Package | Description |
org.forgerock.opendj.config.client.ldap |
LDAP configuration transport implementation.
org.forgerock.opendj.config.schema |
This package contains LDAP schema syntaxes for attributes that can handle either
a commons-config expression using the pattern "&{some.token}" or an actual value corresponding to
the underlying syntax.
| |
Classes and interfaces providing I/O functionality.
org.forgerock.opendj.ldap |
Classes and interfaces for core types including connections, entries, and
org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema |
Classes and interfaces for constructing and querying LDAP schemas.
org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.spi |
Interfaces and classes for service providers.
org.forgerock.opendj.ldif |
Classes and interfaces for reading and writing LDIF.
org.forgerock.opendj.rest2ldap |
APIs for implementing REST to LDAP gateways.
org.forgerock.opendj.rest2ldap.authz |
This package contains
Filter to authenticate and authorize LDAP connections. |
org.opends.server.api |
Contains a number of API declarations for use throughout the
Directory Server.
org.opends.server.authorization.dseecompat |
Contains the Directory Server Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition (dseecompat) compatability access
control handler implementation.
org.opends.server.config |
Contains code used to interact with the Directory Server configuration.
org.opends.server.core |
Contains various classes that comprise the core of the Directory Server codebase.
org.opends.server.replication.plugin |
This package contains the part of the Multi-master
replication code that works on the Directory Server side.
org.opends.server.schema |
Contains implementations of various Directory Server schema elements.
org.opends.server.util |
Contains implementations for various Directory Server utility classes and methods which may be used throughout the
server but do not necessarily fit in elsewhere.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ManagementContext |
LdapManagementContext.newLdifManagementContext(Path ldifPath,
Schema schema)
Returns a management context for the provided LDIF configuration file and schema.
static ManagementContext |
LdapManagementContext.newManagementContext(Connection connection,
LdapProfile profile,
Schema schema)
Creates a new LDAP management context using the provided LDAP connection and provided schema.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static SchemaBuilder |
ExpressionSchema.addExpressionSyntaxesToSchema(SchemaBuilder builder,
Schema schema)
Adds the configuration expression syntaxes to the provided schema builder.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Attribute |
Ldap.readAttribute(Asn1Reader reader,
DecodeOptions options,
Schema schema)
Reads the next ASN.1 element from the provided
ASN1Reader as an Attribute . |
static Modification |
Ldap.readModification(Asn1Reader reader,
DecodeOptions options,
Schema schema)
Reads the next ASN.1 element from the provided
ASN1Reader as a Modification . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Schema |
SchemaResolver.resolveSchema(String dn)
Finds the appropriate schema for use with the provided distinguished name.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static AttributeDescription |
Functions.byteStringToAttributeDescription(ByteString value,
Schema schema)
Parses a
ByteString as an AttributeDescription using the provided schema. |
static Function<ByteString,Dn,LocalizedIllegalArgumentException> |
Functions.byteStringToDn(Schema schema)
Returns a function which parses
DN s using the provided schema. |
Comparator<Entry> |
SortKey.comparator(Schema schema)
Returns a
Comparator which can be used to compare entries using
this sort key. |
static Comparator<Entry> |
SortKey.comparator(Schema schema,
Collection<SortKey> keys)
Returns a
Comparator which can be used to compare entries using
the provided list of sort keys. |
static Comparator<Entry> |
SortKey.comparator(Schema schema,
SortKey... keys)
Returns a
Comparator which can be used to compare entries using
the provided list of sort keys. |
static boolean |
Entries.conformsToSchema(Entry entry,
SchemaValidationPolicy policy,
Collection<LocalizableMessage> errorMessages,
Schema schema)
true if the provided entry is valid according to the
specified schema and schema validation policy. |
static boolean |
Entries.containsObjectClass(Entry entry,
ObjectClass objectClass,
Schema schema)
Check if the provided entry contains the provided object class.
static Dn |
Dn.format(String template,
Schema schema,
Object... attributeValues)
Creates a new DN using the provided DN template and unescaped attribute
values using the provided schema.
static Set<ObjectClass> |
Entries.getObjectClasses(Entry entry,
Schema schema)
Returns an unmodifiable set containing the object classes associated with
the provided entry.
static ObjectClass |
Entries.getStructuralObjectClass(Entry entry,
Schema schema)
Returns the structural object class associated with the provided entry,
null if none was found. |
AttributeFilter |
AttributeFilter.includeAttribute(String attributeDescription,
Schema schema)
Specifies that the named attribute should be included in filtered
AttributeFilter |
AttributeFilter.includeAttribute(String attributeDescription,
Schema schema,
boolean includeAttributesFromSuperiors)
Specifies that the named attribute should be included in filtered
Matcher |
Filter.matcher(Schema schema)
Returns a
Matcher which can be used to compare this
Filter against entries using the provided Schema . |
DecodeOptions |
DecodeOptions.setSchema(Schema schema)
Sets the
Schema which will be used for decoding distinguished
names, attribute descriptions, and other objects which require a schema
in order to be decoded. |
AttributeParser |
AttributeParser.usingSchema(Schema schema)
Sets the
Schema which will be used when parsing schema sensitive
values such as DNs and attribute descriptions. |
static Rdn |
Rdn.valueOf(String rdn,
Schema schema)
Parses the provided LDAP string representation of a RDN using the
provided schema.
