
UMA resource registration endpoint, as defined in the Federated Authorization for User-Managed Access (UMA) 2.0 specification.

Use this endpoint to register, read, delete, edit, and list resources for a particular resource owner.

ActionHTTP Method

You must compose the path to the token endpoint addressing the specific realm where the token will be issued. For example, https://openam.example.com:8443/openam/uma/realms/root/realms/subrealm1/resource_set.

The resource registration endpoint does not support any parameters. To authenticate to the endpoint, send an Authorization: Bearer header with the PAT of the resource owner.

To create and update resources, add their description to the body of the call as a JSON document that follows the UMA 2.0 specification. For example:

   "resource_scopes": [
       "view", "comment", "download"
   "name": "My Resource Name",
   "description": "An example resource stored in resourceserver.example.com",
   "type": "https://resourceserver.example.com/resources/",
   "icon_uri": "https://resourceserver.example.com/resources/resources.png"

The resource_scopes object is the only required object, and indicates the scopes that can be requested for the resource. Scope descriptions are not supported.

When reading, updating, and deleting a resource, you must include the resource ID in the URL. For example:

$ curl \
--header "Authorization: Bearer 515d6551-6512-5279-98b6-c0ef3f03a723" \

For examples of the different REST calls, see "How to Manage UMA Resources".

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