabled

Clear account disabled state information from the user account

manage-account get-account-expiration-time

Display when the user account will expire

manage-account get-account-is-disabled

Display information about whether the user account has been administratively disabled

manage-account get-all

Display all password policy state information for the user

manage-account get-authentication-failure-times

Display the authentication failure times for the user

manage-account get-grace-login-use-times

Display the grace login use times for the user

manage-account get-last-login-time

Display the time that the user last authenticated to the server

manage-account get-password-changed-by-required-time

Display the required password change time with which the user last complied

manage-account get-password-changed-time

Display the time that the user's password was last changed

manage-account get-password-expiration-warned-time

Display the time that the user first received an expiration warning notice

manage-account get-password-history

Display password history state values for the user

manage-account get-password-is-reset

Display information about whether the user will be required to change his or her password on the next successful authentication

manage-account get-password-policy-dn

Display the DN of the password policy for the user

manage-account get-remaining-authentication-failure-count

Display the number of remaining authentication failures until the user's account is locked

manage-account get-remaining-grace-login-count

Display the number of grace logins remaining for the user

manage-account get-seconds-until-account-expiration

Display the length of time in seconds until the user account expires

manage-account get-seconds-until-authentication-failure-unlock

Display the length of time in seconds until the authentication failure lockout expires

manage-account get-seconds-until-idle-lockout

Display the length of time in seconds until user's account is locked because it has remained idle for too long

manage-account get-seconds-until-password-expiration

Display length of time in seconds until the user's password expires

manage-account get-seconds-until-password-expiration-warning

Display the length of time in seconds until the user should start receiving password expiration warning notices

manage-account get-seconds-until-password-reset-lockout

Display the length of time in seconds until user's account is locked because the user failed to change the password in a timely manner after an administrative reset

manage-account get-seconds-until-required-change-time

Display the length of time in seconds that the user has remaining to change his or her password before the account becomes locked due to the required change time

manage-account set-account-is-disabled

Specify whether the user account has been administratively disabled

Global Options

The following global options are supported.

-b, --targetDN {targetDN}

The DN of the user entry for which to get and set password policy state information

LDAP Connection Options

-D, --bindDN {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server

Default value: cn=Directory Manager

-h, --hostname {host}

Directory server hostname or IP address

Default value: localhost.localdomain

-j, --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file

-K, --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path

-N, --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of certificate for SSL client authentication

-o, --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options

-p, --port {port}

Directory server administration port number

Default value: 4444

-P, --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path

-T, --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN

-u, --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file

-U, --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file

-w, --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server

Use -w - to have the command prompt for the password, rather than enter the password on the command line.

-W, --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN

-X, --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates

General Options

-V, --version

Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.


An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments.


For the following examples, the directory admin user, Kirsten Vaughan, has ds-privilege-name: password-reset, and the following ACI on ou=People,dc=example,dc=com.

(target="ldap:///ou=People,dc=example,dc=com") (targetattr ="*||+")(
 version 3.0;acl "Admins can run amok"; allow(all) groupdn =
 "ldap:///cn=Directory Administrators,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com";)

The following command locks a user account.

$ manage-account -p 4444 -D "uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
 -w bribery set-account-is-disabled -O true
 -b uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com -X
Account Is Disabled:  true

The following command unlocks a user account.

$ manage-account -p 4444 -D "uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
 -w bribery clear-account-is-disabled
 -b uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com -X
Account Is Disabled:  false


manage-tasks — manage OpenDJ server administration tasks


manage-tasks {options}


This utility can be used to obtain a list of tasks scheduled to run within the directory server as well as information about individual tasks.


The following options are supported.

-c, --cancel {taskID}

ID of a particular task to cancel

-i, --info {taskID}

ID of a particular task about which this tool will display information

-s, --summary

Print a summary of tasks

LDAP Connection Options

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default value: 30000

-D, --bindDN {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server

Default value: cn=Directory Manager

-h, --hostname {host}

Directory server hostname or IP address

Default value: localhost.localdomain

-j, --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file

-K, --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path

-N, --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of certificate for SSL client authentication

-o, --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options

-p, --port {port}

Directory server administration port number

Default value: 4444

-P, --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path

-T, --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN

-u, --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file

-U, --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file

-w, --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server

-W, --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN

-X, --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates

Utility Input/Output Options

-n, --no-prompt

Use non-interactive mode. If data in the command is missing, the user is not prompted and the tool will fail


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments

General Options

-V, --version

Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following example demonstrates use of the command with a server that does daily backups at 2:00 AM.

$ manage-tasks -p 4444 -h opendj.example.com -D "cn=Directory Manager"
 -w password -s

  ID                                Type    Status
  example-backup                    Backup  Recurring
  example-backup-20110622020000000  Backup  Waiting on start time


rebuild-index — rebuild index after configuration change


rebuild-index {options}


This utility can be used to rebuild index data within a backend based on the Berkeley DB Java Edition.


The following options are supported.

-b, --baseDN {baseDN}

Base DN of a backend supporting indexing. Rebuild is performed on indexes within the scope of the given base DN.


Indicates that indexes do not need rebuilding because they are known to be empty and forcefully marks them as valid. This is an advanced option which must only be used in cases where a degraded index is known to be empty and does not therefore need rebuilding. This situation typically arises when an index is created for an attribute which has just been added to the schema.

-i, --index {index}

Names of index(es) to rebuild. For an attribute index this is simply an attribute name. At least one index must be specified for rebuild. Cannot be used with the --rebuildAll or --rebuildDegraded options.


Rebuild all indexes, including any DN2ID, DN2URI, VLV and extensible indexes. Cannot be used with the --index or --rebuildDegraded options.


Rebuild all degraded indexes, including any DN2ID, DN2URI, VLV and extensible indexes. Cannot be used with the --index or --rebuildAll options.

--tmpdirectory {directory}

Path to temporary directory for index scratch files during index rebuilding.

Default value: import-tmp

Task Backend Connection Options

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default value: 30000

-D, --bindDN {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server

Default value: cn=Directory Manager

-h, --hostname {host}

Directory server hostname or IP address

Default value: localhost.localdomain

-j, --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file

-K, --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path

-N, --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of certificate for SSL client authentication

-o, --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options

-p, --port {port}

Directory server administration port number

Default value: 4444

-P, --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path

-T, --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN

-u, --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file

-U, --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file

-w, --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server

Use -w - to have the command prompt for the password, rather than enter the password on the command line.

-W, --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN

-X, --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates

Task Scheduling Options

--completionNotify {emailAddress}

Email address of a recipient to be notified when the task completes. This option may be specified more than once.

--dependency {taskID}

ID of a task upon which this task depends. A task will not start execution until all its dependencies have completed execution.

--errorNotify {emailAddress}

Email address of a recipient to be notified if an error occurs when this task executes. This option may be specified more than once.

--failedDependencyAction {action}

Action this task will take should one if its dependent tasks fail. The value must be one of PROCESS, CANCEL, DISABLE. If not specified defaults to CANCEL.

--recurringTask {schedulePattern}

Indicates the task is recurring and will be scheduled according to the value argument expressed in crontab(5) compatible time/date pattern.

-t, --start {startTime}

Indicates the date/time at which this operation will start when scheduled as a server task expressed in YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ format for UTC time or YYYYMMDDhhmmss for local time. A value of '0' will cause the task to be scheduled for immediate execution. When this option is specified the operation will be scheduled to start at the specified time after which this utility will exit immediately.

Utility Input/Output Options


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments

General Options

-V, --version

Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.


An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments.


The following example schedules a task to start immediately that rebuilds the cn (common name) index.

$ rebuild-index -p 4444 -h opendj.example.com -D "cn=Directory Manager"
 -w password -b dc=example,dc=com -i cn -t 0
Rebuild Index task 20110607160349596 scheduled to start Jun 7, 2011 4:03:49 PM


restore — restore OpenDJ directory data backups


restore {options}


This utility can be used to restore a backup of a directory server backend.


The following options are supported.

-d, --backupDirectory {backupDir}

Path to the target directory for the backup file(s)

-I, --backupID {backupID}

Use the provided identifier for the backup

-l, --listBackups

List available backups in the backup directory

-n, --dry-run

Verify the contents of the backup but do not restore it

Task Backend Connection Options

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default value: 30000

-D, --bindDN {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server

Default value: cn=Directory Manager

-h, --hostname {host}

Directory server hostname or IP address

Default value: localhost.localdomain

-j, --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file

-K, --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path

-N, --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of certificate for SSL client authentication

-o, --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options

-p, --port {port}

Directory server administration port number

Default value: 4444

-P, --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path

-T, --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN

-u, --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file

-U, --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file

-w, --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server

Use -w - to have the command prompt for the password, rather than enter the password on the command line.

-W, --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN

-X, --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates

Task Scheduling Options

--completionNotify {emailAddress}

Email address of a recipient to be notified when the task completes. This option may be specified more than once.

--dependency {taskID}

ID of a task upon which this task depends. A task will not start execution until all its dependencies have completed execution.

--errorNotify {emailAddress}

Email address of a recipient to be notified if an error occurs when this task executes. This option may be specified more than once.

--failedDependencyAction {action}

Action this task will take should one if its dependent tasks fail. The value must be one of PROCESS, CANCEL, DISABLE. If not specified defaults to CANCEL.

--recurringTask {schedulePattern}

Indicates the task is recurring and will be scheduled according to the value argument expressed in crontab(5) compatible time/date pattern.

-t, --start {startTime}

Indicates the date/time at which this operation will start when scheduled as a server task expressed in YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ format for UTC time or YYYYMMDDhhmmss for local time. A value of '0' will cause the task to be scheduled for immediate execution. When this option is specified the operation will be scheduled to start at the specified time after which this utility will exit immediately.

Utility Input/Output Options


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments

General Options

-V, --version

Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.


An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments.


The following example schedules a restore as a task to begin immediately while OpenDJ directory server is online.

$ restore -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password
 -d /path/to/opendj/bak -I 20110613080032 -t 0
Restore task 20110613155052932 scheduled to start Jun 13, 2011 3:50:52 PM CEST

The following example restores data while OpenDJ is offline.

$ /path/to/opendj/bin/stop-ds
Stopping Server...
$ /path/to/opendj/bin/restore --backupDirectory /path/to/opendj/bak/userRoot
Backup ID:          20120928102414Z
Backup Date:        28/Sep/2012:12:24:17 +0200
Is Incremental:     false
Is Compressed:      false
Is Encrypted:       false
Has Unsigned Hash:  false
Has Signed Hash:    false
Dependent Upon:     none

$ /path/to/opendj/bin/restore --backupDirectory /path/to/opendj/bak/userRoot
 --backupID 20120928102414Z
[28/Sep/2012:12:26:20 +0200] ... msg=Restored: 00000000.jdb (size 355179)
$ /path/to/opendj/bin/start-ds
[28/Sep/2012:12:27:29 +0200] ... The Directory Server has started successfully


setup — install OpenDJ directory server


setup [options]


This utility can be used to setup the directory server.


The following options are supported.

-a, --addBaseEntry

Indicates whether to create the base entry in the directory server database

--adminConnectorPort {port}

Port on which the Administration Connector should listen for communication

Default value: 4444

-b, --baseDN {baseDN}

Base DN for user information in the directory server. Multiple base DNs may be provided by using this option multiple times

Default value: dc=example,dc=com

-d, --sampleData {numEntries}

Specifies that the database should be populated with the specified number of sample entries

Default value: 0

-D, --rootUserDN {rootUserDN}

DN for the initial root user for the directory server

Default value: cn=Directory Manager


Generate a self-signed certificate that the server should use when accepting SSL-based connections or performing StartTLS negotiation

-h, --hostname {host}

The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration connector, and replication

Default value: localhost.localdomain

-i, --cli

Use the command line install. If not specified the graphical interface will be launched. The rest of the options (excluding help and version) will only be taken into account if this option is specified

-j, --rootUserPasswordFile {rootUserPasswordFile}

Path to a file containing the password for the initial root user for the directory server

-l, --ldifFile {ldifFile}

Path to an LDIF file containing data that should be added to the directory server database. Multiple LDIF files may be provided by using this option multiple times

-N, --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of the certificate that the server should use when accepting SSL-based connections or performing StartTLS negotiation

-O, --doNotStart

Do not start the server when the configuration is completed

-p, --ldapPort {port}

Port on which the Directory Server should listen for LDAP communication

Default value: 389

-q, --enableStartTLS

Enable StartTLS to allow secure communication with the server using the LDAP port

-R, --rejectFile {rejectFile}

Write rejected entries to the specified file

-S, --skipPortCheck

Skip the check to determine whether the specified ports are usable

--skipFile {skipFile}

Write skipped entries to the specified file

-u, --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate (JKS, JCEKS, PKCS#12 or PKCS#11) as server certificate

--useJavaKeystore {keyStorePath}

Path of a Java Key Store (JKS) containing a certificate to be used as the server certificate

--useJCEKS {keyStorePath}

Path of a JCEKS containing a certificate to be used as the server certificate


Use a certificate in a PKCS#11 token that the server should use when accepting SSL-based connections or performing StartTLS negotiation

--usePkcs12keyStore {keyStorePath}

Path of a PKCS#12 key store containing the certificate that the server should use when accepting SSL-based connections or performing StartTLS negotiation

-w, --rootUserPassword {rootUserPassword}

Password for the initial root user for the Directory Server

-W, --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN. A PIN is required when you specify to use an existing certificate (JKS, JCEKS, PKCS#12 or PKCS#11) as server certificate

-x, --jmxPort {jmxPort}

Port on which the Directory Server should listen for JMX communication

Default value: 1689

-Z, --ldapsPort {port}

Port on which the Directory Server should listen for LDAPS communication. The LDAPS port will be configured and SSL will be enabled only if this argument is explicitly specified

Default value: 636

Utility Input/Output Options

-n, --no-prompt

Use non-interactive mode. If data in the command is missing, the user is not prompted and the tool will fail


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments

-Q, --quiet

Run setup in quiet mode. Quiet mode will not output progress information to standard output

-v, --verbose

Use verbose mode

General Options

-V, --version

Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following command installs OpenDJ directory server, enabling StartTLS and importing 100 example entries without interaction.

$ ./opendj/setup --cli -b dc=example,dc=com -d 100 -D "cn=Directory Manager"
 -w password -h `hostname` -p 1389
 --generateSelfSignedCertificate --enableStartTLS -n 

OpenDJ 2.6.0
Please wait while the setup program initializes...

See /var/.../opends-setup-484...561.log for a detailed log of this operation.

Configuring Directory Server ..... Done.
Configuring Certificates ..... Done.
Importing Automatically-Generated Data (100 Entries) ......... Done.
Starting Directory Server .......... Done.

To see basic server configuration status and configuration you can launch


start-ds — start OpenDJ directory server


start-ds [options]


This utility can be used to start the directory server, as well as to obtain the server version and other forms of general server information.


The following options are supported.

-L, --useLastKnownGoodConfig

Attempt to start using the configuration that was in place at the last successful startup (if it is available) rather than using the current active configuration.

-N, --nodetach

Do not detach from the terminal and continue running in the foreground. This option cannot be used with the -t, --timeout option.

-Q, --quiet

Use quiet mode.

-s, --systemInfo

Display general system information.

-t, --timeout {seconds}

Maximum time (in seconds) to wait before the command returns (the server continues the startup process, regardless). A value of '0' indicates an infinite timeout, which means that the command returns only when the server startup is completed. The default value is 60 seconds. This option cannot be used with the -N, --nodetach option.

Default value: 200

-V, --version

Display version information.

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information.

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following command starts the server without displaying information about the startup process.

$ start-ds -Q


status — display basic OpenDJ server information


status [options]


This utility can be used to display basic server information.


The following options are supported.

LDAP Connection Options

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default value: 30000

-D, --bindDN {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server

Default value: cn=Directory Manager

-j, --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file

-K, --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path

-N, --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of certificate for SSL client authentication

-o, --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options

-P, --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path

-T, --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN

-u, --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file

-U, --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file

-w, --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server

-W, --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN

-X, --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates

Utility Input/Output Options

-n, --no-prompt

Use non-interactive mode. If data in the command is missing, the user is not prompted and the tool will fail


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values

-r, --refresh {period}

When this argument is specified, the status command will display its contents periodically. Used to specify the period (in seconds) between two status displays

-s, --script-friendly

Use script-friendly mode

General Options

-V, --version

Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


$ status -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password

          --- Server Status ---
Server Run Status:        Started
Open Connections:         1

          --- Server Details ---
Host Name:                localhost.localdomain
Administrative Users:     cn=Directory Manager
Installation Path:        /path/to/opendj
Version:                  OpenDJ 2.6.0
Java Version:             1.6.0_29
Administration Connector: Port 4444 (LDAPS)

          --- Connection Handlers ---
Address:Port : Protocol    : State
--           : LDIF        : Disabled
8989         : Replication : Enabled  : SNMP        : Disabled  : LDAPS       : Disabled : LDAP        : Enabled : JMX         : Disabled

          --- Data Sources ---
Base DN:                      dc=example,dc=com
Backend ID:                   userRoot
Entries:                      160
Replication:                  Enabled
Missing Changes:              0
Age of Oldest Missing Change: <not available>

Base DN:     dc=myCompany,dc=com
Backend ID:  myCompanyRoot
Entries:     3
Replication: Disabled

Base DN:     o=myOrg
Backend ID:  myOrgRoot
Entries:     3
Replication: Disabled


stop-ds — stop OpenDJ directory server


stop-ds [options]


This utility can be used to request that the directory server stop running or perform a restart.

When run without connection options, stop-ds sends a signal to the OpenDJ process to stop the server. When run with connection options, the stop-ds connects to the OpenDJ administration port and creates a shutdown task to stop the server.


The following options are supported.

-r, --stopReason {stopReason}

Reason the server is being stopped or restarted.

-R, --restart

Attempt to automatically restart the server once it has stopped.

-t, --stopTime {stopTime}

Indicates the date/time at which the shutdown operation will begin as a server task expressed in format YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ for UTC time or YYYYMMDDhhmmss for local time. A value of '0' will cause the shutdown to be scheduled for immediate execution. When this option is specified the operation will be scheduled to start at the specified time after which this utility will exit immediately.

-Y, --proxyAs {authzID}

Use the proxied authorization control with the given authorization ID.

LDAP Connection Options

-D, --bindDN {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server

-h, --hostname {host}

Directory server hostname or IP address

Default value:

-j, --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file

-K, --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path

-N, --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of certificate for SSL client authentication

-o, --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options

-p, --port {port}

Directory server administration port number

Default value: 4444

-P, --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path

-T, --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN

-u, --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file

-U, --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file

-w, --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server

Use -w - to have the command prompt for the password, rather than enter the password on the command line.

-W, --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN

-X, --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates

Utility Input/Output Options


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments

-Q, --quiet

Use quiet mode

General Options

-V, --version

Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following example restarts OpenDJ directory server.

$ stop-ds --restart
Stopping Server...

...The Directory Server has started successfully


uninstall — remove OpenDJ directory server software


uninstall [options]


This utility can be used to uninstall the directory server.


The following options are supported.

-a, --remove-all

Remove all components of the server (this option is not compatible with the rest of remove options)

-b, --backup-files

Remove backup files

-c, --configuration-files

Remove configuration files

-d, --databases

Remove database contents

-e, --ldif-files

Remove LDIF files

-f, --forceOnError

Specifies whether the uninstall should continue if there is an error updating references to this server in remote server instances or not. This option can only be used with the --no-prompt option.

-i, --cli

Specifies to use the command line install. If not specified the graphical interface will be launched. The rest of the options (excluding help and version) will only be taken into account if this option is specified

-l, --server-libraries

Remove Server Libraries and Administrative Tools

-L, --log-files

Remove log files

LDAP Connection Options

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.

Default value: 30000

-h, --referencedHostName {host}

The name of this host (or IP address) as it is referenced in remote servers for replication

Default value: localhost.localdomain

-I, --adminUID {adminUID}

User ID of the Global Administrator to use to bind to the server.

Default value: admin

-j, --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file

-K, --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path

-N, --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of certificate for SSL client authentication

-o, --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options

-P, --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path

-T, --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN

-u, --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file

-U, --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file

-w, --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server

-W, --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN

-X, --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates

Utility Input/Output Options

-n, --no-prompt

Use non-interactive mode. If data in the command is missing, the user is not prompted and the tool will fail


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments

-Q, --quiet

Run setup in quiet mode. Quiet mode will not output progress information to standard output

-v, --verbose

Use verbose mode

General Options

-V, --version

Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following command removes OpenDJ directory server without interaction.

$ ./opendj/uninstall -a --cli -I admin -w password -n

Stopping Directory Server ..... Done.
Deleting Files under the Installation Path ..... Done.

The Uninstall Completed Successfully.
To complete the uninstallation, you must delete manually the following files
and directories:
See /var/.../opends-uninstall-3...0.log for a detailed log of this operation.
$ rm -rf opendj


upgrade — upgrade OpenDJ configuration & application data


upgrade {options}


This utility upgrades OpenDJ configuration (schema, directory server configuration, and other configuration files) and application data (primarily directory data) so that it is compatible with the binary files and scripts that are installed.

The upgrade command thus performs only part of the upgrade process, which includes the following phases for a single server.

  1. Get and unpack a newer version of OpenDJ directory server software.

  2. Stop the current OpenDJ directory server.

  3. Overwrite existing binary and script files with those of the newer version, and then run this utility, the upgrade command, before restarting OpenDJ.

  4. Start the upgraded OpenDJ directory server.


The upgrade command does not back up OpenDJ before you upgrade, nor does it restore OpenDJ if the upgrade command fails. In order to revert a failed upgrade, make sure you back up OpenDJ directory server before you overwrite existing binary and script files.

By default, the upgrade command requests confirmation before making important configuration changes. You can use the --no-prompt option to run the command non-interactively.

When using the --no-prompt option, if the upgrade command cannot complete because it requires confirmation for a potentially very long or critical task, then it exits with an error and a message about how to finish making the changes. You can add the --force option to force a non-interactive upgrade to continue in this case, also performing long running and critical tasks.

After upgrading, see the resulting upgrade.log file for a full list of operations performed.


The following options are supported.


Automatically accepts the product license if there is one in the delivery.


Forces a non-interactive upgrade to continue even if it requires user interaction. In particular, long running or critical upgrade tasks, such as re-indexing, which require user confirmation will be skipped. This option may only be used with the --no-prompt option.


Ignores any errors which occur during the upgrade. This option should be used with caution and may be useful in automated deployments where potential errors are known in advance and resolved after the upgrade has completed.

Utility Input/Output Options

-n, --no-prompt

Use non-interactive mode. Prompt for any required information rather than fail.

-Q, --quiet

Use quiet mode.

-v, --verbose

Use verbose mode.

General Options

-V, --version

Display version information.

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information.

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.


The command was run in non-interactive mode, but could not complete because confirmation was required to run a long or critical task.

See the error message or the log for details.


An error occurred.

See the Installation Guide for an example upgrade process for OpenDJ directory server installed from the cross-platform (.zip) delivery, Upgrading From OpenDJ 2.4.5 in the Installation Guide.

Native packages (.deb, .rpm) perform more of the upgrade process, stopping OpenDJ if it is running, overwriting older files with newer files, running this utility, and starting OpenDJ if it was running when you upgraded the package(s).


verify-index — check index for consistency or errors


verify-index {options}


This utility can be used to ensure that index data is consistent within a backend based on the Berkeley DB Java Edition.


The following options are supported.

-b, --baseDN {baseDN}

Base DN of a backend supporting indexing. Verification is performed on indexes within the scope of the given base DN.

-c, --clean

Specifies that a single index should be verified to ensure it is clean. An index is clean if each index value references only entries containing that value. Only one index at a time may be verified in this way.


Count the number of errors found during the verification and return that value as the exit code (values > 255 will be reduced to 255 due to exit code restrictions).

-i, --index {index}

Name of an index to be verified. For an attribute index this is simply an attribute name. Multiple indexes may be verified for completeness, or all indexes if no indexes are specified. An index is complete if each index value references all entries containing that value.

General Options

-V, --version

Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.


An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments.


The number of errors in the index, as indicated for the --countErrors option.


The following example verifies the cn (common name) index for completeness and for errors.

$ verify-index -b dc=example,dc=com -i cn --clean --countErrors
[07/Jun/2011:16:06:50 +0200] category=BACKEND severity=INFORMATION
 msgID=9437595 msg=Local DB backend userRoot does not specify the number of
 lock tables: defaulting to 97
[07/Jun/2011:16:06:50 +0200] category=BACKEND severity=INFORMATION
 msgID=9437594 msg=Local DB backend userRoot does not specify the number of
 cleaner threads: defaulting to 24 threads
[07/Jun/2011:16:06:51 +0200] category=JEB severity=NOTICE msgID=8847461
 msg=Checked 1316 records and found 0 error(s) in 0 seconds
 (average rate 2506.7/sec)
[07/Jun/2011:16:06:51 +0200] category=JEB severity=INFORMATION
 msgID=8388710 msg=Number of records referencing more than one entry: 315
[07/Jun/2011:16:06:51 +0200] category=JEB severity=INFORMATION
 msgID=8388711 msg=Number of records that exceed the entry limit: 0
[07/Jun/2011:16:06:51 +0200] category=JEB severity=INFORMATION
 msgID=8388712 msg=Average number of entries referenced is 1.58/record
[07/Jun/2011:16:06:51 +0200] category=JEB severity=INFORMATION
 msgID=8388713 msg=Maximum number of entries referenced by any
 record is 32
Abandon operation

LDAP operation to stop processing of a request in progress, after which the directory server drops the connection without a reply to the client application.

Access control

Control to grant or to deny access to a resource.

Access control instruction (ACI)

Instruction added as a directory entry attribute for fine-grained control over what a given user or group member is authorized to do in terms of LDAP operations and access to user data.

ACIs are implemented independently from privileges, which apply to administrative operations.

See also Privilege.

Access control list (ACL)

An access control list connects a user or group of users to one or more security entitlements. For example, users in group "sales" are granted the entitlement "read-only" to some financial data.

access log

Directory server log tracing the operations the server processes including timestamps, connection information, and information about the operation itself.

Account lockout

The act of making an account temporarily or permanently inactive after successive authentication failures.

Active user

A user that has the ability to authenticate and use the services, having valid credentials.

Add operation

LDAP operation to add a new entry or entries to the directory.


A user that does not need to authenticate, and is unknown to the system.

Anonymous bind

A bind operation using simple authentication with an empty DN and an empty password, allowing "anonymous" access such as reading public information.

Approximate index

Index is used to match values that "sound like" those provided in the filter.


Properties of a directory entry, stored as one or more key-value pairs. Typical examples include the common name (cn) to store the user's full name and variations of the name, user ID (uid) to store a unique identifier for the entry, and mail to store email addresses.

audit log

Type of access log that dumps changes in LDIF.


The process of verifying who is requesting access to a resource; the act of confirming the identity of a principal.


The process of determining whether access should be granted to an individual based on information about that individual; the act of determining whether to grant or to deny a principal access to a resource.


Repository that a directory server can access to store data. Different implementations with different capabilities exist.

Binary copy

Binary backup archive of one directory server that can be restored on another directory server.

Bind operation

LDAP authentication operation to determine the client's identity in LDAP terms, the identity which is later used by the server to authorize (or not) access to directory data that the client wants to lookup or change.

Collective attribute

A standard mechanism for defining attributes that appear on all the entries in a particular subtree.

Compare operation

LDAP operation to compare a specified attribute value with the value stored on an entry in the directory.


Information added to an LDAP message to further specify how an LDAP operation should be processed. OpenDJ supports many LDAP controls.

Database cache

Memory space set aside to hold database content.

debug log

Directory server log tracing details needed to troubleshoot a problem in the server.

Delete operation

LDAP operation to remove an existing entry or entries from the directory.


A directory is a network service which lists participants in the network such as users, computers, printers, and groups. The directory provides a convenient, centralized, and robust mechanism for publishing and consuming information about network participants.

Directory hierarchy

A directory can be organized into a hierarchy in order to make it easier to browse or manage. Directory hierarchies normally represent something in the physical world, such as organizational hierarchies or physical locations. For example, the top level of a directory may represent a company, the next level down divisions, the next level down departments, and so on. Alternately, the top level may represent the world, the next level down countries, next states or provinces, next cities, and so on.

Directory manager

Default Root DN who has privileges to do full administration of the OpenDJ server, including bypassing access control evaluation, changing access controls, and changing administrative privileges.

See also Root DN.

Directory object

A directory object is an item in a directory. Example objects include users, user groups, computers and more. Objects may be organized into a hierarchy and contain identifying attributes.

See also Entry.

Directory server

Server application for centralizing information about network participants. A highly available directory service consists of multiple directory servers configured to replicate directory data.

See also Directory, Replication.

Directory Services Markup Language (DSML)

Standard language to access directory services using XML. DMSL v1 defined an XML mapping of LDAP objects, while DSMLv2 maps the LDAP Protocol and data model to XML.

Distinguished name (DN)

Fully qualified name for a directory entry, such as uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com, built by concatenating the entry RDN (uid=bjensen) with the DN of the parent entry (ou=People,dc=example,dc=com).

Dynamic group

Group that specifies members using LDAP URLs.


As generic and hierarchical data stores, directories always contain different kinds of entries, either nodes (or containers) or leaf entries. An entry is an object in the directory, defined by one of more object classes and their related attributes. At startup, OpenDJ reports the number of entries contained in each suffix.

Entry cache

Memory space set aside to hold frequently-accessed, large entries, such as static groups.

Equality index

Index used to match values that correspond exactly (though generally without case sensitivity) to the value provided in the search filter.

errors log

Directory server log tracing server events, error conditions, and warnings, categorized and identified by severity.


Save directory data in an LDIF file.

Extended operation

Additional LDAP operation not included in the original standards. OpenDJ supports several standard LDAP extended operations.

Extensible match index

Index for a matching rule other than approximate, equality, ordering, presence, substring or VLV, such as an index for generalized time.

External user

An individual that accesses company resources or services but is not working for the company. Typically a customer or partner.


An LDAP search filter is an expression that the server uses to find entries that match a search request, such as (mail=*@example.com) to match all entries having an email address in the example.com domain.


Entry identifying a set of members whose entries are also in the directory.

Idle time limit

Defines how long OpenDJ allows idle connections to remain open.


Read in and index directory data from an LDIF file.

Inactive user

An entry in the directory that once represented a user but which is now no longer able to be authenticated.


Directory server backend feature to allow quick lookup of entries based on their attribute values.

See also Approximate index, Equality index, Extensible match index, Ordering index, Presence index, Substring index, Virtual list view (VLV) index, Index entry limit.

Index entry limit

When the number of entries that an index key points to exceeds the index entry limit, OpenDJ stops maintaining the list of entries for that index key.

Internal user

An individual who works within the company either as an employee or as a contractor.

LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF)

Standard, portable, text-based representation of directory content. See RFC 2849.


LDAP Uniform Resource Locator such as ldap://directory.example.com:389/dc=example,dc=com??sub?(uid=bjensen). See RFC 2255.


LDAP over SSL.

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

A simple and standardized network protocol used by applications to connect to a directory, search for objects and add, edit or remove objects. See RFC 4510.

Lookthrough limit

Defines the maximum number of candidate entries OpenDJ considers when processing a search.

Matching rule

Defines rules for performing matching operations against assertion values. Matching rules are frequently associated with an attribute syntax and are used to compare values according to that syntax. For example, the distinguishedNameEqualityMatch matching rule can be used to determine whether two DNs are equal and can ignore unnecessary spaces around commas and equal signs, differences in capitalization in attribute names, and so on.

Modify DN operation

LDAP modification operation to request that the server change the distinguished name of an entry.

Modify operation

LDAP modification operation to request that the server change one or more attributes of an entry.

Naming context

Base DN under which client applications can look for user data.

Object class

Identifies entries that share certain characteristics. Most commonly, an entry's object classes define the attributes that must and may be present on the entry. Object classes are stored on entries as values of the objectClass attribute. Object classes are defined in the directory schema, and can be abstract (defining characteristics for other object classes to inherit), structural (defining the basic structure of an entry, one structural inheritance per entry), or auxiliary (for decorating entries already having a structural object class with other required and optional attributes).

Object identifier (OID)

String that uniquely identifies an object, such as 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1 for the user ID attribute or for DirectoryString syntax.

Operational attribute

An attribute that has a special (operational) meaning for the directory server, such as pwdPolicySubentry or modifyTimestamp.

Ordering index

Index used to match values for a filter that specifies a range.

Password policy

A set of rules regarding what sequence of characters constitutes an acceptable password. Acceptable passwords are generally those that would be too difficult for another user or an automated program to guess and thereby defeat the password mechanism. Password policies may require a minimum length, a mixture of different types of characters (lowercase, uppercase, digits, punctuation marks, and so forth), avoiding dictionary words or passwords based on the user's name, and so forth. Password policies may also require that users not reuse old passwords and that users change their passwords regularly.

Password reset

Password change performed by a user other than the user who owns the entry.

Password storage scheme

Mechanism for encoding user passwords stored on directory entries. OpenDJ implements a number of password storage schemes.

Password validator

Mechanism for determining whether a proposed password is acceptable for use. OpenDJ implements a number of password validators.

Presence index

Index used to match the fact that an attribute is present on the entry, regardless of the value.


Entity that can be authenticated, such as a user, a device, or an application.


Server configuration settings controlling access to administrative operations such as exporting and importing data, restarting the server, performing password reset, and changing the server configuration.

Privileges are implemented independently from access control instructions (ACI), which apply to LDAP operations and user data.

See also Access control instruction (ACI).

Referential integrity

Ensuring that group membership remains consistent following changes to member entries.

referint log

Directory server log tracing referential integrity events, with entries similar to the errors log.


Reference to another directory location, which can be another directory server running elsewhere or another container on the same server, where the current operation can be processed.

Relative distinguished name (RDN)

Initial portion of a DN that distinguishes the entry from all other entries at the same level, such as uid=bjensen in uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com.


Data synchronization that ensures all directory servers participating eventually share a consistent set of directory data.

replication log

Directory server log tracing replication events, with entries similar to the errors log.

Root DN

A directory superuser, whose account is specific to a directory server under cn=Root DNs,cn=config.

The default Root DN is Directory Manager. You can create additional Root DN accounts, each with different administrative privileges.

See also Directory manager, Privilege.

Root DSE

The directory entry with distinguished name "" (empty string), where DSE stands for DSA-Specific Entry. DSA stands for Directory Server Agent, a single directory server. The root DSE serves to expose information over LDAP about what the directory server supports in terms of LDAP controls, auth password schemes, SASL mechanisms, LDAP protocol versions, naming contexts, features, LDAP extended operations, and so forth.


LDAP schema defines the object classes, attributes types, attribute value syntaxes, matching rules and so on that constrain entries held by the directory server.

Search filter

See Filter.

Search operation

LDAP lookup operation where a client requests that the server return entries based on an LDAP filter and a base DN under which to search.

Simple authentication

Bind operation performed with a user's entry DN and user's password. Use simple authentication only if the network connection is secure.

Size limit

Sets the maximum number of entries returned for a search.

Static group

Group that enumerates member entries.


An entry, such as a password policy entry, that resides with the user data but holds operational data, and is not visible in search results unless explicitly requested.

Substring index

Index used to match values specified with wildcards in the filter.


Mechanism to provide remote access to directory server administrative functions. OpenDJ supports tasks to backup and restore backends, to import and export LDIF files, and to stop and restart the server.

Time limit

Defines the maximum processing time OpenDJ devotes to a search operation.

Unbind operation

LDAP operation to release resources at the end of a session.

Unindexed search

Search operation for which no matching index is available. If no indexes are applicable, then the directory server potentially has to go through all entries to look for candidate matches. For this reason, the unindexed-search privilege, allowing users to request searches for which no applicable index exists, is reserved for the directory manager by default.


An entry that represents an individual that can be authenticated through credentials contained or referenced by its attributes. A user may represent an internal user or an external user, and may be an active user or an inactive user.

User attribute

An attribute for storing user data on a directory entry such as mail or givenname.

Virtual attribute

An attribute with dynamically generated values that appear in entries but are not persistently stored in the backend.

Virtual directory

An application that exposes a consolidated view of multiple physical directories over an LDAP interface. Consumers of the directory information connect to the virtual directory's LDAP service. Behind the scenes, requests for information and updates to the directory are sent to one or more physical directories where the actual information resides. Virtual directories enable organizations to create a consolidated view of information that for legal or technical reasons cannot be consolidated into a single physical copy.

Virtual list view (VLV) index

Browsing index designed to help the directory server respond to client applications that need for example to browse through a long list of results a page at a time in a GUI.

Virtual static group

OpenDJ group that lets applications see dynamic groups as what appear to be static groups.


A family of standardized protocols for accessing, browsing and maintaining a directory. X.500 is functionally similar to LDAP, but is generally considered to be more complex, and has consequently not been widely adopted.

OpenDJ offers two alternatives for RESTful access to directory data.

  • OpenDJ directory server has an HTTP connection handler that exposes the RESTful API over HTTP (or HTTPS). You configure the mapping between JSON resources and LDAP entries by editing the configuration file for the HTTP connection handler, by default /path/to/opendj/config/http-config.json.

  • The OpenDJ REST LDAP gateway runs as a Servlet independent from your directory service. You configure the gateway to access your directory service by editing opendj-rest2ldap-servlet.json where you deploy the gateway web application.

The JSON format configuration can hold the following configuration objects. Some of the configuration settings are available only in the REST LDAP gateway configuration. The order here is the order shown in the default configuration file.

Interface stability: Evolving

"ldapConnectionFactories" (required, gateway only)

Configures how the gateway connects to LDAP servers. This entire configuration object applies only to the REST LDAP gateway.

Configures at least a connection factory for unauthenticated connections that are used for bind requests. By default, also configures a factory for authenticated connections that are used for searches during authentication and for proxied authorization operations.

The default configuration is set to connect to a local directory server listening for LDAP connections on port 1389, authenticating as the root DN user cn=Directory Manager, with the password password.


Configures the unauthenticated connection factory for bind operations.

"connectionPoolSize" (optional)

The gateway creates connection pools to the primary and secondary LDAP servers that maintain up to connectionPoolSize connections to the servers.

Default: 10

"connectionPoolSize": 10
"heartBeatIntervalSeconds" (optional)

The gateway tests its connections every heartBeatIntervalSeconds seconds to detect whether the connection is still alive.

Default: 30 (seconds)

"heartBeatIntervalSeconds": 30
"primaryLDAPServers" (required)

The gateway accesses this array of LDAP servers before failing over to the secondary LDAP servers. These might be LDAP servers in the same data center for example.

    "primaryLDAPServers": [
            "hostname": "local1.example.com",
            "port": 1389
            "hostname": "local2.example.com",
            "port": 1389

By default, the gateway connects to the directory server listening on port 1389 on the local host.

