Notes covering OpenIG prerequisites, fixes, known issues. OpenIG provides a high-performance reverse proxy server with specialized session management and credential replay functionality.

OpenIG 4 provides many new features and improvements.

This release of OpenIG includes the following new capabilities:

Policy Enforcement Point

OpenIG now provides a policy enforcement filter for use with OpenAM as a policy decision point (OPENIG-435).

With this feature, OpenIG can be used instead of an OpenAM agent for both authentication and authorization. This allows you to centralize all your access control policies in OpenAM for applications and APIs.

For more information and a tutorial, see Chapter 6, "OpenIG As an OpenAM Policy Enforcement Point" in the Gateway Guide.

OpenID Connect Discovery

OpenIG now supports OpenID Connect dynamic client registration and discovery (OPENIG-463, OPENIG-522).

This feature improves the user experience when using OpenID Connect by simplifying the identity provider selection. It also reduces the need for administrators to register OpenIG in advance with all identity providers.

For more information and a tutorial, see Section 9.7, "Using OpenID Connect Discovery and Dynamic Client Registration" in the Gateway Guide.

OpenIG now also supports RFC 7591, OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration Protocol.

Better Integration With OpenAM

OpenIG provides the following features for improved integration with OpenAM:

  • A token transformation filter to use with the OpenAM REST Security Token Service (STS) to transform an OpenID Connect ID token into a SAML 2.0 assertion (OPENIG-430).

    This feature enables and extends SSO and federation for applications, especially mobile apps. For example, a mobile app that has an OpenID Connect token can access resources held by a federated service provider, thanks to the SAML token obtained by OpenIG.

    For details, see TokenTransformationFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference.

  • A password replay filter that simplifies the configuration required to implement replaying credentials automatically by wrapping common use cases in a single filter with few parameters (OPENIG-641).

    For details, see PasswordReplayFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference. Several examples in the documentation take advantage of this new feature.

  • An OpenAM SSO filter used internally for simplified configuration and interaction with OpenAM (OPENIG-694).

    OpenIG continues to work with any standards-based identity provider, and can now more effectively manage OpenAM SSO tokens.

UMA Resource Server Filter

OpenIG now provides experimental support for building a User-Managed Access (UMA) resource server (OPENIG-433).

This feature makes it possible to enable APIs and applications to use UMA, and to protect resources with OpenAM an UMA Authorization server.

For more information and a tutorial, see Chapter 10, "OpenIG As an UMA Resource Server" in the Gateway Guide.

Auditing, Monitoring, and Throttling

OpenIG now provides several new features related to auditing, monitoring, and throttling access to APIs and protected applications:

  • Integration with ForgeRock's common audit framework, which supports logging to files, databases, and the UNIX system log (Syslog) (OPENIG-495).

    ForgeRock common audit framework allows you to handle audit events in a common way across the ForgeRock platform, to centralize audit logs, and to trace transactions through the platform. Log files can be signed to make tampering evident.

    For more information, see Section 14.3, "Audit Events and Logging" in the Gateway Guide.

  • Improved monitoring for the server and for access to protected applications and APIs (OPENIG-431).

    This feature allows you to build a better view of how OpenIG and its routes are used, so you can take preemptive administrative action and achieve the required quality of service.

    For more information, see Section 14.2, "Monitoring a Route" in the Gateway Guide.

  • Throttling to limit access to protected applications and APIs (OPENIG-532).

    This feature increases security and fairness in the use of protected APIs and applications. The throttling filter can enforce flexible rate limits for a variety of use cases.

    For more information, see Section 14.1, "Limiting Access With a Throttling Filter" in the Gateway Guide.

Non-Blocking HTTP Client Requests

OpenIG now has improved support for asynchronous processing, including asynchronous HTTP client access to external services (OPENIG-513, OPENIG-639).

This feature provides greater scalability with lower resource consumption. OpenIG uses connection pools for connections to protected applications, enabling each server to handle much more traffic than before.

