changelogstat — debug changelog and changenumber files


changelogstat {subcommand} {options}


This utility can be used to debug changelog and changenumber files.


The changelogstat command takes the following options:

-V | --version

Display Directory Server version information.

Default: false

-H | --help

Display this usage information.

Default: false


The changelogstat command supports the following subcommands:

changelogstat dump-change-number-db

Dump the change number DB.


The changelogstat dump-change-number-db command takes the following options:

--from {change number}

The lower bound of the range of change numbers to dump.

--outputDir {directory}

The output directory for the dump files.

--to {change number}

The upper bound of the range of change numbers to dump.

changelogstat dump-replica-db

Dump the replica DB for a given domain and replica.


The changelogstat dump-replica-db command takes the following options:

--from {csn}

The lower bound of the range of changes to dump.

--outputDir {directory}

The output directory for the dump files.

--to {csn}

The upper bound of the range of changes to dump.

changelogstat dump-replica-db-file

Dump a replica DB file.


The changelogstat dump-replica-db-file command takes the following options:

--baseDn {base dn}

The base-dn of the changes contained in the provided replica DB file.


--from {csn}

The lower bound of the range of changes to dump.

--to {csn}

The upper bound of the range of changes to dump.

Exit Codes


The command completed successfully.


An error occurred.


To dump the change number DB from change number 10 to 15:

$ changelogstat dump-change-number-db --from 10 --to 15

 changeNumber=10 baseDN=dc=example,dc=com csn=01010166aaf2a3e3000002c61 (sid=1,tsd=Thu Oct 25 13:18:40 CEST 2018,ts=1540466320355,seqnum=710)
 changeNumber=11 baseDN=dc=example,dc=com csn=01010166aaf2a3e3000002c71 (sid=1,tsd=Thu Oct 25 13:18:40 CEST 2018,ts=1540466320355,seqnum=711)
 changeNumber=12 baseDN=dc=example,dc=com csn=01010166aaf2a3e3000002c81 (sid=1,tsd=Thu Oct 25 13:18:40 CEST 2018,ts=1540466320355,seqnum=712)
 changeNumber=13 baseDN=dc=example,dc=com csn=01010166aaf2a3e3000002c91 (sid=1,tsd=Thu Oct 25 13:18:40 CEST 2018,ts=1540466320355,seqnum=713)
 changeNumber=14 baseDN=dc=example,dc=com csn=01010166aaf2a3e3000002ca1 (sid=1,tsd=Thu Oct 25 13:18:40 CEST 2018,ts=1540466320355,seqnum=714)
 changeNumber=15 baseDN=dc=example,dc=com csn=01010166aaf2a3e3000002cb1 (sid=1,tsd=Thu Oct 25 13:18:40 CEST 2018,ts=1540466320355,seqnum=715)


To dump the replica DB for the domain dc=example,dc=com on the server 1:

$ changelogstat dump-replica-db --outputDir myOutputDir dc=example,dc=com 1

To dump a specific replica DB file:

$ changelogstat dump-replica-db-file changelogDb/2.dom/1.server/01010166aaf2a3e3000002bd1.log

 ModifyMsg content:  protocolVersion: 10 dn: uid=user.48,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com csn: 01010166aaf2a3e3000002bd1 uniqueId: 55cf0798-774c-3d55-888b-c3833d57ba0e
 ModifyMsg content:  protocolVersion: 10 dn: uid=user.73,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com csn: 01010166aaf2a3e3000002be1 uniqueId: 8977f8ac-1579-3538-accf-a6ce7f612076
 ModifyMsg content:  protocolVersion: 10 dn: uid=user.34,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com csn: 01010166aaf2a3e3000002bf1 uniqueId: a1fa5d92-326a-3283-a040-114300fcc7e5
 ModifyMsg content:  protocolVersion: 10 dn: uid=user.69,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com csn: 01010166aaf2a3e3000002c01 uniqueId: da34114f-b183-3ccd-b7d8-486791aa4651
 ModifyMsg content:  protocolVersion: 10 dn: uid=user.4,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com csn: 01010166aaf2da2400008b7d1 uniqueId: 1539438e-ae81-36ce-aecf-dd4dc72a12f0
 ModifyMsg content:  protocolVersion: 10 dn: uid=user.27,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com csn: 01010166aaf2da2400008b7e1 uniqueId: 950dd85c-9e53-3b12-8074-c2eb88582156
 ModifyMsg content:  protocolVersion: 10 dn: uid=user.13,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com csn: 01010166aaf2da2400008b7f1 uniqueId: 120b8640-5295-36dc-9ea3-8b20735348ab
 ModifyMsg content:  protocolVersion: 10 dn: uid=user.91,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com csn: 01010166aaf2da2400008b801 uniqueId: 6e9c2930-cc4f-3f7b-9dcf-d81aa46f57f9

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