Package | Description |
org.opends.server.api |
Contains a number of API declarations for use throughout the
Directory Server.
org.opends.server.api.plugin |
Defines the Directory Server plugin API.
org.opends.server.authorization.dseecompat |
Contains the Directory Server Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition (dseecompat) compatability access
control handler implementation.
org.opends.server.authorization.policy |
Contains the policy based access control handler implementation.
org.opends.server.backends |
Contains various Directory Server backend implementations.
org.opends.server.backends.jeb |
Contains the code for the Directory Server backend that uses the Berkeley DB
Java Edition as the repository for storing entry and index information.
org.opends.server.backends.pluggable |
Contains the code for implementing Directory Server pluggable storage backends.
org.opends.server.backends.task |
Contains the code for the Directory Server backend that provides an interface for executing administrative tasks.
org.opends.server.config |
Contains code used to interact with the Directory Server configuration.
org.opends.server.core |
Contains various classes that comprise the core of the Directory Server codebase.
org.opends.server.crypto |
This package implements the Directory Server cryptographic framework, which is described in the
CrytpoManager design document.
org.opends.server.discovery |
Contains the Service Discovery Mechanisms and APIs.
org.opends.server.extensions |
Contains various implementations of Directory Server APIs that are not appropriate for other packages.
org.opends.server.loggers |
Contains implementations of Directory Server access, error, and debug loggers.
org.opends.server.protocols |
Contains various Directory Server connection handler implementations which will be used to accept connections from
and perform communication with clients over various protocols.
org.opends.server.protocols.http |
Contains the implementation for the Directory Server connection handler that is responsible for interacting with
clients using HTTP.
org.opends.server.protocols.http.authz |
Contains factories to build the authorization stage of the HTTP request processing.
org.opends.server.protocols.http.rest2ldap |
Contains the implementation for the HTTPEndpoint that is responsible for providing a REST interface to this LDAP
org.opends.server.protocols.jmx |
Contains the implementation for the Directory Server connection handler that is responsible for interacting with
clients using JMX.
org.opends.server.protocols.ldap |
Contains the implementation for the Directory Server connection handler that is responsible for interacting with
clients using LDAPv3.
org.opends.server.replication.plugin |
This package contains the part of the Multi-master
replication code that works on the Directory Server side.
org.opends.server.schema |
Contains implementations of various Directory Server schema elements.
org.opends.server.snmp |
This package contains Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) connection handler, the required classes to support
MIB 2605 objects and SNMP requests, and the SNMP adaptor that allows a SNMP manager to access OpenDS monitoring
org.opends.server.util |
Contains implementations for various Directory Server utility classes and methods which may be used throughout the
server but do not necessarily fit in elsewhere.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected ServerContext |
Context of this LDAP server.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
abstract void |
Backend.configureBackend(C cfg,
ServerContext serverContext)
Configure this backend based on the information in the provided configuration.
protected abstract void |
ConnectionHandler.doInitializeConnectionHandler(ServerContext serverContext,
T configuration)
Initializes this connection handler provider based on the information in the provided connection handler
LDIFImportResult |
LocalBackend.importLDIF(LDIFImportConfig importConfig,
ServerContext serverContext)
Imports information from an LDIF file into this backend.
abstract void |
AccessControlHandler.initializeAccessControlHandler(T configuration,
ServerContext serverContext)
Initializes the access control handler implementation based on the information in the provided configuration
void |
ConnectionHandler.initializeConnectionHandler(ServerContext serverContext,
T configuration)
Initializes this connection handler provider based on the information in the provided connection handler
void |
EntryCache.initializeEntryCache(ServerContext serverContext,
T configuration)
Initializes this entry cache implementation so that it will be available for storing and retrieving entries.
abstract void |
SynchronizationProvider.initializeSynchronizationProvider(ServerContext serverContext,
T config)
Performs any initialization that might be necessary for this synchronization provider.
boolean |
Backend.isConfigurationAcceptable(C configuration,
List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons,
ServerContext serverContext)
Indicates whether the provided configuration is acceptable for this backend.
boolean |
AccessControlHandler.isConfigurationAcceptable(T configuration,
List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons,
ServerContext serverContext)
Indicates whether the provided configuration is acceptable for this access control handler.
abstract Group<T> |
Group.newInstance(ServerContext serverContext,
Entry groupEntry)
Creates a new group of this type based on the definition contained in the provided entry.
void |
LocalBackend.rebuildBackend(RebuildConfig rebuildConfig,
ServerContext serverContext)
Rebuild indexes in the backend instance.
