Package | Description |
org.forgerock.json.jose.jwe.handlers.encryption |
Encryption Handler classes for each possible encryption algorithm.
| |
Classes and interfaces providing I/O functionality.
org.forgerock.opendj.ldap |
Classes and interfaces for core types including connections, entries, and
org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.spi |
Interfaces and classes for service providers.
org.forgerock.opendj.ldif |
Classes and interfaces for reading and writing LDIF.
org.forgerock.opendj.rest2ldap |
APIs for implementing REST to LDAP gateways.
org.forgerock.opendj.rest2ldap.schema |
This package contains LDAP schema syntaxes and matching rules for JSON based attributes.
| |
An LDAP based security provider having the name "OpenDJ" and exposing an LDAP/LDIF based
KeyStore service. |
org.forgerock.opendj.setup.model |
Contains code of the opendj setup model.
org.forgerock.util |
Provides common interfaces and classes.
org.opends.server.discovery |
Contains the Service Discovery Mechanisms and APIs.
org.opends.server.replication.server.changelog.api |
This package contains the API for the changelog database.
org.opends.server.replication.server.changelog.file |
This package contains a file-based log implementation for the changelog database API.
Constructor and Description |
RSAEncryptionHandler(EncryptionMethod encryptionMethod,
JweAlgorithm jweAlgorithm,
Options options)
Constructs a new RSAEncryptionHandler instance with the given options.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Options |
Returns a copy of the options currently used by this LDAP listener.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
LdapSocketAcceptor.setOptions(Options newOptions)
Updates the options of this LDAP socket acceptor.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Options |
Returns a copy of the options currently used by this LDAP listener.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ModifyRequest |
Entries.diffEntries(Entry fromEntry,
Entry toEntry,
Options options)
Creates a new modify request containing a list of modifications which can
be used to transform
fromEntry into entry toEntry . |
static LdapClient |
LdapClients.newAffinityRequestLoadBalancer(Collection<? extends LdapClient> clients,
Options options)
Creates a new "affinity" load-balancer which will load-balance individual requests across the provided set of
LDAP clients, each typically representing a single replica, using an algorithm that ensures that requests
targeting a given DN will always be routed to the same replica.
static LdapClient |
LdapClients.newFailoverLoadBalancer(Collection<? extends LdapClient> clients,
Options options)
Creates a new "fail-over" load-balancer which will load-balance connections across the provided set of LDAP
static LdapClient |
LdapClients.newFixedSizeDistributionLoadBalancer(Set<Dn> partitionBaseDns,
ConsistentHashMap<? extends LdapClient> partitions,
Options options)
Creates a distribution load balancer which uses consistent hashing to distributes requests across a set of
partitions based on a hash of each request's target DN.
static LdapClient |
LdapClients.newLdapClient(String host,
int port,
Options options)
Creates a new LDAP client which can be used to create LDAP connections to the Directory Server at
the provided host and port number and custom options.
static LdapClient |
LdapClients.newLeastRequestsLoadBalancer(Collection<? extends LdapClient> clients,
Options options)
Creates a new "least requests" load-balancer which will load-balance individual requests across the provided
set of LDAP clients, each typically representing a single replica, using an algorithm that ensures that
requests are routed to the replica which has the minimum number of active requests.
boolean |
LdapServer.setOptions(Options options)
Updates the options of this LDAP listener.
Constructor and Description |
LdapConnectionFactory(String host,
int port,
Options options)
Creates a new LDAP connection factory which can be used to create LDAP connections to the Directory Server at the
provided host and port number.
LdapServer(int port,
Function<LdapSession,BiFunction<Integer,Request,Flowable<Response>>> factory,
Options options)
Creates a new LDAP listener implementation which will listen for LDAP
client connections at the provided address.
LdapServer(Set<InetSocketAddress> addresses,
Function<LdapSession,BiFunction<Integer,Request,Flowable<Response>>> factory,
Options options)
Creates a new LDAP listener implementation which will listen for LDAP
client connections at the provided address.