"secondaryLDAPServers" (optional)

The gateway accesses this array of LDAP servers if primary LDAP servers cannot be contacted. These might be LDAP servers in the same data center for example.

    "secondaryLDAPServers": [
            "hostname": "remote1.example.com",
            "port": 1389
            "hostname": "remote2.example.com",
            "port": 1389

No secondary LDAP servers are configured by default.


Configures the authenticated connection factory.

"inheritFrom" (optional)

Identifies the unauthenticated connection factory from which to inherit settings. If this connection factory does not inherit from another configuration object, then you must specify the configuration here.

Default: "default"

"authentication" (required)

The gateway authenticates by simple bind using the credentials specified.

    "authentication": {
        "bindDN": "cn=Directory Manager",
        "password": "password"
"authenticationFilter" (required)

Configures the REST LDAP authentication filter. If the configuration is not present, the filter is disabled.

The default configuration allows HTTP Basic authentication where user entries are inetOrgPerson entries expected to have uid=username, and to be found under ou=people,dc=example,dc=com. The default configuration also allows alternative, HTTP header based authentication in the style of OpenIDM.

By default, authentication is required both for the gateway and for the HTTP connection handler. When the HTTP connection handler property authentication-required is set to false (default: true), the HTTP connection handler accepts both authenticated and unauthenticated requests. All requests are subject to access control and resource limit settings in the same way as LDAP client requests to the directory server. The authentication-required setting can be overridden by the global configuration property reject-unauthenticated-requests (default: false), described in the section on Restricting Client Access.

To protect passwords, configure HTTPS for the HTTP connection handler or for the container where the REST LDAP gateway runs.

The filter has the following configuration fields.


Whether to support HTTP Basic authentication. If this is set to true, then the entry corresponding to the user name is found using the "searchBaseDN", "searchScope", and "searchFilterTemplate" settings.

Default: true


Whether to allow alternative, HTTP header based authentication. If this is set to true, then the headers to use are specified in the "altAuthenticationUsernameHeader" and "altAuthenticationPasswordHeader" values, and the bind DN is resolved using the "searchFilterTemplate" value.

Default: true


Specifies the HTTP header containing the username for authentication when alternative, HTTP-header based authentication is allowed.

Default: "X-OpenIDM-Username"


Specifies the HTTP header containing the password for authentication when alternative, HTTP-header based authentication is allowed.

Default: "X-OpenIDM-Password"

"reuseAuthenticatedConnection" (gateway only)

Whether to use authenticated LDAP connections for subsequent LDAP operations. If this is set to true, the gateway does not need its own connection factory, nor does it need to use proxied authorization for LDAP operations. Instead, it performs the operations as the user on the authenticated connection.

Default: true

"method" (gateway only)

Specifies the authentication method used by the gateway. The following values are supported.

  • "search-simple" (default) means the user name is resolved to an LDAP bind DN by a search using the "searchFilterTemplate" value.

  • "sasl-plain" means the user name is resolved to an authorization ID (authzid) using the "saslAuthzIdTemplate" value.

  • "simple" means the user name is the LDAP bind DN.

"bindLDAPConnectionFactory" (gateway only)

Identifies the factory providing connections used for bind operations to authenticate users to LDAP servers.

Default: "default"

"saslAuthzIdTemplate" (gateway only)

Sets how to resolve the authorization ID when the authentication "method" is set to "sasl-plain", substituting %s in the template with the user name provided. The user name provided by is DN escaped before the value is returned.

Default: "dn:uid=%s,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"

"searchLDAPConnectionFactory" (gateway only)

Identifies the factory providing connections used to find user entries in the directory server when the "method" is set to "search-simple".

Default: "root"


Sets the base DN to search for user entries. For the gateway, this applies when the "method" is set to "search-simple". This always applies for the HTTP connection handler.

Default: "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"


Sets the search scope below the base DN such as "sub" (subtree search) or "one" (one-level search) to search for user entries. For the gateway, this applies when the "method" is set to "search-simple". This always applies for the HTTP connection handler.

Default: "sub"


Sets the search filter used to find the user entry, substituting %s in the template with the user name provided. The user name provided by is DN escaped before the value is returned. For the gateway, this applies when the "method" is set to "search-simple". This always applies for the HTTP connection handler.

Default: "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=%s))"

"servlet" (required)

Configures how HTTP resources map to LDAP entries, and for the gateway how to connect to LDAP servers and how to use proxied authorization.

The default gateway configuration tries to reuse authenticated connections for LDAP operations, falling back to a connection authenticated as root DN using proxied authorization for LDAP operations.

"ldapConnectionFactory" (gateway only)

Specifies the connection factory used by the gateway to perform LDAP operations if an authenticated connection is not passed from the authentication filter according to the setting for "reuseAuthenticatedConnection".

Default: "root"

"authorizationPolicy" (gateway only)

Specifies how to handle LDAP authorization. The following values are supported.

  • "proxy" (default) means use proxied authorization when no authenticated connection is provided for reuse, resolving the authorization ID according to the setting for "proxyAuthzIdTemplate".

  • "none" means do not use proxied authorization and do not reuse authenticated connections, but instead use connections from the factory specified in "ldapConnectionFactory".

  • "reuse" means reuse an authenticated connection passed by the filter, and fail if no connection was passed by the filter.

"proxyAuthzIdTemplate" (gateway only)

Specifies the template to derive the authorization ID from the security context created during authentication. Use {dn} to indicate the user's bind DN or {id} to indicate the user name provided for authentication.

Default: "dn:{dn}"


For each collection URI such as /users and /groups, you configure a mapping between the JSON resource returned over HTTP, and the LDAP entry returned by the directory service.

Each mapping has a number of configuration elements.

"baseDN" (required)

The base DN where LDAP entries are found for this mapping.

"readOnUpdatePolicy" (optional)

The policy used to read an entry before it is deleted, or to read an entry after it is added or modified. One of the following.

  • "controls": (default) use RFC 4527 read-entry controls to reflect the state of the resource at the time the update was performed.

    The directory service must support RFC 4527.

  • "disabled": do not read the entry or return the resource on update.

  • "search": perform an LDAP search to retrieve the entry before deletion or after it is added or modified.

    The JSON resource returned might differ from the LDAP entry that was updated.

"useSubtreeDelete" (required)

Whether to use the LDAP Subtree Delete Request Control (OID: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.805) for LDAP delete operations resulting from delete operations on resources.

Default: false. The default configuration uses false.

Set this to true if you want this behavior, if your directory server supports the control, and if clients that request delete operations have access to use the control.

"usePermissiveModify" (required)

Whether to use the LDAP Permissive Modify Request Control (OID: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1413) for LDAP modify operations resulting from patch and update operations on resources.

Default: false. The default configuration uses true.

Set this to false when using the gateway if your directory server does not support the control.

"etagAttribute" (optional)

The LDAP attribute to use for multi-version concurrency control (MVCC).

Default: "etag"

"namingStrategy" (required)

The approach used to map LDAP entry names to JSON resources. The following naming strategies are supported.

  • RDN and resource ID are both derived from a single user attribute in the LDAP entry, as in the following example, where the uid attribute is the RDN and its value is the JSON resource ID.

        "namingStrategy": {
            "strategy": "clientDNNaming",
            "dnAttribute": "uid"
  • RDN and resource ID are derived from separate user attributes in the LDAP entry, as in the following example where the RDN attribute is uid but the JSON resource ID is the value of the mail attribute.

        "namingStrategy": {
            "strategy": "clientNaming",
            "dnAttribute": "uid",
            "idAttribute": "mail"
  • RDN is derived from a user attribute and the resource ID from an operational attribute in the LDAP entry, as in the following example, where the RDN attribute is uid but the JSON resource ID is the value of the entryUUID operational attribute.

        "namingStrategy": {
            "strategy": "serverNaming",
            "dnAttribute": "uid",
            "idAttribute": "entryUUID"
"additionalLDAPAttributes" (optional, but necessary)

LDAP attributes to include during LDAP add operations as an array of type-value lists, such as the following example.

    "additionalLDAPAttributes": [
            "type": "objectClass",
            "values": [

This configuration element is useful to set LDAP object classes for example, which are not present in JSON resources.

"attributes" (required)

How the JSON resource fields map to attributes on LDAP entries, each taking the form "field-name": mapping-object. A number of mapping-objects are supported.


Maps a single JSON attribute to a fixed value.

This can be useful as in the default case where each JSON resource "schemas" takes the SCIM URN, and so the value is not related to the underlying LDAP entries.

    "schemas": {
        "constant": [

Maps a JSON field to an LDAP attribute.

Simple mappings are used where the correspondence between JSON fields and LDAP attributes is one-to-one.

    "userName": {
        "simple": {
            "ldapAttribute": "mail",
            "isSingleValued": true,
            "writability": "readOnly"

Simple mappings can take a number of fields.

  • (Required) "ldapAttribute": the name of LDAP attribute.

  • (Optional) "defaultJSONValue": the JSON value if no LDAP attribute is available on the entry.

    No default is set if this is omitted.

  • (Optional) "isBinary": true means the LDAP attribute is binary and the JSON field gets the base64-encoded value.

    Default: false

  • (Optional) "isRequired": true means the LDAP attribute is mandatory and must be provided to create the resource; false means it is optional.

    Default: false

  • (Optional) "isSingleValued": true means represent a possibly multi-valued LDAP attribute as a single value; false means represent it as an array of values.

    Default: determine the representation based on the LDAP schema, so SINGLE-VALUE attributes take single values, and multi-valued attributes take arrays.

  • (Optional) "writability": indicates whether the LDAP attribute supports updates. This field can take the following values.

    • "createOnly": This attribute can be set only when the entry is created. Attempts to update this attribute thereafter result in errors.

    • "createOnlyDiscardWrites": This attribute can be set only when the entry is created. Attempts to update this attribute thereafter do not result in errors. Instead the update value is discarded.

    • "readOnly": This attribute cannot be written. Attempts to write this attribute result in errors.

    • "readOnlyDiscardWrites": This attribute cannot be written. Attempts to write this attribute do not result in errors. Instead the value to write is discarded.

    • "readWrite": (default) This attribute can be set at creation and updated thereafter.


Maps a JSON object to LDAP attributes.

This mapping lets you create JSON objects whose fields themselves have mappings to LDAP attributes.


Maps a JSON field to an LDAP entry found by reference.

This mapping works for LDAP attributes whose values reference other entries. This is shown in the following example from the default configuration. The LDAP manager attribute values are user entry DNs. Here, the JSON manager field takes the user ID and name from the entry referenced by the LDAP attribute. On updates, changes to the JSON manager _id affect which manager entry is referenced, yet any changes to the manager's name are discarded, because changing managers only affects which user entry to point to, not the referenced user's name.

    "manager": {
        "reference": {
            "ldapAttribute": "manager",
            "baseDN": "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com",
            "primaryKey": "uid",
            "mapper": {
                "object": {
                    "_id": {
                        "simple": {
                            "ldapAttribute": "uid",
                            "isSingleValued": true,
                            "isRequired": true
                    "displayName": {
                        "simple": {
                            "ldapAttribute": "cn",
                            "isSingleValued": true,
                            "writability": "readOnlyDiscardWrites"

Babs Jensen's manager in the sample LDAP data is Torrey Rigden, who has user ID trigden. Babs's entry has manager: uid=trigden,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com. With this mapping, the resulting JSON field is the following.

    "manager": [
            "_id": "trigden",
            "displayName": "Torrey Rigden"

Reference mapping objects have the following fields.

  • (Required) "baseDN": indicates the base LDAP DN under which to find entries referenced by the JSON resource.

  • (Required) "ldapAttribute": specifies the LDAP attribute in the entry underlying the JSON resource whose value points to the referenced entry.

  • (Required) "mapper": describes how the referenced entry content maps to the content of this JSON field.

  • (Required) "primaryKey": indicates which LDAP attribute in the mapper holds the primary key to the referenced entry.

  • (Optional) "isRequired": true means the LDAP attribute is mandatory and must be provided to create the resource; false means it is optional.

    Default: false

  • (Optional) "isSingleValued": true means represent a possibly multi-valued LDAP attribute as a single value; false means represent it as an array of values.

    Default: false

  • (Optional) "searchFilter": specifies the LDAP filter to use to search for the referenced entry. The default is "(objectClass=*)".

  • (Optional) "writability": indicates whether the mapping supports updates, as described above for the simple mapping. The default is "readWrite".

The default mappings expose a SCIM view of user and group data.

    "/users": {
        "baseDN": "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com",
        "readOnUpdatePolicy": "controls",
        "useSubtreeDelete": false,
        "usePermissiveModify": true,
        "etagAttribute": "etag",
        "namingStrategy": {
            "strategy": "clientDNNaming",
            "dnAttribute": "uid"
        "additionalLDAPAttributes": [
                "type": "objectClass",
                "values": [
        "attributes": {
            "schemas": {
                "constant": [
            "_id": {
                "simple": {
                    "ldapAttribute": "uid",
                    "isSingleValued": true,
                    "isRequired": true,
                    "writability": "createOnly"
            "_rev": {
                "simple": {
                    "ldapAttribute": "etag",
                    "isSingleValued": true,
                    "writability": "readOnly"
            "userName": {
                "simple": {
                    "ldapAttribute": "mail",
                    "isSingleValued": true,
                    "writability": "readOnly"
            "displayName": {
                "simple": {
                    "ldapAttribute": "cn",
                    "isSingleValued": true,
                    "isRequired": true
            "name": {
                "object": {
                    "givenName": {
                        "simple": {
                            "ldapAttribute": "givenName",
                            "isSingleValued": true
                    "familyName": {
                        "simple": {
                            "ldapAttribute": "sn",
                            "isSingleValued": true,
                            "isRequired": true
            "manager": {
                "reference": {
                    "ldapAttribute": "manager",
                    "baseDN": "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com",
                    "primaryKey": "uid",
                    "mapper": {
                        "object": {
                            "_id": {
                                "simple": {
                                    "ldapAttribute": "uid",
                                    "isSingleValued": true,
                                    "isRequired": true
                            "displayName": {
                                "simple": {
                                    "ldapAttribute": "cn",
                                    "isSingleValued": true,
                                    "writability": "readOnlyDiscardWrites"
            "groups": {
                "reference": {
                    "ldapAttribute": "isMemberOf",
                    "baseDN": "ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com",
                    "writability": "readOnly",
                    "primaryKey": "cn",
                    "mapper": {
                        "object": {
                            "_id": {
                                "simple": {
                                    "ldapAttribute": "cn",
                                    "isSingleValued": true
            "contactInformation": {
                "object": {
                    "telephoneNumber": {
                        "simple": {
                            "ldapAttribute": "telephoneNumber",
                            "isSingleValued": true
                    "emailAddress": {
                        "simple": {
                            "ldapAttribute": "mail",
                            "isSingleValued": true
            "meta": {
                "object": {
                    "created": {
                        "simple": {
                            "ldapAttribute": "createTimestamp",
                            "isSingleValued": true,
                            "writability": "readOnly"
                    "lastModified": {
                        "simple": {
                            "ldapAttribute": "modifyTimestamp",
                            "isSingleValued": true,
                            "writability": "readOnly"
    "/groups": {
        "baseDN": "ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com",
        "readOnUpdatePolicy": "controls",
        "useSubtreeDelete": false,
        "usePermissiveModify": true,
        "etagAttribute": "etag",
        "namingStrategy": {
            "strategy": "clientDNNaming",
            "dnAttribute": "cn"
        "additionalLDAPAttributes": [
                "type": "objectClass",
                "values": [
        "attributes": {
            "schemas": {
                "constant": [
            "_id": {
                "simple": {
                    "ldapAttribute": "cn",
                    "isSingleValued": true,
                    "isRequired": true,
                    "writability": "createOnly"
            "_rev": {
                "simple": {
                    "ldapAttribute": "etag",
                    "isSingleValued": true,
                    "writability": "readOnly"
            "displayName": {
                "simple": {
                    "ldapAttribute": "cn",
                    "isSingleValued": true,
                    "isRequired": true,
                    "writability": "readOnly"
            "members": {
                "reference": {
                    "ldapAttribute": "uniqueMember",
                    "baseDN": "dc=example,dc=com",
                    "primaryKey": "uid",
                    "mapper": {
                        "object": {
                            "_id": {
                                "simple": {
                                    "ldapAttribute": "uid",
                                    "isSingleValued": true,
                                    "isRequired": true
                            "displayName": {
                                "simple": {
                                    "ldapAttribute": "cn",
                                    "isSingleValued": true,
                                    "writability": "readOnlyDiscardWrites"
            "meta": {
                "object": {
                    "created": {
                        "simple": {
                            "ldapAttribute": "createTimestamp",
                            "isSingleValued": true,
                            "writability": "readOnly"
                    "lastModified": {
                        "simple": {
                            "ldapAttribute": "modifyTimestamp",
                            "isSingleValued": true,
                            "writability": "readOnly"

OpenDJ software installs and creates the following files and directories. The following list is not necessarily exhaustive.


Mac OS X GUI for installing OpenDJ


Mac OS X GUI for removing OpenDJ


Directory for saving backup files


Windows command-line tools and control panel


UNIX/Linux/Mac OS X command-line tools and control panel


JE backend data for the external change log when using replication


Directory added to the CLASSPATH for OpenDJ, permitting individual classes to be patched


OpenDJ server configuration and schema, PKI stores, LDIF generation templates, resources for upgrade


Templates for use with the make-ldif LDIF generation tool


LDIF representation of current OpenDJ server config

Use the dsconfig command to edit OpenDJ server configuration.


JVM settings for OpenDJ server and tools


OpenDJ directory server LDAP schema definition files


Data used by task scheduler backend so that scheduled tasks and recurring tasks persist after server restart


Default settings for command-line tools

Use as a template when creating an ~/.opendj/tools.properties file.


Resources used by the upgrade command to move to the next version of OpenDJ


List of words used to check password strength


JE backend data for backends that you create


Sample OpenDJ plugin code. Custom plugins are meant to be installed in lib/extensions.


Used when importing data into OpenDJ


Pointer to OpenDJ on the file system, useful in installations where the program files are separate from the server instance files


Directory for saving LDIF export files


License information


Scripts and libraries needed by OpenDJ and added to the CLASSPATH for OpenDJ


File system directory to hold your custom plugins


Directory to hold lock files used when OpenDJ is running to prevent backends from accidentally being used by more than one server process


Access, errors, audit, and replication logs


Contains the process ID for the server when OpenDJ is running


UNIX setup utility


Windows setup utility


UNIX utility for removing OpenDJ


Windows utility for removing OpenDJ


UNIX utility for upgrading OpenDJ by pointing to the new .zip


Windows utility for upgrading OpenDJ by pointing to the new .zip

OpenDJ server software uses the following TCP/IP ports by default.

LDAP: 389 (1389)

OpenDJ directory server listens for LDAP requests from client applications on port 389 by default. OpenDJ directory server uses port 1389 by default for users who cannot use privileged ports. LDAP is enabled by default.

LDAPS: 636 (1636)

OpenDJ directory server listens for LDAPS requests from client applications on port 636 by default. OpenDJ directory server uses port 1636 by default for users who cannot use privileged ports. LDAPS is not enabled by default.

Administrative connections: 4444

OpenDJ directory server listens for administrative traffic on port 4444 by default. The administration connector is enabled by default.

SNMP: 161, 162

OpenDJ directory server listens for SNMP traffic on port 161 by default, and uses port 162 for traps. SNMP is not enabled by default.

JMX: 1689

OpenDJ directory server listens for Java Management eXtension traffic on port 1689 by default. JMX is not enabled by default.

HTTP: 8080

OpenDJ directory server can listen for HTTP client requests to the RESTful API. The default port is 8080, but HTTP access is not enabled by default.

Replication: 8989

OpenDJ directory server listens for replication traffic on port 8989 by default. Replication is not enabled by default.

OpenDJ 2.6 software implements the following RFCs, Internet-Drafts, and standards.

RFC 1274: The COSINE and Internet X.500 Schema

X.500 Directory Schema, or Naming Architecture, for use in the COSINE and Internet X.500 pilots.

RFC 1321: The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm

MD5 message-digest algorithm that takes as input a message of arbitrary length and produces as output a 128-bit "fingerprint" or "message digest" of the input.

RFC 1777: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAPv2)

Provide access to the X.500 Directory while not incurring the resource requirements of the Directory Access Protocol.

Classified as an Historic document.

RFC 1778: The String Representation of Standard Attribute Syntaxes

Defines the requirements that must be satisfied by encoding rules used to render X.500 Directory attribute syntaxes into a form suitable for use in the LDAP, then defines the encoding rules for the standard set of attribute syntaxes.

Classified as an Historic document.

RFC 1779: A String Representation of Distinguished Names

Defines a string format for representing names, which is designed to give a clean representation of commonly used names, whilst being able to represent any distinguished name.

Classified as an Historic document.

RFC 2079: Definition of an X.500 Attribute Type and an Object Class to Hold Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)

Defines a new attribute type and an auxiliary object class to allow URIs, including URLs, to be stored in directory entries in a standard way.

RFC 2222: Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL)

Describes a method for adding authentication support to connection-based protocols.

RFC 2246: The TLS Protocol Version 1.0

Specifies Version 1.0 of the Transport Layer Security protocol.

RFC 2247: Using Domains in LDAP/X.500 Distinguished Names

Defines an algorithm by which a name registered with the Internet Domain Name Service can be represented as an LDAP distinguished name.

RFC 2251: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3)

Describes a directory access protocol designed to provide access to directories supporting the X.500 models, while not incurring the resource requirements of the X.500 Directory Access Protocol.

RFC 2252: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Attribute Syntax Definitions

Defines a set of syntaxes for LDAPv3, and the rules by which attribute values of these syntaxes are represented as octet strings for transmission in the LDAP protocol.

RFC 2253: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): UTF-8 String Representation of Distinguished Names

Defines a common UTF-8 format to represent distinguished names unambiguously.

RFC 2254: The String Representation of LDAP Search Filters

Defines the string format for representing names, which is designed to give a clean representation of commonly used distinguished names, while being able to represent any distinguished name.

RFC 2255: The LDAP URL Format

Describes a format for an LDAP Uniform Resource Locator.

RFC 2256: A Summary of the X.500(96) User Schema for use with LDAPv3

Provides an overview of the attribute types and object classes defined by the ISO and ITU-T committees in the X.500 documents, in particular those intended for use by directory clients.

RFC 2307: An Approach for Using LDAP as a Network Information Service

Describes an experimental mechanism for mapping entities related to TCP/IP and the UNIX system into X.500 entries so that they may be resolved with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.

RFC 2377: Naming Plan for Internet Directory-Enabled Applications

Proposes a new directory naming plan that leverages the strengths of the most popular and successful Internet naming schemes for naming objects in a hierarchical directory.

RFC 2696: LDAP Control Extension for Simple Paged Results Manipulation

Allows a client to control the rate at which an LDAP server returns the results of an LDAP search operation.

RFC 2713: Schema for Representing Java(tm) Objects in an LDAP Directory

Defines a common way for applications to store and retrieve Java objects from the directory.

RFC 2714: Schema for Representing CORBA Object References in an LDAP Directory

Define a common way for applications to store and retrieve CORBA object references from the directory.

RFC 2739: Calendar Attributes for vCard and LDAP

Defines a mechanism to locate a user calendar and free/busy time using the LDAP protocol.

RFC 2798: Definition of the inetOrgPerson LDAP Object Class

Define an object class called inetOrgPerson for use in LDAP and X.500 directory services that extends the X.521 standard organizationalPerson class.

RFC 2829: Authentication Methods for LDAP

Specifies particular combinations of security mechanisms which are required and recommended in LDAP implementations.

RFC 2830: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Extension for Transport Layer Security

Defines the "Start Transport Layer Security (TLS) Operation" for LDAP.

RFC 2849: The LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) - Technical Specification

Describes a file format suitable for describing directory information or modifications made to directory information.

RFC 2891: LDAP Control Extension for Server Side Sorting of Search Results

Describes two LDAPv3 control extensions for server side sorting of search results.

RFC 2926: Conversion of LDAP Schemas to and from SLP Templates

Describes a procedure for mapping between Service Location Protocol service advertisements and lightweight directory access protocol descriptions of services.

RFC 3045: Storing Vendor Information in the LDAP root DSE

Specifies two Lightweight Directory Access Protocol attributes, vendorName and vendorVersion that MAY be included in the root DSA-specific Entry (DSE) to advertise vendor-specific information.

RFC 3062: LDAP Password Modify Extended Operation

Describes an LDAP extended operation to allow modification of user passwords which is not dependent upon the form of the authentication identity nor the password storage mechanism used.

RFC 3112: LDAP Authentication Password Schema

Describes schema in support of user/password authentication in a LDAP directory including the authPassword attribute type. This attribute type holds values derived from the user's password(s) (commonly using cryptographic strength one-way hash).

RFC 3377: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Technical Specification

Specifies the set of RFCs comprising the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Version 3 (LDAPv3), and addresses the "IESG Note" attached to RFCs 2251 through 2256.

RFC 3383: Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Considerations for the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

Provides procedures for registering extensible elements of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).

RFC 3546: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Extensions

Describes extensions that may be used to add functionality to Transport Layer Security.

RFC 3671: Collective Attributes in the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

Summarizes the X.500 information model for collective attributes and describes use of collective attributes in LDAP.

RFC 3672: Subentries in the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

Adapts X.500 subentries mechanisms for use with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).

RFC 3673: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol version 3 (LDAPv3): All Operational Attributes

Describes an LDAP extension which clients may use to request the return of all operational attributes.

RFC 3674: Feature Discovery in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

Introduces a general mechanism for discovery of elective features and extensions which cannot be discovered using existing mechanisms.

RFC 3771: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Intermediate Response Message

Defines and describes the IntermediateResponse message, a general mechanism for defining single-request/multiple-response operations in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.

RFC 3829: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Authorization Identity Request and Response Controls

Extends the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol bind operation with a mechanism for requesting and returning the authorization identity it establishes.

RFC 3876: Returning Matched Values with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol version 3 (LDAPv3)

Describes a control for the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol version 3 that is used to return a subset of attribute values from an entry.

RFC 3909: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Cancel Operation

Describes a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol extended operation to cancel (or abandon) an outstanding operation, with a response to indicate the outcome of the operation.

RFC 4346: The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.1

Specifies Version 1.1 of the Transport Layer Security protocol.

RFC 4370: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Proxied Authorization Control

Defines the Proxy Authorization Control, that allows a client to request that an operation be processed under a provided authorization identity instead of under the current authorization identity associated with the connection.

RFC 4403: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Schema for Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration version 3 (UDDIv3)

Defines the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol schema for representing Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration data types in an LDAP directory.

RFC 4422: Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL)

Describes a framework for providing authentication and data security services in connection-oriented protocols via replaceable mechanisms.

RFC 4505: Anonymous Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) Mechanism

Describes a new way to provide anonymous login is needed within the context of the Simple Authentication and Security Layer framework.

RFC 4510: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Technical Specification Road Map

Provides a road map of the LDAP Technical Specification.

RFC 4511: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): The Protocol

Describes the protocol elements, along with their semantics and encodings, of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.

RFC 4512: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Directory Information Models

Describes the X.500 Directory Information Models as used in LDAP.

RFC 4513: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Authentication Methods and Security Mechanisms

Describes authentication methods and security mechanisms of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.

RFC 4514: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): String Representation of Distinguished Names

Defines the string representation used in the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol to transfer distinguished names.

RFC 4515: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): String Representation of Search Filters

Defines a human-readable string representation of LDAP search filters that is appropriate for use in LDAP URLs and in other applications.

RFC 4516: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Uniform Resource Locator

Describes a format for a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Uniform Resource Locator.

RFC 4517: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Syntaxes and Matching Rules

Defines a base set of syntaxes and matching rules for use in defining attributes for LDAP directories.

RFC 4518: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Internationalized String Preparation

Defines string preparation algorithms for character-based matching rules defined for use in LDAP.

RFC 4519: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Schema for User Applications

Provides a technical specification of attribute types and object classes intended for use by LDAP directory clients for many directory services, such as White Pages.

RFC 4524: COSINE LDAP/X.500 Schema

Provides a collection of schema elements for use with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol from the COSINE and Internet X.500 pilot projects.

RFC 4525: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Modify-Increment Extension

Describes an extension to the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Modify operation to support an increment capability.

RFC 4526: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Absolute True and False Filters

Extends the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol to support absolute True and False filters based upon similar capabilities found in X.500 directory systems.

RFC 4527: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Read Entry Controls

Specifies an extension to the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol to allow the client to read the target entry of an update operation.

RFC 4528: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Assertion Control

Defines the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Assertion Control, which allows a client to specify that a directory operation should only be processed if an assertion applied to the target entry of the operation is true.

RFC 4529: Requesting Attributes by Object Class in the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

Extends LDAP to support a mechanism that LDAP clients may use to request the return of all attributes of an object class.

RFC 4530: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) entryUUID Operational Attribute

Describes the LDAP/X.500 'entryUUID' operational attribute and associated matching rules and syntax.

RFC 4532: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) "Who am I?" Operation

Provides a mechanism for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol clients to obtain the authorization identity the server has associated with the user or application entity.

RFC 4616: The PLAIN Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) Mechanism

Defines a simple clear-text user/password Simple Authentication and Security Layer mechanism called the PLAIN mechanism.

RFC 4634: US Secure Hash Algorithms (SHA and HMAC-SHA)

Specifies Secure Hash Algorithms, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512, for computing a condensed representation of a message or a data file.

RFC 4752: The Kerberos V5 ("GSSAPI") Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) Mechanism

Describes the method for using the Generic Security Service Application Program Interface (GSS-API) Kerberos V5 in the Simple Authentication and Security Layer, called the GSSAPI mechanism.

RFC 4876: A Configuration Profile Schema for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)-Based Agents

Defines a schema for storing a profile for agents that make use of the Lightweight Directory Access protocol (LDAP).

RFC 5020: The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) entryDN Operational Attribute

Describes the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) / X.500 'entryDN' operational attribute, that provides a copy of the entry's distinguished name for use in attribute value assertions.

FIPS 180-1: Secure Hash Standard (SHA-1)

Specifies a Secure Hash Algorithm, SHA-1, for computing a condensed representation of a message or a data file.

FIPS 180-2: Secure Hash Standard (SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512)

Specifies four Secure Hash Algorithms for computing a condensed representation of electronic data.

DSMLv2: Directory Service Markup Language

Provides a method for expressing directory queries and updates as XML documents.

JavaScript Object Notation

A data-interchange format that aims to be both "easy for humans to read and write," and also "easy for machines to parse and generate."

Simple Cloud Identity Management: Core Schema 1.0

Platform neutral schema and extension model for representing users and groups in JSON and XML formats. OpenDJ supports the JSON formats.

Controls provide a mechanism whereby the semantics and arguments of existing LDAP operations may be extended. One or more controls may be attached to a single LDAP message. A control only affects the semantics of the message it is attached to. Controls sent by clients are termed request controls, and those sent by servers are termed response controls.

OpenDJ software supports the following LDAP controls.

Account Usability Control

Object Identifier:

Control originally provided by Sun Microsystems, used to determine whether a user account can be used to authenticate to the directory.

Assertion Request Control

Object Identifier:

RFC: RFC 4528 - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Assertion Control

Authorization Identity Request Control

Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.16

RFC: RFC 3829 - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Authorization Identity Request and Response Controls

Authorization Identity Response Control

Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.15

RFC: RFC 3829 - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Authorization Identity Request and Response Controls

Entry Change Notification Response Control

Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.7

Internet-Draft: draft-ietf-ldapext-psearch - Persistent Search: A Simple LDAP Change Notification Mechanism

Get Effective Rights Request Control

Object Identifier:

Internet-Draft: draft-ietf-ldapext-acl-model - Access Control Model for LDAPv3

Manage DSAIT Request Control

Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2

RFC: RFC 3296 - Named Subordinate References in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Directories

Matched Values Request Control

Object Identifier: 1.2.826.0.1.3344810.2.3

RFC: RFC 3876 - Returning Matched Values with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol version 3 (LDAPv3)

No-Op Control

Object Identifier:

Internet-Draft: draft-zeilenga-ldap-noop - LDAP No-Op Control

Password Expired Response Control

Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.4

Internet-Draft: draft-vchu-ldap-pwd-policy - Password Policy for LDAP Directories

Password Expiring Response Control

Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.5

Internet-Draft: draft-vchu-ldap-pwd-policy - Password Policy for LDAP Directories

Password Policy Response Control

Object Identifier:

Internet-Draft: draft-behera-ldap-password-policy - Password Policy for LDAP Directories

Permissive Modify Request Control

Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1413

Microsoft defined this control that, "Allows an LDAP modify to work under less restrictive conditions. Without it, a delete will fail if an attribute done not exist, and an add will fail if an attribute already exists. No data is needed in this control." (source of quote)

Persistent Search Request Control

Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.3

Internet-Draft: draft-ietf-ldapext-psearch - Persistent Search: A Simple LDAP Change Notification Mechanism

Post-Read Request Control

Object Identifier:

RFC: RFC 4527 - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Read Entry Controls

Post-Read Response Control

Object Identifier:

RFC: RFC 4527 - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Read Entry Controls

Pre-Read Request Control

Object Identifier:

RFC: RFC 4527 - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Read Entry Controls

Pre-Read Response Control

Object Identifier:

RFC: RFC 4527 - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Read Entry Controls

Proxied Authorization v1 Request Control

Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.12

Internet-Draft: draft-weltman-ldapv3-proxy-04 - LDAP Proxied Authorization Control

Proxied Authorization v2 Request Control

Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.18

RFC: RFC 4370 - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Proxied Authorization Control

Public Changelog Exchange Control

Object Identifier:

OpenDJ specific, for using the bookmark cookie when reading the external change log.

Server Side Sort Request Control

Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.473

RFC: RFC 2891 - LDAP Control Extension for Server Side Sorting of Search Results

Server Side Sort Response Control

Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.474

RFC: RFC 2891 - LDAP Control Extension for Server Side Sorting of Search Results

Simple Paged Results Control

Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.319

RFC: RFC 2696 - LDAP Control Extension for Simple Paged Results Manipulation

Subentries Request Controls

Object Identifier:

RFC: Subentries in the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

Object Identifier:

Internet-Draft: draft-ietf-ldup-subentry - LDAP Subentry Schema

Subtree Delete Request Control

Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.805

Internet-Draft: draft-armijo-ldap-treedelete - Tree Delete Control

Virtual List View Request Control

Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.9

Internet-Draft: draft-ietf-ldapext-ldapv3-vlv - LDAP Extensions for Scrolling View Browsing of Search Results

Virtual List View Response Control

Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.10

Internet-Draft: draft-ietf-ldapext-ldapv3-vlv - LDAP Extensions for Scrolling View Browsing of Search Results

Extended operations allow additional operations to be defined for services not already available in the protocol

OpenDJ software supports the following LDAP extended operations.

Cancel Extended Request

Object Identifier:

RFC: RFC 3909 - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Cancel Operation

Get Connection ID Extended Request

Object Identifier:

OpenDJ extended operation to return the connection ID of the associated client connection. This extended operation is intended for OpenDJ internal use.

Password Modify Extended Request

Object Identifier:

RFC: RFC 3062 - LDAP Password Modify Extended Operation

Password Policy State Extended Operation

Object Identifier:

OpenDJ extended operation to query and update password policy state for a given user entry. This extended operation is intended for OpenDJ internal use.

Start Transport Layer Security Extended Request

Object Identifier:

RFC: RFC 4511 - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): The Protocol

Who am I? Extended Request

Object Identifier:

RFC: RFC 4532 - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) "Who am I?" Operation

OpenDJ software stores data in UTF-8 format. It enables you to store and to search for attribute values according to a variety of language specific locales. OpenDJ software is also itself localized for a smaller variety of languages.

OpenDJ 2.6 software has been localized in the following languages.

  • French

  • German

  • Japanese

  • Simplified Chinese

  • Spanish


Certain messages have also been translated into Catalan, Korean, Polish, and Traditional Chinese. Some error messages including messages labeled SEVERE and FATAL are provided only in English.

OpenDJ software supports the following locales, with their associated language and country codes, and their collation order object identifiers. Locale support depends on the underlying Java Virtual Machine.


Code tag: sq

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: ar

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Algeria)

Code tag: ar-DZ

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Bahrain)

Code tag: ar-BH

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Egypt)

Code tag: ar-EG

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Iraq)

Code tag: ar-IQ

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Jordan)

Code tag: ar-JO

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Kuwait)

Code tag: ar-KW

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Lebanon)

Code tag: ar-LB

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Libya)

Code tag: ar-LY

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Morocco)

Code tag: ar-MA

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Oman)

Code tag: ar-OM

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Qatar)

Code tag: ar-QA

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Saudi Arabia)

Code tag: ar-SA

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Sudan)

Code tag: ar-SD

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Syria)

Code tag: ar-SY

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Tunisia)

Code tag: ar-TN

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (United Arab Emirates)

Code tag: ar-AE

Collation order object identifier:

Arabic (Yemen)

Code tag: ar-YE

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: be

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: bg

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: ca

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: zh

Collation order object identifier:

Chinese (Simplified) (China)

Code tag: zh-CN

Collation order object identifier:

Chinese (Traditional) (Hong Kong)

Code tag: zh-HK

Collation order object identifier:

Chinese (Traditional) (Taiwan)

Code tag: zh-TW

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: hr

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: cs

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: da

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: nl

Collation order object identifier:

Dutch (Belgium)

Code tag: nl-BE

Collation order object identifier:

Dutch (Netherlands)

Code tag: nl-NL

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: en

Collation order object identifier:

English (Australia)

Code tag: en-AU

Collation order object identifier:

English (Canada)

Code tag: en-CA

Collation order object identifier:

English (Great Britain)

Code tag: en-GB

Collation order object identifier:

English (India)

Code tag: en-IN

Collation order object identifier:

English (Ireland)

Code tag: en-IE

Collation order object identifier:

English (New Zealand)

Code tag: en-NZ

Collation order object identifier:

English (South Africa)

Code tag: en-ZA

Collation order object identifier:

English (United States)

Code tag: en-US

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: et

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: fi

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: fr

Collation order object identifier:

French (Belgium)

Code tag: fr-BE

Collation order object identifier:

French (Canada)

Code tag: fr-CA

Collation order object identifier:

French (France)

Code tag: fr-FR

Collation order object identifier:

French (Luxembourg)

Code tag: fr-LU

Collation order object identifier:

French (Switzerland)

Code tag: fr-CH

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: de

Collation order object identifier:

German (Austria)

Code tag: de-AT

Collation order object identifier:

German (Germany)

Code tag: de-DE

Collation order object identifier:

German (Luxembourg)

Code tag: de-LU

Collation order object identifier:

German (Switzerland)

Code tag: de-CH

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: el

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: he

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: hu

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: is

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: it

Collation order object identifier:

Italian (Switzerland)

Code tag: it-CH

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: ja

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: ko

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: lv

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: lt

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: mk

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: no

Collation order object identifier:

Norwegian (Bokmål)

Code tag: no-NO

Collation order object identifier:

Norwegian (Nynorsk)

Code tag: no-NO-NY

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: pl

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: pt

Collation order object identifier:

Portuguese (Brazil)

Code tag: pt-BR

Collation order object identifier:

Portuguese (Portugal)

Code tag: pt-PT

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: ro

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: ru

Collation order object identifier:

Russian (Russia)

Code tag: ru-RU

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: sr

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: sk

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: sl

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: es

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Argentina)

Code tag: es-AR

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Bolivia)

Code tag: es-BO

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Chile)

Code tag: es-CL

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Colombia)

Code tag: es-CO

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Costa Rica)

Code tag: es-CR

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Dominican Republic)

Code tag: es-DO

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Ecuador)

Code tag: es-EC

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (El Salvador)

Code tag: es-SV

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Guatemala)

Code tag: es-GT

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Honduras)

Code tag: es-HN

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Mexico)

Code tag: es-MX

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Nicaragua)

Code tag: es-NI

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Panama)

Code tag: es-PA

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Paraguay)

Code tag: es-PY

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Peru)

Code tag: es-PE

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Puerto Rico)

Code tag: es-PR

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Spain)

Code tag: es-ES

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Uruguay)

Code tag: es-UY

Collation order object identifier:

Spanish (Venezuela)

Code tag: es-VE

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: sv

Collation order object identifier:

Swedish (Sweden)

Code tag: sv-SE

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: th

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: tr

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: uk

Collation order object identifier:


Code tag: vi

Collation order object identifier:

OpenDJ software supports the following language subtypes.