Constructor and Description |
HttpEndpoint(C configuration,
ServerContext serverContext)
Create a new
HttpEndpoint with the given configuration. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected ServerContext |
Returns the server context.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DirectoryServerPlugin.initializeInternal(ServerContext serverContext,
Dn pluginDN,
Set<PluginType> pluginTypes,
boolean invokeForInternalOps)
Performs any initialization that should be done for all types of plugins regardless of type.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
AciHandler.initializeAccessControlHandler(DseeCompatAccessControlHandlerCfg configuration,
ServerContext serverContext) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PolicyBasedAccessControlHandler.initializeAccessControlHandler(PolicyBasedAccessControlHandlerCfg configuration,
ServerContext serverContext) |
boolean |
PolicyBasedAccessControlHandler.isConfigurationAcceptable(PolicyBasedAccessControlHandlerCfg configuration,
List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons,
ServerContext serverContext) |
Constructor and Description |
ConfigurationBackend(ServerContext serverContext)
Creates and initializes a new instance of this backend.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Storage |
JEBackend.configureStorage(JeBackendCfg cfg,
ServerContext serverContext) |
boolean |
JEBackend.isConfigurationAcceptable(JeBackendCfg cfg,
List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons,
ServerContext serverContext) |
Constructor and Description |
JEStorage(JeBackendCfg cfg,
ServerContext serverContext)
Creates a new JE storage with the provided configuration.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
BackendImpl.configureBackend(C cfg,
ServerContext serverContext) |
protected abstract Storage |
BackendImpl.configureStorage(C cfg,
ServerContext serverContext)
Creates the storage engine which will be used by this pluggable backend.
LDIFImportResult |
BackendImpl.importLDIF(LDIFImportConfig importConfig,
ServerContext serverContext) |
boolean |
BackendImpl.isConfigurationAcceptable(C config,
List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons,
ServerContext serverContext) |
void |
BackendImpl.rebuildBackend(RebuildConfig rebuildConfig,
ServerContext serverContext) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected ServerContext |
Returns the server context.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TaskBackend.configureBackend(TaskBackendCfg cfg,
ServerContext serverContext) |
LDIFImportResult |
TaskBackend.importLDIF(LDIFImportConfig importConfig,
ServerContext sContext) |
void |
Task.initializeTaskInternal(ServerContext serverContext,
TaskScheduler taskScheduler,
Entry taskEntry)
Performs generic initialization for this task based on the information in the provided task entry.
boolean |
TaskBackend.isConfigurationAcceptable(TaskBackendCfg config,
List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons,
ServerContext serverContext) |
Constructor and Description |
RecurringTask(ServerContext serverContext,
TaskScheduler taskScheduler,
Entry recurringTaskEntry)
Creates a new recurring task based on the information in the provided entry.
TaskScheduler(ServerContext serverContext,
TaskBackend taskBackend)
Creates a new task scheduler that will be used to ensure that tasks are invoked at the appropriate times.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ConfigurationHandler |
ConfigurationHandler.bootstrapConfiguration(ServerContext serverContext)
Bootstraps the server configuration.
Constructor and Description |
AdministrationConnector(ServerContext serverContext)
Creates an instance of the administration connector.
ConfigurationHandler(ServerContext serverContext)
Creates a new instance.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ServerContext |
Returns the server context.
Constructor and Description |
AccountStatusNotificationHandlerConfigManager(ServerContext serverContext)
Creates a new instance of this account status notification handler config manager.
AlertHandlerConfigManager(ServerContext serverContext)
Creates a new instance of this alert handler config manager.
BackendConfigManager(ServerContext serverContext)
Creates a new instance of this backend config manager.
CertificateMapperConfigManager(ServerContext serverContext)
Creates a new instance of this certificate mapper config manager.
ConnectionHandlerConfigManager(ServerContext serverContext)
Creates a new instance of this connection handler config manager.
CoreConfigManager(ServerContext serverContext)
Creates a new instance of this core config manager.
EntryCacheConfigManager(ServerContext serverContext)
Creates a new instance of this entry cache config manager.