static LdapUrl |
LdapUrl.valueOf(String url,
Schema schema)
Parses the provided LDAP string representation of an LDAP URL using the
provided schema.
static Dn |
Dn.valueOf(String dn,
Schema schema)
Parses the provided LDAP string representation of a DN using the provided schema.
static Ava |
Ava.valueOf(String ava,
Schema schema)
Parses the provided LDAP string representation of an AVA using the
provided schema.
static AttributeDescription |
AttributeDescription.valueOf(String attributeDescription,
Schema schema)
Parses the provided LDAP string representation of an attribute
description using the provided schema.
Constructor and Description |
AttributeFilter(Collection<String> attributeDescriptions,
Schema schema)
Creates a new attribute filter which will include the attributes
identified by the provided search request attribute list.
MemoryBackend(Schema schema)
Creates a new empty memory backend which will use the provided schema.
MemoryBackend(Schema schema,
EntryReader reader)
Creates a new memory backend which will use the provided schema, and will
contain the entries read from the provided entry reader.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Schema |
SchemaValidationPolicy.adaptSchemaForValidation(Schema schema)
Returns a strict view of the provided schema if the this policy is
configured to check attributes and object class, or a non-strict view of
the schema if not.
Schema |
Returns a non-strict view of this schema.
Schema |
Returns a strict view of this schema.
static Schema |
Returns the core schema.
static Schema |
Returns the default schema which should be used by this application.
static Schema |
Returns the empty schema.
static Schema |
Returns a reference to the singleton core schema.
static Schema |
Schema.readSchema(Connection connection,
Dn name)
Reads the schema contained in the named subschema sub-entry.
static Schema |
Schema.readSchemaForEntry(Connection connection,
Dn name)
Reads the schema contained in the subschema sub-entry which applies to
the named entry.
Schema |
Returns a strict
Schema containing all of the schema elements
contained in this schema builder as well as the same set of schema
compatibility options. |
static Schema |
Schema.valueOf(Entry entry)
Parses the provided entry as a subschema subentry.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Single<Schema> |
Schema.readSchema(LdapClientSocket socket,
Dn name)
Reads the schema contained in the named subschema sub-entry.
static LdapPromise<Schema> |
Schema.readSchemaAsync(Connection connection,
Dn name)
Asynchronously reads the schema contained in the named subschema
static Single<Schema> |
Schema.readSchemaForEntry(LdapClientSocket socket,
Dn name)
Reads the schema contained in the subschema sub-entry
which applies to the named entry.
static LdapPromise<Schema> |
Schema.readSchemaForEntryAsync(Connection connection,
Dn name)
Asynchronously reads the schema contained in the subschema sub-entry
which applies to the named entry.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Schema |
SchemaValidationPolicy.adaptSchemaForValidation(Schema schema)
Returns a strict view of the provided schema if the this policy is
configured to check attributes and object class, or a non-strict view of
the schema if not.
SchemaBuilder |
SchemaBuilder.addSchema(Schema schema,
boolean overwrite)
Adds all of the schema elements in the provided schema to this schema
Assertion |
MatchingRuleImpl.getAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence assertionValue)
Retrieves the normalized form of the provided assertion value, which is
best suited for efficiently performing less than matching operations on
that value.
Assertion |
AbstractOrderingMatchingRuleImpl.getAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value) |
Assertion |
AbstractEqualityMatchingRuleImpl.getAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence assertionValue) |
Assertion |
MatchingRuleImpl.getGreaterOrEqualAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value)
Retrieves the normalized form of the provided assertion value, which is
best suited for efficiently performing greater than or equal matching
operations on that value.
Assertion |
AbstractOrderingMatchingRuleImpl.getGreaterOrEqualAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value) |
Assertion |
MatchingRuleImpl.getLessOrEqualAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value)
Retrieves the normalized form of the provided assertion value, which is
best suited for efficiently performing less than or equal matching
operations on that value.
Assertion |
AbstractOrderingMatchingRuleImpl.getLessOrEqualAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value) |
Assertion |
MatchingRuleImpl.getSubstringAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence subInitial,
List<? extends ByteSequence> subAnyElements,
ByteSequence subFinal)
Retrieves the normalized form of the provided assertion substring values,
which is best suited for efficiently performing matching operations on
that value.
