Policy Set Application Types (REST)

Application types act as templates for policy sets, and define how to compare resources and index policies. AM provides a default application type that represents web resources called iPlanetAMWebAgentService. AM web and Java agents use a default policy set that is based on this type, which is also called iPlanetAMWebAgentService.

AM provides the applicationtypes REST endpoint for the following:

Applications types are server-wide, and do not differ by realm. Hence the URI for the application types API does not contain a realm component, but is /json/applicationtypes.

Application type resources are represented in JSON and take the following form. Application type resources are built from standard JSON objects and values (strings, numbers, objects, arrays, true, false, and null).

  "name": "iPlanetAMWebAgentService",
  "actions": {
     "POST": true,
     "PATCH": true,
     "GET": true,
     "DELETE": true,
     "OPTIONS": true,
     "PUT": true,
     "HEAD": true
  "resourceComparator": "com.sun.identity.entitlement.URLResourceName",
  "saveIndex": "org.forgerock.openam.entitlement.indextree.TreeSaveIndex",
  "searchIndex": "org.forgerock.openam.entitlement.indextree.TreeSearchIndex",
  "applicationClassName": "com.sun.identity.entitlement.Application"

The values for the fields shown in the description are explained below:


The name provided for the application type.


Set of string action names, each set to a boolean indicating whether the action is allowed.


Class name of the resource comparator implementation used in the context of this application type.

The following implementations are available:


Class name of the implementation for creating indexes for resource names, such as "com.sun.identity.entitlement.util.ResourceNameIndexGenerator", for URL resource names.


Class name of the implementation for searching indexes for resource names, such as "com.sun.identity.entitlement.util.ResourceNameSplitter", for URL resource names.


Class name of the application type implementation, such as "com.sun.identity.entitlement.Application".

Querying Application Types

To list all application types, perform an HTTP GET to the /json/applicationtypes endpoint, with a _queryFilter parameter set to true.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an administrative user, such as amAdmin, who has access to perform the operation.

$ curl \
--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
    "result" : [ ... application types ... ],
    "resultCount" : 8,
    "pagedResultsCookie" : null,
    "remainingPagedResults" : -1

Additional query strings can be specified to alter the returned results. For more information, see "Query".

Reading a Specific Application Type

To read an individual application type, perform an HTTP GET to the /json/applicationtypes endpoint, and specify the application type name in the URL.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an administrative user, such as amAdmin, who has access to perform the operation.

$ curl \
--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
    "name": "iPlanetAMWebAgentService",
    "actions": {
        "POST": true,
        "PATCH": true,
        "GET": true,
        "DELETE": true,
        "OPTIONS": true,
        "PUT": true,
        "HEAD": true
    "resourceComparator": "com.sun.identity.entitlement.URLResourceName",
    "saveIndex": "org.forgerock.openam.entitlement.indextree.TreeSaveIndex",
    "searchIndex": "org.forgerock.openam.entitlement.indextree.TreeSearchIndex",
    "applicationClassName": "com.sun.identity.entitlement.Application"
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