Install IDM as a Service

These sections describe how to install and run IDM as a service, on Windows and Linux systems:

You can install IDM to run as a Windows service, so that it automatically starts and stops with Windows. You must be logged in as an administrator to install a Windows service.


On a 64-bit Windows server, you must have a 64-bit Java version installed to start the service. If a 32-bit Java version is installed, you will be able to install IDM as a service, but starting the service will fail.

Before you launch the service.bat file, which registers the service within the Windows registry, make sure that your JAVA_HOME environment variable points to a valid 64-bit version of the JRE or JDK. If you have already installed the service with the JAVA_HOME environment variable pointing to a 32-bit JRE or JDK, delete the service first, then reinstall the service.

  1. Unpack the file, as described previously, and navigate to the install-directory\bin directory:

    C:\>cd openidm\bin
  2. Run the service.bat command with the /install option, specifying the name that the service should run as:

    C:\openidm\bin>service.bat /install openidm
    ForgeRock Identity Management Server successfully installed as "openidm" service
  3. Use the Windows Service manager to manage the IDM service.

    Running as a Windows Service
    Running as a Windows Service

  4. By default, the IDM service is run by Local System, which is a system-level service account built in to Windows. Before you deploy IDM in production, you should switch to an account with fewer permissions. The account running the IDM service must be able to read, write, and execute only the directories related to IDM.

  5. Use the Windows Service Manager to start, stop, or restart the service.

  6. If you want to uninstall the IDM service, first use the Windows Service Manager to stop IDM and then run the following command:

    C:\install-directory\openidm\bin>service.bat /uninstall openidm
    Service "openidm" removed successfully
  7. If desired, you can then set up IDM with a specific project directory:

    C:\install-directory\openidm\bin>service.bat /install openidm -p C:\project-directory
    ForgeRock Identity Management Server successfully installed as "openidm" service

You can also manage configuration details with the Procrun monitor application. IDM includes the associated prunmgr.exe executable in the C:\install-directory\openidm\bin directory.

For example, you can open the Windows service configuration application for IDM with the following command, where ES stands for Edit Service Configuration

C:\install-directory\openidm\bin>prunmgr.exe //ES/openidm
Running as a Windows Service

The prunmgr.exe executable also includes the monitor application functionality described in the following Apache Commons page on the: Procrun monitor Application. However, IDM does not include the Procrun service application.

For example, if you've configured IDM as a Windows service, you can start and stop it with the following commands:

C:\install-directory\openidm\bin>prunmgr.exe //MR/openidm
C:\install-directory\openidm\bin>prunmgr.exe //MQ/openidm

In these commands, MR is the option to Monitor and Run IDM, and MQ stands for Monitor Quit, which stops the IDM service.

IDM provides a script that can generate SysV or Systemd service initialization scripts. You can start the script as the root user, or configure it to start during the boot process.

When IDM runs as a service, logs are written to the installation directory.

  1. If you have not yet installed IDM, follow the steps in Install IDM.

  2. Review the options by running the following script:

    Usage: ./ --[systemd|chkconfig|lsb]
    Outputs OpenIDM init file to stdout for the given system
    --systemd    Generate Systemd init script. This is preferred for all modern distros.
    --chkconfig  Generate SysV init script with chkconfig headers (RedHat/CentOS)
    --lsb        Generate SysV init script with LSB headers (Debian/Ubuntu)

These examples describe how to create each of these scripts:

If you're running relatively standard versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (CentOS Linux) version 7.x, or Ubuntu 16.04 and later, you'll want to set up a systemd service script. To set up such a script, navigate to the /path/to/openidm/bin directory, and run the following command:

/path/to/openidm/bin/ --systemd

As noted in the output, you can set up the IDM service on a standard systemd-based Linux distribution with the following commands:

/path/to/openidm/bin/ --systemd > openidm.service
sudo cp openidm.service /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl enable openidm
systemctl start openidm

To stop the IDM service, run the following command:

systemctl stop openidm

You can modify the openidm.service script. The following excerpt would run IDM with a startup script in the /home/idm/project directory:

Description=ForgeRock OpenIDM

ExecStart=/root/openidm/ -p /home/idm/project


Run the following command to reload the configuration and then start the IDM service script:

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start openidm

If you are running standard versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (CentOS Linux) version 6.x, set up a SysV service script with runlevels controlled through the chkconfig command. To set up such a script, run the following command:

/path/to/openidm/bin/ --chkconfig

You can then set up and start the IDM service on a Linux distribution that uses SysV init scripts, with the following commands:

/path/to/openidm/bin/ --chkconfig  > openidm
sudo cp openidm /etc/init.d/
sudo chmod u+x /etc/init.d/openidm
sudo chkconfig --add openidm
sudo chkconfig openidm on
sudo service openidm start   

To stop the IDM service, run the following command:

sudo service openidm stop

You can modify the /etc/init.d/openidm script. The following excerpt would run IDM with the script in the /path/to/openidm directory:


You can modify this line to point to some /path/to/production directory:

START_CMD="PATH=$JAVA_BIN_PATH:$PATH;nohup $OPENIDM_HOME/ -p /path/to/production >$OPENIDM_HOME/logs/server.out 2>&1 &"

Run the following command to reload the configuration and then start the IDM service script:

sudo service openidm start

If you run Linux with SELinux enabled, change the file context of the newly copied script with the following command:

sudo restorecon /etc/init.d/openidm

Verify the change to SELinux contexts with the ls -Z /etc/init.d command. For consistency, change the user context to match other scripts in the same directory with the sudo chcon -u system_u /etc/init.d/openidm command.

If you're running an older version of Ubuntu Linux that supports SysV services, set up a SysV service script, with runlevels controlled through the update-rc.d command. To set up such a script, run the following command:

/path/to/openidm/bin/ --lsb

You can then set up and start the IDM service on a Linux distribution that uses SysV init scripts, with the following commands:

/path/to/openidm/bin/ --lsb  > openidm
sudo cp openidm /etc/init.d/
sudo chmod u+x /etc/init.d/openidm
sudo update-rc.d openidm defaults
sudo service openidm start   

To stop the IDM service, run the following command:

sudo service openidm stop

You can modify the /etc/init.d/openidm script. The following excerpt would run IDM with the script in the /path/to/openidm directory:


You can modify this line to point to some /path/to/production directory:

START_CMD="PATH=$JAVA_BIN_PATH:$PATH;nohup $OPENIDM_HOME/ -p /path/to/production >$OPENIDM_HOME/logs/server.out 2>&1 &"

You can then run the following command to reload the configuration and then start the IDM service script:

sudo service openidm restart
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