
Shows Virtual Attribute properties.

The dsconfig get-virtual-attribute-prop command takes the following options:

--name {name}

The name of the Virtual Attribute.

--property {property}

The name of a property to be displayed.


Modifies the display output to show one property value per line.

Default: false

-z | --unit-size {unit}

Display size data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of b, kb, mb, gb, or tb (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes).

-m | --unit-time {unit}

Display time data using the specified unit. The value for UNIT can be one of ms, s, m, h, d, w, or y (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, or years).

Properties used in options depend on the type of object to configure.

For details about available properties, see Virtual Attribute.

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