Method Invocation in Expressions

OpenIG now supports Java method invocation in expressions, providing a richer way of building the configuration parameters, allowing string extraction, substrings, and joins (OPENIG-584).

This release of OpenIG includes the following enhancements:

Configurable Transport Layer Security
  • Configuration of the SSLContext algorithm to any algorithm supported by the Java virtual machine (OPENIG-590).

  • Options to restrict the list of acceptable TLS and SSL protocols and cipher suites when negotiating an HTTPS connection (OPENIG-749).

For more information, see the settings described in ClientHandler(5) in the Configuration Reference.

Convenient Trust Manager for Testing

A TrustAllManager for use in testing that blindly trusts all server certificates (OPENIG-516).

For details, see TrustAllManager(5) in the Configuration Reference.

Expiration for JWT Session Cookies

Expiration time for JWT session cookies employed by the JwtSession implementation (OPENIG-733).

For details, see the sessionTimeout property described in JwtSession(5) in the Configuration Reference.

Plugins for Expression Evaluation

Plugins to extend configuration expressions (OPENIG-422).

For details, see Section 13.7, "Key Extension Points" in the Gateway Guide.

Simplified Base URI Management

A base URI decorator with a default of baseURI that replaces the configuration field of the same name in Route and GatewayHttpApplication definitions (OPENIG-180).

For details, see BaseUriDecorator(5) in the Configuration Reference.

Enhancements for Scripting

The capability for ScriptableFilter and ScriptableHandler arguments (args) to reference heap objects (OPENIG-332).

For details, see ScriptableFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference, and ScriptableHandler(5) in the Configuration Reference.

OpenIG now also precompiles Groovy scripts making it possible to identify problems when the script first loads, rather than delaying until the script runs (OPENIG-660).

In addition, OpenIG now supports dependency management with Grape in Groovy scripts (OPENIG-540).

Grape let Groovy scripts use @Grab and related annotations to specify dependencies on external .jar files. For details, see the Groovy documentation on Dependency management with Grape.

This chapter covers requirements for running OpenIG software.


If you have a special request to support a component or combination not listed here, contact ForgeRock at

This release of OpenIG requires Java Development Kit 7 or 8. ForgeRock recommends the most recent update to ensure you have the latest security fixes.

If you install an OpenAM policy agent in the same container as OpenIG, then you must use a Java release that is supported with the policy agent as well.

OpenIG runs in the following web application containers:

  • Apache Tomcat 7 or 8

  • Jetty 8 (8.1.13 or later) or 9

You must deploy OpenIG to the root context of the container. Deployment in other context causes unexpected results, and cannot be supported.

OpenIG requires Servlet 3.0 or later.

For details on setting up your web application container see Section 3.1, "Configuring Deployment Containers" in the Gateway Guide.

When using OpenIG with OpenAM, the following features are supported with OpenAM 13 or later:

When installing an OpenAM policy agent in the same container as OpenIG, use an OpenAM Java EE policy agent version 3.5 or later. Earlier versions of OpenAM policy agents might not shut down properly with the web application container (OPENIG-258).

Make sure that the container version is supported both for OpenIG and for the OpenAM Java EE policy agent that you install alongside OpenIG.

This chapter covers both major changes to existing functionality, and also deprecated and removed functionality.

This release brings the following important changes to OpenIG:

  • All paths starting with /openig are now reserved for use by OpenIG for administrative use, and can no longer be matched by other route conditions.

    Resources exposed under /openig are only accessible to local client applications.

  • OpenIG no longer provides an exchange object to model the HTTP exchange. The exchange object model has been replaced by a new model based on requests, responses, and contexts. Table 3.1, "Comparison Between Object Models" summarizes changes that affect configuration expressions and scripts.