  • Albanian, sq

  • Arabic, ar

  • Belarusian, be

  • Bulgarian, bg

  • Catalan, ca

  • Chinese, zh

  • Croatian, hr

  • Czech, cs

  • Danish, da

  • Dutch, nl

  • English, en

  • Estonian, et

  • Finnish, fi

  • French, fr

  • German, de

  • Greek, el

  • Hebrew, he

  • Hungarian, hu

  • Icelandic, is

  • Italian, it

  • Japanese, ja

  • Korean, ko

  • Latvian, lv

  • Lithuanian, lt

  • Macedonian, mk

  • Norwegian, no

  • Polish, pl

  • Portuguese, pt

  • Romanian, ro

  • Russian, ru

  • Serbian, sr

  • Slovak, sk

  • Slovenian, sl

  • Spanish, es

  • Swedish, sv

  • Thai, th

  • Turkish, tr

  • Ukranian, uk

  • Vietnamese, vi

This appendix includes ForgeRock definitions for product release levels and interface stability.

In addition to the indications concerning interface stability that you find in the documentation, review the following information about OpenDJ user and application programming interfaces.

  • Client tools — ldap*, ldif*, and *rate commands — are Evolving.

  • The following classes, interfaces, and methods in the OpenDJ directory server APIs are Evolving.

    • org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.Connections#newInternalConnection

    • org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.Connections#newInternalConnectionFactory

    • org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.Connections#newServerConnectionFactory

    • org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.FutureResult

    • org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.LDAPClientContext

    • org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.LDAPListener

    • org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.LDAPListenerOptions

    • org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.MemoryBackend

    • org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.RequestContext

    • org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.RequestHandler

    • org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.RequestHandlerFactory

    • org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ServerConnection

    • org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ServerConnectionFactory

  • The following classes and interfaces in the OpenDJ LDAP SDK APIs are Evolving.

    • org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ConnectionSecurityLayer

    • org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.LDAPUrl

    • org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.requests.BindRequest, including sub-types and especially SASL sub-types

    • org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema.MatchingRuleImpl

    • org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema.SchemaValidationPolicy

    • org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema.SyntaxImpl

    The following methods are Deprecated.

    • org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.LDAPListenerOptions#getTCPNIOTransport

    • org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.LDAPListenerOptions#setTCPNIOTransport

    • org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.LDAPOptions#getTCPNIOTransport

    • org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.LDAPOptions#setTCPNIOTransport

    The class org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.CoreMessages is Internal.

  • For all Java APIs, com.* packages are Internal.

  • The configuration, user, and application programming interfaces for RESTful access over HTTP to directory data are Evolving. This includes interfaces exposed for the HTTP Connection Handler, its access log, and also the REST LDAP gateway.

  • Text in log messages should be considered Internal. Log message IDs are Evolving.

  • The default content of cn=schema (directory server LDAP schema) is Evolving.

  • The monitoring interface cn=monitor for LDAP and the monitoring interface exposed by the JMX Connection Handler are Evolving.

  • Newly Deprecated and Removed interfaces are identified in the Release Notes chapter, OpenDJ Compatibility in the Release Notes.

  • Interfaces that are not described in released product documentation should be considered Internal/Undocumented. For example, the LDIF representation of the server configuration, config.ldif, should be considered Internal.

ForgeRock defines Major, Minor, and Maintenance product release levels. The release level is reflected in the version number. The release level tells you what sort of compatibility changes to expect.

Release LabelVersion NumbersCharacteristics


Version: x[.0.0] (trailing 0s are optional)

  • Bring major new features, minor features, and bug fixes

  • Can include changes even to Stable interfaces

  • Can remove previously Deprecated functionality, and in rare cases remove Evolving functionality that has not been explicitly Deprecated

  • Include changes present in previous Minor and Maintenance releases


Version: x.y[.0] (trailing 0s are optional)

  • Bring minor features, and bug fixes

  • Can include backwards-compatible changes to Stable interfaces in the same Major release, and incompatible changes to Evolving interfaces

  • Can remove previously Deprecated functionality

  • Include changes present in previous Minor and Maintenance releases


Version: x.y.z

  • Bring bug fixes

  • Are intended to be fully compatible with previous versions from the same Minor release

ForgeRock products support many protocols, APIs, GUIs, and command-line interfaces. Some of these interfaces are standard and very stable. Others offer new functionality that is continuing to evolve.

ForgeRock acknowledges that you invest in these interfaces, and therefore must know when and how ForgeRock expects them to change. For that reason, ForgeRock defines interface stability labels and uses these definitions in ForgeRock products.

Stability LabelDefinition


This documented interface is expected to undergo backwards-compatible changes only for major releases. Changes may be announced at least one minor release before they take effect.


This documented interface is continuing to evolve and so is expected to change, potentially in backwards-incompatible ways even in a minor release. Changes are documented at the time of product release.

While new protocols and APIs are still in the process of standardization, they are Evolving. This applies for example to recent Internet-Draft implementations, and also to newly developed functionality.


This interface is deprecated and likely to be removed in a future release. For previously stable interfaces, the change was likely announced in a previous release. Deprecated interfaces will be removed from ForgeRock products.


This interface was deprecated in a previous release and has now been removed from the product.


Internal and undocumented interfaces can change without notice. If you depend on one of these interfaces, contact ForgeRock support or email info@forgerock.com to discuss your needs.

The section on Server Logs describes logs. Access and audit logs concern client operations rather than OpenDJ directory server and tools, and so are not listed here. Instead, this appendix covers severe and fatal error messages for the directory server and its tools, such as those logged in /path/to/OpenDJ/logs/errors, and /path/to/OpenDJ/logs/replication.

Log Message Category: ADMIN

This category concerns messages associated with the administration framework.

ID: 13893633


Message: An error occurred while trying to retrieve relation configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 13893634


Message: The relation entry %s does not appear to exist in the Directory Server configuration. This is a required entry

ID: 13893635


Message: An error occurred while trying to retrieve the managed object configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 13893636


Message: The managed object configuration entry %s does not appear to exist in the Directory Server configuration. This is a required entry

ID: 13893637


Message: An error occurred while trying to decode the managed object configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 13893638


Message: The Directory Server was unable to load class %s and use it to create a component instance as defined in configuration entry %s. The error that occurred was: %s. This component will be disabled

ID: 13893639


Message: An error occurred while trying to initialize a component instance loaded from class %s with the information in configuration entry %s: %s. This component will be disabled

ID: 13893641


Message: The Directory Server jar file %s in directory %s cannot be loaded because an unexpected error occurred while trying to open the file for reading: %s

ID: 13893643


Message: A configuration definition class could not be loaded from the extension manifest file %s in extensions %s because an unexpected error occurred while trying to initialize it: %s

ID: 13893645


Message: Unable to read the Directory Server extensions because the extensions directory %s exists but is not a directory

ID: 13893646


Message: Unable to read the Directory Server extensions from directory %s because an unexpected error occurred while trying to list the files in that directory: %s

ID: 13893649


Message: The administration manifest file %s associated with the extension %s cannot be loaded because an unexpected error occurred while trying to read it: %s

ID: 13893684



ID: 13893689


Message: Unable to register an add/delete listener against the entry "%s" because it does not exist in the configuration

ID: 13893706


Message: Reason unknown

ID: 13893707


Message: A configuration exception occurred while evaluating a constraint: %s

ID: 13893714


Message: The %s could be found but did not contain any type information (e.g. missing object classes in LDAP)

ID: 13893715


Message: The %s could be found but did not contain the expected type information (e.g. incorrect object classes in LDAP)

ID: 13893716


Message: The %s could be found but its type resolved to an abstract managed object definition

ID: 13893717


Message: The managed object could not be decoded due to an unspecified reason

ID: 13893718


Message: The default values for the "%s" property could not be determined

ID: 13893719


Message: The value "%s" is not a valid value for the "%s" property, which must have the following syntax: %s

ID: 13893720


Message: The string value "%s" is not a valid value for the "%s" property, which must have the following syntax: %s

ID: 13893721


Message: The "%s" property must be specified as it is mandatory

ID: 13893722


Message: The "%s" property must not be modified as it is read-only

ID: 13893723


Message: The "%s" property must not contain more than one value

ID: 13893724


Message: An internal error occurred while processing property "%s": unknown property type "%s"

ID: 13893725


Message: Authentication failure

ID: 13893726


Message: The requested authentication mechanism is not supported by the server

ID: 13893727


Message: Authorization failure

ID: 13893728


Message: A communication problem occurred while contacting the server

ID: 13893729


Message: The operation was rejected for the following reason: %s

ID: 13893730


Message: The operation was rejected for the following reasons: %s

ID: 13893731


Message: The operation could not be performed because a conflicting change has already occurred. There may be another client administration tool in use

ID: 13893732


Message: The %s could not be decoded due to the following reason: %s

ID: 13893733


Message: The %s could not be decoded due to the following reasons: %s

ID: 13893734


Message: Empty managed object names are not permitted

ID: 13893735


Message: Blank managed object names are not permitted

ID: 13893736


Message: The managed object name "%s" is not a valid value for the naming property "%s", which must have the following syntax: %s

ID: 13893737


Message: The managed object name "%s" is not permitted

ID: 13893738


Message: The managed object could not be created because there is an existing managed object with the same name

ID: 13893739


Message: The requested managed object could not be found

ID: 13893740


Message: The "%s" property is mandatory

ID: 13893741


Message: The following properties are mandatory: %s

ID: 13893742


Message: The property "%s" was not recognized

ID: 13893743


Message: A communication problem occurred while contacting the server: %s

ID: 13893744


Message: The following constraint violation occurred: %s

ID: 13893745


Message: The following constraint violations occurred: %s

ID: 13893746


Message: The value "%s" in property "%s" in the %s in entry "%s" refers to a non-existent %s in entry "%s"

ID: 13893747


Message: The value "%s" in property "%s" in the enabled %s in entry "%s" refers to a disabled %s in entry "%s"

ID: 13893748


Message: The value "%s" in property "%s" in the %s in entry "%s" refers to a disabled %s in entry "%s"

ID: 13893749


Message: The %s in entry "%s" cannot be deleted because it is referenced by the "%s" property of the %s in entry "%s"

ID: 13893750


Message: The %s in entry "%s" cannot be disabled because it is referenced by the "%s" property of the %s in entry "%s"

ID: 13893752


Message: An unexpected error occurred while reading the manifest file: %s

ID: 13893753


Message: An error occurred while attempting to load class "%s": %s

ID: 13893754


Message: Unable to to find the getInstance() method in the managed object definition class "%s": %s

ID: 13893755


Message: Unable to to invoke the getInstance() method in the managed object definition class "%s": %s

ID: 13893756


Message: Unable initialize the "%s" managed object definition in class "%s": %s

ID: 13893757


Message: The extension "%s" with manifest file %s cannot be loaded because an unexpected error occurred while trying to initialize it: %s

ID: 13893759


Message: The %s "%s" referenced in property "%s" does not exist

ID: 13893760


Message: The %s "%s" referenced in property "%s" exists but has an invalid configuration: %s

ID: 13893761


Message: The %s "%s" referenced in property "%s" is disabled

ID: 13893762


Message: The "%s" property in the %s called "%s" references this %s

ID: 13893763


Message: The "%s" property in the %s references this %s

ID: 13893764


Message: This %s cannot be disabled because it is referenced by the "%s" property in the %s called "%s"

ID: 13893765


Message: This %s cannot be disabled because it is referenced by the "%s" property in the %s

ID: 13893766


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine if the %s in entry %s is enabled: %s

ID: 13893767


Message: The administration connector self-signed certificate cannot be generated because the following error occurred: %s

ID: 13893768


Message: The administration connector self-signed certificate cannot be generated because the following files are missing: %s

ID: 13959178


Message: A core configuration definition class could not be loaded from the core manifest file %s because an unexpected error occurred while trying to initialize it: %s

ID: 13959183


Message: The core administration manifest file %s cannot be located

ID: 13959184


Message: The core administration manifest file %s cannot be loaded because an unexpected error occurred while trying to read it: %s

ID: 13959200


Message: Could not connect to %s. Check that the server is running and that the provided credentials are valid

ID: 13959203


Message: The host name is missing

ID: 13959204


Message: The host name is not valid

ID: 13959205


Message: The installation path is missing

ID: 13959206


Message: The installation path is not valid

ID: 13959207


Message: An access permission error occurs

ID: 13959208


Message: The entity is already registered

ID: 13959209


Message: The administrative repository is broken

ID: 13959210


Message: The entity is not yet registered

ID: 13959211


Message: The port is missing

ID: 13959212


Message: The port is not valid

ID: 13959213


Message: The name is missing

ID: 13959214


Message: The administration UID is missing

ID: 13959215


Message: The administrator password is missing

ID: 13959216


Message: An unexpected error occurs

ID: 13959234


Message: The provided serverId is not registered

ID: 13959287


Message: The administration framework could not be initialized due to the following exception: %s

ID: 13959294


Message: The core administration classes could not be loaded from manifest file %s because an unexpected error occurred: %s

ID: 13959306


Message: The registry information of the servers could not be merged

Log Message Category: BACKEND

This category concerns messages associated with generic backends.

ID: 9699340


Message: An unexpected failure occurred while trying to process a search operation (connection ID %d, operation ID %d) in the root DSE backend: %s

ID: 9699341


Message: Unable to process the search with connection ID %d and operation ID %d because it had an invalid scope of %s

ID: 9699342


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to open the LDIF writer for the root DSE backend: %s

ID: 9699343


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to export the root DSE entry to the specified LDIF target: %s

ID: 9699344


Message: The root DSE backend does not support LDIF import operations

ID: 9699345


Message: The root DSE backend does not provide a facility for backup and restore operations. The contents of the root DSE should be backed up as part of the Directory Server configuration

ID: 9699349


Message: An attempt was made to configure the monitor backend without providing a configuration entry. This is not allowed, and no monitor information will be available over protocol

ID: 9699350


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to decode cn=monitor as the base DN for the Directory Server monitor information: %s. No monitor information will be available over protocol

ID: 9699355


Message: An error occurred while attempting to export the base monitor entry: %s

ID: 9699356


Message: An error occurred while attempting to export the monitor entry for monitor provider %s: %s

ID: 9699357


Message: The monitor backend does not support LDIF import operations

ID: 9699358


Message: The monitor backend does not provide a facility for backup and restore operations

ID: 9699366


Message: An attempt was made to configure the schema backend without providing a configuration entry. This is not allowed, and no schema information will be available over protocol

ID: 9699368


Message: An error occurred while trying to determine the base DNs to use when publishing the Directory Server schema information, as specified in the ds-cfg-schema-entry-dn attribute of configuration entry %s: %s. The default schema base DN of cn=schema will be used

ID: 9699373


Message: An error occurred while attempting to export the base schema entry: %s

ID: 9699374


Message: The schema backend does not support LDIF import operations

ID: 9699375


Message: The schema backend does not yet provide a facility for backup and restore operations

ID: 9699377


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to open the LDIF writer for the schema backend: %s

ID: 9699379


Message: An error occurred while trying to deregister %s as a schema entry DN: %s

ID: 9699381


Message: An error occurred while trying to register %s as a schema entry DN: %s

ID: 9699384


Message: An error occurred while attempting to obtain the %s MAC provider to create the signed hash for the backup: %s

ID: 9699385


Message: An error occurred while attempting to obtain the %s message digest to create the hash for the backup: %s

ID: 9699386


Message: An error occurred while trying to create the schema archive file %s in directory %s: %s

ID: 9699387


Message: An error occurred while attempting to obtain the cipher to use to encrypt the backup: %s

ID: 9699388


Message: %s schema backup %s

ID: 9699389


Message: An error occurred while attempting to obtain a list of the files in directory %s to include in the schema backup: %s

ID: 9699390


Message: An error occurred while attempting to back up schema file %s: %s

ID: 9699391


Message: An error occurred while trying to close the schema archive file %s in directory %s: %s

ID: 9699392


Message: An error occurred while attempting to update the backup descriptor file %s with information about the schema backup: %s

ID: 9699393


Message: Unable to restore or verify schema backup %s in directory %s because no such backup exists

ID: 9699394


Message: Unable to restore or verify schema backup %s in directory %s because the archive filename could not be determined

ID: 9699395


Message: Unable to restore or verify schema backup %s because the specified archive file %s does not exist

ID: 9699396


Message: Unable to restore or verify schema backup %s because an error occurred while trying to determine whether backup archive %s exists: %s

ID: 9699397


Message: Unable to restore or verify schema backup %s because an unsigned hash of this backup is available but the server cannot determine the digest algorithm used to generate this hash

ID: 9699398


Message: Unable to restore or verify schema backup %s because it has an unsigned hash that uses an unknown or unsupported digest algorithm of %s

ID: 9699399


Message: Unable to restore or verify schema backup %s because a signed hash of this backup is available but the server cannot determine the MAC algorithm used to generate this hash

ID: 9699400


Message: Unable to restore or verify schema backup %s because it has a signed hash that uses an unknown or unsupported MAC algorithm of %s

ID: 9699401


Message: Unable to restore or verify schema backup %s because an error occurred while attempting to open the backup archive file %s: %s

ID: 9699403


Message: Unable to restore or verify schema backup %s because it is encrypted using an unknown or unsupported cipher: %s

ID: 9699404


Message: Unable to restore schema backup %s because an error occurred while attempting to rename the current schema directory from %s to %s: %s

ID: 9699406


Message: An error occurred that prevented the schema backup from being properly restored. The original schema files that were in place before the start of the restore process have been preserved and are contained in the %s directory

ID: 9699407


Message: Unable to restore schema backup %s because an error occurred while attempting to create a new empty directory %s into which the files should be restored: %s

ID: 9699408


Message: An error occurred that prevented the schema backup from being properly restored. The original schema files that were in place before the start of the restore process have been preserved in the %s directory

ID: 9699409


Message: Unable to restore or verify schema backup %s because an error occurred while trying to read the next entry from the archive file %s: %s

ID: 9699410


Message: Unable to restore schema backup %s because an error occurred while trying to recreate file %s: %s

ID: 9699411


Message: Unable to restore or verify schema backup %s because an error occurred while processing archived file %s: %s

ID: 9699412


Message: Unable to restore or verify schema backup %s because an unexpected error occurred while trying to close the archive file %s: %s

ID: 9699414


Message: Unable to restore or verify schema backup %s because the message digest calculated from the backup archive does not match the digest stored with the backup information

ID: 9699416


Message: Unable to restore or verify schema backup %s because the signed digest calculated from the backup archive does not match the signature stored with the backup information

ID: 9699419


Message: The task defined in entry %s is invalid because it has an invalid state %s

ID: 9699420


Message: An error occurred while trying to parse the scheduled start time value %s from task entry %s

ID: 9699421


Message: An error occurred while trying to parse the actual start time value %s from task entry %s

ID: 9699422


Message: An error occurred while trying to parse the completion time value %s from task entry %s

ID: 9699423


Message: Task entry %s is missing required attribute %s

ID: 9699424


Message: There are multiple instances of attribute %s in task entry %s

ID: 9699425


Message: There are no values for attribute %s in task entry %s

ID: 9699426


Message: There are multiple values for attribute %s in task entry %s

ID: 9699427


Message: An error occurred while executing the task defined in entry %s: %s

ID: 9699428


Message: The provided recurring task entry does not contain attribute %s which is needed to hold the recurring task ID

ID: 9699429


Message: The provided recurring task entry contains multiple attributes with type %s, which is used to hold the recurring task ID, but only a single instance is allowed

ID: 9699430


Message: The provided recurring task entry does not contain any values for the %s attribute, which is used to specify the recurring task ID

ID: 9699431


Message: The provided recurring task entry contains multiple values for the %s attribute, which is used to specify the recurring task ID, but only a single value is allowed

ID: 9699432


Message: The provided recurring task entry does not contain attribute %s which is needed to specify recurring task schedule

ID: 9699433


Message: The provided recurring task entry contains multiple attributes with type %s, which is used to hold recurring task schedule, but only a single instance is allowed

ID: 9699434


Message: The provided recurring task entry does not contain any values for the %s attribute, which is used to specify recurring task schedule

ID: 9699435


Message: The provided recurring task entry contains multiple values for the %s attribute, which is used to specify recurring task schedule, but only a single value is allowed

ID: 9699436


Message: An error occurred while attempting to load class %s specified in attribute %s of the provided recurring task entry: %s. Does this class exist in the Directory Server classpath?

ID: 9699437


Message: An error occurred while trying to create an instance of class %s as a Directory Server task. Is this class a subclass of %s?

ID: 9699438


Message: An error occurred while attempting to perform internal initialization on an instance of class %s with the information contained in the provided entry: %s

ID: 9699439


Message: The configuration entry provided when attempting to initialize the task backend was null

ID: 9699440


Message: The task backend configuration entry does not contain any base DNs. There must be exactly one base DN for task information in the Directory Server

ID: 9699441


Message: The task backend configuration entry contains multiple base DNs. There must be exactly one base DN for task information in the Directory Server

ID: 9699442


Message: An error occurred while attempting to decode recurring task base %s as a DN: %s

ID: 9699443


Message: An error occurred while attempting to decode scheduled task base %s as a DN: %s

ID: 9699445


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to initialize the task retention time configuration: %s

ID: 9699447


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to initialize the task backing file configuration: %s

ID: 9699448


Message: The updated configuration entry does not have a value for the required %s attribute, which specifies the path to the task data backing file

ID: 9699449


Message: The specified task data backing file %s already exists and the Directory Server will not attempt to overwrite it. Please delete or rename the existing file before attempting to use that path for the new backing file, or choose a new path

ID: 9699450


Message: The specified path %s for the new task data backing file appears to be an invalid path. Please choose a new path for the task data backing file

ID: 9699451


Message: The parent directory %s for the new task data backing file %s does not exist. Please create this directory before attempting to use this path for the new backing file or choose a new path

ID: 9699452


Message: The parent directory %s for the new task data backing file %s exists but is not a directory. Please choose a new path for the task data backing file

ID: 9699453


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the new path to the task data backing file: %s

ID: 9699454


Message: The updated configuration entry does not have a value for the required %s attribute, which specifies the length of time in seconds that information about completed tasks should be retained before they are cleaned up

ID: 9699455


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the completed task retention time: %s

ID: 9699458


Message: New entries in the task backend may only be added immediately below %s for scheduled tasks or immediately below %s for recurring tasks

ID: 9699459


Message: Modify DN operations are not supported in the task backend

ID: 9699461


Message: Unable to add recurring task %s to the task scheduler because another recurring task already exists with the same ID

ID: 9699462


Message: Unable to schedule task %s because another task already exists with the same ID

ID: 9699464


Message: An error occurred while attempting to schedule the next iteration of recurring task %s: %s

ID: 9699465


Message: An error occurred while attempting to read an entry from the tasks backing file %s on or near line %d: %s. This is not a fatal error, so the task scheduler will attempt to continue parsing the file and schedule any additional tasks that it contains

ID: 9699467


Message: Entry %s read from the tasks backing file is invalid because it has no parent and does not match the task root DN of %s

ID: 9699468


Message: An error occurred while attempting to parse entry %s as a recurring task and add it to the scheduler: %s

ID: 9699469


Message: An error occurred while attempting to parse entry %s as a task and add it to the scheduler: %s

ID: 9699470


Message: Entry %s read from the tasks backing file %s has a DN which is not valid for a task or recurring task definition and will be ignored

ID: 9699471


Message: An error occurred while attempting to read from the tasks data backing file %s: %s

ID: 9699472


Message: An error occurred while attempting to create a new tasks backing file %s for use with the task scheduler: %s

ID: 9699473


Message: The provided task entry does not contain attribute %s which is needed to specify the fully-qualified name of the class providing the task logic

ID: 9699474


Message: The provided task entry contains multiple attributes with type %s, which is used to hold the task class name, but only a single instance is allowed

ID: 9699475


Message: The provided task entry does not contain any values for the %s attribute, which is used to specify the fully-qualified name of the class providing the task logic

ID: 9699476


Message: The provided task entry contains multiple values for the %s attribute, which is used to specify the task class name, but only a single value is allowed

ID: 9699477


Message: An error occurred while attempting to load class %s specified in attribute %s of the provided task entry: %s. Does this class exist in the Directory Server classpath?

ID: 9699478


Message: An error occurred while trying to create an instance of class %s as a Directory Server task. Is this class a subclass of %s?

ID: 9699479


Message: An error occurred while attempting to perform internal initialization on an instance of class %s with the information contained in the provided entry: %s

ID: 9699481


Message: An error occurred while attempting to rename the new tasks backing file from %s to %s: %s. If the Directory Server is restarted, then the task scheduler may not work as expected

ID: 9699482


Message: An error occurred while attempting to write the new tasks data backing file %s: %s. Configuration information reflecting the latest update may be lost

ID: 9699483


Message: The task backend does not support LDIF import operations

ID: 9699486


Message: An error occurred while trying to determine the value of the %s configuration attribute, which controls whether to treat all root DSE attributes like user attributes: %s. The attributes in the root DSE will be treated based on their definition in the server schema

ID: 9699488


Message: Unable to remove recurring task %s because there is already a scheduled iteration of that task with ID %s that must be removed first

ID: 9699489


Message: Unable to remove pending task %s because no such task exists

ID: 9699490


Message: Unable to remove pending task %s because the task is no longer pending

ID: 9699491


Message: Unable to remove completed task %s because no such task exists in the list of completed tasks

ID: 9699492


Message: Unable to remove entry %s from the task backend because its DN is either not appropriate for that backend or it is not below the scheduled or recurring tasks base entry

ID: 9699493


Message: Unable to remove entry %s from the task backend because there is no scheduled task associated with that entry DN

ID: 9699494


Message: Unable to delete entry %s from the task backend because the associated task is currently running

ID: 9699495


Message: Unable to remove entry %s from the task backend because there is no recurring task associated with that entry DN

ID: 9699496


Message: Unable to process the search operation in the task backend because the provided base DN %s is not valid for entries in the task backend

ID: 9699497


Message: Unable to process the search operation in the task backend because there is no scheduled task associated with the provided search base entry %s

ID: 9699498


Message: Unable to process the search operation in the task backend because there is no recurring task associated with the provided search base entry %s

ID: 9699499


Message: Unable to initialize the backup backend because the provided configuration entry is null

ID: 9699500


Message: Unable to initialize the backup backend because an error occurred while attempting to decode the base DN for the backend: %s

ID: 9699502


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the backup directory list: %s. Initialization of the backup backend cannot continue

ID: 9699503


Message: Unable to retrieve an entry from the backup backend because the requested entry was null

ID: 9699504


Message: Requested entry %s does not exist in the backup backend

ID: 9699505


Message: Unable to retrieve entry %s from the backup backend because the requested DN is one level below the base DN but does not specify a backup directory

ID: 9699506


Message: Unable to retrieve entry %s from the backup backend because the requested backup directory is invalid: %s

ID: 9699507


Message: An error occurred while attempting to examine the requested backup directory: %s

ID: 9699508


Message: Unable to retrieve entry %s from the backup backend because the requested DN is two levels below the base DN but does not specify a backup ID

ID: 9699509


Message: Unable to retrieve entry %s from the backup backend because it does not have a parent

ID: 9699510


Message: Unable to retrieve entry %s from the backup backend because the DN does not contain the backup directory in which the requested backup should reside

ID: 9699511


Message: Backup %s does not exist in backup directory %s

ID: 9699512


Message: Add operations are not supported in the backup backend

ID: 9699513


Message: Delete operations are not supported in the backup backend

ID: 9699514


Message: Modify operations are not supported in the backup backend

ID: 9699515


Message: Modify DN operations are not supported in the backup backend

ID: 9699516


Message: The requested entry %s does not exist in the backup backend

ID: 9699517


Message: LDIF export operations are not supported in the backup backend

ID: 9699518


Message: LDIF import operations are not supported in the backup backend

ID: 9699519


Message: Backup and restore operations are not supported in the backup backend

ID: 9699520


Message: Exactly one base DN must be provided for use with the memory-based backend

ID: 9699521


Message: Entry %s already exists in the memory-based backend

ID: 9699522


Message: Entry %s does not belong in the memory-based backend

ID: 9699523


Message: Unable to add entry %s because its parent entry %s does not exist in the memory-based backend

ID: 9699524


Message: Entry %s does not exist in the memory-based backend

ID: 9699525


Message: Cannot delete entry %s because it has one or more subordinate entries

ID: 9699526


Message: Modify DN operations are not supported in the memory-based backend

ID: 9699527


Message: Unable to create an LDIF writer: %s

ID: 9699528


Message: Cannot write entry %s to LDIF: %s

ID: 9699529


Message: Unable to create an LDIF reader: %s

ID: 9699530


Message: An unrecoverable error occurred while reading from LDIF: %s

ID: 9699531


Message: An unexpected error occurred while processing the import: %s

ID: 9699532


Message: The memory-based backend does not support backup or restore operations

ID: 9699533


Message: Cannot rename entry %s because it has one or more subordinate entries

ID: 9699534


Message: Cannot rename entry %s because the target entry is in a different backend

ID: 9699535


Message: Cannot rename entry %s because the new parent entry %s doesn't exist

ID: 9699537


Message: An error occurred while trying to determine whether to treat all subschema entry attributes as user attributes regardless of the way they are defined in the schema, as specified in the ds-cfg-show-all-attributes attribute of configuration entry %s: %s. The default behavior, which is to treat the attribute types as defined in the server schema, will be used

ID: 9699622


Message: Unable to find a file containing concatenated schema element definitions in order to determine if any schema changes were made with the server offline. The file was expected in the %s directory and should have been named either %s or %s

ID: 9699623


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine whether any schema changes had been made by directly editing the schema files with the server offline: %s

ID: 9699624


Message: An error occurred while attempting to write file %s containing a concatenated list of all server schema elements: %s. The server may not be able to accurately identify any schema changes made with the server offline

ID: 9699626


Message: The Directory Server is not configured to allow task %s to be invoked

ID: 9699628


Message: Unable to retrieve an entry from the trust store backend because the requested entry was null

ID: 9699629


Message: Requested entry %s does not exist in the trust store backend

ID: 9699630


Message: Unable to process entry %s in the trust store backend because the requested DN is one level below the base DN but does not specify a certificate name

ID: 9699631


Message: Error while trying to retrieve certificate %s from the trust store file %s: %s

ID: 9699632


Message: Modify operations are not supported in the trust store backend

ID: 9699633


Message: Modify DN operations are not supported in the trust store backend

ID: 9699634


Message: Unable to initialize the trust store backend from configuration entry %s because it does not contain exactly one base DN

ID: 9699635


Message: LDIF import and export operations are not supported in the trust store backend

ID: 9699636


Message: Backup and restore operations are not supported in the trust store backend

ID: 9699637


Message: The trust store file %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-trust-store-file of configuration entry %s does not exist

ID: 9699638


Message: The trust store type %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-trust-store-type of configuration entry %s is not valid: %s

ID: 9699639


Message: An error occurred while trying to create the PIN file %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-trust-store-pin-file of configuration entry %s

ID: 9699640


Message: An error occurred while trying to read the trust store PIN from file %s specified in configuration attribute ds-cfg-trust-store-pin-file of configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 9699641


Message: File %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-trust-store-pin-file of configuration entry %s should contain the PIN needed to access the trust store, but this file is empty

ID: 9699642


Message: Environment variable %s which is specified in attribute ds-cfg-trust-store-pin-environment-variable of configuration entry %s should contain the PIN needed to access the trust store, but this property is not set

ID: 9699643


Message: Java property %s which is specified in attribute ds-cfg-trust-store-pin-property of configuration entry %s should contain the PIN needed to access the file-based trust manager, but this property is not set

ID: 9699644


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to determine the value of configuration attribute ds-cfg-trust-store-file in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 9699645


Message: An error occurred while trying to load the trust store contents from file %s: %s

ID: 9699646


Message: An error occurred while trying to create a trust manager factory to access the contents of trust store file %s: %s

ID: 9699647


Message: The certificate entry %s already exists

ID: 9699648


Message: Error while attempting to generate a self-signed certificate %s in the trust store file %s: %s

ID: 9699649


Message: Error while trying to add certificate %s to the trust store file %s: %s

ID: 9699650


Message: Delete operations are not supported in the trust store backend

ID: 9699651


Message: The entry %s could not be added because it does not contain a certificate attribute %s

ID: 9699652


Message: The entry %s could not be added because it contains multiple certificate attributes %s

ID: 9699653


Message: The entry %s could not be added because it does not contain a value of certificate attribute %s

ID: 9699654


Message: The entry %s could not be added because it contains multiple values of certificate attribute %s

ID: 9699655


Message: Error while writing certificate %s to a file: %s

ID: 9699657


Message: The root container for backend %s has not been initialized preventing this backend from processing the requested operation

ID: 9699658


Message: Unable to obtain a write lock on entry %s

ID: 9699659


Message: Entry %s cannot be modified because it does not represent a task entry. Only task entries may be modified in the task backend

ID: 9699660


Message: Entry %s cannot be modified because it does not represent a valid task in the server

ID: 9699661


Message: Entry %s cannot be modified because the assoicated task has completed running. Completed tasks cannot be modified

ID: 9699662


Message: Entry %s cannot be modified because the server does not currently support modifying recurring task entries

ID: 9699663


Message: The task associated with entry %s is currently running. The only modification allowed for running tasks is to replace the value of the ds-task-state attribute with "cancel"

ID: 9699665


Message: Error while trying to delete certificate %s from the trust store file %s: %s

ID: 9699666


Message: Unable to retrieve entry %s from the trust store backend because the certificate %s does not exist

ID: 9699667


Message: The LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s only supports a single base DN, but was configured for use with multiple base DNs

ID: 9699668


Message: An error occurred while attempting to open LDIF file %s for use by the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 9699669


Message: An error occurred while attempting to read data from LDIF file %s into the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 9699673


Message: An error occurred while trying to create file %s to write an updated version of the data for the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 9699674


Message: An error occurred while trying to write updated data to file %s for the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 9699675


Message: An error occurred while attempting to rename file %s to %s while writing updated data for the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 9699685


Message: An error occurred while trying to create the writer for the LDIF export operation: %s

ID: 9699686


Message: An error occurred while trying to write entry %s during the LDIF export: %s

ID: 9699687


Message: An error occurred while trying to create the reader for the LDIF import operation: %s

ID: 9699688


Message: An unrecoverable error occurred while attempting to read data from the import file: %s. The LDIF import cannot continue

ID: 9699695


Message: Error reading key %s from key store %s: %s

ID: 9699699


Message: The provided recurring task entry attribute %s holding the recurring task schedule has invalid number of tokens

ID: 9699700


Message: The provided recurring task entry attribute %s holding the recurring task schedule has invalid minute token

ID: 9699701


Message: The provided recurring task entry attribute %s holding the recurring task schedule has invalid hour token

ID: 9699702


Message: The provided recurring task entry attribute %s holding the recurring task schedule has invalid day of the month token

ID: 9699703


Message: The provided recurring task entry attribute %s holding the recurring task schedule has invalid month of the year token

ID: 9699704


Message: The provided recurring task entry attribute %s holding the recurring task schedule has invalid day of the week token

ID: 9699705


Message: The provided recurring task entry attribute %s holding the recurring task schedule has invalid tokens combination yielding a nonexistent calendar date

ID: 9699706


Message: An error occurred while attempting to export task backend data: %s

ID: 9699707


Message: An error occurred while attempting to obtain the %s MAC provider to create the signed hash for the backup: %s

ID: 9699708


Message: An error occurred while attempting to obtain the %s message digest to create the hash for the backup: %s

ID: 9699709


Message: An error occurred while trying to create the tasks archive file %s in directory %s: %s

ID: 9699710


Message: An error occurred while attempting to obtain the cipher to use to encrypt the backup: %s

ID: 9699711


Message: %s tasks backup %s

ID: 9699712


Message: An error occurred while attempting to back up tasks file %s: %s

ID: 9699713


Message: An error occurred while trying to close the tasks archive file %s in directory %s: %s

ID: 9699714


Message: An error occurred while attempting to update the backup descriptor file %s with information about the tasks backup: %s

ID: 9699715


Message: Unable to restore or verify tasks backup %s in directory %s because no such backup exists

ID: 9699716


Message: Unable to restore or verify tasks backup %s in directory %s because the archive filename could not be determined

ID: 9699717


Message: Unable to restore or verify tasks backup %s because the specified archive file %s does not exist

ID: 9699718


Message: Unable to restore or verify tasks backup %s because an error occurred while trying to determine whether backup archive %s exists: %s

ID: 9699719


Message: Unable to restore or verify tasks backup %s because an unsigned hash of this backup is available but the server cannot determine the digest algorithm used to generate this hash

ID: 9699720


Message: Unable to restore or verify tasks backup %s because it has an unsigned hash that uses an unknown or unsupported digest algorithm of %s

ID: 9699721


Message: Unable to restore or verify tasks backup %s because a signed hash of this backup is available but the server cannot determine the MAC algorithm used to generate this hash

ID: 9699722


Message: Unable to restore or verify tasks backup %s because it has a signed hash that uses an unknown or unsupported MAC algorithm of %s

ID: 9699723


Message: Unable to restore or verify tasks backup %s because an error occurred while attempting to open the backup archive file %s: %s

ID: 9699724


Message: Unable to restore or verify tasks backup %s because it is encrypted using an unknown or unsupported cipher: %s

ID: 9699725


Message: Unable to restore or verify tasks backup %s because an error occurred while trying to read the next entry from the archive file %s: %s

ID: 9699726


Message: Unable to restore tasks backup %s because an error occurred while trying to recreate file %s: %s

ID: 9699727


Message: Unable to restore or verify tasks backup %s because an error occurred while processing archived file %s: %s

ID: 9699728


Message: Unable to restore or verify tasks backup %s because an unexpected error occurred while trying to close the archive file %s: %s

ID: 9699730


Message: Unable to restore or verify tasks backup %s because the message digest calculated from the backup archive does not match the digest stored with the backup information

ID: 9699732


Message: Unable to restore or verify tasks backup %s because the signed digest calculated from the backup archive does not match the signature stored with the backup information

ID: 9699735


Message: The information for backup %s could not be found in the backup directory %s

ID: 9699736


Message: An error occurred while attempting to update the backup descriptor file %s with information about the backup: %s

ID: 9699740


Message: Unable to schedule task %s because its dependency task %s is missing

ID: 9699747


Message: The provided recurring task schedule value has an invalid number of tokens

ID: 9699748


Message: The provided recurring task schedule value has an invalid minute token

ID: 9699749


Message: The provided recurring task schedule value has an invalid hour token

ID: 9699750


Message: The provided recurring task schedule value has an invalid day of the month token

ID: 9699751


Message: The provided recurring task schedule value has an invalid month of the year token

ID: 9699752


Message: The provided recurring task schedule value has an invalid day of the week token

ID: 9764865


Message: An attempt was made to de-register sub-suffix "%s" from the backend with suffix "%s". However, the subordinate backend containing that sub-suffix also contains additional sub-suffixes and may not be de-registered. It may be possible to remove this sub-suffix by editing the configuration for the subordinate backend with which it is associated

ID: 9764866


Message: An attempt was made to configure the root DSE backend without providing a configuration entry. This is not allowed

ID: 9764919


Message: The Directory Server was unable to obtain a lock on entry %s after multiple attempts. This could mean that the entry is already locked by a long-running operation or that the entry has previously been locked but was not properly unlocked

ID: 9765002


Message: An error occurred while attempting to read an entry from the tasks backing file %s on or near line %d: %s. This is an unrecoverable error, and parsing cannot continue

ID: 9765074


Message: An error occurred while attempting to register base DN %s in the Directory Server: %s

Log Message Category: CONFIG

This category concerns messages associated with configuration handling.

