Package | Description |
org.forgerock.api.models |
ForgeRock API Descriptor models.
org.forgerock.config.util |
Contains utility classes for commons config.
org.forgerock.json |
Provides an API for the traversal and manipulation of JSON object model structures in Java.
org.forgerock.json.resource |
Classes and interfaces for core types including connections, request
handlers, resources, and their exceptions.
org.forgerock.opendj.ldap |
Classes and interfaces for core types including connections, entries, and
org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema |
Classes and interfaces for constructing and querying LDAP schemas.
org.forgerock.opendj.rest2ldap |
APIs for implementing REST to LDAP gateways.
org.forgerock.opendj.rest2ldap.authz |
This package contains
Filter to authenticate and authorize LDAP connections. |
org.forgerock.opendj.setup.model |
Contains code of the opendj setup model.
org.forgerock.util |
Provides common interfaces and classes.
org.forgerock.util.promise |
An implementation of the
Promise API in Java. |
org.opends.server.core |
Contains various classes that comprise the core of the Directory Server codebase.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Iterates over each JsonValue node in the JsonValue structure and if it's a String marked for translation,
It replaces the String with a LocalizableString.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
JsonValuePropertyEvaluator.CoercionFunctionSpec |
JsonValuePropertyEvaluator.CoercionFunctionSpecBuilder.using(Function<JsonValue,Object,JsonValueException> function)
Specify the function that will convert the matched JSON into an object.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Function<JsonValue,Charset,JsonValueException> |
Returns the JSON string value as a character set used for byte
static Function<JsonValue,JsonValue,JsonValueException> |
JsonValueFunctions.deepTransformBy(Function<JsonValue,?,JsonValueException> function)
Returns the JSON value as the result of a deep JsonValue object-traversal,
applying the provided transform
function to each element. |
static Function<JsonValue,Duration,JsonValueException> |
Returns the JSON string value as a
Duration . |
static <T extends Enum<T>> |
JsonValueFunctions.enumConstant(Class<T> type)
Returns the JSON string value as an enum constant of the specified enum
static Function<JsonValue,File,JsonValueException> |
Returns the JSON string value as a
File object. |
static Function<JsonValue,JsonValue,JsonValueException> |
Returns an identity function that will copy the input
JsonValue . |
static Function<JsonValue,Instant,JsonValueException> |
static Function<JsonValue,Integer,NumberFormatException> |
Returns an
Integer by converting the JsonValue using JsonValue.asInteger() , or by parsing the
JsonValue string using Integer.parseInt(String) . |
static <V,E extends Exception> |
JsonValueFunctions.listOf(Function<JsonValue,V,E> transformFunction)
Returns the JSON value as a
List containing objects whose type
(and value) is specified by a transformation function. |
static Function<JsonValue,Boolean,NeverThrowsException> |
Returns a
Boolean by converting the JsonValue using JsonValue.asLong() , or by parsing the
JsonValue string using Boolean.parseBoolean(String) . |
static Function<JsonValue,Long,NumberFormatException> |
Returns a
Long by converting the JsonValue using JsonValue.asLong() , or by parsing the JsonValue
string using Long.parseLong(String) . |
static Function<JsonValue,Pattern,JsonValueException> |
Returns the JSON string value as a regular expression pattern.
static Function<JsonValue,JsonPointer,JsonValueException> |
Returns the JSON string value as a JSON pointer.
static <V> Function<JsonValue,Set<V>,JsonValueException> |
JsonValueFunctions.setOf(Class<V> type)
Returns the JSON value as a
Set containing objects whose type
(and value) is specified by the parameter type . |
static <V,E extends Exception> |
JsonValueFunctions.setOf(Function<JsonValue,V,E> transformFunction)
Returns the JSON value as a
Set containing objects whose type
(and value) is specified by a transformation function. |
static Function<JsonValue,URI,JsonValueException> |
Returns the JSON string value as a uniform resource identifier.
static Function<JsonValue,URL,JsonValueException> |
Returns the JSON string value as a uniform resource locator.
static Function<JsonValue,UUID,JsonValueException> |
Returns the JSON string value as a universally unique identifier (UUID).
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<V,E extends Exception> |<JsonValue,V,E> transformFunction)
Returns the JSON value as an object whose type
(and value) is specified by a transformation function.