    Previous Model Current Model
    exchange Removed. Arbitrary properties must move to attributes.
    exchange.clientInfo contexts.client
    exchange.originalUri contexts.router.originalUri
    exchange.principal Use contexts.client.remoteUser instead.
    exchange.request request
    exchange.response response
    exchange.response.reason response.status.reasonPhrase
    exchange.response.status response.status returns a Status object. See Status(5) in the Configuration Reference.
    exchange.session session

    • As the response status is now represented by a Status object, the expression ${response.status} resolves to a status object rather than a status code. To get the response status code as an integer, use ${response.status.code}.

      In scripts, add import org.forgerock.http.protocol.Status and then use Status objects as in the following example:

      import org.forgerock.http.protocol.Status
      response.status = Status.OK            // 200
      response.status = Status.FORBIDDEN     // 403

      For details, see Status(5) in the Configuration Reference.

    • The exchange allowed arbitrary properties at the base level. The new model includes an attributes context instead. Add arbitrary properties to the map named attributes.

      For example, if an existing configuration targets an expression that defines a base-level property in the exchange, such as ${exchange.token}, edit the configuration to make the property one of the attributes instead, as in ${attributes.token}.

  • A change in the way JWTs are represented has the effect that JwtSession cookies encrypted by earlier versions of OpenIG cannot be decrypted.

    After upgrade, OpenIG must renew users' JwtSession cookies. This is reflected with messages in the log, such as the following:

    • The JWT Session Cookie 'openig-jwt-session' could not be decrypted.

    • Cannot rebuild JWT Session from Cookie 'openig-jwt-session'

  • Previously, when a router or dispatcher could not find a route or handler for a request, it threw a handler exception, resulting in an HTTP 500 Server Error message.

    OpenIG now generates a response instead, resulting in a proper HTTP 404 Not Found message.

  • The following changes affect Groovy scripts called from ScriptableFilter and ScriptableHandler objects:

    • Groovy scripts must now return a Promise<Response, NeverThrowsException> or a Response. Any other return type, including null, yields an HTTP 500 Server Error response.

      Note that in the Groovy language, methods always return a value. If no return statement is provided, the value evaluated in the last line is returned.

      Also, to return a Promise based on an existing response, use Response.newResponsePromise(response).

    • The global objects passed to Groovy scripts now include context and request.

      Edit your scripts to use request instead of exchange.request.

    • The http global object passed to Groovy scripts is now an org.forgerock.http.Client. A Client has a send() method for sending a request that returns a Promise representing the pending HTTP response.

      The script must then use the Promise methods to deal with the response, working either with asynchronous callbacks or with the Promise get() methods for synchronous responses.

    • The Handler interface has changed, affecting the next.handle() method.

      Edit your scripts to use next.handle(context, request) instead of next.handle(exchange).

    • In Groovy scripts, raw access to header values must now be prefixed with .values or ?.values if the header might not exist. For example, headers.Username[0] must replaced with headers.Username?.values[0]. Similarly, headers['Username'][0] must be replaced with headers['Username']?.values[0].

    • Consumers of audit events now access source, tags, and timestamps through a map called event rather than through the exchange. Request, response, and context are available through

      For example, to access the request URI, use ${}. To access the response headers, use ${}.

    • Arguments (args) passed to scripts must no longer override other global objects passed to scripts. Attempts to reuse the name of another global object now cause the script to fail and OpenIG to return a response with HTTP status code 500 Internal Server Error.

    • The examples in Chapter 13, "Extending OpenIG's Functionality" in the Gateway Guide reflect these changes.

  • The Route and GatewayHttpApplication configurations now use baseURI decorators instead of baseURI configuration fields.

  • This release introduces independent Issuer and ClientRegistration configuration objects. An Issuer represents an OAuth 2.0 authorization server or OpenID Provider. A ClientRegistration represents the client application registration with an Issuer. The OAuth2ClientFilter configuration has changed to work with the new configuration objects. For details, see Table 3.3, "Deprecated Configuration Settings".

