base64 — encode and decode base64 strings
base64 {subcommand} {options}
This utility can be used to encode and decode information using base64.
The base64 command takes the following options:
-V | --version
Display Directory Server version information.
Default: false
-H | --help
Display this usage information.
Default: false
The base64 command supports the following subcommands:
base64 decode
Decode base64-encoded information into raw data. When no options are specified, this subcommand reads from standard input and writes to standard output.
The base64 decode command takes the following options:
-d | --encodedData {data}
The base64-encoded data to be decoded.
-f | --encodedDataFile {path}
The path to a file containing the base64-encoded data to be decoded.
-o | --toRawFile {path}
The path to a file to which the raw base64-decoded data should be written.
base64 encode
Encode raw data using base64. When no options are specified, this subcommand reads from standard input and writes to standard output.
The base64 encode command takes the following options:
-d | --rawData {data}
The raw data to be base64 encoded.
-f | --rawDataFile {path}
The path to a file containing the raw data to be base64 encoded.
-o | --toEncodedFile {path}
The path to a file to which the base64-encoded data should be written.
Exit Codes
- 0
The command completed successfully.
- > 0
An error occurred.
The following command shows the changes from the external change log in human-readable format:
$base64 decode --encodedData YWRkOiBkZXNjcmlwdGlvbgpkZXNjcmlwdGlvbjogQSB0aGlyZCBjaGFuZ2UK\ LQpyZXBsYWNlOiBtb2RpZmllcnNOYW1lCm1vZGlmaWVyc05hbWU6IGNuPURpcmVjdG9yeSBNYW5hZ2V\ yLGNuPVJvb3QgRE5zLGNuPWNvbmZpZwotCnJlcGxhY2U6IG1vZGlmeVRpbWVzdGFtcAptb2RpZnlUaW\ 1lc3RhbXA6IDIwMTEwNjEzMDcxMjEwWgotCg==
add: description description: A third change - replace: modifiersName modifiersName: uid=admin,cn=Root DNs,cn=config - replace: modifyTimestamp modifyTimestamp: 20110613071210Z -