Certified Professional - PingAccess PAP-001
The Certified Professional - PingAccess exam is targeted at IT professionals responsible for administering and deploying PingAccess solutions. The exam validates your ability to perform basic installation and configuration tasks.
The proctored exam consists of 60 questions that must be completed in 90 minutes.
- Questions are multiple choice.
- You must achieve a minimum score of 60.00% to pass.
For more information about how remotely proctored exams are delivered, please refer to the testing guide.
Certified Expert - PingDirectory PDAA-001
The Certified Expert - PingDirectory exam is targeted at IT professionals responsible for advanced administration and deployment of PingDirectory solutions. The exam validates your ability to perform advanced PingDirectory configuration, troubleshooting, and more advanced instances of basic configuration operations covered in the Professional-level exam.
Certified Professional - PingDirectory PDP-001
The Certified Professional - PingDirectory exam is targeted at IT professionals responsible for administering and deploying PingDirectory solutions. The exam validates your ability to describe how to perform basic installation and configuration tasks.
The proctored exam consists of 60 questions that must be completed in 90 minutes.
- Questions are multiple choice.
- You must achieve a minimum score of 63.33% to pass.
For more information about how remotely proctored exams are delivered, please refer to the testing guide.
Certified Expert - PingFederate PFAA-001
The Certified Expert - PingFederate exam is targeted at IT professionals responsible for advanced administration and deployment of PingFederate solutions. The exam validates your ability to perform advanced PingFederate configuration, troubleshooting, as well as more advanced instances of basic configuration operations covered in the Professional-level exam.
Certified Professional - PingFederate PFP-001
The Certified Professional - PingFederate exam is targeted at IT professionals responsible for administering and deploying PingFederate solutions. The exam validates your ability to describe how to perform basic installation and configuration tasks.
The proctored exam consists of 60 items that must be completed in 90 minutes.
- Questions are multiple choice.
- You must achieve a minimum score of 58.33% to pass.
For more information about how remotely proctored exams are delivered, please refer to the testing guide
Certified Professional - PingOne DaVinci PODV-001
The Certified Professional - PingOne DaVinci exam is targeted at IT professionals responsible for administering and deploying PingOne DaVinci solutions. The exam validates your knowledge of PingOne DaVinci management (environment and connectors) as well as flow creation, maintenance, testing, troubleshooting, implementation, and general identity orchestration concepts.
The proctored exam consists of 60 questions that must be completed in 90 minutes.
- Questions are multiple choice.
- You must achieve a minimum score of 68.00% to pass
For more information about how remotely proctored exams are delivered, please refer to the testing guide.
Certified Expert - PingOne POE-001
The Certified Expert - PingOne exam is targeted at IT professionals responsible for advanced administration and deployment of PingOne solutions The exam validates your advanced knowledge of the PingOne platform and ability to manage solutions and implement use cases.
Certified Professional - PingOne POP-001
The proctored exam consists of 60 questions that must be completed in 75 minutes.
- Questions are multiple choice.
- You must achieve a minimum score of 70.00% to pass
For more information about how remotely proctored exams are delivered, please refer to the testing guide.
Ping Identity Certification Guide
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