Fixes in 5.5.x
This page lists the cumulative fixes in DS 5.5.x releases.
DS 5.5.3
OPENDJ-6474: REST: some requests fail when stressing embedded http endpoint with Gatling
OPENDJ-6464: isMemberOfVirtualAttributeProvider does not process subordinate nested groups
OPENDJ-6447: NullPointerException: formatString was null
OPENDJ-6377: Replication replay: issues with ReplaySynchronizer
OPENDJ-5607: Update third party libraries
OPENDJ-5582: LdapClientSocket connection leaked when handshake fails
OPENDJ-5553: Rest2Ldap cannot connect to TLSv1.2 servers
OPENDJ-5423: Incorrectly reported missing parent entries cause import-ldif and index rebuilds to fail
OPENDJ-5002: 200s timeout when stopping a replication server
OPENDJ-4625: Changelog range searches miss entries
DS 5.5.2
OPENDJ-5320: Build fails if the code is build outside the sustaining repo
OPENDJ-5274: Upgrade of RS fails on rebuild indexes phase
OPENDJ-5272: "idle-time-limit" global configuration property has no effect
OPENDJ-5260: Grizzly pre-allocates a useless MemoryManager
OPENDJ-5210: Possible memory-leak if request received while bind in progress
OPENDJ-5137: Reading compressed entries fails to close the InflaterInputStream
OPENDJ-4983: IllegalStateException in change number indexer
OPENDJ-4947: SASL DIGEST-MD5: bind request failed with protocol error
OPENDJ-4934: Replication: changelog not in sync when restarting a server in a topology
OPENDJ-4598: Replication Server cursoring through obsolete replica ID’s causing high CPU spin
OPENDJ-4590: Replication: cursor aborted on high write throughput
DS 5.5.1
OPENDJ-4624: Changelog search filter optimizations fail when there are leading unrelated terms
OPENDJ-4295: Syslog data is not fully RFC compliant
DS 5.5.0
OPENDJ-4341: setup with production mode with java 9
OPENDJ-4316: HTTP Connector leaks Session objects
OPENDJ-4275: Changelog searches cursor through inappropriate replica DBs
OPENDJ-4234: Poor changelog search performance using changenumber ranges
OPENDJ-4228: status command with keystore options throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
OPENDJ-4178: Performance drop with complex subtree searches between 2.x and 3.5.1/4.0.0
OPENDJ-4125: Extremely poor performance under connect/disconnect load and eventual port exhaustion
OPENDJ-4115: build and publish missing changes gets confused with non-local changes
OPENDJ-4011: Setup requires TLS to be enabled when using --productionMode
OPENDJ-4007: Referential Integrity plugin checks all modifications when run as preModifyOperation
OPENDJ-4006: forgerock-je included in releases does not work with Azul Zulu
OPENDJ-3966: The Bcrypt storage scheme displays the wrong syntax Range and default for the bcrypt-cost
OPENDJ-3963: JMXClientConnections are leaked
OPENDJ-3931: Replication fails to propagate all changes added after a backup/restore to a newly created instance
OPENDJ-3904: Delivery includes and files for commands that were removed
OPENDJ-3886: Modifying Json File-Based Access Logger configuration can cause a corrupt log record
OPENDJ-3868: Proxied persistent searches are not cancelled/abandoned when the client abandons them or disconnects
OPENDJ-3825: Spring daylight savings change can break recurring tasks
OPENDJ-3645: SASL DIGEST-MD5: "digest-uri" parameter is not taken into account
OPENDJ-3643: On Windows "" does not support values containing "=" character
OPENDJ-3507: After upgrading a 2.6.2 server to 3.5.1 server is spinning at 93% CPU
OPENDJ-3471: ldifsearch command fails to consume @objectclass notation in attribute list
OPENDJ-3380: Creating a backend with null base DN can render the instance unusable
OPENDJ-2850: SDK SASL integrity/confidentiality violates protocol
OPENDJ-2842: Load balancing algorithms are not optimum after failure of a connection factory
OPENDJ-2190: Replicas cannot always keep up with sustained high write throughput
OPENDJ-1135: DS sometimes fails to connect to RS after server restart
OPENDJ-609: Replicas out of sync after add/delete operations in sustained stress testing