ID: 3407911


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to write configuration entry %s to LDIF: %s

ID: 3407912


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to close the LDIF writer: %s

ID: 3407913


Message: The Directory Server configuration may not be altered by importing a new configuration from LDIF

ID: 3407919


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid logger configuration: %s. It will be ignored

ID: 3407921


Message: An error occurred while attempting to create a Directory Server logger from the information in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3407922


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid objectclass for a Directory Server access, error, or debug logger definition

ID: 3407924


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-java-class which specifies the fully-qualified class name for the associated logger

ID: 3407925


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for attribute ds-cfg-java-class: %s

ID: 3407926


Message: Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server access logger: %s

ID: 3407927


Message: Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server error logger: %s

ID: 3407928


Message: Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server debug logger: %s

ID: 3407930


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-enabled which indicates whether the logger should be enabled for use in the Directory Server

ID: 3407931


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for attribute ds-cfg-enabled: %s

ID: 3407933


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-allow-attribute-name-exceptions (it should be a Boolean value of true or false): %s

ID: 3407935


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-invalid-attribute-syntax-behavior (it should be one of "accept", "reject", or "warn" ): %s

ID: 3407954


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-log-file which specifies the log file name for the associated logger

ID: 3407955


Message: The Directory Server could not register a JMX MBean for the component associated with configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3407956


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to export the Directory Server configuration to LDIF: %s

ID: 3407959


Message: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the value of the ds-cfg-num-worker-threads attribute from the %s entry, which is used to specify the number of worker threads to service the work queue: %s. The Directory Server will use the default value of 24

ID: 3407960


Message: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the value of the ds-cfg-max-work-queue-capacity attribute from the %s entry, which is used to specify the maximum number of pending operations that may be held in the work queue: %s. The Directory Server will use the default value of 0

ID: 3407966


Message: Worker thread "%s" has experienced too many repeated failures while attempting to retrieve the next operation from the work queue (%d failures experienced, maximum of %d failures allowed). This worker thread will be destroyed

ID: 3407967


Message: A problem occurred while trying to create and start an instance of class %s to use as a monitor provider for the Directory Server work queue: %s. No monitor information will be available for the work queue

ID: 3407969


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-db-directory

ID: 3407976


Message: An error occurred while trying to retrieve configuration entry cn=Backends,cn=config in order to initialize the Directory Server backends: %s

ID: 3407977


Message: The entry cn=Backends,cn=config does not appear to exist in the Directory Server configuration. This is a required entry

ID: 3407979


Message: An unexpected error occurred while interacting with backend configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3407984


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to determine whether the backend associated with configuration entry %s should be enabled or disabled: %s. It will be disabled

ID: 3407985


Message: Backend configuration entry %s does not contain attribute ds-cfg-java-class, which is used to specify the name of the class used to provide the backend implementation. The backend associated with this configuration entry will be disabled

ID: 3407986


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to determine the name of the Java class that contains the implementation for backend %s: %s. This backend will be disabled

ID: 3407987


Message: The Directory Server was unable to load class %s and use it to create a backend instance as defined in configuration entry %s. The error that occurred was: %s. This backend will be disabled

ID: 3407988


Message: An error occurred while trying to initialize a backend loaded from class %s with the information in configuration entry %s: %s. This backend will be disabled

ID: 3407989


Message: The class %s specified in configuration entry %s does not contain a valid Directory Server backend implementation

ID: 3408001


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid monitor provider configuration: %s. It will be ignored

ID: 3408002


Message: An error occurred while attempting to create a Directory Server monitor provider from the information in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3408003


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain the ds-cfg-monitor-provider objectclass, which is required for monitor provider definitions

ID: 3408005


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-java-class which specifies the fully-qualified class name for the associated monitor provider

ID: 3408006


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for attribute ds-cfg-java-class: %s

ID: 3408007


Message: Class %s specified in configuration entry %s does not contain a valid monitor provider implementation: %s

ID: 3408009


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-enabled which indicates whether the monitor provider should be enabled for use in the Directory Server

ID: 3408010


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for attribute ds-cfg-enabled: %s

ID: 3408014


Message: An error occurred while trying to retrieve configuration entry cn=Connection Handlers,cn=config in order to initialize the Directory Server backends: %s

ID: 3408015


Message: The entry cn=Connection Handlers,cn=config does not appear to exist in the Directory Server configuration. This is a required entry

ID: 3408017


Message: An unexpected error occurred while interacting with connection handler configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3408022


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to determine whether the connection handler associated with configuration entry %s should be enabled or disabled: %s. It will be disabled

ID: 3408023


Message: Connection handler configuration entry %s does not contain attribute ds-cfg-java-class, which is used to specify the name of the class used to provide the connection handler implementation. The connection handler associated with this configuration entry will be disabled

ID: 3408024


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to determine the name of the Java class that contains the implementation for connection handler %s: %s. This connection handler will be disabled

ID: 3408025


Message: The Directory Server was unable to load class %s and use it to create a connection handler instance as defined in configuration entry %s. The error that occurred was: %s. This connection handler will be disabled

ID: 3408026


Message: An error occurred while trying to initialize a connection handler loaded from class %s with the information in configuration entry %s: %s. This connection handler will be disabled

ID: 3408027


Message: The configuration for the connection handler defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable according to its internal validation. However, no specific information is available regarding the problem(s) with the entry

ID: 3408028


Message: The configuration for the backend defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable according to its internal validation. However, no specific information is available regarding the problem(s) with the entry

ID: 3408029


Message: The configuration for the monitor provider defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable according to its internal validation. However, no specific information is available regarding the problem(s) with the entry

ID: 3408030


Message: The configuration for the logger defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable according to its internal validation. However, no specific information is available regarding the problem(s) with the entry

ID: 3408031


Message: The class %s specified in configuration entry %s does not contain a valid Directory Server connection handler implementation

ID: 3408032


Message: An error occurred while trying to retrieve configuration entry cn=Matching Rules,cn=config in order to initialize the Directory Server matching rules: %s

ID: 3408033


Message: The entry cn=Matching Rules,cn=config does not appear to exist in the Directory Server configuration. This is a required entry

ID: 3408034


Message: No child entries were found below the entry cn=Matching Rules,cn=config to define the matching rules for use in the Directory Server. This is an error, because the Directory Server must have matching rules defined to function properly

ID: 3408040


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to determine whether the matching rule associated with configuration entry %s should be enabled or disabled: %s. It will be disabled

ID: 3408041


Message: Matching rule configuration entry %s does not contain attribute ds-cfg-java-class, which is used to specify the name of the class used to provide the matching rule implementation. The matching rule associated with this configuration entry will be disabled

ID: 3408042


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to determine the name of the Java class that contains the implementation for matching rule %s: %s. This matching rule will be disabled

ID: 3408043


Message: The Directory Server was unable to load class %s and use it to create a matching rule instance as defined in configuration entry %s. The error that occurred was: %s. This matching rule will be disabled

ID: 3408044


Message: An error occurred while trying to initialize a matching rule loaded from class %s with the information in configuration entry %s: %s. This matching rule will be disabled

ID: 3408046


Message: An error occurred while trying to retrieve configuration entry cn=Syntaxes,cn=config in order to initialize the Directory Server attribute syntaxes: %s

ID: 3408047


Message: The entry cn=Syntaxes,cn=config does not appear to exist in the Directory Server configuration. This is a required entry

ID: 3408048


Message: No child entries were found below the entry cn=Syntaxes,cn=config to define the attribute syntaxes for use in the Directory Server. This is an error, because the Directory Server must have syntaxes defined to function properly

ID: 3408054


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to determine whether the attribute syntax associated with configuration entry %s should be enabled or disabled: %s. It will be disabled

ID: 3408055


Message: Matching rule configuration entry %s does not contain attribute ds-cfg-java-class, which is used to specify the name of the class that provides the attribute syntax implementation. The syntax associated with this configuration entry will be disabled

ID: 3408056


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to determine the name of the Java class that contains the implementation for attribute syntax %s: %s. This syntax will be disabled

ID: 3408057


Message: The Directory Server was unable to load class %s and use it to create an attribute syntax instance as defined in configuration entry %s. The error that occurred was: %s. This syntax will be disabled

ID: 3408058


Message: An error occurred while trying to initialize an attribute syntax loaded from class %s with the information in configuration entry %s: %s. This syntax will be disabled

ID: 3408060


Message: Unable to read the Directory Server schema definitions because the schema directory %s does not exist

ID: 3408061


Message: Unable to read the Directory Server schema definitions because the schema directory %s exists but is not a directory

ID: 3408062


Message: Unable to read the Directory Server schema definitions from directory %s because an unexpected error occurred while trying to list the files in that directory: %s

ID: 3408069


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-single-structural-objectclass-behavior (it should be one of "accept", "reject", or "warn" ): %s

ID: 3408071


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-check-schema (it should be a Boolean value of true or false): %s

ID: 3408072


Message: An unexpected error occurred that prevented the server from installing its default entry cache framework: %s

ID: 3408074


Message: An error occurred while attempting to initialize an instance of class %s for use as the Directory Server entry cache: %s. As a result, the entry cache will be disabled

ID: 3408075


Message: The configuration for the entry cache defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s

ID: 3408076


Message: The configuration for the entry cache defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: the entry cache level %d is already in use

ID: 3408097


Message: No size limit has been defined for the size based file rotation policy in the configuration entry %s

ID: 3408098


Message: No time limit has been defined for the time based file rotation policy in the configuration entry %s

ID: 3408099


Message: An invalid file rotation policy %s has been defined in configuration entry %s

ID: 3408101


Message: An error occurred while trying to retrieve configuration entry cn=Plugins,cn=config in order to initialize the Directory Server plugins: %s

ID: 3408102


Message: The entry cn=Plugins,cn=config does not appear to exist in the Directory Server configuration. This is a required entry

ID: 3408104


Message: An unexpected error occurred while interacting with backend configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3408108


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to determine whether the plugin associated with configuration entry %s should be enabled or disabled: %s. It will be disabled

ID: 3408111


Message: Plugin configuration entry %s does not contain attribute ds-cfg-plugin-type, which is used to specify the name(s) of the plugin type(s) for the plugin. This is a required attribute, so this plugin will be disabled

ID: 3408112


Message: Plugin configuration entry %s has an invalid value %s for attribute ds-cfg-plugin-type that does not name a valid plugin type. This plugin will be disabled

ID: 3408113


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to determine the set of plugin types for the plugin defined in configuration entry %s: %s. This plugin will be disabled

ID: 3408114


Message: Plugin configuration entry %s does not contain attribute ds-cfg-java-class, which is used to specify the name of the class used to provide the plugin implementation. The plugin associated with this configuration entry will be disabled

ID: 3408115


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to determine the name of the Java class that contains the implementation for plugin %s: %s. This plugin will be disabled

ID: 3408116


Message: The Directory Server was unable to load class %s and use it to create a plugin instance as defined in configuration entry %s. The error that occurred was: %s. This plugin will be disabled

ID: 3408117


Message: An error occurred while attempting to initialize an instance of class %s as a Directory Server plugin using the information in configuration entry %s: %s. This plugin will be disabled

ID: 3408119


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-notify-abandoned-operations (it should be a Boolean value of true or false): %s

ID: 3408128


Message: Class %s specified in configuration entry %s does not contain a valid extended operation handler implementation: %s

ID: 3408138


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid SASL mechanism handler configuration: %s. It will be ignored

ID: 3408139


Message: An error occurred while attempting to create a Directory Server SASL mechanism handler from the information in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3408140


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain the ds-cfg-sasl-mechanism-handler objectclass, which is required for SASL mechanism handler definitions

ID: 3408142


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-java-class which specifies the fully-qualified class name for the associated SASL mechanism handler

ID: 3408143


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for attribute ds-cfg-java-class: %s

ID: 3408144


Message: Class %s specified in configuration entry %s does not contain a valid SASL mechanism handler implementation: %s

ID: 3408146


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-enabled which indicates whether the SASL mechanism handler should be enabled for use in the Directory Server

ID: 3408147


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for attribute ds-cfg-enabled: %s

ID: 3408151


Message: The configuration for the SASL mechanism handler defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable according to its internal validation. However, no specific information is available regarding the problem(s) with the entry

ID: 3408176


Message: Invalid value specified for attribute %s. Allowed values are true or false

ID: 3408178


Message: Backend configuration entry %s does not contain attribute ds-cfg-base-dn, which is used to specify the set of base DNs for the backend. This is a required attribute, and therefore the backend will be disabled

ID: 3408179


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to determine the set of base DNs associated with the backend defined in configuration entry %s: %s. This backend will be disabled

ID: 3408186


Message: Configuration entry "%s" does not contain a value for attribute ds-cfg-enabled, which indicates whether the key manager provider is enabled for use in the server

ID: 3408189


Message: Fully-qualified name of the Java class that includes the key manager provider implementation. Changes to this configuration attribute will not take effect until the key manager provider has been disabled and then re-enabled, or until the server is restarted

ID: 3408200


Message: Indicates whether the Directory Server trust manager provider should be enabled. A trust manager provider is required for operations that require access to a trust manager (e.g., communication over SSL). Changes to this configuration attribute will take effect immediately, but will only impact future attempts to access the trust manager

ID: 3408201


Message: Configuration entry "%s" does not contain a value for attribute ds-cfg-enabled, which indicates whether the trust manager provider is enabled for use in the server

ID: 3408204


Message: Fully-qualified name of the Java class that includes the trust manager provider implementation. Changes to this configuration attribute will not take effect until the trust manager provider has been disabled and then re-enabled, or until the server is restarted

ID: 3408219


Message: Indicates whether the Directory Server certificate mapper should be enabled. A certificate mapper is used to establish a mapping between a client certificate chain and a user entry in the Directory Server for SASL EXTERNAL authentication and similar purposes. Changes to this configuration attribute will take effect immediately

ID: 3408220


Message: Configuration entry "%s" does not contain a value for attribute ds-cfg-enabled, which indicates whether the certificate mapper is enabled for use in the server

ID: 3408223


Message: Fully-qualified name of the Java class that includes the certificate mapper implementation. Changes to this configuration attribute will not take effect until the certificate mapper has been disabled and then re-enabled, or until the server is restarted

ID: 3408237


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid password storage scheme configuration: %s. It will be ignored

ID: 3408238


Message: An error occurred while attempting to create a Directory Server password storage scheme from the information in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3408239


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain the ds-cfg-password-storage-scheme objectclass, which is required for password storage scheme definitions

ID: 3408241


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-java-class which specifies the fully-qualified class name for the associated password storage scheme

ID: 3408242


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for attribute ds-cfg-java-class: %s

ID: 3408243


Message: Class %s specified in configuration entry %s does not contain a valid password storage scheme implementation: %s

ID: 3408245


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-enabled which indicates whether the password storage scheme should be enabled for use in the Directory Server

ID: 3408246


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for attribute ds-cfg-enabled: %s

ID: 3408250


Message: The configuration for the password storage scheme defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable according to its internal validation. However, no specific information is available regarding the problem(s) with the entry

ID: 3408252


Message: No disk space limit has been defined for the retention policy in the configuration entry %s

ID: 3408253


Message: The free disk space based retention policy in the configuration entry %s. is not allowed for the Directory Server when running on pre Java 6 VMs

ID: 3408257


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to determine the backend ID for the backend defined in configuration entry %s: %s. The backend will be disabled

ID: 3408258


Message: An error occurred while attempting to obtain the %s MAC provider to create the signed hash for the backup: %s

ID: 3408259


Message: An error occurred while attempting to obtain the %s message digest to create the hash for the backup: %s

ID: 3408260


Message: An error occurred while trying to create the config archive file %s in directory %s: %s

ID: 3408261


Message: An error occurred while attempting to obtain the cipher to use to encrypt the backup: %s

ID: 3408262


Message: %s config backup %s

ID: 3408263


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the path to the Directory Server configuration file so that it could be archived: %s

ID: 3408264


Message: An error occurred while attempting to back up configuration file %s: %s

ID: 3408265


Message: An error occurred while attempting to back up the archived previous configurations from file %s: %s

ID: 3408266


Message: An error occurred while trying to close the config archive file %s in directory %s: %s

ID: 3408267


Message: An error occurred while attempting to update the backup descriptor file %s with information about the configuration backup: %s

ID: 3408268


Message: Unable to restore or verify configuration backup %s in directory %s because no such backup exists

ID: 3408269


Message: Unable to restore or verify configuration backup %s in directory %s because the archive filename could not be determined

ID: 3408270


Message: Unable to restore or verify configuration backup %s because the specified archive file %s does not exist

ID: 3408271


Message: Unable to restore or verify configuration backup %s because an error occurred while trying to determine whether backup archive %s exists: %s

ID: 3408272


Message: Unable to restore or verify configuration backup %s because an unsigned hash of this backup is available but the server cannot determine the digest algorithm used to generate this hash

ID: 3408273


Message: Unable to restore or verify configuration backup %s because it has an unsigned hash that uses an unknown or unsupported digest algorithm of %s

ID: 3408274


Message: Unable to restore or verify configuration backup %s because a signed hash of this backup is available but the server cannot determine the MAC algorithm used to generate this hash

ID: 3408275


Message: Unable to restore or verify configuration backup %s because it has a signed hash that uses an unknown or unsupported MAC algorithm of %s

ID: 3408276


Message: Unable to restore or verify configuration backup %s because an error occurred while attempting to open the backup archive file %s: %s

ID: 3408278


Message: Unable to restore or verify configuration backup %s because it is encrypted using an unknown or unsupported cipher: %s

ID: 3408279


Message: Unable to restore configuration backup %s because an error occurred while attempting to temporarily back up the current configuration files from %s to %s: %s

ID: 3408281


Message: An error occurred that prevented the configuration backup from being properly restored. The original configuration files that were in place before the start of the restore process have been preserved and are contained in the %s directory

ID: 3408282


Message: Unable to restore configuration backup %s because an error occurred while attempting to create a new empty directory %s into which the files should be restored: %s

ID: 3408283


Message: An error occurred that prevented the configuration backup from being properly restored. The original configuration files that were in place before the start of the restore process have been preserved in the %s directory

ID: 3408284


Message: Unable to restore or verify configuration backup %s because an error occurred while trying to read the next entry from the archive file %s: %s

ID: 3408285


Message: Unable to restore configuration backup %s because an error occurred while trying to recreate file %s: %s

ID: 3408286


Message: Unable to restore or verify configuration backup %s because an error occurred while processing archived file %s: %s

ID: 3408287


Message: Unable to restore or verify configuration backup %s because an unexpected error occurred while trying to close the archive file %s: %s

ID: 3408289


Message: Unable to restore or verify configuration backup %s because the message digest calculated from the backup archive does not match the digest stored with the backup information

ID: 3408291


Message: Unable to restore or verify configuration backup %s because the signed digest calculated from the backup archive does not match the signature stored with the backup information

ID: 3408294


Message: The Directory Server was unable to acquire a shared lock for backend %s: %s. This generally means that the backend is in use by a process that requires an exclusive lock (e.g., importing from LDIF or restoring a backup). This backend will be disabled

ID: 3408298


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-add-missing-rdn-attributes (it should be a Boolean value of true or false): %s

ID: 3408300


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-server-error-result-code (it should be an integer value greater than or equal to 1): %s

ID: 3408303


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid identity mapper configuration: %s. It will be ignored

ID: 3408304


Message: An error occurred while attempting to create a Directory Server identity mapper from the information in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3408305


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain the ds-cfg-identity-mapper objectclass, which is required for identity mapper definitions

ID: 3408307


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-java-class which specifies the fully-qualified class name for the associated identity mapper

ID: 3408308


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for attribute ds-cfg-java-class: %s

ID: 3408309


Message: Class %s specified in configuration entry %s does not contain a valid identity mapper implementation: %s

ID: 3408311


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-enabled which indicates whether the identity mapper should be enabled for use in the Directory Server

ID: 3408312


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for attribute ds-cfg-enabled: %s

ID: 3408316


Message: The configuration for the identity mapper defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable according to its internal validation. However, no specific information is available regarding the problem(s) with the entry

ID: 3408318


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-proxied-authorization-identity-mapper (it should be the DN of a valid identity mapper configuration entry): %s

ID: 3408319


Message: The proxied authorization identity mapper DN %s specified in configuration entry %s does not refer to a valid identity mapper configuration entry

ID: 3408320


Message: The Directory Server does not have any identity mapper configured for use in conjunction with proxied authorization V2 operations. The Directory Server will not be able to process requests containing the proxied authorization control with a username-based authorization ID

ID: 3408321


Message: The configured proxied authorization identity mapper DN %s does not refer to an active identity mapper. The Directory Server will not be able to process requests containing the proxied authorization control with a username-based authorization ID

ID: 3408323


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-size-limit (It should be a positive integer value specifying the size limit to use, or a value of 0 or -1 to indicate that no limit should be enforced): %s

ID: 3408341


Message: The backend defined in configuration entry %s does not have a value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-writability-mode which indicates the writability mode for that backend. The backend will be disabled

ID: 3408342


Message: The backend defined in configuration entry %s has an invalid writability mode of %s. The backend will be disabled

ID: 3408343


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to determine the writability mode for the backend defined in configuration entry %s: %s. The backend will be disabled

ID: 3408345


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-writability-mode (the value should be one of "enabled", "disabled", or "internal-only"): %s

ID: 3408347


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-bind-with-dn-requires-password (the value should be either "TRUE" or "FALSE"): %s

ID: 3408350


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid password validator configuration: %s. It will be ignored

ID: 3408351


Message: An error occurred while attempting to create a Directory Server password validator from the information in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3408352


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain the ds-cfg-password-validator objectclass, which is required for password validator definitions

ID: 3408354


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-java-class which specifies the fully-qualified class name for the associated password validator

ID: 3408355


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for attribute ds-cfg-java-class: %s

ID: 3408356


Message: Class %s specified in configuration entry %s does not contain a valid password validator implementation: %s

ID: 3408358


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-enabled which indicates whether the password validator should be enabled for use in the Directory Server

ID: 3408359


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for attribute ds-cfg-enabled: %s

ID: 3408363


Message: The configuration for the password validator defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable according to its internal validation. However, no specific information is available regarding the problem(s) with the entry

ID: 3408366


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid password generator configuration: %s. It will be ignored

ID: 3408367


Message: An error occurred while attempting to create a Directory Server password generator from the information in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3408368


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain the ds-cfg-password-generator objectclass, which is required for password generator definitions

ID: 3408370


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-java-class which specifies the fully-qualified class name for the associated password generator

ID: 3408371


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for attribute ds-cfg-java-class: %s

ID: 3408372


Message: Class %s specified in configuration entry %s does not contain a valid password generator implementation: %s

ID: 3408374


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-enabled which indicates whether the password generator should be enabled for use in the Directory Server

ID: 3408375


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for attribute ds-cfg-enabled: %s

ID: 3408379


Message: The configuration for the password generator defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable according to its internal validation. However, no specific information is available regarding the problem(s) with the entry

ID: 3408381


Message: No default password policy was configured for the Directory Server. This must be specified by the ds-cfg-default-password-policy attribute in configuration entry %s

ID: 3408382


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-default-password-policy (the value should a DN specifying the default password policy configuration entry): %s

ID: 3408383


Message: The value %s for configuration attribute ds-cfg-default-password-policy does not refer to a valid password policy configuration entry

ID: 3408385


Message: The password policy configuration base cn=Password Policies,cn=config does not exist in the Directory Server configuration. This entry must be present for the server to function properly

ID: 3408386


Message: No password policies have been defined below the cn=Password Policies,cn=config entry in the Directory Server configuration. At least one password policy configuration must be defined

ID: 3408387


Message: The password policy defined in configuration entry %s is invalid: %s

ID: 3408388


Message: The Directory Server default password policy is defined as %s, but that entry does not exist or is not below the password policy configuration base cn=Password Policies,cn=config

ID: 3408408


Message: The password policy configuration base cn=Root DNs,cn=config does not exist in the Directory Server configuration. This entry must be present for the server to function properly

ID: 3408409


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid root DN configuration: %s. It will be ignored

ID: 3408410


Message: An error occurred while attempting to create a Directory Server root DN from the information in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3408411


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain the ds-cfg-root-dn-user objectclass, which is required for Directory Server root DN definitions

ID: 3408413


Message: Unable to register "%s" as an alternate bind DN for user "%s" because it is already registered as an alternate bind DN for root user "%s"

ID: 3408414


Message: An error occurred while trying to parse the set of alternate bind DNs for root user %s: %s

ID: 3408415


Message: An error occurred while trying to register"%s" as an alternate bind DN for root user "%s": %s

ID: 3408416


Message: Unable to add root DN entry %s because another root user is already registered with that DN

ID: 3408419


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid account status notification handler configuration: %s. It will be ignored

ID: 3408420


Message: An error occurred while attempting to create a Directory Server account status notification handler from the information in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3408421


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain the ds-cfg-account-status-notification-handler objectclass, which is required for account status notification handler definitions

ID: 3408423


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-java-class which specifies the fully-qualified class name for the associated account status notification handler

ID: 3408424


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for attribute ds-cfg-java-class: %s

ID: 3408425


Message: Class %s specified in configuration entry %s does not contain a valid account status notification handler implementation: %s

ID: 3408427


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-enabled which indicates whether the account status notification handler should be enabled for use in the Directory Server

ID: 3408428


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for attribute ds-cfg-enabled: %s

ID: 3408432


Message: The configuration for the account status notification handler defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable according to its internal validation. However, no specific information is available regarding the problem(s) with the entry

ID: 3408434


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-lookthrough-limit (It should be a positive integer value specifying the lookthrough limit to use, or a value of 0 or -1 to indicate that no limit should be enforced): %s

ID: 3408439


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-db-directory-permissions (It should be an UNIX permission mode in three-digit octal notation.)

ID: 3408440


Message: Invalid UNIX file permissions %s does not allow read and write access to the backend database directory by the backend

ID: 3408442


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-time-limit (it should be an integer value followed by a space and a time unit of seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks): %s

ID: 3408443


Message: No default password policy is configured for the Directory Server. The default password policy must be specified by the ds-cfg-default-password-policy attribute in the cn=config entry

ID: 3408445


Message: An error occurred while trying to create the configuration archive directory %s

ID: 3408446


Message: An error occurred while trying to create the configuration archive directory %s: %s

ID: 3408447


Message: An error occurred while trying to write the current configuration to the configuration archive: %s

ID: 3408449


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-reject-unauthenticated-requests(the value should be either true or false)

ID: 3408452


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid group implementation configuration: %s. It will be ignored

ID: 3408453


Message: An error occurred while attempting to create a Directory Server group implementation from the information in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3408454


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain the ds-cfg-group-implementation objectclass, which is required for group implementation definitions

ID: 3408456


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-java-class which specifies the fully-qualified class name for the associated group implementation

ID: 3408457


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for attribute ds-cfg-java-class: %s

ID: 3408458


Message: Class %s specified in configuration entry %s does not contain a valid group implementation: %s

ID: 3408460


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-enabled which indicates whether the group implementation should be enabled for use in the Directory Server

ID: 3408461


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for attribute ds-cfg-enabled: %s

ID: 3408465


Message: The configuration for the group implementation defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable according to its internal validation. However, no specific information is available regarding the problem(s) with the entry

ID: 3408466


Message: Set of privileges that should automatically be assigned to root users when they authenticate to the server

ID: 3408468


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the set of privileges that root users should be granted by default: %s

ID: 3408478


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid certificate mapper configuration: %s. It will be ignored

ID: 3408479


Message: An error occurred while attempting to create a Directory Server certificate mapper from the information in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3408480


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain the ds-cfg-certificate-mapper objectclass, which is required for certificate mapper definitions

ID: 3408481


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-java-class which specifies the fully-qualified class name for the associated certificate mapper

ID: 3408482


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for attribute ds-cfg-java-class: %s

ID: 3408483


Message: Class %s specified in configuration entry %s does not contain a valid certificate mapper implementation: %s

ID: 3408484


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for attribute ds-cfg-enabled: %s

ID: 3408488


Message: The configuration for the certificate mapper defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable according to its internal validation. However, no specific information is available regarding the problem(s) with the entry

ID: 3408491


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid key manager provider configuration: %s. It will be ignored

ID: 3408492


Message: An error occurred while attempting to create a Directory Server key manager provider from the information in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3408493


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain the ds-cfg-key-manager-provider objectclass, which is required for key manager provider definitions

ID: 3408494


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-java-class which specifies the fully-qualified class name for the associated key manager provider

ID: 3408495


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for attribute ds-cfg-java-class: %s

ID: 3408496


Message: Class %s specified in configuration entry %s does not contain a valid key manager provider implementation: %s

ID: 3408497


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for attribute ds-cfg-enabled: %s

ID: 3408501


Message: The configuration for the key manager provider defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable according to its internal validation. However, no specific information is available regarding the problem(s) with the entry

ID: 3408504


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid trust manager provider configuration: %s. It will be ignored

ID: 3408505


Message: An error occurred while attempting to create a Directory Server trust manager provider from the information in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3408506


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain the ds-cfg-trust-manager-provider objectclass, which is required for trust manager provider definitions

ID: 3408507


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-java-class which specifies the fully-qualified class name for the associated trust manager provider

ID: 3408508


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for attribute ds-cfg-java-class: %s

ID: 3408509


Message: Class %s specified in configuration entry %s does not contain a valid trust manager provider implementation: %s

ID: 3408510


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value for attribute ds-cfg-enabled: %s

ID: 3408514


Message: The configuration for the trust manager provider defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable according to its internal validation. However, no specific information is available regarding the problem(s) with the entry

ID: 3408515


Message: Unable to retrieve JMX attribute %s associated with configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3408516


Message: Unable to set the value of JMX attribute %s associated with configuration entry %s because no JMX connection is available

ID: 3408517


Message: %s.%s returned a result of null for entry %s

ID: 3408518


Message: %s.%s failed for entry %s: result code=%s, admin action required=%b, messages="%s"

ID: 3408521


Message: Unable to parse value "%s" from config entry "%s" as a valid search filter: %s

ID: 3408522


Message: An error occurred while trying to load an instance of class %s referenced in configuration entry %s as a virtual attribute provider: %s

ID: 3408523


Message: The virtual attribute configuration in entry "%s" is not valid because attribute type %s is single-valued but provider %s may generate multiple values

ID: 3408524


Message: The virtual attribute configuration in entry "%s" is not valid because attribute type %s is single-valued but the conflict behavior is configured to merge real and virtual values

ID: 3408528


Message: The Directory Server encountered an error while attempting to determine whether the configuration file %s has been externally edited with the server online, and/or trying to preserve such changes: %s. Any manual changes made to that file may have been lost

ID: 3408529


Message: Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server log rotation policy: %s

ID: 3408530


Message: Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server log retention policy: %s

ID: 3408531


Message: An error occurred while attempting to create a Directory Server log rotation policy from the information in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3408532


Message: An error occurred while attempting to create a Directory Server log retention policy from the information in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3408533


Message: An error occurred while attempting to create a text writer for a Directory Server logger from the information in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3408546


Message: Unable to initialize an instance of class %s as a work queue as specified in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3408548


Message: The attempt to apply the configuration add failed. The preliminary checks were all successful and the entry was added to the server configuration, but at least one of the configuration add listeners reported an error when attempting to apply the change: %s

ID: 3408549


Message: The attempt to apply the configuration delete failed. The preliminary checks were all successful and the entry was removed from the server configuration, but at least one of the configuration delete listeners reported an error when attempting to apply the change: %s

ID: 3408550


Message: The attempt to apply the configuration modification failed. The preliminary checks were all successful and the modified entry was written to the server configuration, but at least one of the configuration change listeners reported an error when attempting to apply the change: %s

ID: 3408569


Message: The provided SMTP server value '%s' is invalid. An SMTP server value must have an IP address or a resolvable name, and it may optionally be followed by a colon and an integer value between 1 and 65535 to specify the server port number

ID: 3408570


Message: An error occurred while attempting to open the current configuration file %s for reading in order to copy it to the ".startok" file: %s

ID: 3408571


Message: An error occurred while attempting to open file %s in order to write the ".startok" configuration file: %s

ID: 3408572


Message: An error occurred while attempting to copy the current configuration from file %s into temporary file %s for use as the ".startok" configuration file: %s

ID: 3408573


Message: An error occurred while attempting to rename file %s to %s for use as the ".startok" configuration file: %s

ID: 3408576


Message: An error occurred while trying to parse and validate Berkeley DB JE property %s: %s

ID: 3408577


Message: An error occurred while trying to parse and validate Berkeley DB JE property %s: the property does not follow a singular property=value form

ID: 3408578


Message: An error occurred while trying to parse and validate Berkeley DB JE property %s: the property shadows configuration attribute %s

ID: 3408579


Message: An error occurred while trying to parse and validate Berkeley DB JE property %s: the property is already defined for this component

ID: 3408581


Message: An error occurred while attempting to open the configured log file %s for logger %s: %s

ID: 3408582


Message: The configuration for the workflow element defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s

ID: 3408583


Message: An error occurred while trying to initialize a workflow element from class %s with the information in configuration entry %s: %s. This workflow element will be disabled

ID: 3408585


Message: An error occurred while trying to configure in manual mode the workflows in the Directory Server, and rollback to automatic configuration mode has failed too. If the server is in an unstable state restart it with the last valid configuration

ID: 3408586


Message: An error occurred while trying to configure in automatic mode the workflows in the Directory Server, and rollback to manual configuration mode has failed too. If the server is in an unstable state restart it with the last valid configuration

ID: 3408587


Message: Invalid UNIX file permissions %s does not allow write access to the log file by the log publisher

ID: 3408588


Message: Invalid UNIX file permissions %s: %s

ID: 3408591


Message: The allowed attribute %s specified in configuration entry %s is also defined as a prohibited attribute

ID: 3408592


Message: The allowed subtree %s specified in configuration entry %s is also defined as a prohibited subtree

ID: 3408593


Message: The configuration for the network group defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s

ID: 3408594


Message: An error occurred while trying to initialize a network group policy loaded from class %s with the information in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3408598


Message: The configuration entry '%s' is currently defined to be the default password policy, however it is not a password policy

ID: 3408600


Message: The timestamp format string "%s" is not a valid format string. The format string should conform to the syntax described in the documentation for the "java.text.SimpleDateFormat" class

ID: 3408601


Message: The access log filtering criteria defined in "%s" could not be parsed because it contains an invalid user DN pattern "%s"

ID: 3408602


Message: The access log filtering criteria defined in "%s" could not be parsed because it contains an invalid target DN pattern "%s"

ID: 3408604


Message: Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server HTTP access logger: %s

ID: 3408605


Message: The log format for configuration entry %s is empty. No information will be logged even if logging is activated

ID: 3473434


Message: The specified configuration file %s does not exist or is not readable

ID: 3473435


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to determine whether configuration file %s exists: %s

ID: 3473436


Message: An error occurred while attempting to open the configuration file %s for reading: %s

ID: 3473437


Message: An error occurred while attempting to read the contents of configuration file %s: %s

ID: 3473439


Message: An error occurred at or near line %d while trying to parse the configuration from LDIF file %s: %s

ID: 3473440


Message: The specified configuration file %s does not appear to contain any configuration entries

ID: 3473441


Message: The first entry read from LDIF configuration file %s had a DN of "%s" rather than the expected "%s" which should be used as the Directory Server configuration root

ID: 3473442


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to process the Directory Server configuration file %s: %s

ID: 3473443


Message: Configuration entry %s starting at or near line %s in the LDIF configuration file %s has the same DN as another entry already read from that file

ID: 3473444


Message: Configuration entry %s starting at or near line %d in the configuration LDIF file %s does not appear to have a parent entry (expected parent DN was %s)

ID: 3473445


Message: The Directory Server was unable to determine the parent DN for configuration entry %s starting at or near line %d in the configuration LDIF file %s

ID: 3473446


Message: Unable to determine the Directory Server instance root from either an environment variable or based on the location of the configuration file. Please set an environment variable named %s with a value containing the absolute path to the server installation root

ID: 3473450


Message: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the base logger entry cn=Loggers,cn=config from the Directory Server configuration: %s

ID: 3473511


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to register the configuration handler base DN "%s" as a private suffix with the Directory Server: %s

ID: 3473535


Message: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the base monitor entry cn=Monitor Providers,cn=config from the Directory Server configuration: %s

ID: 3473672


Message: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the SASL mechanism handler base entry cn=SASL Mechanisms,cn=config from the Directory Server configuration: %s

ID: 3473771


Message: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the password storage scheme base entry cn=Password Storage Schemes,cn=config from the Directory Server configuration: %s

ID: 3473837


Message: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the identity mapper base entry cn=Identity Mappers,cn=config from the Directory Server configuration: %s

ID: 3473860


Message: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the Directory Server synchronization provider configuration base entry cn=Synchronization Providers,cn=config: %s

ID: 3473861


Message: The Directory Server synchronization provider base entry cn=Synchronization Providers,cn=config does not exist. This entry must be present in the Directory Server configuration

ID: 3473862


Message: Configuration entry %s exists below the Directory Server synchronization provider root but does not contain attribute ds-cfg-synchronization-provider which must be present in all synchronization provider configuration entries

ID: 3473863


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine whether configuration entry %s was a valid Directory Server synchronization provider: %s

ID: 3473865


Message: Synchronization provider configuration entry %s does not contain attribute ds-cfg-enabled which indicates whether the synchronization provider is enabled for use

ID: 3473867


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine whether the Directory Server synchronization provider defined in configuration entry %s should be enabled: %s

ID: 3473869


Message: Synchronization provider configuration entry %s does not contain attribute ds-cfg-java-class which specifies the name of the class that implements the synchronization provider logic

ID: 3473870


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the name of the class used to provide the Directory Server synchronization provider logic from configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3473871


Message: An error occurred while attempting to load class %s referenced in synchronization provider configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3473872


Message: An error occurred while attempting to instantiate class %s referenced in synchronization provider configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3473873


Message: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the Directory Server synchronization provider referenced in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3473875


Message: The Java class providing the logic for the synchronization provider defined in configuration entry %s has changed from %s to %s. This will not take effect until the Directory Server is restarted

ID: 3473884


Message: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the password validator base entry cn=Password Validators,cn=config from the Directory Server configuration: %s

ID: 3473900


Message: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the password generator base entry cn=Password Generators,cn=config from the Directory Server configuration: %s

ID: 3473920


Message: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the password policy base entry cn=Password Policies,cn=config from the Directory Server configuration: %s

ID: 3473927


Message: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the Directory Server access control configuration entry cn=Access Control Handler,cn=config: %s

ID: 3473928


Message: The Directory Server access control configuration entry cn=Access Control Handler,cn=config does not exist. This entry must be present in the Directory Server configuration

ID: 3473929


Message: The Directory Server access control configuration entry cn=Access Control Handler,cn=config does not have the correct object class. This entry must have the object class ds-cfg-access-control-handler in order to be valid

ID: 3473932


Message: The access control configuration entry %s does not contain attribute ds-cfg-enabled which indicates whether the access control is enabled for use

ID: 3473935


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine whether the Directory Server access control as defined in configuration entry %s should be enabled: %s

ID: 3473937


Message: The access control configuration entry %s does not contain attribute ds-cfg-java-class which specifies the name of the Java class providing the access control implementation for the Directory Server

ID: 3473938


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the name of the class used to provide the Directory Server access control implementation from configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3473939


Message: An error occurred while attempting to load class %s referenced in the access control configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3473940


Message: The access control implementation class %s referenced in the access control configuration entry %s does not implement the %s interface: %s

ID: 3473941


Message: An error occurred while attempting to instantiate class %s referenced in the access control configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3473942


Message: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the Directory Server access control implementation referenced in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 3473943


Message: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the root DN base entry cn=Root DNs,cn=config from the Directory Server configuration: %s

ID: 3473953


Message: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the account status notification handler base entry cn=Account Status Notification Handlers,cn=config from the Directory Server configuration: %s

ID: 3473971


Message: An error occurred while attempting to apply the changes contained in file %s to the server configuration at startup: %s

ID: 3473972


Message: Unable to apply a change at server startup: %s

ID: 3473973


Message: One or more errors occurred while applying changes on server startup

ID: 3473986


Message: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the group implementation base entry cn=Group Implementations,cn=config from the Directory Server configuration: %s

ID: 3474012


Message: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the certificate mapper base entry cn=Certificate Mappers,cn=config from the Directory Server configuration: %s

ID: 3474025


Message: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the key manager provider base entry cn=Key Manager Providers,cn=config from the Directory Server configuration: %s

ID: 3474038


Message: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the trust manager provider base entry cn=Trust Manager Providers,cn=config from the Directory Server configuration: %s

ID: 3474062


Message: An error occurred while attempting to calculate a SHA-1 digest of file %s: %s

Log Message Category: CORE

This category concerns messages associated with the core server.

