Certified Professional - PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud Exam FRX-IC-CPE
The Certified Professional - PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud exam is targeted at IT professionals responsible for administering deployments of PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud (Advanced Identity Cloud). The exam validates your ability to configure, administer, troubleshoot, and maintain components of Advanced Identity Cloud tenants.
The proctored exam consists of 60 questions that must be completed in 90 minutes.
- Questions are multiple choice.
- You must achieve a minimum score of 65.00% to pass.
For more information about how remotely proctored exams are delivered, please refer to the testing guide.
Certified Professional - PingAM Exam PT-AM-CPE
The Certified Professional - PingAM exam is targeted at IT professionals responsible for administering and deploying PingAM (AM) solutions. The exam validates your ability to install, configure, administer, troubleshoot, and maintain components of AM.
The proctored exam consists of 100 questions that must be completed in 120 minutes.
- Questions are multiple choice.
- You must achieve a minimum score of 66% to pass.
For more information about how remotely proctored exams are delivered, please refer to the testing guide.
Certified Professional - PingIDM Exam PT-IDM-CPE
The Certified Professional - PingIDM exam is targeted at IT professionals responsible for administering and deploying PingIDM (IDM) solutions. The exam validates your ability to install, configure, administer, troubleshoot, and maintain components of IDM.
The exam consists of 100 questions that must be completed in 120 minutes.
- Questions are multiple choice.
- You must achieve a minimum score of 66.00% to pass.
Ping Identity Certification Guide
Download the Certification Guide for more details on our exam offering and access to our FAQ's.