Known Issues

  • There are no new known issues other than those presented in previous releases.

  • AUTOID-2209: vault.yml passwords cannot contain special chars & or $.

  • There are no new known issues other than those presented in previous releases.

  • ForgeRock has found one issue with certificates with certain multi-node configurations. Please ensure that the analytics server is on the same node as the Spark master.


The following known issues existed at the time of release 2020.6.0 and remain as known issues in this release:

  • AUTOID-413: Employee associated table does not show search option and sorting not working

  • AUTOID-512: Batch revoke access is disabled

  • AUTOID-650: Confidence score driving factor, if the factors are more page looks messy.

  • AUTOID-1070: Auto-Id doesn't handle token expiration in 'SSO' configuration

  • AUTOID-1111: Entitlements table has it stored with trailing space which causes data not showing in UI for some of the entitlements.

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