
public class DeviceTamperingPolicy : FRAPolicy

The Device Tampering policy checks the integrity of device’s software and hardware. It uses the FRJailbreakDectector available in the FRCore framework. The class analyzes the device by using multiple device tamper detectors and returns the highest score in the range between 0.0 to 1.0 from all the detectors, indicating how likely the device is Jailbroken: 0.0 - not likely, 0.5 - likely, 1.0 -very likely.

The policy receives the score value as parameter to use as reference on determine if the device is tampered. If the parameter is not passed, the policy will use the defaultThresholdScore.

JSON Policy format: {“deviceTampering”: {“score”: 0.8}}

  • Declaration


    public static let defaultThresholdScore: Double
  • Declaration


    public var name: String
  • The data used for policy validation.



    public var data: Any?
  • Declaration


    public func evaluate() -> Bool