LdapServer(String host,
int port,
Function<LdapSession,BiFunction<Integer,Request,Flowable<Response>>> factory,
Options options)
Creates a new LDAP listener implementation which will listen for LDAP
client connections at the provided address.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
LdapSocketAcceptor |
TransportProvider.newLdapSocketAcceptor(Set<InetSocketAddress> addresses,
Options options,
Consumer<LdapSocket> handler)
Returns an implementation of
LdapSocketAcceptor . |
LdapSocketConnector |
TransportProvider.newLdapSocketConnector(String host,
int port,
Options options)
Returns an implementation of
LdapSocketConnector . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ChangeRecordReader |
Ldif.diff(EntryReader source,
EntryReader target,
Options options)
Compares the content of
source to the content of target
and returns the differences in a change record reader. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Options |
Rest2LdapJsonConfigurator.configureOptions(JsonValue config)
Parses Rest2Ldap configuration options.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static RequestHandler |
Rest2LdapJsonConfigurator.configureEndpoint(File endpointDirectory,
Options options)
Creates a new CREST
RequestHandler representing a single endpoint whose configuration is defined in the
provided endpointDirectory parameter. |
static Router |
Rest2LdapJsonConfigurator.configureEndpoints(File endpointsDirectory,
Options options)
Creates a new CREST
Router using the provided endpoints configuration directory and Rest2Ldap options. |
static List<Resource> |
Rest2LdapJsonConfigurator.configureResources(JsonValue config,
Options options)
Parses a list of Rest2Ldap resource definitions.
static Rest2Ldap |
Rest2Ldap.rest2Ldap(Options options,
Collection<Resource> resources)
static Rest2Ldap |
Rest2Ldap.rest2Ldap(Options options,
Resource... resources)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static MatchingRuleImpl |
JsonSchema.newJsonEqualityMatchingRuleImpl(Collection<JsonPointer> keys,
Options options)
Creates a new custom JSON equality matching rule implementation with the provided matching rule name and
static MatchingRuleImpl |
JsonSchema.newJsonOrderingMatchingRuleImpl(List<JsonPointer> keys,
Options options)
Creates a new custom JSON ordering matching rule implementation with the provided matching rule name and
static MatchingRuleImpl |
JsonSchema.newJsonQueryEqualityMatchingRuleImpl(String matchingRuleName,
Options options)
Creates a new custom JSON query equality matching rule implementation with the provided matching rule name and
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static KeyStoreParameters |
KeyStoreParameters.newKeyStoreParameters(ConnectionFactory factory,
Dn baseDN,
Options options)
Creates a set of LDAP key store parameters with custom options.
static KeyStore |
OpenDjSecurityProvider.newLdapKeyStore(ConnectionFactory factory,
Dn baseDN,
Options options)
Creates a new LDAP key store with custom options.
static KeyStore |
OpenDjSecurityProvider.newLdifKeyStore(File ldifFile,
Dn baseDN,
Options options)
Creates a new LDIF based key store which will read and write key store objects to the provided key store file.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static int |
SetupUtils.validateReplicationServer(HostPort rs,
Options options,
String password)
Validates that the provided connection is bind to a replication server part of an existing topology and returns
the replication port of the server.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Options |
Options.copyOf(Options options)
Returns a copy of the provided set of options.
static Options |
Returns a new set of options with default settings.
<T> Options |
Options.reset(Option<T> option)
Resets an option to its default behavior.
<T> Options |
Options.set(Option<T> option,
T value)
Sets an option to the provided value.
static Options |
Options.unmodifiableCopyOf(Options options)
Returns an unmodifiable copy of the provided set of options.
static Options |
Returns an unmodifiable set of options with default settings.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Options |
Options.copyOf(Options options)
Returns a copy of the provided set of options.
static Options |
Options.unmodifiableCopyOf(Options options)
Returns an unmodifiable copy of the provided set of options.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Options |
Return the connections options for this server.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Flowable<UpdateRecord> |
ReplicationDomainDB.getPublisher(MultiDomainServerState startState,
Options options)
Returns a publisher on the databases for all domains starting before, at or after the provided
MultiDomainServerState for each domain, possibly including/excluding some base DNs
and/or some replicaIds. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Flowable<UpdateRecord> |
FileChangelogDB.getPublisher(MultiDomainServerState startState,
Options options) |
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