ExtendedOperationConfigManager(ServerContext serverContext)
Creates a new instance of this extended operation config manager.
GroupManager(ServerContext serverContext)
Creates a new instance of this group manager.
HttpEndpointConfigManager(ServerContext serverContext)
Creates a new instance of this HTTP endpoint config manager.
IdentityMapperConfigManager(ServerContext serverContext)
Creates a new instance of this identity mapper config manager.
LoggerConfigManager(ServerContext context)
Create the logger config manager with the provided server context.
LogRetentionPolicyConfigManager(ServerContext serverContext)
Creates this log retention policy manager.
LogRotationPolicyConfigManager(ServerContext serverContext)
Creates this log rotation policy manager.
PasswordGeneratorConfigManager(ServerContext serverContext)
Creates a new instance of this password generator config manager.
PasswordStorageSchemeConfigManager(ServerContext serverContext)
Creates a new instance of this password storage scheme config manager.
PasswordValidatorConfigManager(ServerContext serverContext)
Creates a new instance of this password validator config manager.
PluginConfigManager(ServerContext serverContext)
Creates a new instance of this plugin config manager.
SASLConfigManager(ServerContext serverContext)
Creates a new instance of this SASL mechanism handler config manager.
SynchronizationProviderConfigManager(ServerContext serverContext)
Creates a new instance of this synchronization provider config manager.
VirtualAttributeConfigManager(ServerContext serverContext)
Creates a new instance of this virtual attribute config manager.
WorkQueueConfigManager(ServerContext serverContext)
Creates a new instance of this work queue config manager.
Constructor and Description |
CryptoManagerImpl(ServerContext serverContext,
CryptoManagerCfg config)
Creates a new instance of this crypto manager object from a given configuration, plus some static member
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ServiceDiscoveryMechanism.initializeMechanism(C configuration,
ServerContext serverContext)
Initializes the mechanism with the provided configuration.
void |
ReplicationServiceDiscoveryMechanism.initializeMechanism(ReplicationServiceDiscoveryMechanismCfg config,
ServerContext serverContext) |
void |
StaticServiceDiscoveryMechanism.initializeMechanism(StaticServiceDiscoveryMechanismCfg cfg,
ServerContext serverContext) |
boolean |
ServiceDiscoveryMechanism.isConfigurationAcceptable(C configuration,
List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons,
ServerContext serverContext)
Returns whether the provided configuration is correct for the mechanism.
boolean |
ReplicationServiceDiscoveryMechanism.isConfigurationAcceptable(ReplicationServiceDiscoveryMechanismCfg configuration,
List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons,
ServerContext serverContext) |
boolean |
StaticServiceDiscoveryMechanism.isConfigurationAcceptable(StaticServiceDiscoveryMechanismCfg configuration,
List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons,
ServerContext serverContext) |
Constructor and Description |
ServiceDiscoveryMechanismConfigManager(ServerContext serverContext)
Declares a new Configuration Manager for this Directory Server.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
FIFOEntryCache.initializeEntryCache(ServerContext serverContext,
FifoEntryCacheCfg configuration) |
void |
SoftReferenceEntryCache.initializeEntryCache(ServerContext serverContext,
SoftReferenceEntryCacheCfg configuration) |
VirtualStaticGroup |
VirtualStaticGroup.newInstance(ServerContext serverContext,
Entry groupEntry) |
StaticGroup |
StaticGroup.newInstance(ServerContext serverContext,
Entry groupEntry) |
DynamicGroup |
DynamicGroup.newInstance(ServerContext serverContext,
Entry groupEntry) |
Constructor and Description |
FilteredStaticGroupMemberList(ServerContext serverContext,
Dn groupDN,
Set<org.opends.server.extensions.StaticGroup.CompactDn> memberDNs,
Dn baseDN,
SearchScope scope,
Filter filter)
Creates a new filtered static group member list with the provided information.
