IG 2023.6


A proxy to which a ClientHandler or ReverseProxyHandler can submit requests, and an AmService can submit Websocket notifications.

Use this object to configure a proxy for AM notifications, and use it in a ClientHandler or ReverseProxyHandler, and again in an AmService notifications block.


Use one of the following ProxyOption types with the proxyOptions option of ClientHandler, ReverseProxyHandler, and AmService:

  • No proxy.

      "name": string,
      "type": "NoProxyOptions"
  • System defined proxy options.

      "name": string,
      "type": "SystemProxyOptions"
  • Custom proxy

      "name": string,
      "type": "CustomProxyOptions",
      "config": {
        "uri": configuration expression<url>,
        "username": configuration expression<string>,
        "passwordSecretId": configuration expression<secret-id>,
        "secretsProvider": SecretsProvider reference

Default: NoProxyOptions


"uri": configuration expression<url>, required

URI of a server to use as a proxy for outgoing requests.

The result of the expression must be a string that represents a valid URI, but is not a real java.net.URI object.

"username": configuration expression<string>, required if the proxy requires authentication

Username to access the proxy server.

"passwordSecretId": configuration expression<secret-id>, required if the proxy requires authentication

The secret ID of the password to access the proxy server.

This secret ID must point to a GenericSecret.

"secretsProvider": _ SecretsProvider <reference>, optional_

The SecretsProvider to query for the proxy’s password. For more information, refer to SecretsProvider.


In the following example, the handler passes outgoing requests to the proxy server, which requires authentication:

"handler": {
  "type": "ClientHandler" or "ReverseProxyHandler",
  "config": {
     "proxyOptions": {
       "type": "CustomProxyOptions",
       "config": {
          "uri": "http://proxy.example.com:3128",
          "username": "proxyuser",
          "passwordSecretId": "myproxy.secret.id",
          "secretsProvider": "SystemAndEnvSecretStore"

In the following example, the AmService notification service passes Websocket notifications to the proxy server, which requires authentication:

"type": "AmService",
   "config": {
     "notifications": {
       "proxyOptions": {
         "type": "CustomProxyOptions",
         "config": {
           "uri": "http://proxy.example.com:3128",
           "username": "proxyuser",
           "passwordSecretId": "myproxy.secret.id",
           "secretsProvider": "SystemAndEnvSecretStore"
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