Script Triggers Defined in the managed object configuration

For information about how managed objects are handled, and the available script triggers, see Managed Objects.

Managed Object Configuration Object
onCreate, postCreate
  • object: The content of the object being created.
  • newObject: The object after the create operation is complete.
  • context: Information related to the current request, such as client, end user, and routing.
  • resourceName: The resource path of the object of the query. For example, if you create a managed user with ID 42f8a60e-2019-4110-a10d-7231c3578e2b, resourceName returns managed/user/42f8a60e-2019-4110-a10d-7231c3578e2b.
  • request: Information related to the request, such as headers, credentials, and the desired action. Also includes the endpoint, and payload to be processed.
onUpdate, postUpdate

Returns JSON object

  • object: The content of the object being updated.
  • oldObject: The state of the object, before the update.
  • newObject: Changes to be applied to the object. May continue with the onUpdate trigger.
  • context: Information related to the current request, such as client, end user, and routing.
  • resourceName: The resource path of the object the query.
  • request: Information related to the request, such as headers, credentials, and the desired action. Also includes the endpoint, and payload to be processed.
onDelete, onRetrieve, onRead

Returns JSON object.

  • object: The content of the object.
  • context: Information related to the current request, such as client, end user, and routing.
  • resourceName: The resource path of the object the query.
  • request: Information related to the request, such as headers, credentials, and the desired action. Also includes the endpoint, and payload to be processed.

Returns JSON object.

  • oldObject: Represents the deleted object.
  • context: Information related to the current request, such as client, end user, and routing.
  • resourceName: The resource path of the object the query is performed upon.
  • request: Information related to the request, such as headers, credentials, and the desired action. Also includes the endpoint, and payload to be processed.

Returns JSON object

  • oldObject: Represents the object prior to sync. If sync has not been run before, the value will be null.
  • newObject: Represents the object after sync is completed.
  • context: Information related to the current request, such as client, end user, and routing.
  • request: Information related to the request, such as headers, credentials, and the desired action. Also includes the endpoint, and payload to be processed.
  • resourceName: An object representing the resource path the query is performed upon.
  • syncResults: A map containing the results and details of the sync, including:

    • success (boolean): Success or failure of the sync operation.
    • action: Returns the name of the action performed as a string.
    • syncDetails: The mappings attempted during synchronization.
onStore, onValidate

Returns JSON object

  • object: Represents the object being stored or validated
  • value: The content to be stored or validated for the object
  • context: Information related to the current request, such as client, end user, and routing.
  • resourceName: The resource path of the object the query is performed upon.
  • request: Information related to the request, such as headers, credentials, and the desired action. Also includes the endpoint, and payload to be processed.
property object
onRetrieve, onStore

Returns JSON object

  • object: Represents the object being operated upon
  • property: The value of the property being retrieved or stored
  • propertyName: The name of the property being retrieved or stored
  • context: Information related to the current request, such as client, end user, and routing.
  • resourceName: The resource path of the object the query is performed upon.
  • request: Information related to the request, such as headers, credentials, and the desired action. Also includes the endpoint, and payload to be processed.

Returns JSON object

  • property: The value of the property being validated
  • context: Information related to the current request, such as client, end user, and routing.
  • resourceName: The resource path of the object the query is performed upon.
  • request: Information related to the request, such as headers, credentials, and the desired action. Also includes the endpoint, and payload to be processed.
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