    Previous configurations cause errors and prevent the route from loading when OpenIG reads the configuration:

    THU SEP 10 17:37:04 CEST 2015 (ERROR) {Router}/handler
    The route defined in file '/home/user/.openig/config/routes/07-openid.json'
     cannot be added
    THU SEP 10 17:37:04 CEST 2015 (ERROR) {Router}/handler
    /handler/config/filters/0/config/loginHandler: Expecting a value
    [       JsonValueException] > /handler/config/filters/0/config/loginHandler:
     Expecting a value

    The new configuration object calls for HTTP Basic authentication by default when connecting to the provider's OAuth 2.0 token endpoint. The previous implementation called for client credentials to be sent as HTTP POST form data. If necessary you can set tokenEndpointUseBasicAuth to false in the client registration configuration to send client credentials as HTTP POST form data.

  • It is no longer possible to set openig-base in the .war file. This was set as a Servlet <init-param>:


    Set the value as a system property or environment variable instead. For details, see Section 3.3, "Installing OpenIG" in the Gateway Guide.

  • The classes mentioned in Table 3.2, "Class Changes" have changed names or changed packages.

Former Name Current Name
org.forgerock.openig.jwt.JwtSessionFactory org.forgerock.openig.jwt.JwtSessionManager
org.forgerock.openig.http.Request org.forgerock.http.protocol.Request
org.forgerock.openig.http.Response org.forgerock.http.protocol.Response
org.forgerock.openig.servlet.GatewayServlet org.forgerock.openig.http.GatewayHttpApplication
org.forgerock.openig.util.MutableUri org.forgerock.http.MutableUri

This section lists deprecated functionality. Deprecation is defined in Section A.2, "ForgeRock Product Interface Stability" in the Configuration Reference.

Configuration Object Deprecated Settings Newer Evolving Settings
AuditDecorator Entire object Use a monitor attribute on a route instead. See Section 14.2, "Monitoring a Route" in the Gateway Guide.
CaptureDecorator captureExchange New name: captureContext
GatewayHttpApplication handlerObject New name: handler
Deprecated format: "heap": { "objects": [ configuration object, ... ] } New format: "heap": [ configuration object, ... ]
MonitorEndpointHandler Entire object Use monitoring on routes instead. See Section 14.2, "Monitoring a Route" in the Gateway Guide.
OAuth2ClientFilter loginHandler For multiple registrations, continue to use loginHandler. For single registrations, use registration.
providerHandler N/A
providers Replaced by separate Issuer and ClientRegistration configuration objects
redirect_uris List the redirect URIs in the dynamic client registration metadata.
scopes List the scopes in the dynamic client registration metadata.
RedirectFilter Entire object Use LocationHeaderFilter instead.
OAuth2ResourceServerFilter enforceHttps New name: requireHttps
httpHandler New name: providerHandler
requiredScopes New name: scopes
RedirectFilter Entire object Use LocationHeaderFilter instead.
Route Deprecated format: "heap": { "objects": [ configuration object, ... ] } New format: "heap": [ configuration object, ... ]

For details on the new and updated configuration objects, see Client(5) in the Configuration Reference, ClientHandler(5) in the Configuration Reference, ClientRegistration(5) in the Configuration Reference, GatewayHttpApplication(5) in the Configuration Reference, Issuer(5) in the Configuration Reference, KeyManager(5) in the Configuration Reference, LocationHeaderFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference, OAuth2ClientFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference, OAuth2ResourceServerFilter(5) in the Configuration Reference, Route(5) in the Configuration Reference, Status(5) in the Configuration Reference, and TrustManager(5) in the Configuration Reference.

The following class is likely to be removed in a future release:

The following methods for dealing with form strings are deprecated:

Form.fromString(String s)

Use fromFormString(String s) instead.

Form.toString(String )

Use toFormString() instead.

This section lists functionality that has been removed:

  • Support for Java 6

  • The CaptureFilter implementation

    Use a CaptureDecorator instead, as described in CaptureDecorator(5) in the Configuration Reference.

  • The GatewayServlet implementation

    The implementation has been replaced with org.forgerock.http.servlet.HttpFrameworkServlet, which wraps an HttpApplication that is provided by org.forgerock.openig.http.GatewayHttpApplication. The GatewayHttpApplication creates the heap and builds the configuration.

