AM 7.4.1

Certificate Validation node

Validates a digital X.509 certificate collected by the Certificate Collector node.


Product Compatible?

ForgeRock Identity Cloud

ForgeRock Access Management (self-managed)

ForgeRock Identity Platform (self-managed)



The node could validate the certificate.

When the outcome is True, add a Certificate User Extractor node to extract the values of the certificate.


The node could not validate the certificate. The node will use this path when it cannot validate the certificate, and no more specific outcome is available.

Not found

The Match Certificate in LDAP property is enabled, but the certificate was not found in the LDAP store.


The Check Certificate Expiration property is enabled, and the certificate has expired.

Path Validation Failed

The Match Certificate to CRL property is enabled, and the certificate path is invalid.


The OCSP Validation property is enabled, and the certificate has been revoked.


Property Usage

Match Certificate in LDAP

When enabled, AM matches the certificate collected with the one stored in an LDAP directory entry. This entry and additional security-related properties are defined later in the node.

Default: Disabled

Check Certificate Expiration

When enabled, AM checks whether the certificate has expired.

Default: Disabled

Subject DN Attribute Used to Search LDAP for Certificates

Specifies the attribute that AM uses to search the LDAP directory for the certificate. The search filter also uses the value of the Subject DN as it appears in the certificate.

Default: CN

Match Certificate to CRL

When enabled, AM checks whether the certificate has been revoked according to a CRL in the LDAP directory. Related properties are defined later in the node.

Default: Disabled.

Issuer DN Attribute(s) Used to Search LDAP for CRLs

Specifies which attribute and value in the certificate Issuer DN AM uses to find the CRL in the LDAP directory.

If only one attribute is specified, the LDAP search filter used is (attr-name=attr-value-in-subject-DN).

For example, if the subject DN of the issuer certificate is C=US, CN=Some CA, serialNumber=123456, and the attribute specified is CN, then the LDAP search filter used to find the CRL is (CN=Some CA).

Specify several CLRs for the same CA issuer in a comma-separated list (,) where the names are in the same order as they occur in the subject DN.

In this case, the LDAP search filter used is (cn=attr1=attr1-value-in-subject-DN,attr2=attr2-value-in-subject-DN,…​, and so on.

For example, if the subject DN of the issuer certificate is C=US, CN=Some CA, serialNumber=123456, and the attributes specified are CN,serialNumber, then the LDAP search filter used to find the CRL is (cn=CN=Some CA,serialNumber=123456).

Default: CN

HTTP Parameters for CRL Update

Specifies parameters that AM includes in any HTTP CRL call to the CA that issued the certificate.

If the client or CA contains the Issuing Distribution Point Extension, AM uses this information to retrieve the CRL from the distribution point.

Add the parameters as key pairs of values in a comma-separated list (,). For example, param1=value1,param2=value2.

Cache CRLs in Memory

(LDAP distribution points only) When enabled, AM caches CRLs.

Default: Enabled

Update CA CRLs from CRLDistributionPoint

When enabled, AM updates the CRLs stored in the LDAP directory store if the CA certificate includes either the IssuingDistributionPoint or the CRLDistributionPoint extensions.

Default: Enabled

OCSP Validation

When enabled, AM checks the revocation status of certificates using the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP).

The AM instance must have internet access, and you must configure OSCP for AM under Configure > Server Defaults > Security > Online Certificate Status Protocol Check.

Default: Disabled

LDAP Server Where Certificates are Stored

Specifies the LDAP server that holds the certificates. Enter each server in the ldap-server:port format.

AM servers can be associated with LDAP servers by writing multiple chains with the format am_server|ldapserver:port. For example,|

To configure a secure connection, enable the Use SSL/TLS for LDAP Access property.

LDAP Search Start or Base DN

Valid base DN for the LDAP search, such as dc=example,dc=com. To associate AM servers with different search base DNs, use the format am_server|base_dn. For example,|dc=example,dc=com|dc=test,dc=com.

LDAP Server Authentication User

Specifies the DN of the service account that AM uses to authenticate to the LDAP directory that holds the certificates. For example, cn=LDAP User.

Default: cn=Directory Manager

LDAP Server Authentication Password

Specifies the password of the user configured in the LDAP Server Authentication User property.

Use SSL/TLS for LDAP Access

Specifies whether AM should use SSL/TLS to access the LDAP. When enabled, AM must be able to trust the LDAP server certificate.

Default: Disabled


The following is an example of how to use the certificate nodes in a ForgeRock Identity Platform authentication journey. Note that all the failure outcomes of the Certificate Validation node are linked so that the user provides a username and password, but you could choose different authentication methods for each outcome:

The Certificate Validation authentication node in context
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