ID: 262254


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to create a worker thread: %s

ID: 262273


Message: An error occurred while attempting to bootstrap the matching rule defined in class %s: %s

ID: 262274


Message: An error occurred while attempting to bootstrap the attribute syntax defined in class %s: %s

ID: 262324


Message: The suffix "%s" is already registered with the Directory Server with a backend of type %s

ID: 262325


Message: The suffix "%s" is already registered with the Directory Server as a sub-suffix of the backend for suffix "%s"

ID: 262326


Message: The private suffix "%s" is below a non-private suffix defined with a base DN of "%s". A private sub-suffix may not exist below a non-private suffix

ID: 262327


Message: An error occurred while trying to retrieve the root DSE configuration entry (cn=Root DSE,cn=config) from the Directory Server configuration: %s

ID: 262363


Message: Unable to process the bind because the server was unable to obtain a read lock on the entry %s

ID: 262368


Message: The operation was canceled because the client connection was terminated by a pre-parse plugin

ID: 262369


Message: The operation was canceled because the client connection was terminated by a pre-operation plugin

ID: 262370


Message: The operation was canceled because the client connection was terminated by a post-operation plugin

ID: 262371


Message: The Directory Server was unable to obtain a read lock on entry %s after multiple attempts. Processing on this operation cannot continue

ID: 262376


Message: Entry %s cannot be added because the server failed to obtain a read lock on the parent entry %s after multiple attempts

ID: 262378


Message: Entry %s cannot be added because the server failed to obtain a write lock for this entry after multiple attempts

ID: 262379


Message: Entry %s cannot be removed because the server failed to obtain a write lock for this entry after multiple attempts

ID: 262380


Message: The operation was canceled because the client connection was terminated by a search result entry plugin working on entry %s

ID: 262381


Message: The operation was canceled because the client connection was terminated by a search result reference plugin working on referral %s

ID: 262391


Message: The modify DN operation for entry %s cannot be performed because the server was unable to obtain a write lock for that DN

ID: 262392


Message: The modify DN operation for entry %s cannot be performed because an exception was caught while attempting to obtain a write lock for new DN %s: %s

ID: 262393


Message: The modify DN operation for entry %s cannot be performed because the server was unable to obtain a write lock for the new DN %s

ID: 262395


Message: Entry %s cannot be modified because the server failed to obtain a write lock for this entry after multiple attempts

ID: 262436


Message: The line "%s" associated with the backup information in directory %s could not be parsed because it did not contain an equal sign to delimit the property name from the value

ID: 262437


Message: The line "%s" associated with the backup information in directory %s could not be parsed because it did not include a property name

ID: 262438


Message: The backup information structure in directory %s could not be parsed because it contained multiple backup IDs (%s and %s)

ID: 262439


Message: The backup information structure in directory %s could not be parsed because it contained an unknown property %s with value %s

ID: 262440


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to decode a backup information structure in directory %s: %s

ID: 262441


Message: Unable to decode a backup information structure in directory %s because the structure did not include a backup ID

ID: 262442


Message: The backup information structure with backup ID %s in directory %s was not valid because it did not contain the backup date

ID: 262443


Message: Cannot add a backup with ID %s to backup directory %s because another backup already exists with that ID

ID: 262444


Message: Cannot remove backup %s from backup directory %s because no backup with that ID exists in that directory

ID: 262445


Message: Cannot remove backup %s from backup directory %s because it is listed as a dependency for backup %s

ID: 262446


Message: Backup directory %s does not exist and an error occurred while attempting to create it: %s

ID: 262447


Message: The backup directory path %s exists but does not reference a directory

ID: 262448


Message: An error occurred while trying to remove saved backup descriptor file %s: %s. The new backup descriptor has been written to %s but will not be used until it is manually renamed to %s

ID: 262449


Message: An error occurred while trying to rename the current backup descriptor file %s to %s: %s. The new backup descriptor has been written to %s but will not be used until it is manually renamed to %s

ID: 262450


Message: An error occurred while trying to rename the new backup descriptor file %s to %s: %s. The new backup descriptor will not be used until it is manually renamed

ID: 262451


Message: No backup directory descriptor file was found at %s

ID: 262452


Message: The backup descriptor file %s is invalid because the first line should have contained the DN of the backend configuration entry but was blank

ID: 262453


Message: The backup descriptor file %s is invalid because the first line of the file was "%s", but the DN of the backend configuration entry was expected

ID: 262454


Message: An error occurred while trying to decode the value "%s" read from the first line of %s as the DN of the backend configuration entry: %s

ID: 262529


Message: Entry %s cannot be added because it is missing attribute %s that is contained in the entry's RDN. All attributes used in the RDN must also be provided in the attribute list for the entry

ID: 262530


Message: An unexpected error occurred while notifying a change notification listener of an add operation: %s

ID: 262531


Message: An unexpected error occurred while notifying persistent search %s of an add operation: %s. The persistent search has been terminated

ID: 262532


Message: An unexpected error occurred while notifying a change notification listener of a delete operation: %s

ID: 262533


Message: An unexpected error occurred while notifying persistent search %s of a delete operation: %s. The persistent search has been terminated

ID: 262534


Message: An unexpected error occurred while notifying a change notification listener of a modify operation: %s

ID: 262535


Message: An unexpected error occurred while notifying persistent search %s of a modify operation: %s. The persistent search has been terminated

ID: 262536


Message: An unexpected error occurred while notifying a change notification listener of a modify DN operation: %s

ID: 262537


Message: An unexpected error occurred while notifying persistent search %s of a modify DN operation: %s. The persistent search has been terminated

ID: 262538


Message: Unable to process the bind request because it contained a control with OID %s that was marked critical but this control is not supported for the bind operation

ID: 262544


Message: The entry %s cannot be added because an entry with that name already exists

ID: 262545


Message: An error occurred during preoperation synchronization processing for the add operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s

ID: 262546


Message: An error occurred during postoperation synchronization processing for the add operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s

ID: 262547


Message: An error occurred during preoperation synchronization processing for the delete operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s

ID: 262548


Message: An error occurred during postoperation synchronization processing for the delete operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s

ID: 262549


Message: An error occurred during preoperation synchronization processing for the modify operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s

ID: 262550


Message: An error occurred during postoperation synchronization processing for the modify operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s

ID: 262551


Message: An error occurred during preoperation synchronization processing for the modify DN operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s

ID: 262552


Message: An error occurred during postoperation synchronization processing for the modify DN operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s

ID: 262553


Message: An error occurred during conflict resolution synchronization processing for the add operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s

ID: 262554


Message: An error occurred during conflict resolution synchronization processing for the delete operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s

ID: 262555


Message: An error occurred during conflict resolution synchronization processing for the modify operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s

ID: 262556


Message: An error occurred during conflict resolution synchronization processing for the modify DN operation with connection ID %d and operation ID %d: %s

ID: 262557


Message: Unable to add entry %s because the Directory Server is configured in read-only mode

ID: 262558


Message: Unable to add entry %s because the backend that should hold that entry is configured in read-only mode

ID: 262559


Message: Unable to delete entry %s because the Directory Server is configured in read-only mode

ID: 262560


Message: Unable to delete entry %s because the backend that holds that entry is configured in read-only mode

ID: 262561


Message: Unable to modify entry %s because the Directory Server is configured in read-only mode

ID: 262562


Message: Unable to modify entry %s because the backend that holds that entry is configured in read-only mode

ID: 262563


Message: Unable to rename entry %s because the Directory Server is configured in read-only mode

ID: 262564


Message: Unable to rename entry %s because the backend that holds that entry is configured in read-only mode

ID: 262565


Message: Unable to process the simple bind request because it contained a bind DN but no password, which is forbidden by the server configuration

ID: 262566


Message: The password policy configuration entry "%s" does not contain a value for attribute ds-cfg-password-attribute, which specifies the attribute to hold user passwords

ID: 262567


Message: The password policy configuration entry "%s" does not contain any values for attribute ds-cfg-default-password-storage-scheme, which specifies the set of default password storage schemes

ID: 262569


Message: The password policy definition contained in configuration entry "%s" is invalid because the specified password attribute "%s" is not defined in the server schema

ID: 262570


Message: The password policy definition contained in configuration entry "%s" is invalid because the specified password attribute "%s" has a syntax OID of %s. The password attribute must have a syntax OID of either (for the user password syntax) or (for the authentication password syntax)

ID: 262571


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the value of attribute ds-cfg-password-attribute in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262573


Message: The password policy definition contained in configuration entry "%s" is invalid because it references a default password storage scheme "%s" that is not defined in the server configuration

ID: 262574


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the values for attribute ds-cfg-default-password-storage-scheme in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262576


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the values for attribute ds-cfg-deprecated-password-storage-scheme in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262578


Message: The password policy definition contained in configuration entry "%s" is invalid because it references a password validator "%s" that is not defined in the server configuration

ID: 262579


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the values for attribute ds-cfg-password-validator in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262581


Message: The password policy definition contained in configuration entry "%s" is invalid because it references account status notification handler "%s" that is not defined in the server configuration

ID: 262582


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the values for attribute ds-cfg-account-status-notification-handler in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262584


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the value for attribute ds-cfg-allow-user-password-changes in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262586


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the value for attribute ds-cfg-allow-user-password-changes in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262588


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the value for attribute ds-cfg-force-change-on-reset in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262590


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the value for attribute ds-cfg-skip-validation-for-administrators in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262592


Message: The password policy definition contained in configuration entry "%s" is invalid because it references password generator "%s" that is not defined in the server configuration

ID: 262593


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the value for attribute ds-cfg-password-generator in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262595


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the value for attribute ds-cfg-require-secure-authentication in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262597


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the value for attribute ds-cfg-require-secure-password-changes in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262599


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the value for attribute ds-cfg-allow-pre-encoded-passwords in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262601


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the value for attribute ds-cfg-min-password-age in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262603


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the value for attribute ds-cfg-max-password-age in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262605


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the value for attribute ds-cfg-max-password-reset-age in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262607


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the value for attribute ds-cfg-password-expiration-warning-interval in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262609


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the value for attribute ds-cfg-expire-passwords-without-warning in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262611


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the value for attribute ds-cfg-allow-expired-password-changes in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262613


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the value for attribute ds-cfg-grace-login-count in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262615


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the value for attribute ds-cfg-lockout-failure-count in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262617


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the value for attribute ds-cfg-lockout-duration in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262619


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the value for attribute ds-cfg-lockout-failure-expiration-interval in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262621


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the value for attribute ds-cfg-require-change-by-time in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262623


Message: The password policy definition contained in configuration entry "%s" is invalid because the specified last login time attribute "%s" is not defined in the server schema

ID: 262624


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the value for attribute ds-cfg-last-login-time-attribute in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262626


Message: The password policy definition contained in configuration entry "%s" is invalid because the specified last login time format "%s" is not a valid format string The last login time format string should conform to the syntax described in the API documentation for the <CODE>java.text.SimpleDateFormat</CODE> class

ID: 262627


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the value for attribute ds-cfg-last-login-time-format in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262629


Message: The password policy definition contained in configuration entry "%s" is invalid because the specified previous last login time format "%s" is not a valid format string The previous last login time format strings should conform to the syntax described in the API documentation for the <CODE>java.text.SimpleDateFormat</CODE> class

ID: 262630


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the values for attribute ds-cfg-previous-last-login-time-format in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262632


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the value for attribute ds-cfg-idle-lockout-interval in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262637


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the value for attribute ds-cfg-force-change-on-add in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262639


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the value for attribute ds-cfg-allow-multiple-password-values in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 262644


Message: The password policy defined in configuration entry %s is configured to always send at least one warning notification before the password is expired, but no warning interval has been set. If configuration attribute ds-cfg-expire-passwords-without-warning is set to "false", then configuration attribute ds-cfg-password-expiration-warning-interval must have a positive value

ID: 262652


Message: The entry %s cannot be added due to insufficient access rights

ID: 262653


Message: The user cannot bind due to insufficient access rights

ID: 262654


Message: The entry %s cannot be compared due to insufficient access rights

ID: 262655


Message: The entry %s cannot be deleted due to insufficient access rights

ID: 262656


Message: The extended operation %s cannot be performed due to insufficient access rights

ID: 262657


Message: The entry %s cannot be renamed due to insufficient access rights

ID: 262658


Message: The entry %s cannot be modified due to insufficient access rights

ID: 262659


Message: The entry %s cannot be searched due to insufficient access rights

ID: 262668


Message: An error occurred while attempting to parse string %s as the DN of the work queue configuration entry: %s

ID: 262669


Message: Work queue configuration entry %s does not exist in the server configuration

ID: 262671


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain required attribute %s that specifies the fully-qualified class name for the work queue implementation

ID: 262672


Message: An error occurred while trying to load class %s to use as the Directory Server work queue implementation: %s

ID: 262673


Message: An error occurred while trying to create an instance of class %s to use as the Directory Server work queue: %s

ID: 262674


Message: The alternate root bind DN "%s" is already registered with the Directory Server for actual root entry DN "%s"

ID: 262710


Message: Entry %s cannot be updated because the request did not contain any modifications

ID: 262715


Message: Unable to register backend %s with the Directory Server because another backend with the same backend ID is already registered

ID: 262716


Message: Unable to register base DN %s with the Directory Server for backend %s because that base DN is already registered for backend %s

ID: 262717


Message: Unable to register base DN %s with the Directory Server for backend %s because that backend already contains another base DN %s that is within the same hierarchical path

ID: 262718


Message: Unable to register base DN %s with the Directory Server for backend %s because that backend already contains another base DN %s that is not subordinate to the same base DN in the parent backend

ID: 262719


Message: Unable to register base DN %s with the Directory Server for backend %s because that backend already contains one or more other base DNs that are subordinate to backend %s but the new base DN is not

ID: 262721


Message: Unable to de-register base DN %s with the Directory Server because that base DN is not registered for any active backend

ID: 262735


Message: You do not have sufficient privileges to add entries that include privileges

ID: 262755


Message: The request control with Object Identifier (OID) "%s" cannot be used due to insufficient access rights

ID: 262756


Message: The connection handler %s is trying to use the listener %s which is already in use by another connection handler

ID: 262757


Message: The server cannot use the listener %s of connection handler %s because it is already being used by another process or because it does not have the rights to use it

ID: 262758


Message: No enabled connection handler available

ID: 262759


Message: Could not start connection handlers

ID: 262760


Message: Unable to process the non-root bind because the server is in lockdown mode

ID: 262764


Message: Unable to decode the provided attribute because it used an undefined attribute description token %s

ID: 262765


Message: Unable to decode the provided object class set because it used an undefined token %s

ID: 262766


Message: Unable to write the updated compressed schema token data: %s

ID: 262767


Message: Unable to decode the provided entry encode configuration element because it has an invalid length

ID: 262769


Message: Unable to create an extensible match search filter using the provided information because it did not contain either an attribute type or a matching rule ID. At least one of these must be provided

ID: 262770


Message: The provided search filter "%s" could not be decoded because the extensible match component starting at position %d did not contain either an attribute description or a matching rule ID. At least one of these must be provided

ID: 262771


Message: The provided search filter "%s" could not be decoded because the extensible match component starting at position %d referenced an unknown matching rule %s

ID: 262777


Message: The password policy configuration entry "%s" is invalid because if a maximum password age is configured, then the password expiration warning interval must be shorter than the maximum password age

ID: 262778


Message: The password policy configuration entry "%s" is invalid because if both a minimum password age and a maximum password age are configured, then the sum of the minimum password age and the password expiration warning interval must be shorter than the maximum password age

ID: 262779


Message: Unable to register workflow %s with the Directory Server because another workflow with the same workflow ID is already registered

ID: 262780


Message: Unable to register workflow node %s with the network group %s because another workflow node with the same workflow node ID is already registered

ID: 262781


Message: Unable to register network group %s with the Directory Server because another network group with the same network group ID is already registered

ID: 262783


Message: An unexpected error occurred in the idle time limit thread: %s

ID: 262784


Message: The Directory Server is currently running. Environment configuration changes are not allowed with the server running

ID: 262785


Message: The specified server root directory '%s' is invalid. The specified path must exist and must be a directory

ID: 262786


Message: The specified config file path '%s' is invalid. The specified path must exist and must be a file

ID: 262787


Message: The specified config handler class '%s' is invalid. The specified class must be a subclass of the org.opends.server.api.ConfigHandler superclass

ID: 262788


Message: The specified schema configuration directory '%s' is invalid. The specified path must exist and must be a directory

ID: 262789


Message: The specified lock directory '%s' is invalid. The specified path must exist and must be a directory

ID: 262790


Message: The specified lock table concurrency level %d is invalid. It must be an integer value greater than zero

ID: 262791


Message: The specified initial lock table size %d is invalid. It must be an integer value greater than zero

ID: 262793


Message: An error occurred while attempting to initialize a SSL context for server to server communication: %s

ID: 262794


Message: The ADS trust store backend %s is not enabled

ID: 262795


Message: The backend %s is not a trust store backend

ID: 262798


Message: An error occurred in the trust store synchronization thread: %s

ID: 262801


Message: The password storage scheme defined in configuration entry %s does not support the auth password syntax, which is used by password attribute %s

ID: 262802


Message: Password policy configuration entry %s references deprecated password storage scheme DN %s which is not available for use in the server

ID: 262803


Message: Password policy configuration entry %s references deprecated password storage scheme DN %s which does not support the auth password syntax

ID: 262805


Message: CryptoManager cannot get the requested digest %s: %s

ID: 262806


Message: CryptoManager cannot get the requested MAC engine %s: %s

ID: 262807


Message: CryptoManager cannot get the requested encryption cipher %s: %s

ID: 262808


Message: CryptoManager cannot get the preferred key wrapping cipher: %s

ID: 262809


Message: CryptoManager failed to add entry "%s" to initiate instance key generation

ID: 262810


Message: CryptoManager failed to retrieve entry "%s" (the instance-key-pair public-key-certificate): %s

ID: 262811


Message: CryptoManager failed to compute an instance key identifier: %s

ID: 262812


Message: Failed to add entry "%s"

ID: 262813


Message: CryptoManager failed to publish the instance-key-pair public-key-certificate entry in ADS: %s

ID: 262814


Message: CryptoManager failed to retrieve the collection of instance-key-pair public-key-certificates from ADS container "%s": %s

ID: 262815


Message: CryptoManager failed to encode symmetric key attribute value: %s

ID: 262816


Message: CryptoManager symmetric key attribute value "%s" syntax is invalid: incorrect number of fields

ID: 262817


Message: CryptoManager symmetric key attribute value "%s" syntax is invalid. Parsing failed in field "%s" at offset %d

ID: 262818


Message: CryptoManager failed to retrieve the instance-key-pair private-key: %s

ID: 262819


Message: CryptoManager failed to decipher the wrapped secret-key value: %s

ID: 262822


Message: CrytpoManager passed invalid MAC algorithm "%s": %s

ID: 262823


Message: CryptoManager failed to initialize MAC engine: %s

ID: 262824


Message: CryptoManager passed invalid Cipher transformation "%s": %s

ID: 262825


Message: CryptoManager cannot initialize Cipher: %s

ID: 262826


Message: CryptoManager failed to write the stream prologue: %s

ID: 262831


Message: CryptoManager failed to import the symmetric key entry "%s" because it could not obtain a symmetric key attribute value that can be decoded by this instance

ID: 262832


Message: CryptoManager detected a field mismatch between the key entry to be imported and an entry in the key cache that share the key identifier "%s"

ID: 262833


Message: CryptoManager failed to import the symmetric key entry "%s": %s

ID: 262834


Message: CryptoManager failed to import the symmetric key entry "%s" because it could not add a symmetric key attribute value that can be decoded by this instance

ID: 262836


Message: CryptoManager failed to add locally produced symmetric key entry "%s": %s

ID: 262837


Message: CryptoManager cipher transformation specification "%s" is invalid: it must be of the form "algorithm/mode/padding"

ID: 262838


Message: CryptoManager cipher transformation specification "%s" is invalid: it must be of the form "algorithm/mode/padding"

ID: 262847


Message: Unable to register workflow element %s with the Directory Server because another workflow element with the same ID is already registered

ID: 262858


Message: The workflow %s cannot process the operation because no root workflow element has been registered with the workflow

ID: 262860


Message: Unable to register workflow node "%s" with the network group "%s" because another workflow node "%s" with the same base DN "%s" is already registered

ID: 262863


Message: Unable to register the workflow because the base DN '%s' is already registered with the network group '%s'

ID: 262865


Message: The CryptoManager entry "%s" (the instance-key-pair public-key-certificate) does not contain a public-key certificate

ID: 262870


Message: The entry %s does not contain the pwdPolicy objectclass, which is required for Directory Server password policy

ID: 262882


Message: The value "%d" is not a valid value for the maximum number of operations per interval (must be positive)

ID: 327798


Message: The Directory Server is currently running. The configuration may not be bootstrapped while the server is online

ID: 327799


Message: Unable to load class %s to serve as the Directory Server configuration handler: %s

ID: 327800


Message: Unable to create an instance of class %s to serve as the Directory Server configuration handler: %s

ID: 327801


Message: An error occurred while trying to initialize the configuration handler %s using configuration file %s: %s

ID: 327802


Message: The Directory Server may not be started before the configuration has been bootstrapped

ID: 327803


Message: The Directory Server may not be started while it is already running. Please stop the running instance before attempting to start it again

ID: 327818


Message: An error occurred while attempting to create the JMX MBean server that will be used for monitoring, notification, and configuration interaction within the Directory Server: %s

ID: 327820


Message: An uncaught exception during processing for thread %s has caused it to terminate abnormally. The stack trace for that exception is: %s

ID: 327822


Message: The Directory Server shutdown hook detected that the JVM is shutting down. This generally indicates that JVM received an external request to stop (e.g., through a kill signal)

ID: 327856


Message: An error occurred while trying to create the Directory Server work queue: %s. This is an unrecoverable error and the startup process will not be able to continue

ID: 327900


Message: A fatal error occurred when executing one of the Directory Server startup plugins: %s (error ID %d). The Directory Server startup process has been aborted

ID: 327968


Message: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the command-line arguments: %s

ID: 327969


Message: An error occurred while attempting to parse the provided set of command line arguments: %s

ID: 327970


Message: An error occurred while attempting to bootstrap the Directory Server: %s

ID: 327971


Message: An error occurred while trying to start the Directory Server: %s

ID: 328023


Message: The Directory Server could not acquire an exclusive lock on file %s: %s. This generally means that another instance of this server is already running

ID: 328278


Message: OpenDJ is configured to run as a Windows service and it cannot run in no-detach mode

ID: 328328


Message: The Directory Server is currently running. The environment configuration can not be altered while the server is online

ID: 328403


Message: In no-detach mode, the 'timeout' option cannot be used

Log Message Category: DSCONFIG

This category concerns messages associated with the dsconfig administration tool.

ID: 19136648


Message: The modifications to the %s cannot be made because it contains a reference to a disabled %s

ID: 19136649


Message: The %s cannot be created because it contains a reference to a disabled %s

ID: 19136650


Message: The %s could not be created because the following mandatory property was not defined:

ID: 19136651


Message: The %s could not be created because the following mandatory properties were not defined:

ID: 19136652


Message: The %s could not be modified because the following mandatory property was not defined:

ID: 19136653


Message: The %s could not be modified because the following mandatory properties were not defined:

ID: 19136655


Message: The %s could not be decoded due to the following reason:

ID: 19136656


Message: The %s could not be decoded due to the following reasons:

ID: 19136667


Message: Cannot write to file %s. Verify that you have access rights to that file and that you provided the full path of the file

ID: 19136668


Message: The specified path %s to write the equivalent command is a directory. You must specify a path to a file

ID: 19136669


Message: Unable to connect to the server at %s on port %s. Check this port is an administration port

ID: 19136670


Message: Unable to connect to the server at %s on port %s. In non-interactive mode, if the trustStore related parameters are not used, you must use the '--trustAll' option for remote connections

ID: 19136671


Message: The value %s for the %s property does not exist

ID: 19136672


Message: Unable to continue since there are no available types of %s to choose from

ID: 19137512


Message: The connection parameters could not be read due to the following error: %s

ID: 19137513


Message: Unable to authenticate to the server as "%s"

ID: 19137514


Message: Unable to connect to the server at "%s" on port %s

ID: 19137515


Message: Unable to authenticate using simple authentication

ID: 19137521


Message: A sub-command must be specified

ID: 19137523


Message: No password was specified for administrator "%s"

ID: 19137524


Message: The property "%s" is not a recognized property of %s

ID: 19137525


Message: The value "%s" is not a valid value for the %s property "%s" which has the following syntax: %s

ID: 19137526


Message: The %s property "%s" is read-only and cannot be modified

ID: 19137527


Message: The %s property "%s" is mandatory and must be specified

ID: 19137528


Message: It is not possible to specify multiple values for the %s property "%s" as it is single-valued

ID: 19137538


Message: The parent %s could not be retrieved because its type could not be determined. This is probably due to the %s having an invalid LDAP entry. Check that the %s has the correct object classes

ID: 19137539


Message: The parent %s could not be retrieved because of the reasons listed below:

ID: 19137540


Message: The parent %s does not exist

ID: 19137541


Message: The parent %s could not be retrieved because you do not have the correct authorization

ID: 19137542


Message: The parent %s could not be retrieved due to a communications problem: %s

ID: 19137543


Message: The parent %s could not be retrieved because another client is currently making conflicting configuration changes

ID: 19137544


Message: The %s could not be created because the following mandatory properties must be defined:

ID: 19137545


Message: The %s could not be created because there is already an existing one with the same name

ID: 19137546


Message: The %s could not be created because you do not have the correct authorization

ID: 19137547


Message: The %s could not be created due to a communications problem: %s

ID: 19137548


Message: The %s could not be created because another client is currently making conflicting configuration changes

ID: 19137550


Message: The %s could not be deleted because it does not exist

ID: 19137551


Message: The %s could not be deleted because you do not have the correct authorization

ID: 19137553


Message: The %s could not be deleted due to a communications problem: %s

ID: 19137554


Message: The %s could not be deleted because another client is currently making conflicting configuration changes

ID: 19137555


Message: The %s could not be retrieved because its type could not be determined. This is probably due to the %s having an invalid LDAP entry. Check that the %s object classes are correct

ID: 19137556


Message: The %s could not be retrieved because of the reasons listed below:

ID: 19137557


Message: The %s does not exist

ID: 19137558


Message: The %s could not be accessed because you do not have the correct authorization

ID: 19137559


Message: The %s could not be accessed due to a communications problem: %s

ID: 19137560


Message: The %s could not be accessed because another client is currently making conflicting configuration changes

ID: 19137561


Message: The %s could not be modified because it does not exist

ID: 19137562


Message: The %s could not be modified because you do not have the correct authorization

ID: 19137563


Message: The %s could not be modified due to a communications problem: %s

ID: 19137564


Message: The %s could not be modified because another client is currently making conflicting configuration changes

ID: 19137566


Message: The %s could not be retrieved because its type could not be determined. This is probably due to the %s having an invalid LDAP entry. Check that the %s object classes are correct

ID: 19137567


Message: The %s could not be retrieved because of the reasons listed below:

ID: 19137568


Message: The %s does not exist

ID: 19137569


Message: The %s could not be listed because you do not have the correct authorization

ID: 19137570


Message: The %s could not be listed due to a communications problem: %s

ID: 19137571


Message: The %s could not be listed because another client is currently making conflicting configuration changes

ID: 19137572


Message: The value(s) of the %s property "%s" could not be determined due to an unknown error: %s

ID: 19137573


Message: The default value(s) of the %s property "%s" could not be determined due to the following reason: %s

ID: 19137574


Message: The inherited default value(s) of the %s property "%s" could not be determined

ID: 19137575


Message: The property argument "%s" does not contain a name/value separator. The argument should have the following syntax: property:value

ID: 19137576


Message: The property argument "%s" does not contain a property name. The argument should have the following syntax: property:value

ID: 19137577


Message: The property argument "%s" does not contain a property value. The argument should have the following syntax: property:value

ID: 19137578


Message: The sub-type "%s" is not a recognized type of %s. It should be one of: %s

ID: 19137579


Message: "%s" component type that cannot be used with category "%s"

ID: 19137580


Message: The property modification "%s" does not contain a name/value separator. The argument should have the following syntax: property[+|-]:value

ID: 19137581


Message: The property modification "%s" does not contain a property name. The argument should have the following syntax: property[+|-]:value

ID: 19137582


Message: The property modification "%s" does not contain a property value. The argument should have the following syntax: property[+|-]:value

ID: 19137583


Message: The property modification "%s" is incompatible with another modification to the same property

ID: 19137584


Message: The %s could not be retrieved because it was the wrong type of managed object: %s

ID: 19137605


Message: The LDAP bind password was not specified and cannot be read interactively

ID: 19137712


Message: The %s property "%s" is mandatory cannot be reset. Use the "%s" option to specify a new value

ID: 19137713


Message: "--%s %s" : the argument "--%s" reset the property to the default value. It cannot be used to set a property to a given value

ID: 19137716


Message: The name "%s" is not a valid name for the %s which has the following syntax: %s

ID: 19137717


Message: Empty names are not permitted for %s

ID: 19137718


Message: Blank names are not permitted for %s

ID: 19137719


Message: The name "%s" is not a valid name for the %s

ID: 19137722


Message: The property "%s" cannot be set as it is defined implicitly by the name of the %s

ID: 19137735


Message: The argument "--%s" must be specified when this application is used non-interactively

ID: 19137736


Message: The response could not be read from the console due to the following error: %s

ID: 19137739


Message: There is already another %s with the name "%s"

ID: 19137742


Message: Unable to continue since there are no %s currently configured on the server

ID: 19137743


Message: Unable to continue because the only available %s was not selected

ID: 19137746


Message: Unable to continue since there is no such an object currently configured on the server

ID: 19137751


Message: Invalid response. Please enter a value between 1 and %d

ID: 19137799


Message: "%s" is not a recognized component category

ID: 19137800


Message: "%s" is not a recognized component type in category "%s"

ID: 19137801


Message: The property "%s" is not a recognized property

ID: 19137860


Message: This property already contains the value "%s". Please enter a different value

ID: 19137861


Message: This property already contains the value "%s". Please enter a different value, or press RETURN to continue

ID: 19137882


Message: The hostname "%s" could not be resolved. Please check you have provided the correct address

ID: 19137883


Message: Invalid port number "%s". Please enter a valid port number between 1 and 65535

ID: 19137896


Message: The %s could not be created because of the following reason:

ID: 19137897


Message: The %s could not be created because of the following reasons:

ID: 19137898


Message: The %s could not be deleted because of the following reason:

ID: 19137899


Message: The %s could not be deleted because of the following reasons:

ID: 19137900


Message: The %s could not be modified because of the following reason:

ID: 19137901


Message: The %s could not be modified because of the following reasons:

ID: 19137904


Message: The provided path is not valid

ID: 19137906


Message: "%s" component type cannot be used with subcommand {%s}

Log Message Category: EXTENSIONS

This category concerns messages associated with server extensions for example, extended operations, SASL mechanisms, password storage schemes, password validators, and so on).

