Global Operations
An object of property key-value pairs
Resource path:
Resource version: 1.0
am> update DefaultSdkProperties --global --body body
- --body
The resource in JSON format, described by the following JSON schema:
{ "type" : "object", "properties" : { "amconfig.header.datastore" : { "title" : "Data Store", "type" : "object", "propertyOrder" : 0, "properties" : { "" : { "type" : "boolean", "title" : "Enable Datastore Notification", "propertyOrder" : 0, "required" : true, "description" : "Specifies if backend datastore notification is enabled. If this value is set to 'false', then in-memory notification is enabled. (property name:" }, "" : { "type" : "integer", "title" : "Notification Pool Size", "propertyOrder" : 1, "required" : true, "description" : "Specifies the size of the sm notification thread pool (total number of threads). (property name:" } } }, "amconfig.header.eventservice" : { "title" : "Event Service", "type" : "object", "propertyOrder" : 1, "properties" : { "" : { "type" : "integer", "title" : "Number of retries for Event Service connections", "propertyOrder" : 0, "required" : true, "description" : "Specifies the number of attempts made to successfully re-establish the Event Service connections. (property name:" }, "" : { "type" : "integer", "title" : "Delay between Event Service connection retries", "propertyOrder" : 1, "required" : true, "description" : "Specifies the delay in milliseconds between retries to re-establish the Event Service connections. (property name:" }, "" : { "type" : "string", "title" : "Error codes for Event Service connection retries", "propertyOrder" : 2, "required" : true, "description" : "This secifies the LDAP exception error codes for which retries to re-establish Event Service connections will trigger. (property name:" }, "" : { "type" : "string", "title" : "Disabled Event Service Connection", "propertyOrder" : 3, "required" : true, "description" : "Specifies which event connection (persistent search) to be disabled. There are three valid values - aci, sm and um (case insensitive). Multiple values should be separated with \",\". (property name:" } } }, "amconfig.header.ldapconnection" : { "title" : "LDAP Connection", "type" : "object", "propertyOrder" : 2, "properties" : { "" : { "type" : "integer", "title" : "Number of retries for LDAP Connection", "propertyOrder" : 0, "required" : true, "description" : "Specifies the number of attempts made to successfully re-establish LDAP Connection. (property name:" }, "" : { "type" : "integer", "title" : "Delay between LDAP connection retries", "propertyOrder" : 1, "required" : true, "description" : "Specifies the delay in milliseconds between retries to re-establish the LDAP connections. (property name:" }, "" : { "type" : "string", "title" : "Error codes for LDAP connection retries", "propertyOrder" : 2, "required" : true, "description" : "This secifies the LDAP exception error codes for which retries to re-establish LDAP connections will trigger. (property name:" } } }, "amconfig.header.cachingreplica" : { "title" : "Caching and Replica", "type" : "object", "propertyOrder" : 3, "properties" : { "" : { "type" : "integer", "title" : "SDK Caching Max. Size", "propertyOrder" : 0, "required" : true, "description" : "Specifies the size of the cache when SDK caching is enabled. The size should be an integer greater than 0, or default size (10000) will be used. Changing this value will reset (clear) the contents of the cache. (property name:" } } }, "amconfig.header.sdktimetoliveconfig" : { "title" : "Time To Live Configuration", "type" : "object", "propertyOrder" : 4, "properties" : { "" : { "type" : "boolean", "title" : "Cache Entry Expiration Enabled", "propertyOrder" : 0, "required" : true, "description" : "If this property is set, the cache entries will expire based on the time specified in User Entry Expiration Time property. (property name:" }, "" : { "type" : "integer", "title" : "User Entry Expiration Time", "propertyOrder" : 1, "required" : true, "description" : "This property specifies time in minutes for which the user entries remain valid in cache after their last modification. After this specified period of time elapses (after the last modification/read from the directory), the data for the entry that is cached will expire. At that instant new requests for data for these user entries will result in reading from the Directory. (property name:" }, "" : { "type" : "integer", "title" : "Default Entry Expiration Time", "propertyOrder" : 2, "required" : true, "description" : "This property specifies time in minutes for which the non-user entries remain valid in cache after their last modification. After this specified period of time elapses (after the last modification/read from the directory), the data for the entry that is cached will expire. At that instant new requests for data for these non-user entries will result in reading from the Directory. (property name:" } } } } }