static Function<JsonValue,JsonValue,JsonValueException> |
JsonValueFunctions.deepTransformBy(Function<JsonValue,?,JsonValueException> function)
Returns the JSON value as the result of a deep JsonValue object-traversal,
applying the provided transform
function to each element. |
static <V,E extends Exception> |
JsonValueFunctions.listOf(Function<JsonValue,V,E> transformFunction)
Returns the JSON value as a
List containing objects whose type
(and value) is specified by a transformation function. |
static <V,E extends Exception> |
JsonValueFunctions.setOf(Function<JsonValue,V,E> transformFunction)
Returns the JSON value as a
Set containing objects whose type
(and value) is specified by a transformation function. |
Constructor and Description |
JsonValueTraverseFunction(Function<JsonValue,?,JsonValueException> transform)
Construct the traversal function with a transformation function to apply to each array element
nested object attribute value element, or primitive element.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Function<JsonValue,ResourcePath,JsonValueException> |
Returns the JSON string value as a
ResourcePath . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Function<ByteString,Boolean,LocalizedIllegalArgumentException> |
Returns a function which parses
Boolean values. |
static Function<ByteString,Dn,LocalizedIllegalArgumentException> |
Returns a function which parses
DN s using the default schema. |
static Function<ByteString,Dn,LocalizedIllegalArgumentException> |
Functions.byteStringToDn(Schema schema)
Returns a function which parses
DN s using the provided schema. |
static Function<ByteString,GeneralizedTime,LocalizedIllegalArgumentException> |
Returns a function which parses generalized time strings.
static Function<ByteString,Integer,LocalizedIllegalArgumentException> |
Returns a function which parses
Integer string values. |
static Function<ByteString,Long,LocalizedIllegalArgumentException> |
Returns a function which parses
Long string values. |
static <M,N> Function<M,N,NeverThrowsException> |
Functions.constant(N constant)
Creates a function that returns constant value for any input.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T,E extends Exception> |<ByteString,? extends T,E> f)
Returns the first value decoded as a
T using the provided
Function , or null if the attribute does not contain any
values. |
<T,E extends Exception> |<ByteString,? extends T,E> f,
T defaultValue)
Returns the first value decoded as a
T using the provided
Function , or defaultValue if the attribute does not
contain any values. |
<T,E extends Exception> |
AttributeParser.asSetOf(Function<ByteString,? extends T,E> f,
Collection<? extends T> defaultValues)
Returns the values decoded as a set of
T s using the provided
Function , or defaultValues if the attribute does not
contain any values. |
<T,E extends Exception> |
AttributeParser.asSetOf(Function<ByteString,? extends T,E> f,
T... defaultValues)
Returns the values decoded as a set of
T s using the provided
Function , or defaultValues if the attribute does not
contain any values. |
<VOUT> LdapPromise<VOUT> |
LdapPromise.then(Function<? super S,VOUT,LdapException> onResult) |
Constructor and Description |
ConsistentHashMap(Function<Object,Integer,NeverThrowsException> hashFunction)
Creates a new consistent hash map which will hash keys using the provided hash function.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Function<Dn,Entry,LdapException> |
Returns the parent entry resolver which should be used for retrieving the parent entry
during DIT structure rule validation.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SchemaValidationPolicy |
SchemaValidationPolicy.checkDitStructureRules(SchemaValidationPolicy.Action policy,
Function<Dn,Entry,LdapException> parentEntryResolver)
Specifies the policy for validating entries against structure rules defined in the schema.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SimplePropertyMapper |
SimplePropertyMapper.decoder(Function<ByteString,?,? extends Exception> f)
Sets the decoder which will be used for converting LDAP attribute values
to JSON values.
SimplePropertyMapper |
SimplePropertyMapper.encoder(Function<Object,ByteString,? extends Exception> f)
Sets the encoder which will be used for converting JSON values to LDAP
attribute values.
protected ConditionalFilters.ConditionalFilter |
Rest2LdapHttpApplication.newBasicAuthenticationFilter(AuthenticationStrategy authenticationStrategy,
Function<org.forgerock.http.protocol.Headers,Pair<String,String>,NeverThrowsException> credentialsExtractor)
Gets a
Filter in charge of performing the HTTP-Basic Authentication. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Function<org.forgerock.http.protocol.Headers,Pair<String,String>,NeverThrowsException> |
Creates a function which extracts the user's credentials from the standard HTTP Basic header.