ID: 1310721


Message: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the message digest generator for the %s algorithm: %s

ID: 1310726


Message: The ds-cfg-include-filter attribute of configuration entry %s, which specifies a set of search filters that may be used to control which entries are included in the cache, has an invalid value of "%s": %s

ID: 1310727


Message: The ds-cfg-exclude-filter attribute of configuration entry %s, which specifies a set of search filters that may be used to control which entries are excluded from the cache, has an invalid value of "%s": %s

ID: 1310735


Message: Failed to preload %s entry into the entry cache: %s

ID: 1310755


Message: The password modify extended request cannot be processed because the server was unable to obtain a write lock on user entry %s after multiple attempts

ID: 1310764


Message: The configuration entry %s that defines a file-based key manager does not contain attribute ds-cfg-key-store-file that should hold the path to the keystore file

ID: 1310765


Message: The keystore file %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-key-store-file of configuration entry %s does not exist

ID: 1310766


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to determine the value of configuration attribute ds-cfg-key-store-file in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1310768


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to determine the value of configuration attribute ds-cfg-key-store-type in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1310770


Message: Java property %s which is specified in attribute ds-cfg-key-store-pin-property of configuration entry %s should contain the PIN needed to access the file-based key manager, but this property is not set

ID: 1310771


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to determine the value of configuration attribute ds-cfg-key-store-pin-property in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1310773


Message: Environment variable %s which is specified in attribute ds-cfg-key-store-pin-environment-variable of configuration entry %s should contain the PIN needed to access the file-based key manager, but this property is not set

ID: 1310774


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to determine the value of configuration attribute ds-cfg-key-store-pin-environment-variable in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1310776


Message: File %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-key-store-pin-file of configuration entry %s should contain the PIN needed to access the file-based key manager, but this file does not exist

ID: 1310777


Message: An error occurred while trying to read the keystore PIN from file %s specified in configuration attribute ds-cfg-key-store-pin-file of configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1310778


Message: File %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-key-store-pin-file of configuration entry %s should contain the PIN needed to access the file-based key manager, but this file is empty

ID: 1310779


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to determine the value of configuration attribute ds-cfg-key-store-pin-file in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1310780


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to determine the value of configuration attribute ds-cfg-key-store-pin in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1310781


Message: Configuration entry %s does not specify a means of determining the PIN needed to access the contents of the file-based key manager. The PIN may be specified in a Java property (named by attribute ds-cfg-key-store-pin-property), an environment variable (named by attribute ds-cfg-key-store-pin-environment-variable), a text file (named by attribute ds-cfg-key-store-pin-file), or directly in the entry using attribute ds-cfg-key-store-pin

ID: 1310782


Message: An error occurred while trying to load the keystore contents from file %s: %s

ID: 1310783


Message: The keystore type %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-key-store-type of configuration entry %s is not valid: %s

ID: 1310788


Message: Java property %s which is specified in attribute ds-cfg-key-store-pin-property of configuration entry %s should contain the PIN needed to access the PKCS#11 key manager, but this property is not set

ID: 1310789


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to determine the value of configuration attribute ds-cfg-key-store-pin-property in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1310791


Message: Environment variable %s which is specified in attribute ds-cfg-key-store-pin-environment-variable of configuration entry %s should contain the PIN needed to access the PKCS#11 key manager, but this property is not set

ID: 1310792


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to determine the value of configuration attribute ds-cfg-key-store-pin-environment-variable in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1310794


Message: File %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-key-store-pin-file of configuration entry %s should contain the PIN needed to access the PKCS#11 key manager, but this file does not exist

ID: 1310795


Message: An error occurred while trying to read the keystore PIN from file %s specified in configuration attribute ds-cfg-key-store-pin-file of configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1310796


Message: File %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-key-store-pin-file of configuration entry %s should contain the PIN needed to access the PKCS#11 key manager, but this file is empty

ID: 1310797


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to determine the value of configuration attribute ds-cfg-key-store-pin-file in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1310799


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to determine the value of configuration attribute ds-cfg-key-store-pin in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1310800


Message: Configuration entry %s does not specify a means of determining the PIN needed to access the contents of the PKCS#11 key manager. The PIN may be specified in a Java property (named by attribute ds-cfg-key-store-pin-property), an environment variable (named by attribute ds-cfg-key-store-pin-environment-variable), a text file (named by attribute ds-cfg-key-store-pin-file), or directly in the entry using attribute ds-cfg-key-store-pin

ID: 1310801


Message: An error occurred while trying to access the PKCS#11 key manager: %s

ID: 1310803


Message: An error occurred while trying to create a key manager factory to access the contents of keystore file %s: %s

ID: 1310804


Message: An error occurred while trying to create a key manager factory to access the contents of the PKCS#11 keystore: %s

ID: 1310806


Message: The configuration entry %s that defines a file-based trust manager does not contain attribute ds-cfg-trust-store-file that should hold the path to the trust store file

ID: 1310807


Message: The trust store file %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-trust-store-file of configuration entry %s does not exist

ID: 1310808


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to determine the value of configuration attribute ds-cfg-trust-store-file in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1310810


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to determine the value of configuration attribute ds-cfg-trust-store-type in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1310812


Message: Java property %s which is specified in attribute ds-cfg-trust-store-pin-property of configuration entry %s should contain the PIN needed to access the file-based trust manager, but this property is not set

ID: 1310813


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to determine the value of configuration attribute ds-cfg-trust-store-pin-property in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1310815


Message: Environment variable %s which is specified in attribute ds-cfg-trust-store-pin-environment-variable of configuration entry %s should contain the PIN needed to access the file-based trust manager, but this property is not set

ID: 1310816


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to determine the value of configuration attribute ds-cfg-trust-store-pin-environment-variable in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1310818


Message: File %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-trust-store-pin-file of configuration entry %s should contain the PIN needed to access the file-based trust manager, but this file does not exist

ID: 1310819


Message: An error occurred while trying to read the trust store PIN from file %s specified in configuration attribute ds-cfg-trust-store-pin-file of configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1310820


Message: File %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-trust-store-pin-file of configuration entry %s should contain the PIN needed to access the file-based trust manager, but this file is empty

ID: 1310821


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to determine the value of configuration attribute ds-cfg-trust-store-pin-file in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1310823


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to determine the value of configuration attribute ds-cfg-trust-store-pin in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1310824


Message: An error occurred while trying to load the trust store contents from file %s: %s

ID: 1310825


Message: An error occurred while trying to create a trust manager factory to access the contents of trust store file %s: %s

ID: 1310826


Message: The trust store type %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-trust-store-type of configuration entry %s is not valid: %s

ID: 1310852


Message: Configuration entry %s has an invalid value %s for attribute ds-cfg-certificate-validation-policy. The value must be one of "always", "never", or "ifpresent"

ID: 1310853


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to determine the value of the ds-cfg-certificate-validation-policy attribute in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1310855


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to determine the value of the ds-cfg-certificate-attribute attribute in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1310856


Message: The attribute %s referenced in configuration attribute ds-cfg-certificate-attribute in configuration entry %s does not exist in the Directory Server schema. The attribute that is to be used for certificate validation during SASL EXTERNAL authentication must be defined in the server schema

ID: 1310863


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to determine the value of the ds-cfg-user-name-attribute attribute in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1310864


Message: The attribute %s referenced in configuration attribute ds-cfg-user-name-attribute in configuration entry %s does not exist in the Directory Server schema. The attribute that is to be used for username lookups during SASL PLAIN authentication must be defined in the server schema

ID: 1310866


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to determine the value of the ds-cfg-user-base-dn attribute in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1310886


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to obtain an MD5 digest engine for use by the CRAM-MD5 SASL handler: %s

ID: 1310888


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to determine the value of the ds-cfg-user-name-attribute attribute in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1310889


Message: The attribute %s referenced in configuration attribute ds-cfg-user-name-attribute in configuration entry %s does not exist in the Directory Server schema. The attribute that is to be used for username lookups during SASL CRAM-MD5 authentication must be defined in the server schema

ID: 1310891


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to determine the value of the ds-cfg-user-base-dn attribute in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1310914


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to determine the value of the ds-cfg-server-fqdn attribute in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1310915


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to create an %s context: %s

ID: 1310929


Message: SASL %s protocol error: %s

ID: 1310933


Message: The server was unable to because both the ds-cfg-kdc-address and ds-cfg-realm attributes must be defined or neither defined

ID: 1310935


Message: An error occurred while attempting to write a temporary JAAS configuration file for use during GSSAPI processing: %s

ID: 1310936


Message: An error occurred while attempting to create the JAAS login context for GSSAPI authentication: %s

ID: 1310997


Message: You do not have sufficient privileges to use the proxied authorization control

ID: 1311132


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain required attribute %s, which is used to specify which attribute should contain the subjects of the certificates held by users

ID: 1311133


Message: Configuration entry %s indicates that certificate subjects should be held in attribute %s, but this attribute is not defined in the server schema

ID: 1311134


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine which attribute type should be used to hold certificate subjects from configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1311136


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the search base DN(s) from configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1311137


Message: Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user entry because no peer certificate was available

ID: 1311138


Message: Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user because the peer certificate was not an X.509 certificate (peer certificate format was %s)

ID: 1311139


Message: The certificate with subject %s could not be mapped to exactly one user. It maps to both %s and %s

ID: 1311141


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain required attribute %s, which is used to specify the mappings between attributes in certificate subjects and attributes in user entries

ID: 1311142


Message: Configuration entry %s has value '%s' which violates the format required for attribute mappings. The expected format is 'certattr:userattr'

ID: 1311143


Message: Configuration entry %s contains multiple mappings for certificate attribute %s

ID: 1311144


Message: Mapping %s in configuration entry %s references attribute %s which is not defined in the server schema

ID: 1311145


Message: Configuration entry %s contains multiple mappings for user attribute %s

ID: 1311146


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the set of attribute mappings from configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1311148


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the search base DN(s) from configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1311149


Message: Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user entry because no peer certificate was available

ID: 1311150


Message: Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user because the peer certificate was not an X.509 certificate (peer certificate format was %s)

ID: 1311151


Message: Unable to decode peer certificate subject %s as a DN: %s

ID: 1311152


Message: Peer certificate subject %s does not contain any attributes for which a mapping has been established

ID: 1311153


Message: The certificate with subject %s could not be mapped to exactly one user. It maps to both %s and %s

ID: 1311155


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain required attribute %s, which is used to specify which attribute should contain the fingerprints of the certificates held by users

ID: 1311156


Message: Configuration entry %s indicates that certificate fingerprints should be held in attribute %s, but this attribute is not defined in the server schema

ID: 1311157


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine which attribute type should be used to hold certificate fingerprints from configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1311159


Message: Configuration entry %s does not contain required attribute %s, which is used to specify which digest algorithm should be used to compute certificate fingerprints

ID: 1311160


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the digest algorithm from configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1311162


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the search base DN(s) from configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 1311163


Message: Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user entry because no peer certificate was available

ID: 1311164


Message: Could not map the provided certificate chain to a user because the peer certificate was not an X.509 certificate (peer certificate format was %s)

ID: 1311165


Message: An error occurred while attempting to calculate the fingerprint for the peer certificate with subject %s: %s

ID: 1311166


Message: The certificate with fingerprint %s could not be mapped to exactly one user. It maps to both %s and %s

ID: 1311171


Message: An error occurred while attempting perform an internal search with base DN %s and filter %s to resolve the member list for dynamic group %s: result code %s, error message %s

ID: 1311172


Message: The server encountered a timeout while attempting to add user %s to the member list for dynamic group %s

ID: 1311207


Message: An error occurred while trying to load persistent cache. Persistent cache will be flushed now

ID: 1311208


Message: An error occurred while trying to store persistent cache. Persistent cache will be flushed now

ID: 1311209


Message: Unable to store new cache entry in the file system entry cache

ID: 1311210


Message: Unable to retrieve an existing cache entry from the file system entry cache

ID: 1311211


Message: Internal error occurred while trying to set the entry cache backend internal cache size as percentage. The previous or default value will be used instead

ID: 1311212


Message: Internal error occurred while trying to set the entry cache backend internal cache size in bytes. The previous or default value will be used instead

ID: 1311213


Message: Internal error occurred while trying to set the entry cache backend Berkeley DB JE properties: %s

ID: 1311220


Message: The persistent cache index is inconsistent or damaged. Persistent cache will be flushed now

ID: 1311222


Message: You do not have sufficient privileges to use the password policy state extended operation

ID: 1311223


Message: The provided password policy state extended request did not include a request value

ID: 1311224


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to decode password policy state extended request value: %s

ID: 1311225


Message: Multiple entries were found with DN %s

ID: 1311226


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to decode an operation from the password policy state extended request: %s

ID: 1311227


Message: No value was provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the disabled state for the user. Exactly one value (either 'true' or 'false') must be given

ID: 1311228


Message: Multiple values were provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the disabled state for the user. Exactly one value (either 'true' or 'false') must be given

ID: 1311229


Message: The value provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the disabled state for the user was invalid. The value must be either 'true' or 'false'

ID: 1311230


Message: Multiple values were provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the account expiration time for the user. Exactly one value must be given

ID: 1311231


Message: The value %s provided for the password policy state operation used to set the account expiration time was invalid: %s. The value should be specified using the generalized time format

ID: 1311232


Message: Multiple values were provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the password changed time for the user. Exactly one value must be given

ID: 1311233


Message: The value %s provided for the password policy state operation used to set the password changed time was invalid: %s. The value should be specified using the generalized time format

ID: 1311234


Message: Multiple values were provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the password warned time for the user. Exactly one value must be given

ID: 1311235


Message: The value %s provided for the password policy state operation used to set the password warned time was invalid: %s. The value should be specified using the generalized time format

ID: 1311236


Message: Multiple values were provided for the password policy state operation intended to add an authentication failure time for the user. Exactly one value must be given

ID: 1311237


Message: The value %s provided for the password policy state operation used to update the authentication failure times was invalid: %s. The value should be specified using the generalized time format

ID: 1311238


Message: Multiple values were provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the last login time for the user. Exactly one value must be given

ID: 1311239


Message: The value %s provided for the password policy state operation used to set the last login time was invalid: %s. The value should be specified using the generalized time format

ID: 1311240


Message: No value was provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the reset state for the user. Exactly one value (either 'true' or 'false') must be given

ID: 1311241


Message: Multiple values were provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the reset state for the user. Exactly one value (either 'true' or 'false') must be given

ID: 1311242


Message: The value provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the reset state for the user was invalid. The value must be either 'true' or 'false'

ID: 1311243


Message: Multiple values were provided for the password policy state operation intended to add a grace login use time for the user. Exactly one value must be given

ID: 1311244


Message: The value %s provided for the password policy state operation used to update the grace login use times was invalid: %s. The value should be specified using the generalized time format

ID: 1311245


Message: Multiple values were provided for the password policy state operation intended to set the required change time for the user. Exactly one value must be given

ID: 1311246


Message: The value %s provided for the password policy state operation used to set the required change time was invalid: %s. The value should be specified using the generalized time format

ID: 1311247


Message: The password policy state extended request included an operation with an invalid or unsupported operation type of %s

ID: 1311278


Message: An error occurred while attempting to send an account status notification message for notification type %s for user entry %s: %s

ID: 1311279


Message: An error occurred while trying to encrypt a value using password storage scheme %s: %s

ID: 1311280


Message: An error occurred while trying to decrypt a value using password storage scheme %s: %s

ID: 1311285


Message: The exact match identity mapper defined in configuration entry %s references attribute type %s which is does not have an equality index defined in backend %s

ID: 1311286


Message: The regular expression identity mapper defined in configuration entry %s references attribute type %s which is does not have an equality index defined in backend %s

ID: 1311287


Message: The fingerprint certificate mapper defined in configuration entry %s references attribute type %s which is does not have an equality index defined in backend %s

ID: 1311289


Message: The subject DN to user attribute certificate mapper defined in configuration entry %s references attribute type %s which is does not have an equality index defined in backend %s

ID: 1311290


Message: SASL DIGEST MD5 protocol error: %s

ID: 1311292


Message: Failed to create a SASL server for SASL mechanism %s using a server FQDN of %s

ID: 1311293


Message: GSSAPI SASL mechanism handler initalization failed because the keytab file %s does not exist

ID: 1311327


Message: The configuration of LDAP PTA policy "%s" is invalid because the Java property %s which should contain the mapped search bind password is not set

ID: 1311328


Message: The configuration of LDAP PTA policy "%s" is invalid because the environment variable %s which should contain the mapped search bind password is not set

ID: 1311329


Message: The configuration of LDAP PTA policy "%s" is invalid because the file %s which should contain the mapped search bind password does not exist

ID: 1311330


Message: The configuration of LDAP PTA policy "%s" is invalid because the file %s which should contain the mapped search bind password cannot be read for the following reason: %s

ID: 1311331


Message: The configuration of LDAP PTA policy "%s" is invalid because the file %s which should contain the mapped search bind password is empty

ID: 1311333


Message: The configuration of LDAP PTA policy "%s" is invalid because it does not specify the a means for obtaining the mapped search bind password

ID: 1311336


Message: The certificate with subject %s mapped to multiple users

ID: 1311339


Message: The certificate with subject %s mapped to multiple users

ID: 1311342


Message: The certificate with fingerprint %s mapped to multiple users

ID: 1376264


Message: A fatal error occurred while trying to initialize fifo entry cache: %s

ID: 1376265


Message: A fatal error occurred while trying to initialize soft reference entry cache: %s

ID: 1376742


Message: A fatal error occurred while trying to initialize file system entry cache: %s

ID: 1376750


Message: A fatal error occurred while trying to setup file system entry cache home. No suitable path can be found to host the cache home

Log Message Category: JEB

This category concerns messages associated with the JE backend.

ID: 8650754


Message: The database could not be opened: %s

ID: 8650755


Message: The database environment could not be opened: %s

ID: 8650757


Message: The database highest entry identifier could not be determined

ID: 8650759


Message: The backend database directory could not be created: %s

ID: 8650760


Message: The backend database files could not be removed: %s

ID: 8650761


Message: The backend database directory '%s' is not a valid directory

ID: 8650762


Message: The DN database does not contain a record for '%s'

ID: 8650763


Message: The entry database does not contain a record for ID %s

ID: 8650764


Message: The entry database does not contain a valid record for ID %s

ID: 8650766


Message: Database exception: %s

ID: 8650767


Message: An entry container named '%s' is alreadly registered for base DN '%s'

ID: 8650778


Message: The attribute '%s' cannot have indexing of type '%s' because it does not have a corresponding matching rule

ID: 8650814


Message: An error occurred while preloading the database cache for backend %s: %s

ID: 8650815


Message: An error occurred while attempting to obtain the %s MAC provider to create the signed hash for the backup: %s

ID: 8650816


Message: An error occurred while attempting to obtain the %s message digest to create the hash for the backup: %s

ID: 8650817


Message: An error occurred while trying to create the database archive file %s in directory %s: %s

ID: 8650818


Message: An error occurred while attempting to obtain the cipher to use to encrypt the backup: %s

ID: 8650819


Message: %s backup %s of backend %s

ID: 8650820


Message: An error occurred while attempting to obtain a list of the files in directory %s to include in the database backup: %s

ID: 8650821


Message: An error occurred while attempting to back up database file %s: %s

ID: 8650822


Message: An error occurred while trying to close the database archive file %s in directory %s: %s

ID: 8650823


Message: An error occurred while attempting to update the backup descriptor file %s with information about the database backup: %s

ID: 8650824


Message: The computed hash of backup %s is different to the value computed at time of backup

ID: 8650825


Message: The computed signed hash of backup %s is different to the value computed at time of backup

ID: 8650826


Message: A full backup must be taken before an incremental backup can be taken

ID: 8650827


Message: The directory %s, containing the files restored from backup, could not be renamed to the backend directory %s

ID: 8650828


Message: One of the following base backup IDs must be specified for the incremental backup: %s

ID: 8650829


Message: The backup tag file %s could not be created in %s

ID: 8650830


Message: An error occurred while attempting to restore the files from backup %s: %s

ID: 8650831


Message: The information for backup %s could not be found in the backup directory %s

ID: 8650842


Message: Insufficient free memory (%d bytes) to perform import. At least %d bytes of free memory is required

ID: 8650878


Message: Entry record is not compatible with this version of the backend database. Entry version: %x

ID: 8650886


Message: An error occurred while rebuilding index %s: %s

ID: 8650888


Message: Another rebuild of index %s is already in progress

ID: 8650890


Message: Rebuilding system index(es) must be done with the backend containing the base DN disabled

ID: 8650891


Message: Unable to examine the entry with ID %s for sorting purposes: %s

ID: 8650903


Message: An error occurred while reading from index %s. The index seems to be corrupt and is now operating in a degraded state. The index must be rebuilt before it can return to normal operation

ID: 8650904


Message: The backend must be disabled before the import process can start

ID: 8650905


Message: An error occurred in import thread %s: %s. The thread can not continue

ID: 8650907


Message: Unable to create the temporary directory %s

ID: 8650908


Message: The database logging level string '%s' provided for configuration entry '%s' is invalid. The value must be one of OFF, SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST, or ALL. Note that these values are case sensitive

ID: 8650912


Message: Sort attribute %s for VLV index %s is not defined in the server schema

ID: 8650913


Message: An error occurred while parsing the search filter %s defined for VLV index %s: %s

ID: 8650917


Message: An error occurred while attempting to decode an object class set token from the JE compressed schema definitions: %s

ID: 8650918


Message: An error occurred while attempting to decode an attribute description token from the JE compressed schema definitions: %s

ID: 8650919


Message: An error occurred while attempting to store compressed schema information in the database. The result returned was: %s

ID: 8650920


Message: An error occurred while attempting to store compressed schema information in the database: %s

ID: 8650921


Message: The server was unable to store compressed schema information in the database after multiple attempts

ID: 8650922


Message: Unable to decode the provided object class set because it used an undefined token %s

ID: 8650923


Message: Unable to decode the provided attribute because it used an undefined attribute description token %s

ID: 8650926


Message: The backend database directory '%s' does not exist

ID: 8650927


Message: The following I/O error was received while writing the %s index scratch file in the temporary directory: %s

ID: 8650932


Message: Execution error during backend operation: %s

ID: 8650933


Message: Interrupted error during backend operation: %s

ID: 8650944


Message: The attribute '%s' cannot have extensible index type for invalid matching rule name '%s'

ID: 8650945


Message: Configuration attribute ds-cfg-db-cache-size has a value of %d but the JVM is only configured for %d. Consider using ds-cfg-db-cache-percent

ID: 8650946


Message: Configuration attribute ds-cfg-db-cache-size has a value of %d which is less than the minimum: %d

ID: 8650950


Message: Database error during backend operation: %s

ID: 8650951


Message: The following error was received while processing the %s index: %s

ID: 8650952


Message: The following error was received while processing the import task: %s

ID: 8650953


Message: The following error was received while processing the migrate excluded task: %s

ID: 8650954


Message: The following error was received while processing the migrate existing task: %s

ID: 8650955


Message: The following error was received while processing the append and replace task: %s

ID: 8650957


Message: Rebuild of base DN %s failed because it not available

ID: 8650958


Message: Configuration attributes ds-cfg-db-txn-no-sync and ds-cfg-db-txn-write-no-sync are mutually exclusive and cannot be both set at the same time

ID: 8650959


Message: The following error was received while performing a pending DN check: %s

ID: 8650962


Message: The following error was received by the uncaught exception handler: %s

ID: 8650964


Message: The following error was received while processing the rebuild index task: %s

ID: 8650966


Message: I/O error occurred while exporting entry: %s

ID: 8650967


Message: I/O error occurred while opening the LDIF stream

ID: 8650968


Message: I/O error occurred while reading the index scratch file %s in the temporary directory

ID: 8650969


Message: The disk containing directory %s used by the database backend %s is low on free space (%d bytes free). Write operations to the backend are only permitted by a user with the BYPASS_LOCKDOWN privilege until the free space rises above the threshold (%d bytes)

ID: 8650970


Message: The disk containing directory %s used by the database backend %s is full (%d bytes free). Write operations to the backend will fail until the free space rises above the threshold (%d bytes)

ID: 8650974


Message: The disk containing directory %s is full (%d bytes free). After freeing more than %d bytes on the disk, import can continue in append and replace mode to load the rest of the entries

ID: 8650975


Message: The disk containing directory %s is full (%d bytes free). After freeing more than %d bytes on the disk, a rebuild of all the indexes is needed to complete the import

ID: 8650976


Message: The disk containing directory %s is full (%d bytes free). Rebuild index can not continue until the free space rises above the threshold (%d bytes)

ID: 8650985


Message: Parent entry is missing

Log Message Category: LOG

This category concerns messages associated with the server loggers.

ID: 4456449


Message: Error occurred while writing log record for logger %s: %s. Any further write errors will be ignored

ID: 4456450


Message: Error occurred while opening log file %s for logger %s: %s

ID: 4456451


Message: Error occurred while closing log file for logger %s: %s

ID: 4456452


Message: Error occurred while flushing writer buffer for logger %s: %s

ID: 4456458


Message: Error occured while listing log files named by policy with initial file name %s

ID: 4456459


Message: Error occured while obtaining free disk space in the partition containing log file %s: %s

ID: 4456460


Message: Error occured while enforcing retention policy %s for logger %s: %s

Log Message Category: PLUGIN

This category concerns messages associated with plugin processing.

ID: 7602177


Message: Unable to initialize an instance of the plugin defined in class %s because the provided configuration entry was null

ID: 7602179


Message: The LDAP attribute description list plugin instance defined in configuration entry %s does not list any plugin types. This plugin must be configured to operate as a pre-parse search plugin

ID: 7602180


Message: The LDAP attribute description list plugin instance defined in configuration entry %s lists an invalid plugin type %s. This plugin can only be used as a pre-parse search plugin

ID: 7602181


Message: The Directory Server profiler plugin instance defined in configuration entry %s does not list any plugin types. This plugin must be configured to operate as a startup plugin

ID: 7602182


Message: The Directory Server profiler plugin instance defined in configuration entry %s lists an invalid plugin type %s. This plugin can only be used as a startup plugin

ID: 7602185


Message: An unexpected error occurred when the profiler plugin defined in configuration entry %s attempted to write the information captured to output file %s: %s

ID: 7602195


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to update the sample interval for the profiler plugin defined in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 7602197


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to update the profile directory for the profiler plugin defined in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 7602205


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to process the requested action for the profiler plugin defined in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 7602208


Message: The startup plugin defined in configuration entry %s encountered an error when it was invoked during the Directory Server startup process: %s (error ID %d). The startup process will continue, but this failure might impact the operation of the server

ID: 7602210


Message: The shutdown plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked during the Directory Server shutdown process: %s

ID: 7602211


Message: The post-connect plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d from %s: %s. The connection will be terminated

ID: 7602212


Message: The post-connect plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d from %s. This is an illegal response, and the connection will be terminated

ID: 7602213


Message: The post-disconnect plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d from %s: %s

ID: 7602214


Message: The post-disconnect plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d from %s. This is an illegal response

ID: 7602215


Message: The pre-parse %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d: %s. Processing on this operation will be terminated

ID: 7602216


Message: The pre-parse %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %s. This is an illegal response, and processing on this operation will be terminated

ID: 7602217


Message: The pre-operation %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d: %s. Processing on this operation will be terminated

ID: 7602218


Message: The pre-operation %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %d. This is an illegal response, and processing on this operation will be terminated

ID: 7602219


Message: The post-operation %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d: %s. Processing on this operation will be terminated

ID: 7602220


Message: The post-operation %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %d. This is an illegal response, and processing on this operation will be terminated

ID: 7602221


Message: The post-response %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d: %s. Processing on this operation will be terminated

ID: 7602222


Message: The post-response %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %d. This is an illegal response, and processing on this operation will be terminated

ID: 7602223


Message: The search result entry plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d with entry %s: %s. Processing on this search operation will be terminated

ID: 7602224


Message: The search result entry plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %d with entry %s. This is an illegal response, and processing on this search operation will be terminated

ID: 7602225


Message: The search result reference plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d with referral URL(s) %s: %s. Processing on this search operation will be terminated

ID: 7602226


Message: The search result reference plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %d with referral URL(s) %s. This is an illegal response, and processing on this search operation will be terminated

ID: 7602227


Message: An attempt was made to register the LastMod plugin to be invoked as a %s plugin. This plugin type is not allowed for this plugin

ID: 7602231


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to initialize the command-line arguments: %s

ID: 7602232


Message: An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments: %s

ID: 7602233


Message: An error occurred while trying to process the profile data in file %s: %s

ID: 7602234


Message: The LDIF import plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked on entry %s: %s

ID: 7602235


Message: The LDIF import plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked on entry %s. This is an illegal response

ID: 7602236


Message: The LDIF export plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked on entry %s: %s

ID: 7602237


Message: The LDIF export plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked on entry %s. This is an illegal response

ID: 7602238


Message: An attempt was made to register the EntryUUID plugin to be invoked as a %s plugin. This plugin type is not allowed for this plugin

ID: 7602239


Message: The intermediate response plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d: %s. Processing on this operation will be terminated

ID: 7602240


Message: The intermediate response plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %d. This is an illegal response, and processing on this operation will be terminated

ID: 7602241


Message: An attempt was made to register the password policy import plugin to be invoked as a %s plugin. This plugin type is not allowed for this plugin

ID: 7602242


Message: An error occurred while attempting to encode a password value stored in attribute %s of user entry %s: %s. Password values for this user will not be encoded

ID: 7602243


Message: The plugin defined in configuration entry %s does not support the %s plugin type

ID: 7602245


Message: The password policy import plugin is not configured any default auth password schemes, and the server does not support the %s auth password scheme

ID: 7602246


Message: Auth password storage scheme %s referenced by the password policy import plugin is not configured for use in the server

ID: 7602247


Message: The password policy import plugin is not configured any default user password schemes, and the server does not support the %s auth password scheme

ID: 7602248


Message: User password storage scheme %s referenced by the password policy import plugin is not configured for use in the server

ID: 7602251


Message: The subordinate modify DN plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d: %s. Processing on this operation will be terminated

ID: 7602252


Message: The subordinate modify DN plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %s. This is an illegal response, and processing on this operation will be terminated

ID: 7602253


Message: An attempt was made to register the Unique Attribute plugin to be invoked as a %s plugin. This plugin type is not allowed for this plugin

ID: 7602254


Message: An error occurred while attempting to modify an attribute value of entry %s because the proposed changes failed the attribute value uniqueness check

ID: 7602255


Message: An error occurred while attempting to add the entry %s because one of the entry's attribute values failed the attribute value uniqueness check

ID: 7602256


Message: An error occurred while attempting to perform a modify DN operation on entry %s because the proposed changes failed the attribute value uniqueness check

ID: 7602257


Message: An attempt was made to register the Referential Integrity plugin to be invoked as a %s plugin. This plugin type is not allowed for this plugin

ID: 7602258


Message: An error occurred during Referential Integity plugin initialization because log file creation failed: %s

ID: 7602259


Message: An error occurred closing the Referential Integrity plugin update log file: %s

ID: 7602260


Message: An error occurred replacing the Referential Integrity plugin update log file: %s

ID: 7602265


Message: The Referential Integrity plugin failed when performaing an internal search: %s

ID: 7602266


Message: The Referential Integrity plugin failed when performing an internal modify on entry %s: %s

ID: 7602269


Message: An error occurred in the Referential Integrity plugin while attempting to configure the attribute type %s which has a syntax OID of %s. A Referential Integrity attribute type must have a syntax OID of either (for the distinguished name syntax) or (for the name and optional uid syntax)

ID: 7602270


Message: The Referential Integrity plugin will not process a post delete operation on entry %s because the core operation failed

ID: 7602271


Message: The Referential Integrity plugin will not process a post modify DN operation on entry %s because the core operation failed

ID: 7602280


Message: The password policy import plugin references default auth password storage scheme %s which is not available for use in the server

ID: 7602281


Message: The post-synchronization %s plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d: %s

ID: 7602282


Message: A unique attribute conflict was detected for attribute %s: value %s already exists in entry %s

ID: 7602283


Message: A unique attribute conflict was detected for attribute %s during synchronization (connID=%d, opID=%d): value %s in entry %s conflicts with an existing value in entry %s. Manual interaction is required to eliminate the conflict

ID: 7602284


Message: An internal error occurred while attempting to determine whether the operation would have resulted in a unique attribute conflict (result %s, message %s)

ID: 7602285


Message: An internal error occurred while attempting to determine whether the synchronization operation (connID=%d, opID=%d) for entry %s would have resulted in a unique attribute conflict (result %s, message %s)

ID: 7602286


Message: The referential integrity plugin defined in configuration entry %s is configured to operate on attribute %s but there is no equality index defined for this attribute in backend %s

ID: 7602287


Message: The unique attribute plugin defined in configuration entry %s is configured to operate on attribute %s but there is no equality index defined for this attribute in backend %s

ID: 7602288


Message: An attempt was made to register the NetworkGroup plugin to be invoked as a %s plugin. This plugin type is not allowed for this plugin

ID: 7602289


Message: An attempt was made to register the Change Number Control plugin to be invoked as a %s plugin. This plugin type is not allowed for this plugin

ID: 7602290


Message: An attempt was made to register the Change Number Control plugin with the following plugin types : %s. However this plugin must be configured with all of the following plugin types : %s

ID: 7602291


Message: The subordinate delete plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked for connection %d operation %d: %s. Processing on this operation will be terminated

ID: 7602292


Message: The subordinate delete plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned null when invoked for connection %d operation %s. This is an illegal response, and processing on this operation will be terminated

ID: 7602293


Message: An attempt was made to register the Samba password synchronization plugin to be invoked as a %s plugin. This plugin type is not allowed for this plugin

ID: 7602294


Message: The Samba password synchronization plugin could not encode a password for the following reasons: %s

ID: 7602295


Message: The Samba password synchronization plugin could not process a modification for the following reason: %s

ID: 7602296


Message: Invalid plugin type '%s' for the Attribute Cleanup plugin

ID: 7602297


Message: Attribute '%s' is not defined in the directory schema

ID: 7602298


Message: The attribute '%s' has already been defined in the configuration

ID: 7602299


Message: The mapping '%s:%s' maps the attribute to itself

ID: 7602300


Message: The property 'check-references-filter-criteria' specifies filtering criteria for attribute '%s', but this attribute is not listed in the 'attribute-type' property

ID: 7602301


Message: The filtering criteria '%s' specified in property 'check-references-filter-criteria' is invalid because the filter could not be decoded: '%s'

ID: 7602302


Message: The entry referenced by the value '%s' of the attribute '%s' in the entry '%s' does not exist in any of the configured naming contexts

ID: 7602303


Message: The entry referenced by the value '%s' of the attribute '%s' in the entry '%s' does not match the filter '%s'

ID: 7602304


Message: The entry referenced by the value '%s' of the attribute '%s' in the entry '%s' does not belong to any of the configured naming contexts

ID: 7602305


Message: The opration could not be processed due to an unexpected exception: '%s'

ID: 7667742


Message: The startup plugin defined in configuration entry %s threw an exception when it was invoked during the Directory Server startup process: %s. The server startup process has been aborted

ID: 7667743


Message: The startup plugin defined in configuration entry %s returned a null value when it was invoked during the Directory Server startup process. This is an illegal return value, and the server startup process has been aborted

ID: 7667745


Message: The startup plugin defined in configuration entry %s encountered an error when it was invoked during the Directory Server startup process: %s (error ID %d). The server startup process has been aborted

Log Message Category: PROTOCOL

This category concerns messages associated with connection and protocol handling (for example, ASN.1 and LDAP).

ID: 2359468


Message: An internal error has occurred within the Directory Server to cause it to lose track of where it is in decoding requests on this client connection. It had an invalid decode state of %d, and this connection must be terminated

ID: 2359474


Message: The LDAP connection handler defined in configuration entry %s was unable to create a server socket channel to accept connections on %s:%d: %s. The Directory Server will not listen for new connections on that address

ID: 2359499


Message: An unexpected failure occurred while trying to process a request of type %s (LDAP message ID %d): %s. The client connection will be terminated

ID: 2359509


Message: The LDAP request handler thread "%s" encountered an unexpected error that would have caused the thread to die: %s. The error has been caught and the request handler should continue operating as normal

ID: 2359526


Message: The specified listen address "%s" in configuration entry "%s" could not be resolved: %s. Please make sure that name resolution is properly configured on this system

ID: 2359527


Message: An unexpected error occurred while processing the ds-cfg-listen-address attribute in configuration entry %s, which is used to specify the address or set of addresses on which to listen for client connections: %s

ID: 2359528


Message: No listen port was defined using configuration ds-cfg-listen-port in configuration entry %s. This is a required attribute

ID: 2359529


Message: An unexpected error occurred while processing the ds-cfg-listen-port attribute in configuration entry %s, which is used to specify the port on which to listen for client connections: %s

ID: 2359530


Message: An unexpected error occurred while processing the ds-cfg-allowed-client attribute in configuration entry %s, which is used to specify the address mask(s) of the clients that are allowed to establish connections to this connection handler: %s

ID: 2359531


Message: An unexpected error occurred while processing the ds-cfg-denied-client attribute in configuration entry %s, which is used to specify the address mask(s) of the clients that are not allowed to establish connections to this connection handler: %s

ID: 2359532


Message: An unexpected error occurred while processing the ds-cfg-allow-ldap-v2 attribute in configuration entry %s, which is used to indicate whether LDAPv2 clients will be allowed to access this connection handler: %s

ID: 2359533


Message: An unexpected error occurred while processing the ds-cfg-num-request-handlers attribute in configuration entry %s, which is used to specify the number of request handlers to use to read requests from clients: %s

ID: 2359534


Message: An unexpected error occurred while processing the ds-cfg-send-rejection-notice attribute in configuration entry %s, which is used to indicate whether to send a notice of disconnection message to rejected client connections: %s

ID: 2359535


Message: An unexpected error occurred while processing the ds-cfg-use-tcp-keep-alive attribute in configuration entry %s, which is used to periodically send TCP Keep-Alive messages over idle connections: %s

ID: 2359536


Message: An unexpected error occurred while processing the ds-cfg-use-tcp-no-delay attribute in configuration entry %s, which is used to determine whether to immediately flush responses to clients: %s

ID: 2359537


Message: An unexpected error occurred while processing the ds-cfg-allow-tcp-reuse-address attribute in configuration entry %s, which is used to determine whether to set the SO_REUSEADDR option on the listen socket: %s

ID: 2359538


Message: An unexpected error occurred while processing the ds-cfg-max-request-size attribute in configuration entry %s, which is used to determine the maximum size in bytes that can be used for a client request: %s

ID: 2359539


Message: An unexpected error occurred while processing the ds-cfg-use-ssl attribute in configuration entry %s, which is used to indicate whether to use SSL when accepting client connections: %s

ID: 2359540


Message: The LDAP connection handler defined in configuration entry %s is configured to communicate over SSL and also to allow clients to use the StartTLS extended operation. These options can not be used at the same time, so clients will not be allowed to use the StartTLS operation

ID: 2359541


Message: An unexpected error occurred while processing the ds-cfg-allow-start-tls attribute in configuration entry %s, which is used to indicate whether clients can use the StartTLS extended operation: %s

ID: 2359542


Message: The SSL client authentication policy "%s" specified in attribute ds-cfg-ssl-client-auth-policy of configuration entry %s is invalid. The value must be one of "disabled", "optional", or "required"

ID: 2359543


Message: An unexpected error occurred while processing the ds-cfg-ssl-client-auth-policy attribute in configuration entry %s, which is used to specify the policy that should be used for requesting/requiring SSL client authentication: %s

ID: 2359544


Message: An unexpected error occurred while processing the ds-cfg-ssl-cert-nickname attribute in configuration entry %s, which is used to specify the nickname of the certificate to use for accepting SSL/TLS connections: %s

ID: 2359545


Message: The string %s defined in attribute %s of configuration entry %s could not be decoded as a valid address mask: %s

ID: 2359555


Message: An unexpected error occurred while processing the ds-cfg-keep-stats attribute in configuration entry %s, which is used to indicate whether LDAP usage statistics should be enabled for this connection handler: %s

ID: 2359560


Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to decode the DN %s used for internal operations as a root user: %s

ID: 2359562


Message: An unexpected error occurred while processing the ds-cfg-ssl-protocol attribute in configuration entry %s, which is used to specify the names of the SSL protocols to allow for SSL/TLS sessions: %s

ID: 2359564


Message: An unexpected error occurred while processing the ds-cfg-ssl-protocol attribute in configuration entry %s, which is used to specify the names of the SSL cipher suites to allow for SSL/TLS sessions: %s

ID: 2359616


Message: An unexpected error occurred while processing the ds-cfg-accept-backlog attribute in configuration entry %s, which is used to specify the accept backlog size: %s

ID: 2359617


Message: The provided LDAP filter "%s" cannot be used as a matched values filter because filters of type %s are not allowed for use in matched values filters

ID: 2359618


Message: The provided LDAP filter "%s" cannot be used as a matched values filter because it is an extensible match filter that contains the dnAttributes flag, which is not allowed for matched values filters

ID: 2359619


Message: The provided matched values filter could not be decoded because there were an invalid number of elements in the attribute value assertion (expected 2, got %d)

ID: 2359620


Message: An error occurred while attempting to decode the attribute value assertion in the provided matched values filter: %s

ID: 2359621


Message: The provided matched values filter could not be decoded because there were an invalid number of elements in the substring sequence (expected 2, got %d)

ID: 2359622


Message: The provided matched values filter could not be decoded because there were no subInitial, subAny, or subFinal components in the substring filter

ID: 2359623


Message: The provided matched values filter could not be decoded because there were multiple subInitial components in the substring filter

ID: 2359624


Message: The provided matched values filter could not be decoded because there were multiple subFinal components in the substring filter

ID: 2359625


Message: The provided matched values filter could not be decoded because there was an invalid element of type %s in the substring filter

ID: 2359626


Message: The provided matched values filter could not be decoded because an error occurred while decoding the substring filter component: %s

ID: 2359627


Message: The provided matched values filter could not be decoded because an error occurred while decoding the presence filter component: %s

ID: 2359628


Message: The provided matched values filter could not be decoded because there were an invalid number of elements in the extensible match sequence (expected 2 or 3, found %d)

ID: 2359629


Message: The provided matched values filter could not be decoded because there were multiple matching rule ID elements found in the extensible match filter sequence

ID: 2359630


Message: The provided matched values filter could not be decoded because there were multiple attribute type elements found in the extensible match filter sequence

ID: 2359631


Message: The provided matched values filter could not be decoded because there were multiple assertion value elements found in the extensible match filter sequence

ID: 2359632


Message: The provided matched values filter could not be decoded because there was an invalid element of type %s in the extensible match filter