ByteString |
MatchingRuleImpl.normalizeAttributeValue(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value)
Retrieves the normalized form of the provided attribute value, which is
best suited for efficiently performing matching operations on that value.
static void |
Schema.setDefaultSchema(Schema schema)
Sets the default schema which should be used by this application.
boolean |
SyntaxImpl.valueIsAcceptable(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value,
LocalizableMessageBuilder invalidReason)
Indicates whether the provided value is acceptable for use in an
attribute with this syntax.
Constructor and Description |
SchemaBuilder(Schema schema)
Creates a new schema builder containing all of the schema elements from
the provided schema and its compatibility options.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Indexer.createKeys(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value,
Collection<ByteString> keys)
Generates the set of index keys for an attribute.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static EntryReader | input,
SearchRequest search,
Schema schema)
Returns a filtered view of
input containing only those entries
which match the search base DN, scope, and filtered defined in
search . |
LdifEntryReader |
LdifEntryReader.setSchema(Schema schema)
Sets the schema which should be used for decoding entries that are read
from LDIF.
LdifChangeRecordReader |
LdifChangeRecordReader.setSchema(Schema schema)
Sets the schema which should be used for decoding change records that are
read from LDIF.
EntryGenerator |
EntryGenerator.setSchema(Schema schema)
Sets the schema which should be when generating entries.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Schema |
Schema used to perform DN validations.
Constructor and Description |
Rest2LdapHttpApplication(File configDirectory,
Schema schema)
Creates a new Rest2LDAP HTTP application using the provided configuration directory.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static AuthenticationStrategy |
AuthenticationStrategies.newSaslPlainStrategy(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
Schema schema,
String authcIdTemplate)
Creates an
AuthenticationStrategy performing authentication against an LDAP server using a plain SASL
bind request. |
static AuthenticationStrategy |
AuthenticationStrategies.newSimpleBindStrategy(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
String bindDNTemplate,
Schema schema)
Creates an
AuthenticationStrategy performing simple BIND authentication against an LDAP server. |
Constructor and Description |
MonitorData(Schema schema)
Builds a MonitorData object by using the provided schema.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
PatternDN.matchesDN(Dn dn,
Schema schema)
Determine whether a given DN matches this pattern.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ConfigurationHandler.reinitializeWithFullSchema(Schema schema)
Re-initializes the configuration handler with a fully initialized schema.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Schema |
Returns the schema of the server.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Assertion |
HistoricalCsnRangeMatchingRuleImpl.getAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence assertionValue) |
Assertion |
HistoricalCsnOrderingMatchingRuleImpl.getAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value) |
Assertion |
HistoricalCsnRangeMatchingRuleImpl.getGreaterOrEqualAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value) |
Assertion |
HistoricalCsnOrderingMatchingRuleImpl.getGreaterOrEqualAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value) |
Assertion |
HistoricalCsnRangeMatchingRuleImpl.getLessOrEqualAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value) |
Assertion |
HistoricalCsnOrderingMatchingRuleImpl.getLessOrEqualAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value) |
Assertion |
HistoricalCsnRangeMatchingRuleImpl.getSubstringAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence subInitial,
List<? extends ByteSequence> subAnyElements,
ByteSequence subFinal) |
Assertion |
HistoricalCsnOrderingMatchingRuleImpl.getSubstringAssertion(Schema schema,
ByteSequence subInitial,
List<? extends ByteSequence> subAnyElements,
ByteSequence subFinal) |
ByteString |
HistoricalCsnRangeMatchingRuleImpl.normalizeAttributeValue(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value) |
ByteString |
HistoricalCsnOrderingMatchingRuleImpl.normalizeAttributeValue(Schema schema,
ByteSequence value) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Schema |
Returns the schema.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SchemaHandler.loadSchemaFileIntoSchemaBuilder(File schemaFile,
SchemaBuilder schemaBuilder,
Schema readSchema)
Loads the contents of the provided schema file into the provided schema builder.
List<Modification> |
SchemaHandler.loadSchemaFileIntoSchemaBuilderAndReturnModifications(File schemaFile,
SchemaBuilder schemaBuilder,
Schema readSchema)
Loads the contents of the provided schema file into the provided schema builder and returns the list of
void |
SchemaHandler.updateSchema(Schema schema)
Replaces the schema with the provided schema.
void |
SchemaHandler.updateSchemaAndConcatenatedSchemaFile(Schema newSchema)
Replaces the schema with the provided schema and update the concatenated schema file.
void |
SchemaHandler.updateSchemaAndSchemaFiles(Schema newSchema,
Map<String,Attribute> newExtraAttributes,
SortedSet<String> modifiedSchemaFileNames,
AlertGenerator alertGenerator)
Replaces the schema with the provided schema and updates the provided set of schema files.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Entry |
StaticUtils.createEntry(Dn dn,
Schema schema)
Creates a new, blank entry with the given DN.
Copyright 2010-2022 ForgeRock AS.