Get Privileges on a Resource

To determine which privileges a user has on a service, you can query the privilege endpoint for a given resource path or object, based on the user you are currently logged in as. For example, if bjensen is a member of the support role mentioned in the previous example, checking their privileges for the managed/user resource would look like this:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-UserName: bjensen" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: Passw0rd" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--cacert ca-cert.pem \
--request GET \
  "VIEW": {
    "allowed": true,
    "properties": [
  "CREATE": {
    "allowed": true,
    "properties": [
  "UPDATE": {
    "allowed": true,
    "properties": [
  "DELETE": {
    "allowed": false
  "ACTION": {
    "allowed": false,
    "actions": []

In the above example, accountStatus is listed as a property for VIEW, but not for CREATE or UPDATE, because the privilege sets this property to be read only. Since both CREATE and UPDATE need the ability to write to a property, setting readOnly to false applies to both permissions. If you need more granular control, split these permissions into two privileges.

In addition to checking privileges for a resource, it is also possible to check privileges for specific objects within a resource, such as managed/user/scarter.

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