ID: 2359633


Message: The provided matched values filter could not be decoded because an error occurred while decoding the extensible match filter component: %s

ID: 2359634


Message: The provided matched values filter could not be decoded because it had an invalid BER type of %s

ID: 2359635


Message: Cannot decode the provided matched values control because it does not have a value

ID: 2359636


Message: Cannot decode the provided matched values control because an error occurred while attempting to decode the value as an ASN.1 sequence: %s

ID: 2359637


Message: Cannot decode the provided matched values control because the control value does not specify any filters for use in matching attribute values

ID: 2359638


Message: Cannot decode the provided control as a password expired control because the provided control had a value that could not be parsed as an integer

ID: 2359639


Message: Cannot decode the provided password expiring control because it does not have a value

ID: 2359640


Message: Cannot decode the provided control as a password expiring control because an error occurred while attempting to decode the number of seconds until expiration: %s

ID: 2359644


Message: No listen port was defined using configuration ds-cfg-listen-port in configuration entry %s. This is a required attribute

ID: 2359645


Message: An unexpected error occurred while processing the ds-cfg-listen-port attribute in configuration entry %s, which is used to specify the port on which to listen for client connections: %s

ID: 2359647


Message: An unexpected error occurred while processing the ds-cfg-use-ssl attribute in configuration entry %s, which is used to indicate whether to use SSL when accepting client connections: %s

ID: 2359649


Message: An unexpected error occurred while processing the ds-cfg-ssl-cert-nickname attribute in configuration entry %s, which is used to specify the nickname of the certificate to use for accepting SSL/TLS connections: %s

ID: 2359650


Message: Cannot decode the provided control as a password policy request control because the provided control had a value but the password policy request control should not have a value

ID: 2359651


Message: Cannot decode the provided password policy response control because it does not have a value

ID: 2359652


Message: Cannot decode the provided password policy response control because the warning element has an invalid type of %s

ID: 2359653


Message: Cannot decode the provided password policy response control because the error element has an invalid type of %d

ID: 2359654


Message: Cannot decode the provided password policy response control because the value sequence has an element with an invalid type of %s

ID: 2359655


Message: Cannot decode the provided password policy response control: %s

ID: 2359671


Message: Cannot decode the provided control as an account availability request control because the provided control had a value but the account availability request control should not have a value

ID: 2359672


Message: Cannot decode the provided account availability response control because it does not have a value

ID: 2359673


Message: The account availability response control indicated that the account was unavailable but had an unknown unavailable element type of %s

ID: 2359674


Message: The account availability response control had an unknown ACCOUNT_USABLE_RESPONSE element type of %s

ID: 2359675


Message: Cannot decode the provided account availability response control: %s

ID: 2359676


Message: Cannot decode the provided address mask prefix because an invalid value was specified. The permitted values for IPv4are 0 to32 and for IPv6 0 to128

ID: 2359677


Message: Cannot decode the provided address mask because an prefix mask was specified with an wild card "*" match character

ID: 2359678


Message: Cannot decode the provided address mask because the it has an invalid format

ID: 2359687


Message: Configuration attribute ds-cfg-key-manager-provider of configuration entry %s has an invalid value %s which does not reference an enabled key manager provider

ID: 2359688


Message: An error occurred while processing the ds-cfg-key-manager-provider attribute in configuration entry %s, which is used to specify the key manager provider for use with the LDAP connection handler: %s

ID: 2359690


Message: Configuration attribute ds-cfg-trust-manager-provider of configuration entry %s has an invalid value %s which does not reference an enabled trust manager provider

ID: 2359691


Message: An error occurred while processing the ds-cfg-trust-manager-provider attribute in configuration entry %s, which is used to specify the trust manager provider for use with the LDAP connection handler: %s

ID: 2359695


Message: An error occurred while processing the ds-cfg-key-manager-provider attribute in configuration entry %s, because the provided key manager DN %s does not refer to an enabled key manager provider

ID: 2359696


Message: An unexpected error occurred while processing the ds-cfg-key-manager-provider attribute in configuration entry %s, which is used to specify the DN of the key manager provider to use for accepting SSL/TLS connections: %s

ID: 2359698


Message: The LDAP connection handler defined in configuration entry %s is configured to use either SSL or StartTLS, but does not specify which key manager provider should be used

ID: 2359699


Message: The LDAP connection handler defined in configuration entry %s is configured to use either SSL or StartTLS, but does not specify which trust manager provider should be used

ID: 2359728


Message: The %s connection handler defined in configuration entry %s was unable to bind to %s:%d: %s

ID: 2359750


Message: An I/O error occurred while the LDIF connection handler was processing LDIF file %s: %s

ID: 2359751


Message: An error occurred while the LDIF connection handler was attempting to rename partially-processed file from %s to %s: %s

ID: 2359752


Message: An error occurred while the LDIF connection handler was attempting to delete processed file %s: %s

ID: 2359753


Message: Address already in use

ID: 2360755


Message: No listen port was defined using configuration ds-cfg-listen-port in configuration entry %s. This is a required attribute

ID: 2360756


Message: An unexpected error occurred while processing the ds-cfg-listen-port attribute in configuration entry %s, which is used to specify the port on which to listen for client connections: %s

ID: 2360757


Message: An unexpected error occurred when this connection handler started

ID: 2360758


Message: No Configuration was defined for this connection handler. The configuration parameters ds-cfg-listen-port and ds-cfg-trap-port are required by the connection handler to start

ID: 2360759


Message: Traps Destination %s is an unknown host. Traps will not be sent to this destination

ID: 2360760


Message: You do not have the appropriate OpenDMK jar files to enable the SNMP Connection Handler. Please go under http://opendmk.dev.java.net and set the opendmk-jarfile configuration parameter to set the full path of the required jdmkrt.jar file. The SNMP connection Handler didn't started

ID: 2360761


Message: Cannot initialize the SNMP Connection Handler. Please check the configuration attributes

ID: 2360762


Message: No valid trap destinations has been found. No trap will be sent

ID: 2360796


Message: An error occured while accessing the underlying data source: %s

ID: 2360797


Message: An unexpected end of file reached while trying to read %d bytes from the underlying data source

ID: 2360798


Message: Invalid reader state: %d

ID: 2360799


Message: Cannot decode the provided subtree delete control because it contains a value

ID: 2360800


Message: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the SSL context for use in the LDAP Connection Handler: %s

ID: 2360802


Message: The specified OpenDMK jar file '%s' could not be found. Verify that the value set in the opendmk-jarfile configuration parameter of the SNMP connection handler is the valid path to the jdmkrt.jar file and that the file is accessible

ID: 2360803


Message: The required classes could not be loaded using jar file '%s'. Verify that the jar file is not corrupted

ID: 2360807


Message: The connection to the Directory Server was closed while waiting for a response

ID: 2425009


Message: The LDAP connection handler defined in configuration entry %s was unable to open a selector to allow it to multiplex the associated accept sockets: %s. This connection handler will be disabled

ID: 2425011


Message: The LDAP connection handler defined in configuration entry %s was unable to create any of the socket channels on any of the configured addresses. This connection handler will be disabled

ID: 2425016


Message: The %s defined in configuration entry %s has experienced consecutive failures while trying to accept client connections: %s. This connection handler will be disabled

ID: 2425017


Message: The LDAP connection handler defined in configuration entry %s caught an unexpected error while trying to listen for new connections: %s. This connection handler will be disabled

ID: 2425018


Message: %s was unable to open a selector to multiplex reads from clients: %s. This request handler cannot continue processing

ID: 2425019


Message: %s was unable to register this client connection with the selector: %s

ID: 2425020


Message: This connection could not be registered with a request handler because the Directory Server is shutting down

ID: 2425021


Message: This connection could not be registered with a request handler because the pending queue associated with %s is too full

ID: 2425022


Message: This client connection is being deregistered from the associated request handler because the Directory Server is shutting down

ID: 2425219


Message: Unable to call select() in the LDAP connection handler: %s. It appears that your JVM may be susceptible to the issue described at http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6322825, and it is unable to handle LDAP requests in its current configuration. Please upgrade to a newer JVM that does not exhibit this behavior (Java 5.0 Update 8 or higher) or set the number of available file descriptors to a value greater than or equal to 8193 (e.g., by issuing the command 'ulimit -n 8193') before starting the Directory Server

Log Message Category: SYNC

This category concerns messages associated with replication.

ID: 14942228


Message: Caught IOException while sending topology info (for update) on domain %s for %s server %s : %s

ID: 14942233


Message: Error trying to replay %s, operation could not be decoded :

ID: 14942235


Message: A badly formatted DN was found in the list of database known by this Replication Server :%s. This Identifier will be ignored

ID: 14942236


Message: Error closing the Replication Server database :

ID: 14942237


Message: Error during the Replication Server database trimming or flush process. The Changelog service is going to shutdown

ID: 14942238


Message: Error in Replication Server handshake processing. Connection from/to %s is aborted

ID: 14942239


Message: %s has sent an unknown message. Closing the connection

ID: 14942240


Message: An unexpected error happened handling connection with %s. This connection is going to be closed

ID: 14942241


Message: In replication server %s: an unexpected error occurred while sending an ack to server id %s for change number %s in domain %s . This connection is going to be closed and reopened

ID: 14942242


Message: An Exception was caught while receiving replication message : %s

ID: 14942252


Message: The current request is rejected due to an import or an export already in progress for the same data

ID: 14942253


Message: On domain %s, initialization of server with serverId:%s has been requested from a server with an invalid serverId:%s. %s

ID: 14942254


Message: Invalid target for the export

ID: 14942255


Message: Domain %s: the server with serverId=%s is unreachable

ID: 14942256


Message: No domain matches the provided base DN '%s'

ID: 14942257


Message: Multiple domains match the base DN provided

ID: 14942258


Message: The provider class does not allow the operation requested

ID: 14942259


Message: The hostname %s could not be resolved as an IP address

ID: 14942262


Message: In Replication server %s: servers %s and %s have the same ServerId : %d

ID: 14942263


Message: In Replication server %s: replication servers %s and %s have the same ServerId : %d

ID: 14942264


Message: Entry %s was containing some unknown historical information, This may cause some inconsistency for this entry

ID: 14942268


Message: The JVM does not support UTF-8. This is required to be able to encode the changes in the database. This replication server will now shutdown

ID: 14942269


Message: The Replication is configured for suffix %s but was not able to connect to any Replication Server

ID: 14942273


Message: An unexpected error occurred while sending an Error Message to %s. This connection is going to be closed and reopened

ID: 14942274


Message: An unexpected error occurred while sending a Message to %s. This connection is going to be closed and reopened

ID: 14942278


Message: The Replication Server socket could not be closed : %s

ID: 14942279


Message: The thread listening on the replication server port could not be stopped : %s

ID: 14942281


Message: An unexpected error %s occurred when searching for generation id for domain : %s

ID: 14942282


Message: An unexpected error occurred when looking for the replicated backend : %s. It may be not configured or disabled

ID: 14942283


Message: An unexpected error occurred when searching in %s for the generation ID : %s

ID: 14942284


Message: An unexpected error %s occurred when updating generation ID for the domain : %s

ID: 14942290


Message: Initialization cannot be done because import is not supported by the backend %s

ID: 14942291


Message: Initialization cannot be done because export is not supported by the backend %s

ID: 14942292


Message: Initialization cannot be done because the following error occurred while locking the backend %s : %s

ID: 14942294


Message: Replication server caught exception while listening for client connections %s

ID: 14942295


Message: While clearing the database %s , the following error happened: %s

ID: 14942297


Message: An unexpected error occurred when testing existence or creating the replication backend : %s

ID: 14942298


Message: An unexpected error occurred when deleting the replication backend : %s

ID: 14942299


Message: An error occurred when exporting the entry %s : %s

ID: 14942300


Message: An error occurred when creating the LDIF writer to export backend : %s

ID: 14942301


Message: An error occurred when searching for %s : %s

ID: 14942302


Message: Entry %s does not exist in the replication server backend

ID: 14942303


Message: The base DN %s is not stored by any of the Directory Server backend

ID: 14942306


Message: The replication server backend does not support the import ldif function

ID: 14942307


Message: The replication server backend cannot export its entries in LDIF format because the export-ldif command must be run as a task

ID: 14942315


Message: Monitor data of remote servers are missing due to a processing error : %s

ID: 14942316


Message: Unable to send monitor data request for domain "%s" to replication server RS(%d) due to the following error: %s

ID: 14942317


Message: An Exception was caught while replaying replication message : %s

ID: 14942318


Message: The replication server configuration could not be found

ID: 14942322


Message: Caught exception publishing fake operations for domain %s : %s

ID: 14942323


Message: Caught exception computing fake operations for domain %s for replication server %s : %s

ID: 14942326


Message: For replicated domain %s, in server with serverId=%s, the generation ID could not be set to value %s in the rest of the topology because this server is NOT connected to any replication server. You should check in the configuration that the domain is enabled and that there is one replication server up and running

ID: 14942329


Message: DN sent by remote replication server: %s does not match local replication server one: %s

ID: 14942330


Message: DN sent by replication server: %s does not match local directory server one: %s

ID: 14942331


Message: Caught IOException while forwarding ResetGenerationIdMsg to peer replication servers for domain %s : %s

ID: 14942332


Message: Computed invalid initial status: %s in DS replication domain %s with server id %s

ID: 14942333


Message: Replication server received invalid initial status: %s for replication domain %s from server id %s

ID: 14942334


Message: Received invalid requested status %s in DS replication domain %s with server id %s

ID: 14942335


Message: Could not compute new status in RS replication domain %s for server id %s. Was in %s status and received %s event

ID: 14942336


Message: Could not compute new status in DS replication domain %s with server id %s. Was in %s status and received %s event

ID: 14942337


Message: Caught IOException while changing status for domain %s and serverId: %s after reset for generation id: %s

ID: 14942338


Message: Received change status message does not come from a directory server (dn: %s, server id: %s, msg: %s)

ID: 14942340


Message: Received invalid new status %s in RS for replication domain %s and directory server id %s

ID: 14942342


Message: Replication broker with dn %s and server id %s failed to signal status change because of: %s

ID: 14942347


Message: Caught IOException while changing status for domain %s and serverId: %s from status analyzer: %s

ID: 14942357


Message: In directory server %s, received unknown assured update mode: %s, for domain %s. Message: %s

ID: 14942358


Message: In replication server %s, received unknown assured update mode: %s, for domain %s. Message: %s

ID: 14942359


Message: In replication server %s, received a safe data assured update message with incoherent level: %s, this is for domain %s. Message: %s

ID: 14942360


Message: The generation ID could not be reset for domain %s

ID: 14942362


Message: The Replication was not started on base-dn %s : %s

ID: 14942364


Message: Caught exception when locking the replication server domain: %s

ID: 14942365


Message: Replication protocol error. Bad message type. %s received, %s required

ID: 14942366


Message: Full resync required because the provided cookie is missing the replicated domain(s) %s. The following cookie value can be used to retrieve the missing changes, including the COMPLETE record of changes for the missing domain(s) : %s

ID: 14942367


Message: The Server Handler byte count is not correct Byte Count=%s (Fixed)

ID: 14942382


Message: The initialization failed because the domain %s is not connected to a replication server

ID: 14942383


Message: Could not retrieve the configuration for a replication domain matching the entry %s

ID: 14942386


Message: Directory server %s was attempting to connect to replication server %s but has disconnected in handshake phase

ID: 14942387


Message: Replication server %s was attempting to connect to replication server %s but has disconnected in handshake phase

ID: 14942389


Message: The connection from this replication server RS(%d) to replication server RS(%d) at %s for domain "%s" has failed

ID: 14942393


Message: Full resync required. Reason: The provided cookie contains unknown replicated domain %s. Current starting cookie <%s>

ID: 14942394


Message: Full resync required. Reason: The provided cookie is older than the start of historical in the server for the replicated domain : %s

ID: 14942395


Message: Invalid syntax of the provided cookie

ID: 14942398


Message: During initialization from a remote server, the following error occurred : %s

ID: 14942399


Message: Connection failure with Replication Server %s during import

ID: 14942400


Message: Bad msg id sequence during import. Expected:%s Actual:%s

ID: 14942401


Message: The following servers did not acknowledge initialization in the expected time. They are potentially down or too slow. Servers list: %s

ID: 14942402


Message: The following servers did not end initialization being connected with the right generation (%s). They are potentially stopped or too slow. Servers list: %s

ID: 14942403


Message: When initializing remote server(s), connection to Replication Server with serverId=%s is lost

ID: 14942404


Message: When initializing remote server(s), the initialized server with serverId=%s is potentially stopped or too slow

ID: 14942405


Message: When sending a new initialization request for an initialization from a remote server, the following error occurred %s. The initial error was : %s

ID: 14942409


Message: Processing two different changes with same changeNumber=%s. Previous msg=<%s>, New msg=<%s>

ID: 14942410


Message: Error while trying to solve conflict with DN : %s ERROR : %s

ID: 14942419


Message: The connection from this replication server RS(%d) to directory server DS(%d) at %s for domain "%s" has failed

ID: 14942423


Message: Replication server RS(%d) failed to parse change record with changenumber %s from the database. Error: %s

ID: 14942424


Message: %s was interrupted in the startup phase

ID: 15007770


Message: Error Trying to use the underlying database. The Replication Server is going to shut down

Log Message Category: SCHEMA

This category concerns messages associated with the server schema elements.

ID: 6553601


Message: Unable to retrieve approximate matching rule %s used as the default for the %s attribute syntax. Approximate matching will not be allowed by default for attributes with this syntax

ID: 6553602


Message: Unable to retrieve equality matching rule %s used as the default for the %s attribute syntax. Equality matching will not be allowed by default for attributes with this syntax

ID: 6553603


Message: Unable to retrieve ordering matching rule %s used as the default for the %s attribute syntax. Ordering matches will not be allowed by default for attributes with this syntax

ID: 6553604


Message: Unable to retrieve substring matching rule %s used as the default for the %s attribute syntax. Substring matching will not be allowed by default for attributes with this syntax

ID: 6553840


Message: An error occurred while trying to determine the value of the %s configuration attribute, which indicates whether directory string attributes should be allowed to have zero-length values: %s

ID: 6553841


Message: The operation attempted to assign a zero-length value to an attribute with the directory string syntax

ID: 6553843


Message: The provided authPassword value had an invalid scheme character at position %d

ID: 6553844


Message: The provided authPassword value had a zero-length scheme element

ID: 6553845


Message: The provided authPassword value was missing the separator character or had an illegal character between the scheme and authInfo elements

ID: 6553846


Message: The provided authPassword value had an invalid authInfo character at position %d

ID: 6553847


Message: The provided authPassword value had a zero-length authInfo element

ID: 6553848


Message: The provided authPassword value was missing the separator character or had an illegal character between the authInfo and authValue elements

ID: 6553849


Message: The provided value "%s" could not be parsed by the integer first component matching rule because it did not start with a parenthesis

ID: 6553850


Message: The provided value "%s" could not be parsed by the integer first component matching rule because it did not have any non-space characters after the opening parenthesis

ID: 6553851


Message: The provided value "%s" could not be parsed by the integer first component matching rule because it did not have any space characters after the first component

ID: 6553852


Message: The provided value "%s" could not be parsed by the integer first component matching rule because the first component does not appear to be an integer value

ID: 6553853


Message: No value was given to decode by the user password attribute syntax

ID: 6553854


Message: Unable to decode the provided value according to the user password syntax because the value does not start with the opening curly brace ("{") character

ID: 6553855


Message: Unable to decode the provided value according to the user password syntax because the value does not contain a closing curly brace ("}") character

ID: 6553856


Message: Unable to decode the provided value according to the user password syntax because the value does not contain a storage scheme name

ID: 6553861


Message: The provided authPassword value had an invalid authValue character at position %d

ID: 6553862


Message: The provided authPassword value had a zero-length authValue element

ID: 6553863


Message: The provided authPassword value had an invalid trailing character at position %d

ID: 6553930


Message: The provided value is not a valid X.509 Certificate

ID: 6553931


Message: The provided value is not a valid X.509 Certificate because it contains an invalid version number (%d)

ID: 6553932


Message: The provided value is not a valid X.509 Certificate because it contains invalid DER encodings

ID: 6553934


Message: The provided value "%s" is not safe for X-SCHEMA-FILE

Log Message Category: TASK

This category concerns messages associated with tasks.

ID: 11796481


Message: The task could not enable a backend: %s

ID: 11796482


Message: The task could not disable a backend: %s

ID: 11796485


Message: Unable to add one or more files to the server schema because no schema file names were provided in attribute %s of task entry %s

ID: 11796486


Message: Unable to add one or more files to the server schema because the specified schema file %s does not exist in schema directory %s

ID: 11796487


Message: Unable to add one or more files to the server schema because an error occurred while attempting to determine whether file %s exists in schema directory %s: %s

ID: 11796488


Message: An error occurred while attempting to load the contents of schema file %s into the server schema: %s

ID: 11796489


Message: Unable to add one or more files to the server schema because the server was unable to obtain a write lock on the schema entry %s after multiple attempts

ID: 11796490


Message: You do not have sufficient privileges to modify the server schema

ID: 11796491


Message: You do not have sufficient privileges to initiate a Directory Server backup

ID: 11796492


Message: You do not have sufficient privileges to initiate a Directory Server restore

ID: 11796493


Message: You do not have sufficient privileges to initiate an LDIF import

ID: 11796494


Message: You do not have sufficient privileges to initiate an LDIF export

ID: 11796495


Message: You do not have sufficient privileges to initiate a Directory Server restart

ID: 11796496


Message: You do not have sufficient privileges to initiate a Directory Server shutdown

ID: 11796497


Message: An error occurred while attempting to notify a synchronization provider of type %s about the schema changes made by the add schema file task: %s

ID: 11796498


Message: You do not have sufficient privileges to initiate an index rebuild

ID: 11796499


Message: Invalid DN provided with the Initialize Target task

ID: 11796500


Message: Invalid DN provided with the Initialize task

ID: 11796501


Message: Only users with the SERVER_LOCKDOWN privilege may place the server in lockdown mode

ID: 11796502


Message: Only users with the SERVER_LOCKDOWN privilege connected from a loopback address may place the server in lockdown mode

ID: 11796503


Message: Only users with the SERVER_LOCKDOWN privilege may cause the server to leave lockdown mode

ID: 11796504


Message: Only users with the SERVER_LOCKDOWN privilege connected from a loopback address may cause the server to leave lockdown mode

ID: 11796505


Message: You do not have sufficient privileges to terminate client connections

ID: 11796506


Message: Unable to decode value %s as an integer connection ID

ID: 11796507


Message: Attribute %s must be provided to specify the connection ID for the client to disconnect

ID: 11796508


Message: Unable to decode value %s as an indication of whether to notify the client before disconnecting it. The provided value should be either 'true' or 'false'

ID: 11796510


Message: There is no client connection with connection ID %s

ID: 11796583


Message: Invalid generation ID provided with the task

ID: 11796586


Message: Unable to connect to the server at %s on port %s. Check this port is an administration port

ID: 11796588


Message: Index option cannot be specified when the rebuildAll or rebuildDegraded option is used

ID: 11796590


Message: Attribute %s has an invalid value. Reason: %s

Log Message Category: TOOLS

This category concerns messages associated with tools.

ID: 10747905


Message: Unable to create an SSL connection to the server: %s

ID: 10747906


Message: Unable to create an SSL connection to the server because the connection factory has not been initialized

ID: 10747907


Message: Cannot load the key store file: %s

ID: 10747908


Message: Cannot initialize the key manager for the key store:%s

ID: 10747909


Message: Cannot load the key store file: %s

ID: 10747910


Message: Cannot initialize the key manager for the key store:%s

ID: 10747920


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to initialize the command-line arguments: %s

ID: 10747921


Message: An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments: %s

ID: 10747922


Message: No clear-text password was specified. Use --%s, --%s or --%s to specify the password to encode

ID: 10747923


Message: No password storage scheme was specified. Use the --%s argument to specify the storage scheme

ID: 10747924


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to bootstrap the Directory Server client-side code: %s

ID: 10747925


Message: An error occurred while trying to load the Directory Server configuration: %s

ID: 10747926


Message: An error occurred while trying to load the Directory Server schema: %s

ID: 10747927


Message: An error occurred while trying to initialize the core Directory Server configuration: %s

ID: 10747928


Message: An error occurred while trying to initialize the Directory Server password storage schemes: %s

ID: 10747929


Message: No password storage schemes have been configured for use in the Directory Server

ID: 10747930


Message: Password storage scheme "%s" is not configured for use in the Directory Server

ID: 10747933


Message: Encoded Password: "%s"

ID: 10747934


Message: An error occurred while attempting to encode the clear-text password: %s

ID: 10747956


Message: Unable to decode exclude filter string "%s" as a valid search filter: %s

ID: 10747957


Message: Unable to decode include filter string "%s" as a valid search filter: %s

ID: 10747958


Message: Unable to decode base DN string "%s" as a valid distinguished name: %s

ID: 10747959


Message: Multiple Directory Server backends are configured with the requested backend ID "%s"

ID: 10747960


Message: None of the Directory Server backends are configured with the requested backend ID "%s"

ID: 10747961


Message: Unable to decode exclude branch string "%s" as a valid distinguished name: %s

ID: 10747962


Message: Unable to decode wrap column value "%s" as an integer

ID: 10747963


Message: An error occurred while attempting to process the LDIF export: %s

ID: 10747964


Message: Unable to decode the backend configuration base DN string "%s" as a valid DN: %s

ID: 10747965


Message: Unable to retrieve the backend configuration base entry "%s" from the server configuration: %s

ID: 10747966


Message: Cannot determine the name of the Java class providing the logic for the backend defined in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 10747967


Message: Unable to load class %s referenced in configuration entry %s for use as a Directory Server backend: %s

ID: 10747968


Message: Unable to create an instance of class %s referenced in configuration entry %s as a Directory Server backend: %s

ID: 10747969


Message: No base DNs have been defined in backend configuration entry %s. This backend will not be evaluated

ID: 10747970


Message: Unable to determine the set of base DNs defined in backend configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 10747993


Message: Unable to decode exclude filter string "%s" as a valid search filter: %s

ID: 10747994


Message: Unable to decode include filter string "%s" as a valid search filter: %s

ID: 10747996


Message: Imported branches or backend IDs can not span across multiple Directory Server backends

ID: 10747997


Message: None of the Directory Server backends are configured with the requested backend ID or base DNs that include the specified branches

ID: 10747998


Message: Unable to decode exclude branch string "%s" as a valid distinguished name: %s

ID: 10747999


Message: An error occurred while trying to open the rejects file %s for writing: %s

ID: 10748000


Message: An error occurred while attempting to process the LDIF import: %s

ID: 10748001


Message: One or more DN indexes could not be built due to invalid DNs or missing parent entries. Please re-import the data without the --skipDNValidation option in order to determine the exact cause

ID: 10748040


Message: Cannot send the simple bind request: %s

ID: 10748041


Message: Cannot read the bind response from the server. The port you are using may require a secured communication (--useSSL). %s

ID: 10748042


Message: The Directory Server indicated that it was closing the connection to the client (result code %d, message "%s"

ID: 10748043


Message: The Directory Server sent an unexpected extended response message to the client: %s

ID: 10748044


Message: The Directory Server sent an unexpected response message to the client: %s

ID: 10748046


Message: A SASL bind was requested but no SASL mechanism was specified

ID: 10748050


Message: Cannot send the SASL %S bind request: %s

ID: 10748090


Message: An error occurred while trying to create the temporary JAAS configuration for GSSAPI authentication: %s

ID: 10748093


Message: The LDAPAuthenticationHandler.run() method was called for a non-SASL bind. The backtrace for this call is %s

ID: 10748094


Message: The LDAPAuthenticationHandler.run() method was called for a SASL bind with an unexpected mechanism of "%s". The backtrace for this call is %s

ID: 10748095


Message: An error occurred while attempting to create a SASL client to process the GSSAPI authentication: %s

ID: 10748096


Message: An error occurred while attempting to create the initial challenge for GSSAPI authentication: %s

ID: 10748100


Message: The LDAPAuthenticationHandler.handle() method was called for a non-SASL bind. The backtrace for this call is %s

ID: 10748101


Message: The LDAPAuthenticationHandler.handle() method was called during a GSSAPI bind attempt with an unexpected callback type of %s

ID: 10748102


Message: The LDAPAuthenticationHandler.handle() method was called for an unexpected SASL mechanism of %s. The backtrace for this call is %s

ID: 10748106


Message: Cannot send the 'Who Am I?' request to the Directory Server: %s

ID: 10748107


Message: Cannot read the 'Who Am I?' response from the Directory Server: %s

ID: 10748109


Message: Invalid scope '%s' specified for the search request

ID: 10748110


Message: No filters specified for the search request

ID: 10748114


Message: An error occurred while attempting to perform index verification: %s

ID: 10748115


Message: Only one index at a time may be verified for cleanliness

ID: 10748116


Message: The backend does not support indexing

ID: 10748117


Message: The Directory Server backend with backend ID "%s" does not provide a mechanism for performing LDIF exports

ID: 10748118


Message: The Directory Server backend with backend ID %s does not provide a mechanism for performing LDIF imports

ID: 10748121


Message: Cannot determine the backend ID for the backend defined in configuration entry %s: %s

ID: 10748122


Message: Unable to decode include branch string "%s" as a valid distinguished name: %s

ID: 10748123


Message: Provided include base DN "%s" is not handled by the backend with backend ID %s

ID: 10748134


Message: Multiple Directory Server backends are configured to support base DN "%s"

ID: 10748135


Message: None of the Directory Server backends are configured to support the requested base DN "%s"

ID: 10748145


Message: Unable to decode include branch string "%s" as a valid distinguished name: %s

ID: 10748146


Message: Provided include base DN "%s" is not handled by the backend with backend ID %s

ID: 10748164


Message: Multiple Directory Server backends are configured with the requested backend ID "%s"

ID: 10748165


Message: None of the Directory Server backends are configured with the requested backend ID "%s"

ID: 10748166


Message: The configuration for the backend with backend ID %s is held in entry "%s", but other backups in the target backup directory %s were generated from a backend whose configuration was held in configuration entry "%s"

ID: 10748167


Message: An error occurred while attempting to use the specified path "%s" as the target directory for the backup: %s

ID: 10748168


Message: The target backend %s cannot be backed up using the requested configuration: %s

ID: 10748169


Message: An error occurred while attempting to back up backend %s with the requested configuration: %s

ID: 10748179


Message: The %s and %s arguments may not be used together. Exactly one of them must be provided

ID: 10748180


Message: Neither the %s argument nor the %s argument was provided. Exactly one of them is required

ID: 10748181


Message: An error occurred while attempting to create the backup directory %s: %s

ID: 10748185


Message: An error occurred while attempting to parse the backup descriptor file %s: %s

ID: 10748188


Message: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the crypto manager: %s

ID: 10748189


Message: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the subentry manager: %s

ID: 10748190


Message: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the root DN manager: %s

ID: 10748192


Message: The use of the %s argument requires that the %s argument is also provided

ID: 10748208


Message: An error occurred while attempting to examine the set of backups contained in backup directory %s: %s

ID: 10748217


Message: The requested backup ID %s does not exist in %s

ID: 10748218


Message: There are no Directory Server backups contained in %s

ID: 10748219


Message: The backups contained in directory %s were taken from a Directory Server backend defined in configuration entry %s but no such backend is available

ID: 10748220


Message: The Directory Server backend configured with backend ID %s does not provide a mechanism for restoring backups

ID: 10748221


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to restore backup %s from %s: %s

ID: 10748222


Message: Restoring an encrypted or signed backup requires a connection to an online server

ID: 10748229


Message: The use of the %s argument or the %s argument requires a connection to an online server instance

ID: 10748230


Message: The use of the %s argument requires that the %s argument is also provided

ID: 10748232


Message: An error occurred while attempting to acquire a shared lock for backend %s: %s. This generally means that some other process has exclusive access to this backend (e.g., a restore or an LDIF import). This backend will not be archived

ID: 10748234


Message: An error occurred while attempting to acquire an exclusive lock for backend %s: %s. This generally means some other process is still using this backend (e.g., it is in use by the Directory Server or a backup or LDIF export is in progress). The restore cannot continue

ID: 10748236


Message: An error occurred while attempting to acquire an exclusive lock for backend %s: %s. This generally means some other process is still using this backend (e.g., it is in use by the Directory Server or a backup or LDIF export is in progress). The LDIF import cannot continue

ID: 10748238


Message: An error occurred while attempting to acquire a shared lock for backend %s: %s. This generally means that some other process has an exclusive lock on this backend (e.g., an LDIF import or a restore). The LDIF export cannot continue

ID: 10748240


Message: An error occurred while attempting to acquire a shared lock for backend %s: %s. This generally means that some other process has an exclusive lock on this backend (e.g., an LDIF import or a restore). The index verification cannot continue

ID: 10748244


Message: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the LDIF export plugins: %s

ID: 10748245


Message: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the LDIF import plugins: %s

ID: 10748272


Message: Error at or near line %d in LDIF file %s: %s

ID: 10748274


Message: No authentication password storage schemes have been configured for use in the Directory Server

ID: 10748275


Message: Authentication password storage scheme "%s" is not configured for use in the Directory Server

ID: 10748276


Message: The provided password is not a valid encoded authentication password value: %s

ID: 10748277


Message: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the password policy components: %s

ID: 10748299


Message: ERROR: You may not provide both the %s and the %s arguments

ID: 10748300


Message: ERROR: Unable to decode the provided stop time. It should be in the form YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ for UTC time or YYYYMMDDhhmmss for local time

ID: 10748301


Message: ERROR: Unable to perform SSL initialization: %s

ID: 10748302


Message: ERROR: The provided SASL option string "%s" could not be parsed in the form "name=value"

ID: 10748303


Message: ERROR: One or more SASL options were provided, but none of them were the "mech" option to specify which SASL mechanism should be used

ID: 10748304


Message: ERROR: Cannot parse the value of the %s argument as an integer value between 1 and 65535: %s

ID: 10748305


Message: ERROR: Cannot establish a connection to the Directory Server %s. Verify that the server is running and that the provided credentials are valid. Details: %s

ID: 10748306


Message: NOTICE: The connection to the Directory Server was closed while waiting for a response to the shutdown request. This likely means that the server has started the shutdown process

ID: 10748307


Message: ERROR: An I/O error occurred while attempting to communicate with the Directory Server: %s

ID: 10748308


Message: ERROR: An error occurred while trying to decode the response from the server: %s

ID: 10748309


Message: ERROR: Expected an add response message but got a %s message instead

ID: 10748332


Message: No search filter was specified. Either a filter file or an individual search filter must be provided

ID: 10748333


Message: An error occurred while attempting to process the Directory Server configuration file %s: %s

ID: 10748334


Message: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the Directory Server schema based on the information in configuration file %s: %s

ID: 10748335


Message: An error occurred while attempting to parse search filter '%s': %s

ID: 10748336


Message: An error occurred while attempting to parse base DN '%s': %s

ID: 10748337


Message: An error occurred while attempting to parse the time limit as an integer: %s

ID: 10748338


Message: An error occurred while attempting to parse the size limit as an integer: %s

ID: 10748339


Message: An error occurred while attempting to create the LDIF reader: %s

ID: 10748340


Message: An error occurred while attempting to create the LDIF writer used to return matching entries: %s

ID: 10748343


Message: An error occurred while attempting to read an entry from the LDIF content: %s. Skipping this entry and continuing processing

ID: 10748344


Message: An error occurred while attempting to read an entry from the LDIF content: %s. Unable to continue processing

ID: 10748345


Message: An unexpected error occurred during search processing: %s

ID: 10748346


Message: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the Directory Server JMX subsystem based on the information in configuration file %s: %s

ID: 10748356


Message: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the Directory Server JMX subsystem based on the information in configuration file %s: %s

ID: 10748357


Message: An error occurred while attempting to process the Directory Server configuration file %s: %s

ID: 10748358


Message: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the Directory Server schema based on the information in configuration file %s: %s

ID: 10748359


Message: An error occurred while attempting to open source LDIF %s: %s

ID: 10748360


Message: An error occurred while reading the contents of source LDIF %s: %s

ID: 10748361


Message: An error occurred while attempting to open target LDIF %s: %s

ID: 10748362


Message: An error occurred while reading the contents of target LDIF %s: %s

ID: 10748363


Message: An error occurred while attempting to open the LDIF writer for the diff output: %s

ID: 10748365


Message: An error occurred while attempting to write the diff output: %s

ID: 10748376


Message: An error occurred while attempting to acquire the server-wide lock file %s: %s. This generally means that the Directory Server is running, or another tool that requires exclusive access to the server is in use

ID: 10748377


Message: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the Directory Server JMX subsystem based on the information in configuration file %s: %s

ID: 10748378


Message: An error occurred while attempting to process the Directory Server configuration file %s: %s

ID: 10748379


Message: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the Directory Server schema based on the information in configuration file %s: %s

ID: 10748380


Message: An error occurred while attempting to parse base DN value "%s" as a DN: %s

ID: 10748381


Message: An error occurred while attempting to parse root DN value "%s" as a DN: %s

ID: 10748382


Message: The DN for the initial root user was provided, but no corresponding password was given. If the root DN is specified then the password must also be provided

ID: 10748383


Message: An error occurred while attempting to update the base DN(s) for user data in the Directory Server: %s

ID: 10748384


Message: An error occurred while attempting to update the port on which to listen for LDAP communication: %s

ID: 10748385


Message: An error occurred while attempting to update the entry for the initial Directory Server root user: %s

ID: 10748386


Message: An error occurred while writing the updated Directory Server configuration: %s

ID: 10748387


Message: ERROR: No configuration changes were specified

ID: 10748403


Message: ERROR: No configuration file path was provided (use the %s argument)

ID: 10748404


Message: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the Directory Server JMX subsystem based on the information in configuration file %s: %s

ID: 10748405


Message: An error occurred while attempting to process the Directory Server configuration file %s: %s

ID: 10748406


Message: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the Directory Server schema based on the information in configuration file %s: %s

ID: 10748407


Message: An error occurred while attempting to parse the string "%s" as a valid DN: %s

ID: 10748411


Message: ERROR: You may not provide both the %s and the %s arguments at the same time

ID: 10748414


Message: ERROR: Unable to bind to port %d. This port may already be in use, or you may not have permission to bind to it. On UNIX-based operating systems, non-root users may not be allowed to bind to ports 1 through 1024

ID: 10748415


Message: ERROR: Unable to bind to port %d. This port may already be in use, or you may not have permission to bind to it

ID: 10748417


Message: ERROR: No password was provided for the initial root user. When performing a non-interactive installation, this must be provided using either the %s or the %s argument

ID: 10748422


Message: An error occurred while attempting to create the base LDIF file: %s

ID: 10748486


Message: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the Directory Server JMX subsystem based on the information in configuration file %s: %s

ID: 10748487


Message: An error occurred while attempting to process the Directory Server configuration file %s: %s

