Class PIProtectAbstract

PIProtect - Class to interact with the underlying PingOne Signals SDK



  • Returns Promise<string>

    • Returns the device data

    getData - Method to get the device data

  • Parameters

    Returns Promise<void>

    • Returns a promise

    start - Method to initialize and start the PingOne Signals SDK

  • Returns void

    pauseBehavioralData - Method to pause the behavioral data collection

    Pause the behavioral data collection only; device profile data will still be collected

  • Returns void

    resumeBehavioralData - Method to resume the behavioral data collection

    Resume the behavioral data collection

  • Required when using the Ping Protect Marketplace nodes, which has generic callbacks But, can be used for native nodes and/or either callback type


    • step: FRStep

    Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • step: FRStep

    Returns undefined | ProtectInitializeConfig

  • Parameters

    • step: FRStep

    Returns "initialize" | "evaluate" | "none"

  • Parameters

    • step: FRStep
    • value: string

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • step: FRStep
    • value: string

    Returns void