Directory Proxy

This page shows how to upgrade a directory proxy server in place. A directory proxy server has no local user data.


Before upgrading, make sure you stop the server. Once you have unpacked the new server files, do not modify the server configuration until after you have completed the upgrade process.

  1. Prepare for upgrade as described in Before You Upgrade.

  2. Stop the server.

  3. Unpack the new files over the old files as described in Unpack Files.

  4. Run the upgrade command to bring the server configuration data up to date with the new software delivery.

    By default, the upgrade command runs interactively, requesting confirmation before making important configuration changes.

    You can use the --no-prompt option to run the command non-interactively. In this case, the --acceptLicense option lets you accept the license terms non-interactively.

    When using the --no-prompt option, if the upgrade command cannot complete because it requires confirmation for a potentially long or critical task, then it exits with an error and a message about how to finish making the changes. You can add the --force option to force a non-interactive upgrade to continue in this case, also performing long running and critical tasks.

  5. Start the upgraded server.

    At this point the upgrade process is complete. See the resulting upgrade.log file for a full list of operations performed.

  6. (Optional) If you disabled the Windows service to upgrade, enable it again:

    C:\path\to\opendj\bat> windows-service.bat --enableService
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