  • The HttpClient configuration object

    Its configuration is now part of the ClientHandler configuration, described in ClientHandler(5) in the Configuration Reference.

    The hostnameVerifier setting BROWSER_COMPATIBLE has been removed. Consider using STRICT instead.

    The keystore and truststore settings, which are deprecated since the release of 3.1, have been removed. Use keyManager and trustManager instead.

  • The client connection information implementation, org.forgerock.openig.http.ClientInfo

    The implementation has been replaced with

  • The StaticRequestFilter configuration setting restore, used to restore the request in the exchange, has been removed.

The following API interfaces and classes have been removed:

OpenIG issues are tracked at This chapter covers the status of key issues and limitations at release 4.

The following important issues were fixed in this release:

  • OPENIG-647: SSL and JDK1.6 - handshake failures

  • OPENIG-503: Fix resource leak on route loading

  • OPENIG-491: Using groovy script embedded in json route doesn't work on windows

  • OPENIG-470: Connections are not released after modifying HttpClient connections pool size

  • OPENIG-454: Capture decorator impacts the entity returned in GET

  • OPENIG-426: Multiple Host header

  • OPENIG-315: POST JSON payload not delivered unless CaptureFilter used

  • OPENIG-290: Null pointer exception when capturing SAML federation response

The following limitations are present in this release:

  • For HTTPS, OpenIG can check server certificates. However, mutual authentication, where OpenIG presents its client certificate, is not supported if the client certificate is not the first certificate in the ClientHandler keystore.

  • OpenIG scripts are not sandboxed, but instead have access to anything in their environment. You must make sure that the scripts that OpenIG loads are safe.

  • The Issuer field, supportedDomains, only causes OpenIG to use ClientRegistration settings if the ClientRegistration name is set to the concatenation of the Issuer name and the OAuth2ClientFilter name. For example, if the Issuer name is openam and the OAuth2ClientFilter name is OAuth2Client then the ClientRegistration name must be set to openamOAuth2Client.

  • The SamlFederationHandler does not support filtering. Do not use a SamlFederationHandler as the handler for a Chain.

    More generally, do not use this handler when its use depends on something in the response. The response can be handled independently of OpenIG, and can be null when control returns to OpenIG. For example, do not use this handler in a SequenceHandler where the postcondition depends on the response.

The following known issues remained open at the time of release:

  • OPENIG-816: The UmaResourceServerFilter returns with wrong as_uri

  • OPENIG-813: auditService : fileRotation may overwrite existing audit file

  • OPENIG-712: Issuer definition : supportedDomains doesn't lead to use of static clientRegistration

  • OPENIG-478: assertionMapping doesn't support multi-valued attribute

  • OPENIG-466: No way to add realm parameter to tokenInfoEndPoint

  • OPENIG-458: CookieFilter is not JwtSession compatible

  • OPENIG-322: Cannot access both an OpenAM (self-signed) and a Google HTTPS endpoint

  • OPENIG-291: Class cast exception when using SAML federation & policy agent together

  • OPENIG-234: Federation doesn't work if we used incomplete user in IDP

  • OPENIG-221: Cannot specify which certificate to present to server if server requires mutual authentication in https

If you have questions regarding OpenIG that are not answered by the documentation, there is a mailing list which can be found at where you are likely to find an answer.

If you have found issues or reproducible bugs within OpenIG, report them in

When requesting help with a problem, include the following information:

  • Description of the problem, including when the problem occurs and its impact on your operation

  • Machine type, operating system version, web container and version, Java version, and OpenIG release version, including any patches or other software that might be affecting the problem

  • Steps to reproduce the problem

  • Any relevant logs or stack traces

You can purchase OpenIG support, subscriptions and training courses from ForgeRock and from consulting partners around the world and in your area. To contact ForgeRock, send mail to To find a partner in your area, use the ForgeRock website.

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