SimpleStaticGroupMemberList(ServerContext serverContext,
Dn groupDN,
Set<org.opends.server.extensions.StaticGroup.CompactDn> memberDNs)
Creates a new simple static group member list with the provided set of member DNs.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
AbstractLogger.initializeLogger(List<C> configs,
ServerContext serverContext)
Initializes all the log publishers.
void |
ConsoleDebugLogPublisher.initializeLogPublisher(DebugLogPublisherCfg config,
ServerContext serverContext) |
void |
ThreadFilterTextErrorLogPublisher.initializeLogPublisher(ErrorLogPublisherCfg config,
ServerContext serverContext) |
void |
TextAccessLogPublisher.initializeLogPublisher(FileBasedAccessLogPublisherCfg cfg,
ServerContext serverContext) |
void |
TextAuditLogPublisher.initializeLogPublisher(FileBasedAuditLogPublisherCfg cfg,
ServerContext serverContext) |
void |
TextDebugLogPublisher.initializeLogPublisher(FileBasedDebugLogPublisherCfg config,
ServerContext serverContext) |
void |
TextErrorLogPublisher.initializeLogPublisher(FileBasedErrorLogPublisherCfg config,
ServerContext serverContext) |
void |
TextHTTPAccessLogPublisher.initializeLogPublisher(FileBasedHttpAccessLogPublisherCfg cfg,
ServerContext serverContext) |
void |
LogPublisher.initializeLogPublisher(T config,
ServerContext serverContext)
Initializes this publisher provider based on the information in the provided debug publisher configuration.
Constructor and Description |
CommonAudit(ServerContext serverContext)
Creates the common audit.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
LDIFConnectionHandler.doInitializeConnectionHandler(ServerContext serverContext,
LdifConnectionHandlerCfg configuration) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
HTTPConnectionHandler.doInitializeConnectionHandler(ServerContext serverContext,
HttpConnectionHandlerCfg config) |
Constructor and Description |
AliveEndpoint(AliveEndpointCfg configuration,
ServerContext serverContext)
Create a new
AliveEndpoint with the given configuration. |
CrestMetricsEndpoint(CrestMetricsEndpointCfg configuration,
ServerContext serverContext)
Create a new
CrestMetricsEndpoint . |
HealthyEndpoint(HealthyEndpointCfg configuration,
ServerContext serverContext)
Create a new
HealthyEndpoint with the given configuration. |
PrometheusEndpoint(PrometheusEndpointCfg configuration,
ServerContext serverContext)
Creates a new
PrometheusEndpoint . |
Constructor and Description |
HttpAuthorizationMechanismFactory(ServerContext serverContext)
Creates a new authorization mechanism factory.
Constructor and Description |
AdminEndpoint(AdminEndpointCfg configuration,
ServerContext serverContext)
Create a new AdminEndpoint with the supplied configuration.
Rest2LdapEndpoint(Rest2ldapEndpointCfg configuration,
ServerContext serverContext)
Create a new Rest2LdapEndpoint with the supplied configuration.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
JmxConnectionHandler.doInitializeConnectionHandler(ServerContext serverContext,
JmxConnectionHandlerCfg config) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
LDAPConnectionHandler.doInitializeConnectionHandler(ServerContext serverContext,
LdapConnectionHandlerCfg config) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
MultimasterReplication.initializeSynchronizationProvider(ServerContext serverContext,
ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfg cfg) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SchemaHandler.initialize(ServerContext serverContext)
Initializes this schema handler.
void |
CoreSchemaProvider.initialize(ServerContext serverContext,
CoreSchemaCfg configuration,
SchemaBuilder initialSchemaBuilder) |
void |
JsonEqualityMatchingRuleProvider.initialize(ServerContext serverContext,
JsonEqualityMatchingRuleCfg configuration,
SchemaBuilder initialSchemaBuilder) |
void |
JsonOrderingMatchingRuleProvider.initialize(ServerContext serverContext,
JsonOrderingMatchingRuleCfg configuration,
SchemaBuilder initialSchemaBuilder) |
void |
JsonQueryEqualityMatchingRuleProvider.initialize(ServerContext serverContext,
JsonQueryEqualityMatchingRuleCfg configuration,
SchemaBuilder initialSchemaBuilder) |
void |
SchemaProvider.initialize(ServerContext serverContext,
T configuration,
SchemaBuilder initialSchemaBuilder)
Initialize the schema provider from provided configuration and schema builder.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SNMPConnectionHandler.doInitializeConnectionHandler(ServerContext serverContext,
SnmpConnectionHandlerCfg configuration) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static File |
StaticUtils.getFileForPath(String path,
ServerContext serverContext)
Retrieves a
File object corresponding to the specified path. |
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