Follow these steps to remove software installed from the cross-platform .zip:
Log in as the user who installed and runs the server.
Stop the server:
/path/to/opendj/bin/stop-ds --quiet
Delete the files manually:
rm -rf /path/to/opendj
When you uninstall the Debian package from the command-line, the server is stopped if it is running:
Purge the package from your system:
sudo dpkg --purge opendj
(Optional) Remove any remaining server configuration files and directory data:
sudo rm -rf /opt/opendj
When you uninstall the RPM package from the command-line, the server is stopped if it is running:
Remove the package from your system:
rpm -e opendj
(Optional) Remove the server configuration files and any directory data:
sudo rm -rf /opt/opendj
When you uninstall the files installed from the Windows installer package, only the installed files are removed:
Remove installed files in one of the following ways:
Use Windows Control Panel.
Open Windows Control Panel and browse to the page to uninstall a program.
Find the ForgeRock directory service in the list and uninstall it.
Use the msiexec command.
The following command quietly removes installed files:
msiexec /x DS-7.0.2.msi /q
(Optional) Manually remove the server configuration files and any directory data.