
The following enumerations are available globally.

  • AccountError represents an error captured by FRAuthenticator SDK for any operations related to Account class

    • accountLocked: Operation cannot be completed, Account is locked
    • failToLockMissingPolicyName: Missing or invalid name for the given Policy
    • failToLockInvalidPolicy: Given policy was not attached during Account registration.
    • failToLockAccountAlreadyLocked: Given Account is already locked
    • failToUnlockAccountNotLocked: Given Account is not locked
    • failToRegisterPolicyViolation: Account cannot be registered on the device due to policy violation
    See more



    public enum AccountError : FRError
    extension AccountError: CustomNSError
  • CryptoError represents an error captured or created by FRAuthenticator SDK for any operation related to cryptographic process; such as HMAC, base64 encoding/decoding, and etc

    See more



    public enum CryptoError : FRError
    extension CryptoError: CustomNSError
  • FRAError represents an error captured by FRAuthenticator SDK for any operation related to FRAuthenticator class

    • invalidStateForChangingStorage: Storage Client is being set after SDK initialization which is prohibited
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    public enum FRAError : FRError
    extension FRAError: CustomNSError
  • MechanismError represents an error captured by FRAuthenticator SDK for any operations related to Mechanism class

    • invalidQRCode: Fail to parse or validate given QR Code
    • invalidType: Given QR Code does not have valid type
    • missingInformation: Given QR Code does not contain necessary information to construct Mechanism object
    • invalidInformation: Given QR Code contains some invalid information to construct Mechanism object
    See more



    public enum MechanismError : FRError
    extension MechanismError: CustomNSError
  • NotificationError represents an error captured by FRAuthenticator SDK for any operation related to Notification

    • invalidPayload: Given payload contains invalid information to construct Notification object
    See more



    public enum NotificationError : FRError
    extension NotificationError: CustomNSError
  • OathError represents an error captured by FRAuthenticator SDK for any operations related to Oath

    • invalidQRCode: Fail to parse or validate given secret
    See more



    public enum OathError : FRError
    extension OathError: CustomNSError
  • PushNotificationError represents an error captured or created by FRAuthenticator SDK for any operation related to Push Notification registration / authentication process

    • missingDeviceToken: Device Token to be used for push registration is missing
    See more



    public enum PushNotificationError : FRError
    extension PushNotificationError: CustomNSError
  • Declaration


    public enum PushType : String, Codable