ID: 10748488


Message: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the Directory Server schema based on the information in configuration file %s: %s

ID: 10748489


Message: An error occurred while attempting to read the template file: %s

ID: 10748490


Message: An error occurred while attempting to parse the template file: %s

ID: 10748508


Message: The %s and %s arguments are incompatible and may not be used together

ID: 10748509


Message: Neither the %s or the %s argument was provided. One of these arguments must be given to specify the source for the LDIF data to be imported

ID: 10748510


Message: Unable to parse the specified file %s as a MakeLDIF template file: %s

ID: 10748530


Message: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the Directory Server JMX subsystem based on the information in configuration file %s: %s

ID: 10748531


Message: An error occurred while attempting to process the Directory Server configuration file %s: %s

ID: 10748532


Message: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the Directory Server schema based on the information in configuration file %s: %s

ID: 10748533


Message: The source LDIF file %s does not exist

ID: 10748534


Message: Unable to open the source LDIF file %s: %s

ID: 10748535


Message: The changes LDIF file %s does not exist

ID: 10748536


Message: Unable to open the changes LDIF file %s: %s

ID: 10748537


Message: Unable to open the target LDIF file %s for writing: %s

ID: 10748538


Message: An error occurred while processing the requested changes: %s

ID: 10748560


Message: The %s and %s arguments may not be provided together

ID: 10748561


Message: If either a bind DN or bind password is provided, then the other must be given as well

ID: 10748562


Message: If a bind DN and password are not provided, then an authorization ID and current password must be given

ID: 10748563


Message: If the %s argument is provided, then the %s argument must also be given

ID: 10748564


Message: Unable to initialize SSL/TLS support: %s

ID: 10748565


Message: An error occurred while attempting to connect to the Directory Server: %s

ID: 10748566


Message: Unable to send the LDAP password modify request: %s

ID: 10748567


Message: Unable to read the LDAP password modify response: %s

ID: 10748568


Message: The LDAP password modify operation failed with result code %d

ID: 10748569


Message: Error Message: %s

ID: 10748570


Message: Matched DN: %s

ID: 10748574


Message: Unable to decode the password modify response value because it contained an invalid element type of %s

ID: 10748575


Message: Unable to decode the password modify response value: %s

ID: 10748576


Message: Import failed

ID: 10748586


Message: No entry DNs provided for the compare operation

ID: 10748606


Message: You may not provide both the --%s and the --%s arguments

ID: 10748607


Message: No attribute was specified to use as the target for the comparison

ID: 10748608


Message: Invalid attribute string '%s'. The attribute string must be in one of the following forms: 'attribute:value', 'attribute::base64value', or 'attribute:<valueFilePath'

ID: 10748609


Message: Invalid control specification '%s'

ID: 10748610


Message: SASL EXTERNAL authentication may only be requested if SSL or StartTLS is used

ID: 10748611


Message: SASL EXTERNAL authentication may only be used if a client certificate key store is specified

ID: 10748638


Message: An error occurred while trying to read backend information from the server configuration: %s

ID: 10748639


Message: The provided base DN value '%s' could not be parsed as a valid DN: %s

ID: 10748646


Message: There is no backend with ID '%s' in the server configuration

ID: 10748647


Message: None of the provided backend IDs exist in the server configuration

ID: 10748652


Message: The provided password is not a valid encoded user password value: %s

ID: 10748684


Message: ERROR: The specified LDIF file %s does not exist

ID: 10748686


Message: ERROR: Cannot create the template file for generating sample data: %s

ID: 10748693


Message: The connection to the Directory Server was closed before the bind response could be read

ID: 10748695


Message: The simple paged results control may only be used with a single search filter

ID: 10748696


Message: Unable to decode the simple paged results control from the search response: %s

ID: 10748697


Message: The simple paged results response control was not found in the search result done message from the server

ID: 10748699


Message: Rejecting client certificate chain because the prompt trust manager may only be used to trust server certificates

ID: 10748705


Message: The server certificate has been rejected by the user

ID: 10748711


Message: An error occurred while attempting to update the port on which to listen for JMX communication: %s

ID: 10748714


Message: Result Code: %d (%s)

ID: 10748715


Message: Additional Information: %s

ID: 10748716


Message: Matched DN: %s

ID: 10748717


Message: Could not find the service name for the server

ID: 10748718


Message: An unexpected error occurred starting the server as a windows service

ID: 10748719


Message: An unexpected error occurred stopping the server windows service

ID: 10748727


Message: You can only provide one of the following arguments: enableService, disableService, serviceState or cleanupService

ID: 10748728


Message: You must provide at least one of the following arguments: enableService, disableService or serviceState or cleanupService

ID: 10748733


Message: The server could not be enabled to run as a Windows service. The service name is already in use

ID: 10748734


Message: An unexpected error occurred trying to enable the server as a Windows service.%nCheck that you have administrator rights (only Administrators can enable the server to run as a Windows Service)

ID: 10748738


Message: An unexpected error occurred trying to disable the server as a Windows service%nCheck that you have administrator rights (only Administrators can disable the server as a Windows Service)

ID: 10748741


Message: An unexpected error occurred trying to retrieve the state of the server as a Windows service

ID: 10748750


Message: Could not find the service with name %s

ID: 10748752


Message: An unexpected error occurred cleaning up the service %s

ID: 10748756


Message: An error occurred while attempting to perform index rebuild: %s

ID: 10748757


Message: The backend does not support rebuilding of indexes

ID: 10748758


Message: At least one index must be specified for the rebuild process

ID: 10748759


Message: An error occurred while attempting to acquire a exclusive lock for backend %s: %s. This generally means that some other process has an lock on this backend or the server is running with this backend online. The rebuild process cannot continue

ID: 10748761


Message: An error occurred while attempting to acquire a shared lock for backend %s: %s. This generally means that some other process has an exclusive lock on this backend (e.g., an LDIF import or a restore). The rebuild process cannot continue

ID: 10748763


Message: An error occurred while attempting to update the port on which to listen for LDAPS communication: %s

ID: 10748767


Message: An error occurred while attempting to parse key manager provider DN value "%s" as a DN: %s

ID: 10748768


Message: An error occurred while attempting to parse trust manager provider DN value "%s" as a DN: %s

ID: 10748769


Message: An error occurred while attempting to enable StartTLS: %s

ID: 10748770


Message: An error occurred while attempting to enable key manager provider entry: %s

ID: 10748771


Message: An error occurred while attempting to enable trust manager provider entry: %s

ID: 10748772


Message: An error occurred while attempting to update the key manager provider DN used for LDAPS communication: %s

ID: 10748773


Message: An error occurred while attempting to update the trust manager provider DN used for LDAPS communication: %s

ID: 10748776


Message: ERROR: You must provide the %s argument when providing the %s argument

ID: 10748777


Message: An error occurred while attempting to update the nickname of the certificate that the connection handler should use when accepting SSL-based connections or performing StartTLS negotiation: %s

ID: 10748791


Message: The specified LDIF file %s cannot be read

ID: 10749059


Message: No subcommand was provided to indicate which password policy state operation should be performed

ID: 10749060


Message: The provided value '%s' was invalid for the requested operation. A Boolean value of either 'true' or 'false' was expected

ID: 10749061


Message: No value was specified, but the requested operation requires a Boolean value of either 'true' or 'false'

ID: 10749062


Message: Unrecognized subcommand '%s'

ID: 10749063


Message: An error occurred while attempting to send the request to the server: %s

ID: 10749064


Message: The Directory Server closed the connection before the response could be read

ID: 10749065


Message: The server was unable to process the request: result code %d (%s), error message '%s'

ID: 10749066


Message: Unable to decode the response message from the server: %s

ID: 10749067


Message: Unable to decode information about an operation contained in the response: %s

ID: 10749087


Message: Unrecognized or invalid operation type: %s

ID: 10749088


Message: ERROR: You may not provide both the %s and the %s arguments

ID: 10749089


Message: ERROR: Unable to perform SSL initialization: %s

ID: 10749090


Message: ERROR: The provided SASL option string "%s" could not be parsed in the form "name=value"

ID: 10749091


Message: ERROR: One or more SASL options were provided, but none of them were the "mech" option to specify which SASL mechanism should be used

ID: 10749092


Message: ERROR: Cannot parse the value of the %s argument as an integer value between 1 and 65535: %s

ID: 10749093


Message: ERROR: Cannot establish a connection to the Directory Server %s. Verify that the server is running and that the provided credentials are valid. Details: %s

ID: 10749102


Message: An error occurred while trying to open the skip file %s for writing: %s

ID: 10749115


Message: ERROR: You have specified the value %s for different ports

ID: 10749116


Message: The property "%s" is not a recognized property

ID: 10749117


Message: The mandatory property "%s" is missing

ID: 10749118


Message: The value "%s" specified for the property "%s" is invalid

ID: 10749156


Message: Neither the %s or the %s argument was provided. One of these arguments must be given to specify the backend for the LDIF data to be imported to

ID: 10749157


Message: Importing to a backend without the append argument will remove all entries for all base DNs (%s) in the backend. The %s argument must be given to continue with import

ID: 10749198


Message: ERROR: You may not provide both the %s and the %s arguments

ID: 10749199


Message: ERROR: Unable to perform SSL initialization: %s

ID: 10749200


Message: ERROR: The provided SASL option string "%s" could not be parsed in the form "name=value"

ID: 10749201


Message: ERROR: One or more SASL options were provided, but none of them were the "mech" option to specify which SASL mechanism should be used

ID: 10749202


Message: ERROR: Cannot parse the value of the %s argument as an integer value between 1 and 65535: %s

ID: 10749203


Message: ERROR: Cannot establish a connection to the Directory Server %s. Verify that the server is running and that the provided credentials are valid. Details: %s

ID: 10749219


Message: NOTICE: The connection to the Directory Server was closed while waiting for a response to the shutdown request. This likely means that the server has started the shutdown process

ID: 10749220


Message: ERROR: An I/O error occurred while attempting to communicate with the Directory Server: %s

ID: 10749221


Message: ERROR: An error occurred while trying to decode the response from the server: %s

ID: 10749222


Message: ERROR: Expected an add response message but got a %s message instead

ID: 10749224


Message: ERROR: argument %s is incompatible with use of this tool to interact with the directory as a client

ID: 10749225


Message: This tool may only be used on UNIX-based systems

ID: 10749228


Message: Unable to determine the path to the server root directory. Please ensure that the %s system property or the %s environment variable is set to the path of the server root directory

ID: 10749229


Message: An error occurred while attempting to generate the RC script: %s

ID: 10749230


Message: If you specify the {%s} argument you must also specify {%s}

ID: 10749251


Message: None of the Directory Server backends are configured with the requested backend ID %s

ID: 10749252


Message: None of the entry containers are configured with the requested base DN %s in backend %s

ID: 10749253


Message: No database container exists with the requested name %s in entry container %s and backend %s

ID: 10749254


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to initialize the JE backend %s: %s

ID: 10749255


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to read and/or decode records from the database: %s

ID: 10749256


Message: Unable to decode base DN string "%s" as a valid distinguished name: %s

ID: 10749267


Message: An error occurred while attempting to acquire a shared lock for backend %s: %s. This generally means that some other process has exclusive access to this backend (e.g., a restore or an LDIF import)

ID: 10749268


Message: An error occurred while decoding the min/max key value %s: %s. Values prefixed with "0x" will be decoded as raw bytes in hex. When dumping the DN2ID database, the value must be a valid distinguished name. When dumping the ID2Entry database, the value will be decoded as a entry ID. When dumping all other databases, the value will be decoded as a string

ID: 10749276


Message: An error occurred while parsing the min/max data size %s as a integer: %s

ID: 10749277


Message: An error occurred while attempting to enable the ADS trust store: %s

ID: 10749278


Message: A sub-command must be specified

ID: 10749282


Message: The directory %s specified as the OPENDJ_JAVA_HOME path does not exist or is not a directory

ID: 10749298


Message: The provided certificate nickname could not be found. The key store contains the following certificate nicknames: %s

ID: 10749299


Message: The key store contains the following certificate nicknames: %s.%nYou have to provide the nickname of the certificate you want to use

ID: 10749310


Message: You have specified several certificate types to be used. Only one certificate type (self-signed, JKS, JCEKS, PKCS#12 or PCKS#11) is allowed

ID: 10749311


Message: You have chosen to enable SSL or StartTLS. You must specify which type of certificate you want the server to use

ID: 10749312


Message: You must provide the PIN of the keystore to retrieve the certificate to be used by the server. You can use {%s} or {%s}

ID: 10749314


Message: You have specified to use a certificate as server certificate. You must enable SSL (using option {%s}) or Start TLS (using option %s)

ID: 10749315


Message: The argument '%s' is incompatible with '%s'

ID: 10749340


Message: Error canceling task %s: %s

ID: 10749341


Message: Error retrieving task entry %s: %s

ID: 10749350


Message: Options '%s' and '%s' are incompatible with each other and cannot be used together

ID: 10749352


Message: Error canceling task '%s': %s

ID: 10749353


Message: Error accessing logs for task '%s': %s

ID: 10749354


Message: Task at index %d is not cancelable

ID: 10749355


Message: Task %s has finished and cannot be canceled

ID: 10749357


Message: There are no tasks defined with ID '%s'

ID: 10749358


Message: Task '%s' has finished and cannot be canceled

ID: 10749359


Message: State for task '%s' cannot be determined

ID: 10749361


Message: The start date/time must in YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ format for UTC time or YYYYMMDDhhmmss for local time

ID: 10749363


Message: You have provided options for scheduling this operation as a task but options provided for connecting to the server's tasks backend resulted in the following error: '%s'

ID: 10749364


Message: You have provided options for scheduling this operation as a task but options provided for connecting to the server's tasks backend are invalid or missing

ID: 10749377


Message: The option %s is only applicable when scheduling this operation as a task

ID: 10749378


Message: The value %s for option %s is not a valid email address

ID: 10749379


Message: The failed dependency action value %s is invalid. The value must be one of %s

ID: 10749380


Message: The failed dependency action option is to be used in conjunction with one or more dependencies

ID: 10749381


Message: Error: task %s is not in a cancelable state

ID: 10749389


Message: The maximum number of tries to provide the certificate key store PIN is %s. Install canceled

ID: 10749395


Message: The file properties "%s" cannot be read. Check that it exists and that you have read rights to it

ID: 10749396


Message: The destination file "%s" cannot be written. Check that you have write rights to it

ID: 10749397


Message: The destination file "%s" cannot be written. Check that you have right reads to it

ID: 10749401


Message: The backend ID '%s' has been specified several times

ID: 10749511


Message: An error occurred while attempting to update the crypto manager in the Directory Server: %s

ID: 10749514


Message: Cannot access trust store '%s'. Verify that the provided trust store exists and that you have read access rights to it

ID: 10749515


Message: Cannot access key store '%s'. Verify that the provided key store exists and that you have read access rights to it

ID: 10749518


Message: An error occurred while attempting to read the file '%s' containing the list of ignored entries: %s

ID: 10749519


Message: An error occurred while attempting to read the file '%s' containing the list of ignored attributes: %s

ID: 10749524


Message: An error occurred while attempting to update the administration connector port: %s

ID: 10749525


Message: Error connecting to the directory server at %s on %s. Check this port is an administration port

ID: 10749530


Message: Error creating JCEKS Key Provider configuration: %s

ID: 10749531


Message: Error creating JCEKS Trust Manager configuration: %s

ID: 10749532


Message: ERROR: Cannot establish a connection to the Directory Server at %s on port %s. Check this port is an administration port

ID: 10749533


Message: ERROR: Cannot establish a connection to the Directory Server at %s on port %s. Check this port is an administration port

ID: 10749540


Message: [%s] is not a directory. Only directories can be used as {instancePath}

ID: 10749541


Message: [%s] is not empty. Only empty directories can be used as {instancePath}

ID: 10749542


Message: [%s] is not writable. Cannot create Directory Server instance

ID: 10749543


Message: [%s] does not start with a letter. Cannot be specified as {userName}

ID: 10749544


Message: Unable to retrieve group for [%s]. Check that [%s] exists

ID: 10749545


Message: Unable to use [%s]/[%s] as {userName}/{groupName}. Check that %s exists and belongs to %s

ID: 10749546


Message: Unauthorized user. Only user that can write [%s] can use this command

ID: 10749550


Message: Current user is not owner of the instance. Only [%s] can run this command

ID: 10749551


Message: Data version does not match binaries. Run upgrade script to solve this

ID: 10749552


Message: User [%s] does not exist

ID: 10749553


Message: User/role [%s] does not exist. Create it or use --userName option to specify another user

ID: 10749554


Message: The target backend %s cannot be backed up to the backup directory %s: this directory is already a backup location for backend %s

ID: 10749556


Message: An error occurred while attempting to initialize server components to run the encode password tool: %s

ID: 10749557


Message: The %s argument is not supported for online imports

ID: 10749571


Message: The specified start time '%s' has already passed

ID: 10749572


Message: An error occurred reading file '%s'. Check that the file exists and that you have read access rights to it. Details: %s

ID: 10749573


Message: The specified stop time '%s' has already passed

ID: 10749574


Message: Both entry DNs and a file name were provided for the compare operation. These arguments are not compatible

ID: 10749583


Message: If you specify the {%s} argument you must also specify {%s}

ID: 10749584


Message: The timeout of '%d' seconds to start the server has been reached. You can use the argument '--%s' to increase this timeout

ID: 10749592


Message: The value %s for threadCount cannot be parsed: %s

ID: 10749597


Message: Provided passwords don't matched

ID: 10749598


Message: Cannot read password from the input: %s

ID: 10749603


Message: Index "-i" option cannot be specified with the "--rebuildAll" option

ID: 10749605


Message: You have specified not to create a base DN. If no base DN is to be created you cannot specify argument '%s'

ID: 10749618


Message: A client side timeout occurred.%nAdditional Information: %s

ID: 10749622


Message: The provided schedule value has an invalid format. The schedule must be expressed using a crontab(5) format. Error details: %s

ID: 10749625


Message: Option "--rebuildDegraded" cannot be specified with the "--%s" option

ID: 10749626


Message: Option "--rebuildAll" cannot be specified with the "--%s" option

ID: 10749637


Message: An error occurred while attempting to update the FQDN for the DIGEST-MD5 SASL mechanism: %s

ID: 10749641


Message: The version of the installed OpenDJ could not be determined because the version file '%s' could not be found. Restore it from backup before continuing

ID: 10749642


Message: The version of the installed OpenDJ could not be determined because the version file '%s' exists but contains invalid data. Restore it from backup before continuing

ID: 10749643


Message: The OpenDJ binary version '%s' does not match the installed version '%s'. Please run upgrade before continuing

ID: 10749646


Message: The upgrade cannot be performed non-interactively because one or more upgrade tasks are critical and require user interaction in order to complete. Please re-run upgrade interactively by removing the '%s' option, or force the upgrade to complete by specifying the '%s' option

ID: 10749704


Message: The upgrade failed to complete for the following reason: %s

ID: 10749709


Message: OpenDJ cannot be upgraded because the server is currently running. Please stop the server and try again

ID: 10749710


Message: OpenDJ has already been upgraded to version %s

ID: 10749711


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to display a notification: %s

ID: 10749712


Message: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to display a confirmation : %s

ID: 10749713


Message: Invalid user's options selected

ID: 10749716


Message: An error occurred while performing an upgrade task: %s

ID: 10749720


Message: The %s %s doesn't exist in the template configuration

ID: 10749721


Message: An error occurred when trying to upgrade the config/upgrade folder: %s

ID: 10749731


Message: The upgrade failed because %d errors were encountered. Please check log for further details

ID: 10749732


Message: An error occurred while copying the schema file '%s': %s

ID: 10749733


Message: An error occurred while adding one or more attributes to the schema file '%s': %s

ID: 10749734


Message: An error occurred while adding one or more object classes to the schema file '%s': %s

ID: 10749739


Message: An error occurred while adding configuration file '%s': %s

ID: 10749742


Message: An error occurred when trying to rename the SNMP security config file: %s

ID: 10813806


Message: An error occurred while attempting to open the LDIF file %s for reading: %s

ID: 10813807


Message: An error occurred while attempting to read the contents of LDIF file %s: %s

ID: 10814733


Message: An unexpected error occurred attempting to set the server's root directory to %s: %s

ID: 10815098


Message: Internal Error: %s

ID: 10815099


Message: INSTALL_ROOT property not specified

ID: 10815100


Message: INSTANCE_ROOT property not specified

ID: 10815101


Message: The "config.ldif" file is not present in the instance directory %s. Instance directory is referenced by %s

Log Message Category: UTIL

This category concerns messages associated with the general server utilities.

ID: 5505042


Message: The specified LDIF file %s already exists and the export configuration indicates that no attempt should be made to append to or replace the file

ID: 5505045


Message: The specified reject file %s already exists and the import configuration indicates that no attempt should be made to append to or replace the file

ID: 5505046


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine whether LDIF entry "%s" starting at line %d should be imported as a result of the include and exclude filter configuration: %s

ID: 5505047


Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine whether LDIF entry "%s" should be exported as a result of the include and exclude filter configuration: %s

ID: 5505048


Message: Error in the LDIF change record entry. Invalid attributes specified for the delete operation

ID: 5505049


Message: Error in the LDIF change record entry. No attributes specified for the mod DN operation

ID: 5505050


Message: Error in the LDIF change record entry. No delete old RDN attribute specified for the mod DN operation

ID: 5505051


Message: Error in the LDIF change record entry. Invalid value "%s" for the delete old RDN attribute specified for the mod DN operation

ID: 5505052


Message: Error in the LDIF change record entry. Invalid attribute "%s" specified. Expecting attribute "%s"

ID: 5505053


Message: Error in the LDIF change record entry. Invalid attribute "%s" specified. Expecting one of the following attributes "%s"

ID: 5505054


Message: Error in the LDIF change record entry. Invalid value "%s" for the changetype specified. Expecting one of the following values "%s"

ID: 5505055


Message: Error in the LDIF change record entry. Invalid value for the "%s" attribute specified

ID: 5505056


Message: The provided value could not be parsed to determine whether it contained a valid schema element name or OID because it was null or empty

ID: 5505057


Message: The provided value "%s" does not contain a valid schema element name or OID because it contains an illegal character %c at position %d

ID: 5505058


Message: The provided value "%s" does not contain a valid schema element name or OID because the numeric OID contains two consecutive periods at position %d

ID: 5505059


Message: The %s argument does not have either a single-character or a long identifier that may be used to specify it. At least one of these must be specified for each argument

ID: 5505060


Message: The %s argument is configured to take a value but no value placeholder has been defined for it

ID: 5505061


Message: The %s argument does not have any value that may be retrieved as an integer

ID: 5505062


Message: The provided value "%s" for the %s argument cannot be decoded as an integer

ID: 5505063


Message: The %s argument has multiple values and therefore cannot be decoded as a single integer value

ID: 5505064


Message: The %s argument does not have any value that may be retrieved as a Boolean

ID: 5505065


Message: The provided value "%s" for the %s argument cannot be decoded as a Boolean

ID: 5505066


Message: The %s argument has multiple values and therefore cannot be decoded as a single Boolean value

ID: 5505067


Message: The %s argument configuration is invalid because the lower bound of %d is greater than the upper bound of %d

ID: 5505068


Message: The provided %s value %d is unacceptable because it is below the lower bound of %d

ID: 5505069


Message: The provided %s value %d is unacceptable because it is above the upper bound of %d

ID: 5505070


Message: The provided %s value is unacceptable because Boolean arguments are never allowed to have values

ID: 5505071


Message: The provided %s value %s is unacceptable because it is not included in the set of allowed values for that argument

ID: 5505072


Message: The file %s specified for argument %s does not exist

ID: 5505073


Message: An error occurred while trying to verify the existence of file %s specified for argument %s: %s

ID: 5505074


Message: An error occurred while trying to open file %s specified for argument %s for reading: %s

ID: 5505075


Message: An error occurred while trying to read from file %s specified for argument %s: %s

ID: 5505076


Message: The file %s specified for argument %s exists but is empty

ID: 5505077


Message: Cannot add argument %s to the argument list because its short identifier -%s conflicts with the %s argument that has already been defined

ID: 5505078


Message: Cannot add argument %s to the argument list because its long identifier --%s conflicts with the %s argument that has already been defined

ID: 5505079


Message: An error occurred while attempting to read the contents of the argument properties file %s: %s

ID: 5505080


Message: The provided set of command-line arguments contained too many unnamed trailing arguments. The maximum number of allowed trailing arguments is %d

ID: 5505081


Message: The provided argument "%s" is invalid because it does not include the argument name

ID: 5505082


Message: Argument --%s is not allowed for use with this program

ID: 5505083


Message: Argument --%s requires a value but none was provided

ID: 5505084


Message: The provided value "%s" for argument --%s is not acceptable: %s

ID: 5505085


Message: The argument --%s was included multiple times in the provided set of arguments but it does not allow multiple values

ID: 5505086


Message: A value was provided for argument --%s but that argument does not take a value

ID: 5505087


Message: The dash character by itself is invalid for use as an argument name

ID: 5505088


Message: Argument -%s is not allowed for use with this program

ID: 5505089


Message: Argument -%s requires a value but none was provided

ID: 5505090


Message: The provided value "%s" for argument -%s is not acceptable: %s

ID: 5505091


Message: The argument -%s was included multiple times in the provided set of arguments but it does not allow multiple values

ID: 5505092


Message: The provided argument block '-%s%s' is illegal because the '%s' argument requires a value but is in the same block as at least one other argument that doesn't require a value

ID: 5505093


Message: Argument "%s" does not start with one or two dashes and unnamed trailing arguments are not allowed

ID: 5505094


Message: At least %d unnamed trailing arguments are required in the argument list, but too few were provided

ID: 5505095


Message: The argument %s is required to have a value but none was provided in the argument list and no default value is available

ID: 5505096


Message: The file to move %s does not exist

ID: 5505097


Message: The file to move %s exists but is not a file

ID: 5505098


Message: The target directory %s does not exist

ID: 5505099


Message: The target directory %s exists but is not a directory

ID: 5505100


Message: The provided sender address %s is invalid: %s

ID: 5505101


Message: The provided recipient address %s is invalid: %s

ID: 5505102


Message: The specified e-mail message could not be sent using any of the configured mail servers

ID: 5505103


Message: The argument parser already has a %s subcommand

ID: 5505104


Message: There are multiple arguments for subcommand %s with name %s

ID: 5505105


Message: Argument %s for subcommand %s conflicts with a global argument with the same name

ID: 5505106


Message: Argument %s for subcommand %s has a short identifier -%s that conflicts with that of argument %s

ID: 5505107


Message: Argument %s for subcommand %s has a short ID -%s that conflicts with that of global argument %s

ID: 5505108


Message: Argument %s for subcommand %s has a long identifier --%s that conflicts with that of argument %s

ID: 5505109


Message: Argument %s for subcommand %s has a long ID --%s that conflicts with that of global argument %s

ID: 5505110


Message: There is already another global argument named "%s"

ID: 5505111


Message: The argument name %s conflicts with the name of another argument associated with the %s subcommand

ID: 5505112


Message: Short ID -%s for global argument %s conflicts with the short ID of another global argument %s

ID: 5505113


Message: Short ID -%s for global argument %s conflicts with the short ID for the %s argument associated with subcommand %s

ID: 5505114


Message: Long ID --%s for global argument %s conflicts with the long ID of another global argument %s

ID: 5505115


Message: Long ID --%s for global argument %s conflicts with the long ID for the %s argument associated with subcommand %s

ID: 5505116


Message: An error occurred while attempting to read the contents of the argument properties file %s: %s

ID: 5505117


Message: The provided command-line argument %s does not contain an argument name

ID: 5505118


Message: The provided argument --%s is not a valid global argument identifier

ID: 5505119


Message: The provided argument --%s is not a valid global or subcommand argument identifier

ID: 5505120


Message: Command-line argument --%s requires a value but none was given

ID: 5505121


Message: The provided value "%s" for argument --%s is not acceptable: %s

ID: 5505122


Message: The argument --%s was included multiple times in the provided set of arguments but it does not allow multiple values

ID: 5505123


Message: A value was provided for argument --%s but that argument does not take a value

ID: 5505124


Message: The dash character by itself is invalid for use as an argument name

ID: 5505125


Message: The provided argument -%s is not a valid global argument identifier

ID: 5505126


Message: The provided argument -%s is not a valid global or subcommand argument identifier

ID: 5505127


Message: Argument -%s requires a value but none was provided

ID: 5505128


Message: The provided value "%s" for argument -%s is not acceptable: %s

ID: 5505129


Message: The argument -%s was included multiple times in the provided set of arguments but it does not allow multiple values

ID: 5505130


Message: The provided argument block '-%s%s' is illegal because the '%s' argument requires a value but is in the same block as at least one other argument that doesn't require a value

ID: 5505131


Message: The provided argument "%s" is not recognized

ID: 5505132


Message: The provided argument %s specifies a valid subcommand, but another subcommand %s was also given. Only a single subcommand may be provided

ID: 5505133


Message: The argument %s is required to have a value but none was provided in the argument list and no default value is available

ID: 5505134


Message: The provided string "%s" cannot be decoded as an LDAP URL because it does not contain the necessary :// component to separate the scheme from the rest of the URL

ID: 5505135


Message: The provided string "%s" cannot be decoded as an LDAP URL because it does not contain a protocol scheme

ID: 5505136


Message: The provided string "%s" cannot be decoded as an LDAP URL because it does not contain a host before the colon to specify the port number

ID: 5505137


Message: The provided string "%s" cannot be decoded as an LDAP URL because it does not contain a port number after the colon following the host

ID: 5505138


Message: The provided string "%s" cannot be decoded as an LDAP URL because the port number portion %s cannot be decoded as an integer

ID: 5505139


Message: The provided string "%s" cannot be decoded as an LDAP URL because the provided port number %d is not within the valid range between 1 and 65535

ID: 5505140


Message: The provided string "%s" cannot be decoded as an LDAP URL because the scope string %s was not one of the allowed values of base, one, sub, or subordinate

ID: 5505141


Message: The provided URL component "%s" could not be decoded because the percent character at byte %d was not followed by two hexadecimal digits

ID: 5505142


Message: The provided URL component "%s" could not be decoded because the character at byte %d was not a valid hexadecimal digit

ID: 5505143


Message: An error occurred while attempting to represent a byte array as a UTF-8 string during the course of decoding a portion of an LDAP URL: %s

ID: 5505167


Message: One or more exceptions were thrown in the process of updating the file permissions for %s. Some of the permissions for the file may have been altered

ID: 5505168


Message: One or more updates to the file permissions for %s failed, but at least one update was successful. Some of the permissions for the file may have been altered

ID: 5505169


Message: All of the attempts to update the file permissions for %s failed. The file should be left with its original permissions

ID: 5505172


Message: A precondition of the invoked method was not met. This This usually means there is a defect somewhere in the call stack. Details: %s

ID: 5505181


Message: Failed to rename file %s to %s

ID: 5505182


Message: Failed to delete target file %s. Make sure the file is not currently in use by this or another application

ID: 5505183


Message: Refusing to trust client or issuer certificate '%s' because it expired on %s

ID: 5505184


Message: Refusing to trust client or issuer certificate '%s' because it is not valid until %s

ID: 5505185


Message: Refusing to trust server or issuer certificate '%s' because it expired on %s

ID: 5505186


Message: Refusing to trust server or issuer certificate '%s' because it is not valid until %s

ID: 5505188


Message: The specified skip file %s already exists and the import configuration indicates that no attempt should be made to append to or replace the file

ID: 5505191


Message: The Directory Server cannot be started because it is already running

ID: 5505205


Message: The file %s specified as the body file for the e-mail message does not exist

ID: 5505206


Message: An error occurred while attempting to process message body file %s: %s

ID: 5505207


Message: The attachment file %s does not exist

ID: 5505208


Message: An error occurred while trying to attach file %s: %s

ID: 5505209


Message: An error occurred while trying to send the e-mail message: %s

ID: 5505220


Message: An error occurred while attempting to read the raw data to encode: %s

ID: 5505221


Message: An error occurred while attempting to write the encoded data: %s

ID: 5505222


Message: An error occurred while attempting to read the base64-encoded data: %s

ID: 5505223


Message: An error occurred while attempting to write the decoded data: %s

ID: 5505224


Message: Unknown subcommand %s

ID: 5505227


Message: Invalid response. Please enter "%s" or "%s"

ID: 5505236


Message: Invalid response. Please enter one or more valid menu options

ID: 5505237


Message: Invalid response. Please enter a valid menu option

ID: 5505238


Message: The option "%s" was specified more than once. Please enter one or more valid menu options

ID: 5505245


Message: The response could not be read from the console due to the following error: %s

ID: 5505248


Message: Rejecting entry %s because it was rejected by a plugin

ID: 5505249


Message: Rejecting entry %s because it was rejected by a plugin: %s

ID: 5505261


Message: The hostname "%s" could not be resolved. Please check you have provided the correct address

ID: 5505262


Message: Invalid port number "%s". Please enter a valid port number between 1 and 65535

ID: 5505268


Message: The provided path is not valid

ID: 5505292


Message: Unexpected error. Details: %s

ID: 5505296


Message: Invalid key store path for PKCS11 keystore, it must be %s

ID: 5505297


Message: Key store path %s exists but is not a file

ID: 5505298


Message: Parent directory for key store path %s does not exist or is not a directory

ID: 5505299


Message: Invalid key store type, it must be one of the following: %s, %s, %s or %s

ID: 5505300


Message: Keystore does not exist, it must exist to retrieve an alias, delete an alias or generate a certificate request

ID: 5505301


Message: Validity value %d is invalid, it must be a positive integer

ID: 5505302


Message: A certificate with the alias %s already exists in the key store

ID: 5505303


Message: The following error occured when adding a certificate with alias %s to the keystore: %s

ID: 5505304


Message: The alias %s is cannot be added to the keystore for one of the following reasons: it already exists in the keystore, or, it is not an instance of a trusted certificate class

ID: 5505305


Message: The alias %s is an instance of a private key entry, which is not supported being added to the keystore at this time

ID: 5505306


Message: The following error occured when deleting a certificate with alias %s from the keystore: %s

ID: 5505307


Message: The following error occured when generating a certificate request with alias %s: %s

ID: 5505308


Message: The following error occured when generating a self-signed certificate using the alias %s: %s

ID: 5505309


Message: The certificate file %s is invalid because it does not exists, or exists, but is not a file

ID: 5505310


Message: The alias %s cannot be deleted from the keystore because it does not exist

ID: 5505311


Message: The alias %s does not exist in the keystore so its key information cannot be retrieved

ID: 5505312


Message: The alias %s is not a valid keystore entry type, so its key information cannot be retrieved

ID: 5505313


Message: The key information for alias %s cannot be retrieved because of the following reason: %s

ID: 5505314


Message: The private key for alias %s could not be retrieved because it was not a key related entry

ID: 5505315


Message: The alias %s does not does not have a certificate associated with it

ID: 5505316


Message: The trusted certificate associated with alias %s could not be added to keystore because of the following reason: %s

ID: 5505317


Message: The %s is invalid because it is null

ID: 5505318


Message: The argument %s is invalid because it is either null, or has zero length

ID: 5505319


Message: A security class cannot be found in this JVM because of the following reason: %s

ID: 5505320


Message: The security classes could not be initialized because of the following reason: %s

ID: 5505321


Message: A method needed in the security classes could not be located because of the following reason: %s

ID: 5505322


Message: Certificate signing request generation is not supported on JVM supplied by this vendor: %s

ID: 5505326


Message: Invalid integer number "%s". Please enter a valid integer

ID: 5505327


Message: Invalid subcommand


File layout, File Layout


Language subtypes, Directory Support For Locales and Language Subtypes
Languages, OpenDJ Languages
LDAP controls
Account usability, LDAP Controls
Assertion, LDAP Controls
Authorization identity, LDAP Controls
Entry change notification, LDAP Controls
Get effective rights, LDAP Controls
Manage DSAIT, LDAP Controls
Matched values, LDAP Controls
No-op, LDAP Controls
Password expired, LDAP Controls
Password expiring, LDAP Controls
Password policy, LDAP Controls
Permissive modify, LDAP Controls
Persistent search, LDAP Controls
Post-read, LDAP Controls
Pre-read, LDAP Controls
Proxied authorization, LDAP Controls
Public changelog exchange, LDAP Controls
Server side sort, LDAP Controls
Simple paged results, LDAP Controls
Subentries, LDAP Controls
Subtree delete, LDAP Controls
Virtual list view (browsing), LDAP Controls
LDAP extended operations
Cancel, LDAP Extended Operations
Get Connection ID, LDAP Extended Operations
Password modify, LDAP Extended Operations
Password policy state, LDAP Extended Operations
StartTLS, LDAP Extended Operations
What am I?, LDAP Extended Operations
Examples, Updating the Directory
Export, Importing & Exporting LDIF Data
File as backend, LDIF File Access
Import, Importing & Exporting LDIF Data
Specification, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
Tools, Other Tools For Working With LDIF Data
Locales, Directory Support For Locales and Language Subtypes
Lockdown mode, Preventing Access While You Fix Issues
Logs, Server Logs
Debug, Enabling Debug Logging
Filtering, Log Filtering
Log Message Reference, Log Message Reference


Monitoring, Monitoring, Logging, & Alerts
Moving servers, Moving Servers


Samba, Samba Password Synchronization
Schema, Managing Schema
Bundled definitions, Standard Schema Included With OpenDJ
Legacy data, Relaxing Schema Checking to Import Legacy Data
Schema definition extensions, Updating Directory Schema
Searching data, Searching the Directory
SNMP, SNMP-Based Monitoring
SSL, LDAP Client Access Over SSL, Authenticating Using a Certificate, Handling Compromised Keys
Start server, Starting a Server
StartTLS, LDAP Client Access With Transport Layer Security, Authenticating Using a Certificate
Stop server, Stopping a Server
Supported standards
DSMLv2, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
FIPS 180-1, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
FIPS 180-2, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
JSON, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 1274, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 1321, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 1777, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 1778, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 1779, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 2079, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 2222, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 2246, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 2247, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 2251, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 2252, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 2253, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 2254, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 2255, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 2256, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 2307, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 2377, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 2696, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 2713, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 2714, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 2739, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 2798, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 2829, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 2830, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 2849, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 2891, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 2926, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 3045, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 3062, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 3112, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 3377, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 3383, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 3546, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 3671, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 3672, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 3673, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 3674, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 3771, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 3829, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 3876, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 3909, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 4346, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 4370, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 4403, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 4422, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 4505, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 4510, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 4511, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 4512, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 4513, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 4514, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 4515, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 4516, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 4517, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 4518, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 4519, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 4524, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 4525, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 4526, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 4527, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 4528, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 4529, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 4530, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 4532, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 4616, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 4634, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 4752, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 4876, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
RFC 5020, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts
SCIM Core Schema 1.0, Standards, RFCs, & Internet-Drafts


Virtual attributes, Virtual Attributes
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