static Function<org.forgerock.http.protocol.Headers,Pair<String,String>,NeverThrowsException> |
CredentialExtractors.newCustomHeaderExtractor(String customHeaderUsername,
String customHeaderPassword)
Creates a function which extracts the user's credentials from custom HTTP header in addition of the standard HTTP
Basic one.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ConditionalFilters.ConditionalFilter |
Authorization.newConditionalHttpBasicAuthenticationFilter(AuthenticationStrategy authenticationStrategy,
Function<org.forgerock.http.protocol.Headers,Pair<String,String>,NeverThrowsException> credentialsExtractor)
Creates a new
ConditionalFilters.ConditionalFilter performing authentication. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T2> Profile.ParameterType<T2> |
Profile.ParameterType.of(String name,
Function<String,T2,com.forgerock.opendj.cli.ArgumentException> parse)
Creates and returns a new parameter type object associated to provided class.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
CloseSilentlyFunction<VIN extends Closeable,VOUT,E extends Exception>
Function that silently closes an input-parameter after a delegate-function's apply(Object)
is invoked. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <IN extends Closeable,OUT,EX extends Exception> |
CloseSilentlyFunction.closeSilently(Function<IN,OUT,EX> delegate)
Wraps a delegate function in a
CloseSilentlyFunction . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <IN extends Closeable,OUT,EX extends Exception> |
CloseSilentlyFunction.closeSilently(Function<IN,OUT,EX> delegate)
Wraps a delegate function in a
CloseSilentlyFunction . |
static <T,R,E extends Exception> |
LambdaExceptionUtils.rethrowFunction(Function<T,R,E> function)
Constructor and Description |
CloseSilentlyFunction(Function<VIN,VOUT,E> delegate)
Creates a new
CloseSilentlyFunction instance. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<VOUT> Promise<VOUT,E> |
PromiseImpl.then(Function<? super V,VOUT,E> onResult) |
<VOUT> Promise<VOUT,E> |
Promise.then(Function<? super V,VOUT,E> onResult)
Submits the provided function for execution once this
Promise has
completed with a result, and returns a new Promise representing
the outcome of the function. |
<VOUT,EOUT extends Exception> |
PromiseImpl.then(Function<? super V,VOUT,EOUT> onResult,
Function<? super E,VOUT,EOUT> onException) |
<VOUT,EOUT extends Exception> |
PromiseImpl.then(Function<? super V,VOUT,EOUT> onResult,
Function<? super E,VOUT,EOUT> onException) |
<VOUT,EOUT extends Exception> |
Promise.then(Function<? super V,VOUT,EOUT> onResult,
Function<? super E,VOUT,EOUT> onException)
Submits the provided functions for execution once this
has completed (with a result or an exception), and returns a new
Promise representing the outcome of the invoked function. |
<VOUT,EOUT extends Exception> |
Promise.then(Function<? super V,VOUT,EOUT> onResult,
Function<? super E,VOUT,EOUT> onException)
Submits the provided functions for execution once this
has completed (with a result or an exception), and returns a new
Promise representing the outcome of the invoked function. |
<VOUT,EOUT extends Exception> |
PromiseImpl.then(Function<? super V,VOUT,EOUT> onResult,
Function<? super E,VOUT,EOUT> onException,
Function<? super RuntimeException,VOUT,EOUT> onRuntimeException) |
<VOUT,EOUT extends Exception> |
PromiseImpl.then(Function<? super V,VOUT,EOUT> onResult,
Function<? super E,VOUT,EOUT> onException,
Function<? super RuntimeException,VOUT,EOUT> onRuntimeException) |
<VOUT,EOUT extends Exception> |
PromiseImpl.then(Function<? super V,VOUT,EOUT> onResult,
Function<? super E,VOUT,EOUT> onException,
Function<? super RuntimeException,VOUT,EOUT> onRuntimeException) |
<VOUT,EOUT extends Exception> |
Promise.then(Function<? super V,VOUT,EOUT> onResult,
Function<? super E,VOUT,EOUT> onException,
Function<? super RuntimeException,VOUT,EOUT> onRuntimeException)
Submits the provided functions for execution once this
has completed (with a result or an exception or a RuntimeException ), and returns a new
Promise representing the outcome of the invoked function. |
<VOUT,EOUT extends Exception> |
Promise.then(Function<? super V,VOUT,EOUT> onResult,
Function<? super E,VOUT,EOUT> onException,
Function<? super RuntimeException,VOUT,EOUT> onRuntimeException)
Submits the provided functions for execution once this
has completed (with a result or an exception or a RuntimeException ), and returns a new
Promise representing the outcome of the invoked function. |
<VOUT,EOUT extends Exception> |
Promise.then(Function<? super V,VOUT,EOUT> onResult,
Function<? super E,VOUT,EOUT> onException,
Function<? super RuntimeException,VOUT,EOUT> onRuntimeException)
Submits the provided functions for execution once this
has completed (with a result or an exception or a RuntimeException ), and returns a new
Promise representing the outcome of the invoked function. |
<EOUT extends Exception> |
PromiseImpl.thenCatch(Function<? super E,V,EOUT> onException) |
<EOUT extends Exception> |
Promise.thenCatch(Function<? super E,V,EOUT> onException)
Submits the provided function for execution once this
Promise has
not completed with a result (has completed with an exception), and returns
a new Promise representing the outcome of the function. |
Promise<V,E> |
PromiseImpl.thenCatchRuntimeException(Function<? super RuntimeException,V,E> onRuntimeException) |
Promise<V,E> |
Promise.thenCatchRuntimeException(Function<? super RuntimeException,V,E> onRuntimeException)
Submits the provided function for execution once this
Promise has
not completed with a result nor with an exception but with a RuntimeException , and returns
a new Promise representing the outcome of the function. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<R,E extends Exception> |
GroupManager.doWithSharedLock(Function<Void,R,E> function)
Executes the provided function after acquiring this group manager's read lock.
Copyright 2010-2022 ForgeRock AS.